Another Road Repaved - Consequences - mezamun - Pocket Monsters (2024)

Chapter 1: Siege of Silph Co.

Chapter Text

Another Road Repaved - Consequences - mezamun - Pocket Monsters (1) Another Road Repaved - Consequences - mezamun - Pocket Monsters (2)

Credit: @Rohanarts

"Please leave… all of you! Don't make me call security!"

"Hah! Security…? Security's already been dealt with. Just sit pretty and shut up, if you know what's good for you."

"Is this all it took to take over? Really? All that preparation's feeling like a real waste, right about now."

"This can't be happening…! Oh, why did I have to come into work today!?"

"We're really here… Oh, I hope we don't screw this up. I'm feeling queasy."

"Shut up, James! We were trusted with an important role. The cops won't see the inside of this building, if it's the last thing we do."

"It's the least we can do, for da boss!"

"See to it that no one interferes with my meeting. Operation Augmented Rocket will not fail."

"S-stay away from the President! I won't let you near his office!"

"Aha ha… I'm afraid you don't have a choice in the matter."

Several — no, dozens of voices echoed in and out, filling a mind that, at the moment, was meant to be empty and calm. Uncertainty leaking in. Fear and terror crashing like a tidal wave. Malice and ill plots enrapturing it all in a storm of negative feelings that hammered at the skull of an unwilling, pure-hearted vessel.

A pure heart that felt compelled with every fiber of her being to beat those putrid intrusions to a pulp, until they were no more. An impulse that jumped into her mind, whenever such malice and mayhem reared its head.

~Enough! Shut up!~Rosemary, a spunky young Riolu who'd been hatched by Ash, lunged off of Dawn's lap, and onto the floor. Clutching her head with both of her paws, she looked about for the source of her ire.~Whereareyou!?~

"Rosa!? What's gotten into you?" Dawn frowned, sitting up with a brush in her hand that she'd been running across the Riolu's baby blue fur. Moments ago, she'd been grooming her self-proclaimed daughter, in the lobby of Saffron City's Pokémon Center. She and Ash had returned to Kanto's central city for an upcoming Pokémon Contest, several days away. But, now, that was the last thing on her mind.

Ash dropped the trainer magazine he'd held, crouching beside the Emanation Pokémon. A worried frown etched onto his features. "C'mon, girl. Tell us what's up!"

"Pika, Chupika!" Pikachu dashed down to support her upright.

"Pol, Empol!"

~Bad vibes. Really, really bad vibes.~Rosa shook her head. She was feeling crowded. Suffocated. If not by the negativity filling her mind, then her loved ones crouched around her, voicing their concerns.~Gotta crush 'em.~She leapt over Pikachu and sprinted towards the sliding doors to the Pokémon Center. She'd find these perpetrators, and—


She heard Ash's voice call out, and froze. Her very own trainer and parent, somehow, brought a moment of clarity and rationality with his voice. It was enough for her to reconsider her actions, and push the scheming and fretting to the back of her mind.

"You jumped right into the thick of it without thinking it through. That was dangerous! You were supposed to wait for my signal."

"It's always a good deed to strike against the evil, selfish, and rotten. But if you don't observe the right opportunity, it can backfire in quite the ugly way. Do you understand that?"

"This is the price you pay for your arrogance. You should have heeded the words of the referee instead of speaking over him! In your inexperience, you have sullied the Fuschia Gym's good name!"

"...I. Apologize."

"You should heed those wiser than you, if you want to be trusted to lead the clan."

Ash's scolding. Bertha's lecturing. The shame and shortcomings she witnessed firsthand, when Janine's haste and ego blinded her. Acting on your own could be dangerous.

~...Sorry.~Rosa walked back towards Ash, and the rest of the group, bowing her head.~I almost got carried away again. I could've put us in deep trouble, if I didn't stop, right?~

Ash, for his part, smiled fondly, petting the top of her head. He couldn't deny the pride he felt, even if it was ultimately trumped by concern. "Maybe. I couldn't tell you. But you did good by stopping and showing some self-control!" More than he did, sometimes, but he'd leave that out.

"Is there a problem!?" Nurse Joy scolded from behind the counter. "If there's something wrong with your Riolu, you should bring her over for an examination."

In addition to the Nurse's chastising, a small number of trainers were giving the group looks ranging from concern to bewilderment. It was more attention they needed or wanted, Ash quickly realized.

"Oh, no! She's okay, Nurse Joy!" The trainer waved his hands, trying to placate the Nurse's worries. The last thing they needed was her on their case about… whatever this was.

The Nurse hardly looked satisfied, but she did relent with a huff. "Well, alright. But do let me know if anything else goes amiss."

"Will do," Ash promised, and turned his attention back to his Pokémon, now speaking in a hushed whisper. "Now, what's wrong? Whenever you act like this, it means something rotten is happening nearby. Can you tell us anything about it?"

"And maybe keep it to just us," Dawn suggested quietly, flicking her eyes towards their audience. Maybe half of them had gone back to minding their business, but there was no need to cause a panic.

Rosa nodded, still holding her head.~...There's some kinda break-in, nearby. Some rotten scheme! People who were afraid… rotten bad guys… I think I heard Jessie, James, and Meowth.~Even if she'd only seen the three a handful of times, they were drilled well into Ash's psyche, which meant at least some familiarity, on her part.

"*t. It's Team Rocket." Ash grimaced. Unwelcome memories welled up in his stomach like a sickness. And they'djustbeen getting better about chasing off their regrets from Fuchsia. "I was hoping we wouldn't see them for a while…"

'Tryever," Dawn spat. "I wonder why they're evenhere."

~Something about 'Operation Augmented Rocket,'~Rosa recalled.~No idea what that means, but I hate it.~

Ash couldn't help but feel exactly the same. Whatever that was a code for, it gave him a very unpleasant feeling. "Whatever that is, it's something serious. And with their track record lately, maybe we shouldn't just go barging in. Especially if we don't know what they're up to."

"I think we should go take a look," Dawn suggested. "Just to see what we're up against. Nothing loud.Especiallynow that we got everyone's attention."

"Agreed," Ash nodded, and looked between Dawn, Rosa, Pikachu, and Empoleon. "Let's all play it off and go snoop. We all agreed?"

"Agreed," Dawn said.

"Pika-chu," Pikachu nodded.

"Pol!" Empoleon added.


"Right. Break!" Ash said, and got back on his feet. "It's alright, Nurse Joy! Dawn just had her music player on too loud. This gal's real sensitive to noise!' Ash held Rosa in his arms, laughing in a way that was meant to sound nonchalant, but definitely cracked a few too many times to be believable. "So, we're gonna get her some fresh air. Bye!"

"Thanks for checking in!" Dawn said, walking out after Ash.



"...Silph Company?"

That was where the group found themselves, following the ailing Riolu's lead. A few twists and turns through the lively, crowded streets of Saffron, and they'd come across the tallest, most illustrious building in the city. In the region, even, perhaps. Futuristic and sterile in its design; it boasted wide glass windows on each of its floors, framed by spotless silver. Its top floor climbed the skies, as if it were overlooking the entirety of Kanto.

Rosa wasn't sure whether she hated the suffocating stimuli of the city or the rotten feelings emanating from the skyscraper more. She sat in Ash's arms, covering both of her ears.~This is the place!~

"That's…definitelynot good," Ash muttered. A few important-looking men and women in black suits stood around the premises. They eyed the group like a looming Noctowl would a foe, but stood absolutely still. He was conscious of keeping his voice low.

"Why's that?" Dawn asked, leaning closer to whisper without being immediately obvious. "Isn't it just some company? What wouldtheywant with that?"

"They're a big shot company that puts out all sorts of Pokémon technology," Ash explained. "I don't know the ins-and-outs, but word is, they make Poké Balls of all kinds, TMs… Who knows what? I hate to think what Team Rocket would. . . Wait a minute." Ash narrowed his gaze.

"What? 'Wait a minute,' what?" Dawn prodded.

"I saw something in the magazine I was reading, today. Silph was gonna put on some exhibit soon, for some next big thing that'd'change the future of Pokémon battling.'That's got to be it!"

"Piiiika." Pikachu growled. His pointed ears folded back. He already hated where this was going.

"Whateverthatis, they want it then," Dawn concluded, frowning. This whole thing just got significantly worse. "We've got to find a way to help!"

"Let's just pretend we're regular ol' trainers," Ash suggested quietly. "Even if we get kicked out, we're bound to learnsomething." He flicked his eyes to each present, and then towards the front entrance. "C'mon."

The group entered the sliding glass double doors, stepping into a large, well-furnished lobby. A large fountain sat in the center of the ground floor, with a statue of a Lapras summoning a steady spray of water. It looked ordinary enough… except for a variety of individuals and small groups, dressed in either sterile lab coats, or decked entirely in black.

"Gives me the creeps," Ash muttered to Pikachu, walking towards the reception desk towards the back of the lobby. He heard his partner hum a note of agreement. Even if they hadn't been bothered yet, they felt all sorts of eyes on them.

Dawn could swear that she heard two strangers in black muttering something as they passed by. A man with lavender hair and a woman with scarlet, both tied into buns. The man suddenly had a gut that she swore she hadn't caught before her double-take. She wrote it off as her nerves acting up on her, and followed Ash to the front desk.

There was but the one receptionist who greeted them. "H-hello, children! How can I help you?" She stammered on her words, and her eyes were frequently flicking towards a staircase to the right.

"Uhm… Yes! We were here for the new exhibit!" Ash fibbed, forcing the most innocent and curious of smiles onto his face. "We're really curious about the latest change in Pokémon battling!"

"Y-yeah! We just couldn't pass it up!' Dawn fibbed, plastering on a grin.

The guide clearly stiffened up. "I'm sorry, but we aren't offering any more tours today." She paused. "Actually, I don't know when we'll be offering tours again. Here, why don't I walk you out? I ought to lock the door."

The group frowned, exchanging glances. They, and they alone heard Rosa's voice in their heads.~She's not one of them. She's terrified they'll hurt her… Or us, if we stick around!~

'Then, there's no choice but to leave,'Ash thought to himself. He feltincrediblyfrustrated, and he was sure he wasn't alone. To just walk out without helping…! But they couldn't just put this poor bystander's life in danger with their heroics. Not while they weredefinitelysurrounded.

"Oh, no need to worry," Dawn said, surely on the same wavelength. "We'll see ourselves out."

"N-no! I insist!" The receptionist's heels clacked against the floor, as she goaded the group towards the front entrance. "Don't forget to stop by the Poké Mart for all your Pokémon Trainer needs, provided by Silph! Enjoy your time in Saffron, you two!"

The five of them were left standing outside, only for the receptionist to mouth'call the police.'The sliding glass doors closed in front of her, behind which she could be seen being coaxed back to her post.

'Those damn creeps…!'Ash seethed, turning his back to any other shady figures present. As much as he wanted to charge in, and beat them all down at once, the receptionist probably had the best idea of them all. He nodded to Dawn, and started to walk away from the premise.

The blue-haired girl kept pace, walking alongside Ash to whisper to him, now that they had some degree of privacy in the crowd. "You saw what she tried to tell us, right?"

"Yeah. We've gotta find Officer Jenny, ASAP. Maybe with some proper back-up, If Team Rocket's really brought out the big guns, this ti…" Ash trailed off, his eyes growing wide. "Wait a damn minute…"

"What?" Dawn prodded. "What is it?"

"I swear I remember something about Team Rocket planning something big… I can't remember where, but I know I heard it! This must be it!"

"Where did you hearthat?"Dawn frowned, then shook her head. She didn't recall any instance of that, herself, but it didn't really matter, did it? "Whatever. All we can do now is—"

The blaring sound of police sirens deafened and drowned out what Dawn was about to say. Or, any sound at all, for that matter. Flashes of red and blue highlighted the duo, and a scattering crowd that took the sight of several police cars zipping through the streets of Saffron. Furthermore, Officer Jenny's voice could be heard over a loudspeaker from the leading car.

"Civilians of Saffron City! This immediate area is now under curfew!Pleasereturn to your homes, or if that isn't possible, stay as far away from the Silph Company as possible! This isnota suggestion. It's an order!"

All of the noise was enough of an incentive for Rosa to climb down Ash's side and return to her Poké Ball for the moment; likely for the best, as a concerned and confused crowd shoved and shuffled away from the scene. While a few confused and curious bystanders lingered, Ash and Dawn found themselves against a coming tide of people.

"Looks like someone got to—" Ash started, before being interrupted by a child squeezing by. "—call them before us!"

"Yeah!" Dawn reached for a Poké Ball and recalled Empoleon. "Ash, this might be our only chance to slip by! If we stay close to the crowd, we might not get noticed!" The implications were obvious — they were helping, somehow, whether they were wanted or not. She looked down at her partner's capsule. "Sorry, big guy… You'd stand out."

It was a sentiment that Ash couldn't help but smile at. Dawn was just as stubborn as he was… not that it surprised him. But, there was little time to dwell and fawn. He nodded. "Right. Let's see what we can do! Pikachu, hang close!"

"Pika!" Pikachu crawled into Ash's arms, with Rosa no longer occupying them.

Camouflaged by the chaos, Ash and Dawn made their way back towards Silph Co. As they closed in, it became more apparent that the police were setting up a blockade around the premises. Out in front of the gathered cars, Officer Jenny stood with a megaphone.

"Attention, Team Rocket! This is a direct order from the Saffron City Police Department! Evacuate the premises with your hands up, and promptly surrender, or youwillface the consequences! Be reasonable, and you may not face life behind bars!"

Predictably, no Rocket left the building without fanfare. Instead, a golden flash approached the sliding doors, before shattering them completely, and going on to detonate and demolish the stairway leading to the entrance. An Earth Power sent glass and cement flying, prompting Jenny to leap back and gain some distance, and smoke and debris clouded the entrance.

"Demanding surrender? How foolish indeed."

"The words of the law are ones we'll never heed!"

Three silhouettes stood out among the dust and ash; two tall ones, and one shorter.

"Bringing the blinding white of evil into the future!"

"Thrusting the hammer of justice down onto the black darkness of the universe!"

"Carving our names in the Rock of Eternity!" Razor-sharp claws sliced through the smoke, revealing the sinister gleam of gold atop a grinning bipedal feline's head.

A figure with long, scarlet hair twirled out of the debris. "The fiery destroyer, Jessie!"

A black rose was flung into plain sight, its stem catching in the rubble. The lavender-haired man, clad in black, walked suavely onto the scene. "And with thunderous emotion, I am James!"

The feline touched down before Jessie and James, with one paw planted on the broken ground. "Wisest of the wise, Meowth!"

"And now, gather under the name of Team Rocket!" The trio struck a pose together, just in time for a purple silhouette to leap cleanly over their heads, and hit the pavement with enough force to make a crater below them. Nidoking struck with another Earth Power, sending a chain of explosions towards the gathering of police vehicles.

"Team Rocket…!' Ash snarled through his teeth, as the gathering of officers scattered for cover. "I should've known they'd… Wait, that's right! I remember, now!"

"What? Remember what!?" Dawn prompted. More than last time, even, she sounded impatient.

"What I heard. About Team Rocket pulling something. There were some…!" Ash hesitated, ducking under an incoming cloud of smoke. One of the cop cars was decimated by an Earth Power; pieces of it sent flying past them. The shock of it all gave Ash a moment to think, and his words caught in his throat.

When he'd heard about 'those three' climbing the ranks for some big move… That'd been at the Game Corner. He still hadn't told Dawn about that, somehow.

"Ugh, never mind!" Dawn groaned, and yanked on Ash's hand. Just as Jenny's Arcanine fired a Flamethrower, Wobbuffet had been called to deflect it. With a roaring blaze scattering the police, they were far too occupied to pay attention, which Dawn took advantage of, dragging Ash behind her towards the closest alleyway.

'Good thinking,'Ash thought, but didn't dare speak, lest he draw attention to them. Unfortunately, this meant charging through a dense cloud of smoke and ash that escaped the conflict. He coughed and hacked into his sleeves, eyes tearing from the smoke. He reached to wipe them with his glove.

As it turned out, that wasn't a very good idea. "Crap, that stings." He blinked his now red eyes, after they'd passed through the chaos, into a well-kempt, but secluded alleyway.

"Here," Dawn reached into her pocket, pulling out a handkerchief to hand to Ash.

"Thanks." He took the cloth, gently rubbing his eyes with it. "How'd you know to have that on you?" He reached up to use the clean side to rub Pikachu's eyes, as well.

"Chuuu," Pikachu purred, using his stubby arms to rub his face clean.

"I came prepared!" Dawn declared proudly with a raised finger. "I'm sure you know that practicing appeals can get pretty messy, especially with moves like Smokescreen. If we weren't in such a rush, I would've brought eye drops…"

"I'll be fine," Ash assured. "Now, let's find a way in!"

"There's a window!" Dawn pointed to the side of the large structure, where a glass window closed off what looked to be a dark and dingy supply room.

"Great eye," Ash praised, and looked down to his partner that he held in his arms. "Pikachu, I'm gonna jump in first. You should be able to slide through easy, but we need to be sure Dawn and I can fit."

"Pika… Pikachu!" Pikachu nodded, and turned in Ash's arms to hop onto Dawn's shoulder.

Ash then adjusted his cap atop his head. "Let's do this." Stepping forward, Ash put his hands on the window pane. Pushing it in, he was relieved to see it was unlocked. The question was if the space would be big enough for him to go through. Heaving himself up and then through the small window, he found that once he got his shoulders through, the rest was relatively easy.

That was, until he fell face first towards the floor. Acting quickly, he tucked himself in, and rolled forward to land on his feet. "Okay," he called out, "It's all clear! Send Pikachu through and I'll help you in."


Poking his head through the window, Pikachu was pleased to see the room really was closed off. Filled with cleaning supplies but otherwise harmless, this was an ideal entry point. They could gather their thoughts.

"Here I come," Dawn announced as her head poked over the window sill. Soon, she was crawling through.

Ash held his hands out to catch her…

But, she wasn't budging.

"...I'm stuck!" she whimpered, realizing that, while her top went through easily, her bottom wasn't having it.

"Are you kidding me?!" he hissed in a whisper. "C'mere!" Tugging on his girlfriend's arms, he tried to bring her on through.

"Ow! Be gentle!"

"What's even stuck?! You're not that big!"

While the two were struggling to get all the way in, the closet door opened.

"Hey! We've already been chided for slacking off in-... the…"

Looking behind them, Dawn and Ash spotted a female grunt with a flashlight. Beside her, a Zubat fluttered.

"... Ah… Ah! Intruders!" she shouted, making an attempt to dart out of the closet.

"Oh, no, you don't!" Ash snapped, letting go of Dawn to grab the grunt and pull her into the closet. He kicked the door shut as he did so. "We'renotgoing down to Team Rocket, that easy!"

"Ugh! Who let you nosey brats through!? I knew those three bozos couldn't be trusted." She waved a hand, siccing her screeching Zubat on the pair. "Get them, Zubat!"

"Pikachu! Iron Tail!"

Pikachu followed Ash's command with swift action, and lithe acrobatics. Springing above Zubat, he coated his tail in sturdy metal, and winded up his body. "Chua… Pika!"

Pikachu's tail bashed into the Poison-type's head, knocking it swiftly to the floor. The Pokémon laid on its back, completely unconscious. A red flash of light recalled them.

"Damn it… You won't get away with this!' The young woman snarled, and bolted for the door, again.

"Uh-uhn." Ash pressed his foot against the door, folding his arms. " You're not goinganywhere."

The grunt growled through her teeth, and yanked on Ash's arms. "Get… Out of… my… way!" She found very little luck in the way of removing him, though. Did this brat have the muscles of a Machamp, or what!? Once he shoved her back, she grimaced, folding her arms. "What're you, a cop!?"

The trainer's eyes widened, as an idea struck him. The events in Celadon weeks ago came rolling back all at once, leading Ash to hatch an idea on the spot. "As a matter of fact, we are. We're undercover."

Dawn said nothing, only blinking at Ash in confusion. When had they agreed tothis!?

"Yeah. Right." The grunt rolled her eyes. "What kind of undercover cop goes andblurts that outto Team Rocket!?"

"The kind who has bigger priorities than dealing with one grunt," Ash answered. He felt fortunate that improvisation was one of his stronger traits. "We've got a whole Team Rocket break-in to deal with. We can't afford you busting us, right here!"

"...Yeah!" Dawn finally tagged on, catching on to his act. "So you better listen to us, if you know what's good for you."

"Uh-huh. Yeah." The crook rolled her eyes, though she was hugging her arms to her chest, rubbing one of them with her opposite hand. She'd started to fidget; a clear sign that she was growing nervous, regardless of what she said. "You're too young to be cops. You're full of crap."

"Wanna bet?" Ash narrowed his eyes, leaning his foot more heavily against the door.

Catching onto his trainer's act, Pikachu scurried up his trainer's back to stand atop his shoulder. Electricity danced from each of his cheeks, lighting up the otherwise dim room. The result made himself and Ash look quite frightening, in the eyes of a half-baked enemy.

"...Ugh." Shoulders slacking, the grunt seemed to give up on any notion on gambling in this situation. "What the hell do you want from me!? I don't want to go to jail."

"Maybe you won't have to," Ash said. "...Maybe. You got an extra outfit on you?"

The woman made a bewildered face. "What kind of question is that!?"

Ash sighed. It sounded less strange coming from Bertha's lips than his. "Look. We have a bunch of innocent people to save. I'm not here to spend my time hassling you, and I don't want to, either. But as long as you're wearing those rags, Officer Jenny's gonna catch you, anyway. If you ditch it and renounce being with Team Rocket, we can let you run." He nodded his head towards the window. "The same way we got in."

"...Actually, I do. These stupid uniforms chafe. But, you have to look away," she demanded.

"Yeah! Yeah, duh— I mean, of course." Flushing, Ash turned to face the door. Pikachu did the same out of courtesy. After a short time passed, Ash heard the sound of garments flying.

"Alright. You got what you wanted. I'm out of here." The grunt had thrown her uniform at Dawn, who caught them, and made for the window, now wearing a tanktop and shorts. After a few kicks of her legs, she pulled herself through. The singing Chatot was out of the picture.

"...Phew." Ash leaned back against the door, exhaling in relief. "That's settled. And check it out — now we have an extra fit. You can totally disguise yourself as one of them, Dawn!" As relieved as he'd been that his plan had worked, he only just noticed the complete look of bewilderment Dawn was giving him. Quickly, he grew self-conscious. "...What's up?"

"What's up?"Dawn blurted out. "Ash, what was… What in the worldwasall that!? The police act, the uniform, the… I've never seen you pull anything like that, before!"

"Oh, that? That was more…" The young man frowned, consciously rubbing the back of his neck. "...I actually got that whole act from Bertha."

"Bertha…?" Dawn's voice trailed off, as the gears turned in her head. Fury, offense and worry struck her all at once, when that night in Celadon finally made sense. "So youwereinvolved in that mess at the Game Corner," she hissed, conscious to conceal their location, even in her fury. "Ash, you told me that you weren't involved in it!"

"I know! I know… I was gonna tell you, but…"

"I thought weagreedto be honest with each other," Dawn said pointedly, stepping up to Ash with her one free hand on her hip. "Why wouldn't you tell me that you were involved with something that dangerous? I was worried sick!"

"I wanted to, I did! But, Bertha insisted on it, and…" He flinched. "I know. Bad excuse. I just… followed her lead, I guess. I'm sorry, Dawn." Ash hung his head.

"Piiiika," Pikachu pleaded, his ears falling to frame his face.

"...It's fine. We can talk about it later. We have bigger problems. Turn around, so I can put this stupid disguise on."

"Done." Ash turned to face the wall again, crossing his arms. "So you can snoop around undetected, and maybe get some information off them without them knowing a thing. I wouldn't let Empoleon out, though… No Team Rocket grunt's going to have them."

"Piiika. Pikapi!" Pikachu voiced his concerns. He'd be noticed, easily!

"...Yeah. I'll have to be a little more subtle, too. Pikachu, you might have to stay inside my bag for just a bit. I'm sorry, Buddy. Rosa's gonna stand out enough, and we need her to make sure we sense everything around us."

"Pi…" Pikachu pouted, but nodded along, having no argument. He let out a gracious squeak when Ash affectionately pet his head, and crawled into his trainer's green backpack.

"Alright. You can look, now."

Ash found himself taken back by the sight of Dawn in the uniform. With her characteristic bangs tucked away into the hat and her long hair gone, she could easily blend in with the others!

"Now,Houndoomshould be fine. I've seen a few Rockets with Houndour… I think?" Dawn frowned, but tossed her canine partner's Poké Ball, nonetheless.

The horned hound appeared, his tail wagging behind him.

Ash scratched the dark type's chin. "You're gonna help us out a lot, aren't ya, buddy?" Turning back to Dawn, Ash spoke again. "I can't go with you, so I'm afraid we're gonna have to split up. But, what should we do if one of us gets in trouble…?"

"If that happens…?" Dawn hummed, cupping her chin. "I know! If we're already in trouble, we have nothing to lose. Whoever's caught should just make a whole lot of noise, and the other can come running!"

"Ha! Right." Ash laughed, resting a hand on her shoulder. "You know I'll come running. Let's try not to get to that point though, huh…?"

"No need to worry." Dawn winked. "You know I'm too sharp for that."

"You know that's when I worry the most," Ash followed, predictably. They both shared a light laugh at their scripted exchange. "...Alright. Let's do this." Feeling the pitter-patter of his heart rise with the coming danger, Ash impulsively leaned in, and left a peck on Dawn's lips.

Dawn ghosted a hand over her lips, cheeks filling with pink.

"Just a good luck charm," Ash explained, flashing a cheeky smile. Then, he tossed Rosa's Poké Ball.

The Emanation Pokémon appeared, taking a deep breath.~Let's kick some villain ass.~

"YouknowBrock's going to lose it when he finds she's still talking like that," Dawn warned, as Ash opened the door.

"I can handle it," Ash flashed the briefest of smiles. "You take the right. I'm sensing some more people that way. I'll take the left."

"Got it!"

With that, the two parties split.

Keeping to the shadows and pressing one shoulder to the wall at almost all times, Ash found that the hairs on the back of his neck stood with his heightened awareness while a light sweat was working up along his brow from constantly using his aura sensing abilities. Similarly, from her perch on his shoulder, Rosa's aura bundles were wiggling almost non-stop.

Within Ash's bag, though, Pikachu grew cramped and discontented. When could he go ahead and get out?

"Alright, first group," Ash muttered as he picked up on the aura signatures of strangers. "I'm clocking in three. How about you, Rose?"

"Rio," she yipped quietly in agreement.

Crouching down at the corner of the passage, Ash tried to figure out how exactly he was going to handle three at once. He could fight them, sure, but they'd call for help, no doubt.

Instead, he looked above him. The hall light! Forming a very small bundle of aura, he launched it towards the fixture. It shattered almost quietly and then suddenly the hall was taken over by darkness.

"What the heck was that?" called one of the grunts.

Backing off into the darkness he'd created, Ash was suddenly extremely grateful for Riley's training. Closing his eyes and relying on his abilities, he tapped occasionally along the hallway to lure them in further.

"Sounds like a lost Rattata," one of the grunts grumbled. "One of you go get it before it chews up every wire in the place."

"... Me? I don't wanna!"

"Scared of the dark?"

As one of the three walked into Ash's waiting trap, the trainer supposed they really should have been more afraid. Still, he waited. It was only when the grunt was right in front of him, blind in the darkness but clicking his tongue for a Rattata that wasn't there that Ash struck.

One swift punch did it. Connecting against the grunt's chin, the poor guy went down easy. Ash carefully caught him, not trying to hurt the underling more than necessary.

"... Was that a smacking noise?"

"Y'think it maybe used Fake Out on him?"

"Can Rattata learn Fake Out?"

"Well, if it can, it can only use it once. I'll go drag the big idiot out. You go ahead with the patrol."

As the first grunt walked away, the second stepped into Ash's darkness.

"Here, y'little rascal. You aren't supposed to use moves on us, y'know. We're your masters."

Once again, the darkness was on Ash's side. Aided by aura detection, he delivered another swift blow to the grunt. With a strangled cry, this one went down as well.

Shaking his fist after, Ash walked down to the end of the hall.

"Alright Rose… Four halls meet here. I know which way they came, but where did our guy go?"

~To… the left!~she conveyed.

Walking briskly down the hall, Ash soon saw the grunt before him.

Without turning around, the grunt spoke. "You got him, I guess? … Hey, why aren't you-"

Another slug took down the final grunt.

"Pikapi…" Pikachu complained from within the bag.

~Well, that was easy,~Rosa relayed telepathically.

"Yeah, yeah, but my knuckles are gonna be cracked by the end of this," he grumbled. "Oh! Hey! An elevator!"

Walking over, Ash supposed this was what they were all headed to. He could just use this and meet up with Dawn on the second floor!

However, Ash found that the buttons didn't respond to him. Furrowing his brows, he looked back at the grunt. Did they have a card key on them or something? As he walked back over, he spotted something more revealing.

"Dammit… They had walkie talkies. I can't call for an elevator. It'll all sound too suspicious." Shaking his head, he looked around. "Let's keep looking. We may find a stairway. Dawn's looking, too."

Meanwhile, shortly after exiting the closet, Dawn ran smack into a pair of other grunts.

"What'd you scream for?!" one of them demanded.

"Yeah, did you see someone?!" the other asked.

Scrambling for an excuse, Dawn held her hands up. "O-Oh, no!"

"Then, what'd you yell for?!"

"Um… I… Got spooked by a Rattata," she weakly replied. "Yeah, that's why I got out my Houndoom. I didn't want it to bite me, so I scared it off."

Grunting, the underling put his hands on his hips. "I've heard of girls who were afraid of bugs, but Rattata? What kind of grunt are you?"

The other shrugged his shoulder. "Zubat are more popular among girls. That's probably why."

"Well, why don't we keep this between us?" Dawn pressed.

"Sure, it's not worth bringing up."

"The uppers sure wouldn't care."

"Great!" Dawn sighed in relief.

"C'mon," one of the grunts said. "We're gonna see who's gonna relieve the others on reading duty."

"Reading duty?" Dawn echoed, but followed the two boys all the same.

"Yeah, you know they told us they couldn't afford to bring in the scanners or any big tech for this mission. We've had to be real discreet." He huffed. "The Boss is here, so we shouldn't have any problems, but some weasel hiding out here called the cops!"

"What a coward! We weren't doin' nothin' to the hostages!" the other grunt snarled. "Anyways, because we can't just download the information, we're all remembering it. If we all know, it won't matter if we get split up… Or, caught." He shook his head. "But, I ain't gettin' caught!"

"Me neither!" the other grunt insisted. "Aight, shortie, we're here! Maybe we'll all get reading duty together? Or, we'll relieve someone on patrol…"

Standing among a small group of grunts, Dawn noticed that her Houndoom was the only fully evolved Pokémon there. That was, of course, aside from the overseer who was speaking to the group.

A woman who decidedly stood out from the rest — tall, with a straight and confident posture, and sleek clothing to match. A white v-neck top with long sleeves and a second cut at its hem mostly concealed a black turtleneck, and a long white skirt that parted in a cut at her boots and golden earrings completed the ensemble. Most striking perhaps, though, were her scarlet, horn-like hair, and striking, blood-red eyes.

Deep in her gut, Dawn felt that she didnotlike this Rocket. Something about her…

"Giovanni is still negotiating with the President. As such, floor eleven is absolutely vital to guard. Elevator service is still strictly forbidden. You will be cycled into the testing room upstairs, as soon as the four brothers have completed their round…" she paused. "Hm. You, there, in the back with the Houndoom."

Had she been caught already?! Dawn nervously nodded. "Yes?"

"You'll be on patrol duty."

While Dawn resisted sighing in relief, the two boys beside her snickered.

"Don't get spooked," one muttered.

"As for the rest of you, break's over. Go wait for your turn, on floor seven."

As the crowd parted, Dawn decided to take a gamble, stepping forward.

"Um, Miss?"

"That'sExecutiveto you, Grunt." The woman scowled, glowering down upon Dawn with disdain. "I expect yourfullrespect when addressing me."

"Yes,Executive," Dawn forced out through her teeth. The urge to jump her for her attitude was overwhelming. "...Where should I be patrolling? If the elevators aren't working, I should stay on this floor, right? But, if it's another, how do I get there?"

The superior narrowed her eyes. "... You're very pretty but very dull. Who have you been brown nosing to get that Houndoom?" There was a pause. "Don't get ahead of yourself. Whoever favored you ought to receive a stern talking to. Only competent agents need apply for a Lift Key. Stick to this floor, and keep a sharp eye for anyrebelliousbehavior among the captives. Try not to use more force than necessary, but what must be done, must be done."

The Executive passed Dawn, folding her arms behind her back. "And, do try to not waste anymore of my time."

'I'd do a lot more than waste your time, if I wasn't trying to keep a low profile… What a total creep!'Dawn thought bitterly to herself. But, for the sake of appearances, she complied. "Yes, Executive! Follow me, Houndoom."

Houndoom hummed a low growl of disdain at the villainess, but followed Dawn, nonetheless.

'So, a Lift Key is the answer, and 'Giovanni' must be the boss that Meowth was always talking about… Then, we need that key, so we can get to the eleventh floor! At least one Rocket has to have one. Now, it's our job to find them.'

"There… Sorry, Pikachu." Ash shut a door behind him as Pikachu sprung from the green backpack, gasping for breath. Sure, he had air, but man, was that sack cramped.

"Piiii," Pikachu purred as he shook his body out, spare electricity crackling off as he let off a good bit of movement that the knapsack had denied him. It was nice to be active again, even if only for a minute. He couldn't wait to get to the bottom of this, he was ready to get out of this joint.

"This floor looks kinda empty. Maybe nothing important's going on here." Ash reached to wipe some sweat from his forehead, stretching his back out. Getting a minute away from the action was nice. The room seemed to be air conditioned, judging by the hairs standing up on the back of his neck, and the scent of cheap air freshener passing the group. A few desks with ordinary-looking computers were scattered around.

"Must be a bunch of regular old offices around here. Figures that Team Rocket'd leave it alone."

A wooden creak sent a chill down the trio's spines, all six eyes flicking toward the other side of the room. Each tensed, ready to leap at the next agent to pop out and bust them.

Meanwhile, all they heard was a strained gasp.

"Who's there!?" Ash barked, scrambling to his feet. If their plans got spoiled by one rotten…

"P-please… I didn't mean to get caught up in this," a feeble, vaguely masculine voice cracked. Slinking up from behind the desk was a trembling man, looking to be in his thirties, with a white-collar outfit complete with glasses and a buzz cut. "I'm just an office guy, please-"

"Hey, it's fine," Ash interrupted, raising a hand in a weak attempt to reassure the hostage. "You can calm down, I'm not one of them." Even as he denied hostility, his fist tightened. Too much so, probably. "We came here to kick those creeps out and help out whoever's trapped in here."

"Pika-Pika!" Ash's companion asserted in tandem, climbing up his trainer's back to sit atop his shoulder, raising a paw to attest to their peaceful message.

"Rio!" The pup joined them, punching a fist in the air.

The worker slid down against the wall, letting out a pained breath of relief. "Thank Mew… After I managed to call the police, I thought I was done for. Look, kid, that's noble of you, but you'll get yourself killed! I can't even get out of here. I… I tried to sneak out, but the elevator's busted! Going down the stairs is way too risky. Run into just one of those thugs, and-"

"Pull yourself together," Ash interrupted, doing his best to use a calming voice. He was used to looking out for startled Pokémon, but humans even older than him… He wasn't particularly used to it. "Don't worry. You're talking to a trainer who's been fighting Team Rocket for his entire career. This is practically our specialty."

"Someone your age…?" The man frowned, his brows furrowing in concern. "Honestly, it's a disgrace that Team Rocket has been allowed to run rampant this long. And now look where we are!"

"Yeah, tell me about it," Ash scoffed. "Well, as soon as I get to the bottom of this, you guys'll be good to go. There may be a lot of 'em, but it's not every day they meet a trainer like me!" Or Dawn, for that matter. Arceus, he hoped she was doing alright.

"Thank you," the man swallowed, beginning to calm down. "You're a lifesaver. Just be careful, huh? Is there anything I can do?"

"Unless ya know something, not really," the trainer admitted. "But hey, don't sweat it. I wish I could get you out of here now, but having' someone else with me would bring on more attention." Already feeling guilty, he yanked up his backpack, rummaging through it before pulling out a sandwich coiled up in plastic wrap. He tossed it to the anxious worker. "You might be in here a lil' while longer, so it's the least I can do."

"Pika-Pikachu!" The electric mouse waddled over to the man, patting him with his tail.

The man took a deep breath, reaching to pet Pikachu's head. This day had been hell… But maybe there was hope of him walking out of here alive, after all. "Thanks, kid. You've got a good heart in you. I'll be rooting for you three."

"You can count on us!" Ash pumped a fist, flashing a confident smirk at the man. "Hey, Rosa, could ya check out the rest of the floor? I think it's about time we get out of here."

Mew forbid any other hostages were suffering under this operation.

~Roger!~The Emanation Pokémon yipped. She let her gray lids fall shut, each nerve bundle on the sides of her head levitating as a paw was pressed to the floor.

A low hum came from the pup, mono-colored blueprints growing outward in her mind. Things seemed relatively quiet and uneventful in the general area… At least for a moment. Her heart began to pick up paces when a great deal of activity began to emanate from down the hall. A lot of signals…

Way too many auras. Erratic, racing pulses that turned a hum into a high-pitched whine. Her eyelids clenched painfully tight, nerve bundles standing straight up. Anxiety thrived… Enough to cause the Pokémon's eyes to shoot open, a high-pitched anxious howl alerting Ash and Pikachu alike.

"Hey, hey, Rosa!" Ash rushed to the Emanation Pokémon, scooping her into his arms. He lightly stroked the trembling Pokémon's ears, brows knit downward. He bit his lip, doing his best to keep his breathing steady. Extra stress was the last thing the Pokémon needed. "It's fine, it's fine… No need to worry. It's just us, over here."

"Pika-Pika!" Pikachu fretted, rushing over on all fours to pat the Pokémon's rather slim back.

"W-what's wrong with her?" The man present stammered, having nearly spit bread out of his mouth. He'd managed to swallow. "Did they do something!?"

Ash shook his head. "She's really sensitive to a lot going on at once. Especially if other people are making her anxious… Or Pokémon. There's gotta be a lot of one of 'em gathered somewhere."

~Rotten… they're rotten!~She exclaimed, wiggling her way out of Ash's grasp to land on her feet.~So many scared Pokémon… We gotta go save them, now!~

Ash swallowed thickly. This whole situation made him sick to his stomach. "Alright. Let's go, Pikachu!"

"Pika!" Pikachu howled in agreement, running up Ash's back to slip into the main compartment of Ash's backpack. He pulled the flap halfway shut, ready to keep his eyes open for danger.

"Don't worry, buddy. Once we find the top dog, you'll get to beat 'em good."

~Wait, wait!~Rosa hesitated, just before Ash turned the knob to the room they'd cooped up in. Her trainer stopped, looking her way for clarification.~Weren't we supposed to stick to the plan…? You said that we were supposed to sneak around and be careful, right? If we charge in, we'll get noticed!~

"Well… that may be true." Ash smiled to himself. Even in this hostile situation, he felt like his daughter was growing up, right before his eyes. And as much as he willed himself to be a responsible role model… He was still Ash Ketchum. "But it's like a great hero once told me… If someone's in trouble, we have to dosomething,right?" He turned back to her, and winked.

Rosemary processed her own words being thrown back to her, and her big, red hues shone. The pup couldn't keep herself from smiling, punching a paw in the air.~Right!~

"You can do it," the worker encouraged, crawling back into his hiding spot behind the desk in the corner of the room. "Everyone working for Silph Co. would be rooting for you!"

"We won't let 'em down," Ash flashed a thumbs-up as he stepped out, shutting the door behind him. Sliding up against the wall, he inched towards the center of the floor. "Alright, Rosa. Show the way!"

She huffed, pointing to the hallway to the left.~There! The far door to the right!~

"There's gotta be some people hurting… Or Pokémon!" Ash growled, caution pushed to the backburner of his thoughts. He hurried down the brightly lit corridor, swerving on his heels to turn his attention to the wooden door with a faded glass window. Some loose-leaf sheet of paper was blocking his view in; probably taped up at the last minute. A plate on the door read " 503 - Product Test Room."

"This it?" Ash checked with the Riolu on his shoulder.

"Rio," she nodded furiously.

"Then let's bust it open," he grunted, jiggling the handle. He grimaced. "It's locked… C'mon!" He jammed his foot against the wall, yanking on the door with all of his might. "Gnh…! No luck. Hey, Rosa, mind helping' me bust this thing open?"

"Rio!" The Pokémon yipped, leaping at the wooden barrier to deliver a fierce kick.

The wood began to show cracks. Ash bashed it with his shoulder. The splinters spread.

"Okay. Both of us on one, two… three!"

"P-please… All of the commotion has the Pokémon stressed. You won't get optimal… Likely even accurate results!" A man in a white lab coat pleaded, fiddling to place a small metallic pin onto the fluffy body of a squirming Flareon. He jerked his head back, just barely avoiding a spit of flames.

"Shut up and do as yer told," a man dressed in a Team Rocket outfit and cap spat, looking over a clipboard. "Unless you want us to take over. Ol' Fido here wouldn't like that, would he?

Another Rocket leaned over, whispering to the first. "But, we don't know the first thing about these gadgets… If they don't do it, we couldn't make heads or tails of this mess."

The first jabbed the second with his elbow. "Shaddup, don't let them know that."

"I-I'm very sorry… I don't want to work under these conditions any more than you do." The scientist implored the Flame Pokémon with begging eyes. He managed to clip the small gadget into the Pokémon's fur.

Flareon howled in protest still, kicking free to isolate itself upon its tabletop, its fur quilling as a threat to the humans enclosing upon its personal space. Flames were moments from leaving its throat.

A loud booming explosion ripped through the room, shattering planks spraying across the floor in the wake of a spreading cloud of smoke. A teal flash of light dispersed, clearing the air.

Standing in the now empty doorway was a raven-haired teenager, accompanied by a Riolu with an outstretched paw, faintly glowing blue before fading away. A Pikachu popped out of the young man's backpack, perching aggressively on his shoulder.

"Alright, break it up!" The trainer barked. "What's going on in… What the!?"

Ash's eyes flicked across the exposed room. A couple of startled Rockets and unwilling scientists were scattered around, and a shuddering Flareon sat on an examining table in the center of the room. A few cages lined the walls, occupied by a few Pokémon. Namely a Growlithe, a Jolteon, a Mankey, and a Machop. Each shrunk into their enclosures at the commotion.

A treadmill and a punching bag were stationed in the back of the room, along with several computers.

Ash felt like he wanted to vomit. "So, this is what you were freaking out about… Those Pokémon must be terrified!" Baring his sharp canines, Ash threw a hand back towards what was left of the door. "Alright, you guys better beat it, if you know what's good for you!"

"Hey, kid! Why don't ya mind your own business!" One of the grunts barked.

"Before we, the Rocket Brothers, make ya!" All four gangsters drew their Poké Balls.

"Pikachu, Rosa, get 'em!" Ash commanded, throwing a hand out.


Pikachu launched off of Ash's shoulder, springing onto the table that Flareon occupied before launching at the first Grunt to speak, surrounded in a silver gleam. He smashed into the man's abdomen, knocking the wind out of him. Hopping onto his falling cranium, he jumped at the next.

Gasping in horror, the bumbling man anxiously juggled his Poké Ball in an attempt to get his act together. "Hold still, ya lil' ra- ah!" Before he could finish his sentence, a tiny yellow foot had slammed into his face, knocking the dazed man onto his rear.

Rosa wasn't far behind, closing the distance between herself and the closest man before he could so much as toss a ball. His foot was kicked out from under him, sending him falling right into her fist.

"Hypno! Confusion!"

The Emanation Pokémon froze, finding her body restricted in a telekinetic hold. Her gaze shifted to the fourth man, who had succeeded in releasing the formidable Psychic-type. His leering eyes emitted a blue glow, holding the vulnerable Fighting-type in place.

Crouching in fright atop the table, Flareon whined. If there was any chance to break free, it was now. "Flare!" It howled, spitting a flurry of hot embers at Hypno. Naturally, it'd used Ember.

"Hyp!" The Psychic-type yelped in surprise, hopping erratically to escape the heap.

"Great work, Flareon!" Ash praised. "Now's your chance, Rosa! Reversal!"

The Riolu let out a gasp of relief, feeling control of her body return. She gnashed her canines, leaping at the terrified Hypno. A shining fist slammed into its gut, sending it flying into the last Rocket.

Trainer and Pokémon alike slid down the wall.

"Good job, guys." Ash commended, implicitly declaring this fight over. "Now, let those Pokémon go!"

"O-of course!" One of the eggheads who'd clung to one of the computers stammered. "We do our best to give Pokémon humane treatment in our experiments… Our hand was forced!"

"We'll give them their space right away." The other agreed, pulling a key out of his pocket. "We're so sorry, Flareon. We owe all of you an apology." He approached the cages, unlocking each in succession.

Several of the Pokémon growled and hissed, still retreating from the men.

"They've gotta be scared, right now." Ash grimaced. "They're better off away from a place like this after everything that's happened." Damn that Team Rocket.

"O-of course… What should we do with them, now?" After all, it was pretty clear who had the right to make decisions for a Pokémon's sake, now. How demoralizing this all was.

"Keep 'em safe here, for now. This job's not done yet." Ash advised, walking towards the hallway with Pikachu on his shoulder and Rosa accompanying him. "The police'll be here…"

~Pa! Wait!~Rosa warned, as she bounded back onto Ash's shoulder that didn't occupy Pikachu.~We've got company.~

"I take it that's the bad kind," Ash grimaced. "...Well, we already started a fight. Guess the jig's up." He punched a fist into an open palm. "Let's take care of 'em, and meet up with Dawn."

With caution thrown to the wind, Ash stepped into the hallway.

"Now,whatis with all this noise!? If those four are sabotaging Giovanni's great plans… Well, well. What do we have here?" A lanky man cloaked in a white, clearly outstanding Rocket outfit and short-cut teal hair stepped forth. His eyes narrowed upon the red-cloaked trainer and his pokemon. "I'm fairly certainyouaren't with Team Rocket."

"Not on your life," Ash spat. "I'm here to kick you guys out!"

"Now, isn'tthatadorable… What a brave young man you are." The decorated Rocket drew out his backhanded praise with total disdain, approaching Ash. Suddenly, he stopped. "Now, wait just a moment… You're that boy with the Pikachu, aren't you? You've acquired quite the name for yourself in Team Rocket, you know."

The man laughed to himself, shaking his head. "I don't care for that fixation towards your Pikachu that's become such a topic; I'm only here to serve our great leader. But since you're here, then I cannot allow you to foil Team Rocket's meticulous plans! Your charge forward ends here, with the great Executive, Archer!"

"Is that right…?" Ash hardened his gaze upon the man, firmly adjusting the red brim of his cap. "Well, since I've been spotted… Then, there's no harm in going all-out! We'll knock you out, and your grimy boss is next!"

"Pika-Pikaaa!" Pikachu hissed, emitting violent golden static from his cheeks.

"Rio!" Rosa touched the carpeted floor on her feet, standing before her trainer.

The time for running and hiding was over.

Another Road Repaved - Consequences - mezamun - Pocket Monsters (3)

Chapter 2: Strongest vs Strongest

Chapter Text

Saffron City, Kanto.

The early evening hours cast deep blue skies across the region's most populous city. Ordinarily, nary a star in the sky could be seen, with the metropolis's excessive light pollution. But, tonight, Saffron wasn't as it seemed. The entire business district was shut down; even those normally associated with the nightlife. Lights were out, everywhere except for residential areas.

A curfew had been ordered on the city, courtesy of Saffron's Police Department. A precautionary measure, after news broke of the Silph Company being invaded in a Team Rocket takeover. If panic were to take hold in the streets, matters could surely only get worse. Any and all civilians were ordered to stay inside their homes, until further notice.

Outside the skyscraper, a blockade of police cars and K9 units surrounded the front entrance. Though the Growlithe and Arcanine fighting alongside Officer Jenny were finding themselves dampered by the dark stormcloud casting Rain Dance over the crime scene.

"Arcanine! Use Thunder Fang!" Officer Jenny commanded, holding her cap down upon her head to shield her eyes from the rain. Even so, her teal hair was thoroughly matted down from the constant downpour.

"Ar!" Arcanine lunged towards the Huntail being commanded by James.

"I don't think so!" Jessie declared, even as she stood under the shelter of an umbrella that only kept herself dry under the downpour. "Use Psychic, Gorebyss!"

A bright blue aura outlined the deep sea dwelling Pokémon, who exerted that influence on Arcanine, and sent them flying back into a nearby car. The valiant Fire-type slumped, with swirls in his eyes.

Jenny reluctantly recalled him, clicking her tongue. "This is looking awfully bad… We need reinforcements!"

While a stubborn fight raged on outside the Silph Company, though, the true battle was being waged quietly, within the company's interior. Several floors above ground level, a trainer had snuck in uninvited and unnoticed… Perhaps, until now.

Sporting a red cap, and a fierce look of determination, Ash Ketchum stood opposite of the self-admitted Executive of Team Rocket, Archer. He'd hit the end of his endeavor to sneak under Team Rocket's vigilant gaze, but truthfully, he was all-too-eager to beat them down.

"What do you say, Pikachu?" Ash asked, looking to his very first Pokémon. "You ready to charge on through this guy and get this thing over with?"

"Pika!" Pikachu nodded, and sprung onto all fours before Ash. Black, beady eyes narrowed and glared at the teal-haired villain. His disgust for Team Rocket was palpable, for their likely endless list of crimes, and first and foremost, their disrespect for Pokémon, and any notion of their intrinsic worth. He wasmore than happyto take part in putting them in their place.

Rosa, Ash's Riolu who was motivated by justice, simply stood vigilant alongside Ash. A low, guttural growl of disdain for their foe rumbled in her throat.

"Oh, I'm afraid you won't be going anywhere. Certainly not through me." Archer grasped a Poké Ball between his fingers, and flung it before him. "Houndoom! Fire Blast!"

A Houndoom spawned before Archer, snarling. A potent blaze in the shape of a kanji fired towards Pikachu; the reaches of its flames expanding towards the floor, ceiling, and walls of the hallway.

"Use Quick Attack!" Ash waved a hand, as Pikachu picked up speed with a burst of silver. Bouncing off the wall, Pikachu handily avoided the Fire Blast. Meanwhile, he himself was forced to to tuck and roll. He felt embers snap at his jacket, and ripped the garment off before smacking it against the floor.

He was relieved to see that Rosa, for her part, had avoided the attack. Pikachu had gone on to smash into Houndoom's jaw, sending the canine soaring into the air.

"Tch…! Crunch! Now!" Archer commanded.

Houndoom found his footing, dragging his claws through the fine carpeting. With Pikachu still coming his way off of pure momentum, he opened his jowls, and chomped down.

"Block, with Iron Tail!"

"Pi-ka!" Pikachu righted himself, turning around to offer Houndoom his tail, which quickly coated itself in sturdy steel. When fangs came down upon his extremity, he hardly felt it, grinning.

"There!" Ash called out. They'd walked into his trap without a hitch. "Now, use Thunderbolt!"

Potent electricity coursed through Pikachu's tiny body, down to his tail, and right through a yelping Houndoom. Golden lightning eclipsed the fluorescent lighting of the hallways, before dying out instantaneously. Houndoom fell, and Pikachu sprung back towards Ash with ease.

"Nice one, Buddy." Ash praised.

"Pi-ka!" Pikachu exerted extra sparks, as Archer recalled his first Pokémon.

The Executive rolled the sphere in his hand, lips pursed and face screwed up in some annoyance at the outcome. Whatever he felt, though, he didn't voice it, holding his composure. A second Poké Ball was cast. "Weezing! Use Sludge Bomb!"

Weezing floated in front of Archer, voicing its own name with a sickly wheeze. "Weezing…!" For its typical concerning appearance, though, they were no less well-off for battle. A barrage of compact, explosive sludge was spat towards Pikachu.

"Repel it, with Iron Tail!" Ash commanded, gesturing a hand in the air.

"Pi-ka!" Pikachu sprung forth into the line of fire. Spinning around, he hardened his tail and whacked at the incoming sludge repeatedly. "Chu-chu-chu-chu…!"

Steel plating protected Pikachu from the ill effects of poison, and his sheer speed and striking power sent toxic sludge splattering in all directions. Not one drop succeeded in so much as touching Pikachu's fur.

Ash was forced to duck, holding his cap down atop his head. Underneath its shadow, he grinned. "Now, use that momentum for an Electro Ball!"

Pikachu continued to spin, and a bundle of gold spun around with him. Quickly growing larger, thanks to the increased speed and vibrations put off by the mouse.

Archer, himself, had been forced to dodge splattering ooze, only correcting himself afterward. By the time he stood upright, a yellow flash impacted his Weezing. Smoke flooded the hallway, and the Poison Gas Pokémon fell. Charred and unconscious.

The Executive grimaced, tapping his foot against the floor in a growing sense of impatience. Weezing was returned without a word, and exchanged for a different Pokémon. "Golbat! Air Cutter!"

A Golbat fluttered around and above their trainer, shrieking loudly. Cutting projectiles of wind sliced through the air, converging on Pikachu.

"Use Agility!" Ash commanded, as his coattails billowed behind him from the coming wind. Under ordinary circ*mstances, a sporting battle would limit them to just four moves; something they hadn't even had to consider, before Mt. Silver.

But fighting off a Team Rocket invasion wasn't exactlysporting.

"Pi!" Pikachu compressed his form, and then seemingly vanished. Springing toward the surface of a nearby wall, he avoided the chasing trail of Air Cutters by constantly staying one step ahead. Once they closed in, he leapt off the wall. Seemingly instantaneously, he'd planted all fours on the opposite wall.

"Electro Ball!"

An even larger Electro Ball was conjured on the tip of Pikachu's tail, dwarfing the mouse himself by several times. With a swing of his hips, he struck down Golbat instantaneously. "Chu… ka-pi!"

"You know… You're really starting to get on my nerves." Archer hissed through his teeth, as Golbat disappeared in a red flash of light. "It's starting to become apparent why that rat is so sought-after. But, ultimately, you're both just children. You can't win against Team Rocket."

Ash bit back the urge to correct him on being a kid. He recalled Gary's remarks that only a child would bother to correct that. "Hasn't stopped us from beating you before," was his chosen retort.

"Only because you've never had the displeasure of facing an Executive. Wobbuffet!" Archer released his next Pokémon; seemingly, a female Wobbuffet, boasting what looked like lipstick. She stood patiently before her trainer; a buffer in Pikachu's path. "Wobbuffet, ultimately, is the greatest test of childish impatience. I'm afraid that'simply charging through'will get you nowhere, here."

For his part, Ash smirked. The amount of times he'd fought Jessie's Wobbuffet, he probably couldn't even count. Not to mention the tremendous obstacle in fighting Sabrina's. He sincerely doubted Archer had Sabrina's wits, let alone her powers. "Wanna bet? Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

"My point is proven." Archer smiled to himself. "Mirror Coat!"

Lightning struck Wobbuffet, making the glowing punching bag invert. Subsequently, she flung the bolt back towards Pikachu, twice as bright, and twice as potent. Its power was moot, though, as Pikachu darted beside the return fire.

"Now! Charge in, and show us your best Thunderbolt!" Ash called out.

"Pika!" Pikachu sprinted forth, fairly sure that he understood what his trainer had in mind. Lightning built up in his cheeks, soon surrounding his entire body in a glow. "Piiiikaaaa…!"

The feint was enough to instill confidence in Archer that Ash was foolish enough to make the same mistake twice, judging by the odd look he gave his younger opponent. "You really are just a child. Mirror Coat."

Many different hues coated Wobbuffet in reflective armor. The die had been cast, and Archer had sealed the results of this round.

"Gotcha," Ash grinned. "Now, use that electricity for a good ol' Iron Tail!"

"What did you say!?" The man's face contorted in shock. But even he realized that he was far too late to stop was transpiring, as Pikachu pivoted on his front paws, and focused all of his building electricity into the metallic shell of his tail. He'd been played for a fool.

"Chua… Pi-ka!" Pikcahu slashed across Wobbuffet, sending an arc of residual electricity crackling through the open air of the corridor. The living punching bag was sent flying, and landed behind Archer, unconscious.

A trembling hand held the Poké Ball that recalled Wobbuffet. Archer cast a look of complete disbelief at Ash and Pikachu. Was he really being humbled by a brat with a few sports competitions under his belt? Was that his limit?

"Are yousureI'm fighting a Team Rocket Executive?" Ash taunted. "I'm honestly pretty disappointed. The three stooges who come after Pikachu usually give us a tougher fight than this!"

~It's true. They do.~Rosa testified, frowning with her paws stationed on her hips.~You're evilandlame!~

"You… insolent punks!" Archer's eye twitched; his composure bordering on crumbling all at once, before he took a deep breath, leveling himself. "...Ah. You almost went and made me lose my temper. You're going to paydearly.For interrupting Giovanni's grand design, and for insulting his right-hand man!" A fifth Poké Ball was thrown, with greater force than the previous.


The floor of the level they currently stood upon trembled, as a towering beast nearly scraped the ceiling. A feral shriek coursed through Ash, Pikachu, and Rosemary, as if they themselves had been rattled by the beast's might. Tyranitar towered over all three, and looked upon them with disdain.

"That's… weird," Ash said. "There's no sand. But I feel… off." He looked down at his own two hands. They were trembling. A cool sweat had started up, prompting him to take off his hat and shake it out. "We'rewinning.Why do I feel scared?"

"Piiiika." Pikachu slowly backed up towards his trainer. He, himself, felt distaste for the fear plaguing him. He had no particular reason to feel like their opponent was stronger than him.

~These vibes are rotten,~Rosa remarked.~Pa. It's Tyranitar's Aura! Something about his is disrupting ours!~

"Huh…?" Ash withdrew his Pokédex, and pointed it at their foe. "Dexter?"

"Tyranitar's hidden ability: Unnerve. Unnerves opposing Pokémon and makes them unable to eat berries. Your recommended course of action would be to win, before any healing is necessary, if possible."

"Heh. Y'know, you got a whole lot of attitude for a Pokédex with a robotic voice?" Ash smirked, wiping the sweat from his brow. "No problem. None of this is real, Pikachu, so let's get him!"

"Pika!" Pikachu nodded.

"Hmph. Stave off your fear for now, if you must. It'll be back soon. Use Dark Pulse!" Archer shouted.

The rocky behemoth wound back his head, gathering pitch-black energy in his maw. Wicked rings blasted away in a horizontal path, aiming to pulverize Ash, Pikachu, and Rosa all at once. In its wake, Dark Pulse carved away at the walls and flooring; leaving smoldering gaps in the infrastructure.

"Move forward!" Ash shouted, over deafening explosions, springing back off the sole of his shoe. Rippling explosions rattled and launched him back with a shout. Luckily, Rosa seemed to clear the blast with greater dexterity than himself. He heard her call out his name in worry.

"Pikapi!" Pikachu did the same in kind; ultimately, his concern was a distraction that would come back to bite him, quite literally. When his head was turned, he felt mighty jowls come down upon him.


Pikachu squealed in pain. Tyranitar's sharp fangs dug into his plush body, hoisting him up high like a trophy.

"That sympathy of yours really is your undoing. What kind of tool for battle is that Pikachu, if it falters at the slightest sign of a trainer coming into peril? Now, you'll both suffer for it," Archer lectured.

"Pikachu'snota tool," Ash hissed, "and if anyone's about to get bit in the rear, it's you! Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

Once again, Archer had made the mistake of having his Pokémon gnash down upon a walking conduct of electricity; Tyranitar's flashing and writhing a clear testament to the difference in skill between the upstart hero, and the villainous second in command.

Tyranitar's jaw slacked, and Pikachu wriggled his way out to run back towards Ash, standing with his eyes turned on the foe who'd left him with a nasty sting.


"You alright, Buddy?" Ash asked.


Meanwhile, the Armor Pokémon was hunched over, looking halfway cognizant. Trails of smoke fluttered from his rocky scales in the electricity's aftermath.

"This… can't be possible," Archer sputtered.

"Trip him up, with Iron Tail!" Ash commanded, waving his hand aside, as his partner dashed into the shadow of his faltering foe, and pivoted on his rightmost front paw. Coating his tail, he swung around, bashing it into the Tyranitar's shin.

Tyranitar cried loudly, and sailed through the air.

Archer gasped, and quickly recalled the falling Pokémon to its Poké Ball, before the Armor Pokémon could potentially collapse an entire floor with its weight. Or, potentially, worse. Disarmed of his fifth Pokémon, the Executive slowly backed away from the mouse that threatened him with sparks from his cheeks.

He was dominated by a cold sweat. "So,thisis the infamous Pikachu… I'm hard-pressed to believe that the rumors were true, but the evidence is right before me." Nervous laughter followed, as uneasy eyes darted around for a solution.'I've utterly lost in a straightforward battle. I can't simply lose to a child and allow him to ruin Giovanni's plans! There has to be an out…'

Soon enough, Archer found it. The gash carved in the floor from Dark Pulse; displacing scorched bits of carpet, wood burnt to a crisp, and errant wires that were torn asunder. A wound in the building that could have been far worse, had Tyranitar fallen.'Perhaps I don't need to defeat that Pikachu… I only need it out of my sight!'Grinning wickedly, he tossed his last Poké Ball.


An impish, gaseous form of pale blues and pinks orbited the fray with wicked laughter. "Mi—is!"

"A Misdreavus," Ash whispered. "I don't like the look on his face… What's he up to?"

Archer snapped his fingers. "Sink that Pikachu down below."

"Pika…!?" Pikachu backed up onto all fours, unnerved. Before he could puzzle out what that cryptic command even meant, the Screech Pokémon zipped into his personal space, and tapped her forehead against his. "Pi?"

Pikachu suddenly felt a very odd sensation. One he'd perhaps only once or twice. He felt… intangible. His feet no longer touched the carpet, but sank through the floor. His head was next.

"Pikachu!" Ash ran towards where his partner had been in a panic, as he seemingly disappeared. He crouched down, patting the floor where both Pikachu and Misdreavus had been. There wasn't a sign of them. "You… What the hell did you do to Pikachu!?"

"I simply displaced it," Archer explained. "As much as I hate to admit it, that rodent of yours was a threat to me. Now, it's on a lower floor… without your help, it's only a matter of time before it's cornered and caught by Team Rocket. Andyou'rewithout its help."

"Pikachu can handle himself," Ash snapped back, and hopped to his feet. Even if he did believe in his partner, though, he couldn't shake a nagging feeling of concern. Just what had he been dropped into? What if hedidneed his help…? It was a train of thought that he soon realized was stupid, and smacked his own cheeks to shake it off. "We'll both beat our enemies, and meet back up, soon!" His hand reached under his jacket and towards his belt, for his next Poké Ball.

"I think not! Misdreavus, his belt!" Archer hastily urged.

Ash grabbed at the capsule he'd picked, only to find himself squeezing thin air. "What the…!?" He pulled back his jacket, only to find his belt missing, and all of his Poké Balls missing. "My Poké Balls! Where…!?"

"Misdreavus~!" Misdreavus had now reappeared, dropping Ash's belt into Archer's grip; Poké Balls and all.

"Stealing Pokémon wasn't in my itinerary… But, I'll take this bonus as the spoils of my victory, when I eliminate you."

Ash snarled angrily through her teeth. "You no-good, rotten…!"

"Use Hypnosis!"

The trainer, unfortunately, made the mistake of making eye contact with the devilish spirit. Rings of hypnotic light bore directly into Ash's eyes, and immediately began to take effect. He felt groggy, first; lightheaded. His limbs started to feel like jello, next. "No… Damn it, I can't…!"

~Papa!~Rosa turned around towards her trainer, crying in worry.

Heavy eyelids came down like they were hundred pound weights, even as Ash struggled to keep them open.'I can't… If I sleep here… We're all done for! Pikachu, Rosa… Dawn…'

The immediate most sensible action, for Ash, was to painfully pinch and pull at his own cheek. It was an unpleasant jolt, but it was something to keep him from slumpering. "I… I won't fall asleep…! I've got too much on the line…!" But, it couldn't hurt if he at least sat down, to take the pressure off his legs. To conserve a little energy. Despite his best efforts, Ash loudly yawned, and felt the warmth that came with near-sleep flooding him. It was hard to fight… so, so hard.

"A very stubborn effort. Children are quite irritating… But, you'll no longer be a thorn in Team Rocket's side," Archer boasted. With Ash's blurry vision, he couldn't quite tell, but he could practicallyhearthe smarmy upturn of the Rocket's lips, with his words. "Misdreavus! Shadow Ball!"

A purple, crackling mass of necrotic energy could vaguely be made out, from Ash's perspective. Not something he was particularly dying to be hit by… But instead, something else entirely crashed into his side. The pain of being hip-checked wasalmostenough to rattle Ash wide awake.

"Ow!" Ash sat up, clutching his side. In place of where he'd been was a very familiar baby blue. Shadow Ball swallowed what looked to be Rosa's form, though even with Ash's blurring vision, she seemed to be translucent. "Rosa…!? What're you—"

~Leave the rest to me!~Rosa's voice passed through Ash's mind in total clarity. Her body had faded in the wake of Shadow Ball's explosion, but he could still hear her. He could still sense her.

"Rosa… I can't do that!" Ash shook his head, and quickly regretted it. He felt even more dizzy, and rolled over on his side. "You… I have to…"

~You have to get to Pikachu,~she told him. She sounded so serene. So certain.~You can't do that if something happens here.~Something about this all felt so eerily, forebodingly familiar to Ash. He felt frightened for something, but he couldn't put his finger on what it was. He sincerely wanted to believe in her, and rest easily.

His eyelids were heavy, and one more thought passed through his mind; one that he couldn't quite actually pin a voice to. It felt more, really, like a thought that had been inserted right into his head, rather than a voice he heard. He wasn't sure whether it was real or not. He slumbered, before he could deliberate further.

~The Aura is with me.~

He'd never quite get used to being turned intangible. At least, back in the haunted house, he'd been prepared for it, but being taken for a sudden dive by a malicious foe made Pikachu awfully worried. He had a glimpse of each floor down for about a moment, where he saw gathered Rockets, or empty hallways. It all went by very quickly, and he felt his paws touch solid ground again.

"Pi…" Pikachu huffed, tapping his paw against the carpeting, just to be certain that he was tangible, again. He was alive, and upon a quick survey of the hall, found Misdreavus nowhere to be seen. They must've returned to Archer, he figured… Which meant that Ash was without him.

"Pikapi…" Deciding that the only course of action was to find his trainer, he dashed down the hall, in search of the closest stairway. If he recalled, they'd been on the fifth floor…

"Well, well. What do we have here?" A redheaded woman stood in Pikachu's path, bringing him to a quick halt. The first thing to come to Pikachu's attention was her uniform; it looked a lot like Archer's, if not more elegant. She reminded him justslightlyof Jessie, though she looked decidedly more wicked at first glance.

"I don't see why a Pikachu would be running loose… unless you escaped from the testing room. Those bumbling idiots…" She muttered, with an irritated twitch of her brow. "We can't have stray rodents running around and disrupting our operation. Return to where you came from, if you know what's good for you." To punctuate her threat, the woman casually tossed a Poké Ball.

Its latch came undone, and spawned a tall, purple serpent with a huge hood, featuring intimidating markings to resemble a wicked face. "Chaaaarbok!" An Arbok towered over even its trainer, grinning wickedly at Pikachu.

"I don't imagine you'd like to be lunch for my dear Arbok," she threatened.

"Pika!" Pikachu shrieked, exerting crackling lightning from each of his rosy cheeks. It was their one and only warning, lest he make them regret engaging him. The threat of being eaten wasnoton his bucket list for today… Or, for any day, for that matter.

"A stubborn one… shame." The woman shrugged her shoulders. "Arbok. Glare."

The second the command passed her lips, Pikachu instinctively tucked his head in, and shut his eyes as tightly as possible. A paralyzing leer would surely be sent his way; if he were rendered immobile without any backup, this could turn disastrous, quickly.

"You knew to avoid eye contact… I don't think I've seen many rodent-like Pokémon who were wise enough to avoid their predators. Unfortunately, you didn't have the sense to avoid your own demise," the villainess lectured. "Use Wrap!"

Pikachu squeaked, as he felt Arbok's long, muscular body constrict around his torso. His entire upper body was being compressed in an uncomfortable manner, and he was sure worse was to come. "Pikaaa… chu!" He shrieked, unleashing a potent Thunderbolt through his direct contact with Arbok.

The serpent screamed and flailed about, lit up by a dazzling golden current. The attack continued until Pikachu felt their grip on him loosen, and he wriggled himself free. Arbok collapsed beside him, unconscious.

"Arbok…! Nobody defeats my Arbok that easily." Ariana grimaced, recalling her Pokémon. She looked awfully suspicious of the creature before her. "A stubborn, intelligent, and powerful Pikachu like you has no reason to be here… No, you're clearly too well-trained."

"Pika-Pika!" Pikachu argued. She'd be far less surprised if she took time to understand Pokémon, rather than treating them as weapons!

"And argumentative," she hummed. Suddenly, her eyes widened in an epiphany. "That's it! There's been word that that kid shut down our operation in the Celadon Game Corner, along with his abnormally powerful Pikachu… You're his, are you not?"

Pikachu was silent. If she knew that, then Ash's cover would be fully blown. The last thing he needed wastwoexecutives on his tail; especially without his own aid.

"No answer…? Then I'm right." Ariana smirked. "Actually, this is ideal. I've been intrigued with your power for a little while, now. Those three morons have always been something of a laughing stock for their obsession with you, but after your performance against a Latios… I'm admittedly quite eager to study for your power for myself. A specimen like you would bewonderfulon Team Rocket's side."

Pikachu recoiled in disgust. "Pika-Pikachu!" As if he'deverbe their lab rat!

"Oh, you'readorable.You think you have a choice in the matter." Ariana tutted, flinging another Poké Ball forth. "I'll capture you, now, and do what those three couldneverdo. Giga Drain!"

"Glooom~!" The short, odorous flower appeared before Pikachu, sporting the species' usual, rather gross trail of drool from its mouth. Instantaneously, a flash of green light captured Pikachu, and began to drain his stamina right from his body.

"Pi…!" Pikachu grunted in discomfort, and held up the flat end of his tail. Lightning gathered in a bundle, before rolling up into an Electro Ball. "Chu-pi-Ka!" He swung, blasting the poor Grass-type, and eliminating any trace of Giga Drain.

"Gloom…" The plant stumbled back, showing very little composure, as sparks danced off her body.

"Tch…! How dare you!" Ariana grunted. "Gloom looks nearly incapacitated, in just one hit."

"Pi-ka!"Pikachu cried, swiftly bashing into his foe with a Quick Attack. Gloom was sent flying, landing far behind Ariana on the other end of the hallway.'Make that two.'

"...Ah. So, that power of yourswasn'tall luck. I'm actually relieved," Ariana smirked, recalling her Gloom. "It'd be rather anticlimactic, if you turned out to be nothing special. Unfortunately, raw power will only get you so far against Team Rocket." She called on a Drowzee, next. "I'd like to avoid that pesky speed of yours. Drowzee, Disable!"

The stocky, yellow aardvark leered upon Pikachu with a sinister gaze. "Drow… zee~" Widened eyes flashed blue, and exerted a sudden paranormal hex upon Pikachu.

Pikachu was fully aware of what Disable did. Quick Attack was out of the picture, at least for a little bit, and trying it again would only leave him wide open. Instead, he charged up a Thunderbolt. "Pikaaa…!"

"Use Confusion!"

"Pi-!" Pikachu choked, as his entire body was roughly yanked into the air, and subsequently slammed against the ceiling. He was disoriented, and his face had been flattened; there was no stopping Drowzee from smashing him into a wall, whichever one it may have been. In his state, he couldn't tell up from down, or left from right. "Ka! Chu!" He cried, suffering several more impacts.

If all of that hadn't been enough of a headache, the mouse was suspended in mid-air before Drowzee, afterward. He shook his head out, frowning at the villainous duo.

"How unfortunate… All of that momentum makes you dangerous, but once you're suspended, you're helpless!" Ariana laughed behind the back of her hand. "A weakness I'll keep in mind, once you're ours. But first, Drowzee, let's wear it down, with Poison Gas."

"Drowww…" Drowzee opened his mouth, spitting out a green cloud of noxious gas that crowded and encircled Pikachu.

Pikachu swallowed a great deal of air, first, and did his best to hold his breath. Even with shut eyes, he could feel his lids and nose start to burn. He held out as long as possible, but soon enough, his lungs demanded air, and he was forced to inhale the toxins.

Pikachu coughed violently, as a sickly feeling filled him. When the smog cleared, a streak of blue covered his nose. He was poisoned, and suspended at Drowzee's mercy.

"Perfect," Ariana said coldly. "Now, you're-"

Loud, but far-off explosions rattled the ground floor, interrupting Ariana's boasting. She nearly staggered off her feet, holding her ears. After a moment's passing, puffs of inky smoke rounded the nearest corner.

The shock of it all was enough to startle Drowzee, who lost its grip on Pikachu.

The mouse fell to the ground on all fours, panting. He was free, at least, even if his health would slowly be seeping from him, from here on out. "Pi…!"

"What in the hell…!?" Ariana grimaced, and pulled out an earpiece to slap on, tapping away at its sleek surface. "There's been a far-off explosion, on Floor 1! Grunts; go investigate, and report immediately."

Muffled affirmations sounded in her earpiece, and she tapped it, once more, disconnecting the communication. "An unwelcome distraction… But ultimately irrelevant." She smirked, staring down the ailing rodent. "I wouldn't bother fighting back anymore… although I'm sure you will." Her cherry red lips parted for a nasty grin. "You're within my grasp."

"How touching…" Archer remarked dryly, as Misdreavus's Shadow Ball blasted away at a quickly fading, translucent copy of the Riolu that accompanied Ash. Obviously, she'd used Substitute to absorb the damage. "To sacrifice yourself for your trainer. I see that loyalty is a running theme among his Pokémon. It's too bad that it's wasted on an upstart that needs to be executed."

Rosa answered the threat with a snarl, and dragged her trainer over towards the side of the hallway. With some effort, she propped him up against the wall.~You won't be laying your grimy hands on Papa. I'll beat you down, first.~She reached up, adjusting his cap properly atop his head. He'd done plenty to nurture and protect her. She'd return the favor.

Piercing red eyes turned on Archer, narrowed with ferocity.~I won't bother asking you to run. I already know you won't. Don't blame me, when you leave with something broken.~

"What's this…? A Riolu that talks." Archer blinked, then grinned. "Another valuable Pokémon. You'll do nicely, but you'd benefit from learning to properly address your superiors. Misdreavus, use Curse!"

An awful wail left Misdreavus, as she cast a perilous curse upon herself; her body outlined in a wicked shadow. She hovered just a bit closer to the floor below her. But, she wasn't alone in her pain.

"Riah…!" Rosemary yelped. A sudden, unpleasant jolt brought her to her knees. Some supernatural spell had torn some of her strength away from her, in just an instant. After her last substitute, too, she was feeling under the weather.'I can't afford to use that too many more times…! Not with whatever this is.'

"You've lost," Archer taunted. "Give up! Misdreavus, Shadow Ball!"

Misdreavus fired plum-colored orbs of otherworldly power in succession.

~Over here!~Rosa sprung far out of Ash's range to draw the attacks away from him. A first exploded far behind her, but a second came close to her feet. She sprung forth, and planted her paw and right foot on the wall beside her. Misdreavus followed her trail, and shot another Shadow Ball. The Riolu sprung away, flipping through the air. Chunks of wall and debris flew all about, but she went untouched.

"You're a persistent mutt," Archer breathed out. He was obviously frustrated with her dodging.

Which, to Rosa, could mean only one thing. She spilled more of her vitality into a false construct that stood directly before her. Her Prankster ability came into play, once again, allowing her to move before Archer so much as opened his mouth.


Misdreavus' hypnotic influence struck the Substitute construct. Fuchsia rays of light bounded off an unliving vessel, leaving the real Rosemary untouched. That provided a vital opportunity that she wouldn't miss.

She sprung over her clone, and analyzed the very little she'd gotten to see of Hypnosis. Rewinding the scene clocked by her temporarily photographic memory, she analyzed every second of it. Copycat did its job, and imbued her with temporary understanding.

Archer was left confused and concerned, when Rosa's red hues flashed pink. The hypnotic light struck Misdreavus, and suddenly, she collapsed to the floor. "It used Hypnosis, as well…!?"

~You're done!~Rosa cried, and smashed the end of her Iron Tail against the floor to spring her high above. Flipping forward, she put Pikachu's dexterity training to use, and smashed into the downed Misdreavus. Afterwards, she sprung off the unconscious ghost, and landed on her feet.

"That's… impossible," Archer muttered out. "Forgive me, Giovanni!"

That'swhere your loyalty lies!?~Rosa stood upright, looking at the man with disgust.~An evil, rotten, no-good…!~She yelped, and collapsed onto all fours. Searing pain brought her down a second time; Curse did its duty in humbling her.

"All of that insolent talk, and yet here you are… humbled at my feet." Archer spoke haughtily, but a twinge of fear and relief still carried in his voice. He walked closer, and moved to kick the dog while she was down; quite literally.

A move that he quickly thought better of, when he found his foot caught in her grip.

"Ack… How dare you! Release me, you mutt!" Archer shouted, yanking away. But, the pup's grip was stubborn as a Kingler's, and she held him in place. He was forced to meet her eyes.

~You say I need to be humbled. But only one of us is afraid of the other, right now.~Rosemary suddenly released Archer's foot, allowing him to yank it back far harder than intended, and it sent the man stumbling back over his feet. Despite her pain, she forced herself upright.

All of that fatigue and discomfort coursed through her body, and into a blazing fist. A hefty Reversal lit up the hallway, and sparked with intensity. She sprinted forth, and threw herself at Archer. "Riaaaah…!"

Archer had no time to collect himself, let alone retaliate. An unforgiving punch bashed him in the sternum, and completely knocked the air out of the man's lungs. He coughed and hacked as he flew through the air, and roughly hit the floor at the other end of the corridor. Rolling and tumbling roughly, the man was unconscious before he'd even hit the carpeting.

The residual power of Reversal leaked off Rosa's outstretched paw. Snapping at the air violently, before she opened it to catch Ash's dropping belt. It was all she could do, before Curse's exhausting influence snuck up on her.

'Pa… Papa…'She trudged over to the unconscious trainer, and tripped over her own feet, landing face first in his jacket. Her vision was starting to fade to black. All she could do was grab her trainer's t-shirt, and yank on it.~C'mon, Pa…~She collapsed against him, with her muzzle resting on his side.

"Mmm… huh?" Ash muttered tiredly, and slowly opened his eyes. His head felt like lead, and he felt groggy as hell. "...Rosa?" He sat up, and felt her weight slump against him. It was enough to make Ash come to. "Rosa!"

The Riolu laid against him, unconscious. His belt full of Poké Balls sat nearby, which jogged his memory. "...Right! Archer! What happened…? Where is he!?" Upon looking around and about, he spotted the man in an unconscious heap, down the hall. The pieces were coming together.

Ash smiled. He couldn't have been more proud. "Alright, girl. You did your part." He shrugged his backpack off, and searched through his contents before pulling out an Oran Berry. With the pup unconscious, Ash was left with the responsibility of pulling her into his lap, and to sit her upright to eat.

It admittedly reminded him a lot of their earliest days on Iron Island; when she could barely fend for herself, as a baby. Opening her muzzle and feeding her the tiniest chunk of berry, however nostalgic, carried a whole different weight to it, when she was only like this becauseshe'dprotectedhim.He gently massaged her jaw to help her chew.

Instinctively, she swallowed; that seemed to do the trick. Rosa let out a low whine, and her eyes trembled, before slowly opening.~...Pa?~

"Hey. Rise and shine, sleepyhead." Ash grinned. Even now, he looked rather tired, his eyes half-lidded. "You crashed on me."

~Only because you crashed on me, first!~Rosa argued.~I saved you, remember?~

"Hah, yeah… You sure did." Ash pulled Rosa into a tight hug. "Thanks, girl… I gotta admit, though. I don't know how I feel about you getting hurt on my behalf," he laughed.

She returned the hug, and nestled into his chest.~It's like I told you! I handled this one. You have to go get Pikachu.~

She had said those things. It jogged Ash's memory of that third thought that he found hard to shake.'The Aura is with me.'Rosemary hadn't mentioned it, though. Had it even been real, at all…?

Something about it. This whole situation. It felt like a case of deja vu. An ugly one that he didn't like at all. But, he had to shake it off, for now. They didn't have time to dwell. "...Hey, you're right. We gotta find Pikachu, ASAP, and Dawn too. Before we draw more attention!"

Ash stood up, and grabbed his belt, beginning to slide its loop back on, and resituate his Poké Balls. "Can you help find 'em for me?"

~You bet!~Rosa hopped down to her feet, and pointed towards the floor.~They're on the first floor. I'll show you the way!~A paw held to the floor sent a quick scan across the premises, making her aura bundles stand on end. The nearest stairway was located, and she sprinted off.

Ash was soon to follow.

With the plush carpet of Silph Co. quieting her steps and muting the click of Houndoom's claws, Dawn found her walk suddenly becoming eerily quiet. She hadn't seen any other grunts for a good couple of minutes… Even if she was the one agent assigned to patrol that she was aware of, something didn't feel quite right. They shouldn't be completely alone… Though, that turned out to not be the case, when Houndoom perked up, barking at Dawn.

"Huh? What is it, boy?" Dawn asked, frowning. She took slow, cautious steps forward, and soon heard the faint sound of sobbing.'It must be a hostage… that nasty Executive said something about patrolling for them, but the joke's on her.'

Walking down the hall, they spotted an old man leaning against it, his face turned away from them. His shoulders were wracking softly and the whimpering noises were definitely coming from him.

"...Excuse me. Sir…?" Dawn hesitated before laying a hand on the stranger's shoulder. She was no good at this whole 'comforting' thing, but he clearly seemed distraught.

"Ah!" The man yelped, flinching away to back up against the wall. Short, portly, and old, with bushy brows, and round spectacles. Dressed up in a black suit, he looked… pretty harmless, actually. "P-please, don't hurt me! Name your price — let my company go, and I will pay it!"

"Sir! Sir! No need to worry," Dawn assured, waving her hand. "I'm not one of them. Believe it or not, I'm here to rescue you, and everyone else at Silph." She smiled, pulling back to stand alongside her Houndoom, who was poised proudly, his devilish tail wagging behind him.

"...Oh. Oh, thank goodness." The man anxiously adjusted his tie, sighing in relief. "I was sure I'd been caught. I couldn't have imagined a youth your age being our saviors… But I am incredibly grateful."

"Well, I'm not alone," Dawn smiled, brushing one of her bangs aside. "There's someone else busting the operation up, right now… Hold on, did you sayyourcompany?" She blinked, raising her brows.

"Ah, yes! Sorry. I'm the President of this fine company. President Silph. I managed to make my escape, but who knows how long that was going to last without your help…?"

"...Wait a minute." Dawn furrowed her brow. She suddenly got a sinking feeling. "The President… But that Executive said…!" Her eyes widened. The President was in a meeting with Giovanni! Then, he couldn't be here. Something was very, very wrong.

The elderly man started chuckling, almost uncontrollably. "Well, well… it seems I've been found out. But, I wasn't the only one with a secret!"

She yelped in surprise as the old man whirled on her. He stood much taller, now, towering over her. He grabbed at the top of his face, peeling it away.

Thankfully, another was under it; rather than a portly, dignified old man, a sleazy-looking villain. With his free hand, the man yanked off the rest of the costume, revealing a surprisingly tight and form fitting Rocket uniform. Dropping the disguise to the floor, the purple haired man slammed Dawn back against a wall. Her black beanie fell to the floor in the process, and her hair came undone.


Houndoom snapped and barked, fire billowing at the side of his maw.

"Breaking in here, with your own disguise… I almost have to respect it. You're certainly no slouch, even if you're dumb enough to… huh." The man's lazy, half-lidded eyes widened. "...Well, what do ya know. Dawn Tsumura."

"W-what!?" Dawn balked. Taking the moment of surprise, she smashed her boot into the Rocket's stomach. The moment he recoiled, Dawn slipped away, backtracking to Houndoom's side. "How do you know my name!?"

The man dusted off his uniform, slinking back into a lazy posture. Even so, he was still rather tall; his body was lank enough to match his rather long face. "I've seen a few of your Contests."

"What're you doing evenwatchingthose!?" Dawn exclaimed. Being recognized was usually her favorite thing, but by someone likethis, she couldn't help but feel thoroughly put off. "Is Team Rocket just… spying on us, now!?" The thought gave her shivers.

Despite her fear, the man was entirely nonchalant, shaking his head with a light chuckle. "C'mon kid. Do you think the bunch of us eat, sleep, and breathe villainy…? Okay, maybe a few of us do, but not me. I'm an artist, girlie. A master of disguise! And for all that, I've gotta say I'm a fan of your Poké Styling work. Great work at bringing the aesthetics out, seriously."

Dawn's face twisted up; a look of confusion and disgust all behind grit teeth. "Ireallydon't think I like being complimented by a Team Rocket creep…!"

"Aw, now I'm hurt," He said, holding a hand over his heart. His lax smile betrayed any real sense of hurt feelings, however. "Look, I'm a nice guy. Since you went and spilled the beans about you and your friend, I'll share a secret, too. If you want to get to the boss on the eleventh floor, ya need a Lift Key. And itjust so happensI've got one." He grinned, waving a little card key before placing it back on his belt. "Not crazy about bein' known as'Team Rocket Creep,'by the way. The name's Petrel. Not that any of that really matters, since you ain't getting past me."

Upon announcing his name, Petrel lightly tossed a Poké Ball. A Weezing emerged, bouncing off the floor before floating in front of their trainer. "Weezing…!" They cried, expelling puffs of noxious gas from their body.

Snapping his finger, Petrel began his attack. "Weezing, use Smokescreen!"

Snatching her hat back up and slamming it on her head, Dawn furrowed her eyebrows upon seeing the thick cloud of black smoke settling between her and her opponent. She frowned, before recalling a familiar strategy. "Houndoom, use Smog!"

The purple haze dispensed among the smoke and ash.

"What is she up to…?" Petrel wondered aloud. "Oh well… Her funeral. Weezing, use Sludge."

He took the bait! Dawn pointed forward. "Houndoom, use Flamethrower!" She commanded before crouching down behind her canine partner.

As soon as he expelled the fire from his maw, it ignited upon hitting the hazy air. It burned even more quickly through the Sludge. A chain of explosions detonated, filling the hallway with a blaze.

Much of it seeped into Houndoom's fur, triggering Flash Fire. Not a bit of it touched Dawn; absorbed cleanly by her faithful hellhound.

"Agh!" Petrel was thrown back by the detonations. He dusted the ash off his uniform, and singed an ember that'd gotten into his hair. Smearing the soot between his thumb and index finger, he grinned. "That's right! I remember that combination of yours. You're pretty dangerous for a kid dabbling in Contests. But, I'd be careful playing with fireworks… You might run into an expert like myself."

Dawn grimaced, backing up at the veiled threat.

"Weezing! Use Explosion!"

Dawn and Houndour panicked upon seeing the purple sphere rush towards them. It was beginning to glow.

"Houndoom, retreat!" she ordered.

Both she and her canine companion hastily ran away. The more the Weezing swelled, the slower it became. Unfortunately, Dawn and Houndoom didn't get far enough; a deafening, flashing explosion followed, blasting their fleeing forms.

It wasn't enough to hurt either of them severely, but unlike Petrel, there was no hall corner to turn around and hide behind. They were sent flying through the air, landing heavily on their sides.

Sitting up, Dawn held her aching side. "C-Crap…"

Houndoom, meanwhile, swiftly got onto his legs, growling upon seeing Petrel peak around the corner.

"...Huh. You lived." Petrel recalled the unconscious Weezing, rubbing the back of his head. "What a drag. And that was my favorite Pokémon, too… I've seen your team, Tsumura. I know when I'm beat. So, I'm just gonna be on my way, now."

"Oh, no you don't!" Dawn snarled. "You can't just run from a battle!"

"Oh, but Itotallycan. There's no doubt some other members heard all those explosions; they're bound to come running. You can try your luck with me, or get away. The choice is yours." With that, the Executive disappeared behind the corner. Fleeting footsteps could be heard.

The Coordinator grimaced.'Chasing him would be a risky move… But I need that Lift Key! Ash and I can't make it to the President, without him!'Swallowing heavily, Dawn made her decision. "Let's get him, Houndoom. Use Odor Sleuth."

Taking off down the hall, Houndoom was hot on Petrel's trail. Dawn followed after.

Their chase was short. At the end of a dead end hallway, Petrel casually stood.

"I figured you'd follow me. You're a real funny one… The grunts are going to corner you, you know. I much rather would've seen you continue your contest streak."

"Trust me. I will." Blue eyes blazing, Dawn held her hand out towards the Rocket superior. "Houndoom! Block off his end of the hallway with Flamethrower!"

"Houndooooooooom!" Spitting out a sustained stream of flames, Houndoom sustained this flickering fire for perhaps a full minute.

"Hey, hey… I think you might even be toppingmein the pyro… Er…" Petrel started, slowly backing up towards the wall behind him. In the intense heat and depleting oxygen, he realized he surely could've suffered worse. But, as seconds passed, he felt less than cognizant. Dizzy. "Pyrotechnics department… You're ah… real ruthless for a hero… And I was such a nice…"

Lids heavy and posture slack, Petrel collapsed.

"I'm here to protect Pokémon. Not you. That's enough, Houndoom." Dawn raised a hand, calling off Houndoom's attack. Even so, she needed him incapacitated, and nothing else. Reaching for her belt, she tossed another Poké Ball. "Empoleon! Put out this fire with Hydro Pump."

"Pol!" Appearing in a flash of light, Empoleon opened his beak, and spewed a wave of pressurized water across the blazing corridor. Smoke and steam flooded the hallway behind Dawn and her Pokémon; it was plenty enough to veil them for at least a good minute.

"Thanks, big guy." Dawn walked over to the unconscious man, and crouched to pick at the latches on his belt, until she pulled out the Lift Key. "There! It looks like we're all set. Now, let's find Ash."

"Pol…" Empoleon trilled quietly. His eyes were wide at the sight before him. His beloved trainer was… certainly dangerous. Though, he could only imagine that this man deserved whatever came to him.

"I'm afraid I'm gonna have to return you, though." Dawn smiled sadly, patting his shoulder. "You'll stick out like a sore thumb. Sorry."

"Pol…!" Empoleon huffed, crossing his wings.

"Look at it this way. You're too big and strong for me to pass as a Rocket Grunt! Right?" Dawn winked, sparing her Pokémon's feelings. The penguin seemed to find this satisfactory, and he disappeared into his ball. "Now, we've just got to-"

Loud, crackling explosions drowned out Dawn's voice. She and Houndoom flinched; a series of detonations and sizzling electricity could be heard from somewhere nearby. "Well,thatcan't be good…! C'mon, Houndoom. Let's see what's going on, but we have to be really cautious about it."

"Hou!" Houndoom barked, slowly stalking into the steam and smoke. His nose twitch, as a familiar scent made itself apparent. "Doom! Houndoom!" He barked happily, sprinting forth.

"H-hey! Houndoom!" Dawn called out, running after her partner. She could trust his way forward through the veil, until they both came out the other end. Once she did, she found quite the scene before him.

One of Silph's many long corridors, strewn with singed walls, ceilings, and floors. Unconscious Rocket grunts laying about, with burnt clothes, and Poké Balls rolling idly across the carpet. Several squads of Zubat, Golbat, Rattata, and Raticate equally incapacitated.

Notably, the redheaded Executive was scooted up against one of the walls lining the sides of the hallway, pulling herself up. Her formerly pristine outfit was singed and damaged much the same way. Leaning against the wall, she turned, and her intense hues landed on Dawn.

…Though, she noticed, they didn't look quite so intense, anymore.

"You… What's with all of the commotion down here? Why is there smoke…?"

Dawn swallowed heavily. "I… erm…!"

"Nevermind that," she cut Dawn off. "Your orders have changed. Gather any other Rockets you can, and evacuate immediately. We've run into difficulties that none of us could have calculated." Her gaze shot down the hall to one lone, tiny figure that Dawn just now spotted.

Small, yellow, sporting a jagged tail, and adorable red cheeks. Pikachu growled, poised forth on all fours. Electricity danced off his cheeks wildly; a spoken warning to the Executive who was slowly backing away.

"Pikachu," Dawn whispered. Eyes widening at the sight of the Electric Mouse.

"Pika…" Pikachu's beady eyes widened when he spotted Dawn, but he made no move towards her, or made any sounds recognizing her, for that matter. He'd spotted that she was still in disguise, and released even more threatening sparks.

"A… Pikachu?" Dawn continued, sticking to the script. "We're running from a Pikachu?"

"Do not bother engaging with him!" The redhead snapped. "No one but our leader, Giovanni, stands a chance against that freak of nature. We will leave the resolution of his meeting to him." She turned her eyes towards the ceiling. Brows furrowed. "...Surely, he has full control of this situation, just as any other."

Dawn watched as the woman who'd been so cutting and bold round a corner, blinking. Once she was fairly sure her enemy was out of earshot, she ran over to meet their friend. "Pikachu!"

"Pika-ka!" Pikachu instantly took on a more chipper tone, running over to leap into Dawn's arms.

"It's great to see you're okay! Looks like you gave them a heck of a scare…" Dawn looked around her. Single-handedly, it seemed, he'd made a complete fool of Team Rocket. Single-handedly, though… "Wait a second, Pikachu… Why are you here? Where's Ash!?"

Pikachu's ears drooped immediately. "Pikapi…" His eyes turned up towards the ceiling as well. "Pikapi, Chukapi, Pika Pika!"

"...I don't understand," Dawn frowned. "...But wherever he is, he needs to be on the same page as us. The elevators require the Lift Key to get to the eleventh floor, where Giovanni is. Which I just happen to have," she explained, flashing the card.

Pikachu's face soured at the mention of the man. He understood their circ*mstances though, all the same, leaping out of Dawn's arms to run down the length of the hall. "Pika Pikachu!"

Dawn and Houndoom immediately followed.

As they neared the stairway, a pair of sneakers could be seen. After that, a bright red jacket. Ash stopped at the foot of the stairwell, with a sluggish Rosa coming alongside him. Both of them stopped, once they spotted their friends.

"Ash…? Ash! There you are!" Dawn laughed, running towards him.

"Dawn!" Ash exclaimed happily. "Now, where's… Pikachu!"

"Pikapi!" Pikachu dashed over as fast as his little legs could carry him, and jumped into his trainer's arms. He felt Ash spin around with the momentum, but it didn't stop him from cooing and nuzzling into his chin. He was here! He was fine!

"Ahahaha…! Hey, hey! That tickles." Ash laughed, then holding his partner at arm's length. "I'm so glad you're okay, Buddy. You had me worried."

"Piiika, Pikachu!" Pikachu scoffed, folding his arms.

"What,youwere worried aboutme?"Ash snorted. "...Actually, you had the right idea. Our lil' hero, here, saved my ass, just now."

"Saved you?"Dawn asked. "What even happened!?"

Ash shook his head. "Nevermind that. Did you learn anything?"

"As a matter of fact, I did!" Dawn reached into her pocket, and pulled out a card key. "The Lift Key! Now, we can access the elevator and get to Giovanni. I was told he had a 'meeting' with the President… And whatever that is, can't be good."

"So, that's what these creeps were preparing for, all along… It's probably a good thing that we snuck around so much. Whatever's waiting for us up there, Idon'twanna be worn down for it, before it starts," Ash said. "And speaking of that, Buddy, you don't look so hot."

"Pika-chu…" Pikachu winced. Poison had struck him, again.

"Here…" Ash pulled an Antidote out, and sprayed Pikachu. For good measure, a Super Potion followed. "You don't looktooroughed up, so this should cut it, right?"

"Pika! Pikachu!" Pikachu smacked his paw against his chest. He was fresh, and raring to go!

"Great!" Ash smiled. "C'mon. Let's go!"



~Let's get 'em!~


"I assure you, this is in your best interest." A hand pressed against a desk made of solid oak. "Of course, cooperating with Team Rocket always is. You'd be passing up quite the rich opportunity to turn us away." A tall, broad-shouldered man in a pinned black suit lectured, cat-like eyes locking on to the portly, mustached man that sat behind the desk. The portly man was shuddering.

But, when it came to these encounters, what else was new?

The smaller of the two fiddled with his collar, his bushy brows furrowing at the 'offer.' "You say that like you're giving us a choice."

"Please, President. I'm hurt. You're behaving like our presence is a punishment. We could provide funds, more than you could ever dream of, to see this project through. Team Rocket is no bunch of panhandling upstarts. We have the influence, the power, to make your dreams a reality!"

"I didn't start this company just to sell my soul!" The President sputtered. He reached for the golden plaque standing upon his desk reading 'President Silph,' adjusting it in a feeble attempt to retain his authority. "I've heard of your exploits. I have no reason to believe you wouldn't abuse our inventions! I'll be damned if you take something meant to revolutionize the lives of trainers and Pokémon, only to turn it against them for your own gain! I have no reason to trust your intentions."

Giovanni exhaled. He slammed his opposite hand on the wooden surface, forcing its various stationary pens and photographs to clatter and jerk. The space between Silph's face and his own was reduced to inches at best. "So feeble and short-sighted… But, that's why I'm here."

Glaring into the eyes of a pale, sweating businessman through his thick-rimmed glasses, Giovanni continued. "Trusting such influence, such power to ordinary trainers… Children! You don't see that as an utter waste?" Spitting his words, he retreated from the flinching man to walk towards the window that offered him the night skyline of Saffron City. "Our vision is greater. We're organized… We can bring out the full potential of man and its dominion over Pokémon!"

The team leader's monologue was interrupted by the sound of a swinging door, turning the eyes of Giovanni, Silph, and a Rocket standing in the corner towards the intrusion.

Ash stood in the doorway, grimacing at the scene. Pikachu sat atop his shoulder, Rosa on the other, and beside him was Dawn, still dressed up in her Team Rocket outfit, only her blue hues distinguishing her, then.

"There you are!" Ash snapped at the man, stepping into the spacious office room. "Giovanni… Why don't you save yourself some time and get out of here!?"

"And, leave this company alone!" Dawn added, her navy brows furrowed.

"Ah, there you are… Ash, was it? I was wondering when I'd get to meet you, face to face." A smirk tugged at Giovanni's aging face. He walked toward the President's desk once more, his arms folded behind his back. "And, you… I don't know you. A rogue grunt, perhaps?" He tutted with a shake of his head. "We'll have to tighten our disciplinary introductions, it seems."

Dawn's eye twitched. "That coming from a shady, no-good crook who has to sneak in to get what he wants…" Who was he to ridicule her for not being recognized!?

Giovanni chuckled. "Quite a tongue you've got on you… If you hadn't turned on us, you might've had potential. As for you," he turned his gaze towards Ash. "I don't believe we've ever met, face to face. I'm sure you know me by reputation?"

Ash swallowed, quickly averting his eyes from the crime lord.'I forgot, Mewtwo erased his memory… Last thing I wanna do is get 'im suspicious about that.'He turned his attention back to the man. "You're damn right, I do. I know what you're about; I'm not gonna let you hurt anymore Pokémon, here!" He declared, pointing a finger at the man.

"Pika-Pika!" Pikachu snarled.

Giovanni smiled to himself, suppressing a chuckle that erupted into laughter. "Aha ha ha…! Oh, childrenareamusing as they are irritating. Them and their blind heroics… Pokémon are a resource. What would I have to gain fromhurtingthem?"

Aresource.The very words the man used made Ash nauseous. "What about the testing lab, downstairs, huh!?"

"The testing…?" Giovanni blinked, before he seemed to recognize what Ash meant. "They'resupposedto be gathering information. Not engaging in pointless violence. If they've fumbled this operation, I can assure you, they'll be fired, posthaste."

"The Pokémon were terrified, down there!" Ash argued, waving a hand. What in the world was Giovanni even trying to pull!? Did heseriouslythink that he could make himself sound innocent…? "I saw them. They wouldn't even go near the employees they were used to! That's no way to treat Pokémon, period!"

"They have no reason to be frightened of us," Giovanni coolly explained. "As long as they stand among our ranks… And if not, then they haveplentyto fear, just as any other enemies of Team Rocket."

"You're sick," Ash spat. "We're beating you down, right here and now!"

"You know… I've been dying to see that Pikachu's power for myself," Giovanni admitted, and snapped his fingers.

A Rocket dressed in all black walked over that looked decidedly more fearsome than the rest, despite his almost standard attire. With fearsome, aquamarine horn-like hair, he flashed a sad*stic grin at the small band of heroes, and held up a small case. Flipping the latch, he offered several Ultra Balls for the leader of Team Rocket to pick from.

Giovanni grabbed one, and walked towards the back of the Silph President's office, before casually tossing his chosen capsule forward. "Nidoqueen!"

Bright light manifested into the form of a small behemoth, who slid forward across the wooden floor. Her very entrance kicking up planks and splinters with her momentum. She dug her tough nails into the floor, and threw her arms out with a feral roar.

Large for her species, with tough, pale navy scales, tan plating, and the eyes of a merciless predator. She cracked her tail against the floor, shattering it. Everything about her exerted an aura of pure power.

"Oh, and you," Giovanni eyed Dawn. "I hope I don't see you butting in. This won't turn out to be a fair fight," he threatened with a gesture to the man who was just returning to the corner of the room.

Leaning against the wall, he cut Dawn a shady sneer that told one that you really wouldn't want to run into him in a dark alley.

Dawn grimaced. So much for getting a chance to teach them a lesson. "Fine. Ash doesn'tneedmy help, anyway!"

"You're damn right," Ash agreed, gesturing an open hand towards Giovanni and Nidoqueen. "We've gotno problembeating you, in a fair fight. Let's show them what we're made of, Pikachu!"

"Pika!" Pikachu ran down the length of Ash's arm, and sprung off the end of his wrist. Somersaulting, he landed on all fours, standing off against Nidoqueen. He leaned his weight forward, and met the larger Pokémon's leering gaze without fear. "Pikachu…!"

"After all," Ash continued, "for all that talk, here you are, sending out a Pokémon who's immune to Electric-type attacks." While it did make things more difficult for him, the decision emboldened Ash. Just how confident could the man possiblybe,to make that sort of choice against him?

"Of course," Giovanni replied. "What would a Pokémon of its caliber be worth, if it can't handle a mere disadvantage?"

Ash growled through his teeth. The way he talked about Pikachu was infuriating. But, he collected himself, smiling. "But, you can't go using any of your Ground-type moves, either. Not in a building, this high up. So, we're even." As soon as the words left his mouth, though, Ash felt a sudden dread. He wouldn't…do that, would he!?

Giovanni grinned. "That terrified look on your face… Aha ha ha! Oh, I almost envy your childish worldview. You really thought for a moment that I would, didn't you…? Listen, kid." Giovanni held up an open palm, and closed it into a fist. "I am a man of business and conquest. Not a mad dealer of wanton destruction." His open palm came down upon the President's desk. "IwantSilph's wealth. Its brilliant minds. Its technology… You children and the President have nothing to worry about… aside, of course, from the repercussions of standing against me."

He turned towards President Silph. "Oh, and for that matter, you may want to find a safe little corner of the room to stand in. But don't eventhinkof escaping. We're not done, quite yet."

"...Hm." President Silph grumbled a note of frustration, but offered no argument. He shuffled off towards a plush faux leather couch. He wasn't quite keen on getting caught in the crossfire. Although, he felt awfully disgusted with himself for being of no help. "Do your best, kid."

"How touching…" Giovanni smirked, and refocused his gaze on Ash. "Now, back to our matters… There will be no electrocuting my Nidoqueen. No demolishing the earth under your Pikachu's feet. This will be a battle without an excess of special advantages. One of raw skill and pure brute force; the most beautiful kind of battle. Now! Prepare to be crushed under the heels of the world's strongest trainer."

"I wouldn't count on it," Ash countered. "Pikachu! Quick Attack!"

Pikachu leaned forward, and shot towards Nidoqueen.

"Drill Run," Giovanni countered.

The meager horn atop Nidoqueen's head became elongated with ethereal, Ground-type power, and whirred to life with a perilous, whirring spin. She roared, and charged Pikachu head-first.

Ash's eyes widened. "Dodge that, Pikachu! Pull back!"

Pikachu skidded to a halt, eyes shooting open at what he'd gotten himself into. By the time his battle knowledge had triumphed over his flight or fight response, all he could do was throw his weight to the left, and barely scrape by Nidoqueen's horn.


Nidoqueen's armored tail whipped around, and smashed into Pikachu's blind spot. The nasty crack of a whiplash rocked the mouse, sending him flying forward, towards the furthest wall of the room.

"Ka!" Pikachu cried in pain, but quickly reoriented himself. He landed on the wall sideways, with all fours pressed to its surface. Shaking his head out, he ignored the soreness in the back of his skull.

"Use Sludge Bomb." Giovanni snapped his fingers.

Nidoqueen turned back towards Pikachu, and fired a barrage of explosive grime.

"Use Agility!" Ash quickly urged.

Pikachu used his newfound speed to dart along the wide expanses of the office's perimeter. Dashing along walls as little more than a yellow blur, he avoided one projectile after the next. Each crashing into the wall and detonating; he had to take extra care to run higher up the wall, when he crossed over the cowering President's head.

Luckily, toxic sludge splattered the carpet and walls, and nothing more.

"Now, Quick Attack!" Ash waved a hand.

"Pi-ka!" Pikachu propelled himself off the wall with a glowing trail of energy; quite like a silver bullet that instantaneously smashed into Nidoqueen's belly. The beast roared and recoiled, as she was thrown through the wall behind her, demolishing it. She didn't stop there, either, embedded in the hallway's opposite wall.

After a moment of regaining her bearings, she roared with fury, and yanked herself free of the plastered walls and wiring. Stumbling forth into the corridor, she was furious.

But, Pikachu wasn't done. Tumbling forth onto all fours, Pikachu followed up his last impact by zipping for the break in the wall, planting his feet on the broken and jagged structure; a halfway point for him to fling himself at the hallway wall behind Nidoqueen, just as she yanked herself out.

The Poison-type couldn't even process what happened, as a second blow bashed into her spine. She cried out, thrown forward into the President's office, landing on the floor facefirst.

"Pikachu's… incredible," Dawn mouthed out.

~Get 'im!~Rosa cheered.

"Well, well…" Giovanni tilted his head, raising a brow at the yellow creature who'd just dashed back in through the gap in the wall. "You officially have my regards, rodent. Consider me impressed. Your reputation is well-warranted…But,you still stand no chance against me. Nidoqueen, Poison Tail!"

"Pikachu! Iron Tail!" Ash countered, punching forward.

While Pikachu sprung forth with glistening steel, Nidoqueen pivoted on her feet, and whipped around with pink, noxious poison. His momentum crashed against her weight and mass, meeting in mid-air. A brief struggle between them forced them apart, putting Pikachu at her feet. He sprung back in for another swing, but his Iron Tail was intercepted by another swift lash of Poison Tail.

The clash continued for several more swings; like two warriors clashing blades repeatedly. But the difference between them steadily became more apparent; for all of Nidoqueen's power, she had far less command of her weight than Pikachu did, who still boasted Agility, to boot.

With an entire spin of his body, he disarmed Nidoqueen's tail, and bashed her across the face with his. "Chu… Pi-ka! Ka! Ka! Chu! Pi!" Whipping around, he repeatedly struck Nidoqueen in the head with Iron Tail. Dropping to all fours, he went for another strike, smashing it into her stomach.

Nidoqueen roared. Knocked off her feet and onto her back, by the President's desk.

Giovanni's arms were now crossed; his fingers drummed away uneasily at his opposite forearm. "Use Superpower!"

The downed biped reached behind her, and yanked the entirety of the desk over her head. "Nido!" She grunted, and tossed the huge piece of furniture directly at Pikachu.

Pikachu squealed, pinned against its weight as it flew back towards Ash and company.

"Pikachu! Thunderbolt!" Ash ordered.

A loud shriek preluded scorching lightning cutting through well-varnished wood, blasting it to many, many pieces. Pikachu hung in the air, surrounded by gold. By the time he did, though, Nidoqueen was at his side.

"So stubborn… But so easily cornered," Giovanni shook his head. "Use Surf."

Nidoqueen pressed her paw up against the airborne Pikachu. A roaring current conjured right before his face, and smacked into him. Before he could even shriek in pain, he was swept up in a wave, where he was forced to swiftly hold his breath.

Surf crashed into the wall behind Pikachu, forcing him into the rolling undercurrent. He couldn't move, nor breathe.

"Pikachu!" Ash gasped in worry. "He's trapped under there, until it goes down… Break free, with an Electro Ball!"

Within the waters, It was difficult to make what Ash'd said. But'Electro Ball'seemed to be the gist of what he'd said, and that was enough. Pikachu tilted back, holding his jagged tail upright. Lightning gathered into a sphere, and suddenly detonated. Surf was burst into a fine mist.

"Stubborn," Giovanni remarked. "So, so stubborn… Crunch!"

By the time Pikachu was free, hanging in mid-air, Nidoqueen was upon him. She snatched the mouse into her jowls, biting down hard. He squealed in pain.

But, Nidoqueen wasn't content to simply bite Pikachu. She tossed her head around, brutally flailing and ragdolling her meal.

"Tch…! He can't even shock her to get out of there," Ash muttered through his teeth. He was becoming more concerned for his partner by the second, when an idea struck. "Pikachu! Electro Ball!"

"Electro Ball…?" The team leader frowned. "What onearthcould you be planning with a move that my Pokémon is immune to?"

"Just because we can'tshockNidoqueen doesn't mean electricity can't hurt her," Ash explained, as Pikachu's tail hung out of Nidoqueen's mouth… and, dangerously close to her eyes. Electro Ball sparked, and emitted a blinding flash at point-blank range.

Nidoqueen cried painfully, stumbling back to paw at her eyes. Pikachu was released in the process, falling at her feet.

"...Hmph. Quite an underhanded tactic for a kid," Giovanni hissed out.

Ash ignored him. "Pikachu, you alright, Bud?"

"Pika!" Pikachu stood back up. His hide was sore, and he'd surely feel this all later. But he wasn't defeated.

"Great! Now, give 'er everything you've got, with Iron Tail!"

"Chu… Pi-ka!" Pikachu lunged, and swerved his body around, smashing the steel extremity into her side. But he didn't stop there, spinning around to strike her in the jaw. Several more aggressive swings followed, pinning Nidoqueen down. "Pi… ka! Ka! Ka! Chu! Ka!"

The intensity took its toll on Pikachu, and he landed, panting heavily. Sweat stained his fur, and his breaths were labored. But, upon a glance, Nidoqueen's condition was far worse.

On her back, she clutched her side, catching her breath. Her torso was battered and bruised, despite the armor-like scales covering her body, and sturdy plate protecting her belly. She waslosing.

"So, this is what it's like to experience its power in person." Giovanni spoke through gnashing teeth, his fingernails digging into his palms. How humiliating.'I've been eager to test its power for quite some time… But Icannotlose to a mere child. I would never be able to look at myself in the mirror again!'No. The time for entertaining his foe was over, he decided. "Blind it."

Nidoqueen sat up, and spat a Sludge Bomb directly into Pikachu's eyes.

"Kaaa!" Pikachu squeaked, pawing at his grime-splattered face. His eyes were now burning.

"Pikachu!" Ash called out in concern for his partner. He turned a nasty glare on Giovanni. "You coward!"

Meanwhile, the villain fished a small, glimmering device out of his jacket pocket, and tossed it to Nidoqueen. "Put this on Pikachu, immediately."

"Queen!" Nidoqueen grunted, catching the pin in her claws. She sat up to pin Pikachu to the floor beneath her claws, and pinned the small gadget to his fur. Pikachu shouted in pain.

"Pikachu…!" Ash panicked, as he watched the scene play out before his eyes. He sprinted towards his trapped partner. "What did you do to Pikachu!?"

Nidoqueen's tail swung out, and crashed into Ash's torso. The sudden blunt force sent him flying back, crashing into the wall behind him.

"Ack…!" Ash coughed out, clutching his side.

"Ash!" Dawn exclaimed.


"Oh, dear…!" President Silph choked out. To see all the harm that was coming to innocent Pokémon, under his eye… Children, even. He felt utterly worthless.

"Pika… Pikapi!" Pikachu wriggled his way out of Nidoqueen's grip, and stumbled over to his trainer. "Pikapi, Pikachu!" Whatever had just happened to him, he wasfarmore concerned for the injury his trainer just suffered.

But, in true Ash Ketchum form, he sat up, and completely ignored the condition he was in. He fell onto all fours, focused entirely on his partner. "Pikachu… Are you alright, Buddy…?"

"Pika… Pikachu," Pikachu answered noncommittally. He didn't feel terribly different, beyond a pinch.

"No harm has come to your precious rat," Giovanni explained coldly. "I'm simply testing out the technology that I came here for. What was it that you called it, now, President…? The 'Level Modulator?'"

Pikachu, meanwhile, was busy trying to gnaw the device off. He was having no luck.

"It's designed to suppress a Pokémon's strength, speed, abilities… All-around level of experience. Their level, if you will, in more archaic terms."

President Silph massaged his temples. "That technology was designed to be a tool for trainers and their pokemon… To allow trainers of vastly different experience to enjoy the sport of battling with one another. For Gym Leaders to use their favorites against challengers, no matter their level of experience! Not for sabotage." He utterly cringed at the thought.

"And, that's why I told you you're not seeing the big picture… Rogue criminals could be neutered in their attempts to use pokemon for chaos. Opposition to Team Rocket would kneel at our feet… Yet, you're utterly wasting it on sport." Giovanni grimaced. Always so stubborn.

"Of course, you needn't worry about Pikachu," President Silph feebly added. "What he has is only a prototype; for the sake of avoiding any unforeseen consequences in testing, it only suppresses a Pokémon's power by ten percent of their possible maximum… Or, ten levels, if you will. Your Pikachu shouldn't be defenseless!"

"Well, that's good to know," Ash growled out. He forced himself to stand, wincing at the pain in his side. "Then, we're not out yet! But… Pikachu can't see," he frowned. "How about it? Can you trust me to guide you, Pikachu?"

"Pi… Pika!" Pikachu smirked, and steadily turned himself around, following where he'd last heard Giovanni's voice. "Pikachu…!" Sparks danced angrily from his cheeks. Herefusedto give up. He couldn't, with their pride on the line. With all of Silph, hanging in the balance.

"Suit yourself," Giovanni obliged. "But don't whine when I teach you the meaning of pain. Drill Run!"

Nidoqueen lunged forward, her deadly, whirring horn aimed at Pikachu.

"Dodge that! To your right!" Ash quickly urged.

Pikachu sprung away from the coming, frightening sound, aiming to slip by Nidoqueen. But a sudden, sharp pain scraped his tail. He yelped, stumbling forward to catch his footing. "Cha!"

The broad end of his tail was now bruised.

"Pikachu…!" Ash grimaced. "He couldn't dodge it."

"He's a lot slower," Dawn observed, frowning. "I don't think they were kidding about his power being watered down."

Giovanni tilted his head back with a nasty grin. "Superpower."

"Don't give in, Pikachu!" Ash urged. "Iron Tail, at 8 o'clock!"

"Chu…!" Pikachu sprung back off all fours, turning his body around to swing. His solid steel tail swung. "Pi-ka!"

Roaring, Nidoking swung a powerful haymaker right into the solid surface of Pikachu's tail. For a moment, she struggled with the weight Pikachu was lacing behind his strike. But it didn't last long. Snarling, she followed through, punching downward.

Pikachu smacked against the carpeted floor, before bouncing off of it and smashing into the ceiling. The force he'd hit it with rattled the room, and dislodged an entire, long fluorescent light. It hung from frail wiring, swinging momentarily before falling to the floor.

The room lost most of its light, and the crash of broken glass sounded throughout.

Pikachu hit the floor, sprawled out on his back. He panted heavily; his entire body was sore.

"Pikachu!" Ash called out.

"Well, well… It seems this match is mine." Giovanni grinned wickedly. Contrasted by the dim room, and the starry skies visible from the window, he was cast in a stark shadow. "Finish him. Sludge Bomb."

The situation was dire, and the desperation carried in Ash's voice; an urgent roar, urging on his partner. "Pikachu! Thunderbolt!"

"Pi… Ka…!" Still on his back, Pikachu lit with lightning. "Chuuuu….!" Wild, undisciplined bolts struck at the incoming Sludge Bomb; each compact filthy projectile igniting in a chain reaction.

Grimacing, Giovanni backed away from the scene. The volatile aftermath to come was inevitable.

Seeing this, Ash dove forth to hug Pikachu into his chest and shelter him. "Pikachu!"

Dawn saw the urgency of the matter, as well, and tossed a Poké Ball towards the President. "Empoleon! Protect him!"

Deafening explosions rang and rattled the room, one after the other. Lightning flashed, toxins splattered, and hot smoke poured in a pitch-black blanket across the room.

As the ringing started to die down in everyone's ears, the heat of electricity and explosives started to drift away, surprisingly replaced by a cool breeze. The smoke scattered to Saffron's skies, revealing a complete absence of a wall overlooking the skyline.

"Ash… Pikachu! Empoleon!" Dawn cried out. "Oh… they're alright, aren't they…?"

~They are,~Rosa asserted, even as she held her paws over her ears. The excess of harsh noise left her completely dizzied, leaning her weight over Dawn's shoulder.~...They're fine.~

Empoleon emerged from the rubble. His sturdy wing held protectively over President Silph. The man looked shaken and dirty, but otherwise untouched.

"Oh… oh, thank you. Thank you dearly," he muttered out, as the Emperor Pokémon helped him stand. "Dear Mew… What a catastrophe."

"...Ugh." Ash sat up, shrugging off a dislodged ceiling title. "Pikachu…? Pikachu!" He cradled his partner in his arms. Charred, bruised, and splattered with sludge, he was unconscious. "Pikachu, please, speak to me!"

"Pi…" Pikachu forced out, his voice hoarse. He attempted to blink his eyes out, but sludge still stained them. "Pikapi…" He apologized to Ash. They'd failed.

"Don't beat yourself up, Buddy," Ash soothed, hugging him tightly. "I'm just glad you're okay."

Out of breath and looking extremely pissed, Archer rounded the corner, standing behind Dawn, effectively blocking them into the room. "Lord Giovanni, intruders have-... You!" he snarled. He looked around. "You made a mess up here, too! Lord Giovanni, we have to-!"

Raising a hand, the older man cut him off. "It's no use. The officers no doubt saw this explosion. They'll need time, but it's doubtful that we have long until they get Flying-types and try this entrance as well." Looking below, he noticed that the swarm of Arcanine and Growlithe were closer to the entrance than ever before. "I don't think they can hold off the main entrance much longer, either." He looked at Archer. "Call a helicopter. We're leaving. Tell the grunts to flee if they can."

Archer reluctantly glared at Dawn and Ash before darting away.

"It seems my takeover has failed…" Giovanni looked down upon Ash, grimacing, with his arms folded behind his back. "...But, you havelost.Now, you've seen the might of the world's strongest trainer."

"You're not the strongest trainer!" Ash glared at him, cradling Pikachu. "You won because of a dirty trick."

"Correction: I won because I was willing to use every possibility and advantage at my disposal," Giovanni replied. "Something that youaren'twilling to do."

Ash snarled through his teeth. His pride was thoroughly wounded. But even so, Giovanni's mentality made him sick to his stomach, as a human being, and as a trainer. "That's not what a Pokémon Master-"

"A Pokémon Master…" Giovanni mused, interrupting Ash. "What does that mean to you, child?" He walked over towards the demolished wall, looking down upon Saffron, and the expanding horizon beyond it. "I, myself, aspire to one day be the world's greatest Pokémon Master; to have an army, and triumph over all!" With narrowing eyes, he tightened a fist. "What could youpossiblyhope to achieve, with that kind of power?"

Ash opened his mouth to give an answer; swift and assured. But no words came to him, the way he expected them to. This felt sickeningly close to how he'd felt when proposed a similar question by Deidra, he realized. He wanted to say that he'd come closer to his answer, since that day; hedesperatelydid. But, he hadn't. Silence hung in the air.

Giovanni laughed to himself. "I expected as much… Foolish childhood dreams with no meaning. No vision. However skilled you are… someone like you will never overcome someone who knows the meaning of true power."

The loud, deafening whir of a chopper filled the room, and wind billowed from the pitch-black aircraft's spinning blades. It hovered just outside of Silph, filling the room with harsh light at Giovanni's back. The ruthless leader cast a shadow upon Ash and Pikachu.

"I'll give youone final warning," Giovanni spelled out, looking back at Ash. "I'm well aware that you've been interfering with my affairs. This is your last chance. Keep that meager skill and power of yours where it belongs; in the Pokémon League."

The wicked man accompanying Giovanni boarded first, and the boss himself followed.

Ash could only watch as the villain boarded, leaving him utterly defeated. He was just… leaving. Walking off, as if none of this had ever happened. As if hehadn'ttaken an entire company hostage, or threatened violence against countless people and Pokémon.

As if he thought he could face no consequences at all.

The thought burned Ash up. It made him angry. So angry, even, that he set Pikachu down without thinking, and turned his hat backwards upon his head. "Oh, no you don't!"

"Ash!?" Dawn cried out. "What're you doing!?"

The words fell on deaf ears, as he was already sprinting through the room, with glass crunching under his feet. He heard the faint cry of"Pikapi"over the ringing in his ears. Righteous indignation was the only thing driving him, as he hit the building's edge, and lunged for the retreating helicopter.

"Ash!" Dawn shrieked, running to stand at the building's open precipice.

Rosa ran up beside her, but said nothing.

Ash cleared the open air, many stories above ground level. Even as the chopper started to pull away, he'd gained too much momentum. His gloved hand reached out, and clung to the first surface he could find. He swung forth, clutching the bottom rung of the chopper's open hatch with both hands. It was only then, that Ash felt a familiar weight on his shoulder.

He looked to his left. Pikachu clung tightly to his jacket. "Pikapi!" The mouse scolded harshly.

"Hah… Thanks for coming, Buddy." Ash smiled fondly, before turning his eyes upward.

Over both of them, Giovanni's figure loomed. "Now, now… I've never met someone quite so hard-headed." He said, crouching. The man roughly snatched the collar of Ash's shirt, and yanked him up by it. "That is to say, that I've never met someone quite so hard-headedwho's lived to tell the tale."

Pikachu bristled at the very present, and very real threat. Protective instincts drove him, and lightning filled his cheeks. "Pikaaa…!"

"S-sir, Giovanni!" A Rocket from within the cabin shrieked in worry. Their boss raised a hand.

"Call off your rat," Giovanni hissed out. "You may be an ignorant welp, but I'm sure evenyouare aware of the danger that would come from destroying a helicopter directly above the cityscape."

Pikachu understood that well for himself, and immediately stopped.

Ash flailed, reaching foranythingto grip onto, and found the ledge to the door. It was enough to clutch, and he could plant his feet on the narrow flooring, just before Giovanni's feet. "You think you just get to leave after… doing all this!?" His voice was nearly deafened by the wind. He hoarsely shouted over it. "After… hurting all these people and Pokémon!?"

"You know," Giovanni replied, "I'd love to have that Pikachu of yours… But I value my life more than I do that bounty… And more than I value yours," he said in a low, sinister voice.

Ash swallowed heavily.

The crime lord smirked, tightening his grip on Ash's collar. "A key virtue of making it in this world is to know when to cut your losses, Ash Ketchum…" His lips parted into a sinister grin. "I apologize for depriving you of the chance to put that wisdom to use." With those words, he tossed Ash from the helicopter.

Pikachu's cries and rushing wind filled Ash's ears in their sudden plummet. He was sure he'd heard something about blaming turbulence, but he had no time to dwell on it at all. He reached for his belt, swiftly gripping a Poké Ball. "Charizard…!"

The wind was knocked from Ash's lungs, as he suddenly hit a plush surface. Given that he was… well, alive, he was certain it wasn't the ground. "Ugh…" He sat up. "Togekiss!?"

"Toge! Togekiss!" Dawn's Togekiss supported him with her widest wingspan, harshly scolding him, after catching his weight, just a few floors down from where they'd been. She sounded worried sick!

"Ha… sorry. Thanks for saving us," Ash apologized. "You alright, Pikachu?"

"Pika," Pikachu affirmed, however exhausted he might've been.

Togekiss hovered at the eleventh floor, where Dawn, Rosa, and President Silph stood.

"What the heck were youthinking!?"Dawn shouted at him, her voice hoarse. She sounded livid.

"Sorry," Ash apologized, rubbing his neck. "I wasn't."

"Good lord…" The President sighed. He sounded absolutely exhausted. "With all of that said and done… Thank you. Thank you all, sincerely. However perilous that was, you've freed us of Team Rocket's clutches."

"It was nothing," Ash waved off, after an excursion that absolutelywasn'tnothing. "We're just glad that you're safe and sound!"

"Thankfully… Now, I kindly suggest that the lot of you leave, while you can. Before the police arrive. I'd hate to see a couple of well-meaning children be dragged into our matters."

Dawn looked down at the Rocket uniform she wore, and tugged at the fabric. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea." Thelastthing she wanted to do was be mistaken for an actual Rocket and get apprehended.

Ash called upon Charizard, who perched beside Dawn. She was allowed to crawl onto his back after recalling Empoleon, with Rosa boarding and sitting in her lap. The Flame Pokémon beat his wings, hovering alongside Togekiss.

"I'll cover for you both," Silph offered. "I'd rather youdidn'tgive your names, and complicate that. But if there's ever anything I can do for you…"

"We'll let you know," Ash nodded, waving. "Thank you. See you later!"

Togekiss and Charizard turned away from Silph, and started soaring the skies over Saffron.

"So…" Dawn exhaled heavily. Tonight had been a bit more than she'd bargained for, even going into it. Her long hair billowed around in the wind. She had to brush her longer locks out of her face. "Where to, now…?"

"Let's try camping outside the city, huh?" Ash suggested. "At least for tonight. Wereallydon't need any attention from the whole thing. Sneaking past Officer Jenny… Impersonating the police." Ash shuddered. He felt Dawn's eyes on him, then, and flinched.

"Westillneed to talk about that," Dawn shot back.

"I know."

They soon passed city limits, and the two Flying-types coasted closer to the forestry, south of Saffron City. A small clearing could be seen after a short survey, and Charizard and Togekiss dipped to land. They slowly came to a halt, and touched solid ground.

Very tired, and very sore, Ash rolled off Togekiss, allowing himself to land in the grass on his back. The cool ground was refreshing, especially after all of the heat and electricity they'd been surrounded by. Evenhefelt like he could use a shower; he felt murky and gross, for it all.

Dawn was more capable, having hardly suffered as much. She climbed down, and walked over to crouch by Ash. "You look like a wreck," she remarked.

"I feel it," Ash replied. He'd just let his eyes rest for a minute. "*t. Pikachu!" He quickly sat up, instead. "Your eyes…" He looked upon his partner in concern, who was pawing at the grime that was stuck to his fur.

"Hang on," Dawn replied. "I've got just the thing. Do you still have my bag?"

"Yeah. Hold on." Ash shrugged off his backpack, unzipping it. He pulled out her yellow satchel, and handed it over to her. "But I'm not sure if a handkerchief or something is gonna cut it."

"No need to worry," she replied. After a moment of searching, she pulled out a small bottle, and an eyedropper. "Nurse Joy gave me this for Buneary, when she got an Acid in her eye in one of our Contests. We didn't use the whole thing, so it should work just fine for Pikachu!"

"...Oh yeah. I remember that, now!" Ash smiled, grateful for Dawn's quick save. "Talk about a lucky break… Alright, buddy. Just sit tight, and we'll get you all fixed up, okay?"

"Pikachu." Pikachu agreed, waiting patiently.

Dawn picked up a small quantity of fluid into the eyedropper. "Ash, can you hold Pikachu's eyes open?"

"Got it. Sorry, Buddy," Ash apologized, gently pulling back his eyelids. His eyes looked awfully irritated, but soothing droplets would soon do their work to heal them. Once Dawn finished, he released Pikachu.

The mouse repeatedly blinked, wincing at the sensation.

"Now, let's get that grime off your fur," Dawn soothed, pulling out a moist towlette. With some effort, and a few more towlettes, she'd cleaned Pikachu's face off. "...There! All done."

"Pi… Pikachu!" Pikachu exclaimed happily. He still felt like crap, but really, he was just happy that his proper sight was returning to him.

~Phew… I'm just glad Uncle Pikachu is okay,~Rosa said.~And you, Papa… You were really cool.~

Ash winced. That crazy stunt he'd pulled, a minute ago… She'd seen the whole thing. He felt like dirt for setting that example. For all he'd done to teach her to be cautious, he'd just gone and undermined it in front of her. "No, Rosa," he corrected. "Itwasn'tcool. It was stupid of me, and irresponsible. I could've gotten killed… So, don't go imitating that, got it?

~...Yeah, fine.~The Riolu acquiesced, albeit reluctantly.~I'm still gonna think it was cool, though.~

Ash rolled his eyes. Kids were so damn stubborn… not that he could ever talk.

"Pika! Pikachu!" Pikachu scolded, piling on. "Piiika!" Ash had had him worried sick.

"I know, Buddy, I know!" Ash raised his hands. "I'm sorry… Besides, you did join me, remember?"

"Pika!" Only becausesomeonehad to be there with him, he argued. At least, Ash was pretty sure that's what he'd said.

"Point taken," he admitted. For all of his growth, lately… For all the maturing he'd done, he was ultimately still something of a hypocrite. Acting recklessly felt so innate to him that it was hard to imagineevertotally shaking it off.

"Speaking of irresponsible," Dawn picked up, "when exactly were you going to tell me about Bertha? And all that junk she taught you!?" Frowning, she crossed her arms. "Weagreedto tell each other everything, Ash."

"I… I don't know," Ash sighed. "I'm sorry, alright? I know I should've told you everything. I guess I was just… shaken up by it all. All the trouble I could've gotten into… Rosa nearly getting hurt."

The Riolu quickly averted her eyes.

"I didn't wanna worry you."

"I'll be a lotmoreworried, if I'm in the dark about whatever it is you're doing," Dawn argued. "I know you're always getting into junk, so I'd like to at least be on the same page."

"...Yeah. That's a good point." Ash sighed, rubbing his neck. "I'm really sorry, Dawn. It won't happen again."

"Good," she said, satisfied with that much.

"...Now, we've got a wholedifferentproblem," Ash grumbled. "That Giovanni… We couldn't beat him."

Pikachu sat with his paws folded. The disappointment in the air was palpable.

"I'm sorry, Buddy." Ash reached to pet the mouse's head. "I screwed up."

"Pika!" Pikachu shrugged Ash's hand off. "Pika Pika! Pikachu." He tapped his paw against his chest. They'd fought together, as one. Ash wasn't anymore to blame for it all than he was.

And did heeverfeel irritated, for it. His chance to shut down the madman behind all of this mayhem… So many of their hardships, and the suffering of so many others. He'd utterly failed.

"Hey, don't forget," Dawn interjected, "you might've won, if not for that dirty stunt he pulled. You had him cornered! He knew he had to pull some stunt if he wanted to win!"

"But hedidpull it, and he did win," Ash countered.

"But you know that's wrong!" Dawn argued. "Ash, don't tell me youlistenedto that crap he was saying."

"Of course not!" Ash shouted back. When he realized he'd raised his voice, he settled down, sighing. "...I know he's wrong. But he was halfway right about one thing. It doesn'tmatterif those guys are right or wrong. They're shameless, and they will play dirty, whether it's fair or not. If we can't overcome that… then we're in serious trouble."

"Pika-chu," Pikachu agreed.

Dawn frowned, brushing one of her bangs out of her face. She couldn't quite argue with that logic, as much as she wanted to. "You've got a point… but, still! That just means that we have to get even stronger, so it won't matter what they do."

"Yeah, you're right." Ash agreed. "...And we can get back to getting stronger, soon. I think we all deserve a good break, right about now. I think I've got some instant noodles leftover, in my bag. What do you say we have dinner, and call it a night?"

"Yeah," Dawn agreed. "That sounds great. I don't think I need another night likethis onefor a while…" Not with villains left and right. Not with Rocketsrecognizingher… Not with her friends getting hurt. None of it.

Tomorrow's problems would wait until tomorrow. And hopefully, they were more than a few tomorrow's away.

Chapter 3: A Brighter Future

Chapter Text

~Master… Where are we going? Is our mission not to guard the castle?~

Lucario asked, as he followed his mentor's path forward. Even as he lagged slightly behind to follow his direction and nothing more, agile, effortless leaps kept him in pace with the human. They'd left palace grounds, venturing towards the dirt roads that expanded towards smaller towns and villages.

A venture that would normally take hours, if traveled properly. But great time could be made, by scaling down rocky cliff sides, alive and vibrant with vegetation that would otherwise blind the way forward. For two Aura sensitives, it was little more than a mild exercise of their abilities.

This had led Lucario, himself, and his master, Sir Aaron, down towards the path to the next village over.

"Ah, you're mistaken," Aaron chided, although his tone was light and kind. Perhaps too forgiving. "Our mission is to guard the kingdom. The castle may be the crown jewel, but our wider populace is just as great a treasure. You would do well to remember that."

~...Yes. Of course. I apologize, Master.~Lucario bowed his head, even as he hopped along with ease. Even if Aaron seemed unbothered, he felt ashamed of his misunderstanding. The conversation ended there, though — a wicked feeling coursed through him, like a wave crashing violently against a shore. He came to a sudden halt; Aaron had done the same.

Greed. Treachery. Fear. Wicked schemes in their purest essence washed over him, and surely the same went for Aaron. Watching from the ledge they now occupied, they saw its subjects.

An older couple stood in the middle of the road. Each with graying hair, and modest clothing, pardoning a well-crafted necklace that hung around the woman's neck. They were huddled together, backing away from a younger man before them, accompanied by a large Arcanine.

The evildoer masked himself in a black cloak, and cloth covering most of his face.'A sign of cowardice,'Lucario, thought, as he berated and intimidated the old couple.

"I won't tell you again! Hand over your riches, if you want to walk away, unscathed!"

"Please! We have no riches…" The woman pleaded, clutching onto her jewelry. "This is a family heirloom… I plead with you, leave us in peace!"

"I don't care if it's from your family or if it's from theQueen!You wouldn't want to deal with Arcanine, would you?" The cloaked man nudged his accomplice.

Arcanine, who had been quiet until then, stepped towards the couple with a low, menacing growl.

"S-stand back!" The older male shouted, though his threat had no fangs behind it. All he could do was step away from Arcanine, who only took another step forward.

~Master!~Lucario urged through their mental link.~We must act!~Without another thought, he lunged forth… Only to feel Aaron's firm grip on his arm. He turned back towards his mentor, canines bared.~Master… Do you not wish to maintain justice?~

"Naturally, I do," Aaron whispered. "But your haste could unravel that justice, quicker than a Spearow snatches its prey. Do as I do, and follow my lead."

~...Yes, Master.~Lucario relented.

Aaron cleared the last few ridges with little effort, and simply walked towards the scene of the conflict. "Sorry for the intrusion. May I kindly ask what the contention is, here?"

"It's no business of yours!" The burglar barked, pointing at the knight. "Be on your way, unless you want to lose your valuables, too!" He paused, looking Aaron once over. "On second thought… Your wear looks like it'd fetch a good coin. Drop it, if you don't want to be scorched!"

Aaron exhaled, shaking his head in disappointment. No signs of remorse at all, as he'd feared. "I'm afraid I cannot do that. On behalf of the Kingdom of Rota, and Queen Rin herself, it's my duty to enact justice in our land."

"Then, burn! Arcanine!" The thief barked.

Arcanine complied, opening his mouth to spray a red-hot blaze. The fires didn't get as far as Aaron, though; they fanned out and away from his outstretched hand. A teal bubble of Aura protected the knight. He tutted, stepping closer to Arcanine with his hand still outstretched.

The bandit gasped, backing away from Aaron in wordless disbelief. "What… what in the hell are you!? Humans can't use the powers of Magical Creatures!"

Aaron ignored him. Stepping closer to Arcanine, until red and orange blazes completely covered his field of vision. Without fear, and without hesitation, he reached out of his protective bubble, and closed Arcanine's muzzle.

The beast froze. His coal eyes looked up at Aaron; he seemed bewildered. After a moment of docility, he seemed to remember why he was here, and he let out a low, guttural growl.

"Hostility isn't your first instinct, is it…? It's as I thought," Aaron said. "Let me see your heart." He closed his eyes to the world, and instead opened his heart to it. To Arcanine. In mere moments, he could see its heart.

The connection, externally, could be seen with a calming veil of blue washing over the Fire-type. The growling ceased, and Arcanine sat down before Aaron. Once ready to scorch him, now serene and at peace. His fluffy tail wagged behind him.

"...How sad. It's as I thought," Aaron said, releasing Arcanine.

"What! What'd you do to my Arcanine!?" The thief demanded.

"I saw its heart," Aaron answered. "I saw its undying loyalty to you… But, I'm afraid to tell you, Arcanine, that your master does not share the same steadfast sentiments for you. You are serving a swindler."

Arcanine only tilted its head.

"Agh… What's wrong with you!?" The bandit barked. Realizing that his only means of violence had been disarmed, he grew fearful and furious. "You worthless, no-good mutt…!" Seeing no avenue of victory, here, he turned to flee from the scene.

Aaron sighed. "Shamefully predictable… Lucario!"

~Yes, Master!~Lucario wasted absolutely no time in charging from the sidelines. Sprinting at speeds no ordinary human could hope to match, he cleared the distance between himself and the bandit in a blink. A kick of his shin bashed into the back of his knee, completely removing the man's footing.

The thief yelped, and fell directly on his back with a groan. Before he knew it, one of his wrists was pinned over his head, and a paw was aimed squarely at his face, emanating a fiery blue glow. "...Gh. Damn it all!"

~Such senseless violence isn't permitted in our kingdom,~Lucario growled.~Come in peace.~

"Well done, Lucario." Aaron praised, smiling. "Now, as for you, Arcanine…"

The Magical Creature sat before him, head hanging low. He let out a low whine; his master so quickly abandoning him left the canine with a heavy heart.

"Please, do not despair. I believe… That Queen Rin's Kingdom could certainly use a kind and noble soul such as yours." Aaron said, smiling kindly. "Please. Join us on our return to the castle."

This seemed to be enough for Arcanine, as his tail started to wag. He barked happily.

"Thank you… oh, thank you so much!" The older woman who'd been subjected to the thief praised, bowing her head in gratitude. "You've done a great kindness for the kingdom, Sir…?"

"Sir Aaron," he answered. "And, it's all in a day's work. Be well, both of you, and do avoid any more ill-seeming figures like this one." Aaron gestured to the thief, as he bound his wrists in rope. "I bid you a good day."

The grateful couple went on their way, and Aaron and Lucario went on theirs, with their unwilling captive and enthusiastic recruit in tow, back towards the castle grounds.

While all was well, something still troubled Lucario. He grumbled.~Master.~

"Yes, Lucario?" Aaron asked.

~How… How did you know that your plan would succeed? You could have gotten yourself hurt!~

"If we'd done as you willed and shown hostility from afar, our friend here would have had ample time to be on-guard," Aaron explained, gesturing to their captive. "...And attacked long before we could approach. With our prudence, however, we took the enemy off-guard, and had the opportunity to disarm him. I felt Arcanine's heart, as well," he explained, petting Arcanine's head.

~You felt the lack of harmony between it and its master,~Lucario surmised.

"That's right," Aaron said. "Assessing a situation before committing yourself to it is quite the important skill for any Aura Guardian to learn. Any person or Magical Creature, at that, even."

~...I see,~Lucario nodded.~Thank you, Master. With your wisdom, I continue to grow.~

Was it unbecoming of a knight to begrudge his duties? For his gratitude to falter in his honored role? For his peace of mind to be disturbed repeatedly by the growling of his stomach?

Such thoughts plagued Aaron, as he sat at the forefront of the latest castle ball, occupying an ornate seat with a golden frame. He dutifully held his staff, and watched over a crowd of royalty, socialites, officiates, and even common townspeople revolving about the room to the tune of slow-paced string instruments.

It was a celebration of times and peace that were few and far between, thanks to the intermittent unrest and disputes with kingdoms to the east and west. Each precious moment was worth treasuring, Aaron felt. That was why he, Rota's greatest knight, oversaw the festivities. The undisciplined corners of his mind whispered in his ear, telling him this was senseless and impractical; were there evil lurking, he would sense its ill will horizons away.

Aaron sighed. HE knew that it was a symbolic gesture to stand guard; to show Rota that he would guard them from any sort of harm. His role wasn't practical, but one of good faith and good spirit.

He did wish, though, truly, that his stomach didn't growl for the savory and sweet aromas filling the room. That his heart didn't yearn to at least mingle a bit with his people. Not only was it a nuisance, but…

"You seem troubled,Sir Aaron."

A voice broke the Aura Guardian from his thoughts; serene as the calmest of waters, smooth as silk, and as sweet as the most decadent of fruits. Aaron felt ashamed that he'd failed to notice her in his musings; standing beside him was none other than Queen Rin.

She looked as grand as any royalty had ever been; an elegant blue garb with golden trimmings and fine jewelry, eyes that could reflect both the compassion of a Chansey, and the ferocity and keenness of a Pidgeot. Even in stature, she towered over many; she was only slightly shorter than Aaron himself.

Though she cast a grand image, shedidhave an unbecoming habit; bending at the knee, she came closer to the knight's sitting height, turning on her heels in a playful half spin. She offered him a smile; not a pleasant mask for the kingdom, but one of true joy and mischief. He'd recognize it, even without Aura. "I trust it's nothing grave. You would have charged gallantly to ward off any misfortune, no~?"

Aaron felt the heat rise in his cheeks, just as he spotted the red touching her own pale complexion. "You know that this sort of fawning isn't queenly behavior," he chided. As stern as he meant to sound, a note of Aaron's mirth slipped through, and a smile pulled at the corners of his lips. "Such praise is beyond me. I'm simply doing my duty."

Queen Rin's reputation to her kingdom was spotless; rightfully so. But, shedidhave a bit of a habit of expressing her interest in her greatest protector, which she drew quiet scolding and criticism for, within the castle walls. Aaron felt somewhat responsible for her behavior, being the object of her affections, but she had a habit of simply laughing the issue off.

"I assure you, there's no danger… I suppose I'd say I'm simply having a bit of a crisis of character." Aaron's piercing blue eyes narrowed, and he spoke softly, so that only Queen Rin would hear him.

Rin's eyes widened in genuine surprise, before squinting in mirth. "A crisis of character… on your part? I didn't think you were appealing for the part of court jester," she teased. "What's really bothering you, Sir?"

Aaron laughed lightly. Even in his troubled moments, she had a way of lifting his spirits, as quiet as he was to admit it. "I suppose the limits of my stoicism are being tested… I haven't eaten in hours," he said, as his eyes lingered to the open banquet across the room. "Although I know that my duty requires greater discipline than to crumble to such pressures…"

"Your duty is to see to the safety and well-being of the kingdom, and you can't very well carry that out without sound body and mind," Rin replied, with a sort of cheeky smile. "As your Queen, Iinsistthat you take a brief recess to right this wrong. Ta-dah~!" She chirped, opening her fists into open hands. Aaron could spot one of the Queen's consulters shooting her a look of disapproval, but she didn't seem to pay them any mind.

"Aha… Your wisdom shows itself again, Queen Rin." Riley smiled warmly, standing up, only to bow his head with a hand over his heart to salute her. "Very well; you win. Please do keep an eye on my staff until I return?"

Rin nodded, giving Aaron his license. And then, something truly uncanny happened.

"Alright! I'm gonna go have a feast!"

Aaron froze, two steps away from his designated seat. Somehow, beyond any conscious voice, he'd uncharacteristically shouted something so… undisciplined. Crude. Informal. Face blazing with humiliation and confusion, he dared to look behind him.

The Queen didn't even seem to hear what he'd exclaimed, and if she had, didn't acknowledge it. (Reading her heart felt rude, somehow, when this was his own folly.)Beyond her, not a face in the crowd seemed to acknowledge him; certainly not his exclamation, at least.

…How truly strange. Though, idling would only make him appear stranger, and so he approached and navigated the dance floor to make his way towards his nourishment.

"Oh, Sir Aaron!" A socialite who he felt only vaguely familiar with stopped him in his path. "Can I bother you for a dance?"

She wasn't even slightly intimidating in appearance, but her query struck terror in Aaron's poor heart. "Erm… Ahem! I would love to, Madam," he managed, bowing his head in a manner that he was sure came off stilted. "...but I'm afraid I don't have the time. Thank you, though, truly."

Before she could prod, he slipped by, only to be pestered by several more of these requests.

God forbid that the Kingdom of Rota found out that their stalwart Sir Aaron was aterribledancer.

While he politely brushed off these requests, though, he couldn't help but think about he knew a certainotherknight who would be far less likely to admit their weaknesses than he. Clearing his mind, he sought his partner's strong presence. Finding it didn't take long.

~Lucario. Can you hear me?~

He felt an affirmative answer immediately.

~I can, Master. Is there a problem?~

~There's no problem. But I'd like you to meet up with me, posthaste.~

~...As you wish.~

Confident in his apprentice, Aaron ventured on. The dance floor was tedious, but he found his way to the many tables that were lined with hors d'oeuvres, portions of fine meals, and desserts. As much as it shamed him to admit it, his mouth watered.

Suddenly, he felt a valued presence beside him. Lucario had stealthily appeared. "I'm glad you could make it, Lucario."

~Naturally, as is your wish.~Lucario answered. Puzzled, he scouted their surroundings.~Are you not supposed to be guarding the Queen?~

"My presence here is the Queen's own order, I'm afraid." Aaron smiled. "It's my duty to replenish my appetite, and find peace of mind before I return. I thought you might like to join me."

~Join you…?~Lucario frowned, tilting his head.~Would it be proper?~

"Of course," Aaron said, as he collected a plate, piling a tender slice of meat and several vegetables onto his plate. "Please, help yourself."

Lucario grumbled, but went to do as asked. Though, he quickly found himself stumped. A blush formed on his cheeks that appeared purple through his fur.

"...Is something the matter, Lucario?" Aaron asked.

~...I'm afraid these aren't very conductive to holding a plate.~Lucario held up his paws, coughing awkwardly. Lacking opposable thumbs wasn't always convenient.

Aaron resisted laughter, and shook his head. "That's fine. I'll simply share mine." He reached towards the table again, only to catch the eye of a few dignitaries looking his way. Their judgmental gazes troubled him; explaining that he was piling on extra for his apprentice was probably more trouble than it was worth, and the Queen's loyal knight greedily hogging food to himself would not bode well for the crown's reputation. He thought better of it, and took a couple of napkins instead, nodding their way before turning to leave. "Some fresh air would be nice."

Lucario frowned, but followed his master towards the courtyard.

Stepping out of the loud, crowded ballroom was a relief, even Aaron had to admit to himself. The fresh air was preferable, as was the decor. A small fountain in the center was bordered by a colorful garden, abound with beautifully arranged flowers. Nearby, several skillfully carved stone seats sat for their relaxation. Aaron settled in one, and Lucario hesitated before taking the one beside him.

On the way out, he'd reached out to one more familiar soul. After he'd settled, his long-time companion showed himself.

"Pidgoooo!" Pidgeot swooped in over the castle grounds; grand in stature, he cast a shadow over Aaron and Lucario before gliding down to land before the Aura Guardian. He worked out his wings, and titled his head at his master. "Djo…?"

"Pidgeot. I'm glad you could make it." Aaron smiled softly. The avian, unlike Lucario, had worked alongside him for quite a long time; since the giant winged beast had been a humble Pidgey, in fact. "I was hoping you two would be kind enough to dine with me."

~But… Master.~Lucario said.~You only had the opportunity to serve yourself. You'll be short your full meal if we indulge.~Pidgeot had already craned his neck to chomp into some vegetables, prompting a sour scowl from the Aura Guardian.

"And that is my decision, is it not?" Aaron replied, holding out his plate.

Lucario grunted.~I suppose it is, and far be it from me to speak over you, but…~


~Why would you, our master, spare something you enjoy to us?~

Aaron tutted. Lucario's humility was admirable, but sometimes, even he found it to be a bit excessive. "You, too, work hard in service of the kingdom, do you not? You deserve its bounties as much as I do."

The answer took Lucario aback. Eyes wide and jaw slack, he searched for an answer; a rebuttal. But, he found none, and bowed his head with the faintest hint of a smile.~That is difficult logic to argue with. Very well… I'll accept.~

"Wonderful!" Aaron beamed, and poked a fork into a cut of meat, before holding it up to Lucario.

Lucario frowned again.~...What is the meaning of this?~

"Well, I hate to restate the obvious," Aaron replied, "but you might have trouble holding a utensil."

The implications painted Lucario's face with a streak of deep purple.~C'mon, Papa! That's embarrassing!~

The bewildering, high-pitched voice that seemed to come from Lucario baffled both himself, and Aaron. Unmoving, they stared at one another, as if to ask if they'd both heard it. Neither voiced their concerns, though. Aaron guessed that maybe they'd accidentally overheard a child who'd been dragged to the ball by their parents; his hunger must be disrupting his senses.

Lucario ate what was on Aaron's fork without another word.

"...Is something bothering you, Lucario?"

Lucario flinched. He hated howperfectly preciseAaron was in seeing through his facades. He couldn't fully begrudge his master for showing concern for him, but he never really had an easy time expressing his emotions and misgivings. He was a knight; he held those feelings close.

But, he knew that he wouldn't be walking away from this situation without speaking his mind. Lucario sighed.~...I've just been wondering about something. But I'm… unsure how to express it.~

"You can take your time." Aaron sat with his knees crossed, smiling softly at his friend. "We have all day to hone our minds and bodies; there's really no rush."

Lucario grunted.~You know well that unrest may be on the horizon.~Gossip had spread about a kingdom to the west, as of late; the pristine running waters to the south of the titanic Mt. Silver had been eyed by the king as a new potential conquest. And, expansion rarely stopped at just one landmark.

"All the more reason that we're prepared and at peace," Aaron countered.

Lucario had no rebuttal, and took his time to consider his own thoughts.~I was wondering… what the meaning of everything is.~No, that wasn't satisfactory. It was far too vague, and didn't characterize his troubles.~Why would I be allowed the privilege to serve you… No, the crown itself! What about me made me worthy to—~

"You're meaning to ask why we're together?" Aaron interrupted, seeing right through him, as always. He got right to the heart of the matter, and did it so coolly. Without any confusion, or difficulty.

~...Yes.~Lucario admitted. He was inclined to avert his eyes, but if Aaron would have his counsel, then the least he could do was be straightforward.~I feel… honored to have such a talented master. I can't help but wonder if it's fate that brought us together.~

Aaron hummed in thought. His steely blue eyes widened, before regaining their usual steadiness. "Fate, I'm not so sure about… Fate is such a nebulous concept that might be beyond our understanding. What youcanbe sure of, however, is Aura."

He held up an open palm. A teal bundle of lively energy sparked, before taking the steady shape of a glowing orb. It was warm, even from a distance. Lucario could feel Aaron's benevolent light in it. "Aura guides us in everything that we do. If you follow it, it will lead you to a brighter future."

~...I see.~Lucario replied. He couldn't pull his eyes away from the sphere; transfixed by it.~I could conclude, then, that Aura brought us together.~

"If that is, in fact the case," Aaron smiled, "I'm truly happy that it did."

Flashes of red and blue colored Saffron, for most of the night, and police sirens broke the quiet that curfew had cast over the city. Police reports and rescues went on for hours, and diligent reporters cataloged what could be parsed of the night's happenings on their third or fourth cups of coffee. Chansey escorted injured and even frightened Silph personnel to be cared for and returned to their homes.

The aftermath of battles between good and evil were often forgotten. For some souls, young and old, that was probably for the best. Outside city limits, our heroes slept soundly through the night.

Dawn was huddled in her sleeping bag, with Empoleon snoozing on his back, with one wing draped protectively over his trainer. Even in slumber, it seemed, his devotion to protecting his trainer was unyielding.

Ash, on the other hand, had fallen asleep propped up against a nearby tree, sitting up. Pikachu and Rosemary laid against his chest, tucked snugly behind his knees and wrapped up in his arms. Battered, bruised, and dirtied, they were truly exhausted. Not a siren nor a cry of the forest could wake them from their slumber. The city's fear and persistence stayed in its borders; Ash, Pikachu, and Rosemary stayed distant.

In fact, Ash and Rosemary had muttered odd thoughts and words throughout the night, submerged in their own thoughts and dreams. Enough to wake Pikachu a couple of times, but each time, he'd shook his head and gone back to sleep.

Their peace would last until morning, when the sun peeked over the horizon, accompanied by a warm spectrum of pinks and oranges. It cast its warm glow across Route 6, until it touched the group seeking refuge within.

Dawn instinctively pulled her sleeping bag over her eyes, not quite ready to wake.

Next, Ash was touched by the sun's rays from the east. After him, the baby blue fighter nestled into his arm. Lost in dreamland, she'd started shifting around and muttering into Ash's chest. Just as it was the case physically, she was close to his heart.

With the dawn of the next day rising, her own heart responded. Bright, blue light spread over her entire form, basking it in mysterious, magical energy that human science had yet to explain. A stubby snout grew into a far more pronounced muzzle, poking into her trainer's collar. Tiny ears fanned out into large, vulpine ears framing her larger, more pronounced visage. Two nerve bundles turned into four, and soon, her whole body was growing to accommodate her new form.

"Pi… Pika…!?" A sudden pressure against Pikachu made him jolt awake with a squeak. He found himself being pressed into a very narrow corner of Ash's embrace, while Rosemary's shining form shoved him and Ash's knees aside to grow. He gasped at the revelation. "Chukapi…!"

The light around Rosemary popped and scattered to the wind, leaving a much larger creature hanging over her trainer and parent. She'd evolved into a full-fledged Lucario, and perhaps just as amazing, she'd slept right through it. A small, content smile could be seen under her snout.

"Pi…!" Pikachu wiggled his feet in an attempt to squirm out of Ash's arms. Stuck in his trainer's strong grip, he pouted, then exhaled as much as possible to make his body thinner. With the prowess of his lauded impressions, he squirmed his way out and tumbled forward. Rolling through the grass to land on his bottom, he dusted off his face and returned to where he'd come, jostling Ash's arm. "Pikapi…! Chukapi!" When Ash didn't respond right away, he tugged on Rosa, too.

"Mmn… huh? Quiet, Pikachu… It's too early to get up…!" Ash grumbled. Unfortunately, the brim of his cap hid his eyes from the amazing change just under his nose.

"Pikapi…!" Pikachu scolded, frustrated with his trainer's stubbornness.

"...R…. Ra-oh…?" A rumbling, but still scratchy growl came from Rosa. Blinking slowly, she regained her bearings… and soon found herself to be in a terribly silly position. Everything was… bigger. Or, rather, she was. Her nose didn't fit up against Ash's chest the same. Her legs were hanging down over his knees. Everything seemed… different. She blinked slowly, and stared up at Ash. She shifted, accidentally jabbing her chest spike into Ash's abdomen.

"Ow!" Ash jolted back, making his cap fall off of his head. "What the hell was… Wait, what the hellwasthat!?" He could now see the fully-evolved Lucario leaning into him with his own eyes. "Rosa…!?"

After jabbing Ash, Rosa sat up properly, rolling off his legs to sit in the grass.~Pa… Papa!?~

Her voice had changed. It was deeper and far more pronounced; the maturity in her tone outpaced her from just last night seemingly by years. But, a scratchy, borderline feminine pitch still lingered. It was still distinctly Rosa.

It matched the new form she'd taken.

Ash's eyes began to water, and his heart hammered with joy to match. "Rosa… Girl, you did it! You really did it!

~I did do it… I did!~Elated, Rosa hopped onto her feet, turning around and looking over her new body. Spikes on her wrists and chest. Armored shoulders. Longer and stronger legs; even a fully-fledged tail! She knew what a Lucario looked like, obviously, but she was still in awe.

"Mmn… Ugh! What's going on, over there…?" Dawn grumbled, rubbing at her eyes.

"Rosa evolved!" Ash exclaimed.

"W-what!?" Dawn yelped, scrambling to sit up and see for herself. Just as Ash had said, their self-ordained child was now a Lucario. She couldn't believe her eyes! "B-but, when? How!?" Gasping, Dawn drew her own conclusion and glared at the bunch. "Don't tell me you got up to train,todayof all days!?"

"What? No!" Ash denied.

"Pika-Pika!" Pikachu vouched.

"Honestly… I don't even know. As soon as I woke up, she was like this!"

~As soon asIwoke up, I was like this!~Rosemary testified.

By now, Empoleon awoke too, squawking in disbelief. He immediately shuffled to his feet and ran over, grabbing Rosa's paws to dance in circles with her. "Pol! Empollleon~!" He was an awfully proud big brother! She'd certainly come a long way, taking inspiration from him to finally evolve.

Rosa frowned at his blatant egotism, genuinely confused.~...What!?~

Pikachu shook his head, tutting at Empoleon. Putting that aside, though, he walked over, patting her leg with the end of his tail. Smiling up at her, he was genuinely proud. "Pi ka chu."

~Thanks, Uncle Pikachu.~Rosa beamed, wiping her eyes.~I wouldn't'a come this far without all your training, you know?~

The truth left poor Empoleon drained of all colors, but his ego could be nursed another time. First, Dawn had her own concern.

"Hey, Ash," she asked. "Haven't you noticed that Rosa looks… different?"

"Different?" Ash frowned. "I mean, duh. She evolved."

"That's not what I mean!" She shouted back. "Look at her. Her ears! They don't look like any Lucario's that I've seen."

"Huh?" Ash asked, taking a second look, himself.

Rosa attempted to look up, and pawed at her ears. Unlike any ordinary member of her kind, they didn't stand straight up. In fact, they fanned outwards, looking far more vulpine than they did canine.

In fact, to Ash, they looked like a cross between a Lucario's ears and an Espeon's. Otherwise, though, she looked about normal. "...Hey, y'know, you're right! What's up with that?"

~Aw, c'mon! You can't leave me hanging like that. I want to see!~Rosa huffed.

"Dunno," Dawn shrugged. She fished her little pocket mirror out of her bag, and flipped it open to show Rosa, herself. "Some Pokémon are different colors, like your Noctowl. Maybe it's something like that?"

"I guess so," Ash replied. "...Aw, well. It doesn't really matter to me! It's what's on the inside that counts!"

Rosa crouched, looking into Dawn's mirror.~...Well, damn. That may be true, but I DO look awesome!~Grinning, she observed herself at a few angles in her reflection.

Dawn giggled, feeling somehow prideful. "That's my girl, alright." The thought left her with some clumsiness; it sounded odd, coming off her lips. Her, amom!?Though, at least it was just a Pokémon…

"Hah, that may be true… Speaking of that, though.. Hey, Rosa." He called, suddenly taking on a more serious tone.

Rosa turned, and walked towards Ash with her head tilted.~Yeah? What's up?~

"I don't remember anything about you evolving, but… I feel like I definitely hadsomekind of dream, last night… or maybe a whole bunch! But, I… just can't remember any of it."

~You, too!?~Rosa exclaimed.~I swear there's… something, but it's like a foggy blur!~She had thestrongestgut feeling that it had something to do with the two of them… But, every time she tried to focus on it, the hours preceding felt further and further away.

How annoying.

"Well, maybe that had something to do with it… or, maybe not!" Ash smiled, shrugging. "Guess it doesn't really matter. The important thing is that we can keep getting stronger, together!"

~...Yeah. You're right. If I could thrash an executive when I was just a baby, imagine what I could do, now!~She boasted, flexing her biceps… There wasn't much to flex, but still.

"...Hey." Ash said, approaching her. He'd done his best not to let himself choke up, smiling down upon his daughter. She looked up at him with confusion, but words were hard to find. He placed his hand on her back, and pulled her in for a hug. This was embarrassing, but…

A few words would have to do.

"I'm real proud of you."

Chapter 4: Should I Reach for the Stars?

Chapter Text

When Ash, Dawn, and their Pokémon returned to Saffron City, the siege's aftermath was still apparent. Entire blocks were forbidden, wrapped up in police tape and barriers, while investigations continued the morning after.

As soon as the group spotted an Officer Jenny, they quietly veered out of sight and into the crowds. Saffron was less crowded than usual this morning, but it was still a major city.

"Sheesh… this is real weird." Ash whispered to Dawn past his hand. "Having to duck 'em like this… you'd thinkwe'rethe outlaws."

"Weare," Dawn pointedly reminded, "after your little stunt."

"Aha, ha…" Ash looked off, blushing. He could have made the counterpoint that breaking in had been her idea in the first place, but the last thing they needed was more attention.

Speaking of attention, they'd arrived at the Pokémon Center. Through its sliding double doors, it seemed to be pretty barren. Trainers were either still sleeping, or out and about for the day, in the early morning hours. Given how many adults were on their way to work on the way here, it was probably seven or eight in the morning; they hadn't checked.

At the front desk, Nurse Joy looked up. It was hard to tell from a distance, but Ash and company quickly picked up on something peculiar; she looked completelyexhausted.

"Good morning," she muttered, with bags under her eyes. "Welcome to the Pokémon Cent… you!" Standing more upright, she brushed off any grogginess to address the group. "Where in the world have you all been!?"

"Huh!?" Ash asked, taken aback. He looked to the left and right to confirm that there was no one she could be talking aboutbutthem. "What do you…?"

"There was astrictcurfew in the wake of last night's events," Joy replied sharply. "None of you returned to the Pokémon Center after hours, and I don't think I need to remind you that ignoring that curfew is not only illegal, but a danger to you and your Pokémon."

"That's not what happened!" Dawn volunteered. "We were out when it all happened, but we were closer to the next route than the Pokémon Center, so we camped outside the city for the night!"

Ash made a mental note to thank Dawn for her quick rebuttal when they weren't under the third degree.

"Right," Joy acknowledged, not sounding remotely convinced. Rounding the counter, she looked everyone over with suspicion. "And is that why your Pikachu is dirtied and bruised…? And I could say the same for your… Lucario!?"

Ash winced, while Nurse Joy rubbed at her eyes.

"Either I'm seeing things from working overnight, or your Riolu not only battled, butevolved,"she enunciated. The implications were piling up quickly, and the sharp, cutting glare of her blue hues said what she didn't have to.

"...Oh, yeah! We heard that things were going down in the city, so we thought we'd do some training to…" He was two seconds from admitting he'd want to power up to be able to handle it. Stupid. Stupid! " keep our minds off of it! It just so happens that Rosa, here, evolved this morning!" Turning, he forced a smile, patting the Lucario's shoulder.

"Ow!" Ash winced and hissed, feeling a jolting pain in his side when he turned. No doubt, Nidoking's tail had done it.

Nurse Joy's stare was sterner than ever.

"...Er, ehehe." Ash plastered on a grin, resuming the action. "...She actually evolved, this morning, when we woke up!"

~Riolu only evolve during the morning and day,~Rosemary herself volunteered. She was suddenly grateful that she'd badgered Brock about that, a while ago.~I didn't even see it coming! Pretty cool, huh?~

"...You are right about that." Nurse Joy sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Consulting the aftermath of that disaster has definitely left my mind foggy."

"I'd bet," Ash replied, halfway smiling. It seemed they were in the clear! "Saffron City's real lucky that you were on the job. I'm sure there were plenty of Pokémon who needed your help!"

"That's true; there were." Nurse Joy nodded. Reaching over the front counter, she picked up a mug of coffee, sipping from it. Her nose wrinkled up in disgust when she realized it'd gone cold. "A lot of Pokémon confiscated from Team Rocket members that'd been defeated by some vigilantes. In fact…"

Ash and Dawn alike swallowed heavily.

"I noticed that quite a few of themsuffered from electrical burns."She enunciated, turning her attention right back to Pikachu

"Pi…!" Pikachu squeaked, looking at Joy like he was a Stantler looking into headlights. As soon as he realized he was, he guiltily looked away.

"You… don't say…!" Ash stammered out, wearing a smile that looked terribly nervous, no matter how hard he tried to keep a straight face. "I… sure hope all of them are alright!"

"I'm sure they'll all be in better homes, now! Ehehe he…" Dawn squeaked out. Obviously, she did mean what she was saying, but it didn't make her stomach feel any less queasy for the pickle they were in!

Nurse Joy answered in a dismissive hum, walking back around to stand behind the counter. The group of five watched her every step as she did so, caught in the suspense. "...Be that as it may, the vigilantes weren't identified, so I have no proof. But I would like to remindall of youto do what's wisest, and do what's legal. Now, if you'd like to hand over your Pokémon that were involved with your'training,'that would be best."

"Of course! No problem," Ash said, placing Pikachu on the countertop. He recalled Rosemary to her Poké Ball, and handed it over as well. He felt grateful he'd only battled with them; the less time Nurse Joy had to poke around, the better.

"Thank you so much!" Dawn handed over only Houndoom's Poké Ball, for her part.

"Breakfast is almost over," Nurse Joy said. "I suggest you get to it, unless you'd like to train on empty stomachs."

"Got it," Ash and Dawn said in unison. "Thanks!"

Both of them rounded the corner into the cafeteria, and huffed heavy sighs while they sought out their trays. Luckily, only a handful of trainers were still eating breakfast; unless they shouted, they could talk safely.

"Well, that was… somethin'," Ash deadpanned.

"You're telling me," Dawn huffed, as she piled some pancakes onto her plate. "First that thing last night, and now this…!"

"'That thing?'" Ash asked.

Dawn shook her head. She didn't feel safe talking about it all, here.

Ash got the message, and opted for french toast and orange juice. To treat himself for last night's trouble, he poured on an excessive puddle of syrup. "And I still feel like sh*t."

But, the writing was on the wall; training was one thing, but if he revealed any injuries to be treated, he'd likely end up in the hot seat. He'd have to walk it off.

Suddenly, he missed the tough love from Mt. Silver's Nurse Joy.

"Let's just get to training, after we eat," Dawn suggested. "I have a Contest to win in a few days, and Idon'tplan to lose."

"Hah, right." Ash broke a smile; the first genuine one, since Rosa's evolution, that morning. "You'll have your fifth ribbon, in no time!"

Dawn was happy to leave the Center's stressful and oppressive interior, to step out into the fresh air and shining sun. Behind the building, a couple of battlefields were laid out, with decorative trees and shrubs insulating the grounds from the next block over.

She stretched her arms high over her head, basking in the temperate weather of late spring. Yesterday had been pretty horrible, but they'd come out in one piece, and it was a new day. She'd decide on a routine, dive headlong into training, and win that Contest!

"Dawn! Dude, is that you?"

"Dude?"Dawn made a face at the choice of words, and looked over her shoulder. The face she saw was quickly matched to the voice she'd heard, and her shoulders sank. "Oh,great…"

Maddox was approaching, grinning that big, oblivious grin as always. "Didn't think I'd run into you, here. That means you're in for the upcoming Contest, right? That rocks."

"...Yeah." Dawn decided on neutrality, today. He'd been a good sport last time, ultimately, even if he was annoying. And she wasn't in the mood to get worked up and upset again. "I'll be competing. That means you are too, then."

"For sure, for sure! Can't wait to duke it out again. So don't go losing on me!"

Dawn, to her own surprise, cracked a smile. "Oh, you know it. I'm going to win, so you're bound to fight me in one round or another!"

"Right on. But, forget that. Can you believe what went down last night?"

Dawn's expression soured. "Er… yeah. It was.. horrible."

"Those Team Rocket scumbags really left their mark. But, there are some realrumorsgoing around." Even as his face soured at the mention of the thieves, a glint of mischief shone in his eye afterward. One Dawn was sure she didn't like.

"Rumors…?" She decided to play dumb.

Maddox, rather than be discreet, continued his streak of being anything but. "Dude, yeah! Word going around is, there were a couple of heroes who snuck in and fought off Team Rocket! Against the cops' orders, and everything!" He boasted excitedly, throwing his arms outward.

Dawn winced. Why was he being so darnloudabout it!? "Y'know… If that's true, they're probably still on the lookout for those trainers. Officer Jenny was real strict about that curfew."

"Then we gotta makemorenoise! They fought The Man to do the right thing, you know? Then again…" Maddox frowned. "Don't know how I feel about 'em protecting big corporations… That's still The Man."

"I need to get back to training!" Dawn snapped, her face burning red. Why was he so,so stupid!?"I don't have time for this,Maddox."

"...Huh. Oh, yeah. Alright, Dawn. Later!" Completely oblivious as ever, the teenager jovially raised a hand to Dawn before turning to leave.

"Bye," Dawn curtly replied.



"See ya!"


It was only once Maddox was out of sight that Dawn gave up on her stubborn little shouting match.

Ash walked over with his hands on his hips, frowning. Pikachu looked just as sympathetic. "So, that was uh…"

"Not great," Dawn hissed, shaking her head. "Idiot. That was thelastthing I needed."

~Dumbass,~Rosa remarked flatly.

Ash frowned, shrugging his shoulders. "Well, people were bound to find out anyway, right? We really should've seen it coming."

"It's just… I don't know how I feel anymore about this," Dawn admitted. "About this Contest."

"About the Contest…? Dawn, what do you mean?" Ash asked. His brows rose in concern.

She leaned in to whisper to Ash. "You weren't there to see it, but last night…" Her words were hushed, and only for Ash and Pikachu's ears. She explained what occurred with Petrel. Him recognizing her keenly from her Contests. All the discomfort that came with it.

"...And I just… Ugh! I don't know," Dawn groaned. "I don't feel like standing out is a good idea, right now. Not to Team Rocket, and not to…" She looked back to the Pokémon Center.

The law.

"...Ugh. The idea ofnotwanting to stand out feels icky and weird," she said. "Ialmostregret…" She couldn't quite bring herself to finish her sentence, but the thought had slipped. Being impulsive came with repercussions, now, more than ever.

"It couldn't be helped," Ash reasoned. Even by the end of the night, he swore he'd heard Giovanni claim that the police were only just making advances toward the building. If they'd had to face the Executives, let aloneGiovanni,Team Rocket certainly would have won.

He shook the unpleasant thought off. "Hey. Do you want to just skip this one? Try another Contest where you won't have to think about it?"

"...No." Dawn denied. It was probably the smartest thing to do, but her pride was fighting her on it. "This could be my fifth ribbon. If I win, we can lay low for a good while. It's better to crunch down now, and get it over with!"

"Right," Ash agreed. That made as much sense as anything else, and it was more in line with his own inclinations, anyway. "So, what're you gonna do?"

"I guess I could try to win without standing outtoomuch," Dawn replied. The thought was sogross.But, their safety was more important. "I'm sure I can come up with an appeal that's not too… me." Again, gross.

Ash clapped a supportive hand on Dawn's shoulder, smiling. "Don't sweat it. You can show out and show off at the Grand Festival. This is just to qualify! You'll work it out."

Dawn, too, felt a touch lighter and smiled. "Thanks, Ash. You always know just the right thing to say."

Dawn spent the next short while brainstorming, drawing patterns in the dirt with a stick she'd come across. Empoleon hovered close, the two of them exchanging words occasionally. Naturally, Empoleon's mostly consisted of'yes'and'no.'

"I wonder what they're planning over there," Ash thought aloud, watching from his seat at a nearby picnic table. "She can't be using Empoleon, right? Not if she wants to blend in."

Pikachu shook his head. "Pi pika chu."

~Nope. And he didn't even argue it, this time!~Rosa volunteered.

"Oh, yeah. You guys have much better hearing than me," Ash replied, rubbing his neck. "Forgot that."

"And that, to top it off, right at the end...I've got it!" Dawn cheered, standing up to pump her fist in the air. With her appeal devised, she grabbed one of her Poké Balls, and tossed it forth.

Clefairy appeared in a flash, standing before Dawn with a tilted head. "Clefairy?"

"Alright, Clefairy. You didn't get a chance to be in the Wallace Cup, but you're going to lead for us in the next Contest's appeal! Are you up for it?"

Clefairy's beady black eyes lit up with excitement, and the small danver twirled on the spot. "Fairy! Clefairy~!" It'd been quite a bit since her last Contests, and from what she'd heard through the team, they'd been a thrill! She was eager to show just how much she'd improved!

"Awesome!" Dawn cheered, pumping both of her fists in front of her. "Now, I've thought out an appeal for you, so listen closely." She wasn't quite so paranoid as she'd been back in Fuchsia City, so there was little need to whisper and cower from eavesdroppers.

But, her plan could be summed up into just a couple of sentences, much to Clefairy's dismay.

"...And, that'll be it!" Dawn clapped her hands together, surmising the appeal. "Once we practice, we'll be good to go!"

Clefairy wore an increasingly more sour and disinterested expression. When Dawn finished, she'd tilted herself away from Dawn, giving her a sidelong gaze. "Cle-fairy."

"Clefairy…?" Dawn frowned. "You don't think that's good enough? Then, what do you want?"

Clefairy responded in a way perhaps only Clefairy would. She lit Dawn up with a dazzling Shock Wave!

"Aiiie!" Dawn yelped, jolting about until the brief attack wore off. after a moment of sitting stunned, she shook herself off. "Clefairy…! What did you do that… for." Blinking, she digested what always came next after a bad shock. feeling around for her bangs, she was horrified to find that they were jagged, every which way. When she retrieved her pocket mirror, worse yet, it was sparkling!

'Dee-dee'lived on.

"Pol! Empol! Poleon!" Empoleon squawked, waving a flipper about at Clefairy. The tiny, pink mountain dweller argued back in her own, high-pitched chirps.

"Dawn!" Ash called out, running over to check on his girlfriend. "Are you good?"

"No need to worry! I'm just… A little crispy and in need of some conditioner." Dawn sighed, while she desperately tried to brush her hair back into place. "Look, Clefairy… Iknowthat appeal isn't the most exciting thing out there. We're trying not to attract too much attention, right now. I'm sorry."

Clefairy chattered a few sour notes back to Dawn. She still didn't sound particularly happy.

"I know this isn't what you want, but we're trying to stay safe…" Dawn hummed in thought.

Then, an idea struck her; when Ash'd left Torkoal out of his battle with Janine for Rosa, he'd promised a place in his next Gym Battle! In the end, that'd worked out perfectly!

"Hey, I know!" Dawn said. "I'll promise you a better show in the future, okay? Whether we win or lose, you'll get next dibs on the appeal you want! Okay?"

"Clefairy…" Clefairy shook her head. Her eyes were cloudy; as if there was something that'd still gone unsaid. But, Dawn wasn't the keenest to reading someone too deeply. All she could do was listen. Clefairy pulled herself together and agreed. "Clefairy!"

"Thank you, Clefairy!" Dawn smiled, exhaling in relief. "I promise, we'll bring out yourrealcharm, next time around! For now, let's impress this audience, anyway!"

Two more days of training and practice followed before the Saffron Contest arrived. Dawn, Clefairy, and her other superstars had trained hard to do their best… but, somehow, not stand out too much. It was foreign to them, but Dawn was never a quitter.

The appeals were well underway; mostly face that Dawn didn't quite recognize. After several, though, a familiar, doe-eyed brunette with yellow and black clothing and a bow to match - surely an intentional choice to mirror her partner - entered the fray.

"Now, put your hands together for Paige! Let's see what this electrifying little starlet has for us, today!"Lilian narrated as she always did, introducing the girl who bounced her way onto the stage.

"O-kay! Let's give them a Pika-pika-peek-a' your power, Pikachu!" Paige giggled, spinning to toss her chosen Poké Ball forth. Pikachu emerged, somersaulting forth. "Use Double Team!"

"Pi! Pika! Pi-ka-pi-ka-pi-ka!" One chant of Pikachu's three syllables turned to several, and then to a dozen. Paige's Pikachu multiplied into many clones, running around in a coordinated circle in the center of the stage. It was a cute little Pika-stampede!

"Piiii-ka." Pikachu said, leaning forward in Ash's lap.

"Right? That Double Team is much better than the last one," Ash said. "Paige hasn't been sitting on her laurels, since the last time we saw her! But, I wonder how the rest of the appeal will go."

"Now, use Sweet Kiss!"

Each of the Pikachu running in a circle skidded to a halt, standing and facing towards the audience. Each of them folded their paws over their muzzles, and then threw their arms outward, blowing a kiss! Pink and red hearts flew in all directions; a little love letter to their onlookers!

Much of the audience cooed and cheered, overcome by the sugary sweet gesture.

"Pikachu is giving her greatest regards to all of us, here in Saffron City! How cute!"

"Now, back around!" Paige called.

Each of the Pikachu turned towards one another, with hearts still floating about.

"...And use Nuzzle!"

Each of the Pikachu ran towards one another, leaping facefirst! All of their cheeks met, igniting a myriad of golden sparks and static. The cute bonanza erased all of the Double Team copies, leaving just the original rodent in the aftermath.

Paige beamed, throwing her arms out. "Now, use Thunderbolt!"

"Piiikaaaa… Chuuuu!" Pikachu shrieked, letting a Thunderbolt loose in all directions. Its bolts zapped away at the floating Sweet Kiss hearts, popping them in a shower of pink and gold.

Paige and Pikachu bowed, as the crowd worked up into a cheer.

"There are certainly some similar beats to her other appeals, but I think it's safe to say that Paige has polished her skills and Pikachu's charm plenty! Let's give them a big hand, while we get ready for our next contestant!"

"You were awesome, Pikachu!" Paige praised, twirling her way backstage with her partner in her hands. Caught up in their excitement, the brunette had no idea where she was going, and her back bumped into Dawn.

"S-sorry!" The girl sputtered, turning around. "I wasn't looking where I was… Oh. Dawn." Her exuberance quickly dried up, and she managed a nervous smile. "It's… nice to see you. Eheh."

After she'd been demolished in their last encounter in Celadon, one could easily guess that Paige would feel discouraged, running into her as competition.

One could guess, but Dawn was not that one. "It's great to see you, too! That appeal of yours was really cute. You and Pikachu have definitely gotten better!"

Paige's expression was now one of surprise, her cheeks flushed. "O-oh… Thank you! We've been working real hard at showing everyone Pikachu's charm. Everyone should see her the way I do!"

"Pika-chaa~!" The Pikachu with the heart-shaped tail agreed, waving her paws.

Her answer was admirable, but it was also a sobering reminder for Dawn. "...Yeah. Everyone should see your Pokémon's true charm." The light in her eyes dimmed; something even Paige seemed to notice.

The girl frowned. "Dawn? Are you okay?"

"Huh? Y-yeah!" Dawn denied, nodding a few too many times to be convincing. "It's… Oh, look! The next appeal is about to start!"

"Up next, is the loud and proud Maddox!"

Mild, polite applause rang, but was quickly deafened by a niche, rebellious bend of the audience when the heavyset punk ran on stage. Grinning, he called his partner with a backhanded throw. "Alright, Slowbro! Let's rumble!"

Landing before Maddox, Slowbro shook the stage with his weight. "Sloowwww…" His short fur was pristine, shining with a healthy salmon glow. He wore two silver rings pierced in his right, helix-shaped ear, and despite his heavy entrance, seemed entirely oblivious to the setting.

"Use Surf!"

A rumbling tidal wave started under Slowbro's feet, carrying him leisurely above the stage. Surf's crest then launched Slowbro high above, into the shine of the spotlights.

"Now, use Water Pulse!"

A rapidly growing orb of water appeared below Slowbro, shimmering under the stage's lighting, as if it were a self-contained pool on a bright summer day.

Gravity brought down Slowbro, soon after. He landed on the Water Pulse belly-first, making the orb squish and distort to cushion his fall. Water Pulse returned to its original shape, bouncing Slowbro back up. He flipped carelessly through the air, landing on his rear before bouncing again.

"Look at Slowbro go! He's bouncing on that Water Pulse without a care in the world! How cute!"

Water Pulse sustained several more bounces, before Slowbro carelessly landed with the spiked end of Shellder jabbing into its surface. It popped and collapsed, leaving Slowbro to fall right through.

The audience gasped in worry. But, they had nothing to fear; Slowbro landed on his feet unharmed. Water Pulse's broken structure caved in afterward, and Slowbro was doused in the shower from above.

Despite it all, the Water/Psychic-type looked completely at ease; like he was clueless that anything had happened to him at all!

The mist showering him was highlighted by the spotlights about the stage, miraculously forming a rainbow that arched over the Pokémon's head.

Slowbro yawned loudly, completing the scene.

"How cute! Slowbro completed what looked like a total misfire of an appeal, and came out looking all the more zen for it! I'd say that's a wrap, from the normally loud and destructive Maddox! Let's hear it for these two competitors!"

"W-wow! That appeal was super cute!" Paige cooed, watching the appeal wrap up on the monitor. "Slowbro just didn't have a care in the world!"

"Yeah, it was cute," Dawn agreed. Whatever she thought of Maddox, she couldn't deny talent. "I'm surprised, though."

"Surprised?" Paige tilted her head. "Why, Dawn?"

"It's just, Maddox… His style, as far as I've seen, has been very loud and rowdy. All about'sticking it to the man,'whatever that means. This feels so… calm."

"Ha, you're a riot, Dawn!" That loud and grating voice shouted in Dawn's ear, before a large hand slapped jovially against her back. Naturally, it was Maddox.

Dawn's face burned red, and she spun around, balling up a fist. "Listen, you-"

"Not having a care in the worldisfighting The Man. The rest of the world doesn't matter to Slowbro. He just rolls with the punches and liveshisway. That's pretty punk. He's just like me."

Dawn wasn't sure which was more sobering; the fact that Maddox was never mad because he was like his Slowbro, or the fact that he had averygood point. He was showing authenticity, beyond all preconceived expectations of him, and itworked.His Pokémon was shown for who they were.

She dropped her hands, and sighed.'I hope I can manage to show mine off the same way…'

"Up last, but definitely not least, is Dawn! Please make your way to the stage!"

"...Well, looks like it's my turn," Dawn said, holding her Poké Ball.

"Good luck, Dawn!" Paige said.

"Let's see what you're made of!" Maddox cheered.

Dawn had started walking, and paused momentarily before continuing on. "...Right. Thanks!"

"Now, it's Dawn from Twinleaf Town, who's fresh out of winning the second annual Wallace Cup in a row! Let's see what she has to offer us, today!"

Dawn was halfway into running onto the stage when she was announced. She winced at the fanfare that she'd normally bask in.'Did you have to make such a big deal of it!?'Frowning, she shook off her doubts, and spun, slinging her Poké Ball into the air. "Clefairy, spotlight!"

The spinning capsule opened at the latch, calling Clefairy directly into the stage's literal spotlights. "Clefairy~!" Clefairy struck a jubilant pose. Though Dawn couldn't see it, Clefairy's expression was that of a service worker's smile; visibly present, but only skin-deep.

"Use Magical Leaf!"

A bouquet of glimmering, emerald leaves popped into existence before Clefairy, and wide gestures of her arms tossed them to the air all about her. Highlighting her pristine pink fur with a green glow before scattering about.

"Now," continued, waving a palm towards the floor, "use Gravity!"

"Cleee-fairy!" Clefairy raised her little claws, and a pink, mysterious aura surrounded her. Like Dawn, she gestured her paws towards the floor. A mysterious force washed over the stage, and enacted the move's namesake. Every shimmering leaf fell to blanket the arena in its glow.

"It looks like Clefairy's standing in her very own flower bed! How cute!"

Parts of the audience cooed at the sight. It wasn't particularly loud, or full of awe like her last few appeals had been, Dawn thought, and Lilian's descriptors weren't the most outstanding. Her pride suffered, but she felt safer for it. It was time to wrap this up.

"Alright, Clefairy! Meteor Mash!" Dawn cried.

Clefairy held up her right paw, coating it in a lustrous combination of silver and cyan. The power of the stars was within her grasp; the one bit of consolation for her, in today's appeal. Fluttering her wings, she did her best to spring off the ground, despite the gravity. It only pushed her several feet off, but that was enough.

She came down, and punched the very center of the stage. Cosmic forces collided with the earth, and sent a ripple through the bed of Magical Leaf, not unlike water's surface being disrupted by a splash. Shimmering sparkles rolled along the stage, and little colored star bits bounced off in every direction.

"Wow! It's as if Clefairy brought the starry skies, right down to the stage!"

With their appeal executed, Dawn and Clefairy bowed.

"Let's give a big hand to Dawn and Clefairy, for their dazzling show!"

"Well, that was solid! Dawn's sure to move on to the next round, now," Ash cheered from the stands. He was happy for his girlfriend, but his smile was fleeting. "But, still…"

"Pika-Pika," Pikachu replied.

"Yeah. Dawn looked all-business about it, like she wasn't having fun. And, Clefairy… Maybe it's because we know her, but I hope the judges didn't notice."

The tiny fairy had moved skillfully, but without… oomph? Passion? He knew for a fact that she wasn't terribly interested in the appeal. "Clefairy… I feel bad for her. I hope she gets the chance to show off the way she wants to. Especially after how much she's helped Empoleon."


"Thanks for your patience, everyone! Our judges have decided who will advance to the battle rounds! Please turn your eyes to the closest display screen, and you'll see our competitors!"

Lilian's narration, heard throughout the Contest Hall, was followed by a bracket of eight appearing on all available screens. In the first bracket was Maddox, and immediately after him, Dawn!

"In the first round!?" Dawn exclaimed.

"Haha, alright!" Maddox laughed, shooting the girl a grin. "Don't hold back on me, Dawn."

"Please," Dawn smirked. "Ineverhold back."

In the background, Paige celebrated, as she was placed in the final bracket.

"Allllright, everyone! We're opening up the battle rounds with a very strong start, with Dawn pitted up against Maddox! These two fought once before, in the recent Fuschia City Contest, where Dawn pulled out a tight win! Will Maddox even the score, today…? There's only one way to find out! So let's get busy~!"

"Pachirisu, spotlight!" Dawn cried, slinging her Poké Ball forth.

"Chi-pah~!" Pachirisu cried happily, landing opposite of Maddox.

"Raticate, let's rumble!" Maddox slung his Poké Ball, calling a large and ferocious Raticate.


"A Raticate… Alright, Pachirisu! Use Super Fang!" Dawn ordered.

Pachirisu sprinted towards Raticate, lunging at her foe with great haste. Her two incisors began to glow, and grew several times their normal size; ready to chomp down.

"Hyper Fang!" Maddox countered.

Raticate closed the distance to Pachirisu, and his very own pair of chompers got a shimmering upgrade. His Hyper Fang smashed into Super Fang; the sound was as if two blades had just clashed together, and the imagery was just the same!

Reaching an impasse, both Pachirisu and Raticate backed off. Dawn and Maddox's points suffered a slight drop.

"Use Flame Wheel, Raticate!" Maddox called.

Raticate wrapped himself up into a pinwheel of flames, blazing a path towards Pachirisu.

"If you're using Flame Wheel… Pachirisu! Let's show off our Rolling Spark!"

"Chi!" Pachirisu dashed forth, alit with her usual buzz of blue electricity. Subsequently, she tucked her entire body into her tail, forming a spinning, spiked wheel that mirrored Raticate's Flame Wheel.

"Pachirisu imitates that Flame Wheel with her very own dubbed 'Rolling Spark!' Let's see how they stack up!"

Raticate raced straightforwardly, while Pachirisu executed several cutesy bounces on the stage floor. The two wheels collided, grinding and bashing against one another in a show that sent sparks and embers flying about. Each pushed for dominance, before disengaging again.

"Wow! Raticate and Pachirisu are meeting each other, note for note, blow for blow! This is a rowdy rabble between rodents, everyone! What will come next?"

Pachirisu slid back towards Dawn, shaking the sparks and embers off. "Pah!"

Dawn's eyes darted to the scoreboard, where hers and Maddox's points hadn't dropped much. They seemed to be even, after two stalemates.

"Alright! Look at them, fighting it out! I love it!" Maddox laughed, with his hands on his hips. "Let's see if Pachirisu's got more fight in 'er, Raticate. Use Swagger!"

Raticate answered by snarling at Pachirisu, turning his chin up at her, as a furious red aura surrounded him. Glaring down at the punier Squirrel, he goaded her on with a motion of his paw before laughing. Did shereallythink she stood a chance, at her puny stature!?

Pachirisu was an expert at not having a care in the world. Unfortunately, that didn't translate to the magical mechanics of Pokémon moves, and she was successfully provoked. Steaming red, she kicked her little feet and squeaked at Raticate. She said in some very rapidly paced, and no uncertain terms that she'd give him a nasty shock and then some!

"Oh, no…!" Dawn exclaimed, as she recalled the effects of Swagger, as Flint had described them, when Ash was battling Brock.

'Swagger is a really nasty maneuver. It provokes a Pokémon into a fit of rage, raising their attack power, but it confuses them, too. They may be stronger, but it makes them all the more likely to hurt themselves!'

"Oooh, and Pachirisu is now confused, thanks to Swagger! Raticate sure looks cool, provoking her, too!"

Meanwhile, Dawn's points took a small hit.

"We can't afford to just sit here," Dawn muttered. "Pachirisu! Super Fang!"

Pachirisu's fangs once again sharpened to perfection, and gnawed… on the arena floor. Pachirisu was angrily chomping down on the stage underneath her, blindly taking out her frustrations. The audience began to laugh at the display.

"Oh… ahaha… oh, oh my! Paha-chirisu is… Certainly having a moment!"Lilian narrated, doing her best to keep her professional composure.

Dawn slapped a hand over her face, which was red-hot with embarrassment. "Oh, Pachirisu…!"

Dawn's points dropped to three quarters full.

"Man, I was hoping for a good fight," Maddox complained. Then, he shrugged. "Let's win this, Raticate! Use Sludge Bomb!"

Raticate spat a machine gun volley of explosive muck towards Pachirisu.

'She's confused… but if she'll chew away at anything, maybe she'll still listen to her instincts!'

Dawn thought to herself, and banked on her hypothesis. "Pachirisu! Run!"

Dawn's gamble was right on the money; Pachirisu immediately began to dash about. Even her movements were erratic, it made it all the more difficult for Raticate to snipe her. A majority of the explosive sludge was avoided. But unfortunately, one less bomb hit Pachirisu, sending her tumbling.

"Pachirisu!" Dawn exclaimed. "Are you alright!?"

Pachirisu's snow white and baby blue fur was dirtied, but she quickly collected herself, standing and shaking her head. "Pa-chi-ri!" She was of a sound mind, again!

"It seems Pachirisu is free of her confusion, but not after suffering a Sludge Bomb! She and Dawn are quite lucky for her quick-footed tendencies!"

Dawn watched her points hit two thirds, grimacing. "If they're going to give us that power, we might as well use it… Pachirisu! Rolling Spark!"

"That's more like it!" Maddox replied. "Use Flame Wheel!"

Once again, the two rodents rolled and crashed into one another. This time around, though, sparks were kicking up wildly under Raticate; he was starting to lose ground against Pachirisu's Rolling Spark.

"That Swagger seems to be paying off for Dawn, after all that trouble! Pachirisu is overpowering Raticate!"

'Now's our chance,'Dawn thought to herself, beaming. It was time to show off a new combination she'd been polishing. "Pachirisu! Add in your Sweet Kiss!"

The rolling orb of blue lightning started to emanate flashes of pink. Bouncy, static-bound hearts escaped the clash, floating through the air before popping into pink and blue shimmers. But, the little lightshow wasn't all.

Pachirisu's combination overwhelmed Raticate, smashing into him, electrifying him, and throwing him on his back. She flipped backwards towards Dawn, landing to strike a cute pose.

"What a beautiful use of Sweet Kiss, in that Spark combination! Dawn showed some serious power and glam… oh, and what's this!? Raticate also seems to be confused!"

Raticate's fur was singed, and he'd just been toppled, but he was back on his feet… barely. Red in the face and hearts in his eyes, he stumbled about drunkenly. "Raaha… cate~!"

"It must be the effect of that Sweet Kiss! Dawn does what she does best, and wraps function into form!"Lilian narrated, as the punk's bar was now half-empty.

Dawn smiled to herself. With Raticate immobile, this was her chance. She threw a hand excitedly to the air, wrapped up in the moment. "Pachirisu! Use Thunder!"

"Pah-chiiii~!" Pachirisu tensed, and pressed her tiny paws to her cheek pouches. Summoning her mightiest charge, she shot a blue pillar of lightning towards the ceiling. It arched over, sending wild, nasty lightning bolts to strike at the stage. Among them all, its greatest prong found an off-guard target: Raticate.

"Alright! There it is!" Ash exclaimed, slapping his hands down on his knees in excitement. "I waswonderingwhen she'd bust Thunder out, after training for it!

"Pika-Pikachu~!" Pikachu cheered, hopping up and down in Ash's lap with joy. After putting time towards helping Pachirisu master the move, he couldn't help but feel pride! What an execution!

"With Raticate confused… she must've used Sweet Kiss, planning for that, all along!"

"Ooooh, a nasty Thunder attack! A powerhouse move like that is a first, from Dawn's Pachirisu! And our Sinnoh starlet saved it for the perfect moment!"As Lilian narrated, Maddox's points sank down to a third of the way full.

Meanwhile, Raticate groaned, sitting back up. Suddenly, he recoiled, and electricity danced over his coarse fur. He cried in irritation; he was suddenly numb!

"And, to make matters worse, Raticate isparalyzed!Is it all over for Maddox, today!?"

"Is it all over!?" Madox echoed Lilian's sentiments, with a twitch of his brow. "You're saying a lot, counting my pal Raticate out. We're just going to fight back, even harder!"

It was the first time she'd seen Maddox legitimately irritated since speaking to Glenda, Dawn thought. He sure had very specific set-offs… But then, so did she. Moreover, she was beginning to see what he was testifying to.

Raticate, despite his paralysis, lookedfurious.Overpowering, angry red emanated from his entire form, while he screeched angrily to the heavens. With his body in poor condition, his powersurged.

Dawn gasped. "No way! That's…!"

"Oooh, it looks like Raticate has activatedGuts!Pachirisu's Thunder put him in a bad way, but he very well may be back with a vengeance! With just two minutes left on the clock, it's anyone's guess who will win this battle!"

Raticate's intimidating show of his ability knocked Dawn's points down to half.

"Use Super Fang!"

"Hyper Fang!"

Pachirisu and Raticate charged and lunged at one another, gnashing their sharpened teeth violently. Pachirisu pressed her momentum into Raticate, having the speed advantage from Raticate's paralysis. But, she just couldn't quite parry his incisors.

Red furry bubbled around Raticate. His Guts showed their worth, and he chomped down on Pachirisu, striking her down.

Dawn gasped in worry. "Pachirisu!"

"That Guts has made the difference! Swagger gave Pachirisu a slight edge, at first, but Raticate's power and mass have put Maddox back in the driver's seat! But… Oh! Upon a second glance, neither of these Pokémon are looking too good, folks! It's a drag-out battle, with a minute and a half on the clock!"

Lilian had been right, Dawn noticed; both Pachirisu and Raticate were scuffed up and breathing heavily. Furthermore, hers and Maddox's points were resting about even, around a third full.

'There's no time left, and they're both worn out… We can't risk just overpowering them. We need to settle this decisively.'Dawn thought to herself, before the bulb went off. "Pachirisu! Sweet Kiss!"

"Chi… chi-chi-chi~!" Pachirisu held her paws over her mouth, and blew several kisses at Raticate. Pink hearts fluttered towards him, aiming to lull him into a state of confusion.

"That's not gonna happen a second time, Dawn!" Maddox shouted back. "Sludge Bomb!"

Raticate was stiff and sluggish to move, but a projectile attack didn't require that much movement. He pelted the coming hearts with purple sludge, stopping them in their tracks.

The sludge even coated the bouncing hearts, recoloring them with an oozing, eerie purple!

"Oh,radical!Raticate put a stop to that Sweet Kiss, and gave it his own cool coat of paint! I've never seen a combination like this, before!"

Dawn grit her teeth, as her points fell into a margin that could easily be chipped off with one more mistake.'I can't say I saw that coming… There's got to be an out! Super Fang, Sweet Kiss, Spark… Thunder!'The girl's blue hues widened. She could see the play unfolding before her mind's eye.

"Pachirisu! Thunder!"

Upon Dawn's command, Pachirisu unleashed a pillar of lightning towards the ceiling that she only wielded with so much control. The attack wasn't aimed squarely at Raticate, but it didn't need to be. Lightning bolts struck away at the stage, scorching several spots before Dawn's plan came to fruition.

Thunder struck the poison-coated hearts, igniting deafening explosions, one after another. Raticate was caught in the crossfire of a loud, and explosive finisher; Maddox couldn't even be heard over the commotion.

When the dust settled, Maddox was out of points. Subsequently, Raticate was laid out on its back.

"Wow, wow, WOW! Raticate is unable to battle, and Maddox is fresh out of points! Meaning the victor of this round is Dawn!"

Dawn smirked. She had her victory plan. As soon as Maddox gave her an opening, she'd light this… field… up. The whole thought, actually, gave her a very uncomfortable reminder.

"Hey, hey… I think you might even be topping me in the pyro… Er… Pyrotechnics department… You're ah… real ruthless for a hero… "

Dawn stood like a Stantler in headlights.'Battling with poison and explosives like that…What if they hear about it!? What if Ash and I end up in danger because I'm battling likeTeam Rocket!?"

Maddox gave her no more time to linger in her thoughts. "What're you waiting for, Dawn? Let's finish this!" The punk punched forward. "Raticate! Flame Wheel!"

Raticate fought past his paralysis, and scorched the floor before him.

"Pachirisu…!" Dawn raised a hand. It was trembling. "...Use Spark!"

Pachirisu didn't question her trainer, and charged. Highlighted by blue, she met furious red and orange. Electricity and fire collided, duking it out, until…!


"That's a wrap! We are out of time! Now, let's take a look at what our judges have to say…!"Lilian drew out, building anticipation for the consensus on the large screen. Pachirisu and Raticate disengaged, turning their eyes, as well, to the results.

Dawn and Maddox's points looked practically even. One would have to squint… But, Dawn's face shrunk and slid off the screen, while Maddox's took over with just a sliver of his points left.

"...It looks like Maddox is the winner!"

While the crowd's cheers rang, Dawn couldn't help but notice that they sounded just abitanticlimactic. As she recalled Pachirisu, she wasn't sure if that made her feel more frustrated, or less alone. Uncharacteristically, she didn't even think to address her opponent, as she returned to the Contest Hall's corridors.

"...Now let's gear up for our next match, and hope it's just as exciting!"

Frustration bubbled under her steps, that sounded so loud. Her pride hassled her for essentiallythrowinga battle, while her better judgmentknewshe'd had a good reason. She wouldn't judge herself for feeling angry; she had the right. She'd just quietly fume, because making a little too much noise had gotten her in this situation in the first place.

"Hey, sister. The hell happened, out there?"

Dawn didn't feel a big, calloused palm on her back, this time. She only heard Maddox's voice, and winced. "...You won, that's what. It happens, right?" Dawn turned around, folding her arms over her chest. "Besides, it was pretty close." That was how she justified it to herself.

She expected his raucous laughter, and for his words to brush right off his shoulders, like his Slowbro's Water Pulse. But, that oblivious, dare she saycharmof his, was entirely absent. He just looked unimpressed.

"Don't give me that crap, dude. You held back. You got a fire in your eyes any other time I look at you. Today, right at the end? They were empty." The wideset teenager shook his head. "Not coming at me swinging, when you could've? That isnotpunk."

Dawn clutched a hand over her torso. His words had been like a visceralblow,when she was already down. She wanted toshowhim that fire, and scream his head off. To tell her what wasreallybothering her. That she'd been handicapped. But, god forbid he figure out what she'dreallybeen up to that night, and shout it from the rooftops…

Dawn did what she hated most. She grinned and bore it. "Guess it was… just an off day…! Ehe-heh!"

"Yeah, whatever, man." Maddox frowned, and walked on, forcing Dawn to step aside.

She watched her rival leave, and sighed heavily.

"There you go, Dawn. Pachirisu is fighting fit!" Nurse Joy chimed, as if reading off a script. A single Poké Ball sat in the tray on the countertop.

"Thank you, Nurse Joy." Dawn took the ball, and tapped the button in the center.

Pachirisu spawned in a flash of light, standing on Dawn's arm. The Elesquirrel seemed to notice Dawn's somber mood, and tilted her head. "Pah?"

"Hey, Pachirisu… I'm real sorry we lost. I know I screwed it up for both of us."

"Chi…" Pachirisu hummed. She sounded disappointed, if only for a moment. Immediately afterward, she took to running circles around Dawn's shoulders. "Chi-chi-chi-chi~!"

"It seems that Pachirisu isn't terribly bothered," Joy observed.

Dawn winced. After the past few days of odd looks the nurse had given she and Ash, she felt awfully paranoid around her. But, she was right. "...Yeah. That's my Pachirisu," she laughed nervously.

"Ring-ring-ring! Phone call! Phone call! Ring-ring-ring! Ring-ring-ring!"

That awfully annoying chime interrupted the conversation, coming from the video phones on the other end of the room. One of the screens was requesting a call.

"...Oh! I'll get it!" Dawn volunteered, happy to take any opportunity to slip away from this Nurse Joy. "Don't bother abandoning your station, ehehe!" Dawn waved her off, running to the video phone. Surely, whoever they planned to reach wassomewherearound here, and if it were for Nurse Joy, she'd just leave her to it…

Dawn tapped the'accept call'button, and it caught her completely by surprise. "Mom!?"

"Hello, Dawn." Johanna's face appeared on the monitor. Behind her, their very own living room.

Dawn pushed back her nostalgia, and focused on her mother's tone. She sounded less than thrilled. "...Hey, so. I guess you saw the Contest, huh?"

"I'm afraid I did," Johanna replied. "It's a shame, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it… stinks, but Mom," Dawn replied, frowning, "why did you call? You said yourself that I should rely on my friends when I run into trouble. It's just a loss!"

"That may be true," Johanna acquiesced, "and youshouldbe able to climb the hill of disappointment on your own merits. But, I can't help but feel… worried. You didn't just lose. The expression on your face… wasn't ordinary."

Dawn flinched. "You could see that through the television!?"

"Iamyour mother, you know," Johanna teased. Her smile looked less-than-convincing.

"Aw, Mom… There's no need to…" Dawn stopped mid-sentence, and sighed. She was in a rut. She felt lost, and frustrated. Least of all about thisContest,but the events of several nights prior. She wondered if her mother had seen the news, yet. Surely she had…?

"...Alright. Thereisa need to worry," she admitted. Looking back to Nurse Joy, she swallowed heavily. How would shepossiblytalk about this, without outing herself!? She was on a public phone, with their greatest worry (at the moment) almost within earshot.

"Perhaps you'd like to tell me howthis Contestmade you feel?" Johanna prompted. Now, Dawn couldn't be sure, but she had a strong feeling that Johannaknew.She was framing the conversation in a way that she could talk about it, at least somewhat freely.

Dawn reallydidlove her mom.

"...Yeah. Right. I feel like… I've gotten myself into trouble withmy rivals, lately. They've really been on my case and giving me a hard time. So, I, well…Stood up to them!Gave them what for. Which I don't regret, but… I know they have their eyes on me, and they'll be gunning to defeat me harder than ever. So I guess it got into my head today, and I didn't want to show my hand… Not to let them know what they'll be… up against…?

Dawn cringed internally at this whole metaphor. This sounded like the stupid worries she was havingbeforethe Wallace Cup! And, half of it didn't really make any sense… How were you supposed to talk about dealing with a criminal organization in Contest terms!?

"I see, I see… I think I understand, dear." Johanna sipped from a cup of tea to collect her thoughts. Her brows knit upwards in a show of worry that Dawn rarely saw. She was troubled. But, as tactful as ever, she held her cards close. "Well, in my opinion, Dawn, you should stay true to yourself. I've known you your entire life. You're a hothead. I nevercouldstop you from jumping into fights with yourrivals, no matter the circ*mstance. It'd be a fool's errand to try."

Johanna sighed, and took another sip from her drink to collect herself. Being a mother required a lot of strength. "Do what your artist's heart suggests, and all you can do is be mindful of the cards you show on the Contest Stage, and how it affects your Pokémon." Finally, she managed a smile. "Do you understand, Dawn?"

"...Yeah." Dawn smiled back, albeit weakly. "I think I do. Thank you, Mom."

"Good," Johanna replied. "Do you have any plans for what you'll do next?"

"Yeah. We'll be heading to Viridian City now, for Ash's final Gym Battle."

"That sounds wonderful. Do send Ash my good wishes for that, won't you?"

"I will. Goodbye, Mom!"

"Goodbye, Dawn." Johanna said, and the line cut off.

Dawn sighed, leaning against the barrier between that video screen and the next. Then, she blinked twice. "...Oh, crud, I forgot to even tell her about me and Ash!"

"What about me and you?"

Dawn yelped, startled, and spun around. Ash, Pikachu, and Rosa now stood in front of her. "Sheesh, Ash… Don't go scaring me like that!"

"Aha, sorry!" Ash apologized, rubbing his neck with a sheepish smile. "...Hey, it looks like the finals are about wrapping up, now." He directed his attention to the monitor in the lobby.

Maddox's Slowbro was up against Paige's Pikachu. Even her Thunderbolt seemed to only tickle him, but a potent Water Pulse laid the poor Electric Mouse out flat. The round ended in the punk's favor.

"So, he won…" Dawn clenched a fist.

Ash frowned. "You alright, Dawn?"

"...Yeah! No need to worry," she replied.

"Now, youknowthat's when I worry the most."

Dawn properly cracked a smirk, shoving Ash's shoulder. "I think that's quite enough focusing on me."

"For a change," Ash tacked on.

"Anyway, mister,"Dawn hissed, and pushed him towards the sliding glass door at the Pokémon Center's entrance. "It's about timeyoutook the spotlight, for your battle!"

"Hah, you're right!" Ash caught his footing, and grinned. If Dawn had brushed off this mishap, he certainly could, too. He reached for the brim of his cap, adjusting it. It was time to show his strength… No. To polish it, and become evenstronger."It's about time to show you guys, and myself, that I've got what it takes… When I win at the Viridian City Gym!"

Meanwhile, at Rocket HQ…

Jessie, James, and Meowth walked with a spring in their step. Excitement and anxiety made every one of them move with the utmost haste across the premises, from their very own office to Giovanni's abode.

Even the dirty looks from Ariana and Proton couldn't distract them, though they had noticed that Archer was awfullyabsentsince the big mission. Rumors circulated about one of the Twerps' Pokémon bruising his ribs, but the toothpaste-haired Executive had refused to tellanyonewhich one it'd been, for some reason.

"I wonder what the Boss wants with us," James thought aloud, cupping his chin with his thumb.

"Ya t'ink he wants t' take the recent failure out on us?" Meowth asked, shuddering afterward.

"Eep! I sure hope not… Good things never come of being under his ire," James squeaked.

"Would you twoshut up!?"Jessie snapped. "That kind of pessimism isexactlywhat kept us at the bottom of the pecking order for so many years…Remember,weweren't the ones who screwed up. If anything, he must have realized that we're overall the most reliable!"

"Ya know, when ya put it like dat, y'got a point, Jess." Meowth agreed, grinning. "Maybe he's got good t'ings in store for us, for holding up the front lines!"

"Oooh~! A bonus, maybe?" James giddily speculated.

"Ah, I can see it now…" Meowth sighed, drifting off into one of his patented Boss Fantasies… before Jessie snatched him by the ear. "Meeeeowth! What's your problem!?"

"Daydream later," Jessie hushed, "business now."

They were now outside Giovanni's grand double doors, settling the argument in Jessie's favor.

James took a deep breath, and parted the double doors. As usual, the team leader's room was starkly dark, with the exception of blank, static-peppered screens flashing behind his luxury chair. He stepped inside, and flinched at the loud'slam'of the doors shutting behind them.

Jessie, James, and Meowth awaited their boss's lead. For what felt like a painfully long time, though, they endured silence, beyond the rapping of Giovanni's fingertips along the arm of his chair.

"...Ahem," James coughed meekly, "sir, have you considered a change in ambience for this room? They say that long-term exposure to this sort of lighting can be bad for your eyesight-"

"You three," Giovanni spoke over him.

James quickly shut up.

The giant of a man stood, his arms still folded behind his back, which faced them. "As much as itpainsme to admit it… You've been remarkably successful as of late. My wager investing in you seems to have been a wise decision. For all the blunders that occurred under Augmented Rocket… It's astonishing to say thatnone of themwere yours."

Jessie, James, nor Meowth even dared to speak over him. Where was he going with this?

"While we have retrieved some of the rudimentary technology from Silph, we were largely embarrassed. I will be taking some time to orchestrate Team Rocket's next big return to glory. In the meantime, I have little to ask of you… That is, in thegrand schemeof things."

The shadowed figure picked up a remote, and clicked several buttons. The many screens behind him lit up with recordings of long hallways, and corridors. "Executive Ariana was competent enough to retrieve a few of the security tapes, before evacuating the Silph Company."

The recordings that played, the trio noticed, all had something in common - all of them featured a rather old friend of theirs.

"It's Pikachu," James muttered, eyes widening.

Pikachu could be seen demolishing Archer's team, one Pokémon at a time, while Ash shouted commands. On another monitor, he fought alone, terrorizing Ariana and a number of grunts.

Finally, there were a few moments of footage where a Nidoqueen crashed through a wall, smashing into the opposite end of a hallway. As she staggered back to her feet, a yellow blur passed her, and launched her back the way she'd come.

"That littlepet project of yours,"Giovanni hissed, "has been painfully brought to my attention. No longer just a marvel of competitive battling, and defiance of basic evolution…but a tangible problem for Team Rocket."

Jessie, James, and Meowth swallowed heavily.

"...But, while it did embarrass us, I like to believe that every setback comes with its own opportunity, if one knows where to look." Giovanni reached for his desk, and picked up a glass of whiskey. He swirled its contents, and drank from it. "That sort of power withers away in the hands of a foolhardy child. I would like to think… that in different hands, it could be so muchgreater."

Jessie and James gasped, while Meowth leaned forward with excitement glimmering in his eyes. "You don't mean…!?"

Giovanni turned to face them, grinning. "Your original objective… has come back under consideration."

Chapter 5: Who Else Could it be, but...?

Chapter Text

"...And there you are, Ash! Torterra should be with you in just a moment." Professor Oak announced jovially, as he'd placed an occupied Poké Ball into the transfer device offscreen.

Moments later, a flash of light materialized in the exchange device that was attached to the video phone in Viridian City's Pokémon Center. Ash took the ball in his hand and smiled, fastening it to his belt.

"Thanks, Professor! That's… five Pokémon I have with me," he counted between the five Poké Balls on his belt, and Pikachu atop his shoulder. "I guess that means that I need one more."

"You still haven't sent over Torkoal," Professor Oak pointed out, frowning. "Is everything alright?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah! He's fine," Ash said. "He's doing some training alongside Blaine, for the moment." He smiled with pride, though he felt the slight sting of his partner being away for a bit. He shrugged it off, knowing it was for the best.

"I see! A Fire-type expert like that should be great for him," Oak nodded. "So, do you have anyone you'd like to come with you in mind…?"

"Let's see…" Ash hummed. He'd gathered so many Pokémon, by now, that it was getting hard to keep track of them all. He could see how confusing it might get if he'd caught even more in Unova. Though, behind Professor Oak, he spotted the strong red crown belonging to his Kingler.

"Oh, Kingler's there!" Ash said happily. "What about him? I haven't had the chance to put him in a Gym Battle, yet."

"Ku-kiii…" Kingler popped up in the frame, awkwardly scratching his crown with his claw.

"Huh?" Ash asked, puzzled by the hesitation.

"You see, the thing is," the Professor explained, "it's almost tea time! Kingler and I were about to enjoy a brew and work on our poetry! I have my daily broadcast early in the evening, and he often helps me with my creative process!"

"You don't say?" A bead of sweat rolled down Ash's forehead, his nonplussed smile betraying him. He was a little bewildered and the slightest let down, but ultimately, he couldn't stay mad. "Well, I'm glad Kingler's got a hobby! But, that still leaves who to bring along with me."

"I do wonder… If we could only narrow down the Pokémon you haven't rotated already," Oak said, cupping his chin with his thumb and index finger.

A howling, whistling wind sounded like it was drawing ever closer in the background, before a dark teal wisp flew across the screen.

Oak shouted in surprise, falling backwards in his chair. Ash winced when he heard the older man hit the ground. "Ow! My hip…"

"Professor!" Ash exclaimed. "Are you alright!?"

"I… I think so. Though, I'm having trouble getting up," Oak could be heard from offscreen. "Oh!"

Suddenly, the man was floating back into view, outlined in a blue glow, along with his chair. He was placed gently back in his seat, before being joined by a small blue ghoul.

"Mis, Mis!" Misdreavus cried, bowing her head apologetically.

"Ah, Misdreavus…! Thank you. I know you didn't mean any harm, butdotry to be more careful," Oak chided, readjusting his lab coat. "My old bones can't take your pranks like your peers."

Misdreavus nodded, and then came about as close to pressing her face against the screen as possible. "Mis~! Misdreaavus!" She attempted to nuzzle the camera before seemingly disappearing; Ash could only assume she'd flown through it, before zipping back around.

"Misdreavus! Now, what a surprise." Ash smiled. "You're not being too hard on the Professor, are you?"

"Not as far as terrorizing me, personally," Oak replied, after Misdreavus backed off from the camera. "But, she's found a little alliance with Gengar and Glalie for all sorts of troublemaking."

"Now, Misdreavus," Ash scolded, folding his arms. The ghost met him with a grin, unperturbed.

"Now, it's not like it's been a bad thing for her. She's actually been spending a lot of time training with the two of them, while you've been on your journey! She's picked up a few new moves, Tracey tells me… Ah, and I think that solves our problem!" Oak said happily, raising his index finger. "Ash, why don't you take Misdreavus with you as your sixth?"

"Hey, that's a great idea!" Ash said. "What do you think, girl?"

"Mis! Mis!" Misdreavus nodded adamantly.

"Wonderful! I'll send her right over." Professor Oak recalled Misdreavus, and after a moment's passing, her Poké Ball appeared in the slot next to the video phone.

"Awesome!" Ash picked up the Poké Ball, only for it to pop open on its own immediately. A streak of light escaped it, shooting past Ash's head. He looked around for his unruly ghost. How could he have already lost sight of her…!?

"Erm, Ash…!" Professor Oak stammered out.

"Wha— ah!" A sudden, freezing gust hit the trainer's back, covering him in frost. His skin turned a touch blue, and he hugged his arms to retain some heat. "N-n-n-nice to see you, too," he said through chittering teeth.

"P-p-pi-pika-chu," Pikachu said, less than amused.

Misdreavus laughed, circling back around to face them.

"Oh, my… That Icy Wind is compliments of Glalie, I'm afraid! Good luck with her, Ash!"

Ash shook off the cold to the best of his ability, recovering quickly as he often did. "Thanks, Professor. I've got my team now, so I'll catch you later!"

"Goodbye and good luck, Ash!" Oak waved, before the screen went dark.

"You ready for your battle, Ash?" Dawn asked, approaching from the other side of the lobby. She noticed Misdreavus afterward, watching the ghoul circle her and Empoleon. "Oh, I guess Misdreavus is coming along! Actually Ash, that reminds me. Remember the gift you got her?"

"Oh, right!" Ash shrugged off his backpack to search it. "Dawn and I won a tag battle competition, not too long ago." He pulled out the stone he'd won from Ernie. Varying shades of lustrous purple expanded from the stone's core, progressively lighter towards its outer edges.

"Mis!?" Misdreavus hovered over Ash's shoulder, peering at the stone with curiosity.

"It's a Dusk Stone," Ash explained. "If you use it, you can evolve into a Mismagius, and get a lot stronger!" Ash reconsidered those words as soon as they slipped past his lips. Were he paying attention to those around him, he might've seen the look of wonder in Misdreavus's eyes.

Instead, his own promise played in his head like a film reel on repeat.'She could get stronger… we could stronger. We want to— no, I want to.'He chastised himself, shaking his head. After the clash in Saffron, being stronger was something he'd thought about an awful lot. More than he'd like to admit.'Even if it's for a good cause… Misdreavus isn't here just to help me win. What if I'm pressuring her?'

That thought alone was enough for him to pull back the stone, and put it back in his bag.

"Mis…!?" Misdreavus asked, questioning Ash with wide eyes. "Misdreavus! Dreav?"

"Sorry," Ash said. "I know that was real out of the blue. You don't have to evolve just yet, if you don't want to. Heck, you don't have to at all!"

"Dreav…" Misdreavus trailed off, looking at her trainer with utter confusion.

"Ash…?" Dawn frowned, watching her boyfriend with a good deal of confusion, and just a touch of concern. It reminded her an awful lot of how he'd held back the Razor Fang from Gliscor. Even that had been strange for him, but something about this seemed… off.

"Pikapi," Pikachu muttered, sharing a look with Dawn. He had a similarly bad feeling.

Nevertheless, Ash smiled and shook his head. "Look, we'll have plenty of time to think about that after the battle, alright? For now, let's go beat the Viridian Gym!"

"Mis… dreav!" If Misdreavus still had any reservations, they faded into the background for the time being, as she circled her trainer, ready to rumble.

"Well… If you say so! And we'll be cheering you on, all the way!"


"So,thisis the Viridian Gym!?"

Standing in Viridian's northeastern-most corner was a monument of Viridian's greatest pride, and its greatest shame. A small fountain sat at the foot of the grounds, where Empoleon had hopped in for a quick dip. Marble pillars stood in symmetrical columns, leading up to the Gym itself; an amalgamation of sturdy stone, and tasteful carvings. One bend of the roof climbed higher than its other half.

"It's like an ancient work of art… Whoever designed it must have a real eye for aesthetics." Dawn cooed, walking back and forth to admire their current destination.

Ash was in the midst of mentally preparing himself for the coming fight; adjusting his gloves, and tapping the end of his sneakers against the dirt. Dawn's praise made him flinch, when he recalled justwhothe Gym used to belong to. He and Pikachu exchanged a displeased look. "Let's…maybe notfocus on who the Gym used to belong to."

Dawn frowned, looking over at Ash. "Huh? But, why?"

"It's not important," Ash shook his head. Dwelling onhimwas the last thing he wanted to do, right now. "I'd rather focus on the here and now. Right, Pikachu…?"

"Pika!" Pikachu immediately nodded, taking the hint from his trainer.

Beside Ash, Rosa tilted her head at her trainer's odd behavior. Somethingdefinitelyseemed off about him, but she had no clue as to why. But, the promise of their coming battle won over any insecurity, and she flexed her biceps, which were as lean as a Lucario's ever were.~Yeah! Pa's right. We have a Gym Battle to win!~

"Well… alright," Dawn accepted, albeit confused. Luckily, she too was easily distracted by the spectacle of a fight, and quickly rallied herself towards their goal with a fist in the air. "Then let's head in there, Empoleon, and root for the winning team!"

"Pol! Empol!" Empoleon leapt stylishly out of the fountain, twirling to stand behind Dawn.

Watching his girlfriend and her starter alike, Ash smiled, letting a belly-laugh slip past his lips. Their support was palpable, and for the moment, made the grimy ichor of their greatest enemy's influence evaporate. Inhaling and exhaling, Ash adjusted the brim of his cap, and cast a bold, determined gaze at the structure before them. "Right… Then, let's do this, everyone!"

Large, heavy double doors were unwieldy, but they were no match for Ash. Just a push parted the stone barriers to entry, allowing daylight into what turned out to be a dark, dreary interior. Ash's own shadow was cast as far into the Gym as the sunshine. His silhouette stood out in the doorway, with Rosa, Dawn, and Empoleon flanking him. He hesitated; something was off.

"Did we come in on an off-day…? No one's here."

"If we did, it'd just be locked, right?" Dawn suggested.

"I guess you're right… But, still." Ash frowned.

~We're not alone,~Rosa replied. She stepped fearlessly into the dark, guided by her sixth sense. If she felt confident, then Ash supposed he could, too.

"If we're not alone, then someone either hasn't paid the electricity bill, or they've got a sick sense of humor." After Dawn and Empoleon stepped in behind him, he released the doors, and stepped into the dark. He couldn't see a thing, but from the light cast by the sun, just a second ago, he'd seen a straight path forward. His steps echoed off the high ceilings, and he squinted for any meager source of light.

There was none. Ash opened his mouth to ask Pikachu to provide some, when suddenly, a glaring spotlight came down directly upon him. It cast a glow of diminishing returns throughout; it was enough to show Ash that he was standing in the middle of the battlefield.

"Well, well, well." A terribly familiar voice echoed throughout the facility. "Who else could it be, but Ashy-boy…?"

Another Road Repaved - Consequences - mezamun - Pocket Monsters (4)

"That voice…!?" Ash's eyes widened, and then the reality hit him like a truck; his face fell in disbelief. When he looked at Pikachu, he saw the same bewilderment in his partner. This definitelywasn'this imagination. "Youcan'tbe serious."

"I'm afraid I'm as serious as it gets." The same, nasally voice sounded as it always did, if not a bit deeper and more gruff with age. A second spotlight came down, revealing a second teenager, standing tall, and with that same old spiky auburn hair that, frankly, rivaled a Manetric.

Gary Oak made his grand appearance, with his chin tilted upward and his signature grin. One hand rested on his hip, while his other held a remote. "I was wondering when I'd see you here, you know. You sure took your sweet time." He tapped another button on the remote, and suddenly, the Gym filled with light. Its interior was the same bold and somber blue as last time, with fine columns and a grandiose air.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute…!" Dawn exclaimed. "Gary'sthe Gym Leader!?"

"Afraid so, Dawn!" Gary grinned, pocketing the device, now that he'd had his moment of theatrics. Then, he frowned, his nose scrunching up. "...Wait a minute. Did you just call me by my name!? And here I thought I was'Poetry Man's Grandson,'to you."

Dawn smiled, shaking her head. "I've learned my lesson. Just like me, you have your own legacy to carve out, separate from your grandpa. Just like me and my mom."

"Well, then! I'm pleasantly surprised, Dawn. That's-"

"Can we not change the subject!?" Ash loudly interrupted. "I feel like we're just ignoring the Donphan in the room, here. Since when were you a Gym Leader?"

"Piiika!" Pikachu agreed.

"Heh, impatient as always." Gary teased, shrugging his shoulders. "But, I guess I do owe you an explanation, Ash. The truth is, the Viridian Gym's been looking for a permanent replacement for ages, now. Agatha didn't want to hold the floor forever, you know."

"Now that you mention it," Ash interjected, "Bertha did say something about her finding a replacement."

"She ran the idea by me, actually. Said something about how my grandpa wasted his potential as a researcher, and that I don't have to… At first, I brushed it off. I like learning about Pokémon, and bringing that knowledge to the rest of the world. Being a Pokémon Master is a dream that's been long behind me. So, I wasn't interested. But, Gramps had his own opinion. He said that there're many different paths to understanding Pokémon. Facing all sorts of trainers, and gearing myself towards testing them is its own path."

"I guess that makes sense," Ash replied. "Is that when you decided to take up her offer?"

"Actually, it wasn't," Gary shook his head. "I still wasn't sure about the idea… But, then, I happened to run into you in Sinnoh. Remember that talk we had about the Gym Challenge?"

"Now that you mention it, I do," Ash said. "It was your idea that I do this, in the first place."

"That decision I was trying to make was honestly what inspired me to make that pitch to you. I saw you pedaling in circles after your training, and honestly, I'd hate to see you get co*cky again and rest on your laurels. Thereisplenty to learn from facing experts who know things you don't. If that could steer you towards being a better trainer, then think of all the other Pokémon Trainers I could help out… Think of what I might learn from them! So, I decided that day to accept the Pokémon League's offer. I knew you'd be coming around here, sooner or later, so I threw myself into training."

The brunet suddenly took on a stern, fiery expression, meeting Ash's eyes, and raised a fist. "I decided that you'd be my first,truetest as a Gym Leader! My former rival, who now, more than ever, needs a real push towards the Pokémon League! If my battle doesn't put you on the trajectory to win the Indigo League Conference, then my suggestion to you will have been pointless!"

"Gary…" Ash echoed his old friend's name, finding himself just short of speechless. Today's revelation had caught him totally off-guard, and frankly, he was touched. He walked towards his opponent, carrying an uncharacteristic look of softness. He could get fired up in a moment, once the battle began. "I… don't know what to say, except 'congrats.' But, if you knew that day, why didn't you tell me? Why not tell me when we met back in Pallet Town?" Ash smirked. "Let me guess. You had some super-serious reason to catch me by surprise? Didn't want me to preptoowell for our coming battle, or something like that?"

"Hm?" Gary blinked, then laughed. "No way. I honestly just wanted to see the look on your face!" Reaching over, he shoved Ash's hat down, ruffling it into his hair.

"I should've known,"Ash deadpanned. Snorting, he reached up and swatted Gary's hand. "Same old Gary," he smirked, adjusting his hat back into its proper place. "Well, with that out of the way… I won't disappoint you! Let's get right to it!"

Ash and Gary stood on opposite ends of the drawn battlefield, with the hired referee standing halfway between the two trainers. Rosa and Pikachu accompanied Ash, while Gary was alone.

Off to the side, Dawn stood alongside Empoleon. "You can do it, Ash! Show 'em what you're made of!"

Ash smiled, and gave Dawn a thumbs-up.

"This will be a full, six-on-six battle," the referee announced. "Both trainers will fight until all of one side's Pokémon are unable to continue. The challenger is allowed to switch Pokémon at any time, while the Gym Leader may not! There will be no time limit! Begin!"

"As the Gym Leader, I'll start!" Gary threw his first Poké Ball. "Garchomp, I choose you!"

A snarling, screeching dragon appeared from the Poké Ball's confines, standing upright from a hunched posture to stretch out her fins. Golden, ring-like irises glowered upon Ash. "Gahhhr!"

"A Garchomp…" Ash gasped. "Then, that's the Gabite we ran into, from the cave!"

"She sure is! I'll tell you, Ash, we found a real ornery one, that day. Getting along was nearly impossible, at first… But, it seems she just needed an outlet for her aggression! And a few shiny objects to hoard, now and then. I guess those rumors about dragons held some truth, after all. Now, she's a monster in battle, and we've been pushing her limits! I hope you're ready."

"Oh, don't you worry," Ash replied, smirking. "But if you're going with a Pokémon you caught this year, then I guess I will, too. Rosa, I choose you!"

Ash pointed onward, and the Lucario leapt onto the open battlefield, raising her guard.

"Little Rosemary was a baby when I last met her, wasn't she…? That's a pretty bold move, Ash."

"Not much younger than Garchomp, I bet," Ash replied. "She's been getting stronger and stronger lately, like you wouldn't believe. If you go underestimating her, then don't say I didn't warn ya."

"Hmph! Suit yourself. I guess thatwouldbe a good measuring bar for our progress. Garchomp, Flamethrower!"

"Use Aura Sphere!" Ash countered.

For the first time in an official battle, Rosemary gathered a teal glimmer of light above her paw, and willed it to bloom into a fully-realized Aura Sphere. With a roar, she tossed it forth, right into the path of flames that Garchomp spewed.

Red flames wrapped around steady blue life energy, shoving against one another before reaching an impasse. Both attacks burst into null in a tie.

"Use Dual Chop!" Gary ordered. Garchomp flexed her fins, and shining emerald extensions sharpened them. She leaned forth and sprinted towards her foe.

"Copycat!" Ash countered. Rosa analyzed the technique unfolding before her, and replayed it in her mind. Each of her paws gained glimmering scythes; just in time for Garchomp to swing down upon her.

She crossed both of her blades above her head, crossing them to endure the weight that hammered down upon them. The force was beginning to make her footing buckle; Rosa snarled, and swung her arms outward to throw Garchomp's weight off her.

The Mach Pokémon was disarmed, but quickly struck back with a vengeance, slashing at Rosa horizontally, first with one fin, and then the other.

Rosa backhanded each slash, doing her best to bat them away, and leaning away to avoid being slashed. She regrouped her paws together, and a full-body swing aimed at Garchomp's side.

Garchomp quickly retaliated, slashing Rosa across the face. The Lucario howled, losing her footing. But, she turned her piercing red gaze back on Garchomp, and slashed Garchomp across the chest. A small victory in a larger battle… or, at least it would have been, if it didn't hurt.

"Riah!?" Rosa shrieked, hopping back to hold her forearm. There was a scratch on its surface, and Dual Chop had shattered.

"Rosa!" Ash called out in worry. What'd just happened?

Gary smiled coolly. "You fell for it. Flamethrower!"

"Gahh!" Garchomp opened her maw, and unleashed a fiery storm point-blank.

"Substitute!" Ash called in a hurry.

A shining, blue projection of a Lucario appeared directly in front of the real deal, eating the fiery bath that Flamethrower cast. Rosa distanced herself while her copy was obliterated.

Rosemary exhaled, dusting leftover embers off her fur.

"That was a close one… But, why didsheget hurt when she hit Garchomp?" Ash pulled out his Pokédex, and pointed it at their foe.

"Garchomp's ability: Rough Skin. Inflicts damage to the attacker on contact."

"Right, Rough Skin… I never knew Garchomp had that." Ash grimaced. "That could be bad. Whenever we hit 'er, Rosa's gonna take damage, too." He retrieved Rosa's Poké Ball, pointing it towards her. "What do you say we change course, and you hang back for a while?"

Rosa looked back to Ash with a look of bewilderment; disappointment, even.~What, already!? We were just getting started…~

"I know, girl. I know you're pumped for your first Gym Battle since evolving, but…"

"Herfirst?" Gary echoed, raising a brow at Ash. "I know you'll be battling with her regardless, since this is a full battle, but you've put your Pokémon in quite a situation, here."

"Because I believe in her!" Ash argued back reflexively.

Rosa was looking back at Ash, still. She'd been thinking back on the wisdom she'd been taught in picking her battles. She was ready to accept his decision and return to the fight later, albeit reluctantly. But, hearing his words of encouragement stoked her fighting spirit. They were here to prove themselves. To get stronger!~First since evolving doesn't mean first, period! I fought hard at the Pewter Gym, and the Fuchsia one, too! This ain't my first rodeo.~

"Rosa's got a point," Ash agreed. "We can't keep getting stronger, if we run away from adversity. We'll take it, head-on!"

Gary frowned at Ash's curious choice in wording, but didn't say anything.

That meant Ash had the floor. "Aura Sphere!" He chanted, drawing a palm back behind his head, just as his Lucario did.

"Use Dig," Gary countered. As Aura Sphere flew towards Garchomp, she dove and burrowed under the field, avoiding the sphere's initial path.

But, Aura Spheres weren't so easily deterred. The orb followed Garchomp's life energy, and sank into the cavern she dug out. Moments afterward, a thunderous rumble went off underground, and flashes of light leaked from cracks in the field.

"Garchomp!" Gary called out. Perhaps he'd underestimated just how persistent that move was.

"We've got 'em, now!" Ash grinned, and thrust a hand forth. "Rosa! Copycat!"

Rosemary committed Garchomp's Dig to memory, and dove headfirst to burrow beneath the earth. With Garchomp having just taken an Aura Sphere, she'd continue piling on the damage.

From the surface, though, suddenly, the ground burst open. Rosa was sent flying back, knocked skyward by a nasty uppercut from Garchomp. Howling, she tumbled back and landed on all fours.

"Rosa!" Ash exclaimed. "Are you alright?"

"Rol…" Rosa held her head, recovering her bearings.~Yeah… Yeah, I'm good.~

"After that Aura Sphere, I wassureshe would've gotten the drop on 'er."

"It looks like you're not reading the writing on the wall," Gary tutted. "How embarrassing."

Ash frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Twice in a row, now, you've tried using Garchomp's Ground and Dragon-type moves against her. Copycat is a nasty move, in the right hands, but right now, all you're doing is trying to beat us at our own game! A Pokémon using a move that matches their type isalwaysgoing to have a small advantage over one who isn't. In other words," Gary summarized, "you're playing a losing game."

Ash grimaced. He should have taken something like that into account. He had to do better than this. But, he couldn't just call Rosa back, could he…? Not after he'd already made a point.

With no response from Ash, Gary continued. "Suit yourself. Garchomp, Draco Meteor!"

A bright orange glow appeared in Garchomp's core, and rose until it was held between her claws.

"Draco Meteor…" Ash echoed the move's name. Maybe he didn't need tooverpowerGarchomp's moves. He just had to turn them against her! "Rosa! Copycat, STAT!"

The Lucario's eyes gleamed blue, as she analyzed the move she just witnessed. Her paws were stationed together, pouring a great deal of her energy into a bright, fiery orb between them. Her body suddenly felt a bit weaker, and the energy was so mighty that holding it felt unwieldy.

As Garchomp fired the meteor, Rosa chucked hers on a direct collision course towards it.

Gary watched the meteors soar, sliding his hands into his pockets.

"Pol!?" Empoleon squawked, his eyes widening greatly in panic. This was insane; not one, buttwoDraco Meteors at once!? "Pol! Empoleon!"

"Empoleon, calm down!" Dawn eased. "It's not like they're Gible's."

Empoleon wasn't having any of it. He was already waddling towards one of the Gym's recesses, hiding from around a corner. A bead of sweat rolled down Dawn's head.

Draco Meteors crashed into one another. Even from the sidelines, the detonation was blinding. Strong oranges and bold yellow illuminated the grandiose interior like the sun itself. Then, the hellfire rain of meteors came down; a peril to Rosa and Garchomp, alike.

"There!" Ash waved a hand, seizing the moment. "Use Substitute!"

An ethereal, translucent blue copy of Rosemary spawned in front of her head, leaping into the path of the closest cluster of energy shots raining down.

"Garchomp! Dig!" Gary had commanded simultaneously. Just as the Mach Pokémon dove, explosions shrouded it in smoke and embers. Deafening explosions followed, one after another.

Ash guarded himself from the smoke, until it started to clear. Rosa stood in plain sight. The field around her was battered with detonations and holes dug into it, with smoke rising from numerous craters. Gary's end was still veiled in ashy clouds.

"Talk about a gutsy move," Ash heard Gary from beyond the debris. "One Draco Meteor right into another?"

"Maybe," Ash replied, "but gutsy's my style. It worked, didn't it?" Even as he justified his gamble, though, he watched the smoke clear, and Garchomp was nowhere to be seen. A smoking divot in the ground where Garchomp had explained it all. Ash grimaced. "She dodged it."

"You may want to have your eyes on your Pokémon, as well as mine," Gary lectured.

Ash did as told, and gasped at Rosa's condition.

The Lucario was hunched over, panting heavily. Although Draco Meteor hadn't touched her, she seemed to be exhausted.

"Look at the condition your hard head has put her in," Gary scolded. "She's used Substitute twice, not to mention the other damage she's taken. And now that I've baited you into using Draco Meteor…"

"Baited!?" Ash interrupted. "What do you mean?"

"Imean,you'd shown your hand in copying our attacks. Draco Meteor's an amazing move, but it uses a lot of a Dragon-type's energy up. After it's used, their special attack drops by half. Now that you've done the same, her Aura Sphere's half as strong! And attacking physically will just hurt her more."

Ash growled through his teeth, realizing he'd been cornered, and played for a fool. He should probably be taking notes from Gary's chiding; deep down, he knew that. But, being so thoroughly dog walked at the beginning of the match made his pride take precedence.

Ash fought a streak of heat across his cheeks, and doubled down. His eyes darted across the field; Garchomp was still underground. "That's fine. We'll just finish this with our next attack!"

"Hmph! Suit yourself," Gary replied. "Garchomp!"

The ground in front of Rosa began to break and cave in. Garchomp's muffled cry could be heard from underground.

"There!" Ash shouted. "Reversal!"

Blazing power channeled into Rosa's paw, weaponizing all the damage she'd taken. Her closed digits blazed fiery essence, and sparks danced off her wrist spike. The ground broke, and she roared, swinging at Garchomp.

To her bewilderment, she swung at thin air; the follow-through of her punch decimated floating debris, but made no purchase with the Mach Pokémon. She turned her attention to the cavern dug out before her.

Two golden, glowing eyes stood out against the darkness. Rosemary gasped.

"Flamethrower," Gary shouted.

Before the Lucario could retreat, a red blaze swallowed her.

"Rosa!" Ash exclaimed, helpless to rescue his Pokémon from the trap they'd run into.

The flames were less intense than they'd been at the beginning of the battle, but that didn't matter all that much, now. They fizzled away, revealing an exhausted and scorched Lucario, with burn marks spotting her blue fur. She stumbled, then collapsed.

"Lucario is unable to battle! Garchomp is the winner!"

"...Thank you, Rosa. Return." Ash looked despondent as he recalled the Lucario, staring down at the occupied Poké Ball. "You deserve a rest."

"Poor Rosa… She was really amped up, too," Dawn lamented.

"Empol…" Empoleon huffed, crossing his wings. How anticlimactic!

"No need to worry," Dawn replied, patting her starter's shoulder. "This is only round one. I'm sure Ash will come back with a vengeance!"

Ash absently rolled Rosa's Poké Ball in his palm, ruminating over the round that'd just transpired.'What's wrong with me, today…? It's my fault that she lost, just now.'

"Pikapi." Pikachu dashed up Ash's shoulder, patting his shoulder. "Pika Pika. Pikachu."

"...Yeah. I know. It's just like the mistake we made, against Surge. Our pride blinded us to making the right move. We can't let that happen, again."

"I'd like to remind the challenger that it's their turn to send in their next Pokémon," the referee called. "If you don't substitute in a reasonable timeframe, you will be disqualified."

"No need to rush it," Gary intervened, raising an open palm. "There's no point in battling if a trainer isn't at their best. But, thatdoesraise the question," Gary said, meeting Ash's gaze. "Can you deliver on that, Ash? Or did you come in on a bad day?"

"Tch…" Ash tutted, furrowing his brows. Not a chance. He'd just lost his cool. He was always hot headed. He just needed to reel it in. So, he did, taking a long breath. Inhaling, and exhaling. "...Nope. I couldn't be better!"

"Good," Gary replied. "Then, let's continue!"

"I agree!" Ash tossed his next Poké Ball. "Misdreavus! I choose you!"

"Miiiis~!" The ghost howled, soaring about the fray to circle Garchomp. She stopped in front of Gar, looking between the brunet and his Pokémon. She began to connect the dots on just who she was fighting.

"Well, well. Look who it is," Gary said, smirking. "That's the Misdreavus who helped lure out my Garchomp, isn't it? Something tells me she'd like a rematch with your Pokémon, Ash." Gary seemed to be right, as Garchomp's golden eyes glowered at the ghost. "And, so would I."

"Well, well. We meet again! T'is been a fair few cycles of the moon since our last bout, has it not?"She spoke to Garchomp in terms that neither Ash nor Gary would understand.

Garchomp said nothing, only growling at her. She seemed to remember her face. That, or she was eyeing the decorative jewels around Misdreavus's neck.

"What's this? Still just after my gems…? Your desires are as shallow as your character, both of which make a puddle look like a deep sea trench!"Misdreavus scoffed, and returned to Ash's end of the field."No matter. Have at thee, then!"

"I think Misdreavus agrees," Ash replied. "So, let's not keep her waiting! Icy Wind!"

As any ghost brought a chill with their presence, Misdreavus did the same.

"Garchomp! Flamethrower!" Gary countered.

"Yes!" Ash cheered, as flame fed into bitter cold. Steam and frost alike bloomed from the center of the field, veiling Misdreavus and Garchomp alike in white. "Charge in, Misdreavus!"

Misdreavus stretched into an erratic sequence of patterns through the vapor. Ghastly as she was, she could move about as she liked, until she spotted a hint of Garchomp's fins. The largest of their fins was the first she spotted; the one on Garchomp's back. "Mis~!" She cried, closing in.

"Will-o-Wisp!" Ash shouted.

Garchomp swerved around, just in time to find a haunting blue flame right before her eyes.

"Didn't fancy me giving you the cold shoulder? Very well! May you enjoy the fiery passion of hell!"Misdreavus cried, as Garchomp ignited in a blue blaze.

The mist scattered from the flames, and Misdreavus returned to Ash's side.

"Will-o-Wisp, huh? I'm surprised, Ash." Gary tutted, frowning at Garchomp's condition. "To see a status move like that from you, I mean. It's usually not your style."

"Sure! Learning from my opponents was the point of my Gym Challenge, wasn't it? You said it first," Ash replied, smiling. "But, in this case, it was Misdreavus's idea. I guess a little birdie told her about Surge using it against me." That little birdie being Gengar, Ash assumed.

"Well, I can't argue with that logic," Gary replied, shrugging. "But, now Garchomp's attack is halved… You give me no choice, Ash! Garchomp, Draco Meteor!"

A glowing core appeared in Garchomp's belly, before rising up into her maw. Though smaller than the last, it was wielded like a mighty weapon, nonetheless.

"There it is," Ash whispered to himself, smirking.

"Pika," Pikachu mirrored Ash's expression. He saw where his trainer was going with this.

Gary gave them a questioning look, but had nothing to add, as Draco Meteor launched. It carried towards the high ceiling, before finally exploding.

"There it is!" Ash shouted. "Let's take a page from Deidra's book. Use Psychic, to bring the meteors back to Garchomp!" He raised a hand, closing it in a triumphant grasp.

Misdreavus's eyes shone a vibrant blue. She exerted her will upon every single meteor, freezing them in mid-air. Albeit with some effort, with its power halved, she managed.

"Use Dig, to dodge it!" Gary called.

Garchomp leapt forward to dive, only to recoil in a burst of flames. Her burn struck.

Draco Meteor came down, ambushing her from all sides in a nasty explosion.

"Gah-hah…!" Garchomp growled, stumbling out of the smoke.

"Now," Ash gestured forward, "use Hex!"

An eerie, disturbing image of an eye was conjured, its dark tendrils snagging around Garchomp's fins. The illusion and its target both exploded in a blaze.

The secondary effect of Hex took its toll on Garchomp, who fell flat with swirls in her eyes.

"Garchomp is unable to battle," the referee called. "Misdreavus is the winner!"

"Nice!" Dawn cheered, jumping up in celebration. "Way to go, Misdreavus!"

"Pol! Empoleon!" Empoleon ran back out to dance in celebration. Way for her to give that meteor-launching brute a taste of her own medicine!

"Return, Garchomp!" Gary recalled his Pokémon, quietly thanking her before returning his attention to Ash. "Well, that was quite the comeback. You caught me off-guard, Ash. But, let me rewind for just a moment… You said something about Deidra, just now?"

"Deidra? Yeah, how come?" Ash asked. Immediately afterwards, the pieces clicked together for him. "Wait… You've battled her, haven't you? She's won eight badges."

"I'd be truly surprised if it wasonlyeight," Gary replied, frowning. Even from Ash's perspective across the field, he looked remarkably stern. "I hate to admit it, but she won without breaking a sweat. That Metagross of hers was a monster."

It wasn't new information, but hearing it from Gary's own lips made Ash's frustration begin anew. She'd faced him first. She'dwonfirst. She'd staged a challenge far greater than the one Gary anticipated fromhim.In hindsight, he knew now that Deidra hadn't been fibbing.

"A waste of my time. Metagross was more than enough for this League. Kanto's Gym Leaders lack conviction."

If he was still this far behind Deidra… Even after facing Blaine, and Team Rocket… Ash couldn't help but feel like all of his progress paled in comparison to her. "If I can't compare to her… Am I actually getting stronger?"

"Pikapi," Pikachu spoke his trainer's name, patting his cheek, as if to tell him not to worry about it. Not right now, anyway. "Pika-chu!" He pointed towards the field. He had a battle to win.

"I take it you battled her, too," Gary observed, shaking his head. "The look on your face says it all."

"What's that mean?" Ash replied, reflexively.

"Itmeansthat you're still trying to surpass her, obviously. But, standing there looking mopey about it won't bring you any closer. She wasn't interested in learning from the Gym Challenge, which means you have one big advantage over her." Gary said, and to Ash's surprise, spoke with passionate conviction that he rarely heard from him. "You can take this battle with me, and learn from it!"

The auburn-haired trainer of Pallet threw another Poké Ball forth. "So, quit your sniveling, and give our battle meaning, Ash!" Electivire spawned before Gary, flexing his tails.

"Gary… You're right!" Ash affirmed, adjusting the brim of his cap. "Let's do this! Misdreavus, Will-o-Wisp, now!"

Misdreavus conjured a halo of blue flames, and slung them towards Electivire with a spin.

"Use Protect," Gary countered. Electivire raised his hands, and a green translucent bubble surrounded him. Will-o-Wisp struck it, one flame after another, dying out.

Ash frowned. "So, he still uses that move."

"Rain Dance, now!"

A feral, proud cry from Electivire opened up the heavens; black storm clouds gathered over the field, and a sudden downpour started.

'Rain Dance… If I learned anything from our battle with Misty, I know what's coming next,'Ash thought to himself. "Misdreavus, use Psychic!"

Misdreavus lifted Electivire, and harshly threw him into the Gym floor. The Electric-type kicked up mud and dust, digging his tail into the field to flip back onto his feet. He grunted, shaking his head to regain his bearings.

"Not bad, but not enough," Gary replied. "Use Thunder!"

Blinding light burst from Electivire, and up into the clouds overhead. As flickers of gold danced through them and towards Misdreavus, Ash had to think quickly.

'We can't dodge it… But maybe we can stop it,'he decided. "Hold it off with Psychic, Misdreavus!"

Misdreavus found herself in the shadow of a golden, crackling pillar, and stubbornly exerted her will against it. A blue bubble surrounded her, pressing back stubbornly against the attack.

But, the effort didn't hold. Thunder landed, making Misdreavus cry out in pain.

"Misdreavus!" Ash shouted.'Psychic wasn't strong enough… not nearly enough!'

Misdreavus was visible after Thunder faded, but she didn't look half as lively as before. Static danced over her, in fact, indicating paralysis.

"That's no good," Ash said. "Misdreavus, are ya hanging in there?"

"Mis!" She cried back stubbornly.

"Alright, then let's try slowing them down. Icy Wind!"

"Protect!" Gary countered. This time, the shield withstood bitter winds, freezing over before cracking and shattering. Electivire was untouched.

"Got you," Ash said. "Misdreavus, up close! Hold 'im with Psychic!"

Misdreavus had used the time she'd bought to zip in, even with her reduced speed, and stopped before Electivire. With a numb body and no time for quips, she willed him to hover above her.

Then, she recoiled. Paralysis struck, and her foe landed loudly on his feet.

"Damn it," Ash swore. "No turning back now. Will-o-Wisp!"

"Thunder!" Gary shouted.

Both Pokémon prepared their attacks. Electivire, fresh and healthy, struck first. A nasty Thunder swallowed Misdreavus.

Ash's shout for her couldn't be heard over the deafening boom.

"Misdreavus is unable to battle. Electivire wins!"

"Well, you tried, Ash." A simple observation. There was no scorn, but no substantial praise to it, either. And really, Ash couldn't blame him; he'd accomplished little in that exchange at all.

Meanwhile, the effects of Rain Dance ceased.

'Did I learn anything from that to help Misdreavus get stronger?'Ash asked himself.'Anything at all?'

It was a question he didn't have an answer to, yet. He recalled the playful ghost, staring at her Poké Ball. "Thank you, Misdreavus. Take a good long rest." That gratitude became a note for later, though, and he became more stern to reflect the current situation.

"So, we lost that round… But, there's more where that came from! Go! Torterra! I choose you!"

"Terra!" The Continent Pokémon stomped down upon the battered field, pooling with rain water that splashed under his feet. He stood proud and tall, basking in the artificial weather. Face-to-face with another Electivire, he glowered at his foe. He wouldn't suffer the same loss twice.

'If I can get him to waste Protect again, we can get a solid attack in. With Torterra, he can't just keep blocking us, forever,'Ash schemed. "Torterra! Energy Ball!"

A shimmering ball of natural energy was summoned in front of Torterra's beak. He fired.

"Electivire! Thunder!"

"What!?" Ash exclaimed, as a bolt of lightning swallowed and detonated Torterra's attack. He grimaced, now aware that his path forward wouldn't be quite so simple. "Fine. We won't be shut out that easily. Use Rock Climb!"

Torterra lifted his upper body, and slammed his weight back into the earth. A rocky elevation suddenly jutted up under Electivire's feet, and the tortoise charged forth into the scattering smoke and ash. He found the ramp upwards, and threw his entire mass at Electivire.

Electivire was rattled, and thrown into the air.

"Electivire," Gary called, "grab onto Torterra, and use Ice Punch!"

Electivire's cable-like tails snapped out, and wrapped around Torterra's tree trunk. The connection pulled the cables taut, and reeled the Electric-type in. Swinging over his foe, Electivire dropped down from above with a fist reared back.

Freezing energy encompassed it, and smashed down into Torterra's shell. Torterra cried, freezing energy spreading over him. Electivire's downward chop smashed him through the elevation provided by Rock Climb, driving him into the ground below.

"Torterra!" Ash cried, as Electivire disengaged. The trainer grimaced. "So, they've got Ice Punch. Are you alright, big guy?"

"Ter…" Torterra groaned, shaking his head. Rubble rolled off of his shell, chipping away at the frost that clung to his moss. He was sore, but he wouldn't go down nearly as easily as last time.

"Good," Ash replied. He'd been worried for his partner, for just a moment. "Energy Ball!"

Torterra shot another orb at Electivire.

"Knock it back at them, with Ice Punch!" Gary ordered.

Electivire backhanded Energy Ball, only to suffer the pressure of the attack's power. He briefly struggled, before flash-freezing the Energy Ball. Its beautiful, colorful core became a prism trapped within a coating of ice.

"They froze it!?" Ash exclaimed.

Electivire followed through, smacking it back towards Torterra.

Torterra roared in pain, buckling down on one leg. Two super-effective Ice-type moves in a row were taking their toll, and he felt cold.

Ash frowned. This was getting dicey pretty quickly. If the battle continued at this rate, Torterra would be knocked out. "Hang in there, Torterra! Let's get some stamina back with Giga Drain!"

Glowing green tendrils shot out of Torterra's shell, snapping towards Electivire.

"Protect," Gary ordered, as a glowing bubble intercepted the projections, and disarmed them. "You're going to have to do better than that, Ash!"

"Be careful what you wish for, Gary." Ash hardened his gaze, as he committed to doing just that. "Torterra! Time to eat an Energy Ball!"

"Say what, now?" Gary frowned, taken aback.

The glowing orb was conjured before Torterra's beak, and the Grass-type chomped down upon it. Grass-type energy surged back through him, imbuing him with a sudden surge of natural power. The moss on his back began to shine a bright lime color, and the leaves on his trees came to match.

"Yes! There it is!" Dawn cheered excitedly. "The move that inspired Ice Armor! Get them, Torterra!"


"Now, this is certainly new," Gary remarked.

"It's a technique we picked up in the Sinnoh region, when Grotle faced the Tower Tycoon, Palmer!" Ash boasted. "It was an accident, the first time around, but now, it's a great and reliable way to give Torterra the boost he needs!"

The brunet laughed, shaking his head. "I shouldn't expect anything lessuniquefrom you, I guess. But are yousureit'll be enough?"

"See for yourself," Ash replied, smirking. Throwing a hand forth, continued. "Torterra! Leaf Storm!"

A roaring tempest of glowing leaves blasted across the field; whipped together in spiraling winds, the supercharged plant life posed a threat that dwarfed Electivire in size.

"Electivire! Protect!"

Electivire threw its bulky, brutish hands forward, summoning a shield that endured wave after wave crashing against its shell. But, its impenetrable defenses began to crack, with bright green fractures running through the bubble's surface. Electivire struggled, grunting in effort to push back against the onslaught.

Leaf Storm proved too powerful, and battered Protect until it shattered, sweeping Electivire up in its remainder. The cyclone seized and sliced the biped, before slamming him down against the ground.

"It broke through Protect!?" Gary exclaimed. Then, the Gym Leader grimaced, a bead of sweat rolling down his cheek. "Thatissome serious power… I guess that's what you get, with one of Ash's Pokémon…"

"You've got that right," Ash replied. "Now's our chance. Use Giga Drain!"

A recovering Electivire stumbled out of the rubble he'd found himself in, leaving him defenseless against the two projections of energy that tangled and seized him, limbs and all. "Elech!" He cried, as he was yanked in, and slammed against what remained of the rocky elevation from Rock Climb.

His energy quickly started to leave him, and did its part to replenish a weary Torterra.

"Electivire! At this rate…" Gary grimaced. His hands were tied. "Use Rain Dance, immediately!"

Just as Electivire was sapped of the last of his strength, he roared to the heavens. Another bout of Rain Dance started to shower the fray, before the Electric-type went limp.

"Electivire is unable to battle! The winner is Torterra!" The referee claimed.

"Return, Electivire!" Gary recalled his own Pokémon, smiling down upon his Poké Ball. "You did your part. Thank you."

Great work, Torterra!" Ash praised, punching the air in celebration. "You helped us get some back some momentum. You're the best!"

Torterra turned back to Ash, panting heavily. Even after Giga Drain's reprieve, he looked to still be catching his breath. "Terr," he uttered happily. If nothing else, he was proud.

Gary watched on without a word. Whatever he'd been thinking, it was merely a footnote, as he called on his next Pokémon. "Scizor! I choose you!"

The blood-red armored insect appeared before Gary, snapping his claws.

"A Scizor… Torterra's looking pretty winded," Ash thought aloud. "There's no point in wearing him out even further. You can return and rest for now, big guy!" He pointed his Poké Ball at Torterra, returning them in a beam of red light.

Gary tilted his head in curiosity. "You're fighting with a level head now, Ash? That's refreshing!"

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up! If you can fight with the weather, though, Gary, then so can I!" Ash made his next pivotal choice of the battle. Rather than grab another capsule, though, he offered his arm with an upturned hand to the Electric Mouse at his side.

"Pika!" Pikachu beamed, taking the hint. He ran up the length of Ash's arm and around his shoulder.

Smiling just the same, Ash extended his other arm, allowing Pikachu to run down the length of his wrist. Once those fleety feet found his wrist, Ash flung it upwards to catapult Pikachu. "Pikachu! I choose you!"

"Pikapi!" Pikachu tumbled forth, landing on all fours. He met Scizor's eyes, smirking. Electricity danced off his red pouches, and highlighted the rain droplets that came down about him.

"So, I get to fight Pikachu, now." Gary rested a hand on his hip. Eyes gleaming with curiosity, he smiled. "I'm honestly excited to see what the little guy's been up to."

"We're about to show you! But first, we have a gift from our battle with Misty!" Ash declared excitedly, throwing a hand high in the air. "Pikachu! Thunder!"

Pikachu supplied the raging storm clouds with a blinding pillar of electricity, his shriek just audible over the loud bolt he'd set off.

Flickers of bright light danced through the clouds, quickly gathering directly over Scizor.

Gary stared up at the clouds, his brows furrowing with concern. "That could be a problem… But, it's one we've prepared for. Scizor! Bullet Punch, now!"

Thunder crashed down upon Scizor's rising claws, reverberating through the room with a deafening boom. Lightning danced and crackled across the field, scorching and snapping at broken surfaces that were pooling with rain water.

"Bullet Punch…!?" Ash mouthed out, watching the scene with bewilderment. Scizor seemed to be struggling, nearly buckling under Thunder's wrath. "What's he up to…?"

Scizor's metallic claws flashed silver and gold intermittently, shouldering the weight of Pikachu's Thunder. "Scii… zor…!" Scizor hissed, buzzing his wings to set himself upright. Thunder finally came to an end, isolating his burden to two shining claws, leaking excess electricity.

"They stole Thunder from us," Ash noted, brows raised in surprise. "But it doesn't look like Scizor can hold it for long."

"Probably not, but he doesn't have to," Gary replied. "Scizor, now!"

Scizor punched in rapid succession; not to strike Pikachu directly, but fire off a blinding barrage of bolts, captured from Pikachu's Thunder.

"Dodge that, Pikachu!" Ash urged.

Pikachu dashed and rolled, avoiding the first of several. But, he'd tumbled headfirst into a shock, recoiling from it. The remainder of the barrage blasted him one after another, clouding Pikachu in smoke.

The black smoke soon dissipated, leaving a standing Pikachu, who shook out his fur. "Pi…!"

"So, you've got an answer to Thunder. You must've thought out everything, Gary," Ash said. "Not gonna lie, I'm impressed.

"Naturally," Gary replied. "I wouldn't be doing my job as the toughest Gym Leader, if I didn't make the most ofallof my Pokémon's attributes, to help them fight at their best. I think that's something you'd know as well as I do, Ash."

"You're right about that," Ash replied. "Pikachu! Quick Attack!"

"Scizor! Bullet Punch!"

Pikachu dashed his way across broken ground, with the rain's downpour rhythmically tapping at his fur. He increased his speed, his entire body highlighting with a silver trail, as Scizor zipped into view. A blur of red took up his field of vision, and the gold gleam of its eyes targeted him.

Pikachu lunged forth, bashing his skull into Scizor's fist. He felt the dull ache and recoil, but powered through it with his built up momentum, disarming the insect. He powered on and smashed into Scizor's chin before kicking off his forehead to somersault to their right. "Pi-ka!"

"Zor…!" Scizor reeled from Pikachu, reasserting himself. Immediately afterward, the sound of Pikachu landing and blitzing back alerted him. He turned and swung a Bullet Punch at his approaching form.

Pikachu made a quick left turn, rolling to the side of Scizor's punch. His paws dragged through the muddy field to reassert his momentum, and he smashed himself into Scizor's abdomen.

"Grab him!" Gary commanded hastily.

Scizor snatched Pikachu's lightning bolt tail while he was in range, holding him up.

"Damn it!" Ash swore.

"You can't run from us, now… But I know better than to just let you shock us! Bullet Punch!" Gary ordered.

Using his one free claw, Scizor pummeled Pikachu. With swift punch after punch, the mouse's body was pounded senseless. In a follow-up, the insect released Pikachu, and spiked him down off the broken field. Pikachu bounced several times like a stone skipped, before sliding onto all fours.

Pikachu shook himself out, regaining his bearings, as well as dislodging the mud from his fur.

"If that wasn't fast enough, then we'll do you one better! Agility!"

"Scizor, Swords Dance, now!" Gary countered.

Both combatants raised their battling capabilities further, with Pikachu stretching into a yellow blur that darted from one end of the field to the next, and Scizor spinning with a series of poses to amp his fighting spirits. Both Pokémon obtained a red glow as a visual cue to their growth.

"Pikachu! Quick Attack!"

"Scizor, Double Team!"

Pikachu charged Scizor, twice as fast as he'd been previously. He launched himself at his opponent, only to pass right through them. He landed, skidding to a halt.

"Pikachu! Look around you," Ash coached. There were a multitude of scizor occupying the battlefield, now; each of them identical. "Take them out, with Quick Attack!"

"That worked once, Ash, but it won't again!" Gary replied. "Bullet Punch!"

Pikachu made it through another copy, before a dull pain clocked him in the back of the head. Reasserting himself, he found himself surrounded by Scizor, surrounding him with phantoms of lightning-fast attacks. Another blow uppercutted him into the air before he could identify his foe, and then he was subsequently smacked down again.

"Pikachu's in trouble," Dawn frowned, balling up her fists. "He may be strongerandfaster, but he's caught in the middle of a real jam, if he can't find Scizor! Think of something, Ash…!"

"Empol! Empoleon!"

"This is a pain," Ash grumbled. "Pikachu, are you good?"

Pikachu picked himself up out of the mud, shaking his fur out. He turned back to Ash to shout his answer. "Piiika!"

"Great!" Ash pumped a fist. "Then let's clear up this battlefield. Use Thunder!"

"Pikaaaaa… Chu!" Pikachu flexed his stubby biceps, launching lightning into the clouds.

"It's not like you to make the same mistake twice, Ash!" Gary called, in tandem with his next move. "Bullet Punch, again!"

Each iteration of Scizor raised their claws. Each one of them was struck down by flailing bolts of lightning. Each left a scorched mark on the earth below… except for one, making a great effort to shoulder the weight of Thunder.

"You're right, it's not!" Ash answered, grinning. "Now we know where the real one is! Pikachu, Electro Ball!"

"Pi-ka!" Pikachu smirked, mirroring his trainer, and took to the air. The end of his tail gathered an orb of lightning, growing larger and larger in size, dwarfing his silhouette. "Pika-Pika-Pika…!"

Scizor, as well, had taken to the air, with both pincers wielded behind his back, with electricity leaking wildly from them. Both Pokémon faced off, with heart-stopping shocks wielded at their disposal.

Suddenly, the rain stopped. Droplets ceased, and storm clouds cleared to give the Gym back over to the ambient lighting, rather than dreary grays. The timing was uncanny, and served as enough of a distraction for Pikachu and Scizor to release their charge.

"The rain stopped…! That figures," Gary remarked, resting his hands on his hips.

Ash, meanwhile, saw a glowing opportunity. "Pikachu! Return!"

"Pika?" Pikachu tilted his head, but obeyed, running back to the trainer's box to stand by his best friend's side, looking up at his smiling trainer with a look of curiosity. What'd he just hatched?

Seizing the moment, Ash grabbed a Poké Ball off his belt, and slung it backhanded. "Pidgeot! Use Heat Wave!"

The Poké Ball's light materialized in the form of a large avian, who threw her wings outward with a shrill cry. Dwarfing Scizor, Pidgeot showed off beautiful wings of brown and beige, and colorful crests sloping down her head and tail. "Pidjooo!"

"Hmph!" Gary huffed. "So predictable. Scizor, U-Turn!"

"Zor!" Scizor shot towards Pidgeot, with a green glow trailing him.

As Pidgeot geared back her wings, Scizor jammed his claw into her belly. She recoiled, squawking indignantly as her feathers channeled shimmering red embers. Her foe retreated, and she beat her wings to unleash scalding winds in his direction.

Waves of red and orange washed across Gary's end of the field, hot enough to distort Ash and company's view of the stage of battle. With a super-effective counterattack twice over, Pidgeot had struck a decisive blow.

"I was waiting for that." Ash said, proudly adjusting the brim of his cap. "I get why you called out Scizor, and set up the rain before it. Scizor's got a huge weakness to Fire-type moves, but I can't take advantage of that when they're weaker. All I had to do was wait it out… Huh!?"

"Well, you're half-right, Ash. I have to give you credit for that much," Gary conceded, smiling to himself. A shake of his head, though, only denoted pity. "Your biggest mistake, though, is thinking that my plan stopped there."

Before Gary stood not Scizor, but instead, another one of his partners. Tall and proud, a fluffy cream-colored mane contrasted with black stripes over a bold orange coat. Gary's Arcanine had taken the heat, quite literally, and what's more, it looked all the more vibrant for it.

An orange, fiery glow drifted off Arcanine's lustrous fur, and in his eyes, there was no sign of fatigue; if anything, his gaze carried the intensity of a roaring inferno. Arcanine howled.

Ash grimaced, as the shade of his cap's brim covered his eyes. "That glow… It's just like…!"

Dawn gasped, a hand ghosting over her mouth. "It looks just like Houndoom's Flash Fire!"

Chapter 6: In a Pinch

Chapter Text

Gary, historically, had always found a way to pull ahead of him.

Whether it was being the first to receive a Pokémon, or leading him in their quest as Pokémon trainers; badges, Pokémon caught, general knowledge and wisdom. Being tailed by a gang of accompanying cheerleaders; shallow things like that, Ash later learned, weren't so important.

Being the first to humble him after several different triumphs, on the other hand, spoke more to their relationship. And, it usually did Ash a favor, spurred him forth towards his next quest. But, that didn't mean that it didn't bruise his pride.

Once again, when Ash was on the cusp of snatching an advantage he'd planned minutes ahead of time, Gary beat him to the punch. The Heat Wave, meant for Scizor as soon as the heavy downpour dissipated, instead soaked into the lustrous coat of Arcanine.

The fiery embers emanating from the Legendary Pokémon were solid, empirical proof that Ash's secret strategy had been used to his foe's advantage.

"You switched Scizor out," Ash said, frowning. "So, unless you're bending your own rules, it must've been the effect of that U-Turn." His eyes widened. "It must be like Volt Switch, then!"

"Congratulations! You've figured it out." Gary praised Ash, but the crooked, upward turn of his lips told Ash that it was at least, in part, patronizing. "You've had quite a bit of leeway in swapping your team around, Ash. But the Gym Leader has to be a little bit more innovative. I can't just leave my Scizor out in the face of those Fire-type moves… Thanks for playing into my hands by using one, by the way! You almost made it too easy."

"What!?" Ash snapped, troubled and insulted by the insinuation. "You planned this, then… and you thought ahead to have Arcanine ready to deal with any fire moves that would head for Scizor… That's a pretty nasty play, I'm not gonna lie." His eyes narrowed; that raised more questions than it did answer. "But, wait. If that was your plan, why bother discouraging it with Rain Dance, in the first place?"

"That is a good question," Gary replied, "but the answer is simple. With Electivire using Rain Dance, you'd expect that I'dwantto avoid Fire-type moves, wouldn't you, Ash?"

"Yeah, you've got me," Ash conceded reluctantly. "I connected the dots as soon as you sent Scizor out. Why else use it for a Pokémon with no Water or Electric-type moves? Of course you'd want to avoid the weakness to fire."

"...So you were waiting for the weather to change," Gary finished. "In other words, I made youso surethat you had my number, that you wouldn't even think twice about that trap!"

Ash found himself dumbfounded, and quite frankly, embarrassed. "You played me twice over, then…!"

"I'll admit, I didn't predict the stunt you pulled with Pikachu. I was starting to worry that the little guy would take us out, before I could see that game through! I think it's a good thing the rain ended when it did," Gary said.

"Pika…" Pikachu, who now stood back at Ash's feet, growled. Any momentum they'd built during the scuffle had been spent. Gary had played them like a fiddle. Looking up to his trainer, he frowned. Ash's trembling fist spoke to just how collected he was, right now. "Pikapi…"

"Poor Ash… To think that Gary had his number that whole time," Dawn said, linking her fingers together in front of her. "It's a little bit like his and Paul's battles… But, there's no way that move was specifically meant for Ash. Gary must have planned his team around making challengers run into that trap!"

"Empol" Empoleon curtly agreed. He never knew Gary to be so clever.

"The guy makes one heck of a Gym Leader," Dawn said. "But anything he can do, Ash can definitely do better!"

Ash inhaled sharply, then exhaled. The tension that'd built in his shoulders seeped away, and he collected himself. "Y'know, you're arealwiseass."

Gary snorted. "I would say it takes one to know one, but I'd like to think that I'm above that."

"Yeah, keep tellin' yourself that," Ash smirked. Losing his cool wouldn't do him any good, here. He'd walked into Gary's trap, sure. But, there was no reason he couldn't pay his old friend back for it, twice over. "How do you feel, Pidgeot? What do you say we show them that their tricks won't get them anywhere!"

Looking back, Pidgeot heard Ash's feelings. And she mirrored them, just as prideful. She shrieked, throwing her wings out to accompany her war cry.

"Hmph! We'll see," Gary replied. "Arcanine! Flamethrower!"

Flamethrower's ambience even reached across the interior of the Gym; even from a distance, its orange glow and uncomfortable heat told a story; this was no ordinary Flamethrower.

"Air Slash!" Ash hastily commanded.

Churning, slicing winds were thrown into Flamethrower's path, consuming and swallowing its fiery wrath… At least, it did for a brief moment. Flamethrower proved too powerful, bursting Air Slash and assaulting Pidgeot with remnant gusts of heat.

"Pidgooo!" Pidgeot cried, blown back from the aftermath.

"Tch…!" Ash frowned, but kept his cool. It was just a setback. "Charge back in, and use Steel Wing!"

Pidgeot quickly recovered, and soared under the scattering embers with shimmering wings.

"Arcanine! Extreme Speed!" Gary countered. His Pokémon quickly lived up to the name; an earthy green glow coated Arcanine, and quickly stretched to the limits of human vision; darting across the field as little more than a streak.

Pidgeot lost sight of her foe, before a nasty strike to her side threw her off balance. Keeping herself guarded with steel-plated wings, she surveyed her surroundings. There were no signs of him…

Ash acted as a second pair of eyes, scouting where Pidgeot couldn't. Then, he gasped. "Above you!"

Arcanine howled, dropping in to divebomb Pidgeot with his full weight upon her back.

Pidgeot squawked, committing to a barrel roll to shrug his paws off of her. A few feathers shook loose as she corrected herself, and watched Arcanine land. The canine outspeeding her was flustering her, to say the least. How dare he!?

"That Extreme Speed… It's so fast!" Ash marveled.

"I don't know what else you'd expect," Gary replied. "It's in the name."

Ash ignored Gary's wise remark, and kept his eyes on Pidgeot. She looked about as frustrated as he felt, right now. "Yeah, well, two can play at that game. You thinking what I'm thinking, Pidgeot!?"

Pidgeot turned back, and nodded. Words weren't necessary.

"Whatever you can do, we can do it better! Pidgeot, Mirror Move!"

Ever watchful like the sharpest hawk, Pidgeot's eyes gleamed. Recognizing and instantly copying what she'd just seen, she disappeared from sight.

Gary frowned. "Arcanine! Extreme Speed, again!"

"They're moving so fast," Dawn exclaimed. Her blue hues were darting left and right, hanging onto the occasional glimpse of emerald shooting across the room, before she lost it again.

"Pol! Empol." Empoleon folded his wings. What fun was a battle if he couldn't even see it!?

The occasional collision of the streaks of light caused the briefest of pauses, sending gusts of wind across the Gym's interior. Clouds of dust gathered before dying away, and Dawn's blue tresses were ruffled.

"C'mon, Pidgeot!" Dawn shouted, cupping her hands around her mouth. "You can do it!"

Extreme Speed outclassed its contemporary mirrors, like Quick Attack, by a great margin, both in power and speed. But, a move that great wasn't quite as sustainable. After several rounds of butting heads, Pidgeot and Arcanine began to lose steam.

Arcanine was first, sliding across the dirt of the battlefield. Digging in his paws to gain footing, he was now fully visible, and the green glow around him had died.

Pidgeot took this prime opportunity to give chase, smashing into Arcanine's side. Hearing his cry of pain, she flew ahead and passed in front of Arcanine, reorienting herself in the air. "Pidgo!"

"So, Pidgeot had the edge," Gary noted, frowning. "It makes sense. As a Normal-type, she's more adept at even a move she can't learn than Arcanine."

"That's just how great Pidgeot is!" Ash boasted, before waving a hand. "Charge in! Steel Wing!"

Pidgeot obeyed, and turned around for another assault.

"Arcanine! Box them out with Flamethrower," Gary called.

A stream of white-hot flames appeared in Pidgeot's path, forcing her to back off. The heat was oppressive, even if she'd avoided a direct hit. Clicking her beak, she pulled around and came in for a pincer attack.

Arcanine's sharp eye caught her again, and he unleashed another Flamethrower.

"Tch…!" Ash tutted in frustration, watching Arcanine fend off Pidgeot a second time. Pidgeot sank and dipped under the previous attack, coasting in to aim at Arcanine's legs. A third Flamethrower flew directly after, and she was forced to retreat to the air.

"Pidgooo!" Pidgeot cried angrily. The ordinarily sharp tactician was losing her cool; flustered and irritated, she took a deep breath. She should collect herself, and think this through. Surely, Ash was on his way to thinking his way out of this, if he hadn't already. She looked back to her trainer for affirmation.

But, she didn't find what she was hoping for. Ash's teeth were grit, and his brows were fixed with a look of frustration. Like her, he seemed impatient.

"If we can't break through, then try this!" Ash thrust a hand forward. "Pidgeot! Rapid-fire Air Slash!"

If Ash wanted to push an aggressive strategy, then Pidgeot had no reason to doubt him. Several fierce beats of her wings bombarded Arcanine with projectiles.

Arcanine leaped back from the barrage of cutting winds, darting around several more. He was safe, so far, but he was cutting it awfully close.

"Okay, that actually could be a problem," Gary muttered. But, he couldn't help but notice the gusts of wind dispersing from the Gym floor. That gave him an opportunity. "Arcanine! Jump over the next Air Slash, when it hits the ground!"

Arcanine did as told. Jumping into the fleeting tempest, Arcanine found a cushion of propulsive air, and lunged at Pidgeot.

"Now, Thunder Fang!"

Ash gasped. The force provided by Air Slash was enough to close the gap between the two Pokémon very quickly; it was a tactic he, himself, had used before. "Block, with Steel Wing!"

Arcanine's jowls came down on a prudently-timed Steel Wing. Sharp fangs gnashed into the metallic casing, and worse yet, loose electricity shot through Pidgeot's nervous system.

She shrieked, but she bore the pain. A veteran of many battles, Pidgeot hoisted Arcanine up with one wing, and mercilessly struck at his legs with the other.

"Arh!" Arcanine howled, losing his grip on Pidgeot's wing. This was enough for her to spin around, and fling him towards the ground.

Arcanine landed on all fours, and winced. His weight buckled a bit, under him.

"Arcanine…!" Gary exclaimed, frowning. "His legs took a hit." His mobility then, most likely, was shot.'If Ash has us on the run again, Arcanine will be in trouble…'Naturally, that left one option. "Hang in there! Use Flamethrower!"

Ever the loyal and reliable partner, Arcanine returned fire.

Perhaps, Ash at his sharpest would have perceived the advantage he'd just gained. Perhaps he would have battled prudently and taken advantage of what Pidgeot had just accomplished. But, he only saw his own Pokémon, flustered and prideful. He could see her stubbornness to prove herself the strongest.

He felt that same desperation in his veins. And with Ash, pride often came before the fall. "Pidgeot can take that, and then some!" He shouted. "Pidgeot! Mirror Move!"

Pidgeot opened her beak, and a vortex of wind conjured to snatch up Flamethrower.

"Ash!? What're you doing!?" Dawn exclaimed, watching the whole scene unfold with bewilderment. Arcanine's own flames were dragged in, and with a purposeful toss of Pidgeot's head, returned to its source.

Cascading reds and oranges highlighted the Gym's interior. Dawn had a clear view of Ash, then. If he'd made a mistake, he didn't seem to notice; teeth grit, sclera wide, and pupils narrow, he was absorbed in the passion of the battle.

She could only wonder.

Gary tutted in disappointment. "Bad move, Ash. Arcanine! Thunder Fang!"

In his haste, Ash left Arcanine a safe path forth. Charging into the Flamethrower, Arcanine lunged, and emerged on the other end.

Pidgeot was greeted by a dark silhouette against the flames. Try as she might to escape, she was far too late; fangs sunk into her hide, and harsh electricity shot through her.

Ash called Pidgeot's name, but he was too late. He'd realized his mistake too late, and he could only watch Arcanine somersault, and brutally toss Pidgeot to the ground.

The dust and embers cleared. Pidgeot was laid out on her back.

"Pidgeot is unable to battle," the referee shouted. "Arcanine wins!"

"Pika…" Pikachu lamented, his ears falling to frame his face.

Ash, meanwhile, found himself at a loss for words. His loyal partner laid, sprawled out. An expert of the skies, defeated because of… whatever it was that'd gotten into his head. Why had he made that call. Why was he sohasty?

"Ash!" Gary's voice jolted him out of his stupor. But, the blank, lost look in his eyes wasn't lost on the brunet. "Just what was that? Iknowyou wouldn't just hand me a win. And I know you're too good a trainer to make such a novice mistake."

Ash opened his mouth, but hadn't found any words to fill it. His head should be fully immersed in the battle, right now. The thrill of confronting the next obstacle and overcoming it was like a steady rhythm that he immersed himself in. But, right now, he felt more like he was entertaining the faint buzz of furious Beedrill, stalking from a distance. Chipping away at his patience and concentration.

He shook his head and silenced it. "I'm fine," he insisted. "It was just a bad call!"

"You sure don't sound like it," Gary prodded.

"Just worry about the battle," Ash snapped back. He immediately felt guilty, but there was no going back on it, now. He held Pidgeot's Poké Ball outward, recalling her. "Sorry, girl… That was my fault. But don't you worry. We'll avenge you!" One sphere was exchanged for another.

"Let's show out for Pidgeot, Tauros!"

The next ball was slung backhanded, and Tauros emerged, sliding across the Gym's dirt floor. He dug his hooves in and stomped, letting out a bellowing battlecry.

Gary's eyes lingered on Tauros, and then his very own Arcanine. The Fire-type seemed to be shifting his weight between his legs with uncertainty. "We'll see if you get the chance. Arcanine! Overheat!"

The inferno that followed was unlike any attack before it. White hot, starkly bright, and wrapped in a spiral of red and orange flames, Overheat closed in on Tauros.

Ash swallowed heavily, but refused to give up. "Hold it off, with Fire Blast!"

Much like his trainer, Tauros' spirit and passion burned. With a stomp of his hooves, he snorted and fired a blazing kanji into the path of Overheat.

Overheat and Fire Blast collided, pushing against one another. While both moves were mighty, Overheat was significantly moreso. Both fiery moves burst, but the aftermath was far harsher on Ash's end of the field.

The trainer guarded himself and his eyes with his arms, as his jacket flapped about behind him. His hat flew off of his head in the gusts, but the air was far too hot for him to expose himself catching it. "Tauros…!"

The flames died down, and Ash found it safe to assess the aftermath. Tauros had been knocked on his side, with burn marks on his fur, and wisps of smoke rising from them. "Tauros…!"

Tauros winced in pain, and shook his head. Stubborn and hardheaded as ever, he got back on all fours and snorted.

"After Overheat, those Fire-type moves won't be so hot," Ash concluded. "Tauros! Take Down!"

"Arcanine! Extreme Speed," Gary countered. Arcanine charged the stampeding bull, but the momentum he counted on never quite built up. His green glow flickered, and his footsteps were clumsy.

Tauros crashed into Arcanine, sending them stumbling back.

"It's just like I thought," Gary mused to himself, frowning. "Pidgeot's Steel Wing hurt his legs. His mobility's shot!"

Ash closed a fist, seizing the moment. "Now, use Fissure!"

Thunderous stomps sent a nasty, devastating quake through the field, cutting a schism down the middle. Earth rattled and rumbled, and Arcanine had no recourse to escape it.

The Fire-type fell with swirls in its eyes.

"Arcanine is unable to battle! Tauros wins!"

Ash whistled, wiping sweat from his brow. He found that Pikachu had boarded his shoulder to avoid Fissure's effects, and smiled. "Phew… Nice one, Tauros! You got 'im."

Tauros looked back at Ash and cried happily. His breaths were heavy, and his fur was still charred, but he'd won.

"Return, Arcanine!" Gary recalled his partner, and gently kissed the Poké Ball before depositing it on his belt. "I'll admit, I had a feeling Tauros would use Fissure, Ash."

"You studied us that closely?" Ash asked, taken aback.

"I had a good deal of free time before you came around to Viridian; checking back on your history was the only sensible way to prepare! And I saw Tauros's battle at the Orange League. I wanted to knock him out quickly to avoid that outcome."

"Then that's why you spent that power on Overheat," Ash deduced.

Gary nodded. "It didn't work. But it still did plenty of damage to your Tauros."

Tauros snorted loudly. If he was having any difficulties, he certainly wasn't willing to show it.

"If Tauros needs a break, he can take one," Ash replied. "But he looks like he's hanging in, just fine! Am I right, big guy?" Ash encouraged him.

Tauros answered with a cry, stomping his hoof.

"Right," Ash smiled. "So come on, and let's see your next Pokémon!"

"Hmph! Don't say I didn't warn you. Scizor, I choose you!"

Released into the fray once again, Scizor snapped his crimson claws.

'We saw Scizor in action before,'Ash thought to himself.'There's no way they'll just sit still for the kind of moves we want to land.'Deciding on his strategy, Ash resumed. "Use Scary Face!"

Scizor flinched when confronted with a nasty, terrifying glower from Tauros. The Pincer Pokémon suddenly felt unnerved; like his limbs were frozen in a fleeting terror.

"Now, Fire Blast!"

Tauros snorted, and fired the blazing star, once more.

"Cutting our speed before a full frontal attack… Not bad Ash," Gary remarked. "Double Team!"

Clones of Scizor spawned in a half-circle around Gary's end of the field, while Fire Blast embraced and incinerated one optical illusion. Embers and sparks danced in the air, while a majority of his clones remained.

"Now, use Swords Dance!"

Each of the Scizor started to spin in place, moving their claws in a pattern that generated the illusion of winds wrapping around them. Whichever the real Scizor was, their attack power was about to jump significantly.

"We can't just let them take that for free," Ash said. "Take them all down, with Take Down!"

Tauros charged the line of dancing Scizor, tackling one after another. After the majority of them were taken down, Scizor's dance stopped. The third-to-last clone was next in Tauros' sights.

Suddenly, that one reached out and grabbed his horns.

"Tauros!" Ash gasped. "They finished it before we could find them…"

Tauros bucked and thrashed, yanking himself away from Scizor's grip. But the boost from Swords Dance seemed fruitful; Scizor planted its feet, and stubbornly held the bull in place.

'If that's how they want to play, then fine.'Ash thought to himself. "Tauros! Fire Blast, now!"

"Sorry, Ash. Not this time," Gary replied. "Throw him up high, Scizor!"

"Sci…!" Scizor struggled briefly with Tauros, throwing up his claws in a mighty upheaval. "Zor!"

Before Tauros could gather any flames, he was hurled towards the ceiling, belly-up.

"Now, use Bullet Punch!" Gary cried, and Scizor caught up with Tauros, coating his pincers in steel. A barrage of jabs pummeled Tauros's torso, and sent him plummeting.

Dirt and dust clouds blew from the impact, forcing Ash to guard his face from the debris. Pikachu opted to sit atop Ash's hatless head as well, blinking any dirt away. "Shoot… Tauros!"

"Now, Double Team!" Gary's voice could be heard in the aftermath. By the time the field was visible, Scizor had gathered another band of clones to oppose Tauros.

Tauros grunted, forcing himself back onto his feet.

"Tch… Give me a break. How're we supposed to tag Scizor, like this?" Ash felt his frustration bubbling, again. After losing Pidgeot, and Rosa before her to it, he knew better than to put his pride before good sense. But, Gary still had two completely fresh Pokémon after Scizor, and all three of his own had battled… He had a good guess at what they could be, but he wouldn't even have a shot at them until he got past Scizor.

'Get past Scizor!?'Ash echoed his own thoughts in his mind, his face screwing up.'I'm thinking the same way I did against Surge… I can't count out the opponent I have, right in front of me!'

Tauros, meanwhile, looked back at his trainer expectantly.

As did Gary. "No moves on your end, Ash…? Well if you won't, then I will. Bullet Punch, Scizor!"

The platoon of Scizor clones scattered across the field, if not somewhat sluggishly, thanks to Scary Face. Their sloth gave Ash an idea, but he had little time to execute it, as gleams of silver danced across the field, and copies passed through Tauros.

The Normal-type cried, suffering a multitude of Bullet Punches.

"Tauros!" Ash called out. If they couldn't see where their foe was coming from, they couldn't fight back. "Try using your Scary Face to slow them down, again!"

A nasty red glow shone in Tauros's eyes, ready to petrify his foe as soon as they made eye contact. But, none of the Scizor seemed to even meet his gaze, let alone the real one. A sudden strike to his side made him stumble, and he cried in irritation.

"No luck… Tauros, listen!" Ash called out. "You've got to calm down and clear your mind! Feel out the real one! Bein' antsy won't help us!"

The command was hypocritical, really; Ash, himself, was far from cool and level-headed.

Tauros was looking every which way, leering red eyes at the ready. But, Scizor was everywhere. Bullet Punches, although only irksome at first, swarmed and irritated him like gnats. He cried angrily, stomping his hooves and whipping his tails about.

"It's no good…" Ash clenched his teeth in frustration.'Tauros can't find them, and he's really looking weary, now… Looks like it's do or die!'Ash threw a hand in the air in tandem with his next command.. "Tauros! Jump up high, and fire a Fire Blast at the field!"

"What's Ash up to, now!?" Dawn asked, her eyes following Tauros into the air.

Having leapt towards the high ceiling of the Viridian Gym, Tauros huffed and gathered his burning frustrations towards the battle at large. Battered and disoriented, he was of the same mind as Ash — he wanted to finish Scizor in one grand, clean hit.

Those wishes manifested in a flaming star, descending rapidly before hitting the battlefield.

Five volatile streaks of flames stretched over the field, incinerating whatever it touched. One Scizor clone after another was consumed, and vanished.

Tauros landed in the gap between flames closest to Ash, stomping the field.

"Burning the battlefield… Not bad, Ash," Gary could be heard from behind the chaos. "But, you ought to remember — this isn't the first time I've seen you pull that trick! It's not going to work a second time."

"What!?" Ash snapped, moments from asking just what Gary was referring to. But it came to him, rather quickly.'Of course… when I had Charizard melt the field at the Johto League!'

If Gary was prepared for this, then what could he have in store…? It was a question that was answered for Ash before he could give it a voice, when he looked right in front of him. "Oh no!"

In the gap between flames where Tauros stood, he suddenly found himself cornered. The strong red of Scizor stood between the bovine and Ash, himself. The insect made slow steps forward, encroaching upon his foe.

"Blasting everything away wasn't theworstidea, but I think you'd know as well as anybody that the field can work against you, too," Gary lectured. "I can't see over there, but judging by your reaction, Scizor's right in formation!"

"He's right," Ash muttered. Even as Fire Blast was starting to die away, hot embers lingered and drifted about, and harsh smoke clouded the way; there was no sure guarantee Tauros wouldn't step into a hot spot if he backed off.

"Finish this," Gary shouted. "U-Turn!"

"Sci… Zor!" A bright, lime aura surrounded Scizor. He shot forth, bashing into Tauros, before bouncing over the scattering embers, and disappearing into a red beam of light.

Tauros cried, knocked back and onto his side.

"Ummm…" The referee paused, scouting the fray to the best of his abilities. The black smoke was luckily blowing off into the unattended interior of the Gym, clearing the way. "Tauros is unable to battle," he shouted. "Scizor wins the round!'

"Thank you, Tauros." Ash looked down at the Poké Ball sitting in his palm. His fingers tightly clutched the cold metal; if the object had any give, his nails might've dug into it. "You did your best."

"Talk about a tough break," Dawn frowned, crossing her arms. "And I could've sworn that strategy was going to work. But now, he's in a pretty rough position."

'I've got two Pokémon left,'Ash recounted in his mind, as if he and Dawn were working on the same train of thought.'And Gary's got three, now. We'll really be battling uphill from here.'

As Gary reached for his next, though, Ash knew he had no time to dwell. He matched his former rival, and grabbed his off his belt. Both trainers slung theirs forth at the same time.



"...I choose you!" They called in unison.

Both tortoises appeared opposite of one another, entering with hearty battle cries. One with well-polished cannons, aimed sharply at their foe. The other with a thriving ecosystem supported on his back.

Eye met eye, and stubborn intensity burned in each.

'Luckily, Torterra got his stamina back from that Giga Drain earlier. But, if we're going to win, now, we need some momentum.'Ash thought. "Torterra! Let's see the power of your Energy Ball!"

The green, vibrant orb appeared in front of Torterra's beak, ready for consumption.

"Not this time," Gary shouted. "Ice Beam!"

Freezing rays targeted the Energy Ball with utmost accuracy. Before Torterra could chow down, it was frozen solid, shattering into shimmering shards of ice.

"They froze it!?" Ash exclaimed.

"Please," Gary scoffed, frowning. "Do youreallythink I'd let you pull the same trick twice, after seeing the kind of power Torterra has?"

Those words could be taken as praise; flattery, even. But, Ash was far more occupied with the way his strategy had been undermined. He grit his teeth. "Use Rock Climb!"

"Skull Bash, let's go!"

Blastoise geared his weight forward, and tucked his head into his shell. At the same time, Torterra's weight unearthed a high, rocky structure underneath the Shelfish Pokémon's feet.

With his path set, Torterra stampeded up the ramp. Blastoise launched himself like a missile at Torterra, skull-first.

Everyone present stumbled to catch their footing when the two Pokémon met; the shockwave billowed through the Gym, and the floor trembled. Two powerhouses had clashed.

Blastoise dug his claws into rock, and grunted while applying more pressure. While he'd slowed down Torterra, he couldn't quite find greater footing. In fact, when he tried to lean forward, Torterra's beak pried under his chin, and shoved him back.

This left Gary in quite a precarious position. "It's like last time. Blastoise can't aim his cannons. Torterra's making sure of that…!"

"You bet he is," Ash replied. "You're not the only one who learned from our past matches. Do it, Torterra!"

"Terra!" Torterra cried with a burst of effort, tackling Blastoise successfully off the precipice.

"Hang in there, and use Scald!' Gary shouted.

Those words struck worry in Ash, as he watched Torterra bear the brunt of a white-hot crescendo of a wave. Rock Climb started to buckle beneath him, and collapsed.

The Continent Pokémon grunted, before he was consumed by a sudden blaze.

"He's burned!" Ash lamented.

"It's a pretty ruthless move, honestly," Gary said. "By the look on your face, though, I'm willing to wager that you've seen it before, Ash."

"Unfortunately," Ash grumbled.

"A burn status on the first try… That's some really bad luck!" Dawn pouted. "Now all of Torterra's physical attacks are cut in half… But at least thatjustmeans Rock Climb."

"Pol, Empol!"

"Now, Ice Beam!" Gary commanded, as Blastoise fired from one of his cannons.

"Energy Ball," Ash countered, and Torterra returned fire.

Freezing cold rays crashed against abundant natural energy, pushing against one another for dominance. With the momentum it'd already built, Energy Ball was holding its own.

Blastoise grunted, and aimed his second cannon. Another prong of freezing cold joined the first, pushing back against Energy Ball. Jagged, cutting cyan bit into emerald, and pushed the latter back towards Torterra until it burst.

Torterra groaned, suffering a residual gust of bitter cold energy. He shook his head out to dispel the pain, though ice was starting to gather on the moss of his shell.

"Tch…!" Ash tutted, furrowing his brows in concentration. "Torterra! Giga Drain!"

Vine-like energy projectiles shot out of Torterra's shell, wrapping around Blastoise to drain his energy.

"Blastoise," Gary countered, "Rapid Spin, now!"

Blastoise retreated into his shell, and turned against the grain of Giga Drain's tendrils. They pulled back with some resistance, but ultimately snapped, as Blastoise spun and shook himself free. He landed on his feet, dusting off his shell. "Blast…!"

Meanwhile, Torterra cried, as his burn struck again.

"Torterra…!' Ash frowned, swallowing heavily. "You hanging in there, big guy?"

Torterra's red eye turned back to Ash and he nodded, smiling.

Ash nodded to acknowledge him.'Glad he's hanging in there, but with that burn, this is going nowhere, fast… We've gotta turn the match in our favor! Hit 'em so hard that Gary can't just shake us off.'With that strategy picked, the move of choice was obvious. "Leaf Storm!"

The moss and leaves on Torterra's shell illuminated, and a dangerous, cutting tempest fired towards Blastoise.

"Dodge it, with Rapid Spin, now!" Gary shouted, waving an arm.

Blastoise retreated, and spun his way to the right of Leaf Storm.

Torterra stomped sideways to gear his body towards the retreating Shelfish Pokémon. Leaf Storm's path slowly followed him.

Blastoise emerged to land on his feet, skidding into a circular motion with one hand pressed into the ground. "Blast!" He grunted, pushing off his limbs to immediately use the momentum for a second spin.

Ash couldn't help but notice that it was much faster than the first. In fact, it carried Blastoise on a wide arc around Torterra, avoiding the powerful Leaf Storm entirely.

"Hey, the way you just used Rapid Spin," Ash said, with arching eyebrows. "I looks a lot like-"

"Like the technique you developed?" Gary finished. "Afraid so, Ashy-boy."

"But, how!?" Ash demanded.

"I heard through the grapevine, from Blaine, himself. You think Gym Leaders don't gossip?" Gary smirked. "Your uses of Rapid Spin have been the talk of the town among us. First to deal with hazards, and now to boost speed, too. I figured you'd be coming soon, so I had to try it out for myself!" He seemed to notice the look of bewilderment on Ash's face. "Come on, though. You shouldn't be surprised. I've taken your moves and improved on them, before!"

"Yeah, I guess I really shouldn't," Ash shot back. Still, he was finding his confidence to be on increasingly shaky foundations. A move he worked so hard to figure out, and it was already being used by his opponent…'If he's evolving off my moves, I'll have to find a way past that, too!'

Torterra roared, as another round of burn damage struck him. "Terra…!"

That was enough to break Ash out of his train of thought. "Energy Ball, rapid fire, Torterra!"

"Rapid Spin, Blastoise!" Gary shouted in turn. This time, Blastoise didn't retreat, but instead, spun right into the incoming blasts. Lively green bursts of energy broke and splattered, unable to tough it out against Blastoise's shell.

"He just brushed them off!" Ash grimaced. Looking at Torterra, he understood why; the larger tortoise was taking heavy breaths.'Leaf Storm takes a lot out of him… But it may be our only chance.'Seeing no choice but to gamble, Ash continued. "Leaf Storm, to your right!"

A hurricane of sharp, energized leaves blasted past Blastoise to cut him off, forcing him back towards a corner of the ring. Within the legal bounds of the battle, he'd been boxed in.

"Now!" Ash cried, punching a fist in the air. "Use Rock Climb!"

Torterra's claws latched into the ground, elevating a rising slab of rocky terrain under Blastoise. With nowhere to go, he was primed for Torterra's aggressive charge.

"So you boxed us in… Have it your way, Ash!" Gary shouted. "Blastoise, Skull Bash!"

The two tortoise heavyweights smashed into one another, skull to skull, halfway down the ramp drawn out by Torterra's power. A burst of power billowed across the stage, again, but this time, there was no immediate winner; the two Pokémon were locked in a stalemate.

'If we can just get the edge on Blastoise, we can pull off a Leaf Storm, point-blank,'Ash thought to himself. His fists were clenched tightly in anticipation. They were so close!'Even if its power is cut down, pulling this off should be enough to beat Blastoise! Hang in there, big guy…'

Between exertions of sheer will, and claws digging into stone, Blastoise and Torterra stubbornly pushed their weight against one another. But, at the most critical of moments, Torterra was consumed in flames.

"The burn!" Ash exclaimed.

Gary smirked. "Now, Blastoise!"

"Blaaast…!" Roaring loudly, Blastoise took advantage of Torterra's slipping focus, and smashed into his foe with the brunt of his skull. The impact sent Torterra flying back into the air.

"Now, Ice Beam!"

Freezing rays fired from Blastoise's cannons, and exploded on impact.

"Torterra!" Ash shouted, watching his Pokémon fall. the rocky foundation below him crumbled under his weight, making the whole battlefield shake. He winced, waiting for the results. Though, in his heart, he already knew the outcome.

"Torterra is unable to battle," the referee called. "Blastoise wins!"

Previous setbacks in this battle had been discouraging stumbling blocks. This one, in comparison, felt like it'd taken the air right out of Ash's lungs. Was it the fact that he'd failed Torterrayet again?He never dared speak it, but his failure to carry Torterra to victory after evolving was an ugly, hidden wound. It couldn't be his Pokémon's fault, so what was he doing wrong…?

Or, maybe it was just the losses piling up. Five of his Pokémon had already lost, and in several different cases, he just hadn't been able to guide them to victory.'Am I doing something wrong…?'

Feeling a debt to his Pokémon, he took care to recall his partner, at the very least. Staring down at the reflective metal capsule in his hand. "Thank you, Torterra. Try resting for a while."

"It looks like you're in a pretty tight spot, Ash." Gary said from across the room. Rather than taunting him, though, Ash got the sense that it was a word of caution for him. Like he wasdisappointed."I've got three Pokémon left, one of them fresh, and you've only got one. But then, it's not like you've never made a huge comeback before."

"Yeah…" Ash agreed, but his words sounded absent. Like he was just agreeing with whatever'd been said without quite listening to it. Did he even believe it?

"Pikapi." Pikachu addressed Ash, standing at his feet. Ash found his expression to be stern, his little brows furrowed, and beady eyes filled with resolve. It was a look Pikachu often gave him while trying to talk sense into him. "Pikapika. Pika pi, Pikachu!"

The word-by-word, sadly, was lost on Ash. He thought of the day he was sure he'd heard Pikachu speak, at the volcano. But, the message was clear. Ash smiled in gratitude. "Yeah… yeah, you're right! And there's no better way to make a comeback than with Pikachu by my side!"

"Pika-Pika!" Pikachu cheered, pumping his fists. That was the spirit!

"Pikachu!" Ash shouted, throwing a hand outward towards Gary. "I choose you!"

"Phew… Good on Pikachu for giving him a pep talk," Dawn breathed a sigh of relief. "I was starting to get worried, there."

"Pol," Empoleon agreed, exasperated. The tension in the air was unbearable.

"Show him what-for, Ash and Pikachu!" Dawn cheered.

"Pika…!" Pikachu crouched on all fours, facing off against Blastoise. His ears stood on end, tail raised and alert. As Gary's very first Pokémon, Pikachu knew to take him seriously.

"Blast…" Blastoise stomped the field, surely assessing the same of Pikachu.

"Let's see how strong your Pikachu has gotten, Ash!" Gary shouted. "Blastoise! Scald!"

Blastoise aimed his cannons, firing scalding-hot water.

"Pikachu! Agility!" Ash countered.

"Pi-ka!" Pikachu chanted, suddenly vanishing from sight. The boiling water struck where he'd stood.

"Where'd he go…!?" Gary asked. "There he is!" He spotted Pikachu off in the middle of the field, towards the referee. But, by the time he'd gotten a glimpse of his yellow fur, Pikachu vanished once more. And appeared again, closer to the Gym Leader, himself, before darting off. "He's showing up everywhere… Even with Rapid Spin, Blastoise has no chance of catching him."

There was nothing, really, for Gary to do, but watch and wait.

Ash smirked. Now, he could take control of the match. "Pikachu! Thunder attack!"

"Pi!" The yellow blur that'd started dominating the field slid towards Ash, kicking up dust and mud as he went. Lightning started to gather on the wide end of his tail, before firing into the air. "Pikaaaaaaa… Chu!"

The bolt shot towards the ceiling, crackling and flickering wildly. Wild, untamed bolts boomed and rained upon the field, striking at solid ground in Blastoise's vicinity.

"Blastoise," Gary quickly urged, "dodge them with your Rapid Spin, now!"

The Shelfish Pokémon jumped and retreated, spinning wildly to maneuver around the currently very volatile battlefield. Thunder rained down, just barely cutting by his path. Sparks might have danced along Blastoise's shell, but the Water-type was untouched.

"Got you," Ash said triumphantly, waving a hand through the air. "Pikachu! Electro Ball!"

"Pika!" Pikachu leapt at Blastoise's shell, while the vibrations of his rapid movements built up a rapidly gathering bundle of static into an orb. A huge, golden sphere hung on the broad end of his tail, quickly dwarfing him in size. "Pika-pika-pika-pika-pika-Pika…!"

To his horror, Gary now saw what Ash's plan was. "Blastoise! Get out of the way, now!"

"Pika-chu-pi…!" Pikachu screeched, swinging his body around to sling the huge shocking ball towards his withdrawn opponent. A deafening bang sounded through the Gym, and smoke and lightning flooded the arena.

Ash's jacket billowed about behind him, as he guarded his eyes from the light.

The referee studied the smoke, until it started to clear. "...Blastoise is unable to battle! Pikachu is the winner!"

"Alright! Nice!" Ash cheered. For the first time, perhaps, since the match began, his confidence was returning to him in full force. "Great job, Buddy!" He praised Pikachu, punching a fist towards him in celebration.

Pikachu turned, mirroring the gesture with a smirk. "Pi-Pikachu!"

"Well, well… I think that answersmyquestion!" Gary whistled, as he recalled Blastoise. "Blastoise may've taken some damage from Torterra, but still,no onetakes him down that fast."

"That's because Pikachu and I can do anything together!" Ash boasted, riding on his high spirits. "All that time on the mountain was spent training our butts off. And our training's carried all the way through Kanto, too!"

Ash fully believed what he'd said. Pikachu was strong… So strong, that the leader of Team Rocket had to resort to dirty tactics to overcome him. Thinking about it from that angle, at least, made Ash feel better. He'd go on to show Gary that same strength, too!

"What could you possibly hope to achieve, with that kind of power?"

The tyrant's words, then, replayed in Ash's mind. He felt his eye twitch, and tried to shake it off.

If Gary noticed, he didn't mention it. "And you have every reason to be proud of that strength… But you know what happens when your pride gets the better of you, Ash," he warned, picking up his sixth Poké Ball. "My friend, here, has humbled you before. Let's see if he does it again." The brunet lightly kissed the Poké Ball, before throwing it.

"Umbreon! I choose you!"

Golden rings and ruby eyes stood out against pitch-black. Lithe and agile, the quadrupedal envoy of the moon stood bravely against Pikachu. "Bre…" His eyes met Pikachu's.

The mouse's own hues narrowed. This was Gary's treasured partner. The one who'd embarrassed him, before their adventures in the Johto region. He'd never gotten the chance to redeem himself, yet. He answered with his own low growl.

"We've got this, Pikachu," Ash assured his partner. He, like Pikachu, felt on edge. But, they'd started building momentum, and they weren't going to stop here. "Electro Ball, again!"

"Pika-Pika-Pika… chu-pi!" Pikachu gathered another megaton sphere of electricity, and fired.

The blast impacted with Umbreon, swallowing Gary's field in smoke.


Ash was sure he'd heard Gary right. He opened his mouth to tell his partner to dodge, but the momentary shock left his throat dry. Purple goo subsequently flew out of the smoke, splattering over Pikachu.

"Pikachu!" He shouted.

Pikachu cried, writhing and recoiling from the severe poison. Purple sparks danced over his body, and his muzzle gained a sickly blue discoloration.

"Toxic, again…" Ash lamented through grit teeth. His battle with Erika was a harsh teacher. If they wanted to win, they'd have to build on their momentum, and quickly. "Electro Ball, again!"

"Ka…!" Pikachu grunted, shaking his body out. Lightning gathered on his tail, once more.

"Umbreon! Snarl!" Gary commanded.

Umbreon attacked with a nasty bark, firing dark waves from his mouth.

"Pi…!" Pikachu took the blast, gritting his teeth to bear it. His willpower was commendable, and he swung around. "Pika-pika-chu… pi!" He fired Electro Ball, though it was significantly smaller.

"Oh, no… Pikachus special moves got weaker," Ash said, clenching a fist. He watched it collide with Umbreon; this time, the smoke cleared more quickly. Umbreon stumbled out, sporting a few marks on his golden rings.'That had to have did some damage… but it's not enough.'

Special moves might not cut it, and he'd already committed to four moves. There was only one option. "Pikachu," he cried, punching forward. "Use Quick Attack!"

"Pi-pi-pi…!" Silver light accompanied Pikachu's blitz forward. Approaching Umbreon in what seemed like slow motion, he drew close before darting off to their right. Nearly passing him by, Pikachu turned on his paw, and ricocheted himself brutally into Umbreon's side.

Umbreon squealed, recoiling from the impact.

"Umbreon! Foul Play!" Gary shouted; soon enough that Pikachu and Umbreon were still in mid-air. The Moonlight Pokémon regained his clarity and composure, a gleam in his red eyes. Suddenly, his four legs reached out for Pikachu, and hugged around him. He was yanked in.

"Pika!?" Pikachu exclaimed.

Umbreon hugged Pikachu in, and turned himself and his foe over, so that his paws were pressed into Pikachu's back and the top of his head. Still reeling from Quick Attack's impact, they flew towards the Gym floor.

Pikachu faced an ugly collision, when Umbreon smashed him into the ground, facefirst. Skidding through it off of his very own momentum, Pikachu was beaten and dragged through the mud, quite literally.

"Ka…!" Pikachu coughed, catching his breath after Umbreon hopped off of him. Immediately afterward, he writhed, with the sickly bubble of Toxic emanating from him. "Chu…"

"Pikachu…!" Ash's face twisted up with worry and confusion alike. He pulled out his Pokédex. "Dexter, what's Foul Play?"

"Foul Play: A Dark-type attack. The user turns the target's power against it. The higher the target's Attack stat, the greater the damage it deals."

"Pretty nasty, isn't it?" Gary boasted. "Umbreon's powerful, but Pikachu packs even more of a punch. That momentum of his gave us all of the leverage we needed to strike back better than our own attacks ever could!"

"Tch…!" Ash grit his teeth. "Pikachu, how're you doing?"

"Pika… Pika-Pika!" Pikachu barked back stubbornly, standing up and shaking the dust and grime out of his fur. As if he'd go down that easily!

"Good," Ash affirmed. "In that case, rapid-fire Quick Attack!"

Pikachu shot off again, smashing into Umbreon.

"Foul Play!" Gary called.

Umbreon went for an encore, reaching out for Pikachu. But, the Electric Mouse had dug all four of his paws into the dirt, denying himself the same forward motion he'd had, last time. The Dark-type's paws fell short.

Subsequently, Pikachu pushed off to dash past Umbreon, speeding back towards it like a shooting comet. He crashed into his foe's back, mankind him cry out. The mouse saw Umbreon's ears twitch, and he dashed off again before he could be caught.

"This is new," Gary mused, frowning. "Pikachu's moving too quickly to be caught by Foul Play."

"That's the idea," Ash said. "That attack is dangerous, but it won't do you any good, if you can't catch Pikachu!"

"That's the way, Ash!" Dawn cheered, hopping up and down. "Get 'em, Pikachu!"

"Empoleon!" Empoleon cheered wildly, waving his wings.

"Pi-ka!" Somersaulting out of his most recent hit, Pikachu landed with his back to Umbreon, who was stumbling forwards in a struggle to keep his balance. Smirking, he kicked off his feet, shoulder checking Umbreon in the jaw. "Chu!"

Umbreon slid through the mud, panting. His body was battered, but he was remarkably still on his feet.

"Umbreon's still holding out, though," Ash said, eyes wide. "What's the deal?"

"You should do your homework, Ash," Gary lectured. "Umbreon may look sleek, but their physical defense is infamously top-of-the-line. It's even comparable to a Golem's! That's why I took a shot at Pikachu's special attack. Anything else, he can take, and IknowPikachu's not as durable as Umbreon, as stubborn as he is. In other words, your own training's working against you."

Gary's explanation was as harrowing as it was humbling. "I'm really impressed, Gary… That's a solid strategy. But, it's not like Umbreon can just keep taking hits, forever!"

To that, Gary smirked. "I wonder about that. Umbreon! Moonlight!"

The stubborn Umbreon righted himself, and howled towards the high boundaries of the Gym. A bright orb resembling the moon appeared, shining a blue glow upon him like a spotlight. His ears folded back, and the marks and bruises covering his body were highlighted in the heavenly glow.

Under its influence, they started to fade, and the burns covering him lessened in severity.

"No…" Ash stammered out, his brows knitting low. Suddenly, with Umbreon's healthy howl, the trainer felt his confidence slipping right through his fingers, like fine sand beyond his grasp. "We were so close…"

"Pikachu…" Pikachu also mourned the turn of the tides. A sharp pain coursed through his body, and he stumbled. The sickly influence of Toxic was creeping through his veins, worse than before. "Cha…"

'Pikachu's poison is getting worse by the minute. And his electric attacks are weakened.'Ash assessed their condition. It was an awful case of Deja Vu… Do you call it that, though, when the events at Silph were mere days ago?

"I know how powerful Pikachu is, Ash," Gary said, "or at least, I had an idea about it. I had to come up with a strategy to handle opponents like him. A Gym Leader's meant to account for everything a challenger will throw at them. That'smymethod of learning more about Pokémon, now!"

Garyhaddone his homework. That much Ash knew. He'd thought his rival's strategies through, and built a near-unbreakable defense around it, even though Ash, himself, was probably the stronger of the two, one-to-one. That Deja Vu rang harshly in his ears, again.

"Correction: I won because I was willing to use every possibility and advantage at my disposal," Something that you aren't willing to do."

'But, this isn't a dirty trick… Gary's just winning, fair and square. I don't know if that makes it better or worse.'Ash shook his head.'I guess it's better, if it's for my benefit. I just need to find a way to overcome it… I just have to!'

Another unfriendly voice whispered in his ear.

"The Gyms aren't a waste of time! They're meant to teach a trainer about themselves on their journey, and make them grow!"

"Anyone who could stand to grow from this circuit could be no larger than a dust mite."

"Pikapi…" Pikachu's voice cut through Ash's thoughts again. He was looking back to his trainer, frowning, with one ear lopsided. His breaths seemed to be labored. Despite his own condition, he could only be worried about his trainer. "Pika Pika."

Ash shook his head. He couldn't guide Pikachu, like this. "Pikachu! Thunder!"

Ever-faithful, Pikachu obeyed, building lightning in his tail. "Pikaaa….!"

"Use Snarl!" Gary shouted.

Black rings tormented Pikachu; although not terribly painful, they made his body feel weaker, and broke his concentration, he tumbled backwards through the muddy, broken terrain.

Ash grimaced. He wasn't sure what to do. What move to call. What tactic to use. But, they were running on borrowed time. They had to attack. "Rapid-fire Quick Attack!"

A silver streak shot across the stage, and Pikachu barraged Umbreon, yet again. A first, a second, and a third hit came in rapid succession. When the Electric Mouse went for a fourth, a surge of pain stopped him suddenly, and he tumbled across the stage. Toxic bubbles floated away from his form.

"Pikachu…!" Ash gasped. Genuine worry was written on his features, even if he knew Gary would never truly let him get hurt outside of sport. "Are you alright, there?"

"Ka… Pika… "Pikachu gasped, and pushed himself back on his feet. Mud caked his fur, and although he hadn't takenmuchdirect punishment, he felt weak.

"It's like we're punching away at a wall," Ash lamented.

"Pika…" Pikachu grunted, feeling much the same. He was having no luck working his way around his opponents' strategies… Or, Ash was. But surely, as the other half of their partnership, he could do something!?

He looked to his trainer. Ash looked just as lost as him. If they couldn't overcome this…

Umbreon stood in his path, looking down upon him. Behind him was Gary, cool and collected as ever. Maybe it was the poison making him delirious, but Pikachu could only see the shadows of Nidoqueen and Giovanni looming over him.

If he couldn't beat this, he'd never overcome them.

"Use Moonlight!" Gary shouted.

Umbreon did as told, and the healthy nighttime glow replenished Umbreon again. The Dark-type stood tall, his glow even healthier than before.

'Umbreon's back to square one,'Ash thought, clenching a fist.'And Scizor's on the bench, too…'There was only one answer left, he figured. "Pikachu! Let's see all the Agility you've got!"

Pikachu gathered himself, and put his faith in Ash. His bolstered speed from the last round of Agility gave him a head-start that felt like a breath of fresh air. Or, maybe that was the cool air blowing past him that made him feel just a little less sickly. He was gaining speed regardless.

"What now, Ash?" Gary quirked a brow. The question was rhetorical, though, really. All he could do was watch.

"There's one move up our sleeve that can still beat you guys," Ash asserted. He put the last of his hopes in his best friend, and punched the air. "Pikachu! Electro Ball!"

"Pi-ka!" A yellow blur appeared above the field. Pikachu was there, gathering electricity into his tail. One flicker of static after another, he forced friction and momentum to bend to his will. "Pi… ka… Pi… ka… Pi… ka…!" Electro Ball started to take shape, about as large as the one he'd wielded against Blastoise and Umbreon earlier. "Chu… kah!"

Poison shot through Pikachu's veins again. His eyes became glassy, and the gathering electricity burned at the air and scattered.

"Pikachu…" Ash gasped. Abandoning all pretenses of the battle, he put his partner first, and sprinted onto the field. Stepping in depressions caked in mud, he felt it splatter against his shoes and jeans. He ignored it, and held his arms out for his partner.

Ash caught Pikachu, and hugged him to his chest. The mouse was breathing steadily, but no longer conscious.

The referee saw fit to make the same decision. "Pikachu is unable to battle! All of the challenger's Pokémon are unable to battle, leaving the Gym Leader Gary, the victor!"

"Poor Pikachu…" Dawn frowned. Her shoulders and posture dropped with her hopes for victory. "They had such a strong start, but… they just got outplayed." This sort of stinging defeat rang close, for her. Her stomach felt tight from sympathy.

"Poleon…" Empoleon hung his head.

The two watched Gary approach Ash, and they saw fit to follow along. Dawn had second thoughts about stepping into the muck, but she was quickly glad she did. Towards the darker outsides of the main hall, she saw Ash's cap, sitting in the dirt, upside-down.

That alone felt like a bad omen. She ran towards the overturned headgear, and picked it up. Holding it at length, she shook some of the dirt and mud off of it.

"So… that's that." Ash's voice sounded, behind her. Resigned to the outcome.

"A loss is a loss," she heard Gary reply. "No point in rubbing it in. We should both get our teams checked out at the Pokémon Center." He thanked Umbreon afterward, and Dawn could hear the unmistakable'ping'of a Poké Ball recalling its inhabitant.

"Yeah," Ash agreed. "C'mon, Dawn, Empoleon. Let's go."

"R-right!" Dawn ran ahead, clutching his hat closely. He hadn't even thought to check or ask for it, when she approached his back. "Your ha-"

"Sorry," Ash said, cutting her off inadvertently.

"Sorry…?" Dawn was taken aback. "What for?"

Ash seemed to slow down, as if he hadn't thought about his answer. He continued walking, though, acting like it hadn't happened. "For the letdown, I guess."

"Don't mind him," Gary told Dawn. "He can be a sourpuss when he loses. Just let him blow off some steam, and he'll get over it."

"Shut up," Ash said, taking a half-assed swing at Gary. The brunet caught his fist.

Gary shot her a smile, as if to say'I told you so.'Dawn, being herself, took it at face value. She didn't have the keen emotional intelligence to see the concern behind it. She simply knew that Ash always did, in fact, bounce back.

"Yeah. No need to worry."

Outside the large half-dome building that characterized its grand Pokémon Center, shadows stretched to the east, standing out against the golden light that blanketed the city as the late afternoon started to slip into evening. Several benches were stationed outside, for convenience, by the decorative shrubs surrounding the care facility.

Ash sat between Gary and Dawn on one of them, with Empoleon on his girlfriend's opposite side. He stared down at the pavement at his feet, resting his wrists on his knees. Unfortunately, Gary had his number; he was moping. He wanted to excuse it, or brush off his bad mood as something else, but it was the ugly truth. He hadn't said a word, really, since speaking to Nurse Joy, and he didn't want to change that, either.

"C'mon, Ash." Dawn prodded first, gently nudging his shoulder. "I know it stinks, but you bounced right back after losing to Blaine. Now's your chance to turn a loss into a future victory, right?"

"...Yeah," Ash replied, though it came out more like a whine. "You're right, but…" He trailed off, trying to put words to his feelings and make sense of them. "This is… different, somehow."

That felt like an awfully dumb excuse.

"Different?" Dawn blinked. "Why's that?"

"...I don't know," Ash shrugged. "It just is."

"I think I might have a clue," Gary replied. "It's because Ash isn't satisfied with how he fought. What's worse than losing, is losing when you know you weren't giving your best."

"Wasn't giving my best!?" Ash snapped, offended at the accusation. "You know I'd never hold back in a proper battle!"

"No one said anything about holding back." At the risk of retaliation, Gary pushed Ash's head back with his index finger to reclaim personal space. "It means that you were off your game." Leaning back into the bench, he crossed his arms. "I'm not trying to say that your battling was necessarily poor, back there. It wasn't. I could see the logic behind almost all of your moves. But, thatmightbe the problem."

Before Ash or Dawn could ask for an explanation, he continued. "Ishouldn'tbe able to predict or analyze everything you do, beat-for-beat, Ash. Your battles have always been about your off-the-wall ideas that onlyyouwould think of, because you know your Pokémon better than anybody. But, I didn't see that today. I saw someone going through the motions. Someone who wasn't connecting with his Pokémon."

Every word hit a little too close to home for Ash, but that last accusation made his eye twitch. "So, what's your point!?" He shouted. "I was… off my game today, I guess! I'm not gonna come up with some amazing strategy,everytime I battle."

"Maybe not," Gary conceded. "But, everything about you has been fishy today. Something's bothering you." There was no touch of teasing, or even harshness in his voice.

It was soft, if anything. His concern was genuine, which only made Ash more uncomfortable.

"It's nothing," Ash replied curtly. "It was just a bad day."

"Don't give me that," Gary said. "You're lying through your teeth."

"Mind your business, alright!?" Ash answered. His cheeks burned, and he stood up from the bench to hide it. His back was turned to Gary, and his arms folded over his chest.

To his irritation, he heard his rival stand up behind him. "You know, you've got areallybad habit of keeping your problems to yourself."

"And, so what if I do!?" Ash swerved around, putting himself up in Gary's face. "My problems are my problems! I didn't ask for the peanut gallery."

"What was it you said, last year, about being older, now?" Even for all his patience and maturity, Gary's patience was starting to wear. But, he held his ground, poking Ash in the chest. "You're not a little kid anymore. Time to act like it."

From Dawn's perspective, it looked like Ash was about to blow a gasket, judging by his trembling fist. But, she was never a peaceful mediator. Pushing herself between Ash and Gary, she practically pried the two apart. "What's your deal!?" Dawn scolded. "You're supposed to behelpingAsh!"

"I'mtryingto help him, Dawn." Gary gently pried her away from him by her shoulder, knowing better than to stoke the temper of someone perhaps even more headstrong than Ash. "But I can only do that if Ash lets me."

If there was any mercy in the context of today, sheer coincidence smiled upon the Viridian Gym Leader. A tone rang from his pants pocket, and he pulled out his Pokédex. "...My Pokémon are ready. I'm going to go get them and return to Pallet for the night." Gary collected himself, and took a deep breath, turning to head back into the Pokémon Center.

"Later Dawn, Empoleon. Oh, and Ash…" He stopped, and raised a hand to salute the group. "Come back when you've got your head on straight. Or when you're willing to talk."

The sliding glass doors opened, and closed behind him.

Ash watched on, the adrenaline running his every move and impulse starting to simmer down. The fight-or-flight he'd felt a moment ago was dying, and frustration and embarrassment took over. "Gary…"

It felt nice, at least, to have the weight of Pikachu on his shoulder again. The short, but dense, soft fur occasionally brushing his cheek could bring Ash's blood pressure down on the worst of days. Seeing his partner rested, if not exactly elated, alleviated his guilt.

His cap was back on his head now, too, after Dawn had taken care to wash it off inside the Center. She was always more concerned with neatness and cleanliness than him. He'd thanked her, at least, by squeezing her hand, and holding it after they'd left, even if he didn't feel much like talking.

He wasn't ready to think and reflect. He just wanted to walk, and enjoy the fresh air in one of Viridian's parks, coming towards the edge of the city. Her fingers curling into his was comforting. Having Rosa back with him was nice, too, though she hadn't said anything, either.

"...The sunset's nice," Dawn said tentatively, unsure how to break the ice.

"Uh-huh," Ash agreed absently. But, he realized that he didn't like giving Dawn non-answers nearly as much as he did Gary. "...Sorry about what happened, back there." A pause. "I mean, for keeping my mouth shut, and getting into that fight. Iwantedto talk, but I just… couldn't."

"What? Why?" Dawn asked. "I thought we agreed that it's easier to just speak our minds."

"We agreed to do it," Ash reminded her. "And it may be easy for you, but for me, it isn't. I don't… like to throw my problems at people. Certainly notthis one."

"This one…" Dawn's eyes widened. The lightbulb in her head finally went off. "You mean Gio- uh, you-know-who?"

Ash nodded. "It was bugging me the whole time. I just… couldn't get in the zone, and think about what we all could do together." He looked to Pikachu and Rosa alike. "Sorry, guys. I just couldn't stop thinking about matching up to him. About battling right. But, if I admitted all that to Gary, everything we did… I justknowhe'd call me out for acting stupid."

He just wasn't ready to hear it. He flinched, though, expecting it to come now. The inevitable'well you WERE acting stupid.'To his surprise, Dawn said nothing. "...Well?"

"Well? Well, what?"

'Right,'Ash thought to himself. That was right. Dawn didn't do that… at least, not terribly often. She'd scolded him for jumping out of a high rise building from the eleventh floor, but really, he'd deserved it. Shedidn'tbeat him over the head about it, afterwards. Not for barging in, in the first place.

"Thanks, Dawn," he said, squeezing her hand. "I'm glad I can trust you with stuff like this. Being, y'know, vulnerable and honest and all. It ain't easy."

Dawn smiled fondly. "Well, I may not get why it's hard for you, but of course you can! That's what friends… well, boyfriends and girlfriends are for! At least, I hope that's what they are."

"Yeah. It'd be pretty dumb if we couldn't be straight with each other, huh?" Ash laughed. They'd left the boundaries of the park, wandering absently towards what looked to be city limits. Over Dawn's shoulder, there looked to be an old, worn-down estate. It was touched up just enough to avoid looking off-putting, but it clearly hadn't been occupied in a while. Beyond it, were forests that led towards the far-off Mt. Moon. If they kept going like this, they'd end up lost.

He smiled, shaking his head. "...Alright. That's enough of this."

"Pika?" Pikachu asked.

~Huh? Enough of what?~Rosa asked, leaning over to look up at Ash.

"Enough moping and overthinking things." Ash let go of Dawn's hand, if only to adjust the brim of his cap. "I'm gonna get back to being the trainer I am, and pull myself together. I'm putting Team Rocket behind me, from this moment onward!"

While Ash's companions all cheered on his declaration, a rumbling drowned out their voices, drawing increasingly closer. Ever louder. A pitch-black mass, moving through the forestry.

Rosa bore her fangs, leaping in front of the group.~They're back, again!~

"What?" Dawn exclaimed. "Who's back!?" Empoleon now guarded her front.

A pitch-black truck came through the clearing, coming towards the group at full speed. Suddenly, it took a hard turn, tires screeching and burning. It swerved and dragged through the grass and dirt, coming to a halt. Its side faced the group, bearing one despicable detail. Drawn elaborately in crimson, a single capital 'R'stood out against the dreary dark surface.

Pikachu leaned over Ash's shoulder, his cheeks sparking wildly. A low growl in his throat rumbled in Ash's ear.

"Oh, you'vegotto be kidding," Ash spat. But really, what else in the world could he expect?

Another Road Repaved - Consequences - mezamun - Pocket Monsters (5)

Art by drawnbynic.

Chapter 7: Ambushed

Chapter Text

"Are yousurehe'll be here, Meowth? You know we'll never hear the end of it, if we show up empty-handed." James complained, even while intermittently pressing and releasing the gas pedal, navigating the winding forest paths northwest of Viridian. An upcoming cluster of trees forced him to quickly swerve to the right.

"Watch your driving, James!" Jessie shouted, from the passenger's seat. "I'd like to make it to the Twerp in one piece… But, he's got a point. If we have no idea where he is, now, we might be wasting precious miles… and the Boss's patience."

"We ain't wasting a t'ing," Meowth dismissed, sitting just behind them. "Viridian City's the go-to! Remember, the Twoip's been battlin' his rear off in the Gym Challenge, again. He was in Celadon, then Fuschia, and den the Twoipette did us a huge favor by winning dat Wallace Cup again. So, he's definitely been around Cinnabar! No doubt he fought that old coot wit' da Magmar."

"That'd be the furthest Gym out from Pallet Town," James recalled. "So, that very well could've been the last one. I still think him being at home is our best bet."

"Well, you'd be thinkin' wrong, Jimmy. Remember, they barged in and blew Operation: Augmented Rocket in Saffron! The Blue Twoipette probably had another one of her contests there."

"So, they could be anywhere, if she's still collecting ribbons," Jessie replied.

"Could be," Meowth said, "but you're forgettin'. He foughtusfor his eighth badge, back in the day, in the Viridian Gym! It's got da reputation for being the strongest one. You know how he does things; he'll wanna face that one, last!"

"You know, this was a lot easier when we were following them on a daily basis," Jessie scoffed.

"I personally could go without the joint pain from all those blast-off's," James quipped. "Meowth does have a point, though," he conceded, making yet another turn. The truck rattled from running over a root, but he paid it no mind. If they wanted to find the Twerp, then they'd be better off doing it before nightfall. "Then, that just leaves…"

"...Actually capturing Pikachu," Jessie finished.

"Ain't dat a boon," Meowth sighed. The usual pep and enthusiasm that they'd always carried for their jagged-tailed golden goose was suspiciously absent, today. It all came down to the Donphan in the room that Meowth held in his paws, and had tried for the longest to ignore.

An eerie, purple Poké Ball with black framing twisting around it like bars to a cage. It looked unnatural, and frankly, gave Meowth the creeps, looking at it. But, reality was often more strange and frightening than imagination and fiction.

"...Are we still sure we should be usin' this thing?" Meowth asked, hoping that perhaps this time, someone would speak up and show greater decisiveness than him. Probably Jessie. "I really don't like it."

"Boss's orders, I'm afraid." James sighed, slumping his shoulders. He almostwishedthat they were wrong about where they'd find their target. It'd help them put off the inevitable. "I still don't see what's wrong with the old, reliable electricity-proof cage."

"The problem with those was that theyweren'treliable," Jessie snapped back. "Besides. You heard the Boss. He was crystal-clear about our mission. It's also the one time he'swantedus to capture Pikachu! It's our big chance to capture him, once and for all!"

"Yeah," Meowth acquiesced. "But, we've seen dese things in action before… I really don't like 'em… But on the other paw, this might be my one and only chance to sit in da Boss's lap, and dethrone that mangy Persian!"

"Andourticket to fat wallets and notoriety among members of Team Rocket, everywhere!" Jessie replied. "That witch with the cowlick may be the one to get her grimy paws on Pikachu, butwe'llreap the benefits! So, let's quit the belly-aching and focus!"

"And-how!" James chanted.

Although the trio had agreed, none of them felt much better about their predicament. But, there was no time left to dwell, it seemed. In the far-off distance, an easily-identifiable band of twerps was out in a clearing, and out in the open.

"Twerps, at one o'clock!" Jessie pointed as soon as she spotted them.

"Let's put the pedal to the metal!" James said, and did exactly that. Their targets grew ever closer, before a sharp turn of the wheel sent the truck into a swerving spin.

"Watch the metal; I ain't that durable!" Meowth complained, clinging to the seat. But, as soon as that nauseating turn started, it was over.

"We're here, they know it," Jessie rehearsed, "so let's get out and make the most of it!"

"Haa-ha-haha!" The three announced themselves with a nefarious laugh, and several smoke bombs, just to provoke the usual Twerpish exchange. There was a routine to these things, after all!

"Oh, you'vegotto be kidding," Ash deadpanned, grimacing. Just moments after he'd forsaken his fixation with Team Rocket, theirleastfavorite band of thieves decided to show up.

"What do you three want,thistime!?" Dawn demanded, already preparing for battle.

"What a question, twerpish indeed."

"We'll answer those questions when we feel the need!"

Three silhouettes stood out among the dust and ash; two tall ones, and one shorter.

"Bringing the blinding white of evil into the future!"

"Thrusting the hammer of justice down onto the black darkness of the universe!"

"Carving our names in the Rock of Eternity!" Razor-sharp claws sliced through the smoke, revealing the sinister gleam of gold atop a grinning bipedal feline's head.

A figure with long, scarlet hair twirled out of the debris. "The fiery destroyer, Jessie!"

A black rose was flung into plain sight, its stem catching in the dirt. The lavender-haired man, clad in black, walked suavely onto the scene. "And with thunderous emotion, I am James!"

The feline touched down before Jessie and James, with one paw planted on the broken ground. "Wisest of the wise, Meowth!"

The three agents struck a pose together, forming a giant 'R' with their silhouettes.

"And now, gather under the name of Team Rocket!"

"Y'know, I'mreallynot in the mood to deal with you guys!" Ash barked.

"Yeah, so get lost!" Dawn shouted.



~Yeah, beat it!~

"Says the Twoips who like to meddle in our business!" Meowth cackled.

"Interfering with Silph Co. was extremely rude," James replied. "But lucky for you, we're in a good mood! So, just hand over that Pikachu, and that'll be the last we see of you!"

"At least for a while," Jessie taunted, clutching a Poké Ball in her gloved hand. She tossed it enthusiastically. "Yanmega, I choose you!"

The giant, dragonfly-like insect buzzed fiercely, hovering around Jessie. Her many red eyes focused intensely on the gang of five.

"You too, Carnivine!" James spun around, slinging his own Poké Ball forth… only for the man-eating plant that appeared to live up to its name, zipping right back towards James.

The result was a loud, upsetting'crunch.'Carnivine was now chomping on the entire upper half of James' body, leaving its trainer to flail around and squeal in pain.

"Get serious, will you!?" Jessie barked, tugging on Carnivine.

"Dis is why no one takesusseriously!" Meowth shouted. Unlike Jessie, he declined to help, rubbing the back of his head with one paw.

"And I can totally see why," Ash deadpanned, frowning.

"No matter how strong you get, you're still annoyingandpathetic," Dawn added.

"Cute," Jessie replied, "did you get that from the plum-headed Twerp?"

Meowth then grinned, a gleam in his eye. "But, if anyone's been played for a fool…"

"...It's you!" James boasted, prying Carnivine off his head, as Jessie threw the Pokémon towards the group.

"Huh!?" Ash and Dawn both exclaimed. Was that not just their usual routine!?

"You fell for it!" James said, and gleefully pointed forward. "Carnivine! Sleep Powder!"

"Carni-viiiine!" The venus flytrap opened his gigantic mouth, spraying the band of heroes with a pink, somnifying cloud of spores.

Ash coughed, guarding his face with his arm. "Everyone! Don't breathe it in! I'll get Pidgeot!"

"Oh, no you don't!" Jessie shouted. "Yanmega, just like we practiced!"

Yanmega moved in, quickly picking up speed to fly circles around the trainers and their band of walking Pokémon. Moving so quickly, in fact, that she started to brew a twister of her own design. Howling winds surrounded the group, and kept Sleep Powder contained within the vacuum.

"What the…!?" Ash held a deep breath, covering his mouth with his hand.'They've never tried something like this, before…!'

"I… can't even see!" Dawn tried to speak past her hand to keep herself awake, but it was a failing effort. Her vision was becoming blurry, and her knees were getting weak.

~I… I got 'em!~Rosa drew back a paw, summoning a teal flash of Aura within it. It grew and came close to taking mass before flickering out. With her waning cognizance, her concentration couldn't hold.~I… got 'em..!~

"Pi… Pika!" Pikachu tried to right himself, and sparks danced off his cheeks. Ultimately, he started to feel faint, and fell flat on his face in the dirt.

"There he is!" Jessie shouted.

"Now's our chance!" James added.

"Right…!" Meowth swallowed heavily, and held the twisted Poké Ball in both of his paws. "Er…" Starting to sweat, he turned and tossed the ball to his comrade. "You're up, James!"

"Eh!?" James squealed, catching it in his hands, wide-eyed. "Oh, no… you do the honors, Meowth!" He tossed it back.

Meowth quickly returned it. "If anyone's honorable here, it's you, Jimmy!"

"Oh, no, no. I kindly insist!" James urged, tossing it back.

Watching their mission quickly turn into a game of hot potato, Jessie growled, and snatched the sphere. "You idiots… If you won't do it, I will!" Winding up, she pitched it into the tornado of spores.

Ash was already on his knees, struggling to stave off slumber, when a foreign object came into his line of sight. A dark, round object that he swore looked familiar, coming towards Pikachu.

His feelings played out, then, in slow motion. Confusion, first. Then worry, when the ball neared Pikachu. Rather than the predictable net or trap, its latch popped open like a Poké Ball.

Then, to his horror, he could watch Pikachu start to back away. The terror playing out on his own partner's face, before he became a flash of red light. Pikachu retreated, disappearing into the ball. It hit the ground, rocking. Rattling.

Against all of Ash's most desperate wishes, it stopped with a'click.'

"Pikachu!" Ash screamed, his voice deafened by the whirling winds that finally came to a close. Every thought, every synapse of hisscreamedto stay awake, in spite of the spores that left him grounded and weak.

"...And, there it is!" Jessie walked over, and snatched up the sphere that now contained Team Rocket's ultimate prize. "See? It was as easy as that."

"Easy for you to say," James replied.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's get movin', before we get losin'!" Meowth barked, and the three fled for their truck at a breakneck pace.

"Team… Rocket…!" Ash growled out, clawing his fingernails into the dirt. His head was foggy. He had no idea whether Dawn, or Rosa, or Empoleon were even still awake, themselves. There was no time to plan, or think. All he could do was force himself to his feet, and stumble after their vehicle.

He didn't understand what'd just happened in theleast,but as he lunged for the back door to the truck, he knew onlyonecertain thing. His best friend was in grave trouble, and he needed him.

That much gave Ash the willpower to pry the door swinging open, nearly flinging him off-board.

Ash dug his fingers into the cold metal handle until it hurt; it did the slightest good in keeping him awake when he swung his weight inwards, and flung himself into the large box car. He hit cold, metal flooring, rolling across its interior until he hit a wall.

His vision was awfully blurry, by now, but the bright, orange light of late day was displaced by darkness. Content, now that he'd covered his tracks, Ash couldn't fight slumber, anymore.

"What was that!?"

"I heard it, too…"

"I'm sure it was another root. No thanks to your rotten driving, James!"

"Don't be so glum. It's time to celebrate!"

"Right! We finally got Pikachu!"

"Our key to speedy success!"

Muffled voices could just barely be heard through the steel walls. Ash ignored them, drifting off with only one thought on his mind.


The fog of spore-induced sleep had started to loosen its grip on Dawn. Deep, uninterrupted slumber was on its way out, and she clawed feebly at the dirt. "Ugh…" She groaned, blinking her eyes repeatedly. Still feeling far sleepier than she'd like, and not quite remembering why, Dawn forced herself to sit up. She yawned. "Why am I in the middle of the…"

Nearby her, Empoleon laid asleep. On the other side of her, Rosa had her face in the grass. The pieces were starting to come together, and she gasped. "Team Rocket!" They'd been ambushed. And even worse, was the complete absence of two of their friends. "Ash… Pikachu! Oh, where did they go!? What'd we even miss!?"

"Pol…?" Empoleon groaned, slowly sitting up. He seemed to snap back to his senses, too, squawking in horror. "Empoleon!" Back on his feet, he scouted for anything amiss.

"Lu…" Rosa grunted, third to rise. She gasped.~Papa! Uncle Pikachu!~

"That attack must've knocked us out… But who knows how long ago?" Night had fallen, already. Dawn did her best to collect her thoughts, and piece a foreboding story together. "I just… only remember that Sleep Powder. And Ash shouting something, or another.. Maybe he went to stop them on his own!" Unfortunately, that was exactly in character for him.

Dawn sighed. "Rosa, can you see if you can feel them out?"

~Roger!~The Lucario crouched, and pressed her paw to the ground. Closing her eyes to the world, she cleared her mind, and scanned her surroundings. Trees aplenty, and the occasional wild Pokémon… But, none that felt like a Pikachu. Her ears fell when she felt no surge of Aura like her trainer's, either.~...No luck.~She shook her head.~I don't feel either of them!~

"Great… just great." Dawn furrowed her brows, and smacked her cheeks. "No need to worry! We just have to put our heads together, and start looking." Reaching for her bag, she was relieved to find that none of her Poké Balls were missing. "Togekiss, come on out!"

"Kiss~!" Togekiss soared into the air before looping back around. "Toge?"

"We're looking for Ash and Pikachu," Dawn explained. "Something fishy happened with Team Rocket, but we were knocked out, so we're not sure what. Can you search from them from the air?"

The Jubilee Pokémon instantly gained an air of determination. "Togekiss!" Dutifully, she started soaring over the trees.

"C'mon," Dawn rallied Rosa and Empoleon. "We've got six eyes between us, and Rosa's Aura. We're not going to find them standing still!" With that said, she had no idea where to start… All she could do was charge into the forest, and hope for the best.

'Ash… Please don't be in over your head, this time. Just hang on, until I find you!'

"I'll admit, I'm surprised. You three are back on time. A lot earlier than expected, actually." Ariana addressed Jessie, James, and Meowth with both of her arms folded behind her back. She'd met them halfway in the middle of a narrow, sterile hallway with white walls and the occasional black banner sporting the iconic red 'R.'

It felt suffocating, Meowth thought, and he was the smallest among them.

Jessie, meanwhile, was violently grinding her teeth at their superior's condescension.

"Was I right to take my precious time to meet you…? Or, do you three have another excuse for why you just couldn't get your hands on that damned freak-of-nature rodent?"

That was the last straw for Jessie, apparently, who stepped out of lock from her two peers to snap at her. "That'sawfullybold coming from the same Executive who she, herself, failed to—"

"Failed to properly evaluate our experience with dealing with just that rodent!" James wheezed out, hastily yanking Jessie back alongside him, like a feeble elder trying to reel in their ornery Granbull. He realized, afterward, that his phrasing wasn't much better, but what was done was done. "But, do remember that we've spent most of our careers doing just that!"

"Might not wanna bring that up, given our track record," Meowth whispered. Sighing, he decided to take control of the situation. "But, all of dat's water under the bridge, now! We got just what da Boss ordered, for the power and glory of Team Rocket!" He nudged Jessie's shin.

"See for yourself~!" Jessie sing-songed in the most facetious of sickeningly sweet voices, presenting the eerie-looking Poké Ball to Ariana.

"...Hmph." Ariana's cat-like eyes narrowed. She snatched the ball out of Jessie's hand. "Feel fortunate that I can't admonish you for a job adequately done. That'll be all, then."

The three of them went quiet, staring at Ariana with some measure of disbelief. Deflated, and finding this all a bit anticlimactic. James was the first to speak up. "...That'll be all?"

"You can find your way back to the exit, can't you?" Ariana replied, turning her back to them. "Now that I have this Pikachu, I have work to do. Giovanni will want whatever data I can parse from this little terror. Besides… I've been curious about it, myself, for quite some time."

"...N-now, wait a minute!" Jessie blustered. "We've spent the past four or fiveyearschasing that Pikachu!"

"I don't see how your abysmal time management skills are my problem." the Executive dismissed, starting to walk away.

"It's just… dat Pikachu's been our woik! We'd like ta… I don't know," Meowth stammered, turning the ball of his foot against the tiled floor. "...See the fruits o' our labor, ourselves, y'know?"

If looks could kill, the piercing, red-hued glare that Ariana cast over her shoulder would have turned the bundle of agents to stone. "'The fruits of your labor'will be dodging yet another demotion… That is, unless you insist on talking back to anExecutive.Any further time spent in my base will be considered insubordination. Do I make myself clear!?"

"Y-yes, Executive!" All three of them sputtered in unison.

"...Good. Now, then," the scarlet-haired Rocket said, before returning to the hidden base's many corridors. Not sparing the trio of misfits another glance.

"We'll just… be going now," James said meekly, slowly stepping away from the scene.

"Outta your hair," Meowth added.

"Bon voyage!" Jessie sing-songed, working her way backwards until they found a forked path. She swiftly rounded it, and yanked James and Meowth along with her to hide behind it.

"Thatpompous, silver-tongued, black-hearted witch,"Jessie hissed. "Does she remember that she's onlyonerank above us!?"

"Dis is why I hate bureaucracy," Meowth sighed.

"But, more to the point," James said, "what now?"

"Now, we do a little bit of espionage, of course," Jessie replied.

"On Team Rocket!?" Meowth blurted out, albeit in a whisper. "You herd 'er. That's insubordination!"

"She's the insubordinate," Jessie huffed. "The Boss gave that mission to us! So, it'sourresponsibility to make sure that the Pikachu project is carried out properly!"

"Yeah," Meowth purred, starting to catch on. "I mean, if she can't even catch us, how can we trust 'er to not lose Pikachu?"

"But, we don't know if she'll catch us yet," James pointed out, ever the realist.

"Then it's our job to not get caught," Jessie replied. "Besides…"

"Pikachu's still in dat dingy t'ing," Meowth said somberly. "And you know what they can do…"

"Turn a perfectly good Celebi into a freakish mess of roots," Jessie shivered. Being assimilated by that mangled titan of forestry was a nightmarish occurrence she'd never forget. Nor would she forget the blank, creepy look in the time traveler's eyes.

"And a soulless vegetable to boot," James added.

"So, maybe we should keep an eye on Pikachu… Or at least whatever information they find," Jessie suggested. "We can't trust that witch to not screw up a mission so delicate."

"Yeah… Sounds like a good idea." Meowth frowned, poking his paws together. Who knew that winning would feel socomplicated?

Cold, hostile steel wasn't what Ash expected to feel, the moment he started to wake. Nor did he prepare himself for the awkward, tangled sleeping position he'd found himself in. He couldn't quite feel his right leg at all, scaring him into truly feeling conscious, until he realized that he'd been leaning his entire weight on it somehow.

He sat up suddenly, and regretted it; his neck felt stiff and sore.'I feel like hell… Wait. Pikachu!'His eyes snapped open, as the memory of what'd happened to his partner was more than enough to make him stand up. Unfortunately, his leg was still asleep, forcing him to stumble and clutch the closest wall to him.

He grumbled, irritably shaking out his leg. There was no time for this. No time to laze around and get comfortable. The image of Pikachu disappearing into a cryptic device was playing on loop in his mind. Getting snagged by Team Rocket was one thing, but his aversion to Poké Balls made this ten times worse! Ash punched the metal container, making it rattle. The floor beneath him wobbled. "Pikachu…! I swear, Buddy, I'll get you, if it's the last thing I do."

His knuckles hurt, but he shook them out. He'd left a dent in the wall.'Those three have really gone and done it… But if I'm still in this thing, then they never found me. Which means they can't be too far off.'

The car attached to the back of the truck was dark; Ash had no clue what time it was. Judging by a mild emptiness in his stomach, it'd probably been a few hours, at least. Regrettably, he checked his backpack to find that he had no food on him.

'Damn it. At least I have my Poké Balls… But, Rosa was out when they got us. Pikachu's not here either, so I've got Torterra, Pidgeot, Tauros, and Misdreavus… Misdreavus! That's it.'

He took Misdreavus's Poké Ball off his belt, and clicked the center button, releasing her.

The dark teal ghost materialized, and immediately looked confused. "Mis…?" She cooed, checking her surroundings. Nothing about this seemed familiar. It was pretty ominous, in fact. "Misdreavus."

"We're in a bit of a bind, now, Misdreavus. Team Rocket took Pikachu from us!"

"Dreav?" The ghost tilted her head.

"...Right. You've never dealt with 'em, have you? You weren't out when we fought them in Viridian Forest. But, that's besides the point. Our pal's in trouble, and I need your help, okay?"

"Dreavus!" She cooed adamantly.

"Thanks. Now, I need to figure out where we are… But I don't wanna risk getting caught, right away. Do you think you could make us both go ghost for a second, and check out our surroundings? I'm not sure if you know how, but Gengar knows…"

"Mis!" Misdreavus nodded. "Mis-dreav." She didn't look terribly confident, but it was at least worth a try, Ash figured.

"We'll just start out with this scout, alright? Here." He placed his hand on Misdreavus's head.

He watched the Ghost-type concentrate, and shortly after, he felt the same odd, flighty feeling that he'd experienced twice before. Looking down at his free hand, he found it to be transparent.

"This isstillweird… but it'll do. Let's check it out." Recalling the far-off experience at Pokémon Tower, Ash kicked his legs around in an attempt to climb on air, until he willed himself to float. "C'mon, ghost body… Don't fail me, now!" Scooting slowly through the air, he passed right through the truck's exterior, and entered open air.

The area they'd come to was mostly surrounded by forest, pardoning a large, mountainous rock formation. Off in the distance, Ash could see Mt. Moon. Most notable of all, though, perhaps, was a small building carved into the rocky exterior, and two strange antennae sticking out of the ground. Ash wasn't even going tobotherguessing what those were.

"This has to be a Team Rocket base, or something. Come to think of it… Didn't Rosa sense something off around here, once?" It was a thought that Ash dismissed when he saw the visible strain on Misdreavus's face. "I guess we'll have to break in. There's no time to go find Dawn and the others."

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a few odd lenses on the side of the building. "Security cameras… Misdreavus, bring us up close, so we can hide up against the wall. They won't catch us, there!"

"Mis," Misdreavus huffed, flying Ash more steadily than he knew how towards the hideout. Once they came close to the exterior, Ash felt himself fade back into a mortal state, and stuck the landing, pressing his back up against the wall.

"Alright… that's one step forward. Hey, girl, are you alright?" He asked, frowning.

"Misdreav," Misdreavus nodded, but she didn't quite look it.

"This must be tough for you, since you haven't had a whole lot of practice… I don't wanna push you and make it worse. I guess I'll just have to think of a new way in." Frowning, he crossed his arms, propping his back against the wall. There had to be a safe way to barge in…

"Mis! Mis!" Misdreavus cried in protest. Before he could ask her anything further, he felt his backpack slip off his shoulders, and then saw it hovering in front of them. It was illuminated by the blue glow of Misdreavus's Psychic.

"What're you… Oh! I think I get it." He opened his knapsack, and rummaged through its contents. After a bit of poking around, he found it. "There," he said, pulling out what he was sure she was after: the Dusk Stone he'd shown her, earlier this afternoon. "Were you looking for this?"

"Mis!" She affirmed.

Ash's eyes widened, as he truly put the pieces together. "Misdreavus… Are you trying to evolve so that you can do what you just did more easily?"

Misdreavus nodded.

"You are… I guess I owe you an explanation, Misdreavus." Ash frowned, rubbing the back of his neck. "Earlier today… I was trying to become stronger so that I can fight people like these guys. To stop them. But when we brought it up earlier, I guess I was afraid to push those feelings on you by making you evolve."

"Mis, mis…" Misdreavus's eyes widened. She hadn't known this, of course, and went on to speak passionately. 'Dreavus! Mis-dreav. Misdreavus!" They were words that Ash couldn't parse down to the letter, sadly. But, he was fairly sure he understood.

"I think I get it, Misdreavus…" Ash hummed. He could only think back on a poem, then.

'A Noctowl's wisdom. Not a product of its own, but born of its flock.'

"I worry a lot about pushing you guys, but you have your own feelings and wants. Especially when someone we care about is in trouble, right?"

"Dreav!" Misdreavus agreed.

Ash could only smile, and bite back the tears he felt coming. He was so,sograteful for his Pokémon. "In that case… Then, let's do this, Misdreavus! Together!" In his open hand, he held the deep violet Dusk Stone. A symbol of their commitment.

Misdreavus honored it, by pressing her forehead to the stone without hesitation. A bright, warm glow wrapped around the stone, and then around the ghost, herself. Evolution's gentle embrace lit the scene, and expanded to accommodate the ghost's transformation.

Flowing, ghostly shapes expanded into a long cloak with new arms. The wisps on Misdreavus's head bloomed into a wide, triangular shape atop her head. The ghoul grew in size, until the light faded. She was now a bold purple, rather than blue, and sported a huge witch's hat, with pink spikes, much like the wisps she'd formerly worn. Her eyes were halfway hidden by her headgear, and her red gems had split into just three larger ones framing her cloak.

She lifted her head, and met Ash with the same yellow eyes with ruby irises. Somehow, she carried a more mature, witch-like look to her, though he still saw the same kindness in her eyes. Her smile now sported a feline-like curve to it; surely meant to look all the more mischievous.

In that moment, though, Ash only saw pride. He felt it, too.

"Misdrea… Mismagius. Congratulations," Ash said fondly. "I'd love to tell you how awesome you are later, but I guess we should get to work, huh?"

"Mag," Mismagius said curtly. Her voice carried something of a deep, ghostly echo, now.

"Right… Then, let's head inside. Go!" He signaled, placing his hand atop her hat. Once again, he felt the odd sensation of becoming intangible, and levitated off the ground. Holding onto the brim of her hat, he was pulled through the door, and down a set of stairs. Narrow, sterile hallways with tiled floors and Rocket banners were their initial path forward.

"Creepy place," Ash muttered to Mismagius. "It seems clear for now, so let's keep going." He floated alongside her in a straight path, until a couple of Rocket grunts passed by. A young man and a young woman.

"I can't believe it," the man said. "They finally got that Pikachu?"

"Some of the older recruits say they've been at it for years. Those losers should've done itsooner, though."

"Hey, easy," the man hushed, whispering to the other. "They're Admins, now. If word gets back to them-"

"Who evencares?"She scoffed, waving an upturned hand. "Word is, most of the Execs hate them. Besides, if they had, things would've gone smoother at Silph."

"I wonder what's so special about that thing, anyway? How strong can a Pikachu be?"

"Bet that's why it's here. You know Executive Ariana likes to know how things tick."

The conversation playing out below made Ash's blood boil. His noncorporeal fist tightened, and he had half a mind to demand answers from those two, right now.

"Mis?" Mismagius asked.

Ash inhaled sharply. "...Not yet. Those two don't sound like they know anything. We'd be revealing ourselves for nothing. We've got the name of who we're looking for, so let's go a little further and see if we can find a place to settle for a minute."

The two kept floating, moving past the grunts. They rounded a corner and their chatter became indistinct. With no immediate company, Ash scouted the hallway. There were a couple of small lenses that were definitely security cameras. "I've got an idea. If you can bust a few of those, we can cause some confusion and let your powers rest for a minute."

"Mag!" Mismagius agreed.

"Mismagius, use Power Gem!"

Red projectiles fired from her gems, shooting at lightning speeds; far quicker and more forceful than before, Ash noticed. Each of the security cameras was shattered in succession, bursting into broken glass and plastic, and red shimmers.

"Perfect. Let's rest for just a sec, now that they won't see us," Ash suggested. Gravity had its grip on him again, and he landed on his feet.

Mismagius became visible again, too, exhaling after showing a mild amount of effort.

'I really wanna just charge the place, and find Pikachu as soon as possible,'Ash thought to himself.'But that could land us in some real trouble… Oh, duh! I could just sense him out!'

It was a good idea, perhaps, but Ash didn't have the time to pull it off, uninterrupted. He heard footsteps approaching, and grimaced. Without anytime to waste, he reached for Mismagius's sleeve, and took it. Once again, they disappeared, just in time for company.

"What even happened, here…?"

"The security cameras. They're all busted!"

"Think they short-circuited or somethin'?"

"All at once? Doubt it. Something fishy's going on, here…"

"There could be an intruder. Keep an eye out!" One of the Rockets ordered the others around, walking down the hallway with eyes sharp as a Spearow's. They approached a door and turned the handle, pulling it open. From Ash's point of view, it seemed to be a supply closet. "Nothing out of order, yet… But, we'd better be thorough. Keep moving!"

Ash exchanged a look with Mismagius, and nodded towards the closet. "They've already checked, so we should be safe. Let's settle in there." Hearing an affirmative"Mag"from his Pokémon, he floated along with her into the enclosed space. It was dark and cluttered, but it'd do.

Mismagius released her supernatural grip on Ash, and he slumped into the corner of the closet, with her as close-kept company. He scooted over to press his ear to the door. The footsteps they'd heard were getting further away.

'Okay… So, we should have a few minutes of safety in here. Now's the perfect time to look for Pikachu!'Ash thought to himself, and took a deep breath. Shoving the anxiety and anger he felt onto the backburner, he did his best to clear his mind.

There were a multitude of Aura throughout the base, ranging from neutral to wicked. The ill will leaking off of some of them sent a shudder down Ash's spine.'I can just feel how rotten these guys are… 'It made him wonder if this was what Rosa had experienced. But, more to the point, there was a glaring absence. One that whittled his concentration down by the second, allowing worry to seep into his consciousness.

He couldn't sense Pikachu's familiar presence, at all.

'Pikachu… You've gotta be here. You've just got to! But, if I can't feel you, then… why?'

Sweat drenched her. Dawn finished another lap around the wilds bordering Viridian City. She doubled over, hands on her knees and her face red from exhaustion. Togekiss, who had been flying above them all, keeping an eye out for hide or hair of Ash or Pikachu, landed beside her trainer, cooing softly in worry. She desperately wished, now, that she'd had Houndoom on her.

Her lungs burnt, and her legs felt like jelly. Empoleon had been returned some time ago, unable to keep up on his feet. She looked to the Lucario, who'd been darting every which way, and planting her paw to the earth to feel for any signs of familiarity. Her endurance was infinitely greater, but the same couldn't be said for her composure. Dawn didn't have to ask, when tears trickled from Rosemary's glassy, far-off eyes.

~Nothing… I don't feel 'em, anywhere! Not a damn sign!~Rosa punched the dirt. It splintered into a crater beneath her paw.

Dawn felt dizzy. She'd worked her way around more bushes and roots than she could count. She could swear she'd seen the same stump five times over. Every minute that slipped by was another minute that Ash and Pikachu could be further away, or worse off, and that fact made it hard to even focus.

"No… No, no! Come on!" Dawn cried. Her eyes were glassy, and tears of frustration started to spill down her cheeks. "We can't be this helpless! Can we…? They need us, and we're just running in circles!" Ash's Pokémon League cap crunched in her hand, and stained with her tears. She hadn't released it from her grip since they'd started searching.

~Ma…~Rosa stumbled over, with no purpose or direction in her steps. She threw her arms around Dawn, burying her head in her shoulder. Dawn paused before cradling her with her arms. Comforting others wasn't something she was particularly good at. But, she was very clearly needed.

While she wasn't a nurturer, though, Togekiss was. She tip-toed over towards the two, wrapping her plush wings around them. "Toge…"

Dawn sighed, still clutching Ash's cap in her hand. She'd put this off for too long, fixed on not wasting any time. But, they were running low on options. "I guess we'd better go and talk to the police."

"Officer Jenny!" Dawn stumbled through the sliding double doors to Viridian's precinct, stopping halfway into the lobby to catch her breath, with her hands on her knees. "Officer…!'

Sitting at the front desk, the blue-haired officer frowned, standing upright when the distressed teenager staggered in. "What seems to be the problem, young lady? You look distressed."

"I…" Dawn took a moment to think while she composed herself. Come to think of it, whathadhappened? The way she'd just slept through it all was something she was still beating herself up for. "I don't know," she admitted. "I didn't see what happened, and it was maybe a few hours ago, but…! I think I have an idea of-"

"Miss," Jenny interrupted gently. "I'm sure you're rattled, but let's see if we can work through this. Take a deep breath, and tell me what you know, okay?"

"Okay," Dawn agreed. She gently squeezed Rosa's paw to calm herself. "It was… the sun was still setting, I think. It couldn't have been later than five or six. Me and my boyfriend were out walking towards city limits. Team Rocket showed up, and attacked us!"

"Team Rocket!?" Officer Jenny's brow furrowed. "To think they'd be causing trouble again, so soon… There's been no shortage of their terror, in these past few months," she mused to herself. "Sorry. Keep going."

Not wanting to incriminate herself, or Ash, who likely had enough problems, Dawn only nodded to that. "They were after his Pikachu… like they always are. We told them to beat it, but we got hit with a Sleep Powder from them! The next thing I knew, I only had my Pokémon, and his Lucario," she gestured to the Fighting-type accompanying her. "Ash and his Pikachu were missing."

"Ash and Pikachu?"Officer Jenny echoed, eyes widening. The memories were faint, after maybe five years, give or take. But, it was hard to leave an impression much greater than the ten-year-old with a battered Pikachu who'd accidentally left the Pokémon Center a pile of rubble. Itcouldjust be a coincidence, but it was doubtful. "Could you tell me about these Team Rocket agents? Was there anything notable about them? You've said that they're'always'after Pikachu."

Dawn nodded. "They tailed us most of our way through the Sinnoh region last year, and he says that they've always followed him. It's a group of three; a red-haired woman named Jessie, a purple-haired man named James, and a talking Meowth."

"Jessie, James, Meowth… I believe those descriptions match those of the three that attacked the Pokémon Center, all those years ago! And if I'm not mistaken, they're at large for the recent attack on Silph, among many, many other crimes… So, all signs point to them taking Pikachu, but that doesn't explain Ash, himself." Jenny surmised, writing down the new information into her report as it came.

"Knowing him, he found a way to stay awake and chase after them," Dawn mused. "...I hope."

"I really should call in some help from the force," Jenny said. "It sounds like we're going to need a search party. But, it would be great if we could haveanyleads at all."

The officer's amber eyes fixed on Dawn; surely, Dawn knew she was looking to her for any sort of answer. She thought hard about the encounter. "They came out of the woods in a truck to attack us, but… everything else after that, I can't say. I'm sorry."

~I tried to sense in the direction they came from,~Rosemary volunteered,~But there were no signs of anybody! No Pa, no Pikachu, no villains… Nobody but wild Pokémon!~

Tense silence hung in the air. Even with joint minds, and the law on their side, the search party for Ash and Pikachu was back to square one.

That silence was broken by the loud buzz of a phone, jolting Officer Jenny to attention. "Just a moment," she said, and tapped a button to accept a video call on the monitor behind her desk. "Officer Jenny, Viridian City Police Department. Can I be of assistance?"

"I would certainly hope so, Officer." A gruff voice sounded over the phone, which Dawn was sure she recognized. "It's a slim chance, but reaching out to the local Pokémon Center has brought us no luck. You wouldn't happen to know of the location of the trainer, Dawn Tsumura, would you?"

"Actually, as luck would have it…" Officer Jenny started.

"Professor Rowan!?" Dawn swerved around to lean over the countertop. Indeed, the gruff, stern-looking professor with snow-white hair and a prominent mustache was on the other end of the call.

"Ah, Dawn. Thank goodness," Rowan breathed a sigh of relief. There was an acute tiredness in his voice. "It seems luck is finally on our side."

"What seems to be the problem?" Officer Jenny asked. "I was actually in the middle of discussing a rather pertinent situation with Dawn, right now. I can't imagine our concerns are connected, given your phone number indicates that you're all the way in…"

"Sinnoh, yes," he finished. "And they very well might be."

Beyond Rowan's voice, distressed reassurances and angry snarls overlapped in the background. One of the lab's assistants jolted into frame, wrestling with what turned out to be an Absol, roaring and shoving her way towards the camera. She'd been held back by two, ultimately, but shook free, standing on her hind legs so that her blood red eyes took up a majority of the screen.

"Absol!?" Dawn exclaimed. Meanwhile, Jenny saw it fit to open the gate to allow Dawn behind the front desk, and see her own Pokémon face-to-face. What's gotten into you!?"

She recognized Dawn's face, and cried in distress.

"Your Absol has been in disarray for the past several hours," Rowan could be heard answering in the background. "We fear it has something to do with you, given Absols' reputation for foreseeing disasters… Your mother informed us you'd be in Viridian City, and we've been trying to reach you."

'Absol… She must've seen this coming,'Dawn thought to herself. The fact that she could sense it in an entirely different region, though, was a little terrifying.

"Then I take it that Absol's aware of what's happening here," Jenny voiced Dawn's thought aloud. "In that case, they might be our only lead in this case!"

"This case?" Rowan recounted, disgruntled. "What case?"

"Ash and Pikachu are missing," Dawn answered. "We're sure that Team Rocket's involved."

"I think it's best you send Absol over," the officer urged. "Luckily, we have an exchange device installed in the precinct."

"That's fine with me," Dawn agreed. "Listen to Rowan, Absol, okay? We couldreallyuse your help!"

That was enough for Absol, who promptly backed away from the screen. In short order, one of the assistants returned her to her Poké Ball, looking awfully disheveled. She handed the ball to Rowan.

As always, his expression was unreadable. "Then, make haste, and we'll wish you our best." He placed the sphere into something offscreen.

Jenny showed Dawn to the groove where her own Poké Ball went, and she quickly considered her options.

'Who to put through… I hate to put away Clefairy, but we might need all the battling power we can get, right now,'Dawn thought to herself, frowning. Mentally apologizing to the dancer, she placed her Poké Ball in the slot provided. "We're ready!"

The Poké Ball then disappeared, and was replaced by another. Dawn picked it up, and tapped the center button. A flash of light materialized to summon Absol, in the center of the lobby.

"Thank you, Professor," Jenny addressed Rowan. "We'll update you, when possible." With the man's acceptance, she ended the call. "...I'm afraid it's going to take a short time to organize a team. But I can't help but feel like any time spent waiting is time wasted."

"Then, we'll go!" Dawn volunteered. She stepped out from behind the desk, and stood beside Absol. "Absol, you can lead us to whatever's happening, can't you?"

The Disaster Pokémon looked up to Dawn and nodded her head. Though, Dawn soon realized she was gesturing towards her own back. "Sol!"

"You… want me to get on?" Dawn asked.

"Ab!" Absol nodded. Dawn then tentatively climbed atop her back. She felt some concern for putting her weight on a Pokémon shorter than her, but Absol didn't buckle at all.

"It's risky," Jenny said, "and I have some reservations about sending you out to do this on your own… But we don't have much choice, right now." She offered Dawn a small, handheld radio. "Keep this on your person, and contact us as soon as you find anything. We'll track the signal and catch up to you, ASAP."

Dawn took the radio, and placed it inside her bag. "I will. Rosa, you can keep up alongside us."

The Lucario said nothing, but nodded.

Dawn tapped her foot against Absol's side. "Alright, Absol. Lead us to Ash and Pikachu!"

Absol galloped out of the sliding glass doors, and through the streets of Viridian, while dodging passers by, left and right. Luckily, in the waning hours of the night, they didn't encounter much of a crowd. Lamp posts lit their way through the city into its northern sectors, and Absol then found her way out.

On the edge of the horizon, over scaling trees and shrubbery, Dawn could see Mt. Moon. For the briefest of moments, she could see herself dancing with Ash under the stars, again. His flailing, and clumsy moves, and his sweaty palms. Him accidentally tripping her off her feet. Him catching her in his arms afterward, as a gleam of lively blue shone in his chocolate hues.

That brief look of co*ckiness he had, knowing he'd saved her; probably the hundredth time, in their many dangerous escapades and adventures, be it as mundane a danger as her ornery Mamoswine, or as titanic as the gods of creation themselves dragging her into their battles.

Dawn never quite felt helpless; her pride wouldn't allow it. But today, perhaps, was the closest she'd ever come to it. She leaned forward on Absol, her sapphire hues gaining a steely stern resolve.'Just wait, Ash. This time, you can count on me saving you.'

Riding with a purpose, Dawn kept her chin up and her eyes ahead. Leading Absol's charge, she could put her faith in her Pokémon who'd only ever pulled her out of a bind.

Rosemary, though, couldn't say she felt the same. Carried by her powerful and reliable legs, she sprinted alongside the Disaster Pokémon, only passively involved. Her mind was clouded, and she wished she could say she was as clear in her purpose.

"Hey,"she addressed Absol."How comeyouknow where to look?"

Absol's red hues drifted back to her, eyes widening a bit in seeming confusion.

"I've been training in Aura for mywholelife. Training to use my powers for good, and keep people safe. And as soon as I need it most, I come up blank! Why do you know where it is!?"

Absol diverted her eyes back towards the way forward, silent for a moment, as she picked her words."If your purpose is to prevent disaster, then ours overlap. Are you not grateful?"

The answer made Rosa choke on her words. She had no adequate answer."I want to save them. I want to do something!"

"If you want to save them, then do what I can't,"Absol replied."I can foresee disaster. The very first time I laid eyes on my trainer, I saw a walking procurer of misfortune. Someone who needed an extra eye. But, perhaps… that's all I am. An eye."

Her forced draw against Meowth came to mind. As did her feeble, scraping-by victories in Contests."At a young age, you can do much more than see. Cherish your gifts accordingly."

"I don't know what that means!"Rosa shouted back. But, she wasn't a liar. On some level, she felt motivated by Absol's confidence in her."But, I'll do whatever I can."

Ash could only make out the golden gleam of Mismagius's eyes in the storage closet, which was pitch-black, pardoning a little bit of light slipping under the crack of the door. Bunched up and cramped in total darkness wasn't ideal, but it was necessary if he wanted Mismagius to recover her strength.

He wanted to ask her if she'd recovered her strength, yet, but if someone heard him… Well, he didn't mind battling. In fact, he was raring to. But, he couldn't miss his chance to figure out where Pikachu was.

Unfortunately, while he wasn't doing any talking, his stomach did for him. A loud, drawn out grumble reminded him of his growing hunger pains.'Shut up, already. I know this sucks, but I can't do anything about it, now… Ugh, but I really am hungry.'It was a petty complaint that he felt embarrassed of, with Pikachu in peril. But he couldn't help feeling weak and feeble from hunger, nor could he help his fingers starting to tremble. The ache was a near-constant reminder, and it was the last thing Ash needed. But, it did remind him of a conversation from several months ago.

"You need to know discipline, so you can be at your strongest. Besides, you never know; one day, you might not have the privilege of comfort, and you'll need to be prepared for that. Others might need you. That is the code of the Aura Guardian; to protect those we treasure, no matter the sacrifice."

"Well, that got dramatic. Talk about a worst-case scenario."

"Perhaps. But sometimes life throws things at us that we'd never expect."

At the time, Ash had been too angry to fully take those words to heart. He'd agreed on principle, but grumbled through it.'It's been too long since the last time we were in real danger, huh…? Or, maybe not long enough.'He sighed.'I've toughed out the worst, before. Time to put your training to work, Riley. I won't give up that easily!'

"Ugh. Wherehe!? That Pika-prize was …, before we got our hands on him."

'Is that Jessie!?'Ash's eyes snapped open. He promptly pressed his ear up against the door.

"Well it ain't …. around askin', without ….. gettin' tipped off."

"It's been hours. I ….. need to ….. more proactive approach."

"Jim's right. Dey're … somewhere, right?"

'That's them, alright… They're still here, and it sounds like they don't even know where Pikachu is.'A fact he'd write up to their incompetence, if he didn't have more pressing concerns.'If they're looking for him, though, then we should follow.'Making his decision, Ash wordlessly pressed his hand to Mismagius's cap; a signal they'd decided on, minutes ago.

Once again, they both lost tangibility, and floated out of the supply closet. Two agents dressed up like grunts in all black were gathered, and a Meowth hiding behind one of them. On any other day, those disguises might've fooled him, if not for Meowth in the open… Or their voices.

Meowth, for his part, shuddered.

"Hm? What's wrong, Meowth?" James asked.

"I… can't quite put my paw on it. But, it feels like we're bein' watched."

"You're just being paranoid," Jessie scoffed. "Now, let's go."

"Whatevah. The sooner we're in 'n out of here, the better," Meowth agreed, and the trio of thieves continued on through the small maze of a hideout. With Ash and Mismagius in tow, they rounded corners, stopping at each door for signs of their number-one target.

By Ash's estimation, the three had been wandering for a while; they discounted paths, and strayed clear of any unwelcome company. Jessie even muttered something about trying a certain'Research Center,'when Ariana wasn't present to catch them.

Shortly after, that was where Jessie, James, Meowth, and their guests found themselves. A door with exactly that nomer on a plaque, with a blacked out window. Jessie jiggled the knob, but it had no give. "Ugh, it's locked."

"Leave that to me," James replied with a smirk, pulling out a key card with a crimson 'R' printed on the front. "This may not beourterritory, but that's nothing a little Rocket ingenuity can't handle." He slipped the card into the slot on the door, and a flash of green light blipped.

Successful, James turned the door, and pulled it open. Inside was a dimly lit room with a multitude of colorful monitors, desks, devices, and microscopes. About as eerie, cold, and sterile as it got, complete with a bespectacled man in a lab coat, jolting in surprise when fluorescent light filtered into the room.

"E-executive…! You're hasty, I see. But you'll be happy to know that the sample has…Hey! You grunts weren't given permission to interrupt my work. State your business, immediately!" The scientist barked, raising his hands frantically to cover the information displayed on the monitors.

"Oh, but we were," the redhead in black cooed, linking her hands together. "It just so happens that wi— I mean, our dear Executive sent us to check in on your progress."

"She's quite a busy woman, as we all know,": the man accompanying her added. "She can't afford to spend every waking moment checking in on you data punchers."

"You've got alotof nerve, for grunts, talking to me like that," the scientist spat. Spotting the tail poking out from behind the two, he grimaced. "...You! You're not grunts at all! You're those three!"

"Well, looks like the jig's up," Jessie snorted in annoyance.

"And so is our friend's part in this conversation!" James added, throwing a Poké Ball. "Carnivine! Sleep Powder, now!"

The snapping venus fly trap shot out of its capsule, mouth opening wide to spray a fine pink mist.

For a second time, Ash watched James deploy the nasty tactic; this time, though, he was only a witness. The scientist uttered feeble protests, asserting they'd pay, but it amounted to naught, the lanky man collapsing in a heap near his station.

Jessie grunted in annoyance, kicking him aside on her way in. "Idiot."

"Now, let's see what dey've got on Pikachu," Meowth mused, hopping atop one of the desks for a better gander around. He peered into a microscope, and saw a collection of cells. "Hey, they got some Pika-DNA, over here. I wondah what for." After studying colorful cellular structures, the feline decided he didn't understand it, and pulled the miniature glass slide out of its fixture.

"Let's find out," James said, stepping in front of the collection of monitors, and started tapping away at the keys. Long sequences of DNA flashed on the screen at a rapid pace, and test results, graphs, and notes interchanged with James' scrolling. "Now, what's this…?"

"What, what?" Meowth hopped off the desk, and atop another to get a closer look at the screen. "Well… what do you know?" His thin slit eyes widened considerably, and the glass slide slipped from between his paws, hitting the space beside the keyboard with a'clack.'

'What…? What is it?'Ash frowned, floating over to see the screens for himself, along with Mismagius. He looked the graphs and notes up and down, and saw a plethora of scientific jargon that was beyond him.'Genome,' 'anomaly,' 'hyperconductivity,'among many others.

If there was anything special to parse, here, Ash didn't see it. But, he did feel a special kind of sickened at the cold and detached way Pikachu was being studied. God forbid he think about how his poor partner was handled to get it…

"What? What is it?" Jessie urged, just as clueless.

"It ain't much at a glance," Meowth answered. "But I t'ink we might have the answer to what makes those Thunderbolts rattle us extra special. Dis ain't no ordinary Pikachu!"

"Which we've told them, for half a decade," James replied. "But, now we have proof!"

"Now,Arianahas proof," Meowth corrected, "unless we can keep it out of 'er hands… But y'know, we've made a hell of a mess here." He frowned, inching away from where he'd been, and shuffling out of the monitor's light and towards the door. "Maybe we should, ah… check in on security and make sure we're not busted, ya think?"

"Right," Jessie agreed. "And if they caught us, we can take care ofthatproblem, too." With a grunt, she dragged the unconscious researcher into a chair, leaving him slumped as if he'd simply slept on the job.

"It seems like we're getting closer and closer to full-on mutiny," James sulked. He took one last look at the monitor, and slowly pulled away. "But, in for a penny, in for a pound, I suppose."

"We ain't loyal to her," Meowth reminded him, shuffling out after Jessie. "We're loyal to the Boss."

That was the last Ash heard, before the door clicked shut behind them. "Alright, we're good for a minute," he said, and then became material, once more. He landed from a slight altitude, looking over the room. Microscopes, needles, and computers… it all gave him an unpleasant chill.

Mismagius, meanwhile, slumped over with a coo of relief. "Mag…" She felt quite winded, but she was content to float about, in the meantime. "Mismagius?"

"Yeah, I heard 'em," Ash answered, assuming what his Pokémon had asked. "We're putting ourselves in plain sight, but those three already made a mess for themselves. We can just vanish and leave the blame on them. After all of this, it serves them right," he noted bitterly.

"Besides," he continued, looking up at the monitor. The screen's display was different, now, but the text made little difference to his squinting eyes. "You heard that goon. He was expecting the Executive. if we just wait here…"

The'click'of the door behind him jolted Ash alert, and he turned to face it. With a painfully slow, drawn out'creak,'hostile white light nearly blinded him after sitting in the dark. A black silhouette stood out against the outside, with accents of bloody red.

"Somehow,somethingamiss has succeeded this long in slipping right under my nose." Red eyes stood out as Ash's eyes adjusted, framed by crimson, horned bangs. "Show yourself, immediately, you rotten traitors… oh?"

Ariana's eyes narrowed. With her top mind slumped over, unconscious, she was faced with but two foreign presences; not three. The red-cloaked rebellious boy, and a Mismagius. "You… How on earth did you manage to slip into my base!?"

It was a question a snarling Ash wholly ignored. "Give me back Pikachu!"

Ariana scowled. "I'll write this up to those three's incompetence… I'm already certain they're giving me trouble as we speak, but I didn't expect them to let sniveling, upstart kids into our midst. But, this may actually be a great opportunity," she said wickedly.

"Forget why I'm here. Where is my best friend!?" Ash snapped again, ignoring her.

"You want to see your dear rat…?" Ariana, unexpectedly, smiled. But, even at a glance in poor lighting, Ash could see the cold, eerie indifference behind it. "Follow me, then." She said, and turned to leave the laboratory.

Ash couldn't shake the itching feeling that this was some sort of trap, but he really couldn't care less, either. He wanted Pikachu back, desperately. He nodded to Mismagius, and followed Ariana.

Dawn's mission was far more straightforward, with Absol drawing their path. The Disaster Pokémon winded and darted through wilderness, but with a clear sense of purpose and direction. Ultimately, it couldn't have taken more than a few minutes, Dawn thought, when they'd spotted the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.

A cliffside laid straight ahead, though it was difficult to make out in the dark. The two peculiar devices jutting out of the ground, on the other hand, were easy to spot, even now. "There! This is it, right, Absol…?"

Absol nodded, and came to a halt outside the perimeter of the strange antennae. She snarled, gesturing her head towards what Dawn could make out to be a door of some kind.

"Thanks, girl. Why don't you rest for a while? We can call you if we need you," Dawn suggested.

Absol nodded, and subsequently disappeared into her Poké Ball.

"It looks like we've found the place," Dawn said aloud to Rosa, walking towards it. A loud crackling, ear-splitting sound made her flinch, and reach into her bag. She pulled out the small radio, wincing at the sounds. "It's… some kind of interference! It sounds awful." She pressed the button on its side meant to reach the police, but the same awful sound persisted.

"It's… some kind of interference!" Dawn switched the radio off, and the noise ceased.

Rosemary, who'd taken the assault worst of all, held her head.~Interference? Then, we can't reach Officer Jenny…?~

Ariana led Ash down several bends through her base, until she found black, solid double doors. She didn't once look back to her enemy who followed her every footstep. She could hear his shoes against the tiled floors, and moreover, she knew how pitifully loyal young trainers were to their teams. Him, especially, by reputation. She scanned her card key, and the doors slid open.

"I don't mean to flatter you," she started, "but rumors of your little rodent have circled in this organization foryears.Mostly because of those misfit fools, but more recent events have brought his true nature to light.Like your attack on us at Silph,"she hissed venomously.

Ash flinched.

Beyond Ariana, herself, was a conservatively sized indoor battlefield. Complete with drawn boundaries, barriers to protect the base's integrity, and many cameras. She walked towards one end with a hand on her hip. "But, even before that, I'll admit, I was curious. A Latios, brought to heel. Upon more inspection of your records, a Regice, as well…?"

Ash fell into the script of the scene being woven before them, and walked towards the field's opposite end. If this was unfolding to be a head-on confrontation, he could easily work with it. But, he couldn't shake a sickening, uneasy feeling. "And, what about it!?"

"Team Rocket is an organization of many facets. But, having the power to crush our opposition beneath our heel is among our highest priorities. And a seemingly common Pokémon withthatmuch power… It sparks my curiosity. Why it's so strong. How it could be made even stronger."

Her cherry red lips twisted into a malignant sneer, as she held a wicked-looking Poké Ball with her fingertips. "How we could repurpose that power as our own." With a backhanded toss, she slung the grim capsule into the fray, spinning. Playing on Ash's every anticipating nerve, it opened. A flash of light materialized before her.

Ash's breath caught in his throat, drawing a stunted, choked sound out of him. His eyes grew wide, and his heart sank like a stone.'No, no…'He shook his head, trying to deny the sight before him. But, when he opened his eyes again, the truth rudely persisted.

Opposite of Ash, Pikachu did indeed stand before him, again. But, his posture was anything but welcoming, or relieved. On all fours, tail alert, and fangs bared, he was hostile. His ordinarily vibrant yellow fur was tainted with a sickly, grim orange. His ever-rosy cheeks were crimson, generating wild, violent sparks. Most striking of all, though, perhaps, were his eyes.

Ordinarily shining and vibrant, they were empty. The light Ash saw so often in his eyes was absent. But, describing his expression as vacant wouldn't do it justice. The glare he shot Ash was visceral."Pikaaaa…."A low, uncharacteristic growl rumbled in his throat.

"Pikachu…" Ash shook his head again, trying to will the sight away. "Pikachu, no!"

"Mismag…!" Mismagius hung close to her trainer, hovering between him and her companion. Even she, meeting his eyes, felt far worse than uneasy.

Rosemary was already sprinting towards the door, when she felt an absence of company. Turning back, she called out to Dawn.~Ma, c'mon! What're you waiting for!?~

"We were supposed to reach out, remember!?" Dawn snapped. In her distress, she'd come off harsher than she'd meant to. "Officer Jenny should know, and come for help." She turned to walk further from the base, remote in hand.

~...Yeah. I guess.~Rosemary relented. Every second spent doing anything else but helping was driving her ballistic. But, that urgency couldn't compare to the sudden, rotten surge that brought the Lucario to her knees.~Agh!~

"Rosa!" Dawn gasped, running to her aid. "What's wrong!?"

The Lucario held her head, processing the presence that'd just now reached her mind. The complete absence of Aura from this direction had suddenly filled in, with Ash showing up immediately. But, he wasn't alone.~I can sense Pa, now… And Uncle Pikachu, too! But…~

"But?" Dawn urged anxiously.

~But, Pikachu… His Aura feels horribly, horribly wrong!~

Chapter 8: A Heart Imprisoned

Chapter Text

"Pikachu… What did you do to Pikachu!?"

He'd barely spoken since he'd been awake, but Ash's voice was hoarse with rage. Across the battlefield stood his best friend. His best friend, who every waking minute had been dedicated to finding, and seeing with his own eyes again.

Reality was cruel, really, to give him his wish, but with such an unpleasant twist. The Pikachu he saw looked bleak and wicked. Sickly, even, with muted colors and empty eyes.

"What did we do? Why, we made him ours." Ariana replied, cool and indifferent as people like her had ever been. "Pikachu is in far more capable hands now."

Ash ignored her. He was entirely focused on Pikachu, himself, taking slow, measured steps towards him. "Pikachu… It's me, Buddy. You can hear me, can't you?" He smiled hopefully, holding his hands out. "Forget these guys. Let's beat 'em up, and go home!"

The fur on Pikachu's back bristled, and he shrieked. As lightning illuminated him in a blinding halo, Ash felt a sudden, and immutable urge to defend himself. That, perhaps, was the only reason he found the time to raise his hands, and project a teal bubble around himself.

It all happened so quickly that Mismagius failed to react. Electricity struck and crashed into the barrier Ash had projected, sending a web of cracks throughout it before it burst and scattered.

"Ah!" Ash shouted. buzzing electricity and harsh recoil shot through his fingertips, and his back roughly crashed against the wall behind him. Mismagius hit it as well, slumping over.

Ariana frowned. "So, the report from the Game Corner wasn't fantasy. Youdohave some powers out of the ordinary. That looked an awful lot like a Protect… And your Pokémon wasn't the one to use it, was it?"

Ash groaned, failing to answer. He sat up against the wall, looking crestfallen.

"A freak to match a freak Pokémon… Not that it matters," Ariana said, once it was clear she wasn't getting an answer. "It pales compared toourPikachu. You should really give up on the idea of taking it back. It's been… modified, by Rocket technology." She held up the strange Poké Ball that Pikachu appeared from.

Ash gasped. At another glance, to his horror, he wassurehe recognized it, now. The grim device, wrapped in a cage-like exterior. Pikachu's discoloration, his ferocity, and his dead eyes.

It was identical to the work of that wicked, masked man who'd coveted Celebi. His Pokémon had the same uncanny appearance; not to mention Celebi, themselves. "No… Pikachu." Ash sank back to his knees, distraught.

Pikachu's heart had been locked up by that thing. He was under Team Rocket's command, forced to listen to their every whim. He'd been controlled before, and they'd broken it, sure. But, that didn't account for what happened toCelebi.The poor Voice of the Forest, dying and wilted.

Ash shook his head. That happening to Pikachu was justunthinkable.And without a Suicune in sight…! "You can't do this! Youcan't!Take whatever you want from me," he snarled, back on feet, "but this isworsethan rotten. Give me back Pikachu, right now!"

Arianna laughed wickedly into the back of her hand. "I'm not sure why you're directing your anger at us. If anything, you should be cursing your own actions."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Ash demanded.

"No one asked you to intrude on our business with the Silph Company, you know," she answered. "Giovanni had his business with the President, and we would've been on our way once we got what we came for. But becauseyoudecided to be heroic, all of Team Rocket saw for themselves what your littleratwas capable of. This menace trampled my Pokémon in no more than a couple of minutes, to say nothing of him tangling with Giovanni, himself."

Ash swallowed heavily. "So, you're saying this was some revenge plot!?"

"Revenge?" Ariana cackled. "Oh, you brats are amusing… To think that our head of operations would waste his time squabbling with children. He wasintriguedwith your Pikachu's power. If a measly trainer could raise him that well, he said, imagine howtrulypowerful he'd be in the right hands! In his hands."

"Then, Pikachu's caught now…" Ash stammered, dropping to his knees. "...because of me." The grief was staggering. All of this, because hehadto fight Giovanni, and prove himself?

"Mag…" Mismagius floated closer to Ash, nudging him with her hat. Her quiet coo expressed concern for her trainer. He didn't feel like he deserved it.

But, this wasn't about him. Pikachu was still in trouble. Ash sucked in a breath, pat Mismagius's head, and stood back on his feet. "I'm sorry, Pikachu. I really am," he said, looking into the mouse's eyes. The empty anger in them told Ash that he was unfeeling, and uncaring. "But all I can do now is knock you out, and get you some help!" He pointed boldly towards his beloved partner. "I'll throw everything I have at you, to defeat you, and bring you home!"

"Childish ideals are so stubborn," Arianna shook her head. "But, I'll be happy to break them down for you. Or, better yet… let your Pikachu do it, alone. I haven't quite had the chance to learn its capabilities yet, but this will be a nice test run of its intelligence."

"Mismagius," Ash asked, "do you want to take a rest, before you battle? I know you've been up to a lot.

"Mismag!" She shook her head, and floated between Ash and Pikachu.

"Right…" Ash took a deep breath. This tactic felt cruel for the condition Pikachu was already in, but the sooner they defeated him, the better. "Mismagius! Will-o-wisp!"

Blue flames orbited around a howling Mismagius, and fired towards Pikachu.

"Piii… ka… chu!" A disturbingly vacant cry came from Pikachu, as his Thunderbolt tore through the air, and erased the flames one by one. They provided absolutely no buffer to Mismagius.

Ash braced himself for what was to come. Rather than take the hit, though, Mismagius suddenly sank into the floor, disappearing. The bolt flew past Ash, exploding violently behind him. "Mismagius…?" He took out his Pokédex, scanning the move.

"Phantom Force: a Ghost-type attack. The user vanishes somewhere, then strikes the target on the next turn. This move hits even if the target protects itself."

"You must've learned that when you evolved," Ash deduced. He narrowed his eyes, waving a hand. "Get him, now!"

Behind Pikachu, a violet, pitch-black ripple in space appeared. She howled, throwing herself at the mouse.

The scene that played out before Ash's eyes could only generously be described as a blur. A formless orange flash overtook Mismagius' purple, and the entire room trembled and shook.

Dust and debris gathered and scattered as quickly as it came. The floor had been split cleanly open under Pikachu, whose tail was jabbed into the wreckage, coated in steel. Pinned underneath it was Mismagius, unmoving.

"...That quick?" Ash muttered out, his face twisting in confusion. Even with a new move up their sleeve, and Mismagius evolving to boot… With no choice but to move on though, Ash sucked in a breath, and recalled her. "You've done amazing, up 'till now. Take a good long rest, and I'll handle it from here."

"Now,that'spower," Ariana boasted. "Or are your other Pokémon just weak?"

Ash grimaced, and switched one Poké Ball for another, tossing it. "Tauros! I choose you!"

Heavy hooves stomped against the floor, deafened by a loud cry. Tauros was raring for battle, though the sight before him puzzled him. Eyes widening, he tilted his head at the hostile Pikachu.

"We're here to save Pikachu," Ash explained. "I need your help to take him down!"

Tauros snorted. He could be counted on.

"Let's settle this in one go," Ash shouted, "Fissure!"

Tauros bellowed, and the earth below split under his might. The entire room trembled, with a fracture opening up beneath the floor.

Ariana gasped, stepping back to distance herself from Fissure. Ceiling tiles shook loose and crashed against the floor, nearby. "Are you insane!? An attack like that underground?"

'It's risky,'Ash thought,'but the sooner we beat Pikachu, the sooner we can leave!'In the meantime, he watched the ground beneath Pikachu quake and collapse. Tiles split apart and scattered, dooming Pikachu to a nasty fall.

But, Pikachu wasn't so despondent. Falling towards a deep chasm, he found his footing on one of the falling tiles. Shifting his weight, he shot towards one of the ends of the chasm. "Pi-ka!" With unbelievable speed and precision, he snagged a low ledge, and immediately bounced off.

"Ka! Pi! Chu!" Bolting from one end of the groove in the earth to the opposite side, Pikachu gained altitude swiftly, before taking to the air.

Ash grunted in frustration. But, Pikachu was stranded in mid-air. "Fire Blast!"

A blazing kanji made the room uncomfortably hot, tinting it a hellish red. Tauros fired it directly at the airborne Pikachu. Snapping flames crackled as the attack seemingly hit.

"Got him," Ash celebrated. A moment too soon, perhaps, when the red ambience started to die to a much more potent gold. He gasped, as a Thunderbolt reduced Fire Blast to embers, and struck Tauros head-on. "Tauros!"

Tauros cried out, writhing under the merciless dose of electricity. In mere moments, the bull toppled over, with smoke dancing from his singed fur. He, too, was unconscious.

"Tauros…" Ash grimaced. "Even Fissure didn't do a thing…" Then, his eyes widened. "Of course!"

"Rookie mistake. One-hit knockout moves're a big draw for any trainer who gets access to 'em. But they come with a real downside - they ain't all that accurate. Against weaker opponents, they're quick and overwhelming. Barely worth having. More experienced foes will know to avoid a blow like that, at any cost. If you're using Sheer Cold, you better make it count."

Lao's words resonated with Ash, right now, as the gap created from Fissure started to fill in with debris.'Right. Pikachu's definitely more experienced than Tauros. But by how much…?'He knew his other Pokémon had been training hard, though, since their Mt. Silver venture. Was the gap still that large?

"Losing your resolve, brat?" Ariana taunted, having collected herself from Fissure's terror.

"Not a bit," Ash snapped, lobbing another Poké Ball into the open air. "Pidgeot! I'm counting on you!"

Bursting out from expanding light with fanning wings, Pidgeot cried. Then she, too, gasped at the disturbing sight before her. "Pidgoo! Pidgeooo…!?" She squawked, questioning Pikachu.

The rodent only met her with a nasty, disconcerting stare.

Unsettled, she looked back to Ash for answers.

Ash nodded, frowning. "Pikachu's in trouble, Pidgeot. And if we want him back, we have to beat him. I know the last time you two battled, I was working with him against you. But, I'm gonna need your help. You with me?"

Pidgeot cried passionately, and slapped a wing to her chest. Ash needn't interpret; he knew Pidgeot well, and he understood. She'd go to any lengths to have their old friend back.

"How touching," Ariana sneered. "But, I assume this round will last as long as the first two. Pikachu!"

"Pika!" Pikachu fired off another deafening Thunderbolt.

"Mirror Move!" Ash cried.

A glimmering vortex was conjured before Pidgeot's beak; only just in time to catch the incoming Thunderbolt in its spiral. Pidgeot cried and recoiled, losing ground and buckling to Thunderbolt's might.

"Pidgeot!?" Ash exclaimed. His tried and true flyer seemed to be wrestling under the weight and force of Thunderbolt, pushed back towards the ceiling and wall behind her. Even with Mirror Move, wrangling with Pikachu's attack looked near impossible.

He didn't even recall Pikachu's attacks being that strong.

But, Pidgeot persevered with a toss of her neck, slinging the force of Thunderbolt back at him.

A silver aura surrounded Pikachu, and he stretched out of sight, dodging the explosive impact of his own move.

"Quick Attack," Ash noted. "Pidgeot, you use Quick Attack, too!"

"Pidgo!" Pidgeot cried, before shooting into the smoke and debris.

All Ash could see, from his vantage point, were streaks of silver, orange, and beige zipping about the room. A hole was torn in Thunderbolt's smoke from their sheer speed, and another afterward, scattering the debris to the wind.

Feeling the pressure of swift collisions, Ash braced himself, his jacket billowing about him. "This power…! And I can't even follow them!"

The escalation continued for a few more brief moments, before a heavy impact echoed through the air. Pikachu smashed his entire body into Pidgeot's side, making the large bird's body flail and give. With just a brief lag, Quick Attack sent Pidgeot ricocheting into the wall behind Ash.

She squawked painfully, sliding down into a slump towards the door. A huge dent was left in the wall, in her shape.

"Pidgeot…!" Ash gasped, running to her aid. "Pidgeot, are you alright!?"

"Dgo…" She whimpered, shaking her head. The bird's entire body felt sore. But, her pride was far more stubborn than her nervous system. She leaned forward, using her wings to struggle back onto her feet. Far too stubborn to fall, she cried mightily. "Pidgeoooot!"

Ash smiled gratefully, but turning back to Pikachu, grimaced.'We're inserioustrouble, here…!'

"W-what!?" Dawn choked out. "What do you mean,'his Aura is wrong?'" Though she asked, she immediately felt that she'd be dreading the answer.

~I… don't know. Pikachu feels rotten. Evil as evil gets! Something about him definitely isn't right!~

So, Pikachuwascaptured. Not only that, but whatever was wrong with him was Team Rocket's doing. The whole situation was beyond dizzying, but she couldn't shake her worry for her little yellow friend. "What about Ash…? Is he there?"

Rosemary nodded.~They're both there. He's not far from Pikachu.~

"Then, we should get out and call for help!" Dawn asserted, as she started to run towards the perimeter of the base. If she could just get a call in to Officer Jenny, and bring them to the scene…

~We don't have time for that!~Rosa replied.~We have to help!~

Dawn skidded to a halt; the grass and dirt grinding up under her boots. "You know what we've told you, Rosa! It's important to go into things with a plan! We can get help!" Although Dawn, herself, was feeling a heavy streak of doubt in her plan. Would they even arrive ontime?

~That'll take too long,~Rosa barked back.~Papa's in trouble! Pikachu doesn't just feel evil… he feels strong. Way, way stronger than usual.~

"What does that even mean…?" Dawn's face screwed up in concern. "We have to call for help," she insisted, moving towards the exterior, before her doubts won out, and she stopped. "Oh, but if Ash is in trouble… Ugh!" Her fears trumped the rational part of her mind. She sprinted back towards the entrance to the base.

~We're going?~Rosa asked.

"I'dneverbe able to forgive myself, if something happened to him… To either of them." Dawn reached into her bag, rummaging until she pulled out a small hair pin. The one gifted by Janine.

"Sorry, Officer Jenny. You'll have to hear from usafterwe do this." She jammed the accessory into the door's lock.

~Right,~Rosa agreed, sprinting beside her.~So, what's our plan?~

"Our plan is, forget sneaking around, this time. Let's make as much of a distraction as possible, and draw the attention away from Ash and Pikachu. A real break-in!" She struggled with the lock for a few more moments, before hearing a telling'click.'She grabbed the door handle. "Now, let's do this."

Upon opening the door, a set of stairs led into an underground hall. The sudden harsh ring of an alarm assaulted Dawn and Rosemary alike, and flashing red lights told them that they'd been caught.

"Rah!" Rosa barked, covering her ears.

"Well," Dawn winced, "we've already been caught." At the foot of the stairs were several Rocket grunts, charging the duo.

"Hey! Beat it, intruder!"

"We'll show you what happens when you try to invade our turf!"

With Rosa recovering from the assaultive stimuli, Dawn took control of the situation, "Empoleon," she called, throwing his Poké Ball, "Hydro Pump!"

The Emperor Pokémon appeared in mid-air, blocking the villains' path to Dawn. Crying loudly, he drew back his head, and fired a roaring torrent that was large enough to nearly fill the hall, on the way down.

The Rockets screamed, and were immediately swept away in the current. Moments later, they were laid, strewn out over the bottom of the steps, unconscious.

"Ice Beam on the stairs," Dawn ordered. Her starter turned the steps into a ramp of ice in a matter of seconds. "Empoleon, on your belly. Rosa, come on!"

Empoleon leaned forward, just in time for Dawn and Rosemary to hop atop his wide back and grip its steel protrusions. He dove down the slippery slope, clearing it to the bottom in a matter of seconds. Knocking Rockets unceremoniously out of the way, he came to a halt at the bottom.

There, he and his companions stood.

"INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT! GROUP TO BLOCK THE ENTRANCE ON B1, IMMEDIATELY"A voice blared throughout the base, followed by more goons in black gathering to block the group's path.

"You're asking for trouble, girlie!"

"We'll show you what happens when you interfere with Team Rocket!" A young woman shouted, as she called out her Drowzee. "Drowzee, Hypnosis!"

As the bipedal hypnotist started to glow and chant, Dawn thought quickly. "Rosa! Use an Aura Sphere on the wall!"

The Lucario fought her discomfort, and gathered teal energy in her paw before smashing it into the wall beside her. Smoke, debris, and wires flew about, blocking any sign of Drowzee's influence, and with any luck, breaking its concentration, too.

"Now, Whirlpool!" Dawn commanded with a wave of her hand. A roaring cyclone was slung from Empoleon's wings into the aftermath, and the cries of grunts and Drowzee could be heard.

After a moment's reprieve, they laid unconscious, as well. But before Dawn could make anymore progress, several more young men blocked their path. A group of Voltorb and Electrode rolled up, and nasty electric shocks rattled Rosemary and Empoleon.

"Empoleon! Rosa!" Dawn called out. They shook off the damage, though Empoleon was slightly slower to recover from the super effective damage.

"Self-Destruct!" Every grunt called out in unison, before distancing themselves from their Pokémon. Each of the spheres was consumed in a bright light. Dawn gasped, and guarded herself.

Meanwhile, a blue, translucent projection appeared before them. Rosa's Substitute sapped her energy, and took the entirety of the blast. The Lucario watched her likeness fade away, and her eyes narrowed. Drawing back a paw, she summoned an Aura Sphere, and lobbed it into the dust and debris with a cry.

A teal explosion rattled the hall, dropping the grunts along with their unconscious Pokémon.

Dawn finally peered into the fading light, bewildered by the results. Whether it was Rosa or Empoleon, she wasn't sure, but right now, it didn't matter. "...Right. Let's keep moving!" She shouted, though Rosa herself was already sprinting. She and Empoleon followed after.

The Lucario suddenly came to a halt, then, her aura bundles glowing and levitating.

"Rosa!? What's wrong?" Dawn urged.

~Pidgeot,~she answered.~She was out along with Pa, but she lasted maybe a minute. I don't know what's going on, there, but I think Pikachu-~

A nasty blaze interrupted her by hitting her head-on. Rosa howled.

"Rosa!" Dawn cried. A couple of Houndour had gotten the drop on her, while she'd been focusing. "Empoleon, Hydro Pump!"

Empoleon pushed Rosa back with his wing, and blasted the Houndour and their trainers away with another powerful jet.

Rosa groaned, dusting the ashes off her fur.~Ugh… Wehaveto catch up with Pa! We need to find him, and a way to get out of here, ASAP!~

"Right," Dawn agreed, frowning. "Is there any quick way out of here, Rosa? Or are we going to have to take the stairs again?" She very much regretted freezing them in her haste.

In their brief moment of peace, Rosa closed her eyes, and attuned her Aura to her surroundings. A layout of the base in monochrome blue played out in her mind, making her recoil. All of the noise and life signatures were overwhelming. The base was in disarray, and she could feel her trainer's stress.

But, there was also a large vacancy, further into this floor. Her eyes snapped open.~Got it! There's a tunnel that leads into the caverns around here.~

"Perfect," Dawn replied, breathing a sigh of relief. Knowing there was little time to waste, she formulated their plan. "Since you can find it, secure the exit. If you can point us towards Ash, we'll pick up him and Pikachu!"

The Lucario nodded, and pointed diagonally towards the halls.~There's a big, open room near the back of this floor. That's where they are!~

"Got it," Dawn agreed. As they neared the first fork in their path, she brushed her hand over the Aura Pokémon's shoulder. "Good luck," she whispered.

Rosa exchanged a glance with Empoleon, as well, and they parted ways.

Ash always knew Pikachu was strong. On every step of their journey, he'd watched his best friend's progress alongside him. He'd grown from a scrappy Pikachu who could strike down some angry Spearow in the rain, to a seasoned battler who could even make legendary Pokémon fall. Together, they'd forged that strength, and the skill to go with it.

Something about him, right now, though, was different. With two Pokémon down in an instant, and a battered Pidgeot ruffling out her feathers before him, it was as if he didn't even recognize his best friend. He wasn't sure if it was his poisoned heart or appearance, either.

Pikachu seemed unimaginably strong.

It was a truth that was hard to grapple with; one Ash wanted to deny, in the state he was in. But, he was out of time to dwell on it. A sudden, jarring alarm made him and Pidgeot recoil. Red lights flashed intermittently throughout the room. Speakers warned of an intruder.

"An intruder…!?" Ariana hissed, looking every which way. But, the battle field still belonged to the four present, alone. "To think you had an accomplice in tow… I should have known," she spat. "I'll make sure those three paydearlyfor their incompetence…"

Ash had been far too focused on the battle to focus on anything else. Too focused on Pikachu. But, even short of his supernatural senses, in his heart, he knew exactly who's come after him. "Dawn," he muttered to himself. Even in this bleak moment, he smiled. He wasn't alone.

"Your friend won't make a difference, though," Ariana smirked. "They can't take back your Pikachu, even if theydidmake it through our ranks."

"You're not wrong," Ash said.

Ariana co*cked a brow, not expecting that answer.

"I know my friend has my back… But it doesn't matter. Wecan'tleave until I save Pikachu. Not until I beat you!" But, with his best friend standing tall and against him, a small part of him worried whether they even could win. He was so strong…

His eyes snapped open. They could change that. "Pidgeot! Feather Dance!"

Pidgeot beat her wings and took to the air, sailing over Pikachu. Dense, fluffy down showered down on Pikachu, and with it, a blue aura coating him.

"Making it weaker?" Ariana smirked. "I wonder if that'll help." In time with her taunt, Pikachu lunged out of the down, coming at Pidgeot with a shimmering Iron Tail.

"Steel Wing!" Ash commanded with a sweep of his hand.

Pidgeot brandished steel-coated wings, striking sharply at Pikachu's incoming tail. Harsh sounds echoed through the room, with one clash swiftly followed by another. Pidgeot felt pain shoot through her wings, but she came through with a swing of her other wing. Every time she aimed to smack Pikachu back down to earth, he swerved to smack and scrape the metal off her feathers.

Silver blurs came in succession, quickly breaking down Pidgeot's defenses. "Ka!" Pikachu snarled, burying his tail in Pidgeot's gut. With a turn of his hips, he sent her crashing down into the floor.

"Pidgeot!" Ash exclaimed.

"Pi-ka-chuuu!" A Thunderbolt came down immediately afterward, consuming Pidgeot in a pillar of lightning. Stray bolts sprayed every which way, forcing Ash to guard himself.

Shortly afterwards, Ash saw the results. His heart dropped. "Pidgeot…"

The valiant commander of the skies laid in a heap, burnt and unconscious. She disappeared in a red flash, retreating to the device in Ash's palm. He looked down upon it, somber. He swallowed heavily, and looked upon a remorseless Pikachu in disbelief. "I don't get it… I know you're strong. Incredibly strong. But, this is out of control!"

"Baffling, isn't it?" Ariana asked. "Team Rocket's technology coupled with the frightening might of a rare Pokémon. With these elements on our side, we're unstoppable!"

"What does that mean," Ash demanded, once more. "What did you do to him!?"

"It's the other tremendous benefit of the Dark Ball," she replied. "Not only does it bend Pokémon to our will, but they bring their power to their absolute limit. To the highest level, with no limits of pitiful feelings, or conscience!" She gestured her hands outward, grinning madly. "A Pokémon serving their rightful purpose; as a tool for domination! That's how they thrive!"

'Pikachu's power brought to its absolute limit?'Ash recounted, trembling. Was this what his full power was really like…? His full potential? As mighty as it was, Ash shook the thought off. "This isn't right! That's not what training a Pokémon is supposed to be! We're supposed to get strongtogether,not by treating him like he's just… a weapon!"

"Spoken like a true child," Ariana sauntered. Tilting her head up, she cast Ash a knowing, unnerving smirk. "And as long as you carry that childish ideology, you'llneverbe a Pokémon Master."

Her words successfully hit a sore spot. Ash recoiled, growling through his teeth. He had great misgivings to those words, but no rebuttal.

"Yes, I talked to the boss after your grueling battle. He thinks highly of your talents as a trainer… but couldn't think any less of your failings and beliefs. He wanted to see the power of your Pikachu inproperhands. You should be glad, though, really," she taunted. "We've allowed you to see the power your Pokémon has inside that youneverwould've unlocked on your own."

That one hurt. Itreallydid. "Shut up!" Ash barked back, throwing his last Poké Ball. "Torterra!"

"Terr…" The Continent Pokémon shook the very floor below him, uttering a low grumble. He'd heard enough from within his Poké Ball. "Terra!" He roared. Ash could rely on him.

"Stubborn to the end," Ariana sighed. "Pikachu."

Pikachu growled, and immediately attacked with a crackling Thunderbolt. This time, to no avail. Torterra stood under the electricity, unmoving.

"Pika!?" The possessed Pokémon bore his fangs, and suddenly stopped firing. For the briefest moment, he'd looked surprised and unnerved.

"He caught on," Ash muttered, eyes widening.'He's not just some brainwashed zombie, under there. The real Pikachu is awake in there, somewhere, under all those rotten feelings forced on him!'This reminder steeled his resolve. "Torterra! Eat an Energy Ball, and follow up with Leaf Storm!"

Torterra forged a glowing Energy Ball, and crunched into its essence. A lively green glow took over the foliage on his titanic shell, fueling him with greater might. He cried, and the room was bathed in an emerald hue. Brutal winds and slicing leaves engulfed where Pikachu stood.

Ariana was forced to lunge to the side, trembling on her feet from even the tertiary winds of Leaf Storm. "I see that yourotherPokémon are terrifying, and not just Pikachu," she hissed. "It's really too bad they're no match for it."

"What's that mean!?" Ash snapped. Silver streaks blitzing across the room answered him long before she could have, though. Moving faster than Ash could even hope to keep up with, Pikachu bashed into Torterra's shell. The Continent Pokémon cried, dislodged from the floor and actually flew several feet into the air. Before he could land, a similar impact hit him from the opposite side.

"Terrah…!" Torterra groaned, rattling the already fragile flooring with his landing. His eyes flicked back and forth for the mouse, only to widen. An orange shape was coming right at him. Pikachu bashed into his skull, rattling his cranium.

The huge Pokémon was actually sent flying back towards Ash; claws tearing through floor tiles in an attempt to gain ground to no avail. Ash gasped, leaping onto their mossy shell at the last second to hug their tree for stability.

Ash heard a metallic'snap,'and after gaining his bearings, looked behind him. The mechanical double doors leading into the room had caved in and dislodged from Torterra's shell. He swallowed heavily.

"Guh…!" Torterra groaned, buckling down on all fours. With heavy lids and a sore body, he was having trouble even holding his composure. His head was foggy, too, and his vision blurry, from that last concussive attack. To say he'd been overwhelmed quickly was selling it short.

"We can't even see his attacks," Ash muttered, sitting up atop his partner's back. "And he wore Torterra down with just a couple of Quick Attacks… Are you alright, Torterra? You're looking pretty bad, right now."

"Tor…" Torterra let out a low groan, and Ash clung to his shell as he felt his center of gravity topple over. The mighty tortoise couldn't even stand. How very, very… frustrating. Worse yet, his dear comrade, Pikachu, stood against them. But he wasreallythe victim. His kind soul, bound in some wicked technology that none of them understood. He was sure that, somewhere, the real Pikachu was crying for freedom.

Sharp, red eyes widened. He couldn't fail Pikachu. Emerald tendrils shot out of his shell, suddenly snapping up Pikachu and seizing him in mid-air.

"Torterra…!" Ash watched his friend's stubborn counterattack, wide-eyed. "You're really as hard-headed about this as I am…"

"Terra…!" Torterra roared in defiance of his condition. Vitality gradually returned to him that was seeped from Pikachu. He stood, again. He'd hold his friend in his grip, reluctantly, as long as necessary.

"Pi… ka…!" Pikachu snarled, struggling in Giga Drain's grip. Bearing his fangs, he lit up with gold.

Ash gasped, and leapt off Torterra's shell.

"Chuuu…!" Thunderbolt shattered Giga Drain into green fragments of light, blasting him with a move that didn't hurt him, but did disarm his valiant counterattack. Pikachu landed on all fours, glaring daggers at Torterra.

"Even that didn't do it." Ash grimaced. "It's all-or-nothing, now! Torterra! Use Rock Climb!"

Torterra's claws tore and rocked the room, dislodging and launching floor tiles until the earth ripped out from under Pikachu, isolating him on a lone outcrop of rock. He charged the mouse with an earth-rattling roar.

"Go!" Ash shouted, punching the air.

Pikachu shifted and centered his weight atop the faulty pillar, staring head-on at the charging giant. Without fear and without remorse, he launched off the crumbling elevation, flipping through the air.

Iron Tail smashed into Torterra's shell, mid-lunge. Shockwaves of raw power rippled through the room, knocking Ash on his back, while Ariana clung to the wall.

Time seemed to slow down, as Torterra's shell started to give. Pikachu doubled down, and bashed his victim through Rock Climb's structure, and smashed him into the ground.

The lights flickered from the constant abuse and damage to the hideout, and the room looked much like a bomb went off. Dust, smoke, and debris flooded the room, obscuring everyone's vision with clouds of gray.

"Stupid rat…!" Ariana coughed behind her glove. "Do you want to bury us all underground!?"

"Torterra…" Ash gasped, running and stumbling through broken flooring. "Torterra!"

Torterra laid in the debris, sullied with dirt, dust, and fragments of flooring. His legs had completely given out from under him, and he was unmoving.

It was with a deep breath and a heavy heart, that Ash recalled his last hope for fighting back into his Poké Ball. "Thank you, Torterra… You did your best. Pikachu," he started, knelt in the crater left by his best friend. "Please, Pikachu… I'm out of options. You have to listen to me!"

"Pikaa… Ka!" Pikachu snapped back, glowering at Ash. It didn't seem as if even a word was getting through to him.

"It's me, Pikachu… Your best friend, Ash. You don't wanna be here, I know you don't!" He forced a smile, holding out both of his hands. "Let's go home together, and ditch these guys. You and me!"

"Ka-chu!" Pikachu shrieked. His ears pinned to the back of his head, and his tail stood alert. Backing away, he ignited hot sparks on his cheek pouches. "Pika Pika!" Between his posture, and the resentment in his soulless eyes, the message was clear.

The Pikachu standing before Ashwasn'tthe one he knew.

"...He really can't hear me." Ash slouched over, his hands falling at his sides. "This whole stupid thing is my fault. I'm the reason you're in pain like this. I'm the reason you got trapped in a Poké Ball. You've always hated them, and I let you fall into Team Rocket's hands!" He screamed, bashing his fists against the crumbled floor.

He hated himself for this. Hated hisstupidheroic tendencies, hisstupidpride. What good were Riley's teachings, here? What good was being an Aura Guardian if he couldn't even free his best friend?

"Go ahead," Ash muttered.

"Hm?" Ariana raised a brow.

"Just come and get me, Pikachu. This whole thing is my fault. I'm not gonna fight you."

Ariana laughed. "How truly,trulysad. But, I won't pass up the chance to dispose of one of our most meddlesome enemies. Do it," she commanded, snapping her fingers.

"Ka!" Pikachu snarled, standing upright. A silver glow coated him, building up power, and then he charged. Remaining tiles tore and scattered into the air, as he blazed a path for Ash.

Ash immediately felt the air leave his lungs all at once. His ribs and sternum ached, and he coughed and hacked. All of that, before he slid across the floor, towards the broken doors.

He gasped to bring air back into his lungs, holding his torso. The tiles under him were cold, but the heat of the white incandescent lights coming from above were hot. He stared into space, truly surprised he was still conscious.

'I'm being such an idiot,'he thought to himself.'I never give up like this… But, I'm usually not without Pikachu on my side, either. What can I even do for him…? Is there any way out?'

Grunts were sprawled across the floor, knocked unconscious by Carnivine's Sleep Powder, who hovered behind a still-disguised Jessie, James, and Meowth. The security and surveillance room was theirs, only moments after the men in charge had sounded the alarm.

Mysteriously, while red lights continued to flash intermittently through the base, commanding voices no longer played over the loudspeakers. Grunts shuffled through the base's corridors on the prior commands, but the rebellious Rockets' eyes were focused on something else entirely.

The battle between Ariana and Ash… If this could even properly be called a'battle.'It played out more like a massacre.

"Torterra was his last one," James muttered, emerald eyes wide in disbelief. "And he was a Ground-type."

"Dodgin' Thunderbolts didn't do him any favors, there," Meowth replied.

"I feel like weshouldbe happy about this," James said, frowning. But, something about the Twerp falling to his knees and pleading for a change of heart wasn't the victory he'd hoped for.

"Of course we should!" Jessie argued. "We've won. Pikachu's onourside now, and he's stronger than ever! He won't justhelpus with world domination, he'll lead the charge!"

"Our sideis a bit optimistic," Meowth replied, frowning. He leaned over the desk, watching Ash beseech his partner. He found the audio dial for the battle room and turned it up to hear for himself. "Dat ain't a schemin' Pikachu, fighting for the Boss. Dat's a living weapon. A drone."

The atmosphere in the room was oppressive. The air, thick with discomfort and conflicting feelings. Neither Jessie nor James wanted to admit it, but there was somethingterriblyeerie about that thought. Their favored prize, little more than a mindless slave.

"Ka-chu!"Pikachu's voice played through the speakers, loud and clear.

Meowth recoiled. "Jeez louise… I thought he was bad, up on Mt. Silver… But, even I can't stomach what he's sayin' to the Twoip, right now."

"What is it, Meowth?" James asked hesitantly. "Whatdidhe say?"


Meowth swallowed. "Some things are, uh… best left unsaid." He reached for the audio dial, and turned it all the way down to null. "A Pikachu, stripped of just about everythin' that makes him Pikachu… And, dat's if he even makes it through usin' that kind of power at all."

That thought sat sour in James' stomach. "Now that you mention it… Celebi being pushed the same way had pretty disastrous consequences. And that was a mythical Pokémon. As strong as Pikachu is, this isfarbeyond his normal output."

"Was this what da Boss really had in mind…?" Meowth leaned back, looking up towards the ceiling wistfully. "Usin' his power up 'till he shrivels and kickin' him to da curb?"

Was that what he had in mind foranyonewho served him?

"...No. No way!" The feline shook his head, dispelling the wretched thought. "Vicious said himself he wasn't gonna hand over Celebi to da Boss! He might've never seen these Dark Balls in action when it comes to Pokémon this powerful! He's running on faulty information, and Pikachu's gonna pay the price!"

Jessie, meanwhile, had her eyes glued to the monitors, while her comrades sulked and despaired. "You know," she started, "the Twerpette and the Twerp's Lucario are making quite a bit of progress. That witch will have her hands full, soon."

"So, what're you suggesting?" James asked.

Jessie smirked. "I say we take advantage of the chaos for some good old-fashioned sabotage."

Chapter 9: Window to the Heart

Chapter Text

'I've found it!'Rosemary thought to herself, as she slid past a double-bolted door in the base's westmost corridor. On the other side, natural caverns led to freedom.'We've found our way out… But who knows how quickly we'll have to escape, once Papa and Pikachu are free!?'

There was no time to dawdle with a secured door, she decided, leaping back from it to rear a paw back. Teal energy built into an Aura Sphere, and she roared, lobbing it at the door.

Smoke and fragments of solid steel flew in all directions from the impact, flooding the hall. A huge gap had been seared in the door, while what remained was buckled, dented, and cracked.

"Hey! They're over here!"

"Move it! Take no prisoners!"

Rosa's ears flicked. Many of the Rockets remaining had just turned tail to come her way.'They're being drawn here… Which means they'll be further from Ma and Pa. If I can keep the commotion going, the coast will be clear for them!'

It was a risky thought, Rosa knew. And she'd been advised against such recklessness. But, he was in far more peril, right now, than she was. She thought of Ash's words, from days ago.

"It's like a great hero once told me… If someone's in trouble, we have to do something, right?"

That was enough. Her aura bundles levitated, and both paws stretched outward. Aura Spheres were summoned, and summarily thrown wildly in every direction, one after the next. Explosions rattled the corridor, walling and wires flew about in the crossfire.

The fluorescent lights overhead started to flicker, and that sparked her memory. Ash had intentionally busted the lights to scatter and blind Rockets, back at Silph. With her own senses, she'd be afforded a supreme advantage.

That was enough motivation to lob an Aura Sphere at one of the overhead lights. Shattered glass rained from the fallout, and the hallway was significantly darker. Rosa drew back a paw, gathering another Aura Sphere.

"Raticate! Dig!"

The floor broke beneath Rosa, causing her to stumble. A nasty uppercut smashed into her jaw, courtesy of a hissing Raticate. She snarled, stumbling back and brushing the back of her wrist over her chin. "Rio!"

"Rrraticate!" A fierce Raticate opposed her, followed by a Rocket commanding her, with several more agents tailing them.

Rosa lit her fist ablaze with Reversal, and shot forth. Burying her fist in Raticate's gut, she followed through after a moment of lag. She knocked the rat into her trainer, knocking them both on their backs.

Several Golbat appeared in flashes of light, afterward, swarming and ambushing Rosa.

"Air Cutter!"

Swift beats of their wings conjured a storm of razor-sharp gusts of wind. Rosa was battered and sliced on all sides, pulling in and guarding her body from as much of the assault as possible.

Gritting her teeth, Rosa memorized the sight with wide, shining blue eyes. The attacks replayed in reverse in her mind, and were promptly understood. "Raaagh!" Flexing her arms outward, she fired an onslaught of Air Cutter from the force of her shout alone. The cutting projectiles struck the Golbat in succession, dropping them to the floor.

The Lucario panted, catching her breath. She felt sore, and the damage was starting to pile up.

"Dark Pulse!"

She turned her head, only to catch a volley of wicked rings coming from behind her before they smashed into her back. She howled in pain, tumbling forward to slide into the felled Golbat.

"Haha! You didn'treallythink you'd step on Team Rocket's turf without paying the price, did ya!?" A larger Rocket cackled, towering over the grunts opposite of him. He was accompanied by a Weezing floating alongside him. "The rest of you, on the other hand, have been pathetic. You couldn't stop a single mutt?"

"Er… We're sorry, Officer!" One of them stammered out.

"It's stronger than it looks!"

"Forget it," the higher-ranked villain dismissed. "Lucario are rare. Let's take this one, and search the base for any other intruders. The Executive's counting on us to clean up the… huh!?"

A golden aura had erupted around Rosa, startling everyone present, except for her. The vile intentions of everyone surrounding her was too much to bear. It filled her with righteous fury, and the sting of the Dark-type energy on her hide did the same. She wassickof it all, already.

The curved spikes on her wrists spontaneously doubled in size, and their points even more razor-sharp. The large spike on her chest, as well, jutted out with a deadly point. Despite the pain she was in, Rosemary found the strength to stand on her hind legs.~You're all… the worst!~

The larger man was slack-jawed. Unable to form a cohesive sentence, before the Lucario's fist and wrist spike were consumed in a blinding blaze, and shot across the room. Her paw was buried in Weezing's face, sending a residual storm of energy through the corridor that knocked every Rocket on their backs.

She roared, following through to spike Weezing off the ground, off the ceiling, and back down upon their gobsmacked trainer. Every enemy present had been knocked out in an instant.

Rosa breathed heavily, her adrenaline serving her, but also leaving her trembling. She stared down at her fist and spikes, awestruck by her new power. She didn't understand it, but it should be enough to power through and save her loved ones; that much, in her heart, she knew.

"This really is sad, you know…" Ariana laughed behind her glove, leering down upon Ash. The poor welp was still laying on his back. "I was hoping to at least havesomethingof a challenge. But, here we have the same thick-skulled brat who'd jump onto an airborne helicopter… rolling over and waiting for the end. Where did that spirit go, I wonder?"

"When I did that," Ash answered, "I had Pikachu by my side."

"How quaint… and how stupid," Ariana mocked. "Did you think your rat's power would somehow save you from an eleven-story fall?"

"It's not about power!" Ash snapped, sitting back up. "It's never been about power… It's always been about having my best friend by my side. Someone I know I can count on, to stick with me through thick and thin!"

"Did I say sad…? I'd like to amend that totragic,"the Executive corrected herself. "You've got nature's order backwards. Following at a Pokémon's heel instead of making it kneel at yours… It's no wonder you're in this position, no matter how skilled you might be! You're an idiot, chasing after nothing more than a tool."

"You're wrong!" Ash shouted. His fingers dug into broken tiling, crumbling it. "There is no order. We're equals! And we'd never lose to people who think like you… but you, you've taken him! The Pokémon you've got doing your dirty work isn't Pikachu. They're just… a fake! A puppet, behind the real Pikachu! It's not fair!"

"Not fair?" Ariana cackled. "Life isn't fair."

"Then I'llmakeit fair!" Ash snarled, once again finding his will to fight. Leaning on to one knee, he planted a hand, and sprinted towards the red-headed villain. "Give me that Poké Ball!"

"Pikachu! Put him out of his misery!" Ariana snapped her fingers.

"Chu…!" The brainwashed Pikachu took to the air swiftly, brandishing the silver hammer of Iron Tail.

Ash could barely comprehend Pikachu's speed, only able to act because his attack patterns were imprinted on his memory. He raised and crossed his arms over his head.

The pain that came down upon his forearms was excruciating; like they'd been struck with a hammer. Ash shouted, letting them fall to his side to shake the numbness out.

Unfortunately, the bloodlusted Pikachu gave him no reprieve. Right in his face, the orange-tinted mouse bore fangs and remorseless eyes. "Chu… Pi-ka!" Swinging, he struck his disarmed trainer in the jaw. Ash's head swam; his skull rattled and shook, and the entire side of his face ached. He rolled and bounced roughly along the floor, falling in a heap.

"Ugh… Owh…" Groaning, Ash held his face, only to feel a wetness trickling onto his fingertips. His gloved hand was dripping with blood; he'd incurred a busted lip. It hurt like hell, but Ash couldn't stop staring in wide-eyed amazement.'That should've ended a whole lot worse.'

"How very irritating.. That Iron Tail should've snapped his arms, if not his neck!" The Executive grimaced, walking the same train of thought.

"As… ath if I'd- ah!" Trying to support himself with his palms, Ash's weight gave out under him. His forearms pounded in a sharp pain. He pulled himself up on his knees. "...ath if I'd go down thath eashy!"

"You got lucky, but you're a lot more fragile than you think," Ariana hissed. "Again!"

Electricity gathered on Pikachu's tail, quickly forming an Electro Ball. Just as it was ready to launch, the room trembled, and the lights started to flicker. Ultimately, the end-result was a black-out; the room was pitch-black, if not for Pikachu's golden glow, and the flashing red security lights.

"Have theystillnot handled the intruder!?" Ariana snarled, stumbling before turning around. Another detonation sounded nearby, and thick, black smoke flooded in through a collapsing door. She coughed into her sleeve. "This is madness… I'll just have to leave your rat to kill you, itself!" She started to brave the haze, only for another explosion making her tremble and falter.

The Dark Ball slipped from her hand, and the sound of cold metal clacked and rolled into the ichor. "How irritating… Not that it matters. I'll be back for it. Enjoy your'best friend'making the light leave your eyes."

That was the last Ash heard of Ariana. That left them alone, as far as he could tell. Just him and Pikachu, on a scarred, dim battlefield, lit only by Pikachu's gold, and pulsing, intermittent red.

The beacon of Pikachu's Electro Ball held steady. It hadn't fired, he noticed. It lit one half of Pikachu's face, showing a look of… disgust? Anger? Ash wanted to say that it was a look of struggle, but that felt optimistic.

Still, he'd never been one to see the glass half-empty.

"Pikathu… I'm shorry. i'm shorry I leth thish happen tho you. Ish all my fault," he sobbed, tears trickling and pooling below him. "...My faulth that you're in thish to begin with! And I'll geth you outha here, even if it kill—"

"Kaaa!" Pikachu shrieked furiously, his temper once again building. He turned his hips to unleash the Electro Ball, but in the midst of it—

~Sto…. — …at!~

Electro Ball closed in, and exploded against Ash. Electricity rattled him, and he flew back, hitting the dented wall where Pidgeot had fallen. His pain was forgotten, along with the stench of burnt clothing. He blinked. "Pi… Pikachu…?" Had he heard that right? Surely it wasn't his imagination!?

~...op blaming your—elf!~

In stark darkness, Ash had to wait to see Pikachu until the red lights flashed again. His partner looked furious — even more than before. It was hard, now, though, to make out the unhealthy color of his fur, in the viral red. When Ash squinted, he was certain he saw tears in his eyes.

~ ...a team!~That same voice buzzed in his head again, like radio static. Ash struggled to concentrate; to find clarity in it. Every interruption struck like a harsh slap to his psyche. Like the pain his partner felt shot right to him.~ …Isn't either of our faults!~

"I… thinkh I hear you…" Ash swallowed heavily, nodding. "...Yeah, that's true. We are. And I'll free you, no matter wha- AAH!"

The continuous flash of a Thunderbolt shot through him, making him buckle on his hands and knees. By now, Ash was too worn down to feel pain acutely. He only hunched over, eyes half-lidded. "P-Pikachu…"

~ …leaving together or — not leaving at all!~The voice resembling Pikachu's shot through Ash's mind. The Thunderbolt he was unleashing on him was nearly forgotten.~That's — who we are!~The electricity kept pouring on, even now.

It was like Pikachu was trying his best to channel his aggression, to shock some sense into him.

"You're righth," Ash whispered. Digging his elbows into the cold floor, he pulled himself closer to Pikachu without leaning weight on his arms. "I geth…" He reached up, wiping his bleeding lip. "I get it…! You won't be leaving without me, and I won't be leaving without you!"

Pikachu's eyes snapped wide open. For a moment, in that bright light, Ash saw his soul flicker within them. But, the electricity hadn't stopped.

Ash braved it, and pulled himself up to his partner. "We'll… get out of this… together!" Rocking on his knees, he lunged with the remainder of his strength, and pulled Pikachu into his arms. Holding him tightly against his chest, he smiled. "That's a… ugh! That's a promise, Buddy…"

~Ash…~A horrible, wicked fog ensnaring Pikachu's heart and mind was seeing its end. Warmth and light resembling his best friend shone a beacon in the fog, and a lively teal drew the bridge between them. The phenomenon his trainer carried known as Aura made their minds one.

He felt Ash's love, and it wasso much strongerthan hate.~...Ash!~Pikachu tilted his head up, making eye contact with his trainer. In the dim, flashing red, he could make out the look of disbelief breaking, replaced with pure joy. He swallowed his sobs, and buried his face in his trainer's chest.

"Pikachu!" Ash laughed with unbound joy, nuzzling his cheek into the soft fur atop his partner's head. He savored the squeaks of joy from his partner who, as he now knew, didn't mean any particular word. Pikachu was simply happy. "You're back… You're back! I missed you so much!"

~I missed you, too!~The voice he'd heard several times before came through with clarity. It was a curious reconstruction of how Pikachu usually sounded, suited to human language. Somewhat high-pitched, if a touch scratchy.~It was horrible, Ash… I never want to feel that, again.~

Ash vaguely remembered what Riley said, about him connecting to another's heart.'Empathy is the key to it all. Loving and understanding one another. Seeing another's perspective.'It made so much more sense to him in action.~You won't, Buddy… That's a promise.~

~Thank you.~Pikachu was still shuddering. He knew he was home when Ash's fingers gently caressed the fur on his back. The horrific claustrophobia lingered, but ultimately, he was home.~ Sorry about all those attacks. You were being very thick-headed.~

Ash laughed to himself.~Had a feeling you were trying to knock some sense into me… In your own way.~A brief pause.~...So, this is your voice, huh?~

Pikachu smiled into Ash's chest.~I think we should leave, now.~

~I don't have the energy to move, even if I wanted to.~

~I don't either. The team… Did I—?~

~Yeah, you knocked 'em out.~

~Then we're helpless.~

Ash laughed. His chest hurt, but he couldn't help it. He pulled back a little, just to look into his best friend's tired eyes, every time the security lights pulsed. There was no sound, but their own breathing, and the occasional far-off explosion. For just a moment, they were alone.

Or, so they thought. But in the nearby blackness, a cream-colored tail with a brown, curled end stood out, and a paw lightly tossed the twisted Dark Ball that'd caused Pikachu so much pain.

The clack of metal against the flooring drew Ash and Pikachu's attention. The awful device slowly rolled their way, stopping beside them. The trainer hesitantly reached out and held it.

They looked to where it'd come from. The smoke was drifting away, but there was no one to be seen.

Ash stared down at the awful contraption.~Let's hope Dawn finds us before Ariana does.~

While Rosa was busy securing the exit, Dawn wound her way through hallways on the vague directions that the Pokémon had given her. Rocket grunts had fallen one after another in her path, taken down by her reliable Empoleon.

But, their defeats didn't bring any relief. All she could think about was finding Ash, and her heart pounding heavily in her chest. It didn't help matters that she'd been forced to stop in her tracks every other moment, after a majority of the lighting had died out. Navigating an underground base in the dark wasn't ideal, nor was it wise.

The next time the red lighting illuminated her path, though, it was obstructed. The crimson-haired Executive from Silph stood in her way. "You…!"

"So, you're the intruder… I think you've caused quite enough trouble," Ariana spat.

"Where are Ash and Pikachu!?" Dawn snapped, her voice hoarse. "Hand them over!'

"That voice…" Ariana's cherry lips parted in a snarl. "You! You were that grunt that I told to watch the first floor, weren't you!? You sabotaged us!"

"Happy to disappoint you," Dawn shouted back. She grabbed her partner's Poké Ball, tapping its center button. It expanded to fit the palm of her hand. "You'll be dealing with a lot worse ifanything'shappened to either of them!"

"You think you're in a position to make threats…? How bold." Ariana, herself, grabbed her own Poké Ball. "I'll be sure to punish you for your part in Team Rocket's failure. I've found a few quick ways to power up since my embarrassment, there. Arbok!"

"Chaaah!" The gargantuan serpent slithered around Ariana, and then towered over Dawn.

"I wanted to take you down a peg, anyway." Dawn grimaced, and slung her own backhanded.

"Empol!" Empoleon cried mightily, throwing out his wings. Then, he stumbled, nearly losing his footing. "Pol…!"

"Empoleon…!" Dawn gasped.'He's probably taken a lot of damage from our battles already.'Finishing this quickly would be best. "Empoleon! Hydro Pump!"

"Poolll…!" Empoleon fired a torrential jet towards Arbok, who dipped and slithered around it.

"Use Glare," Ariana shouted.

Rising after Hydro Pump's failure, Arbok hissed, flashing the terrifying pattern imprinted under its chin. The awful sight sent a tinge of terror through Empoleon, and he suddenly felt numb.

"He's paralyzed," Dawn muttered bitterly. "Use Steel Wing, now!"

Empoleon cried, and brandished his wings, starting his charge. But, numbness shot through him, and he fell to one knee.

"It can't move? How sad," Ariana mocked. "Earthquake!"

Tremors shot through the field, rattling Empoleon down to the bone. The proud bird shouted in pain, nearly stumbling over.

"Like I said," Ariana continued, "I've invested in a few new improvements after losing so badly to that rat. An Executive rarely has time to train, but TMs are awfully convenient."

"Empoleon! Whirlpool!" Dawn shouted, ignoring her.

Empoleon raised his valiant wings, stirring up a raging whirlpool over his head. Tossing his wings, he ensnared Arbok into its rough waters, juggling it mercilessly.

"Now, follow it up with Ice Beam!" Dawn waved a hand.

Empoleon opened his beak, but suddenly found himself immobile.

"Paralyzed again…!"

"Arbok! Grab it with Wrap, now!"

Arbok's scaly, purple tail escaped the Whirlpool several times before being dragged back in. A final attempt snapped out and wrapped around Empoleon's torso, ultimately breaking Whirlpool. A woozy-looking Arbok kept his hold.

"Now! Earthquake!"

"Chaaaah…!" Arbok twisted her body around in mid-air, and brought Empoleon down brutally into the ground. Sequentially, the earth-shook below them, again, with Empoleon bearing the entire brunt of it.

Dawn gasped, and watched Arbok unravel from her starter. Empoleon laid face-first, unconscious. She swallowed heavily. "Thank you, Empoleon… return." She recalled him, opting for another. "Togekiss! I'm counting on you!"

"Kiss~!" Togekiss entered the fray with a hasty loop. Despite her usual, serene self, she looked awfully serious, knowing the stakes. Her maternal streak extended to Ash and Pikachu, and anyone endangering them would see her wrath.

"Use Sludge Bomb!" The Executive shouted, as Arbok spat explosive venom towards Togekiss.

"Air Slash!" Dawn shouted.

The Jubilee Pokémon danced patterns around the sludge with ease, and whipped one of her wings around to conjure hostile winds. She lobbed it towards Arbok, capturing it in a cutting wind tunnel. Arbok fell to just one move.

"Damn it…" The Rocket recalled her Pokémon, and tossed another sphere. "Muk! Screech!"

A mass of sentient sludge appeared, opening its mouth to unleash an ear-splitting ring that assaulted and wethered Togekiss.

"Fight back with Air Slash!" Dawn ordered.

Togekiss pulled back from the harsh noise, and whipped up another Air Slash.

"Minimize!" Ariana countered. Air Slash approached, but not before Muk's body liquified, and retreated into the cracks between the floor tiles. Effectively disappearing, as nasty gusts tore at the floor tiles.

"It's under the tiles…!?" Dawn gasped.

"You won't have any luck hitting a Pokémon who's out of your reach," Ariana taunted.

"Then as long as you're in hiding, we'll make the most of it," Dawn said. "Prepare a Sky Attack!"

A white halo started to envelop Togekiss.

"Use Rock Tomb!"

Purple goo seeped through the cracks in the floor, and huge spires of rock materialized above Togekiss, crashing down atop her.

"Togekiss!" Dawn cried in worry. She winced, as the stones converged to crush and constrict the Jubilee. "Power through it! I know you can!"

Heavenly light leaked through the stones, before obliterating them in a straightforward charge. Togekiss soared through in a straightforward charge, albeit slower than before.

"Her wing looks hurt," Dawn gasped. Flayed feathers and a bruise on her snow-white wing were apparent, causing a lag in her speed. Unfortunately, it gave Muk ample time to retreat and dodge.

Ariana smirked. "Sludge Bomb."

Volatile sludge pelted and exploded against Togekiss, sending her tumbling back through the air.

"Kiss…!" Togekiss hissed, nursing her wing and grooming the grime out of it. "Toge." Her voice sounded hoarse, and bubbles of toxin popped off of her down.

"She's poisoned," Dawn observed, grimacing.'I have to do something… If we can't find Muk, then…'Her eyes snapped open.'That's it! Find him! Thanks, Kenny… Our battle's about to save our hides.'She raised a hand up high. "Togekiss! Let's track it down with Aura Sphere!"

Togekiss mirrored her trainer, raising a heavenly wing to conjure the spitting image of life itself. Teal and vibrant, it sought out the offending life force that stood between them and their loved ones.

"Now, charge another Sky Attack," Dawn shouted, and Togekiss once again gathered light.

Aura Sphere swerved, and plummeted into the floor, detonating it. Purple goo shot out of the debris unceremoniously.

"What!?" Ariana hissed, wide-eyed.

Togekiss saw her prey, and shot forth. Crossing Muk in a streak of godly light.

Muk fell in a heap, unconscious. Subsequently, Togekiss recoiled from poison damage.

The Rocket wordlessly recalled Muk, and substituted them with a Vileplume. "Sleep Power!"

"Use Safeguard!"

A healthy green glow basked over Togekiss, stopping the Sleep Powder in its tracks.

"Air Slash!"

Togekiss started to whip up her wing, only to recoil and fall towards the floor. The harsh chill of poison struck her, again.

"Togekiss!" Dawn shouted.

"I've got you," Ariana grinned. "Sludge Bomb!"

Vileplume aimed her large flower at Togekiss, and fired. Nasty sludge exploded, sending the Jubilee tumbling towards Dawn's feet. Belly-up, she was unmoving.

"Thank you…" Dawn recalled Togekiss, and exhaled. "Let's take them down, Buneary!"

"Bun!" Buneary somersaulted out of her Poké Ball, landing battle-ready. She, in particular, was fiercely motivated, glaring daggers at Pikachu's captor. She stomped the floor below her, breaking the tile she'd stood on to a fine powder. Arceus willing, she'd beat her to a pulp.

"Togekiss set us up with Safeguard," Dawn explained to her partner. "So you won't suffer any status effects. Let's save Ash and Pikachu!"


"What a spirited little runt… It won't be the first I've crushed, today." Before either girl could parse what that meant, she waved a hand. "Use Sludge Bomb!"

Vileplume aimed her flower, and fired the putrid artillery.

"Shock Wave," Dawn called, as Buneary's ears aimed at the incoming fire. Blue lightning struck at all targets, detonating them before they could reach her. "Now, Dizzy Punch!"

She sprinted into the debris, following her keen hearing to Vileplume. The simplistic face of her foe gawked as she entered their personal space, and punched into the center of their face with her ear. Deciding one wasn't enough, though, her coiled ear struck to uppercut Vileplume off of the ground. Consecutive alternating blows bashed the flower higher and higher, launching it.

Vileplume landed on unsteady feet, barely keeping herself from toppling.

"You stubborn little.. Giga Drain!" Ariana ordered.

Green, shimmering light jolted and ensnared Buneary, lifting her off the ground to sap her vitality right out of her body. Vileplume felt her stamina steadily returning to her, standing upright.

"Don't give in, Buneary," Dawn encouraged. "Use Ice Beam!"

"Buhn…!" Buneary tensed, fighting the sickly feeling that was robbing her of her energy. She'd held her own against stronger foes; as if she'd buckle to this. She opened her mouth, firing freezing rays that struck Vileplume, breaking the grip Giga Drain held.

But, Buneary's efforts didn't end there. "Buuuuhnnn…!" Still airborne, she continued to pile on Ice Beam, long past its usual dues. Ice began to cover Vileplume, gradually encasing her in ice.

"Good work, Buneary!" Dawn praised. "Now, finish it with Jump Kick!"

Landing on her feet, Buneary lunged forward, foot-first, into the ice encasing Vileplume. It promptly shattered, and she planted her heel mercilessly in the Grass-type's face.

Vileplume fell unconscious.

"You little…!" Ariana hissed, managing her temper while recalling Vileplume. "How!?"

"How,what?"Dawn demanded.

"That Pikachu, and now a mere Buneary… How did you make such a weak and common Pokémon so powerful!?"

"That's the power you find when people and Pokémon care about each other," Dawn replied. "Somethingyouwouldn't get!"

"Shouldn't we… help them?" James frowned, looking behind him while running along with the group. There were Rocket grunts aplenty, lying unconscious through the corridors. "It feels a littleextratraitorous to leave all these grunts while we escape."

"We're not even supposed tobehere, James, remember!?" Jessie snapped, stepping over yet another. They'd onlybarelydodged running into that raging Lucario by taking another route.

"Yeah, if we get caught for any of dis, we'll be cooked," Meowth deadpanned. "I t'ink we've done quite enough. Made sure the Twoip got through to Pikachu and everything."

"And it couldn't have worked without my scheming," Jessie claimed, rounding a corner. "With a few more explosions and Seviper's Haze, we led that rotten Executive away from Pikachu, and before she finds us, she'll run into the Twerpette! Honestly, it serves her right."

"And whatevah that Dark Ball does, the Twoip can find one of his brainy friends to figure it out. I'm just glad she dropped it in all th' commotion… I was worried I'd have to swipe it!"

"That's all well and good, but" James replied, "isn't all of this talk awfullyincriminating?"

"Please. This base isdone for.It's falling apart. I'd be surprised if a trace of security footage even remains," Jessie reasoned. Her point was very much vindicated, when they came to a halt before the staircase leading to the exit. It was frozen over from top to bottom. "And it has the Twerpette's handwriting all over it."

She reached for a Poké Ball and called out Yanmega. The large insect dipped so that she, James, and Meowth could hop onto her back. She furiously beat her buzzing wings, soaring up the staircase. Luckily, its door was already wide ajar.

"Yeah. It's just a damn shame that we came out of this with absolutelynothingto show for it."

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that~." James simpered, chuckling under his breath.

Jessie looked over her shoulder, squinting. "What's that supposed to mean?"

There was a glint in his emerald eyes, as he flashed two small objects between his finger tips. A flash drive, and the plexiglass slide of genetic material. "With these, we might not evenneedPikachu."

"That's our Jimmy!" Meowth cackled, affectionately slapping the lavender-haired man's shoulder. "T'inkin with that big fat head of yours!" They had to duck when clearing the door, and dipped towards their truck that still laid near the entrance. He hopped off of Yanmega before Jessie recalled her, and hopped into the front of the vehicle.

"We got to do the right thing,andcame out on top!"

James took the driver's seat, buckling in and revving the engine. "But really, what else would you expect…"

"...from the new and improved Team Rocket?" Jessie sang, drowned out by the screech of tires as their vehicle fled the scene.

"The same sentimentality as your friend… I guarantee you, it won't work in your favor. It didn't work out in his."

Dawn gasped sharply, cupping her knuckles over her mouth. "What happened to Ash!?"

"I left him to his fate. With you, however, I'll take far more direct action." Ariana called on another Pokémon; this time a Magcargo. Loose magma dripped from their chin, searing the floor. "Flamethrower!"

Magcargo spewed hot flames from its mouth.

"Dodge, and use Jump Kick!" Dawn commanded. She needed to get past her opponent, and fast. Buneary recognized her urgency, leaping out of Flamethrower's path to plant her padded feet on the closest wall. Ricocheting off it, she shot towards the ceiling, turning upside down to catch her footing against it.

"Bun…! Neary!" She sprung into a swift drop, turning over to smash her foot into Magcargo's shell. She felt the floor below Magcargo give, and sprung away immediately afterward.

"Freeze them! Ice Beam!"

Buneary twirled in mid-air, firing spinning cold flashes down upon the recovering Magcargo. Cyan blasted away at them without end. Unlike last time, though…

"They're not freezing!?" Dawn looked on, concerned. She pulled out her Pokédex.

"Magcargo's ability: Magma Armor. The Pokémon is covered with hot magma, which prevents the Pokémon from becoming frozen."

"Foolish child," the Rocket scoffed. "Flamethrower!"

Roaring flames melted through the ice, blasting Buneary with white-hot wrath. The rabbit cried, falling from the air onto her back. She convulsed, as a smaller blaze came and went. She'd suffered a burn.

"Darn it…! Sorry, Buneary." Dawn apologized, but the rabbit was back on her feet, waving it off. She was just as determined as Dawn, herself. "If we can't freeze them, then we'll pummel them some more! Use Jump Kick!"

Buneary sprang into action, once more.

"Stubborn vermin," Arianna said. "Use Rock Slide!"

Magcargo's cry ushered in an avalanche of boulders, swiftly and mercilessly crushing Buneary.

"Buneary!" Dawn gasped. One of the rocks split in half, revealing her partner to be unconscious. "...Thank you. Return." Recalling her, she took a deep breath, and continued. "Pachirisu!"

"Pah!" Pachirisu appeared, standing battle-ready. For once, her carefree cheer was absent.

Ariana smirked. "Use Earthquake!"

Dawn struggled to keep her footing, watching her Elesquirrel stumble and double over in pain. In just one super-effective blow, she looked to be on the verge of passing out. "Pachirisu… can you continue? Do you want to take a rest?"

"Chi!" Pachirisu shouted, looking back at Dawn. Pained as her expression was, it'd never been bolder. Under all of her hyper enthusiasm, Ash and Pikachu were still family.

"Got it," Dawn nodded. "Then, use Sweet Kiss!"

Several pink hearts hovered across the fray, ensnaring and assaulting Magcargo. "Mahh…!" The sluggish, white-hot Pokémon lolled and swerved about, confused. His trainer grimaced.

"Now! Thunder!"

Blue lightning eclipsed Pachirisu, blasting into the ceiling and shattering the lighting above. Falling glass was scorched before it touched ground, and stray bolts of lightning ricocheted directly into the unmoving Magcargo. The Fire-type writhed, collapsing afterward.

The Rocket returned Magcargo without a word, and called upon her Honchkrow.

Now they had an airborne foe. Earthquake was out of the picture, but hitting a deceitful Honchkrow might prove more difficult than a static foe. "Pachirisu! Sweet Kiss!"

"Use Taunt," Ariana shouted. Meanwhile, her sneering avian goaded Pachirisu on with a nasty cackle and a provocative wave of his wing.

"Chi…! Pa-pa-pah!" Pachirisu stomped in place, lost in her temper. Sweet Kiss was null.

"Tch…!" Dawn grunted. "If you want to fight head-on, Pachirisu, then that's fine with me! Let's cage Honchkrow in, with Thunder!"

Pachirisu screeched, unleashing her fury all at once. Rather than one distinct pillar, many-pronged bolts fired off into the closed corridor, lighting it up with ricocheting lightning.

Honchkrow squawked, panicking and darting left, right, and center to avoid the hazardous storm. But they were too many, and drawing too close. It accidentally brushed against one of the currents, and suffered the consequences. Frying and dropping, like a moth drawn too close to a flame.

Of course, he rolled over, only unconscious. He disappeared into a flash of red light, all the same. Ariana snarled, putting it away. "There's no way it was this weak…! I just evolved it with a Dusk Stone," she seethed, "it should've been made much more powerful!"

Dawn stood for a moment, blinking. She understood, now, why Ash had hesitated with Misdreavus. She shook the thought off. "Hard work and experience trump quick shortcuts! But, I wouldn't expect anything better from a Rocket."

"Just who do you think you are…!? Insolent brat!" Ariana called out her last Pokémon; a Slowbro, who made the ground under him tremble. "You'll regret this."

Dawn ignored her threats, focusing on the fight ahead. "Pachirisu! Thunder!"

Lightning ricocheted off the walls, striking their large target in Slowbro. The bulky Pokémon seemed to completely ignore the super-effective move, only to recoil afterward. "Slow…"

"Use Slack-off!" As commanded by the Rocket, Slowbro yawned loudly. A healthy green glow surrounded him, and in his sloth, he recovered any health he'd lost.

Dawn grimaced, leaning onto her back foot.'Pachirisu only has so many Thunder in her… And she's already used three! That could work against us, in the long haul.'It was time to change gears. "Then, it's time for Sweet Tooth!"

The villain looked bewildered by the command, but that could only work in their favor. Pachirisu charged Slowbro, her buck incisors growing exponentially and sporting a lovely pink shine. She lunged, chomping into Slowbro's arm. Hearts burst from the impact, and exploded.

"I don't know what sort of parlor trick that is," Ariana said, "but it won't work here. Focus Blast!"

A blue, volatile orb appeared in Slowbro's paw. and detonated against Pachirisu at point-blank range. Dawn gasped.

The rodent was sent flying, forcing Dawn to leap and catch her against her chest. After Dawn landed, her boots squeaking against the floor, she got to check on her Pokémon. Pachirisu was beaten and battered, unable to battle.

"I… don't get it. Why did Sweet Tooth fail?" Recalling Pachirisu, she pulled out her Pokédex again.

"Slowbro's ability: Own Tempo. This Pokémon has its own tempo, which prevents it from becoming confused."

"That's our luck," Dawn said, pocketing the device.'Two-for-two on abilities that have worked against us. Now, what's next…? Should I send out Absol against a Psychic-type? They have Focus Blast, so maybe not… Besides. Absol's been our key to sensing danger. We'll need her.'

Opting to save the Disaster Pokémon, Dawn relied on her sixth and final partner, throwing her Poké Ball forth with vigor. "Quilava! It's all come down to you!"

The Volcano Pokémon tumbled onto the floor on all fours, screeching loudly. Her back furiously went ablaze. "Lav!"

"Eruption!" Dawn shouted, as Quilava raised her back, and aimed her blaze towards Slowbro. Magma fired in a straightforward stream, making her body recoil.

"Slack Off!" Ariana ordered, after her Pokémon had been scalded. If Slowbro had felt pain, he didn't show it, bathing himself in a regenerating aura, once more.

Dawn bore her teeth in frustration.'There go Sweet Tooth and Eruption…! How are we supposed to beat them, at this rate!?'

Seemingly just as aware of her upper hand, Ariana smirked. "Use Surf."

A tidal wave rumbled and rose under Slowbro's feet, cresting to dwarf Quilava.

"Rainbow Wheel!" Dawn shouted. Relying on their Contest combinations, once more, they placed their bets on Quilava retreating into a blazing wheel, spewing intermittent flames that only expanded the inferno in volume. Ever-increasing temperatures colored the flames with hints of the entire light spectrum.

"Quilavv!" Quilava rolled into the coming wave, and the front hissed and boiled around her. She powered through, crashing into and spinning mercilessly against Slowbro before tumbling back.

"Youarea nuisance," the Executive spat. "Nasty Plot!"

The ordinarily vacant Slowbro took on an uncharacteristically sinister expression, pondering devious plans and crushing victories. A red aura surrounded him, sharply boosting his power.

"Rainbow Wheel!"


Quilava wrapped into a colorful pinwheel a second time. The coming tidal wave, unfortunately, was twice as furious as before, knocking the wind cleanly out of Quilava when its front smacked into her back. She squealed, rolling back in the tide, ultimately landing on her back beside Dawn. She coughed, sputtering up waterlog. Her fur was matted and she felt somewhat dizzy.

"Oh, Quilava…! That one looked painful. Are you hanging in there?" Dawn asked.

The mammal grit her teeth and pushed herself into a sitting position. "Lav!" As if she'd quit with everything on the line!? Not a chance!

"Drown it out, with Surf!"

Another towering wave eclipsed Slowbro, leaving Dawn and Quilava in its shadow.

"Smokescreen!" Dawn quickly urged.

Quilava flipped onto all fours, and thick smog consumed the corridor.

Ariana coughed, guarding her eyes, nose, and mouth from the veil. "Damn it all… Where are you!?" When the smoke started to clear, she gasped at the sight before her. Quilava was clinging to the shell on Slowbro's tail, keeping a stubborn grip, despite the lax Pokémon's protests. "You vermin…! Get rid of it!"

"Use Flamethrower, now," Dawn shouted, "and don't let up!"

Quilava reared her head, and spat Flamethrower directly into the back of Slowbro's head. The bulky Pokémon swerved and bucked his tail, challenging her grip. She wrapped her front and hind paws more tightly around the spikes on Shellder's shell, pouring on even more heat.

"You don't have any moves to get rid of Quilava," Dawn directed at Ariana. "And we're going to keep firing away until we win! I'm not leaving without Ash and Pikachu!"

"Damn you…!" The Executive snarled. She was in a bind. Helpless to do anything but watch, as Quilava poured on the flames. That was, until an inferno burst around Slowbro and the former disengaged, returning to her trainer.

Slowbro hunched over, with smoke trailing from his body. He'd suffered a burn.

"Take it out," the Rocket barked. "Focus Blast!"

Slowbro retaliated with a compact bomb of energy, throwing it at Quilava. The move detonated, sending Quilava crashing into one of the corridor walls.

Quilava cried out, and slumped over. Bruised, waterlogged, and panting heavily, she wasn't in the best of straits.

"Quilava…" Dawn's hands trembled. "I have to do something!"

Before the Coordinator could act, though, her very own Pokémon felt the stakes, and embodied them. A roaring flame consumed Quilava's back, burning away at the wall behind her and eclipsing her body. Ruby eyes snapped open, leering at Slowbro.

Quilava stood on her hind legs, sporting roaring reds and oranges.

"That flame… That has to be Blaze," Dawn muttered.

"Still clinging to hope when it's in that sorry shape… Drown it out for good! Surf!" Ariana shouted.

Another rising tide came, courtesy of Slowbro. It towered over the glowing marsupial.

"Give it all you've got, Quilava!" Dawn cried. "Hold it off, with another Rainbow Wheel!"

Quilava tucked and rolled, embraced in a cyclone of flames that flashed alternating colors. The artful show of defiance only grew, though, in the throes of Blaze. Hissing away at the boiling and dissipating water, the wheel pushed and gave against Surf's force in a stalemate.

A stalemate that was only temporary; a second time over, Rainbow Wheel shone even brighter, and started to expand at a rapid pace. First at half the wave's size, and then matching it.

"W-what is that!?" Ariana stammered out, terrified. From her vantage point, the tide was colored with all colors of the rainbow, hissing and faltering under the flames that now shot above its crest.

"Quilava…!?" Dawn uttered out, blinking at the sight in awe. She watched the flames tear through their obstacle and blaze a trail into Slowbro, forcing his trainer to vault out of the way in a panic. Floor tiles burnt and melted in its wake, and the sound of a heavy impact knocked Slowbro further back. The white-hot kaleidoscope of flames hopped back before Dawn, and its glow finally died away. In the center of it all was a completely new form; a bipedal monster, towering even over Dawn, with a cream and blue hide; its back obscured almost entirely by the ongoing heat of Blaze.

The new Pokémon look back, sporting a longer, mature face and keener eyes. Her gaze was unshakably bold, though she did flash the faintest of smiles back at Dawn.

"Quil… Typhlosion! You've evolved!" Dawn exclaimed, retrieving her Pokédex.

" Typhlosion: The Volcano Pokémon. The fully-evolved form of Cyndaquil. It attacks using blasts of fire. It creates heat shimmers with intense fires to hide itself."

"A little bit of last-minute luck won't save you," Ariana hissed, though it was hard to tell whether she was trying to convince Dawn or herself. She was taking several steps back, and shouted her command hoarsely. "Slack Off!"

Before Slowbro could do so, flames wrapped around him again. The burn struck.

"Now's our chance," Dawn said to herself, brows furrowed. "Let's use your new move! Double Edge!"

Typhlosion charged with a feral roar, throwing her entire body-weight at Slowbro. A bruising shoulder-tackle smashed into Slowbro, knocking the slow-witted Pokémon airborne. Typhlosion snarled, gripping him in a bear hug before he could depart, and swung her body around. With a cry of effort, she threw Slowbro's weight brutally into the burnt, crumbling corridor wall.

The scarlet-haired Executive took slow, frightful steps back once she saw the damage, and had to deal with the reality of the wreckage: Slowbro was beaten. Her entire team was. "Tch. You really are strong," she said, recalling him. "It's too bad. If you were to join Team Rocket, you could be an Executive."

Dawn didn't dignify that with a response. "Tell me where they are," she said sternly, "if you want to walk out of this in one piece." Her threat was backed up by Typhlosion, who stood by her side. Even through heavy breaths, she looked no less threatening.

"...This hideout is done for," Ariana lamented. "But that's fine. Team Rocket has much bigger, and broader plans. We wanted that Pikachu, but he's ultimately insignificant to our leader's bid for world domination. You'll come to appreciate Team Rocket's true power soon enough. Enjoy yourself while you can," she laughed, tossing down a small capsule.

A smoke bomb; pitch-black blanketed Ariana's end of the corridor. Her echoing laughter could be heard, before drowning out.

"Get back here!" Dawn shouted, ready to give chase. But, the smoke was already clearing. The Executive was nowhere to be seen. Her fist trembled at her side. "Ugh… We lost her!"

"Phlooo," Typhlosion replied.

"You're right," she nodded. "She can kick rocks. We need to find Ash and Pikachu." Turning to Typhlosion, she smiled, stroking her chin. "You think you can tough out the rest of this thing?"


"Right." Dawn called on Absol afterward. "Hey girl, can you lead us to them?"

"Sol," Absol grunted, and nodded her head to lead Dawn and Typhlosion.

The stubborn glow of Typhlosion's Blaze lit crumbling corridors more steadily than the flashing lights. It, and Absol's clairvoyance led Dawn steadily towards a large room towards the center of the base. She came to two steel reinforced doors, completely broken off their hinges, and dented in as if they were made of little more than tinfoil.

She felt her stomach jump at the damage, and moved on. The wanton destruction left to her on the inside was even worse. Broken glass, busted and concave floor tiles, fissures in the ground, concave walls, and burns and ashes abound. It was all so distracting, really, that she didn't notice-


Dawn jumped, startled. "Ash!?" She gasped, finally spotting him. In the center of the room, he laid in a heap. She rushed over to him with her heart in her throat, kneeling beside him. "Ash, I'm here!"

"That's… good." The boy said tiredly, lifting his head enough to look up at her. He smiled. "Talk about a sight for sore eyes…" His frizzy hair aside, he was covered in soot and bruises. His jacket was burnt in several places. His lip was busted, sporting drying blood.

The same could be said for Pikachu, who sat nestled in his arms. Although he sported very little damage, physically, his fur was stained with blood that she could only assume to be Ash's.

"Wait — Pikachu!" Dawn exclaimed. "So you found him… He's okay?"

"Cha…" The mouse uttered out weakly.

"'Okay'is relative here," Ash said. His voice was hoarse. "But he's safe. We made it…"

Dawn felt her eyes sting and her lower lip tremble. But she knew, more than anything, that they were still very much on a rescue mission. She held strong. "We need to get out of here, now."

"Would," Ash coughed, "love to… But I can't even move."

"Typhlosion," Dawn asked. "Do you think you could let that Blaze go and carry Ash for me? I can handle Pikachu, and Absol could lead us out of here."

"Ty," Typhlosion nodded, and extinguished her flames. She crouched and reached for Ash, while Dawn took hold of Pikachu.

Ash instinctively hugged him tighter.

"Ash," Dawn scolded.

"Sorry. I-I just…" Ash forced out shaky words. "I just almost lost him…!"

Dawn pursed her lips, and ran a hand through his hair. "Well he's going to be with us, alright? We can't save either of you if we don't leave."

Ash reluctantly complied, letting go of Pikachu, and Dawn scooped him up.

Typhlosion scooped up Ash in her arms, looking down at her trainer's dear companion with pity and fury. Every bit of her wrath had been deserved before, and then some. "Ty," she tried to comfort him, to her best efforts.

"Hey… Wow. Typhlosion?" Ash echoed, finally catching up. "Quilava evolved. That's awesome."

With Absol's lead, Dawn left the battlefield, with Typhlosion running along with her. "She evolved trying to save you," she explained.

"Huh. Thanks girl," Ash said weakly. "I owe ya one… Y'know Misdreavus did the same thing?"

"She evolved!?" Dawn asked, startled. "And I thought…" She shook her head. "I'll ask and congratulate her about it later. C'mon."

The group started to step over Rockets lying about, left and right. Some with Pokémon she recognized from her fights, but progressively less so. By the time she could see Rosa, they were piling up, and she had to work her way around them.

The Lucario rushed over as soon as they were within sight. She didn't seem to have any more obstacles.~Papa!~She cried, gripping onto the burnt hem of his jacket.~Uncle Pikachu…~

Ash tilted his head just a bit, if only to see his daughter's face again. He smiled weakly. "In the flesh… A little burnt, though."

~That's awfully morbid,~Pikachu chided.

"C'mon. We can talk once we're out of here," Dawn said, turning for the cavern open to them through the busted-in door. "Typhlosion, can you give us your light, again?"

"Phlo," Typhlosion grunted, as they stepped into a cavern that, contrasting to the dim Rocket base, was pitch-black. A weak, steady flame emanated from her back, providing an orange glow for them to traverse.

Rosemary led the group, with the keenest senses of them all, while Dawn, Absol, and Typhlosion kept pace just behind her. The cavern tunnels were chilly and dry. Acting as a last-resort escape for Team Rocket, Dawn would have to guess, its paths were smoothed out and straightforward. She could only hear the clack of Absol's claws on rock, and Ash and Pikachu's breathing.

Neither of them sounded particularly great, but it was steady. They'd get help, as soon as they found their way out. At least, that was the plan, when Typhlosion's light started to flicker and dim.

Dawn nearly tripped over a rock in the darkness, and halted. "H-hey! Typhlosion…?" Her Fire-type was also panting, now, lagging in her steps. Ash was starting to slip from her grip, but she secured him. "...You're really tired out, aren't you? It doesn't look like you can carry himandkeep your flame on.

"Typhooo!" She argued.

"Set Ash down, and rest for a minute," Dawn scolded. "I guess we'll have to stop moving."

The Volcano Pokémon grumbled, sitting down and gently placing Ash on a particularly flat surface, turned so that the incline favored him sitting upward. She winced when he grunted in pain, but ultimately laid down next to him. Her flame was dim, but steady.

"Urgh, so…" Ash blinked slowly, not bothering to lift his head. "What, now…?"

"We have no choice but to call Officer Jenny," Dawn concluded, sitting down near him. She reached into her bag, and was surprised to come across his red cap first. Pikachu, still in her occupied arm, weakly grabbed for it, and she handed it to him.

With a second thought, she gently placed the Electric Mouse on Ash's belly, the way she'd found him, with the cap. Then, she was free to take out the handheld radio. Squinting at it in the dim light, she initiated a call. "Hello…?"

Harsh sound and static rudely greeted her. "Still too close," Dawn muttered. Though, afterwards, she heard a hint of clarity.

"—ello!?" Jenny's voice came through, if only in parts.

"Officer Jenny!" Dawn spoke clearly. She'd have to try moving a little further away. She walked reluctantly away from where the others laid, waiting for the feedback to die out.

"Dawn! Can you hear me!?"

"Yes! I can. Sorry. We just now got reception," Dawn replied. "We need a rescue party."

Even over the device, Jenny sounded urgent. "What is your status. What happened?"

"We've found Ash and Pikachu," she answered. "They're pretty badly beaten, but they're safe. They're too worn out to move any further… We found them in a Team Rocket base, but it's starting to fall apart!"

"Copy," Jenny answered. "Is anyone else present?"

Dawn hesitated. Shealmostcouldn't care less whether the Rockets suffered for their own actions, but they had plenty of Pokémon among them. Who knew how many were stolen, themselves? "...Alotof unconscious Rockets are still there."

"...I think it's a given that I picked the right person to handle this," the officer said dryly. "Right! We've locked onto your coordinates, and we'll be coming with a search party, ASAP. Sit still until we arrive, do you copy?"

"I copy," Dawn answered. Then, the feed went dead.

Chapter 10: Consequences

Chapter Text

The darkness of the caverns. The faint warmth of Typhlosion's effortful flames. Dawn's gentle embrace, and the weight of Pikachu on his chest. These were the last things Ash's conscious mind had registered, before he'd given in to exhaustion and shock, abandoned by the adrenaline rush that'd powered him through such a crisis.

To say it wasn't the best of times would be an understatement. But, it all felt very distant and enviable, compared to the harsh white light that assaulted his eyes, when they started to open again. He winced, squinting through the bright lights that definitely came from the indoors until his eyes could adjust.

A faint, repetitive chime was the next thing he picked up on. Beside the cot he was propped up in, there was a heart monitor that started to pick up its pace when he awoke. Several monitors were taped to his chest, when he checked under the blanket. He was shirtless, it seemed, and multiple bandages wrapped around his arms and torso. From the sting he felt when he moved, he judged them to be minor burns, and likely a couple of bruises.

"Chan…? Chansey~!" A Chansey wearing a nurse's cap chirped from across the room, waddling over to glance at the echogardiogram readings. Seeming satisfied, she greeted the ailing trainer with a coo and a warm smile. "Chan-Chansey!" Before Ash could answer, she waddled back towards the door to the room they occupied, and tapped a button on the wall. "Chansey~!"

Ash had enough time to regain his bearings, now, while he waited. His jacket and t-shirt were folded neatly on a nearby countertop, though they still looked as ragged and burnt as he did. His hat looked just about as ragged, to his dismay.

"Oh! You're awake!" Nurse Joy exclaimed, appearing in the doorway. The first thing Ash noticed was her tired eyes, gray bags under each of them. She looked as if she'd been awfully busy. Collecting herself, she coughed into the back of her hand before going to wash it in the sink. "Thank goodness… You had a rough run-in, but it's nice to have you back with us."

"Where're Pikachu and the others?" Ash asked immediately.

"Your team is going to be just fine," she answered. "They're recovering from the damage they took in battle, but it's nothing irreversible. Though, Pikachu's displaying what seem to be traumatic responses to our care, and he's extremely exhausted. Far more than he should be from just a battle."

Ash's expression screwed up in worry, as the memories from earlier flooded back. "I think I know why. He was caught in… where is it?" He sat up suddenly, regretting it when the stress of his burns jolted through him. He hissed, collapsing back on the cot.

"You must take it easy!" Nurse Joy scolded. "Please, lay down. Now, what was it you wanted…?"

"That Poké Ball," he answered. "The eerie dark one with the bars. I had it when I was in the base. Was it with my other Poké Balls!?"

"It wasn't on your person when you were brought to us," Joy shook her head. "I'd have to imagine it's at the Police Department, if it was suspect. Now, what did you say was wrong with Pikachu…? And, what did this strange Poké Ball have to do with it?"

"They called it a Dark Ball," Ash explained. "They said that it brainwashed Pikachu to be evil, and brought out his power to its absolute limit. By the time I had him back, he was exhausted!"

"Oh, dear…" Nurse Joy bit her lip. "I'm afraid I have very little knowledge on them, due to their rarity and illegality. I suggest you speak to an expert on Poké Balls on the subject."

"Then, what about Dawn!?" Ash asked, filing the previous topic away for later. "Is she hurt, too?"

"Dawn is at the Police Department, recounting tonight's events for you, since you lost consciousness," Joy explained. "But, hold that thought; I'd suggest that you worry aboutyourselffor just a moment. You haven't shown an ounce of concern about your own condition since you've awoken!"

"Who cares?" Ash asked bitterly. He felt guilty when her face tensed up; her eyes probably squinting from the bright red flag he'd just waved in front of her.

"You should care!" She scolded. "You can only be responsible for your own health, right now, so I implore you to take it seriously."

If it wasn't his good will towards this particular Nurse Joy, Ash couldn't help but see in her the Joy from the foot of Mt. Silver; he'd endured so many chidings from her that, really, he'd come to acutely feel the disappointment she felt in the aftermath. He understood a little more why she'd complained about being a surrogate mother. Her lessons rang in his ears, and made him respect the Viridian Joy's pleas more. He sighed heavily, pacified.

"You're right. I'm sorry… Is there anything I should know, then?"

This seemed to be enough for Joy, though the wary look never left her eye. "We ran an X-ray. Miraculously, nothing seems broken; you escaped with only some bruises and superficial burns." She gestured to the X-ray projected on a screen on the wall beside him. "Honestly, recounting what you'd said about Pikachu's power, I'd call this outcome a complete miracle."

"I was thinking that, too." Ash's hand ghosted over his jaw, where Pikachu's Iron Tail had struck him. It sported an ugly purple, and felt somewhat sore when he spoke. "Back when we fought. Pikachu was fighting their control, and doing everything he could to hold back against me."

"Well, I can say one thing for certain," Nurse Joy replied, gently removing the echocardiogram nodes from Ash's torso. She returned to him with his shirt and jacket, leaving them in his lap. "...your bond with one another is second to none. Be that as it may, though, you should join your friend at the station and then return home to rest."

"Yeah. Right." Ash struggled somewhat with his t-shirt, sliding it on despite the discomfort. "But, first, can I see Pikachu and the others, please?"

To that, Nurse Joy smiled.

It felt like it'd been hours, for Dawn, since she'd called Officer Jenny. Since Ash and Pikachu had passed out in her arms. Since they'd had to split ways, while Ash and their Pokémon were carried back to the Pokémon Center, while she returned to the Police Department as a witness. Since she'd had to wait in the lobby while they all sorted out what to do with all the apprehended Grunts and Officers; there were simply too many for Viridian's precinct and some had been taken to Pewter's.

In the meantime, they'd taken pity on Dawn, and given her a sandwich to munch on, and turned on a television inside the precinct for her to watch and kill time with. She watched the evening news, which were just now starting to talk about the events of tonight, if only in tentative terms without any named names. There'd been a stolen Pokémon, and a Team Rocket base laid to ruin.

Dawn listened to pass the time, but it was all white noise to her. Her heart was still racing in the aftermath, but she'd known that it was nothing compared to what everyone around her had gone through. Her eyes kept drifting to the front desk, wondering if they'd hear any updates from the Pokémon Center. But, none came by the time that she'd been asked to come in for questioning.

It'd started out fairly procedural, at least Dawn could guess. Questions with obvious answers; things Jenny already knew from their first meeting, several hours prior. It all felt frustratingly by-the-book. That was, until they arrived at their break in communication.

"Now, when you arrived at the premises," Jenny said, pen still to her clipboard. "You were told to contact us about your position. Can you tell me why you didn't?"

Dawn's brows furrowed. After hours of shock and stress, thelastthing she needed was to land herself in even more trouble.

"This isn't to incriminate you," Jenny assured. "I just need to understand the events that followed."

"Right," Dawn nodded. "I tried when I arrived, but there were radio jammers of some kind, outside. You heard the interference when I got around to calling you, right? I had to get further into the caves to even hear you."

Jenny nodded. "And, you felt the situation was too urgent to turn tail?"

"I was planning on it, but Rose— Ash's Lucario panicked. She said there was something'horribly wrong'with Pikachu's Aura."

"His… Aura…?" Jenny parroted, frowning. She didn't seem to understand. "I know that Lucario can sense others' life forces, but I can't say I'm educated on the subject in detail."

"She said it felt wicked, and absurdly powerful. I just couldn't leave Ash in good conscience!"

"Understandable, considering the conditions you were under," Jenny agreed, to Dawn's relief. "And, what came of Lucario's reading? The more of a concrete answer we have, the better."

"She sensed Pikachu had been turned against Ash," Dawn explained. "Looking at the shape he was in, when I found him…"

Rosemary had been correct.

"Then what I'd have to conclude, ultimately," Jenny said, "is that they'd been after Pikachu. Do you have any clue as to why they'd pursue him, suddenly?"

"It's not sudden!" Dawn snapped. "Those three have been chasing Pikachu foryears!Longer than I've even known him or Ash!"

"Jessie, James, and Meowthareinfamous, especially in this city," Jenny said. "But to use technology advanced enough to twist his mind and make him stronger… that sounds like an order of greater priority than a couple of pesky thieves." Jenny held her pen tip to her lips, after scribbling down more information. Her eyes hardened, as if she was starting to unearth a lead.

Dawn shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"It'salsosuspicious that this happened directly after Team Rocket's takeover of Silph Co. was thwarted by a couple of faceless vigilantes…" Dawn felt Jenny's eyes on her, sharp as a Fearow's. Though, much more like a Luxray's, they were seeing right through her and her facade. "...and the end result ofthatwas an electrical explosion that left the eleventh floor a wreck."

"That's… I don't see how that…!" Dawn stammered, anxiously rocking the ball of her foot. She hated lying. It was so difficult. It was sounnecessary.Perhaps, now, it wasn't, but she just wasn't good at it. Her eyes started to water. "We stopped them, didn't we!?"

For all of Shaymin's gratitude…! She'd just blabbed it. But, Jenny knew. She knew and they were past the point of no return. Hiding it from Joy had been a complete waste of time.

The Officer looked satisfied, leaning back in her seat to stare at her clipboard. "You did," she admitted. "Twice now, even." Strangely, she wasn't writing anything down. Shouldn't she, if they'd just admitted to a crime!? "I can't say that we're not in your debt for not only that, but for bringing down an entire criminal base."

Jenny set down her notes, making eye contact with Dawn. "But you understandwhywhat you did was illegal, now." Her tone sounded less commanding now, and more patronizing. Like a parent scolding their child for breaking a vase, rather than an authority about to put a suspect in cuffs.

"...I do," Dawn answered.

"It's your first offense, so I'll let you take these consequences as a proper warning and look the other way," Jenny said, much to Dawn's relief. The girl felt a tremendous weight off her shoulders. "Now, I'd like you to finish telling me what happened, and then you can go."

With Dawn's second-to-worst fears assuaged, the rest of the retelling was routine. Dawn was released into the lobby, and it seemed that her timing had been impeccable; the sliding glass doors parted immediately afterward.

In the doorway was one of the rescue team men, pushing a wheelchair that had Ash sitting in it. Pikachu was stationed in his lap. "Dawn," he managed to say, finding himself short for words.

"Ash!" Dawn exclaimed. Her heart dropped, sympathy pain wrenching in her stomach. She stumbled her way over, trying to get the words out. Had he been hurtthatbadly!? "Ash, wha-"

"It's cool. I can walk," Ash assured, reaching to take her hand in his. "I'm just notallowedto," he grumbled.

"Sorry, trooper. Pokémon Center policy with the shape you were in. Once you're out of our hands, though, you can limp on home if you want," the rescue worker snarked. "...Which should be about now, by the looks of it."

Ash and Dawn looked over the former's shoulder, where down at the bottom of the stairs, an open-roof convertible sat parked at the side of the road. Professor Oak sat in the driver's seat, and Delia beside him. Gary sat in the back. It was hard to make out their expressions from a distance, but the front passenger door flew open violently.

"Ash, dear!" Still in her pajamas, seemingly right out of a deep sleep, Delia hadn't even bothered with her appearance. She sprinted up the steps in a pair of tennis shoes, coming to the top of the steps to find Ash, Dawn, and the worker waiting.

"Mom…!" Ash tried to stand, but with Pikachu in his lap, he was afraid to dislodge his already fragile and exhausted partner. He had to accept a crouching hug from his mother.

"Don't youdarepush yourself," she scolded. Her voice was shaky, like she was on the verge of sobbing. "My baby… Oh, I'd barely gotten a blink of sleep since I'd talked to Johanna… I tried to leave it be, but then…!"

"Mom… Mom. It's okay," Ash soothed, awkwardly patting her back. He very much did not feel okay. In fact, he felt even worse, knowing he'd been worrying his own mother. "I'm here. We all are. And I promise I can walk."

"Then, you'll walk when we get home." That seemed to be the final word on the matter, as she reached for Pikachu. "Here, Pikachu-"

"Chu!" Pikachu scrambled further into Ash's lap in a panic, his ears pinning to the back of his head. When he realized who he was cowering from, his ears pinning to the back of his head in guilt.

Delia frowned, taken aback.

"They haven't wanted to leave each other's sights since I found them," Dawn tried to explain.

"...Oh dear. Okay. Let's go, then." The brunette composed herself, and took hold of Ash's wheelchair, rolling him carefully down the closest available ramp, with Dawn in tow. The cool midnight air might've been refreshing, at any other time. Nary a word was spoken until they hit the bottom; the squeaking sound of wheels filled the silence.

Ash was reluctantly helped into the backseat, despite any muttered protests. He was too exhausted to argue, and accepted Pikachu back quickly into his lap. He stuck to stroking Pikachu's fur, while Gary and Samuel packed and folded the wheelchair into the trunk.

He didn't particularly feel like talking, or even looking at anybody, even when the brunet slid into the seat beside him. The revving of the engine was music to his ears: it filled the silence, and it meant they were going home.

With that said, he didn't quite feel right with the fact that nobody had said a word, since they'd sorted themselves into the car. Ash felt like he needed tojustifythem taking time out of their nights for him. He coughed into his hand. "...So. Sorry."

"You should be sorry!" Gary snapped. Ash opening his mouth had popped the cork on pressure that'd been building for who knows how long, and there was no putting a cap back on it. "Really, Ash. Both of you! Silph Company!?"

Ash and Dawn both winced, exchanging a glance. Between Delia's comment, and this… Johanna had definitely gotten around to telling Delia about what she'd heard, at least.

"I'm just ticked that I wasn't told untiltonight,"the brunet said pointedly, staring at the back of his grandfather's headrest.

"...Thatwasmy mistake, I'll digress." Professor Oak coughed, covering up his guilt.

Delia, so far, hadn't said anything.

"I can't really blame you, though. I should'veknownas soon as I saw the news, last week. I should've known, with howweirdyou were acting! Something about you was off, and what do you know! Ash Ketchum, bearer of the crown jewel of jumping intoanydanger he can find, finds a way to one-up it!"

Even the open air was tense and heavy in the vehicle; just about everyone was left speechless, as Gary verbally beat down the young man who'd already limped his way into the car. Ash couldn't say whether anyone was left speechless, or were waiting for the inevitable angry, self-righteous retort. One of their age-old fights, intensified by stronger wills.

But, it just didn't come.

"Yeah. I know. I screwed up royally," Ash said, his voice lacking any of its vigor. "Sorry."

He watched the fire in Gary's eyes fizzle and evaporate in real time. The brunet suddenly looked more lost and bewildered than he had a moment ago. He felt Pikachu's eyes on him, and the disappointment his partner held for his words in his bones.

"Now, hold on!" Dawn barked back. Her voice was hoarse from a night of turmoil, cracking. "Don't you go pinning it on Ash! I was every bit as involved-"

The Professor cleared his throat loudly, drawing everyone's attention, and quieting Dawn. "Now, now… Let's all take a moment to calm these tensions, shall we?" He took a deep breath, himself, before continuing. "The Primeape's fury; blind anger runs them ragged. Deprived of all peace."

The elderly man let his senryu sink in, before continuing. "I believe that Gary is angry that he wasn't there to help. "

"Of course I am," Gary admitted, shrinking into his seat with crossed arms. He sounded much smaller, now, without the facade of his anger. "I let Ash out of sight for one second, and this mess happened. If I'd just stuck around a minute longer…"

"There's no helping it now," Delia said quietly. Her voice strained with the pain of what-ifs and what could have been. "It won't do anyone any good to dwell on it. Let's go home and get some proper rest."

The shared silence was the group's agreement to her terms, while Pallet quickly approached on the horizon.

Ariana wasn't particularly accustomed to running with her proverbial tail tucked between her legs. She was an Executive; second in rank only to the man up top, himself. Hell, she wasn't even typicallyinvolvedin tangling with the rabble; instead, organizing and leading research.

Yet, she'd been reduced to thattwicein the past week. She'd been reluctantly preparing herself to deliver her report to HQ, but a call from Giovanni had come in before she could. That man… on top of things, as always. He told her to clean up, and meet him for dinner, picking one of the finest private establishments that was willing to mingle with Rocket personnel.

It was often used for one of three things: business arrangements, praising and rewarding a job well done, and… well. The style of dining was a Kaiseki; an oft-expensive nine-course meal, cooked fresh at the chef's behest and the patrons' whims, with whatever seasonal ingredients were available. A fine experience, butno onewanted to be stuck in a drawn-out occasion with the boss, himself, in a situation where they had his ire. No matter how luxurious the arrangements.

But, meetings with Giovanni, when it came to business, were never so much a request as they were a requirement. So, she'd showered, picked out a comfortable enough, but still presentable black dress, and wore earrings to match. It was nearing midnight by the time she met for their reservation, but any strings could be pulled with a great enough reputation, and a big enough wallet.

A dim ambience was cast over their private room, with fine art on the walls, and gentle candlelight illuminating them. Classical music strummed in the background, quiet enough to give them an atmosphere, but peace for conversation. The dark-haired conqueror sat across from her in a dark kimono, knelt on a cushion in front of their low table.

The accommodations, in any other scenario, would put any patron on cloud nine. Ariana would surely feel that way, as well. But, she couldn't quite shake her nerves over the inevitable.

For the first couple of courses, she was treading those dreary waters carefully. Giovanni allowed her to maintain that false sense of security, starting with small talk, and by-the-numbers reports of the incident. By the time of their third course; a palate-cleansing clear soup with vegetables and tofu, they'd shifted topics to discussing Team Rocket's greater plans.

"My sights… are set on the Unova region, in the long term," he explained.

"Unova…? Such a faraway region," Ariana remarked, sipping her soup after speaking. "So far out of our reach."

"A reality that I intend to change," he replied. "They know little of our operations. Our successes, or our failures. A new frontier, ill-prepared for our invasion. Whether there's a power vacuum to fill, or whether we must topple another… that's to be determined." He, too, drank from his spoon.

"Occupied or not, we'll conquer it," she replied. "There's no greater force than Team Rocket."

"No greater force indeed…" Giovanni grumbled. The darkness in his voice reflected in his eyes. Ariana knew, then, that the time for beating around the bush was over. He leered like a Persian, ready to corner its prey. "Though, on that note, I think it's about time we discuss the lost property and manpower, tonight."

"Those three were behind it!" Ariana snapped.

"The Administrators…?" Giovanni frowned. "I received a report that they'd completed their mission of capturing and delivering the Pikachu. Was I misinformed?"

"You weren't," she conceded. "But, their incompetence led Ash and the girl right to our grounds!"

"And you couldn't stop them…?" Giovanni dropped the obvious question. "That Pikachu was the greatest threat they posed to us. Did you not have control of him!?"

"I did," Ariana hastily confirmed. "The power it displayed made quick work of the kid's team, and beat him to a pulp."

"Then your territory was toppled…by a lone girl!?"Giovanni hissed out.

Any warmth the private room had held in all of its comforts had seeped away. The bitter chill of the boss's outrage made the ashamed Executive freeze; her usual fire choked out by shame.

Perhaps the timing was appropriate and merciful for their server to appear, taking away their last course. It offered a moment of reprieve for Ariana, who had only just started to ruminate on how poor her performance sounded. How absolutelypatheticshe'd been, to be hoodwinked and outmuscled by children.

She took advantage of her boss's etiquette in the face of their hosts, though his clenched jaw was visible even from across the table. The palate cleanser had done little to sweep away her failures, and her excuses, so far, had only started to dig her into a deeper hole.

"Your next course. The finest of first season upstream bonito sashimi." The server placed a plate of the delectable, deep red cuts of fish, accompanied with artfully placed garnish. "Please, enjoy."

"Thank you," Giovanni and Ariana said unison; maintaining the peace for the sake of proper appearances. That decorum was enough time for the Executive to swallow just how terrible the situation sounded.

God forbid if he learned that she'd personally overseen the girl masquerading as a grunt… His good favor for her was vast, but it certainly wasn't infinite. Right now, it looked to be dwindling, already.

"Petrel recognized her," Ariana picked up, pinching a slice of bonito between her chopsticks. After a bite, she continued. "She's apparently a high-profile Coordinator."

"Trainers are growing stronger and stronger… and far morebold." Bitterness clung to Giovanni's words. He tried to calm his temper with another delectable sample. "On the note of growing stronger… you spoke highly of the Pikachu's strength. Was anything worth our time gained?"

"He'd been analyzed," Ariana answered. "...But I missed the chance to see the data for myself. With the base falling apart at the seams, I had to confront the intruder, and leave the kid to his demise."

"I've heard nothing of casualties on the news, so far," the leader replied. "So, I'd surmise that therewerenone."

"His spirit was broken, regardless," she scoffed. Laughing nervously, she did her best to shake off any visible fear and portray herself as amused. "Besides… Team Rocket has a much greater future than a couple of kids and a mere one location. What a shame…" She casually pinched the sashimi between her chopsticks and took a bite. "Those three truly spentyearson what turned out to be a total waste of time."

Giovanni raised a brow, frowning. "You seem awfully transfixed on a couple of agents below your rank."

"They were spotted sneaking around the base after they wereorderedto leave," she insisted.

"You're sure?" He stopped to eat a cut of bonita, frowning around it. "Was any proof found? Because it sounds like you're trying to use them to cover up yourfailures."

Ariana's well-manicured nails dug into her palms. The niceties raised for this arrangement were beginning to crumble like plaster hastily patched to hide a hole in the wall. "Do you trust a couple of rejects overme!?"

Years and years of business cooperation between the two preceded this day. Many foes conquered. Many fine nights out like this one, perhaps under better circ*mstances.

A failed heir, who'd somehow slipped through their fingers.

Watching all of that fade into the background for three of the worst agents the organization had ever seen was playing on Ariana's every last nerve.

Giovanni sighed, massaging his temple between two fingers. "I would like to take you at your every word. You know this. But, youalsoknow that showing personal favoritism is unbecoming in the world of business."

"They'refailures," Ariana snapped, smacking her hand down against the hardwood table. The delicate silverware clattered. "A couple of fools, taking the name and resources of Team Rocket for their clandestine pipe dream mission of stealing a child's rat!" The irony wasn't lost on her, that the very same rat was what cost her, tonight. But she kept going. "They've sunk hundreds of thousands into their plots. Maybe even millions!"

"And that's why I tried to dispose of them to pay their dividends, long ago," Giovanni explained. They hadn't died, but he'd ultimately collected the insurance money on that blimp. "Why they were fired in the past. But the fact of the matter is, I took a gamble in investing in them after they'd changed their record. They helped secure Sinnoh from the insane machinations of Team Galactic."

"And you truly believe that!?" Ariana hissed.

"I respect you, Ariana," Giovanni said, "truly. You're one of my greatest hands in making the Rocket empire an ever-expanding reality. But I have to say, I'm very much disappointed in you lowering yourself to shirking responsibility for your own shortcomings. You're better than this."

That was the last straw. Failing to choke up any indignant response — any list of expletives she'd like to throw at the man across from her, against her better judgment — Ariana threw down her chopsticks. Breaking the quiet lull of their meal that she'd, in her mind, just declared over.

Without another word, She got up and left their dinner in a huff.'Damn it all…'There was something amiss here. Surely. And if her instincts were right, and the man behind it all had simply spent too much time behind his desk to be wise to the turning gears that made up Rocket, then she'd have to unearth it, herself.

No matter how traumatic the night before, a restful sleep had followed, for the self-ordained heroes of Kanto. Adrenaline had done its dues and given in, and exhaustion claimed Ash, Dawn, and their teams for the rest of the night, and well into the morning.

In fact, they were barely even fully awake by noon. Sore and melancholy, Ash and Dawn sat on the couch, with Pikachu in Ash's lap, Rosa huddled up to Ash's side, and Empoleon taking up a whole armchair to himself.

"C'mon. Your mom suggested we at least watch some TV," Dawn said, picking the remote up off the coffee table. "Can't be worse than justsitting here."She clicked the power button, and the screen before them flashed to life.

Channel 5 was the immediate setting, with two news personnel sitting in front of a projected background, with a menacing black panel with the unmistakable red "R" in the middle. It was enough to make the group flinch, and for Ash to hold Pikachu protectively, even if a streak tore right through the infamous emblem's center.

" —back with the latest update on the ongoing Team Rocket ransacking story!" The anchorwoman led. "For those who just tuned in, approximately between the hours of 6PM and midnight, last night, a missing persons report was filed at the Viridian City Police Department, on behalf of noted Pokémon Trainer from Pallet Town, Ash Ketchum, along with his Pikachu."

The anchor's assistant continued. "In the midst of a search party's assembly, their companion took action; Dawn Tsumura, a Pokémon Coordinator most recently known for her victory in the annual Wallace Cup, found the perpetrators. A Team Rocket base was discovered, well outside city limits. The search party retrieved the heroine and her friends alike, at approximately 10:30 PM. But, they hadn't gone without leaving their mark on the criminal regime."

"Should they… really be using our names like that?" Ash frowned, hugging Pikachu more closely.

"I was asking myself the same thing," Dawn replied. Not liking being noticed was a very fresh feeling, and she wasn't fond of it. "But, Team Rocket already knows who we are, anyway."

"Mm," Ash hummed.

"Tsumura had gone on to lay waste to the underground hideout; corridors and machinations left in complete disrepair, and its structure left in a hazardous and questionable state of integrity, with the number of apprehended agents estimated to be in the dozens; still being processed at the Viridian and Pewter Precincts. The reported head of operations, Team Rocket Executive Ariana, however, managed to escape custody."

Footage of many rescued grunts, and a handful of scientists and officers, could be seen on screen in cuffs, after being retrieved by the rescue team.

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but luckily, the captives and their hero were rescued safely, with only superficial injuries, and were released from the precinct, late last night."

Ash wordlessly leaned into Dawn's shoulder.

Then, the infamous logo in the screen's corner changed to footage of the damaged Silph Co. building, and fear shot through Ash like a jolt. Seemingly taken the morning after the takeover, the shot covered the demolished entryway and the huge gash in the eleventh floor.

"Later reports have connected Dawn and Ash, as well, to the mystery of the Silph takeover vigilantes. They admitted culpability in their part of infiltrating the corporate conglomerate, and fighting their way through Team Rocket's defenses, forcing their retreat. Although they broke curfew, as a show of gratitude, the Saffron Department has declined to press charges."

"You told them!?" Ash exclaimed.

"They cornered me!" Dawn defended.

"President Silph was approached for comment, but so far, has only given his thanks and good wishes to the teenage duo and their Pokémon for their good deeds. I'd say it's a grim day that young trainers have to take up arms to—"

Ash took the remote, and turned the television off, before slumping back in his seat. He felt like he could just be absorbed by the sofa cushions, right now. It'd bring him further away from this. "Ugh… ah!"

He'd startled, but it was only Delia who'd placed her hands on his shoulders, leaning over the back of the sofa. "You did a lot of good, you know," she said. "A lot of stolen Pokémon were recovered; they'd said so, earlier." Despite her praises, Delia's eyes were red, and dark circles hung under them.

It was a state Ash had rarely seen his mother in, since his youth. It only made him feel worse. Before he could think to say anything at all, the doorbell rang, sending a jolt of panic through himself and Pikachu, again.

~We got guests,~Rosa reported.~They're not dangerous.~

"Oh, dear… I don't look my brightest, do I? Ash… Er, Rosa, be a dear and get the door?" Delia asked, rushing off to presumably powder up.

The Lucario approached the door, moving slowly. After the previous night, she felt on edge, despite feeling the couple's intentions. She swallowed her feelings, and pulled the door open.

A middle-aged couple stood in the doorway, each holding onto a wrapped up bento box. An older, balding man, and a taller, portly woman. Though, as any Palletonian, they looked vibrant and healthy for their age, if not troubled.

Though, their concern turned to confusion, for just a moment, when a Lucario had answered the door.

"Aw, a Pokémon answerin' the door? Aren't'cha a darling?" The woman cooed.

"Yer not Mr. Mime," the man grumbled, adjusting his spectacles. "Can't say I recognize what you are, though. Never seen you around these parts."

~I'm a Lucario,~Rosa answered matter-of-factly.~I'm from Sinnoh. The name's Rosemary.~

The two townspeople looked as pale as ghosts, then, exchanging frantic glances as if to check if the other had heard her, or if they were hallucinating. After enough affirmation that they were on the same page, the man cleared his throat and continued.

"Yes! Well. It's quite nice to meet you, er, Rosemary."

"Wouldja mind if we stepped inside?" The wife asked. "We have somethin' for the kids. We'd already seen the news."

Rosa stepped away from the door, allowing them inside.

"Frank, Lisa." Ash acknowledged, looking over to their guests. Old neighbors of theirs, who'd known him since he was young. They looked to each other and frowned; Ash's usual exuberance was completely absent.

"Ash, dear." Lisa approached the coffee table, placing her bento box down atop it. She reached over instinctively to pinch his cheek, but recoiled when the deep purple bruise framing his jawline made her think twice about it. "Oh, gods above and below, you look…"

"Not too bad," Ash finished for her, nearly shrinking into himself to hide his condition. His lips and jaw were still bruised, and bandages spanned from his upper shoulder out of his sleeve.

Realizing he didn't like looking so puny, though, he raised his arms to flex his biceps. "Just a little banged up. It's nothing too- ow!" He winced. The Thunderbolts had aggravated his scarred skin from Moltres's burn quite a bit, making the motion uncomfortable.

"Pikapi…" Pikachu sighed, patting his leg apologetically.

"Y'haven't changed one bit since you reached up to my knee, have ya?" Ray sighed, placing the other bento box in front of Dawn. "A Pidgey with a clipped wing's got no business flying."

"Have some nourishment 'n comfort instead, why don't you?" Lisa urged kindly, opening the bento boxes. "We thought we'd bring you somethin' nice to help the healing along."

The centerpiece of the platter presented was okonomiyaki; battered pancakes made from shredded vegetables and savory starches. Seaweed and toppings decorated it to look like a golem, presented alongside brown rice, and hot dog nubs decorated to look like a Dugtrio.

"Oh, this is… thank you!" Dawn bowed her head, and immediately dug in. Stress eating woulddefinitelybe on the menu, for the next couple of days, and that would just have to be okay.

While Ash would normally find the meal mouthwatering, though, he could only stare at it blankly.

"Go on, dear," Lisa urged. "Don't hesitate."

"Thank you," Ash said. "It's just… I don't have much of an appetite."

"Ash, honey,"Delia, who'd returned after a bit of powdering, urged him. "Frank and Lisa took care to make you something nice. I think they'd be happy if you tried it." Although her words were kindly phrased, the subtext was obvious. He didn't have much of a choice.

"Right," Ash said, and scooped up the pancake with a flat, spoon-like utensil, and took a bite of it. It was warm and fresh, and frankly, delicious. "It's good," he said, after swallowing. "Thanks." Just to be convincing, he took another large bite. "...Pikachu, Rosa. You want any?"

Sharing with his Pokémon was his first instinct, anyway, but it was an easy and polite out to finishing his meal.

"Aye, that's right… Pikachu had a rough time, too, didn't he? Poor darling." Lisa reached a hand out to the mouse, who reflexively recoiled from her touch with a squeak. "Oh, dear…"

"Pika…" Pikachu's ears framed his face, guilt hitting him, afterwards. He leaned back in to nuzzle her hand. "Pika-chu."

"We shoulda thought about the Pokémon, too," Raymond sighed. "Oh, well. All the better that ya don't have a full appetite, huh? Have some, both of ya."

~Can I have the rice and the Dugtrio?~Rosa asked, hesitant as ever to tangle with complex flavors and textures. She reached for the chopsticks, then paused.~...Um.~She lacked opposable thumbs.

"Here," Ash said, picking up the chopsticks between his fingers and thumb. He pinched some rice, and held it up to the Lucario's muzzle. "Bottoms up."

"Now, ain't that just darling?" Lisa cooed. "I remember when he was picking up fistfuls of rice with his hands, Delia. How time flies…"

"Now, he's actin' like a proper father to his own," Frank chuckled.

"Hey! I'm no baby, y'know!"

~Hey! I'm no baby, y'know!~

Ash and Rosa had exclaimed in a bristle of embarrassment at the same time, going wide-eyed afterward. Blushing afterward, they avoided eye contact with their guests, and Ash offered her one of the hotdogs.

Rosa resisted at first, not wanting to be seen, at the moment. The tasty aroma won out, though, and she chomped down on it quickly before pulling back.

"I hatched 'er," Ash said, smiling softly. It was easier to care for someone close to you than yourself, when you felt under the weather. "Rosa's a big girl, though. She really came through last night."

Meanwhile, Pikachu hungrily downed what was left of the okonomiyaki.

"Oh, last night…" Lisa tutted. "Speaking of that whole debacle… Dawn, was it? Your heroics have been all over the news!"

"Er… Yeah!" Dawn forced a smile between bites, despite the chill down her spine. Shewantedto embrace fame and good deeds, but her recent aversion to attention was nagging her like a bad itch. Petrel continued to haunt her. "I just… couldn't let them get away with it all, you know? Good has to triumph over bad!"

"Heh. You found yourself a real winner, this time, eh?" Frank sneered, giving Ash a pat on the shoulder. "A gal brave and reliable enough to rescue ya? She suits you."

"Er… yeah." Ash shrank into his seat, suddenly wishing for his cap. At any other time, he'd heartily agree, but it was just another reminder that he'dneededto be rescued in the first place. He fed Rosa another morsel to avoid the conversation.

"Oh, that's just like a young man," Lisa scolded, albeit with mirth in his voice. "Getting all embarrassed by a girl swooping in to save them."

"H-huh!? No!" Ash dropped his chopsticks, and the rice they held with them. "It's not like that at all! I'm totally grateful for Dawn! She can clean up creeps like it's nobody's business, and she's super reliable—"

"It's an issue of pride," Dawn interrupted, quieting Ash with a hand on his shoulder. "Ash isn't like that. He just… wanted to handle it himself, you know?" She met the eyes of the middle-aged couple. "There's nothing wrong with that."

Delia bit her lip, watching the scene before her unfold. "Well, thank you, for your company and hospitality, Frank, Lisa. But, I think the kids could use some rest. They've had a rather rough couple of days."

"Aye, you're right. Sorry to disturb you." Lisa chuckled, stepping towards the door. She seemed to get the memo, that was effectively a very polite'time to scram.'"Enjoy, kids."

Frank followed, but not without his own parting words. "Keep your chins up, lads and lasses. If you're anything like Delia, here, you're stronger than a couple of no-good crooks."

"See you again soon~!" Delia cooed, waving them off. Then, she closed the door in front of her and sighed. "Well… Maybe having guests so soon was a bit much." She smiled sympathetically at Ash, Dawn, and their Pokémon, who all had exhaustion written on their faces to some degree.

Then, she spotted the chopsticks and grains of rice on the couch and floor. "Oh, dear. Mimey, could you handle that, please? I have to finish making lunch… I wasn't expecting their gifts."

"Mime, Mr. Mime!" Mimey cooed from the other room, entering with a broom as Delia disappeared into the kitchen.

"Ugh… Man." Ash huffed. They'd been there for maybe five minutes and he felt winded. "Thanks for that."

"No need to worry," Dawn shook her head. "I'd feel just as embarrassed if I was in your shoes." For all the things she didn't understand about other people, pride was one she did.

He tilted his head up to meet his girlfriend's eyes. Despite the fragile, glassy look in his eyes, he did manage a smile. And, when he had to tuck in his legs for Mimey to sweep by, he pressed a kiss to her cheek when he was sure the Psychic-type wasn't looking. Then, he leaned his head in the crook of her shoulder. He wasreallylucky to have her.

"Besides," Dawn whispered now, past her hand. "You weredefinitelyabout to drop that I'm your girlfriend."

"So?" Ash raised a brow. "Does no one know, yet?"

"I forgot to tell my mom because I was… y'know. freaking out," Dawn admitted. "But, dropping it now just feels… lame?"

"Lame?" Ash frowned. "What do you mean, lame?"

"Y'know… dropping that bombshell when we're at our lowest and lamest?" The Coordinator pulled a sour face, as if she'd just eaten something bitter. "That's no way to do it."

"...Y'know, when you put it like that, itdoessound lame," Ash replied. "I feel like sh*t, now, anyway. We'll drop the news when we're feelin' better."

Suddenly, though, Ash felt eyes trained on him. He met his partner's, then, who was giving him a very incredulous stare. "What's with you?"

Pikachu shook his head."She's rubbing off on you."

Ash snorted. "Finish your okonomiyaki. It's gonna get cold."

"Thank you three, for coming." Delia said, placing the silverware down on the dining room table in tandem with Mr. Mime. "I'm sure it was difficult on such short notice, given the timing…"

As was the case months ago, the Ketchum dining room was full. Dawn and Ash sat at the table, the former idly poking at his food, and Gary, Professor Oak, and Tracey had joined them. Delia's seat was open, and the Pokémon had made the coffee table theirs, in the living room.

"Oh, think nothing of it," Oak shook his head. "We understand that times like these are when company is needed, most of all. We couldn't miss it."

"The lab, though…" Delia pursed her lips, as she finished assembling dinner, and took her own seat. "Is it safe, without supervision? Given…"

The implications hung heavy in the air. Some of their precious people, here, had been personally targeted. One could only wonder what Team Rocket was scheming, now.

"I agree," Gary said, frowning. "I wasn't keen to leave the lab right now, either." To which, his grandfather put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Now, Gary. You know nothing escapes Bulbasaur's watchful eye."

"It's not just Bulbasaur," Tracey added. "Many of Ash's Pokémon seem to be on alert, as are Gary's. I can't imagineanyonegetting past them."

Gary didn't seem entirely convinced, but he grunted, letting the topic slide.

"Well, that's reassuring," Delia said, forcing a smile. "With that said… Enjoy, everyone."

Delia's cooking could make the murkiest of days sunny, and talk was scarce, as it was with any good meal that kept its occupants quiet. The only person who didn't seem to be eating, really, was Ash.

"Ash, you've barely eaten anything," Tracey either noticed first, or was the first with the gumption to say something about it. "Are you feeling sick?"

The teen shrugged. "Just don't have much of an appetite."

That, unfortunately, served as a bright red flag to everyone present, bringing silence to the dining room. Ash knew it wasn't the result of everyone enjoying their meals more than he was, either. He felt all eyes on him, like Zubats swarming to an inexperienced traveler wandering into their cavern. Whether this was actually the case, as he stared at his plate, he wasn't sure.

It might've just been the guilt he'd been pushing down for the past day — no, maybe the past week — that was finally bubbling up and ready to see the light of day. His teeth grinded, fists clenching under the table, and out of view. He didn't want to say anything, but at the same time, hereallywanted to open his mouth and do the opposite.

Dawn, beside him, was the only one who could see the minutiae of his body language, brows knit in concern. "Ash…?"

"I screwed up, okay!?" Dawn speaking up popped the cork. Ash's outburst drew concerned and puzzled looks from his mother, Oak, Gary, and Tracey alike. It made him feel like he wanted to curl up in a ball and disappear, but guilt was stronger than shame. "I'm sorry."

"Wait! What do you meanyouscrewed up?" Dawn piped back. "Ash, I've been with you for…" She'd been about to say'every step,'Ash was sure. But, the Game Corner had to have come up in her mind, cutting her argument short. "...for most of this! Besides, it's not your fault they're like this!"

"You don't get it, Dawn," Ash replied.

"Well, try explaining it to me, then!"

"Now, you two…" Oak tried to soothe the conflict, frowning with his thumb cupped under his chin. Though by then, the storm brewing between the trainers had come and quieted.

Ash exhaled heavily. "...After I returned from our journey in Sinnoh, I told you how I'd gone to train at Mt. Silver. What I didn't tell you was that I made a promise. Mom, and Professor Oak," he addressed, his eyes turning between each, "made me promise to be more responsible. If I was going to go somewhere that dangerous, I had to take less risks, and act less like a child. I promised I would, but… look at me." His face was an ugly purple in several spots, he knew, after having looked in a mirror. His arms were bandaged, and several scars decorated them, too, unhidden. It reminded him of the feeling of dragging himself into Nurse Joy's care, sporting a new injury like a Growlithe ready to be scolded for scorching the furniture.

How stupid he'd felt after the helicopter stunt wasn't something he'd yet forgotten, either.

"I totally screwed that up. I feel like I haven't grown at all."

"Pardon me for interrupting," Tracey hesitantly spoke, after a moment, "but the fact that you feel this way to begin with, I'd say, is a major sign of growth in itself. If you were still just a kid…"

"...You'd already be brushing off your injuries, and ready to head out the door again," Delia finished.

Ash nodded, bunching up his fists. "I just… What'm Isupposedto do, in times like that? Just let people get hurt? Let Team Rocket run wild?"

"Piiika! Pikachu!" Pikachu broke the conversation, dashing over toward Ash's feet. A look of frustration and hurt was fixed on the mouse's face.

"Pikachu…?" Ash frowned. Attempting what he'd done the night prior, he listened for Pikachu and his Aura. Head tilted, he prompted the mouse to repeat himself.

~It wasn't just your decision,~Pikachu repeated.~You have the worst habit of putting things on your own shoulders. Wealldecided that Team Rocket had to be stopped, every single time! When have we ever done differently?~

Pikachu had a point. Ash knew he did. But, even still… "But, look at what happened to you. What about-"

~I'd go through it all over again, rather than any Pokémon less capable bestuckwith them.~Pikachu spat.

Ash was speechless, if for a moment. "You're just like me," he snorted, shaking his head.

"You just figured that out?" Gary replied, rolling his eyes. Even if he couldn't hear Pikachu, the flow of conversation was obvious. "You two came from the same, stubborn cloth. That's always been the case."

"Make thatthree,"Dawn interjected, placing a hand over her heart. "I made the same decision, Ash. And Ihatewhat happened to Pikachu. But, don't you remember what happened with the level modulators!?"

"Level modulators…?" Professor Oak frowned, leaning forward. "Is there another piece of the story we're missing…?"

"They were a project from Silph," Dawn explained. "They can lower a Pokémon's 'level,' or whatever, temporarily. It was meant for trainers, but Team Rocket wanted it to abuse them. They were the only reason Ash and Pikachu even lost."

"...I see." The Professor cleared his throat, clearly troubled by the information. "If Team Rocket had successfully stolen them. I'd imagine they'd befarmore dangerous than they already were. As much as it pains me to say it… you lot may have done the world a big favor."

"But, how is that fair!?" Delia snapped. "That my baby, and Dawn…Pikachuall have to hurt, because no one can keep a bunch of criminals under control!?"

The elder man tutted, shaking his head. "It isn't. I feel it's ultimately the failure of past generations to quell threats like Team Rocket. Aqua, Magma, and Galactic, as well… forcing the young to fight harder than we ever had. It's a shame for us to carry; a grave one. And Ash," he addressed, meeting the youth's eyes, "I can't in good conscience let you chastise yourself for acting on your own. As much as I would like to. Two diverging paths. Blind, Dunsparce must pick its own. Its heart is its guide."

"You're saying that there isn't always an obvious choice to make, in terms of right or wrong," Gary interpreted. "Am I right, Gramps?"

The Professor hummed in affirmation.

"In my heart of hearts, Ash, I know I can't stop you from doing what you do," Delia said, sighing. "Or, any of you, for that matter. I've long since accepted that. But the least you can all do is, if you're going to fight injustice, then don't hide your problems from your elders. We care about you. You canalwaysfeel comfortable reaching out for help."

"That, and maybe don't impersonate an officer," Ash grumbled. Gasps and startled mutterings followed, around the table. Gary's, loudest of all.

"Are you nuts!?" The brunet snapped. "...Don't even bother answering that."

"We agreed we aren't keeping secrets anymore," Ash shrugged. "But, seriously… We'll do that." With that much settled in his mind, for now, his mind drifted to another pressing topic. "I wanted to ask about the Dark Ball." He felt Pikachu leap into his lap, finally, and slowly pet the top of his head. "It's been on my mind since last night, but I was too tired to get into it. I'm worried."

Gary and his grandfather shared a long, uncomfortable look. The latter clearing his throat, in place of an immediate answer.

"Well, what is it?" Ash frowned. He felt his chest tense in worry. "You look like you're holding something out on me. I want to know!"

"It's…" The Professor trailed off, until Gary rested a hand on his grandfather's shoulder.

"I'll say it, Gramps. As your old friend, Ash, I feel responsible to give you any hard news. The truth of the matter is… Pikachu is no longer registered as your Pokémon."

"What!?" Ash exclaimed. He felt Pikachu's shock and dismay as acutely as his own.

Delia cupped her hand over her mouth. "Oh, dear…"

"You can't be serious," Dawn replied. "How does that even happen!?"

"I'll put it like this," Professor Oak replied. "Each Pokémon who's been caught is tied to the particular Poké Ball that was used on them. Until they're released, or the ball is broken, that continues to be the case, and if that trainer has a Pokédex, they're registered formally as their Pokémon."

"And Pikachu's always been registered to his, even if we never used it," Ash said. "I still have it in my bag! But… that Dark Ball…"

"...seems to have overwritten his data. Pikachutechnicallybelongs to Team Rocket. Of course, that isn't remotely legal, nor would it be recognized by any authority…"

"I… don't like that," Ash said. He hugged Pikachu closely to his chest. "I don't like it at all."

Pikachu let out a low squeak, that Ash now only recognized as a whine. He shifted around in Ash's arms until he faced him, looking up at his trainer.~That doesn't mean anything, though. Our bond's never been about a Poké Ball. I haven't been inside it since we met.~

"I know. You're right. But, it… still feels grimy." He scratched behind Pikachu's ear.

~I agree,~Pikachu said.~I hate those things. Always have.~

"You may have some trouble battling with him in official competitions," Tracey pointed out. "Even if not a Gym Battle, a Pokémon League might be more strict about it. I know you have an upcoming one, in July…"

"That's its own problem," Ash replied, "and I can deal with it later. But I have bigger problems! I've seen the Dark Ball in action. It nearly… it nearly killed Celebi!"

"I know…" Professor Oak stopped himself, clearing his throat. "...I know that there have been studies into those illegal devices since the events you relayed to me, in Johto. If Pikachu broke free of its effects, there's a chance that the ball's spell on him is defunct. But, I, myself, am not familiar enough with the technology to be sure."

"What about Kurt?" Ash suggested.

"I called him already," Oak replied, "and unfortunately, he can't make it to Kanto on such short notice. Although, hehasput through the information he's gathered on the subject to one of his students: Professor Willow."

"Professor Willow…?" Ash asked.

"I don't think I've heard you bring that name up before," Dawn said.

"Oh, that's a name I haven't heard in ages…" Delia said, showing a hint of a smile. "He was one of my peers, while studying with Samuel. Very straightforward man."

"His field of expertise is Pokémon habitats in the wild, and he's been breaking into the field of mass capture and release to do so. As a result, he's quite familiar with Poké Balls and their registry," Oak explained. "He promised to visit Pallet Town as soon as possible, and look into the situation for us."

"Thank goodness," Ash huffed. He felt, just a little, like a crushing weight was lifted off his shoulders. "Thank you, Professor… everyone. And, Gary?"

"What is it, Ash?" The brunet asked, brows raised.

"I'm sorry, but you can forget our rematch, right now. I can't imagine fighting when I'm not sure if Pikachu is okay…" His shoulders started to tremble with coming sobs, and his lip quivered. Tear droplets trickled down his face, and fell atop Pikachu's head.

"Pikapi…" Pikachu sighed.

"...Excuse me." Ash scooted out his chair, and ran out of the dining room with Pikachu still in his arms.

"Ash…!" Dawn pouted, already shoving her way out of her seat, racing to follow. She felt a hand on her shoulder, though; Delia's. "Miss Ketchum…!"

She shook her head. "I'm sure Ash will appreciate your company, very soon. But right now, I think he just needs some peace and quiet for a moment."

Frustrated, Dawn sighed, and slipped back into her seat. She recalled, very well, how Brock had told her the same thing after his loss to Paul. This, of course, was far more severe a problem. "I wish I could help… I mean, I get how Ash feels. It's like we've been hopping between one danger to the next on loop. The Game corner, their ambush in Fuschia, then Silph, then the hideout…" She rested an elbow on the table, poking at her food. "I've always believed in just trucking on, and saying'no need to worry.'But this time, I'm… tired. I can't stand being so confused and frustrated!" Punctuating her words, she jabbed a fork into her pasta, and let it clatter on the plate.

"I'm sure that's how Ash feels, too."

"The Game Corner… So that was you guys, too," Tracey pointed out.

"Just Ash. And Bertha," Dawn explained.

"You mean Sinnoh's Elite Four?" Gary frowned. "It never ends, with him…"

"I think all of you could use a little break," Delia said. "Even Pokémon Trainers need to rest, sometimes. Especially ones with your luck with finding trouble."

"You know, on that note," Oak replied, "I was going to tell Ash something, too. But, I did actually receive a phone call, earlier…"

He'd taken to his old room, and hadn't even bothered turning on the lights. Moping was always easier in the dark. Climbing into his old top bunk with Pikachu in tow, Ash pulled his blankets over him in a bunch, and fell face first into a pillow. It hurt his jaw, still tender, but that didn't compare to the pain of his worries and regrets.

Pikachu sat beside his trainer, frowning. His trainer was rarely inconsolable like this; the only time he'd been so despondent in recent memory was after the ambush at Fuschia. Somehow, though, today seemed worse. Even if he, himself, felt pretty terrible, he couldn't help but focus on Ash's well-being more.

Such was the way of best friends.

"Pikapi." Pikachu nudged Ash's shoulder with his paw, vying for his attention."It's going to be okay, Ash. I know it will."

Ash didn't budge. "Do you?" He asked, his voice muffled by the pillow case.

"We always find a way. It's not like you to forget that."

"You're the one who's gone through it the worst."

"And that speaks volumes on how you still take things on your shoulders,"Pikachu scolded.

"How can I not!?" Ash asked, jolting up out of his huddled position. "I'm your trainer!"

"Don't you remember what you said when we were fighting? To Ariana?"Pikachu folded his arms. His hurt was acute, both in his Aura and his beady eyes that gleamed in the dark."There is no order. We're equals. Partners!"

"You… heard all that?" Such was enough to jolt Ash back into reality. His features softened, and so did his defenses. Having his words repeated back to him disarmed him. "...You're right, Pikachu. I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted."Pikachu smiled, satisfied.

Ash started to slink back under his blanket, then. "Pikachu, can I… hold you, now?"

"I thought you'd never ask."The rodent's little nose twitched, and he shimmied under the blanket, basking in its warmth. But, the comfort of Ash's arms was so much warmer.

"I still feel so exhausted."Pikachu sighed, nestling his muzzle into Ash's chest.

Ash tenderly ran his fingers over the fur on Pikachu's back. He couldn't help but fear for the worst, but he didn't want to scare his partner, either. "...I feel stupid," he admitted, resting his chin atop Pikachu's head. "We've faced all sorts of danger before. Worse than this. I don't get why I feel so down about it."

"We've had it rough,"Pikachu replied."We've faced quite a few crises in a row, close together, this time. Not to mention Deidra, Riley…"

"Ugh, them…!" Ash groaned. He hated grouping Riley in the same category as that cold dragon trainer… if she even was a dragon trainer. Her Metagross stood out in his mind, most of all. Not that it mattered. "I've never… well, rarely ever thought this much about who I am and who I should be, before! It's such a headache!"

"It's like Paul, all over again,"Pikachu surmised.

"Mm," Ash hummed. "At least that time, though, I knew what I was aiming for. What I believed in. I was just set on trying to get there."

"Isn't that the case, now?"Pikachu asked."To just be a Pokémon Master?"

Ash shrugged, rolling over. "...I wonder if I even know what that is. Because, right now, I'm sure not feeling like a Pokémon Master."

Ariana's ugly words buzzed in his mind like a nasty swarm of Beedrill.

"And as long as you carry that childish ideology, you'll never be a Pokémon Master."

"We've allowed you to see the power your Pokémon has inside that you never would've unlocked on your own."

He knew it was cold, cruel nonsense. That someone like her could never understand his dream. But, it still hurt.

"As far as I'm concerned," Pikachu replied,"you are one, already."

Tears touched Ash's cheeks again. This time, because he was moved, and not because he hurt… Well, maybe it was only a little bit of hurt. His blending, swirling feelings, and exhaustion started to carry Ash towards a restful sleep. "Thanks, Buddy." He yawned, and his eyes fell shut. "I hope I see what you see in me soon, too."

The next time they found themselves in Giovanni's office, Jessie, James, and Meowth expected… greater things. Praise, however curtly worded. Lavish rewards. Bonuses. Promotions. Knocking that Persian right off his lap for Meowth to lie upon it, once and for all.

As soon as they'd sabotaged Ariana and tossed that accursed Poké Ball over to the Twerp, though, they were quite sure that they were kissing their dreams of success goodbye. Having a conscience was such a fickle and annoying thing, and yet, they couldn't turn back from it.

Arianahadto be the primary target for the boss's anger, they were sure. But, that didn't mean some of that wouldn't spill over and scald them, too. It left all three with a cold sweat. James swallowed heavily while waiting for Giovanni to speak. They'd been called, without any explanation as to why.

"You three were punctual. You can imagine the surprise I'm feeling," Matori said dryly.

Jessie choked back her fury, instead grinding her teeth.'Who does that four-eyed turtle in a wig think she is…!? I didn't seeherout there, in the field.'

"Only da best, and most punctual for da boss," Meowth asserted, saluting.

"Though, we do apologize for recent events," James bowed his head. "Although you tasked us with-"

"You completed your mission as directed." Giovanni raised a hand, silencing James at once. "Pikachu was captured and delivered. That much was reported, beforeeverythingwent awry."

His large, leather chair turned around so that he faced the trio. His expression was terribly neutral. Unreadable. But then, it usually was. "Despite that endeavor turning out to be awaste…"He hissed out, before regaining his composure. "I think it's good business to reward following orders to the letter. You'll all see the spoils in your accounts, soon… That is to say, the outrageous debt you owe our organization has become smaller."

The sparkles in the agents' eyes dimmed with the grim reminder of reality, the three hanging their heads with proverbial storm clouds hanging over them.

"O-of course, sir…"

"T'anks for yer generosity."

"As long as your successes continue, your funding and current standing will follow. Though, with that out of the way…" Giovanni frowned, tapping his knuckles on the fine wood finish of his desk. His glimmering rings rapping against its surface. "After Pikachu was delivered… Things went awry. The boy invaded our territory to retrieve that Pikachu. Even if he'd failed on his own, the girl, Dawn,laid wasteto Team Rocket territory. That sort of humiliation isunacceptable."

Jessie, James, and Meowth swallowed heavily.

"...I agree," Jessie spoke up first. "Unacceptable, indeed. Is there any way we could help, sir?"

"As a matter of fact, there is. We have a reputation to uphold, here, at Team Rocket. We're to be known and feared, far and wide. A couple of children thwarting our plans at every turn is a stain on our image. And worse yet, a stain on my good word."

"...Your good word, sir?" James echoed, puzzled.

"At the Silph Company…" Giovanni's chair turned and he stood, facing away from the three with his hands folded behind his back. "I told them that this was theironelast chance to stay out of our affairs. Although the boy threw my good graces to the wind immediately… He'd managed to survive, and they've both gone on to spit in the face of my good will. They must be terminated."

"T-terminated!?" Jessie, James, and Meowth sputtered in unison.

"Dealt with. Erased. Take your pick of euphemisms," Giovanni carried on dryly. "I want themdead.They will be made an example of, so that these painful setbacks don't repeat themselves. The three of you haveunendingexperience with them, and succeeded in capturing your target, most recently. I am tasking you with carrying out the deed."

"B-but, sir!" James stammered. "This seems a bit excessive, don't you think…!?"

"We could simply steal all of their strongest Pokémon," Jessie put forth her own suggestion. " that they'd be no threat to Team Rocket at all! We'd even expand our army of Pokémon-"

"This isn't anegotiation,"Giovanni spat through grit teeth. "This is an assignment."

"Unless… you three don't feel that you can follow orders?" Matori accused, behind the gleaming shine of her round spectacles. A sure threat, behind an unassuming face.

"If this task isn't fitting for you… Then I could always send Proton in your place. I don't wish to use up his time on such matters, but this ishisexpertise," Giovanni continued.

"Ack! Th-that won't be necessary, sir!" Meowth exclaimed, before slapping his paws over his mouth.'If dat maniac gets his hands on th' Twoip and Twoipette…!'He didn't even want to imagine the messy, bloody consequences. The teal-horned freak's threat to remove his tongue still haunted the back of his mind, on some nights.'Aw, man… But, I don't want to do it, either…!'

"Then I will expect to hear a report of your success, post-haste." Giovanni sat back down, considering the conversation finished. "You're all excused."


Jessie, James, and Meowth exchanged a glance in their retreating steps; terror and confusion written on each of their faces. The path to villainy had beenmostlysmooth sailing for them, in recent months. Somehow, though, they'd landed themselves in a predicamentfarover their heads.

Chapter 11: Connections

Chapter Text

Never before this week had Ash had so much trouble pulling himself up out of bed.

On any other day, sure, he might sleep past his alarm, or break it. But, the moment sunshine came through and kissed his skin, the warmth of daylight had him on his feet. The bitter nip of winter, at least, would bring him to life and send him scrambling to find his socks and slippers.

Not these past few days. He'd felt more like his Snorlax; weighed down by a veritable ton, and unresponsive to those surrounding him doing just about anything about it. Whether it was his fears of being found by Rockets, or pestered by the neighbors, or his confusion, guilt… A cacophony of feelings stockpiled into that weight that kept the covers over his head.

Though, much like a Snorlax, the deafening cry of an empty stomach was the only motivation that'd get him on his feet. So, here he was, groggily stepping down the stairs at its beck and call. The sweet scent of pancakes drifting through the house gave him the strength to make it to the kitchen.

Dawn was already seated, looking picture-perfect as usual, somehow. Delia was at the griddle.

"Morning," he muttered out, sitting down at the table. Pikachu hopped into an empty seat, with a stack of books giving him the elevation he needed to reach his food. Sparing his trainer a concerned look. Though, if anything could cheer him up, it was probably a meal.

"Oh, good morning, honey! I'm glad to see you up before noon," Delia said, only overhearing him. He felt a little more guilty over the relief in her tone.

Dawn, for her part, frowned. "You lookterrible."

"Thanks a lot," Ash grumbled. But, what he took as a rude remark from his girlfriend, he soon found to be an actual examination, as she picked at the sleeve of his pajama top, and brushed his bangs aside. She made a sour face.

"It's because you haven't showered. Your hair's sticking to your head from sweat! Besides, I can smell it," she lectured, never one to mince words.

Ash shrugged. "Who cares," he replied. He felt far too despondent to really put thought into his appearance. Hell, he'd hardly managed to drag himself out of bed. Now, there was more to do?

"It's bad for your skin!" Dawn replied.

"Well, you've certainly found someone who'll look out for you," Delia prodded, a hint of mirth in her voice. Her amusem*nt seemed to override her concern for Ash, for the moment.

The two teenagers exchanged a panicked glance; they were cutting it awfully close to couple behavior, weren't they? Dawn was the quicker of their wits to cover for them, piping up.

"Well, Ash is going to be a top level trainer! He has a conference to win! He should be out there showing his best to the world," she justified.

To Ash's own surprise, he felt his cheeks burn at Dawn's response, ghosting a hand over one of them. She thoughtthathighly of him and how he should be seen? Somehow, she just continued to amaze him. A little pitter-patter of his heart was a welcome break from his awful moods.

"I've got some great skin cream that I can show you how to use," Dawn offered, poking his cheek."Afteryou get out of the shower."

"Can't it wait? I'mstarving.It's what dragged me out of bed in the first place," he complained.

"There's actually something we need to talk about," Delia interrupted, setting a stack of pancakes down in the middle of the dining table. "You can start on breakfast while we're doing that. Then you can carry yourself up to clean up, Ash." It was more a demand than a suggestion.

It was one he was okay with following, though, scooping a few pancakes onto his plate to begin cutting them up. "Alright, deal."

Delia took a seat with her own plate, suddenly looking stern. It unnerved Ash a little, but he shoveled the sweet chocolate chip accompanied morsels into his mouth, anyway. "Samuel got a call from Bertha," she started. "She saw the news."

Ash nearly choked.

"She seemedsoterribly worried about all of you," she explained. "She even offered to let you stay at her rental place in the Unova region! Just to give you a few days off from…recent events."

"I think it'd be nice!" Dawn volunteered, seemingly already aware. "We could use it, y'know?"

Ash hummed in thought around another bite, brows furrowing. "Mmm… I don't know." Hesitating to go see a new region, Ashknewsomething was wrong with him. He felt that all the more acutely when he looked to Pikachu beside him, who had the most concerned pout fixed on his little face.

"That'sreallynot like you,"Pikachu said bluntly.

"I know." Ash inhaled heavily, and exhaled. "...Look, I'm not totally against it. Unova sounds fun and all, but…" He reached over to ruffle his partner's head. "...I wanna be sure of whatever's going on with Pikachu before we decide anything." He felt his partner lean into his hand appreciatively.

"Yeah, you're right," Dawn agreed.

"Well, then, I'll go give the Professor a quick call and let him know," Delia said, getting out of her seat. "You two stay and eat, and Ash, go get ready when you're done." Not awaiting any further commentary, she got up to approach the video phone in the living room.

The kitchen felt awfully quiet, then, short of the sounds of silverware and chewing of pancakes.

Dawn, though, seemed too distracted to put her heart into her food. Frowning, she reached over and blotted at Ash's forehead with her napkin. "Atleastlet me save you from blemishes."

Ash snorted, nearly choking on his pancake in the process. She was such a worrywart… But, he couldn't hate it. Making sure his mother was focused on the screen, he leaned over and pecked her cheek quickly.

He didn't get to see the look on her face, quickly pulling back when Delia came back their way.

"Samuel says that we can get back to him about Bertha whenever you've made up your mind. In the meantime, though, finish and clean up, Ash," she instructed. "We'll be going by the lab within the hour. Professor Willow will be coming, and he'll see what he can do."

There's a quiet rumbling throughout the normally quiet town of Pallet early in the morning. A large yellow jeep pulling an equally large camper rolled down the dirt roads, proving to be quite the sight for many of the farmers and elderly folks who populated the quiet corner of Kanto who began whispering to each other, wondering just who seemed to be disturbing the peace in Pallet Town this early in the morning.

The rumbling jeep turned off the road, and using its four-wheel drive drove right through the plains and overgrowth that one finds just off the road in a country town like Pallet, though the driver did make sure to stop whenever he saw a Pokémon to let them pass by safely. He eventually came to the meeting place that had been agreed to, a spot far enough away from the lab of Professor Oak as to not be conspicuous, and the engine was quickly turned off. Stepping out of the jeep was an elderly gentleman who looked just old enough to be one of Professor Oak's first or second generation students, but still older than Ash's mother when she took her own classes from the professor. His hair was gray on the top of his head and black towards the bottom. He wore a lab coat over what could only really be described as sports wear with neon yellow highlights that zipped in the front. His pants were loose and short, but underneath he seemed to wear a bodysuit, and the plastic shoes on his feet looked more comfortable than stylish.

He gave a wave with his gloved hands at the group who watched him park. "Hello there! Is that you, Professor Oak?"

"Willow, my boy! It's good to see you again!" Professor Oak said with a wide smile on his face. "How have you been?"

Professor Willow laughed sheepishly. "Well, you know my work keeps me busy. I've been thinking about getting a few more assistants than just the one I have now…" The man's calm, kind eyes looked over to the others gathered here. "And… you must be Ash and Dawn, then?"

"That's us," Ash said, trying to speak with his usual exuberance, but it ended up feeling a bit hollow. "And this is my partner, Pikachu."

Pikachu, for his part, still looked quite worn out, but he gave the Professor a wave. "Pika, pika."

Willow approached Ash and Dawn more directly, rubbing the thin hairs on his chin. "I see… so this isthePikachu, then."

"I gave Willow here a bit of an explanation about what he should expect once he got here," Professor Oak explained. "Nothing too detailed, mind, which is why we're meeting him a bit away from everything else to go over the details in full."

"The way I understood it is that we're dealing with technology that's got a good reason to be controlled heavily by the World Pokémon Association," he said. "Obviously, we're going to act in the best way we can to help all Pokémon."

"Professor Willow," Dawn asked, speaking up, "what is it that you research, exactly?"

Willow gave Dawn a comforting smile. "I'm researching Pokémon ecology, habitats and distribution, with a focus on their migration patterns. Hoenn's Professor Birch does a bit more with Pokémon Nests than I do, but we both love our field work."

At that explanation, Dawn frowned. "But I thought you were some sorta Poké Ball expert? How are you going to help us with this?"

"Part of what myself and my assistants do is we catch and release Pokémon?"

"Catch and release?" Ash asked. "Sorta like what a Ranger does?"

"Not exactly," Willow explained. "In order to understand how a Pokémon might migrate; see where groups of them may travel, we'll approach the group, catch a few of them with Poké Balls, and then attach trackers to them before releasing them back into the wild. We don't want them to become domesticated by humans, so we don't hold them for very long, but catching and releasing a Pokémon basically ruins the Poké Ball it was originally caught in, where you'd need extras, so we've been able to develop Poké Balls that are reusable for catching and releasing Pokémon over and over."

Dawn's eyes lit up. "So youaresome sort of Poké Ball expert!"

"At the very least, I understand what happens to a Pokémon when they're captured and we might be able to explain what exactly happened by analyzing the Poké Ball that you all managed to recover."

He looked to the camper being towed by the back of the jeep. "I actually had one of my students pulling up all the info that we had and compiled it into something a bit easier to leaf through, but he might have fallen asleep in the mobile lab."

"Mobile lab?"

As Ash and the others took a closer look at the camper being pulled by the jeep, it did seem to have satellite dishes pointing off of it, as well as other antennae and even a weathervane for telling the direction the wind would be blowing.

"It looks like it's pretty high tech," Dawn said.

"Pika…" Pikachu frowned. He'd had his share of strangers with labs and just stuck to Ash's shoulder.

"Ray? Are you in there? We're here."

Suddenly there was a flurry of activity inside the mobile lab as someone began moving very quickly around inside. Soon the door flew open and a young man in a yellow shirt appeared, carrying a stack of papers.

"I'm ready, Profess-AUGH!"

As he stepped off the lab, he misjudged this distance and fell into the dirt, the papers he was carrying scattering around him.

Quickly, the young man sat up. His short, maroon hair looked unkempt, but not on the level that Ash's usually was. His deep green eyes looked about in panic as he leapt to his feet, grabbing the papers that went every which way. While he did seem like a comically pratfalling young man, he did look like he was a few years within Ash's age, though if that was older or younger, it was a bit hard to say at the moment.

"I… I'm here, Professor!"

There was some awkward laughter tossed around as Ray gathered the research notes.

It didn't take long for Professor Willow to set up the make-shift meeting at the camper, setting out a long table with benches for everyone to sit at with Ash and Dawn seated next to each other, sharing the bench with Ray, with Professors Willow and Oak opposite them.

The traveling professor leafed through the now slightly muddy documents and pulled one out. "So here's everything we know about the Dark Ball based on the devices the authorities have recovered."

Dawn blinked. "So wait, have you had to deal with Dark Balls before?" she asked, curious.

"Not in a long time," Willow said. "There was an incident in Johto a while back where someone was arrested with a bunch of these, so this information is based on what we were able to study from them."

"It said that the guy who had them was a real piece of work," Ray said, clenching his fists. "A member of Team Rocket who called himself the Iron masked Marauder."

Both Ash and, oddly, Professor Oak, averted their gaze from Ray as he said that, but Dawn was more curious as to what Ash might have been avoiding. "Ash, do you recognize that creep?" she asked.

Ash sighed, patting Pikachu who remained on his shoulder between himself and Dawn. "Well, I didn't think it would really come up, but we did run into him during our Johto journey," he said. "We managed to undo all the bad stuff he did, and that guy was thrown behind bars, but I definitely didn't expect to see them again."

"I-uh, have read myself the sorts of things in the research Professor Willow has gathered!" Oak blurted out, almost guiltily. "So I'm also passingly familiar with them."

"Well, let's start with the basics then," Willow said. "As I'm sure you're all aware, different Poké Balls can have different effects on Pokémon. For example, the Heal Ball instantly fully revitalizes a Pokémon captured in it, and a Luxury Ball is extra comfortable for a Pokémon inside, making it easier to bond with them, and so on. These Dark Balls supposedly raise a Pokémon's power to its highest level, but that's not what they really do in practice."

"It's not?" Ash asked, worry in his tone.

Willow rubbed his chin with his gloved hand again. "I think a better way to explain it would be to say that it maximizes the level of strength a Pokémon already has. It turns off any inhibitions or mental blocks and brainwashes them to fighting at full power constantly. This has the effect of making them much more powerful than they are usually, but it is definitely power at a price."

Professor Oak crossed his arms and nodded. "Indeed. It's a device that twists a Pokémon into a heartless fighting machine without regard for the Pokémon's health or wellbeing. Fighting at full power like that can exhaust a Pokémon, or even worse if they keep fighting past their own limits."

"Pokémon are living beings," Ray spoke up, "and because they're alive, they have limits. Pokémon trainers work with them to help grow past their old limits and grow stronger together, but these Dark Balls will just use a Pokémon up until there's nothing left."

Dawn growled, bunching up the tails of her jacket in her fists. "Team Rocket is trying to get stronger without putting in the effort or the work and they don't care who they hurt or how many Pokémon they traumatize before they get there!"

"Those jerks…" Ash said. "They'll do anything for more power, won't they?"

"But that's their weakness, Ash, my boy," Professor Oak said. With everyone's eyes drawn to him, Professor Oak raised a finger into the air. "A Pokémon and Trainer grow hand in hand. Skip that step, and you can hardly stand!"

Dawn clasped her hands together. "Another Professor Oak original!"

It was a poem that Ash ultimately agreed with, on every level. Though, it did make him think back on Ariana's words that' haunted him, since.'She said that, doing things our way, we'll never be Pokémon Masters… That we'll never bring out his potential. I can't let Pikachu down like that.'

"Pikapi…?" Pikachu frowned, staring up at his trainer. The cloudiness in his beady eyes said plenty; he could see the troubled look on his trainer's face. Moreover, it reminded Ash of the greater priority, here.

Ash shook his head. That could wait. "Sorry! It just… had me thinking. So, what's next, Professor Willow?" He asked, gently stroking the fur on Pikachu's head.

"I'd like to take some time to study the Poké Balls and Pikachu," the man replied. "To see if I can get a better understanding of him, and see if I can uncover anything regarding the Dark Ball."

Pikachu squeaked, peddling his way back into Ash's lap in futility, until he found his back up against his trainer's chest. "Pika Pika!" He shook his head in denial, his little heart pounding.

"Pikachu…" Ash grimaced, securing his arms protectively around his partner. "He's still scared."

Dawn frowned, lips pursed in sympathy. "I can't blame Pikachu for not wanting anything to do with being examined, right now…"

"Which is completely understandable," Professor Oak continued. "But I would like to say to you, Pikachu, that you should remember who you are, and who you're surrounded by. At this table, you'll only find friends and family… and their colleagues." He smiled softly, creased by the wrinkles of aging. He had that comforting air of a wise elder about him, making proper eye contact with Pikachu. "Do you believe that I would put you in the hands of someone who didn't have your best interest in mind?"

Pikachu considered his words as he nursed his rapidly beating heart. Professor Oak, of all people, had a pretty good track record of who he'd entrusted him to. His trainer's arms around him were solid evidence of that. He sighed, and nodded. "Pika Pika." He'd comply.

"Thank you for your trust, Pikachu," Willow smiled. "Now, we can take our work to the mobile lab. As for the rest of you, why don't you go and get to know Ray while I work? Take your minds off this for a little bit."

"Yeah, like that'll happen," Ash muttered.

"Now, Ash," Oak chided gently. "I understand how difficult this is. But, Pikachu's being strong right now. I'm sure that if he can keep his wits about him, then you can do the same?"

"...Yeah," Ash grumbled out, shaking his head. "You're right, I guess." He placed Pikachu on top of the table so that he could face Ash. "Now, stay strong, okay, Buddy? I'll see you soon."

"Yeah. You too, Ash."

"Come on, now!" Ray got up from his seat, wearing a placating grin that came off as more carefree than anything. "We could go hang out at the ranch behind Professor Oak's Lab! I've always wanted to see the sort of Pokémon that are rumored to reside there! They're said to come in from all over the world!"

"I'm sure at least some of those are Ash's," Dawn giggled, standing up. As crummy as she personally felt, she'd doanythingto pull her boyfriend back into better spirits. She took him by the hand without so much as asking, and pulled him along.

With no more excuses, and no more rebuttals left, Ash followed after Dawn, and Ray was soon to keep pace with them.

The forest around Oak's ranch seemed to be just as chock-full of Pokémon as the rest of the ranch, and the three of them continued to chit-chat, stopping only to pause and watch a wild Pokémon rush by.

"Did you see that one?" Ray said, blithely. "Dodrio usually run at about 60 kilometers per hour, but I've seen one or two out there that really give you a run for your money!"

"I actually rode one a little while back!" Dawn exclaimed. "Though I don't know if it went THAT fast…"

"Maybe, but Rapidash are definitely faster," Ash gloated, feeling a little bit of pride in his own memories. "I bet they go about 100 kilometers!"

"Over 240 kilometers!" Ray shouted. "They're incredibly fast! Especially the ones in Kanto! Have you ever ridden one?"

Ash paused, and he brushed his hand on his shoulder, absently feeling for Pikachu, but the mouse wasn't there, so he said nothing.

Dawn quickly picked up on this, seeing Ash falter, so she stepped up between them. "Yeah, I remember one time Ash told me he was riding a Ponyta that evolved just as it crossed the finish line, right?"

"Y-Yeah," Ash stammered, mentally thanking Dawn for the assist. "Riding that Rapidash was awesome. I'll never forget the moment!"

"Of course, you'dneverforget a moment with a Pokémon," Dawn reassured him. "It's one of the things I-l-"

And now Dawn found herself in a bind. She didn't want to reveal her relationship with Ash like this to a stranger!

But Ray relaxed, running a hand through his hair. "Have you two been together long?"

He had already pieced it together.

"I -I mean, not that long! Only like a month!"

Ray blinked in surprise behind his glasses. "Really? Only traveling together for like a month and you're already that in sync with each other?"

Or did he not understand at all?

Dawn groaned. "Oh, I thought you were asking about how long we've been dating! We've been traveling together off and on for a year!"

Ash and Ray both stared at her, and it took a moment for Dawn to realize what she had done. "Oh, me and my big mouth!"

Ray blinked at her. "Wait… you're… a couple?"

Ash sighed. "Well, now that the Meowth's outta the bag… yeah."

"Please don't spread it around…!" Dawn pleaded. "We're really trying to keep it secret for now!"

"O-Oh!" Ray stammered. "Of course! I just.."

The researcher took a deep breath.

"I think it's wonderful!"

Both of the trainers just stared back at him like he had evolved into a Dodrio.

"Being able to travel around with the person you love! I bet it's made for an incredible journey for you two! I'm jealous!"

Ash could only laugh bashfully. "Well, when you put it like that, it has been pretty fun, hasn't it?"

"It sure has!" Dawn said, finally picking up on Ray's excitement. "With Ash, I'm always charged up and ready for my next challenge, and he always keeps pulling me along!"

"Only because you keep pushing me forward!" Ash laughed. "As long as Dawn's with me, I feel like I'll never give up!"

"You two really feel like you're a perfect fit!" Ray beamed.

"Hey, Ray, since you're so interested in this love stuff," Dawn asked, "do you have someone special?"

He nodded. "Yeah, my girlfriend…only I'm not traveling with her…" he sighed, his bright demeanor dimming. "She's at an art college, back home in Vermilion City, pursuing her dream of being a mangaka."

"I guess being an artist would be pretty hard on the road," Ash said, sighing.

Dawn immediately noticed. "But I bet Ray keeps in touch a lot! Right? There's no way he'd be so cheerful otherwise!"

"I do!" he said. "So don't feel down, Ash! I'd love to hear more stories like about how you met and experienced Pokémon!"

"I…" Ash started, but it was clear by the look on his face that his mind went right back to Pikachu.

"Well, before we get another one from Ash," Dawn said, trying to deflect, "what made you want to be a researcher, Ray?"

The young man took off his glasses and looked at the sky with a wistful gleam in his eyes.

"Vermilion City is a port, and my father's house was right there nearby. So I would often sit out nearby and watch the ships come in. And when I watched those ships I would see people and Pokémon traveling together from all over the world. I saw Pokémon that were partners in jobs, Pokémon that were family pets, I saw Pokémon who were with their trainers and ready to battle. I saw so many Pokémon from all over the world in that port, and it made me want to travel the world to learn more about them!"

Ash cracked a smile. "Yeah, traveling with Pokémon is the best, " he said. "Have you been to any other regions?"

"Oh, tons!" Ray said, eyes practically sparkling. "Honestly it's places likeKantoI haven't really explored. I've met with and studied under Professors all over! That's how I met Professor Willow in the first place!"

"That's incredible!" Dawn said. "It's like you really found yourself on your journey!"

"Pokémon are always connecting us to each other," Ray said. "Connecting us professionally, fraternally, or romantically, everyone can be connected through the love of Pokémon!"

"Yeah!" Ash cheered, the most excited that Dawn has seen him in a while. "And meeting new people through Pokémon and going to new places with them? It's the best!"

"I'd love to know about how you met your Pokémon!" Ray said. "I bet you have some great stories!"

"Well, how about we talk about my Staraptor…"

As Ash and Ray began to talk about meeting new Pokémon, Dawn let out a sigh of relief. It really seemed like Ash was finally relaxing. She knew he'd be worried about Pikachu until everything was made right, but she took no small comfort in watching him bounce back.

She really did help push him forward, didn't she?

"Hey wait up!" she called after them. "I have my stories to share too!"

The trio of teens eventually made their way back to Willow's camper. Ash, eager to check on Pikachu, had a bit more spring in his step as they approached. From the inside of the camper, he saw what looked to be the telltale light of Pikachu's electricity. Ash knocked on the door. "Professor Willow?"

The door opened and Willow stepped out, holding Pikachu in his hands. As soon as he saw Ash, Pikachu wriggled free and leapt to his partner's shoulder. "Pikapi!"

Ash and Pikachu nuzzled each other's cheeks, happy to be reunited even after a short time. "How you feeling, buddy?"

Pikachu flexed his arms."I'm feeling a lot better!"he chirped.

"So how'd things turn out, Prof-"

Ash paused, grimacing. Professor Willow looked a bit char-fried. Clearly Pikachu had been using his electricity again.


The apology came in stereo, though Pikachu gave it in his own language.

Ray and Dawn finally caught up, with Ray's face looking surprised. "Professor Willow…?"

"I- I'm fine.. " he coughed. "I did all the testing I could with Pikachu. It seems that he's looking back to normal… if normal is incredibly powerful."

"Well, Pikachu's always been strong," Dawn said. "But you mean…?"

He nodded. "Yes, it seems that the Dark Ball's influence has ended, along with its mental influence."

Ash held Pikachu up. "That's awesome! Did you hear that!"

But before the celebrations could go too far, Willow held up his hand. "Now hold on. I said 'seems'. There could still be some effect we're not aware of. And obviously, we don't know what may happen if Pikachu ever ends up back inside the Dark Ball…"

Silence fell over the group.

"Isn't there anything you can do to be sure?" Dawn asked.

"Well… maybe you and Ray could have a battle?" Willow suggested. "And we could watch to see if Pikachu goes wild. "

Pikachu immediately recoiled at the thought, and Ash felt the same. If his buddy was feeling fine now, he'd hate it if this just caused even more pain than before.

"But… is there a way that might not hurt Pikachu?"

Willow sighed. "There are a few other things we can try. We could just break the Poké Ball…"

"Break it?" Dawn asked. "Would that work?"

"When a Pokémon is captured," Ray explained, "you can think of it as being marked. If you try to catch a Pokémon owned by another person, it's connection to your Pokédex checks for this mark, and if it detects it, the Poké Ball will just fail. But the mark works like a key. If the ball breaks, then it's basically just a wild Pokémon again."

"So all you'd have to do is catch Pikachu in a fresh Poké Ball," Willow said. "It's very simple."

Ash frowned. "I don't think it's that simple…"

"Why not?" Ray asked.

"Pikachu hates going inside Poké Balls," Ash explained. "And after that experience with this? I don't blame him. I don't want Pikachu to get hurt by this at all. He's gone through enough, and it's not his fault this happened." He stepped forward, looking Professor Willow in the eye. "Isn't there any other way? A way that doesn't risk or hurt Pikachu?"


Willow sighed and scratched his head. "... there may be one more thing.

Ash's eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Well, we'd basically make use of a Trade Machine, though with the Dark Ball and Pikachu's original Ball both empty, it'll require a bit of finesse to get it to fully work… it won't be a fast process."

"Please, Professor," Ash said. "I just don't want Pikachu to get hurt by this anymore."

Professor Willow sighed and ran his hands through his own hair. "I… I'll do it, but it won't be easy."

"Don't worry, Professor!" Ray said. "You're a genius when it comes to this stuff! And I'll help too!"

"You will?" Dawn asked.

"I can already tell how strong a bond Ash and Pikachu have," Ray said. "And I want to do whatever I can to help that bond grow!"

Ash felt the relieved smile grow across his face. "Thank you… thank you, all."

Professor Willow nodded. "Now, like I said, it'll take a while to get it right. Just leave Pikachu's Poké Ball with us and we'll get to work. You and Pikachu should get some rest. After everything that happened, it sounds like you two need a vacation."

Ash mulled over those words. "A vacation, huh…? Professor?" He turned his attention to Oak.

The elderly man's eyes fixed on Ash, blinking. "Yes, my boy?"

"...I think I'd like that trip to Unova. As long as we can't do anything more here, I feel like it'd be good for us to get out of town, and… just do something. Far away from here. I don't feel like anything good can come from sitting still."

Maybe it was him wanting to distract himself and Pikachu from their worries. Maybe it was the budding fear that Team Rocket would look for him here, and drag his mom into the mix, if he stuck around.

"If that's alright with you, Dawn," he corrected himself, looking at his companion. "And Pikachu."

Dawn beamed. "I was hoping to convince you in the first place! Sure, it's okay."

"I think… it might be good,"Pikachu replied after a pause to think."It's better than sitting around and worrying, anyway."Naturally, he and Ash were on the same page. Through their mental link, Ash felt that.

"To Unova… Oh, you're going to love it!" Ray exclaimed; green hues reflecting the mid-morning sun. "There are so many unique species of Pokémon… So many stories to uncover!"

The sentiment made Ash's heart race, just a little, in a way it hadn't in days. "What you said got me thinking, Ray. About what I'm missing out on, moping around like this." He glanced over to Pikachu. Going into the full extent of what'd happened wasn't something he felt like doing. "But I feel like… there're still stories for us to tell. People and Pokémon to meet. If we're going to win the Indigo League, then we can't afford to let that slide!"

"The League…? So, that's where you're headed!" Ray laughed. "In that case, Ash, I'll wish you the best! Let's all keep working to get closer to Pokémon, in our own way!" He extended a hand.

"You've got yourself a deal!" Ash agreed, meeting his hand with a firm shake.

Ray reciprocated, and offered it to Dawn next. "And don't stop moving forward together, you two!" He choked out, quickly realizing his mistake. But, not before Ash could frantically motion for him to zip his lip.

"Uh… Yeah! Friends forever," Dawn managed, shaking his hand. The assistant quickly regretted his loose lips, when he felt her hand practically crush his.

"Aha, well, if that's the case, then I'll help arrange your flight," Professor Oak acknowledged gleefully, seemingly unaware. "You lot can expand your horizons, while we repair things back at home. Willow, Ray, and I will be eagerly waiting on your return!"

"...And here's your tickets! Don't forget to tip the nice fellows who handle your luggage, when you show them." Delia recited, as she practically shoved the tickets into Ash's hand that wasn't gripping the handle of a rolling luggage back.

"Mom,please!We're bringing carry-on, remember?" Ash reminded her, shoving the tickets into the left pocket of his khaki shorts. A light blue striped button-up accompanied them for a far more casual look. Delia had dragged him along to buy some 'nicer' sneakers too; a deep navy felt pattern looked almost like they'd be appropriate at a formal dinner, but they were still comfortable. His hat and gloves were left behind, in the interest of being less recognizable.

"...Oh. Right. How silly of me! I almost forgot that you're not the type to pack heavy." Delia laughed nervously, looking her son over from head to toe. His posture was still a bit lax and heavy, like an invisible weight that wasn't Pikachu still hung on his shoulders. But, she'd managed to coax him into a fresh new look. Her excuse had been to make him stand out less, but a fresh new outfit met a fresh lease on life, at least for a little bit. "Speaking of someone who would pack heavy if they could, where's Dawn? The bus is going to be here any minute…"

"Cominggg!" Dawn's voice could be heard from the staircase, as she hurried down to the bottom. Trading her sporty and chic attire for a cream sundress, and matching platform shoes, she struggled a little in making it down the steps without stumbling down.

Reaching the bottom, she giggled, twirling to show off her wardrobe change. "How do I look?"

Floral clip-ons fastened her hair into the same sort of style she'd worn in Sinnoh, although her hair had grown out longer, twirling about her in her sudden turn.

"You look… uh…" Ash fought the lump in his throat. Although that sort of gentle fashion had never caught his eye, something about the confidence she moved with transfixed him. Or, maybe it was her clip-friendly hairstyle that reminded him of the old days; now with an entirely new perspective.

"Oh, you look darling!" Delia cooed.

"Uh, darling! Yeah," Ash decided on, winking at Dawn. She'd know better than anybody that such languagewasn'thim, and only came out stilted to fool his mother.

"Pika-chu!" Pikachu chirped as well, to cover for him.

Dawn seemed to notice, and beamed, but turned her attention to Delia. "Thanks! …Oh, I'm about as tall as you, now! Look at that!" She walked up to the brunette to be sure. Maybe just a hair, short, but… "Oh, but it's probably the platform shoes."

"Maybe," Delia chuckled, "but I think you've still gained an inch or two, since you came here to start your journey! You couldn't meet my eyes before, evenwiththose! Oh, how time flies…"

"Hey, uh, speaking of time flying," Ash interjected, "we gotta go!"

"Oh, right! Don't let me hold you children up," Delia replied, rushing to open the door for them. "Be safe, make sure to call when you check in to Unova. Have fun~!"

"Thanks, Mom!"

"Thanks, Mrs. Ketchum!"


The duo of trainers rushed their way out the door, their other Pokémon stowed safely away for the trip. They'd done so just in time, too; the shuttle was pulling right up outside of the Ketchum home! Dust and dirt flew off behind it in clouds, as the manual screech and hiss of the door greeted the group. All three of them winced, but Ash stepped up first, offering Dawn a hand when she was having trouble in her new shoes.

They each deposited their fare, and then shuffled into some cramped leather seats, with seatbelts that looked like they were rarely used. Ash sat by the window, while Dawn came in after, and Pikachu sat in the former's lap.

The male sighed, leaning his cheek up against the window.

"Ash, that window's probably filthy," Dawn chided.

"Huh? Yeah," Ash shrugged it off. "But, look what happens w-w-w-when the bus s-st-starts!" The rattling of a small shuttle on a bumpy dirt road came directly through the window, jostling Ash's face along with it. His voice sounded a bit robotic for it.

Dawn snorted at this and blushed, pretending she hadn't made the sound. "You seem chipper this morning. I'm surprised."

Ash's eye glinted with mischief, and he sat back up, shrugging. "Yeah, I know. I've felt like sh*t. We all have." He looked down to Pikachu, who gave no rebuttal. "...I guess I'm just thinking about what Ray said. If we've got time to kill… we might as well start working on cheering up, y'know?"

Dawn offered no disagreement, so he continued. "I picked that trick up on the rare occasions where Pallet Elementary took us on field trips someplace else. Just reminded me of those days, I guess."

"Better times?" Dawn asked.

Ash shook his head. "Not really. I mean, better than this week, sure, but school bites. I guess… just the freedom back then. Of not really worrying about anything, except wondering when I'd get to get out there and see all the things that I got to watch out the window."

He felt that same bundle of nerves in his belly, watching his hometown pass by through an unfamiliar mode of transportation. He hoped Unova would give him that same spark, and none of the grief.

Pikachu had hopped into Dawn's lap to avoid the vibrations, and she took to petting him, humming. "I guess that makes sense. Let's make the best of it, then! Just think of all the new Pokémon! Professor Oak even updated our Pokédexes so we can learn about them!"

"Heh, yeah…" Ash hummed, pulling the encyclopedia out of his pocket. Just last year, he'd already be jumping for joy at the opportunity. He'd get there again, soon. Definitely.

The crackle of snapping twigs was only barely covered by the ruffling of leaves, bushes rustled by the cautious steps of two grown adults and a Meowth accompanying them. A heavy silence hung in the air, only broken by the occasional chatter of wild pokemon.

James' chest tightened at the familiar sight of Pallet Town at the bottom of the hill, his lavender brows knitting together. "Well, it looks like we're here…" He crouched behind a bush, rummaging through his black bag that blended with the rest of his uniform. A pair of binoculars were drawn, scanning over the entirety of Pallet Town. A slow eye-crawl over Professor Oak's ranch delayed the inevitable.

Meowth heaved a heavy sigh, absently swatting at an Oran Berry that dangled from the bush he was hiding behind. If neither of these chuckleheads were going to get the ball rolling, he supposed it had to be him. "...So, what da heck are we gonna do? I don't love the idea of da Twoip havin' to sleep with da Magikarp."

"We'll just have to keep thinking," Jessie asserted. Her usual loud confidence, though, was absent today. Her eyes were obscured behind a second pair of binoculars. "I was both blessed and cursed as the creative type. If we can scheme the twerp, we can scheme him out of this."

"Then show us, O wise one," James sulked. He could distinctly spot Ash's home among the hills. Why couldn't he have grown up in a more crowded area…?

"Well, if he wanted to high-tail it outta dere, dere's his chance." Meowth blinked, catching sight of what looked to be a shuttle on one of Pallet's dirt roads.

"What? Let me see!" Jessie barked, scooting over to unceremoniously rest her elbows atop Meowth's head. His whines and threats were ignored in favor of peering through the lens, zooming in on a short blue shuttle bus at a nearby corner. 'Pallet International Airport,' it read.

James was the next to scope in. "The airport…" A couple of passengers stepped off, going their own way. A few residents at the corner began to board, including… "...It's the Twerp!"

A rough shove pushed Jessie off of Meowth, who grabbed the flipping binoculars for his own. "...And, the Twerpette!"

A gloved hand shoved Meowth to the side, and Jessie reclaimed her gear. "...And, Pikachu!"

"If da twoips got half a brain between 'em, they gotta be makin' like an egg and scrammin'." Meowth deduced, his little, greedy heart slowing just a bit. Maybe there was a chance.

"If they're way out of our sights, they'll be safe!" James followed.

"Yeah, but…" Meowth's shoulders began to sink. "How're we gonna word it to da boss? We just supposed to show up and say'sorry, no can do? We failed ya's?'"

"It's simple," Jessie argued, the corners of her cherry lips pulling up. "We'll just drop by, and tell the boss that the Twerp isn't home! That there's no evidence of Ash Ketchum hiding in Pallet Town. It's technically true! And, think about it. He wouldn't want us wasting hisprecioustime scouring a whole region… or even the world! It'd be a waste of Team Rocket's time."

"Ya gotta point… But, I still feel like this is really treadin' the line o' mutiny, here." Meowth shuddered at the thought. They wouldn't ever have to face the same fate, would they?

"Mutiny, shmutiny!" James barked, glaring into the eyes of his feline companion. If one looked closely enough, tears were beginning to build. "We may be crooks, and we may be dirty, rotten thieves! But, we still have standards!"

"If we got standards, dey're pretty low."

"Maybe so, but of all people, the Twerp…" Any image of a lifeless Ash that threatened to spark James' imagination was tearfully shoved away. "...I don't think I'd be able to call myself a Rocket again."

"Well, then, it's settled!" Jessie interjected, standing tall with one hand raised high, the other over her chest. Stealth be damned. "It's our responsibility as members of Team Rocket to maintain our ability to serve the boss! If we started crossing those lines, we'd be out of work, and they'd be out of geniuses! So, turning a blind eye is the right thing to do!"



Two hands and a paw were joined in unison, followed by the stealthy patter of feet into Pallet Town.

The image of the trio was obscured by dust and exhaust kicked up by the shuttle that had just left the corner, greeting the innocents a well-timed escape.

"Besides," Jessie said as they stealthily slinked into town. "This'll be just a blip on the radar, compared to what weborrowedfrom that cowlick-sporting sow."

"Ooh! That's right!" James' voice cracked in his giddiness. "If it hadn't been for us,thatmight've been left back in the base! But now, the boss can have it all to himself!"

"And dat bit of handy data'll mean a lot more to Team Rocket's success than one paltry Pikachu! Even if it isourPikachu," Meowth added, grinning. "Team Rocket may've hit a few delays in its flight lately…"

"...But we're due for an overnight departure, reaching to the stars above!" Jessie cooed.

"Let's hope foroursakes that Team Rocket has a better idea of airline food than most," James managed to quip, before Jessie yanked him by the ear into a nearby bush. Their schemes would go on to be schemed for yet another day, without blood on their hands.

Chapter 12: A Traveler

Chapter Text

A flight from Sinnoh to Kanto was nothing, really; the flight lasted barely an hour, maybe. Short enough to almost feel pointless, until one recalled that going by boat was an overnight trip. The cramped feeling of being confined to seats and aisles only barely started to register, by the time you were free to get up.

The same couldnotbe said about a flight to Unova. Ash and Dawn had barely considered the implications of traveling across the world, rather than the eastern isles, before looking properly at their tickets. By the time their jaws had dropped at the reality of an eleven-hour flight, they were already waiting in line at the airport, and it was basically too late to turn back.

The two of them (and Pikachu) simply held their noses, and dove into that reality. But, not without making sure to buy an overstuffed bag's worth of snacks, some trainer and coordinator magazines, and a book for Dawn, of course. Those would have to last a whole half a day.

For the first leg of the flight, they'd tried to fill the air with chatter, before a grumpy businessman behind them shushed and complained. Even under the guise of hushed whispers, though, they'd eventually run out of things to talk about that didn't tread a bit too close to their recent traumatic happenings. Ash and Dawn tried holding hands, affectionately brushing the back of the other's with their thumbs. It was nice for the minute of pitter-patter their hearts attuned themselves to, before it started to get repetitive, and Dawn recoiled at her hand starting to sweat.

They took turns massaging Pikachu, since that didn't carry the unspoken expectation of magic sparking between a couple every second. The little guy could use the TLC, anyway. But even he got overstimulated, and decided to nap; sleep had been scarce for him, lately.

Ash and Dawn had expected to be up for a while, too, given how recently they'd woken up. But, they soon realized that sleep had been scarce for them, too; for a couple of hours, they slept peacefully, heads leaned against one another. Ash found, to his surprise, thathishead was the one to lean onDawn'sshoulder, now… When had she gotten so tall?

But, that lasted until their bodies decided they were rested, and they were left with the cramps of awkward sleep, and snacks & reading material filled the rest of the flight. It eventually passed, and the sweet relief of that'ding'that told them they could unfasten their seatbelts came. They were free to go, and take their first steps, officially, into the Unova region!

Stepping out of that long, soulless gray corridor into the light of the Nimbasa International Airport! There were high glass ceilings letting in the morning sun, people wandering about and waiting, tons of Pokémon that none of the three present recognized…

Oh, right. Pokémon.

Despite Dawn's quickly budding fatigue, she reached for her partner's capsule, and wearily tossed it into the air. "You deserve to get some fresh air too, Empoleon."

"Pol~!" For the first time in Arceus knew how long, the gallant bird was free! He wasted no time in stretching his wings; his lustrous steel gleaming under the sunlight coming through. He squawked out a yawn. Smacking his beak a little, he started to assess his surroundings.

…Or rather, those surrounding him.

"No way! What's that Pokémon!"

"It looks so cool!"

"I think it's a Prinplup!"

"It's called an Empoleon, stupid!"

"How wouldyouknow!?"

A group of children had taken to him; some looking to be just below trainer age, and some just above. Fawning over his cool and novel appearance, they clamored for his attention.

"Heyyyy… hey, all of you!" Ash called out through a yawn. "Don't surround the poor guy! Give him some breathing room!"

Something Empoleon seemed to need none of, as he was striking a variety of gallant poses, and allowing the smaller children to climb atop his wings.

"I don't even know what I expected," Ash huffed with a deadpan expression.


"They said that Unova's Pokédex is totally unique, right?" Dawn recalled. "So they've probably never seen an Empoleon before."

"Must be exciting," Ash agreed. "Seeing new Pokémon…"

"Ash?" Dawn asked. "Is something wrong?"

He shook his head. "Nah, it's just… There're entirely new Pokémon around here, too." A young woman was carrying a small, white and teal otter in her arms, who tapped at her phone. A large, dark blue and beige eel floated alongside another traveler. A few monkeys that seemed to be Water, Grass, and Fire-type played in circles near one of the departure gates. "I should be geeking out about it. Am I reallythatdown and out of it?"

"Ash, please. You were on about wanting to see new Pokémon for the first half hour of the flight," she reminded him. "You're just tired… I am, too. It's probably that thing your mom warned us about."

"Oh, yeah. Jet lag, right?" After hours and hours of flight, Ash definitelyfeltlike it should be night. But, it was clearly daytime, and the nearest clock said that it was just past 9AM.

"Well, as long as Empoleon's showing off… Look! There's a little tourist shop right over there." Dawn pointed past her partner. Next to a snack kiosk was a walk-in shop with all sorts of Unovan trinkets and merchandise.

Ash shrugged his shoulders. "Might as well see if we can find anything nice, before we head to Bertha's and crash. Hey, Empoleon! Stay here for a minute, alright?"

"Pol!" Empoleon saluted them, blowing a few bubbles to show off, before a security guard asked him to keep it to a minimum. Ash and Dawn could hear him huff in annoyance as they trudged on in.

There were little pins and ceramic figures of Pokémon the trio had never seen, shirts proclaiming the wearer's love for Unova and Nimbasa, sports paraphernalia… One shirt for a team called the Gurdurr 11. It caught Ash's eye, before a cap on clearance did, next, for the Nimbasa Legends. Ash and Pikachu's faces soured, recalling the sham set up by Grings Kodai.

"Well, I know what we'renotgoing to buy," Ash spat out.

"Not if you paid me to take it,"Pikachu agreed. He then gasped and pointed somewhere."Ash, look!"

"Huh?" He looked over, only to find a rack full of different sorts of hats.

Ash walked over to the hats, picking up the various caps. Some were made of straw and others were made out of leather, perhaps. Finally, Ash spotted the one he knew he had to have. It was a visor with a logo of a very dated brand, probably popular back when he was a kid! He grinned, snatching it up. He looked over his shoulder. "Hey… You think Dawn'll need a hat? It's kinda hot now, and she's sort of pale… She might need to keep the sun off."

"Miss-wears-a-jacket-and-kneehighs-in-winter?"Pikachu mumbled out, probably sounding a little ruder than he intended in his moniker of teasing of affection. He was tired and grumpy."Yeah, the heat's not her scene. Go for it."

Ash flicked his eyes between the two wide brimmed sun hats. White or yellow… He snatched the white one up, deciding it came close to matching the color of Dawn's dress.

Walking over to Dawn, he smiled weakly. "Ready!"

Dawn held up a small booklet as well as a few pamphlets. "I found a coupon book for a local amusem*nt park! They've got special events on certain days and stuff! Plus, it's got local restaurants, too!"

"... They sell coupons in books?! They sell coupons?!" Ash asked, confused.

"Don't worry about it," Dawn answered with a wave. "Let's just go check out"

Dawn got out her wallet to pay for their purchases, and Ash spotted something small and bright yellow behind the counter. A sticker boasting what he could only assume was a low price for such a ware drew his eye even more. Ash put his hand on the counter, interrupting Dawn's purchase. He pointed towards the instrument, eyes gleaming.

"I want it."

Dawn looked back before balking. "Can you even play a ukulele? When did you learn to play a ukulele?!"

"Good eye!" the shopkeeper cheered, putting the instrument on the counter. He grinned. "It's an oldie, from back when Caitlin joined the Elite Four here!"

"... Wait, wait, Caitlin, as in…?" Dawn inquired.

"The one from Sinnoh, the well-off lady? Yep!"

Ash let out a low whistle. "Guess everyone's making progress." The thought should have made him excited; to spur him on to keep growing. Though in the moment, he could only stew on a more pessimistic question;was he even moving ahead, himself? Could he, at this rate?

It was a thought that went unvoiced, and unheard, as Dawn completed her purchase and handed Ash one of the bags. "C'mon. Let's go find Bertha's place. I think I need another nap."

With perhaps a ten minute walk, the group of four arrived at the high rise they'd been given the address to. After a short conversation with the lobby receptionist who recognized their names on a list the official resident had approved, they were given the spare key and allowed to go up.

To their amazement, the apartment was luxurious.

Dawn dropped her backpack off her shoulder, eyes drawn to the huge television. It was pitch black and thinner than Charizard's patience! Ash, meanwhile, walked over to the fridge and immediately grew disappointed when he saw it was empty except for a box of baking soda.

"Oh, wow, the master bedroom is super nice!" Dawn chirped as she entered it.

Rosa popped out of her Poké Ball, and stretched out with a yawn.

Empoleon had flopped onto the couch, as had Pikachu. The electric type was currently trying to figure out how to use the remote control.

"Oh, the bathroom is even nicer!" she cooed, drawing Ash's attention.

As he waltzed into the room, Dawn had practically sunk into the sheets, cooing. "It'sso niceto be in a proper bed again, and not a cramped aisle… I'm ready to pass out!" After a beat, she muttered out what Ash could sparse as calling dibs on the bed.

The trainer frowned. "Well, where am I gonna sleep?"

"In the other bedroom, duh."



"There is no other bedroom."

"...Oh." Dawn reluctantly forced herself to sit upright. "Well, what about the couch?"

"Oh, great idea." Ash yawned. "It ain't perfect, but it'll…"

"...Ash?" Dawn asked, after a couple of moments of silence.

"Empoleon's dead asleep on the couch."

Indeed, the penguin had taken up the entire sofa, belly up. Pikachu sat on the sofa's arm with a bit of an irritable look. He didn't look like he'd be there long, either.

"That… figures," Dawn yawned. "Well, there's no moving him. C'mon."

"...Huh?" Ash stammered. "C'mon, what?"

"Well, we're obviously going to have to share," she retorted.

Ash nearly choked. "W-what!? Dawn, that's…"

"Well unless you feel like sleeping on the floor, I guess," Dawn replied.

"Not particularly," he deadpanned. "But, isn't that… weird? The two of us?" As new as he was to everything, evenAshwas aware enough of the decorum surrounding… that.

"How? We napped together when we held out in that cave," Dawn countered. She, apparently, was not.

"Yeah, but that's…" Ash trailed off, frowning. He was tired, and not at all in the mood to deal with this, let alone explain it. "Yeah, whatever. I'm sure we can find enough room to get some shuteye." He wasn't in the mood to get into more comfortable clothing, either, so he settled on kicking off his shoes and his socks, before hesitantly sliding in and under the covers.

He could see why Dawn was so in love with it, though; the mattress was firm, but soft, and the pillows were heavenly; just cool enough to practically sink into. Maybe he could just turn over and make some room…

"Ow! Ash, you hit me with your elbow."

"Sorry," He apologized, shrinking into his side of the bed. "Hey! That's your foot…"

"Sorry, sorry… If you'd just move over a little more," Dawn grumbled.

"Dawn, I'm literally at the edge of the bed," he huffed. "If I move over anymore, I'll fall."

"You can't be serious. So am I!"

Sitting up, the duo was forced to recognize that this bed… definitely wasn't built for two.

"We have a problem," Dawn said. "And I'mnotmissing out on my beauty sleep."

"Like you need it," Ash replied.

"Cute, and thank you, but I'm not in the mood for flattery."

"If that's how you feel, we'rereallyin trouble."

"No kidding," Dawn agreed, rather than taking offense. "C'mon, let's just huddle up."

"...Yeah, alright." Ash fought the burning in his cheeks. Since when didheget like this!? "I guess relationships are full of hurdles and what-not, huh." He rolled over towards his end of the bed and scooted closer.

"This is a pretty small hurdle," Dawn pointed out, scooting up and wrapping her arms around him. She nestled her chin into Ash's shoulder.

"Easy," he winced. "That's where my scar is. But… Yeah, hah, maybe you're right."

"I still have to ask you about.. that.. by the…" Dawn started to trail off, and didn't finish her sentence. With her gentle breath on the back of his neck, he could only assume that she'd nodded off, already.

This was… oddly nice, he figured, despite his rigid posture and burning cheeks. For the first time in days, he figured, he felt rather safe. He could get used to that. But, maybe not so much the Pikachu nestled into a pillow he wasn't using by his head, giving him a funny look.


"Oh, sorry. Am I embarrassing you?"Pikachu snorted. An answer Ash blinked at, before the possibility struck him that, after the Buneary incident in Celadon, Pikachu was beingpetty.

"Now, youknowif the shoe was on the other paw, I'd be Thunderbolted by now." Ash answered, andimmediatelyfelt cold, rather than warm, when he realized his faux pas. He could see the horror on Pikachu's face, and he was awfully sure it had nothing to do with Buneary.


"I know," Ash squeaked out. "Sorry."

The mouse shook his head, closing his eyes."You didn't mean it. Let's get some shuteye."

"Sounds good, Buddy."

Was such a feeling of tunnel vision natural? A complete, acute focus on the blue wisps of flame coming his way, to the point where everything in its peripheral was a dead gray. A Thunderbolt tore them asunder, though the dark violet ghoul set in his crosshairs vanished.

Despite that laser focus, his acute hearing served him. His ear perked at a ghostly wail behind him, and his body swerved at thatsplit second.For that long, he saw the terror in Mismagius's eyes. Something in him screamed for his body to stop moving, but it didn't happen. His iron-coated tail cracked into the back of her head, and pinned her beneath the rubble.

When the dust cleared, and she laid motionless, the part that didn't feel any pity won out over the part that did.


Ariana's cackling and boasting echoed in his ears, and reinforced the former.

Because they were weak.

A chasm opened below him, dooming him to falling Mew knew how deep. A nasty attack, coming from such a soft trainer. Pikachu felt furious;insultedthat he thought he'd fall to that. His heart hammered in his ears; adrenaline fueling every precise action that followed. Clinging to a falling rock, he sprang to the next elevation with pinpoint precision. Several more mad dashes later, and he found himself airborne.

The fiery ambush was no match for him; not when he poured out every ounce of electricity his body could muster. It was so much leaving his cheeks at once; too much. He felt his muscles and pouches burning, even as Fire Blast was overtaken. Why couldn't he stop? Whywouldn'the? Somehow, he wasn't satisfied until the snapping of electricity, scorched fur, and pained bellowing hit his hyper focused senses.

In a scene that both disturbed and sated him at once, somehow, Tauros fell over, unconscious.

Next, his skull was buried in Pidgeot's side. Aerial clashes with her pushed his body to the brink; every breath was in a hurry; he couldn't get oxygen into his lungs quickly enough, yet he couldn't stop. Not now, and not when his Iron Tail smashed into her wings over, and over, and over.

When would it stop? When would his lungs stop burning? When would he stop beating his ownfriendrelentlessly!?

Not until she laid in a charred heap. Not until he saw the light leave that boy's eyes; he could see his will to fight beginning to waver. He couldn't offer any rebuttal to the claims that he'd never make Pikachu strong, his way. All he could do is put one more body between himself and Pikachu.

A body…?

What was wrong with him!? Why was he thinking this way, and how could he stop!?

When the next, gargantuan, and yet so flimsy looking foe was unresponsive to his lightning, he recalled; Ground-types were immune to his Thunderbolt. Torterra wouldn't be hurt by that…

Ash knew this. He trusted Torterra to fight him.

It was a brief moment of lucidity that brought out his sentimentality for both, but it didn't last. The succeeding moments were a blur, and he felt his tail cracking Torterra's shell. Burying them in debris.

Prey so easily toppled wasn't very fun. But, the tortoise was out of the picture, anyway, leaving a defeated young man… a lost child in its wake. He looked so helpless. So alone.

"Please, Pikachu… I'm out of options. You have to listen to me!"

"Listen to a weakling with no answers… I'd never!"

In the deepest pits of his heart, he cried out in sympathy, but bitter resentment drowned out what he wanted to say. It was like every time he tried to open his mouth, he choked on the air.

"It's me, Pikachu… Your best friend, Ash. You don't wanna be here, I know you don't!"

"I have no best friend!"He wanted to take that back. Heso badlydid, but he could only find himself doubling down."I want nothing to do with someone so feeble!"He threw himself at Ash. Battering the child's sternum with all of his weight and momentum."Definitely not a human who's ALWAYS come short!"

It was hard to tell, in the pounding adrenaline, guilt, and anger, whether his words had ended in that lost human slumping over, and telling him to end it. He was so sure it had, and he wanted to sprint into his arms and sob. To protect him.To end him.To leave this place with him.

"Just come and get me."

"Someone this weak would NEVER be a Pokémon Master!"He shrieked, cheeks crackling with heat, despite every synapse of his screaming at him to stop. Even through snaps of gold, he could see him. Ash no longer flinched at his words. His face looked pale, and cold. Eyes devoid of the fire that always raged within them. Maybe he could hear Pikachu. Maybe that was why they looked so, so glassy."And now you never will be."

Lightning coursed through his body, and fired at the despondent soul. It was the last thing Pikachu saw, before . . .

"Pikapi!" Pikachu shrieked, jolting out of a restless sleep.

The shout rattled Ash and Dawn out of their slumber, too, both of them jolting up. Empoleon and Rosa were awoken as well, from the other end of the suite.

"Pikachu!" Ash wrangled his way out of Dawn's arms, sitting up in front of his partner. "Buddy, what's wrong?"

Pikachu took deep, panicked breaths. His fur was drenched with sweat, and his heart was still pounding in his chest. Beady eyes darted about the room. A crack of sunlight leaked through teal curtains, and the cushiony interior replaced cool tiles and smoldering wreckage.

He was no longer in that wretched base. It felt like he'd just surfaced from deep waters on the verge of suffocating, and he was flailing for safe footing. An anchor to the here and now. Beady eyes darted until they landed on… Ash. His trainer sat before him, his face struck with worry.

"Ash!"He dove into his arms, and buried his face in his chest. He clung to his button-up, trembling.

"Buddy…" Ash bit his swollen lip, and pulled Pikachu into his chest. "It's okay, Pikachu… I'm here."

Dawn frowned, rubbing sleepily at her eye. "Poor Pikachu… What even happened?"

"I don't know," Ash replied. All he could do was stroke his fur.

"I'm sorry… I'm sorry… I'm so sorry…!"Pikachu shook and sobbed."I never…!"

The guilt practically leaking into Ash's conscience hurt. He could practicallyfeelhis regret, for god knew what. "Pikachu… Relax. It's okay. It's okay… I'm here. We're all here for you."

The mechanical click of a Poké Ball could be heard from the other end of the room. A light materialized from Dawn's bag in the form of her Buneary. She hopped onto the bed, hovering near Ash. Hearing Pikachu's cries, she'd worried.

Seeing the pain on his face, her heart ached. "Buneary…"

Pikachu's ear twitched. Pulling back from Ash, he looked around him to take in his surroundings again. Ash and Dawn. Empoleon, Rosa, Buneary. He was surrounded by people he loved. None looked to be hurt, beyond the few bandages Ash still sported, and a slowly fading green bruise on his jaw.

That injury made it hard for him to look at his trainer, actually. Looking at him at all felt too similar to what he'd just seen. He threw himself into Buneary's arms, instead. He felt the warmth and softness of her ears around him, and his trembling slowly subsided.

"Bun-eary," she soothed.

"...I think he had a bad dream," Ash concluded. "He kept saying he was sorry to me."

"It must've been what happened recently." Dawn furrowed her brow, fists digging into the sheets. The pain he'd been put through was inexcusable.

"Damn it,"Ash hissed under his breath. "I said something about it, before we fell asleep… I'm sorry, Pikachu. I really am."

Pikachu shook his head, but declined to answer.

"There's no use in either of you beating yourselves up," Dawn said, frowning. Neither of them responded. She held a fingertip to her lips in thought. "Maybe we could use a change in scenery. Sitting here moping isn't going to be good for either of you."

"I guess that's a good idea," Ash ceded. "Pikachu, what do you think? Wanna go out and get some sunshine?"

"Neary," Buneary soothed, using her ears to set Pikachu back upright. She seemed to agree.

"Pika…" Pikachu wiped at his eyes. He didn't want to think about this anymore, nor did he want to give it any more attention."Yeah, that sounds great. We haven't had the chance to see Nimbasa yet, at all."

Ash co*cked a brow. He'd taken to the idea so quickly. But, he wouldn't look a gift Ponyta in the mouth. "Alright. C'mon, everyone. Let's open the blinds and get ready for a few hours out on the town. I know it's been rough, but today's a new day."

Empoleon took to using a light foam to give Pikachu's fur a gloss to polish him, after seeing the sorry state he was in. Looking his best friend over, he groomed his fur with a few swipes and preens. It seemed to put the mouse at ease a little.

"Leave it to Empoleon to freshen things up," Dawn smiled softly. It was nice to see, at least, that everyone was chipping in to make Pikachu feel better. "While we're on the subject, I'm going to take a quick shower and freshen up. I'm not letting Unova see me with bed head,especiallyin the middle of the day."

Ash snorted. "Oh, yeah. You didn't have anything to say about us seeing it," he pointed out.

"I acceptedyouseeing it a while ago, when I found out you and Rosa wake up early," she replied. "But Unova's not going to. If you hurry up, Rosa, I'll brush your fur before I step in!"

The Lucario had been sitting on the edge of the bed, paws on her knees. Her eyes lingered to Dawn, and then back to Ash, her trainer noticed. She got up without acknowledging this.~Yeah, alright, Ma.~

Even as the mood lightened, Ash hummed to himself. He didn't want to be a pessimist, but he felt like today was going to be just a bit of an odd day.

A large, colorful Ferris Wheel towered over Nimbasa's skyline, catching the eyes of the tourists that it dwarfed so many times over..

"That's gotta be the biggest Ferris Wheel I've ever seen," Ash remarked, wide eyes fixated on the turning carts that looked miniscule from the ground. "I kinda wanna see the view at the top."

"That sounds great," Dawn interrupted, "but look at the line! It'd take an hour to get on that thing." Dawn gestured to the crowd in front of them, lined up in a barricade that forced passersby to slip through if they wanted to move past the spinning attraction.

"Man, you're right," Ash agreed, deflated. "Bummer… Hey, there's that thing!" He pointed in another direction. "The, uh…. What's it called?"

"A carousel!" Dawn chimed. "What do you guys think?"

"Pi," Pikachu said noncommittally.


"Pikachu says sure," Ash relayed. Frowning at his partner's indifference, he reached to scratch his partner's chin. "C'mon, Buddy. It'll be fun."

Though Pikachu didn't pull away, the fact that he didn't lean into Ash's fingers as he usually did felt incredibly unusual. He continued for the moment, but pulled away. He didn't want to infringe on his partner's space.

After a surprisingly short wait in a line filled mostly with young children with their parents, the occasional couples, and several children about right for the age to be beginning their journeys, our heroes made their way onto the massive ride. Decorative statues of various pokemon known the world over for their prowess as beasts of burden stood in an array of poses; some were mid-stride of a gallop and others had a leisurely walking stance.

Pikachu spotted a Rapidash and found an odd solace in it. He found the slick, smooth surface of it too difficult for him to get a hold of and instead sat on the bench behind it. Likewise, Empoleon could tell by one look that he wouldn't fit on top. Perhaps a bit jealous of the small children still able to enjoy the ride, he took a seat beside Pikachu on the bench that might have passed for a sleigh if it were properly equipped.

"Well, guess we know where we're ridin'," Ash joked. "I want this guy!" He hopped upon the back of the white and black pokemon. It looked a bit similar to Rapidash, but sported a golden saddle with a similarly colored bridle. "I dunno what it is, but it looks snazzy! Maybe it's an Electric-type? It's sure got some thunderbolt lookin' horns on its head."

"Sure looks like it!" Dawn agreed, sitting on the back of the Rapidash beside Ash, careful to keep both of her legs on one side. She missed her shorts and her skirt even more. Moving about in long dresses was cumbersome, off the Contest stage…

But, soon, the ride started and the group found that they enjoyed it. The ride wasn't exciting, but the gentle rises and dips of the carousel were a little fun, in their own right.

After that, they browsed the park.

For a while, Dawn and Ash relaxed in the nearby shade of a small grove surrounding a splash zone. Empoleon played with the young children who shrieked and giggled at the sight of such a huge and friendly foreign pokemon.

After that, they went to the carnival booths. There, Dawn won herself a very pretty but plastic toy crown from a weight guessing game. The poor attendant had no chance! Dawn's waist was very tiny, but her legs were strong as heavy as a traveling trainer's ought to be; there was no way he could have guessed she was so much heavier than she really looked, not with her sundress!

She had no earthly idea what she'd do with it, as contests only rarely involved accessorizing, and basically never did in Kanto. But, it'd make a nice souvenir.

The next winning game was with Ash and Empoleon. The two competed as a team while Dawn and Pikachu watched. With Ash's excellent coaching and Empoleon's proud eagerness to win driving them, the duo absolutely bested their competition at a water based shooting game. The prize was a coupon for a handsomely discounted meal at a novelty restaurant at the park.

"'Princess and the Croagunk?'" Ash frowned, looking at the coupon. "I thought this was for a restaurant, not a movie."

"Itisfor a restaurant," Dawn pointed out. "It's a Unovan movie based on a Kalosian fairytale. It must be one of those novelty restaurants you hear about at theme parks!"

"I hope they're not expecting us toeatCroagunks, there!" Ash blanched. He suddenly dearly missed Ernie's shack.

"What?No!" Dawn scoffed. "The Croagunk is one of the protagonists, Ash. They'd never!"


"It means the hero. The main character," she explained. The irony of the conversation was lost on them both. "Ash, they went over this in school." She blinked, remembering who she was talking to. "...Never mind. I'm getting hungry, anyway; we haven't eaten since snacking on the airplane. What do you say?"

"Yeah, I'm with you," Ash agreed. "Pikachu? Empoleon?"

Empoleon squawked excitedly, while Pikachu just nodded along. It was settled.

As it turned out, this café was an outdoor one, with a kiosk set up much like many of the other food stands in the park, if not more finely decorated and properly staffed. The occasional statue resembling the titular Croagunk or Princess decorated the area, showtunes played on speakers nearby, and the service workers were dressed up like what Ash assumed to be the villain.

"What gave it away, the cane, or the top hat with a skull on it?"Pikachu drolled, clearly in tune with Ash, at least for the moment. Ash smiled, appreciating his efforts. He ruffled his head.

"Well, you know kid's shows & movies. They have to make the villain obvious." But, he wasn't inanymood to dwell on villains, today. He stepped up to the booth with Dawn. "So, I guess we order here, or…?"

"Just leave your hopes and wishes with us, and we'll deliver!" The cashier delivered with practiced enthusiasm. "Be careful, though. It may come with a price… a modest one!"

"Cheap food at a theme park?" Ash grinned, nudging Dawn with his elbow. "That might actually be a dream come true." But, knowing his partner's mood, he turned to him, first. "Whatcha want, buddy?"

The mouse, for his part, looked at the tables. "Cha~!" He spotted ketchup bottles - lots of them! Spicy ketchup, sweet ketchup, and even ketchup with fruits or vegetables in them. He looked to the menu, spotting a simple order of fries. "Chu! Chuchu!"

"You're gonna have some fries with your ketchup, huh?" Ash asked, not entirely joking. "Right! I'm gonna have… Oh, boy, a chili dog! And… What the heck is a corn chip pie?" He tilted his head. "It's got chili, cheese, and corn chips…" He shrugged. "Nachos, kinda?"

"I don't know, but it soundsdelicious!"Dawn's eyes sparkled. "I'd love to try some Unovan gourmet… I'll have an order of that, please!"

"Doesthat sound like gourmet?" Ash asked. "Come to think of it, all of this sounds more like fast food than anything dreamy."

"Wellll, it's thespiritof your surroundings that counts~!" The cashier chimed with a plastered-on customer service grin that said'can these teenagers stop picking apart a children's product and sit down.'

"Pol!" Empoleon pointed towards a photograph of fishsticks plastered beside the menu..

"Right! And an order of fishsticks, please!" Dawn tagged on. "Oh, and there's even an option to take care of our entire teams…! Will there even be room?"

"There's a place for the Pokémon over there," Ash gestured a thumb to a clearing not too far off from the tables and benches scattered about. Other trainers' Pokémon ate together in peace; many Pokémon the group didn't recognize. "We'll take the full Pokémon course! Two teams!'

With their orders submitted, the group released their resting teams of five each in the area designated for Pokémon. Rosa, Mismagius, Pidgeot, Tauros, Torterra, Buneary, Pachirisu, Togekiss, Typhlosion, and Absol all appeared in a group.

The group was greeted to plenty of Pokémon they'd never seen, and the same seemed to be true in reverse. A rather rotund pig with patterns of orange and black walked over, introducing himself to Typhlosion. He expelled flames from his nostrils, showing off.

Ash pointed his Pokédex at the newcomer.

"Pignite: The Fire Pig Pokémon. The evolved form of Tepig. Whatever it eats becomes fuel for the flame in its stomach. When it is angered, the intensity of the flame increases."

Typhlosion took to them quickly, and the teams of Pokémon started to mingle. Empoleon, quick to be the center of attention at all times, wandered in to socialize with the rest.

"Mis! Mismag~!" Mismagius floated to the forefront of the group, circling Ash and Pikachu. Stopping before the latter, she chirped and nodded towards the group. "Mismagius!"

"Pi…" Pikachu frowned, unresponsive beyond that chirp.

"Hey, Buddy," Ash coaxed. "I think they want you to go along with them!"

The mouse met Mismagius' eyes. Something in him made him recoil, and he shook his head.

Ash frowned. "Buddy…"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu snapped, making both Ash and Mismagius flinch.

"...C'mon. Sorry, guys. Pikachu's gonna eat with us." Ash reached, patting the top of the ghost's witch hat. Hiding the light of his eyes beneath his visor, he retreated to the table they'd picked out.

"...Ash? What was that about?" Dawn prodded, sitting across from them.

"Don't worry about it," he said curtly. The times that he had any sort of spat with Pikachu were rather rare, but they rarely left him in a chatty mood. "He's just… having a rough week. You know how it is."

The coordinator furrowed her brow. "Hey, after we eat, let's go do something else! I was looking at the brochures for the park and I saw a court we could check out!"


Leaning his cheek into his palm, Ash looked at Dawn, puzzled. "A court?"

The Small Court. A multi-tiered dome with a closed ceiling and a golden, rounded top. Grand arches looped around the roof's second tier. By no means was it small, in its own right, but the nearby Big Stadium might've justified the name.

There were no professional athletes to watch at work in the Small Court, they found; it was a recreational facility open to the public, where trainers and their Pokémon could sign up to occupy one of the tennis courts for half-hour or hour intervals.

In a city as buzzing as Nimbasa, they'd feared there would be a long wait. But, after their time spent napping, eating, and exploring the park, the sun was beginning to set on Nimbasa, and the court's activity was dwindling. Ash and Dawn were able to secure a court, right away!

Unfortunately, it was just one, so Ash and Dawn would sit it out and watch their Pokémon play.

"Alright. We have rackets! Just enough for you guys to play doubles." Ash held two tennis rackets in each hand. "Uh… how many of you guys'll even use rackets?" Could any of them even hold one in the first place?

Buneary hopped forth to take a racket from him, holding it with her ears. It was comically even larger than she was, but that was no issue, with her dexterity. "Bun!"

Typhlosion was next, claiming one for herself. "Phlo!"

~I can!~Rosa was next, taking one into her hands. She inspected the racket, finding the object totally foreign. She swung it around experimentally.

"Well, I guess that's everyone who can hold one," Ash said. He'd spoken too soon, as the racket floated out of his hand, and was wielded telekinetically by Mismagius.

"Mag~!" She chanted, letting the racket orbit her with Psychic.

"Or, maybe not," Ash deadpanned.

~Wait, wait! We don't even know how to play this!~Rosa said, frowning. A chorus of agreement came from the other Pokémon.

"Oh, yeah. I guess we've never played tennis with you guys, have we." Ash folded his arms.

"Hey, it's a lot like Pokémon Ping Pong, right?" Dawn suggested. "I think the rules are almost the same!"

"Hey, yeah!" Ash snapped his fingers. Here, he saw a great opportunity. "Ambipom may not be with us right now, but Pikachu played alongside me. Why don't you explain the rules, Buddy?" He winked at his partner, petting his cheek.

As reclusive as Pikachu had been, this was a good chance for him to break the ice.

Pikachu sighed. His trainer had him, this time. While he knew Ash was trying to help, he couldn't help like he'd been cornered. But, he was cornered, especially looking at the expectant smiles on the group's faces."Alright."He relented, hopping down to stand before the gathering of Pokémon.

"...So, Ash said we were playing doubles! Naturally, that means two Pokémon on each team,"Pikachu started, laughing nervously. Arceus, that sounded too obvious."So, two will stand on each side of the net, whether you have a racket or not."

"And what do we do, if we don't have a racket?"Pidgeot asked, tilting her head.

"Oh, that's… easy,"Pikachu trailed off."You can…"He was losing his train of thought quickly. Meeting Pidgeot's eyes was terribly uncomfortable, all of the sudden. Her pained, strained squawk played over in his memory; he could almostfeelhis skull crashing into her ribs.

Her eyes had been wide and vexed; her expression futile in the face of defeat, before lightning charred her. How could they look so chipper and bold, looking right at him? He feltwretched.

"...Pikachu,"she said, her voice gaining an air of sternness that startled him."You're breathing heavily."

"I-I am!?"Pikachu sputtered out."Well, sorry, I…"

"Ohh, he probably just forgets the rules! Don't mind him."He felt Empoleon's cold wing patting his back."You can take it easy, Pikachu. You've got a Pokémon Ping Pong Champion on your hands! I practiced with Barry and Kenny's Empoleon, plenty, back in the day."

"Didn'tchajustwatch?"Pachirisu pointed out.

"Ahem! Istrategizedwith them. Don't underestimate—"

Pikachu tuned out the conversation from there, feeling grateful for his close friend. Whether he was keen to Pikachu's stress or simply proud, he couldn't be sure, but he'd take the opportunity to walk back to Ash and Dawn, in any case. and excuse himself from the situation.

Buneary watched him head off, with her paw to her muzzle. He didn't board Ash's shoulder, either, choosing to sit down beside his seat. He went to great lengths to avoid eye contact.

Ash, for his part, wasn't sure why. Was Pikachu angry with him for pushing him too early? "Hey, it's good, Buddy… You tried."

"It seems like Empoleon has it under control," Dawn added. The penguin was gesturing with such confidence and charisma that they likely didn't have to worry.

"Yeah," Ash agreed, watching the group. It was only then, though, trying to distract himself from Pikachu, that he noticed a bit of a problem. "Uh, hey, Tauros! Torterra!"

The two large Pokémon looked over, bringing a halt to Empoleon's lesson.

"I'm afraid you guys might have to sit this one out. Sorry." Ash smiled apologetically. As quadrupeds without much agility to work with, playing tennis sounded impossible. "You wanna come hang out with me instead?"

Tauros hung his head, snorting heavily. Agreeing with Ash, he trudged over, sitting beside his trainer. Ash smiled sympathetically, patting the bull's back.

"Terra!" Torterra, however, cried back. He hadn't moved away from the group at all.

"Torterra?" Ash asked. "Are you sure…? I'm not sure how-"

"Torterra!" The Pokémon argued back, stomping his way onto the field. He seemed determined to prove his trainer wrong. He took one of the corners of the court, and cried back for the others to join him.

Rosa joined Torterra on his side of the court, while Typhlosion and Pachirisu took the other half. Buneary, despite holding a racket, still seemed transfixed on Pikachu, missing her chance to volunteer.

"It looks like he really wants to try it," Dawn said, watching the Pokémon arrange the game. Rosa was set to serve, it seemed, as the most dexterous of the group.

Ash didn't say anything, choosing just to watch.

The Lucario tossed the tennis ball high, eyes glued to the object as it came back down. Using her best timing, she swung . . . only for it to miss. The tennis ball bounced off the court floor, and a heavily blushing Lucario swung a second time, sending it over the net!

Typhlosion clumsily swung her racket, but missed. The first point went to Rosa and Torterra!

Per Empoleon's coordination, Pachirisu was up next to serve. Without a racket, she simply tossed the tennis ball and spiked it with her tail. This shot went way out of Rosa's path, headed right for Torterra!

~I'm not gonna make it!~Rosa exclaimed, diving for the spike in vain. The point was all but lost.

Tough claws dug into the court's surface. A rumbling roar uprooted solid ground, taking the shape of a vertical wall. Rock Climb had obstructed the tennis ball, sending it bouncing back

the way of Typhlosion!

Ash gasped, leaning up and out of his seat. "He can use Rock Climb like that!?"

The competition continued, as Typhlosion returned the shot. This time, Rosa was able to follow-up and parry it. By the time Rock Climb reverted into the court, Pachirisu smacked it back again. Torterra stomped with his opposite foreleg, raising another slab of rock. The ball bounced off it, spiking back to the other side of the court. Although Typhlosion swung, it bounced out of bounds.

Torterra and Rosa cheered, exchanging congratulations.

"That was incredible!" Dawn cheered, clapping her hands together. "I had no idea Torterra could do that!"


"Ash?" Dawn asked, put off by his lack of enthusiasm. "Is something wrong?"

"No, it's great! I mean…" Ash grumbled, taking a moment to collect his thoughts. They felt jumbled, and it was becoming hard to pin down why. "...I'm happy for him, that was amazing. I'm just… I had no idea he could use Rock Climb that way. And, and he tried to tell me, but I didn't believe in him… that's not like me!"

"Ash," Dawn frowned, resting a hand on his shoulder. "You're spinning this into something it isn't. Are you feeling okay?"

Ash sighed, leaning back into his seat. A part of him knew Dawn was right. "Sorry. I know I'm acting funny. I just feel like I'm not doing a good job understanding Torterra. Just like I haven't been doing a good job understanding Pikachu."

Down at Ash's feet, Pikachu flinched. Without so much as another word or sound, he sprinted off towards the exit to the court. There were cries for him to stop, but he tuned them out.

"Pikachu!" Ash was among them, leaping out of his chair, and over Tauros.

"Ash!" Dawn called out.

"Just wait here," he called back to her, sprinting out the sliding door to the court. "I'll be back!"

Pikachu was fast as ever, and this was one of the very few times Ash wished he wasn't, as he slid out of the recreational room, sneakers squeaking as they slid across tiled flooring. "C'mon. Even he couldn't have gottentoofar, already!"

He hadn't. The faint'pui-pui'of Pikachu's flighty feet that Ash knew so well sounded faintly; increasingly so. "There you are," Ash muttered to himself, and gave chase.

Following Pikachu resulted in a chase around Nimbasa. A cycle of chasing his partner and losing sight of him, due to his superior speed. Whenever that happened, Ash would stop to feel for his Aura, which in a city as crowded as this one, was a nightmare. Whenever he got lucky enough to spot the outline of a jagged tail or a pointed ear, he sprinted for his partner, again.

Luckily, unlike his trainer, Pikachu didn't seem to be running away from Ash in particular. Or, at least, he didn't have a built in sense to let him know where his trainer was.

That eventually led Ash to Nimbasa's largest and flashiest attraction; the Ferris Wheel. With daylight waning and the attraction currently turning, there was no line. Not much of an audience, luckily, when Ash found Pikachu sitting in the shade of the contraption.

He came to a halt, panting with his hands on his knees. His lungs ached, and he felt like he'd run around half the city. "I… finally found you…"

The mouse frowned, looking off. Avoiding his stubborn trainer didn't seem to be an option.

"Look, Pikachu…" Ash started, still catching his breath. "I'm sorry. I've been pushing you and screwing up all day-"

"Would you stop that!?"Pikachu snapped.

Ash flinched. "Stopwhat!?"

"That! You're… you're doing that, again."

"What is that? You're not making sense."

Pikachu fiddled with his paws, trying to piece his thoughts together."I told you to stop, when you found me. Acting like you're behind everything. You didn't hurt anyone, I did!"

"Hurting everyone…?" Ash frowned, crouching down closer to his partner's level. "Pikachu, what the hell are you talking about?"

"Pardon me for intruding," a third voice spoke, startling the two. "I'm quite surprised to meet someone else who understands the hearts of Pokémon. You're the first I've met. Although, it seems that there's still an obstacle between the two of you."

A young man had inserted himself into the conversation. Rather tall; maybe just a bit more than Delia, with long, wild green hair held down by a black and white cap, his mane tied into a ponytail. He wore a white jacket over a black shirt, and several peculiar pieces of jewelry. Rambling at a mile a minute, he looked upon Pikachu with kind, blue eyes.

"What… who are you?" Ash stammered out. The man ignored him, crouching before his partner.

"Sorry, friend," he apologized to Pikachu, completely ignoring Ash. "May I ask you what's troubling you? Your thoughts seem complicated; too complicated for a Pokémon."

Pikachu felt that he definitely should've felt insulted by that remark, but somehow, he wasn't. Somehow, the peculiar stranger heard him. He felt an odd sense of innocence from them, like theycared.

"...I was forced to hurt my friends, not long ago. I was made to beat them down, badly. Now, whenever I look them in the eyes, and whenever they speak to me, it all just comes rushing back to me,"Pikachu explained. Fresh tears dotted his beady eyes, as the guilt he'd been bottling started to spill."I feel horrible."

"...I see." The man's expression was unreadable. His gaze, now far more steely than kind, turned on Ash. "This is your trainer, yes? He made you hurt your fellow Pokémon?"

"What!?" Ash snapped, hands balling up into fists. Before his fury could bubble over, though, he very quickly remembered the part hehadplayed in it all. He avoided the stranger's eyes. "I…"

"No!"Pikachu denied, shaking his head."No, he didn't. Ash would never do anything to hurt me. He's my best friend. And, that's been part of the problem,"he went on, looking back at Ash."He's been doing his best, even when I've felt too sick to say anything and explain it to him! I feel like a stubborn jerk who's been hurting everyone around me, and I don't know what to do about it!"

"...I see. Then he played no part in your suffering. It stands to reason that a trainer that rare would be able to hear the heart of his Pokémon." Before Ash or Pikachu could decipher that any further, he returned his attention to Pikachu, and reached to gently pet his head.

Pikachu felt soothed at the touch, somehow, and leaned into it.

"I suggest that you speak to your fellow Pokémon with an open heart. Unlike humans, Pokémon will always act in a way that's congruent with their nature. Even if this'Ash'isn't the culprit… you have been tainted by human ways of thinking, in some form or another." The man tutted, disappointed. Nonetheless, he smiled. "Your friends will understand your genuine feelings."

"...I guess they would,"Pikachu relented, sighing."We've known each other for a long time. They'd want to know if I was feeling this tense around them."

"I agree," Ash said. "All of them would understand. It's been a rough week for all of us, but you're our friend. We care about you, Buddy. But, that aside…" He turned to their guest. Eyes wide with confusion and curiosity. "I'm surprised you can understand Pikachu, too… none of our other friends — human friends — can do that! No matter how long they've known him. And you just waltzed in here."

Their guest smiled. "The hearts of Pokémon are easy enough to grasp, for someone who understands how they feel. I see that you can hear Pikachu's… have you tried listening closely to your other Pokémon, as well?"

"I…" Ash opened his mouth, but only then did he realize how much something so vital had slipped his mind. "...I haven't. I started understanding Pikachu in the middle of all this mess, and it's been so insane, and hurtful that I just… haven't gotten around to it. I guess I'm a little afraid, whether it'll even work."

After all, he'd only barely succeeded in this business with Pikachu in the most dire of moments. What if he couldn't hear the others at all? What would that mean for them?

"Then I suggest you take to heart what I've said already of Pokémon; those doubts and inhibitions cloud your mind and your heart. I think you should have a nice, long talk together, and hear each other's concerns." His thumb brushed over Pikachu's fur once more, before the stranger stood to take his leave. "I wish you the best with your friends, trainer. You as well, Pikachu."

"Oh… Yeah. Thank you. That is great advice, actually." Ash watched the man leave, somewhat awestruck. He'd broken it down all so simply. Such a wise guy, and he understood Pikachu? "Hey, wait!" Ash called out.

The green-haired man stopped. "Yes?"

"I really appreciate you helping out Pikachu. What's your name?"

"My name…?" The stranger shook his head, and chose to remain just that, walking on. "I'm just a traveler."

Ash and Pikachu watched this 'traveler' leave with his backs to them, before disappearing into what remained of the park's crowd. The two exchanged a look, as if to silently share the same train of thought.

"...So. That was weird, huh?" Ash forced a laugh.

"Extremely,"Pikachu agreed."But, I… can't help but feel like he's right. I'm sorry, Ash."

"Hey, none of that," Ash replied before Pikachu could get started.

"I don't want to hear you blaming yourself, either!"Pikachu huffed."you heard me."

Ash gently ruffled the top of Pikachu's head, smiling. "Yeah, I did. So, let's ditch the blame game. But… apology accepted. Let's go back to the court so you can talk to the others, huh?"

A small squeak of joy slipped out, and Pikachu scampered to climb atop Ash's shoulder. His trainer stood upright, and he leaned into his cheek."Yeah, that sounds good. But I'm going to need you along with me."

"You think I'd have it any other way?"

The walk back was a brisk, comfortable pace, compared to the earlier scramble. It allowed Ash and Pikachu to enjoy the relative silence and each other's company. With the setting sun and brisk breeze of the oncoming evening, it was easy on their spirits.

Or maybe, they felt just a bit lighter.

No matter which was the case, they returned to the Small Court, and immediately drew the attention of their peers.

"Ash! Pikachu!" Dawn exclaimed, running over to greet the duo. "You're back."

"Yeah," Ash replied, winking at her. "...Hey, do you mind if we have a talk for a minute? Me and the Pokémon," he explained, gesturing to the ensemble that was coming together by the tennis court. The group was clearly showing a great deal of restraint, eyeing Pikachu with concern and confusion.

"Huh? Yeah, sure." Dawn agreed, stepping back. She was out of the loop, but that was hardly the priority. "Do what you have to."

"Guys?" Ash walked up to the assembled Pokémon, crouching down. "Pikachu has something he needs to talk to you about. Can you hear him out?"

The group agreed in a chorus, predictably!

"Alright. Be strong, Buddy." Ash placed his partner down in front of him, patting his back. "This is your job, but I'm right here with you."

"Thanks, Ash."Pikachu took a deep breath and stepped forward."I owe an apology to all of you, today… some of you, especially."His gaze drifted from Dawn's Pokémon, who merely expressed their concern, to Rosa, who had his own anxiety written all over her face, to his fellow teammates, who he couldn't yet bring himself to look in the eye."...Man, this is hard."

"Hey, it's okay."Buneary stepped forth, patting his shoulder with her ear."Of course it's hard. We just rescued you, you goof. We don't expect you to be perfect!"

"...Eheh, yeah."A red flush filled his cheeks, out of embarrassment, more than anything. Buneary was right. He gave her paw a squeeze, and gathered himself."You're right. You all did help me that day. Everyone. I guess it's been hard to look at it that way, after everything I did to you."

"Did to us!?"Mismagius exclaimed, orbiting him."Surely, you jest!"

"That demon I saw, that night… that was not Pikachu,"Torterra grumbled. Pikachu winced, which Pidgeot caught onto.

"You're not helping,"she chided, tapping him with her wing. Her strong, motherly gaze fell on Pikachu."But, he is right. You were a shell for whatever rotten gadgets they forced upon you. They had your might, but not your will."

"But I was there!"Pikachu belted out. Surprise and confusion was written across his peers' faces."I… I could see it happening. I wasn't myself, but I heard it, and saw it all. It made me a monster. When I look at some of you, I…"He pawed at his wettening eyes."...I feel like I'm there, again."

He felt a strong nudge against his cheek while he was guarding his eyes. It was cold and wet."Well, then, you just gotta keep lookin' at us."It was the gruff voice of Tauros, who'd nudged him with his nose."Break on through, 'till all the memories you have are new ones."

"How fitting for a Tauros,"Typhlosion quipped.

"Hey, it ain't steered me wrong yet,"he rebutted.

"My experiences with you may be slim,"Mismagius interjected, floating over and around Pikachu, as if to take in a presence she was still getting to know."But to call such a foul performance a closing act for our camaraderie… Not a single rotten Tamato berry would be wasted on that foul act, I say! The show must go on!"

"...Jeez, yeah."Pikachu laughed weakly. A little self-deprecatingly, still."It would be pretty stupid to avoid you guys forever, on that note, wouldn't it?"

"Of course it would! A performance panned by all critics, from Kanto, to Sinnoh, to Unova!"Empoleon squawked, reaching to pick up Pikachu and hug him within his wings."The tale of Ash's Pikachu will be one of success! One of the very best! And we won't accept anything less!"

"C'mon,"Pikachu laughed, feeling quite suffocated. But, at least this time, it was with warmth."Talk about being dramatic!"

"Dramatic, maybe,"Pidgeot trilled. Pikachu could see her, once he wiggled out of his friend's wings."But deserved. I've known you since our early days, Pikachu. You're kinder than anything I saw that day, and stronger than the worst Thunderbolt I felt. I'd never accept your surrender."

"More like, we'd never!"Torterra roared."It's cool if you feel guilty… We can't help that. But, just remember. We're made of tough stuff, too. We'll walk off a lil' beating, you got it?"

"...I got it."Pikachu smiled, once more drying his eyes. It was in vain, as he started to sob some more. But, these were tears of happiness."You guys are such great friends…! Not just my team, but all of you!"Of course, that meant Dawn's."Without you, I wouldn't…"

"Let's skip the hypotheticals, shall we?"Togekiss cooed, cutting that upsetting thought short."We were there because we're all a team, just as we're here, now for the very same reason."

~We won!~Rosa belted.~We went there to rescue you, and we did. Just like you saved Papa and I from the Game Corner.~

"We love you, hotshot,"Typhlosion grunted."It ain't just one of us, over here."Her foot nudged Buneary, bringing a strong streak of red to both lagomorphs' faces.

"Typhlosion!"They both complained.

"No prudence for such a fragile moment?"Absol scoffed at the Fire-type.

"It lightened the mood,"she defended.

"Better he's red in the face than blue!"Pachirisu chittered, laughing.

Pikachu snorted, shaking his head."You've got me there. Anyway…! Thank you, so much. All of you. I'll try to be more honest with everyone, from now on."

It was a scene that could only be described as heartwarming, on all fronts. A helping hand extended by the mysterious stranger had emboldened Pikachu to do the same, and perhaps, pried open the cold shell of the phantom Poké Ball sitting back in Pallet Town, just a little.

Ash could see that, even from the great distance that stood between them. At least, between him and every Pokémon but Pikachu. Hearing one, but only one of their voices…

"Ash? Are you okay?" Dawn asked, now beside him.

"Dawn!" He jolted back to reality. He shook his head. "...I'm okay. We ran into someone, out there, who gave us some advice. It looks like it worked, but… now I just can't help but think."

"About?" She asked, reaching to take his hand. Holding it tended to calm him down, in moments of tension.

"The way I can hear Pikachu… it's making me think about listening to my other Pokémon."

The stark, awful lighting of Giovanni's main office had become a familiar sight, but it never grew anymore welcoming. Meowth, who believed himself to be the sharpest of the three, had begun to suspect that this was an informed choice.

Persian's glowing red gaze peering from over the desk told him as much. It gave him a deeply uncomfortable sensation in the pit of his stomach. Meowth swallowed heavily, and braved his trepidation. "...Y'called us here, Boss?"

"That would be why you're here before me, yes." Giovanni's baritone voice echoed off the high ceiling. As heavy, present, and sinister as ever. "I would like to discuss the matter… of your recent assignment. You were tasked with disposing of those two children."

"And we had every intention to do so," James insisted, before his boss's words even trailed off.

"Are you telling me that you were unable to capture a mere couple of runaways…?" Giovanni trailed off, his ring-clad fingers drumming along Persian's short, fine fur. His eyes could barely be made out in the shadows of his fine leather chair. His pearly whites were easier to see, even, grit and grinding. "...or,unwilling?"

The last word came with a hiss, that to Jessie, James, and Meowth, might as well have been a swan song.

"D-don't be ridiculous!" Jessie sputtered out, before realizing her mistake. "Ahem… Sorry, sir, but I'm afraid that, even for us, failure is sometimes a reality. We did seek the twer- our targets, and they were nowhere to be found."

"We did our best," James followed, "and that clearly wasn't good enough… But I pledge, you give us our next assignment, and we'll make up for it, post-haste!"

"Tell me. Do you understand how an organization such as ours functions?" Giovanni asked, paying their protests no heed.

Jessie, James, and Meowth feared there was no right answer, and stayed silent.

"Team Rocket is a well-oiled machine, with many moving parts. Its smallest and most superficial gears and bolts can be replaced at a whim. A rogue or incompetent grunt, an ignorant and aloof pencil-pusher… Losing them is paltry for Team Rocket, and it's no great expense to replace them. Doing so outweighs the cost of keeping them in our ranks… I'm sureyou threeremember when you were, above all else,outrageously costlyto our pursuits."

"Y-yeah! We's remember!" Meowth piped up. "It was a straight embarrassment, believe me! But, one lousy mission ain't much of a—"

Giovanni raised a hand, signaling that he wasn't quite finished. Realizing he'd interrupted him, Meowth clamped up.

"The most complex and core machinations of Team Rocket's design arefarmore vital. A core part, or a member of our ranks with far more weight…Administrators,"he sounded out oh so slowly. "...are allowed such importance, because I know that they're reliable. That I can trust them to do their every function as expected. If I cannot rely on someone so close to my inner circle, then Team Rocket's grand design is compromised."

Jessie and James exchanged a horrified glance, as if to acknowledge that theymighthave taken a dangerous gamble. Had their mission been far more important in the man's eyes than they'd anticipated?

"Matori," Giovanni called on his attendant, sitting beside him. The turtle-faced, spectacle-wearing assistant made little effort to hide the vindictive sneer on her features, when she was turned away from their boss.

"Of course, sir," she complied, placing a small recording device down atop his desk. Without further ado, she pressed the 'play' button, and high-definition audio played through the room.

"...It's the Twerp!"

James let out an involuntary wheeze, recognizing his own voice.

"...And, the Twerpette!"

Jessie was sure she'd maul Matori in a wrathful frenzy, were she not frozen in terror.

"...And, Pikachu!"

Meowth felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand, and his legs tremble, as he watched his chances of one day replacing Persian in the Boss's lap evaporate before his very eyes.

The recording played on, and for Jessie, James, and Meowth, couldn't possibly end soon enough. Every traitorous word —"mutiny shmutiny" —was like a jab, with no avenue of escape.

"It's our responsibility as members of Team Rocket to maintain our ability to serve the boss! If we started crossing those lines, we'd be out of work, and they'd be out of geniuses! So, turning a blind eye is the right thing to do!"



The tape wasfinallyput on pause. Though, by then, it was far,fartoo late. Giovanni had heard everything. Worse yet, he'd obviously heard it before calling on them to report.

"S-sir, please!" James croaked out, with a wavering voice. "We didn't—"

"What was it you said, James…?" Giovanni's use of his name, somehow, was beyond unsettling. It wasn't his way to speak so personally. "That, if you followed my instructions, you wouldn't be able to call yourself a Rocket again?"

"I-it was a figure of speech! A flub in the moment!" James protested in a panic.

"I believe you were quite clear. But, you won't have to terminate your littlefriendsto fulfill that wish." Grinning eerily, he snapped his fingers. "Persian. Water Pulse."

Persian pounced out of Giovanni's lap and onto the edge of his desk before the command passed Giovanni's lips, with a vicious shriek. He sneered at the three agents, opening his mouth to conjure a bubbling mass of water before him. It quickly expanded to match the feline in size, and then again to dwarf him.

The mass was unsettling in its construction, despite being such a mundane attack in name. It bubbled and shifted intermittently, almost amorphous in nature. Ripples churned through its aquatic interior, as if anyone who entered it would be eaten alive.

"That is to say," Giovanni continued, "the fallenhaveno allegiance."

Jessie, James, and Meowth clung to one another for dear life, shivering and stammering.

"S-sir! Your highness! Your graciousness," Jessie pleaded, "we've served you loyally from day one!"

"Please, Boss! I wasn't meant to perish, so young!" James stuttered through sobs.

"Down to th' lettah, all except for just this once!" Meowth scooted his way around Jessie and James, in a vain attempt to shield himself from the worst. A cowardly effort he knew was in vain. "I was gonna be your Top Cat! Try and hear us out, would ya!? If ya get rid of us, you'll never have what we've retrieved for ya's!"

"Ah, yes… I was meaning to ask about that." Giovanni said silkily, as if this were nothing more than a business arrangement. "Something you retrieved from Executive Ariana, that was more valuable than that Pikachu? I'd hate to leave that business unfinished, in your demise."

"We have it! We have it, right here!" Meowth screeched.

The boss of Team Rocket snapped his fingers,and Persian's Water Pules imploded. Dousing the office floor, but leaving no victims in its wake. "Then, if you value your lives, procure it immediately."

"James," Jessie hissed in a whisper, nudging her teammate. The man was still frozen stiff, unable to move. She grunted, and swiped the small suitcase he'd carried in with them. She placed it on the desk with haste. "Here, sir."

"We f-found something dat… I t'ink you'll findquiteinteresting," Meowth promised.

Matori opened the case mechanically, showing no joy in the three before her continuing to hog up oxygen in the room. "There's a flash drive, and a biological sample," she relayed.

"Keep the sample sealed," Giovanni instructed, "and show us this supposed great bounty."

The flash drive was inserted into the room's main computer tower. bringing the many screens behind Giovanni to life. Violet lights bathed the dark room, as data and synopsis notes covered the many screens. The leader turned in his leather chair, reading it for himself.

Although the agents couldn't see it, he gained a wicked grin.

"You threemighthave managed to save your careers, yet… and your lives," he said in a low, cold baritone. "You should be terminated for acting against your superior, alone… but without your actions, this valuable data might have been lost. Take it to Dr. Zager, immediately, and you'll be dismissed."

"O-of course, sir!"

"Right away, presto!"

"You can count on us!"

The three rushed to retrieve the flash drive and the suitcase, clasping it shut at the speed of light. They scrambled to leave the room, before one last interruption.

"I have one more word on the matter, however," Giovanni said. "You've proven yourselves too valuable to simply dispose of… but, you've also proven that you cannot be trusted with your prior targets. Such sentimentality has no place in Team Rocket, and I won't tolerate direct disobedience. You're hereby forbidden from any further pursuits of those trainers and that Pikachu."

On any other day at all, there would have been loads of protest. But, the three could only be grateful to escape with their lives. "Sir!" They agreed, saluting him.

The shadowed man nodded. "Then you are dismissed. Don't make me regret my decision."

Giant double doors slammed behind them, and the trio backed up against the closest hallway wall, hyperventilating in a panic before sliding down into a sitting position.


"...were almost done for. He was really ready to get rid of us!"

"I-I hate watah," Meowth stammered out. "Especially wet watah!"

All three needed a good moment to recuperate from their near-fate. Naturally, Jessie was the first to compose herself. "Alright… alright, focus." She patted her own cheeks to steady her own head. "We made it. We're alive."

"Only just barely," James whined.

"This is all because of that red-headed witch!" Jessie hissed. "I knew we were right not to trust her!"

"At least her failure saved our sorry behinds," Meowth sighed. "If she'd been more careful, she never woulda lost that damn t'ing… and our gooses would've been cooked!"

"It'shersthat should be cooked!" Jessie snapped! Only then did she realize how close they still were to Giovanni's office, when James and Meowth shushed her.

"Yeah, yeah. Forget all dat," Meowth whispered. "It's done. Finito. Now we've got a new issue. The Twoips…"

"And Pikachu," James finished. "Is it really over? Truly?"

"You heard him," Jessie replied. "We can't afford to disobey him a second time!"

"Still… it feels awfully weird." Meowth huffed, crossing his arms. "Like it's th' end of an era."

"If it's come to this, though," James replied, "maybe it's for the best. I don't think I could survive an assignment like that, again."

"Still, it feels so wrong… Stealing Pikachu had been our entire lives, until just last year."

"For the sake of those lives, I'd say it's time we started a new one."

Meowth stared distantly up at the finely painted ceiling. Pikachu's vile, vicious words still played in his head, like the recorder that'd just incriminated them. "Maybe… that's for da best."

Chapter 13: One of us

Chapter Text

After the turmoil and mayhem of the preceding days and even weeks, one would expect an uneventful day among it all, right? A day where nothing at all goes awry, on this vacation?

But, of course not.

"What in the world was that!?" Dawn had shouted, her voice drowned out by the sounds of rattling explosions nearby.

Flashes of light from around the block terrorized Nimbasa's busy districts, causing a localized panic. Parents grabbed their children and fled whatever this noise was, while a couple of seeming trainers stood by with Poké Balls at the ready in their hands.

Ash and Dawn were among those trainers. Before they could take any action, though, the commotion's seeming source rounded the block. It was a huge, stampeding Pokémon; one that in that short time, Ash, Dawn, Pikachu, and Empoleon could only assess to be a huge, magenta and black insect that was built a lot more like a steed, sporting huge jagged horns, and a human woman with sleek, black gear riding atop them.

"Hey!" Dawn shouted, shaking a fist at them. "What's the big idea!?"

The girl went entirely ignored as the two sped by. "Pin Missile!" The woman ordered, the mysterious Pokémon skidding to a halt in the middle of the street. Turning their head, they fired bright, explosive needles back in the direction they'd come from.

Without particularly good aim, the needles looked like they were sent to disperse a crowd more than anything. Unfortunately, this left an errant missile flying directly towards the band of teenagers and their starters.

Before any of them could think to act, a burst of light materialized from Dawn's belt. Absol appeared, and threw herself at Empoleon in a full-body tackle. He was knocked into Dawn, who was knocked into Ash and Pikachu. The four were knocked over, and out of the way of the needle.

It struck concrete mere feet away from them, exploding violently. Smoke and chunks of roadwork obscured their vision, as the group gathered themselves.

"That was a close one…" Ash groaned, brushing himself off. He inspected himself, finding that he'd skinned his knee on the sidewalk, but thankfully nothing worse. "Everyone okay?"

"I'm not hurt, at least."


"No need to worry… All thanks to Absol!" Dawn praised, petting the Disaster Pokémon's horn. "You saved us, girl!"

"Sol," the Dark-type grunted. "Ab!"

Her second cry alerted Ash, who only barely scrambled his way out of a dark shadow that shot by. "Woah! Another close one… Now, what the hell is going on, here!?"

"Are you all alright!?" A woman rolled up on a motorcycle with a sidecar, tires screeching to a turning halt beside the group. With teal hair, copper eyes, and a beige police uniform, she appeared to be an officer of the law.

"Officer Jenny…?" Ash echoed his thoughts. She looked quite different from those in the regions he'd been to; not that it was important, at the moment.

"We're just fine," Dawn answered. "But whatwasthat!? There was a woman on a giant Pokémon, and she was being chased by something else…!"

"I received a distress call, just now," Jenny explained. "There have been reports recently of a Pokémon Hunter in the area. I take it neither of you have heard of Anima…?"

"Anima? We haven't," Dawn shook her head.

"Another Pokémon Hunter…" Ash snarled through his teeth. It was like some kind of sick joke. Even in another region, people like this were out there mistreating Pokémon!

"Stay safe, and alert any authorities you can find if there's more trouble," Jenny instructed, before revving her motorcycle and taking off.

"Ash, you heard her!" Dawn spoke up, dusting herself off after Empoleon had pulled her to her feet. "If she was crazy enough to run through a city firing off attacks everywhere, she was definitely guilty of something! We have to do something!"

Ash tightened a hand into a fist, but didn't respond.


He shook his head. The guilt and urge to act was overpowering, but he felt frozen in spite of it. "I want to, but… We'd just be throwing ourselves into another mess, all over again?"

"We talked about this, Ash."Pikachu's ears pinned back on his head. He, himself, felt frightened, but he felt compelled to speak, with yesterday in mind."What happened wasn't anyone's fault. Didn't you say at Silph, that if someone's in trouble, we have to do something?"

"I did… but look at what happened to you!" Ash argued.

"I already told you,"Pikachu shouted back,"I'd go through it all again, if another Pokémon doesn't have to!"

Ash exhaled heavily. "Dawn, did you see which way they went."

"To the left of this block," Dawn pointed. "Now let's hurry, or we won't catch up!"

"Pol!" Empoleon slapped a wing to his chest, and ran towards the nearest alleyway. Acting on his own, he fired a continuous Ice Beam down its entire length before letting up.

Ash, Dawn, and Absol followed, and gasped.

"Empoleon!" He gestured to his back.

"I get it," Ash beamed. "He wants us to slide with him! C'mon, Dawn!"

"Empoleon!" Dawn huffed. "Of all the crazy… Alright! You go first, then Ash, and then I'll go!"

The penguin took a running start before going belly-first, followed by Ash, who lunged and held onto the steel protrusions on his back. Dawn was next, throwing her weight around Ash.

The built up weight and momentum was enough to send Empoleon shooting down the icy path, with Absol close behind; all just in time for another cry of Pin Missile to hit their ears. Green flashes dotted the next street, from their narrow view, before they came to a halt at its end.

The magenta blur kept on moving upon their exit, but the smaller shadow was now stumbling. With a dusty, mangy crimson mane, they moved sluggishly, and collapsed in the middle of the road.

"Is that…?" Dawn started.

"...A Zoroark!" Ash finished. He sprinted to the downed Pokémon without another thought; people were scattered and frightened, refusing to go anywhere near the illusionist. He crouched by the Pokémon, he and Pikachu looking them over. "Hey, are you okay?"

A low growl was the Zoroark's answer. They bore their fangs at Ash, parting the red markings that resembled facepaint for razor-sharp canines. Icy blue eyes lingered on him, but they looked glassy and unfocused; as if they were in a daze.

Most notably, Ash noticed, was a sickly streak of purple across their muzzle. "They're poisoned." The trainer shrugged off his bag, quickly rummaging through it. "Just stay put, Zoroark. It's okay. You're gonna be better in just a minute… Dawn, you go ahead!"

"But, Ash-"

"We're gonna lose track of that creep! I'll handle things and catch up with you, after!"

"...Right." Dawn nodded, and settled herself atop Absol's back. "Absol, do you think you can take me to them? Your danger sense hasn't failed us, yet!"


She nodded, and recalled Empoleon, tapping the Disaster's side with her heel. "Let's go!"

"Good. Now, let's get you better," Ash held the bulky potion in his hand.

A Full Restore. They were pretty expensive, but after the last few incidents, Ash had made sure to stock up on at least a couple, just in case. He pulled out the bulky beige canister filled with green fluid, pointing the nozzle towards the Dark-type. "Here. This'll make you-"

The Zoroark lunged before he could finish his sentence; jumping to pin and slash at Ash!

"Pikapi!" Pikachu cried, tumbling off Ash's shoulder. He stood back up, cheeks crackling.

"Don't… do it, Buddy!" Ash struggled out, grappling with the beast's wrists. "Just.. knock it off, you…!" He heard cries of concern from bystanders, but ignored them. It was all he could do to squirm and veer his head to avoid snapping jowls. "I know you're… scared! Ow!" Her crimson claw dug into his arm. "But I'm… trying to help you!"

The hard-headed trainer and the maned fox got caught in a hectic wrestling match. Using his wits in vital split-seconds, Ash managed to obscure himself in the back of her crimson mane, which he couldn't help but notice was awfully dirty, and managed to grab her in an armlock.

'Crap. The Full Restore!'In the initial scrap, he'd dropped it. "Pikachu! The potion!"

Pikachu grabbed the Full Restore in both paws, and tossed it."Catch!"

"Got it!" Ash snagged it in one hand, fumbling with the rectangular container. "Just… stay… still…!" He managed to point the nozzle towards the both of them, and pressed the nozzle.

The Zoroark cried out in response, before stopping completely. Eyes wide, they felt their strength returning. Confusion left them still for a moment, before they realized that, through some trickery, their wounds had healed.

"Agh!" Ash was immediately thrown violently aside, leaning on his back in the middle of the road. By the time he'd sat up, the Zoroark was already dashing off.

"Ash! Are you okay?"Pikachu dashed over, brushing the blood trickling from Ash's cut away with his tail."For everything that's happened, you're no less reckless."

"You can scold me for it later." Ash flipped onto his feet, and tossed a Poké Ball. "Pidgeot!"

"Pidgoo!" Pidgeot spanned her wide wings, landing beside Ash and Pikachu. Head tilted, as if she already knew why she'd been called out. "Djo."

Ash blinked, puzzled. But, he wouldn't look a gift Ponyta in the mouth; he climbed on board, joined by Pikachu. "Follow that Zoroark," he pointed toward the quickly disappearing shadow.

With a cry, Pidgeot took off, soaring over Nimbasa's panicked streets. Her Keen Eye ability served her well, guiding her on a steady and sure path.

"Thanks, girl, I owe you one. We've got a Pokémon Hunter to stop! Dawn should be up ahead, somewhere, keeping track of them, with Ab-"

"Pidg," she cut him off, as if to say that she already understood.

"You get it. You must've been listening in…" Ash hummed to himself. This was beginning to make sense. "I was wondering how you already knew to give us a ride."

"You should have more faith in my intuition, you know,"a motherly voice chided."I'm not sure exactly what's happening. But I felt your distress and urgency behind that toss. You wouldn't call me out so suddenly in a crowded area, if not for that."

"Oh. Yeah. I guess that makes sense," Ash answered. A beat, before he exclaimed, "wait, did I just understand you!?"

Pidgeot had lost track of the Zoroark through an alleyway, and hovered around above for a better view. She tilted her head."Did you not, before? We've conversed many times."

"No, I mean… I'dgetyou, usually. But I'm, like, actually hearing you! Like, the Aura thing!"

Though she couldn't afford to pull her eyes away, he felt her feathers bristle. Through their link that he now knew of, he felt the warmth of her sentiments."So, the same thing you've managed with Pikachu. How nice."

"I'm just… surprised," Ash admitted. "After everything it took with Pikachu, that was so easy."

"You really shouldn't be,"Pidgeot replied."We've known each other since we were both young and puny. Maybe it isn't always a climactic struggle. Maybe you just need to listen a little more."

"Maybe…" Ash echoed, although the thought was still sinking in. "I think you're right; itwasanticlimactic, huh."

"Although I have to say, I am happy. You hearing my every word is a nice development."

"It's great, isn't it?"Pikachu interjected, cutting a mischievous smile at his trainer."We won't have to play charades for you, anymore."

"H-hey!" Ash bristled, frowning. He recalled that very day last year, soaring on Pidgeot's back, just like he was now. "I figured it out, didn't I?"

"You did,"Pikachu ceded."But now you can do it a lot faster."

Ash snorted, though he couldn't feel any bitterness. For a moment, he allowed himself to smile, before Pidgeot's tailing of Zoroark led them towards a far seedier-looking part of Nimbasa.

Dawn's chase had brought her, certainly, to the road less traveled. In pursuit of the hunter and her Pokémon, she'd come from crowded, colorful business districts to grimy alleys, unkempt buildings, and tattered remains of safety and construction signs. Abandoned skeletons of buildings with intentions long obsolete laid vulnerable, awaiting rust, rain, and the elements.

"Venoshock!" The thief cried once more, her magenta steed spitting vile, green venom.

"Detect!" Dawn cried. Absol assessed the incoming slime, and bounded over it. Dashing from a pile of bricks to land atop a large, unfinished pipe. Her weight nearly buckled under her, forcing her and Dawn to cling on for balance. "Absol…!"

The Disaster Pokémon was suffering steadily worsening venom flowing through her. A blue streak across her snout remained from the enemy's Toxic, and although she'd ignored it at first, the effects had gotten cumulatively worse. "Sol…" She denied her trainer's worries hoarsely.

"Lie down like the dog you are, and desist," the villain shouted. "You value your life, don't you?"

Dawn grit her teeth, and started reaching for another Poké Ball.

"Ab," Absol grunted, catching her attention. She nodded her head skyward.

Dawn followed her line of sight, and gasped. Not far behind the villain was a steel girder, suspended by an old, inactive crane. She understood Absol. "Night Slash, now!"

Absol swung her crescent, launching a mauve blade of energy. It sliced through the crane's pulley, freeing the girder to plummet. Dawn could see the terror unfold in the criminal's posture. Though, she wasn't in danger of being crushed. That would've put her Pokémon in danger, to say nothing of whichever she might've stolen, too.

As it were, the massive object crashed through unfinished infrastructure, bringing down an avalanche of broken cement, dirt, and debris. When the dust settled, the path forward was sealed off; Dawn had prevented her escape.

"You vermin…!" The hunter hissed. "Use Pin Missile!"

Another round of bright, explosive needles rained down upon Dawn and Absol.

"Detect!" Dawn shouted. Absol attempted to scan the move, but venom surged through her again, and her knees buckled. "Absol!"

With the last of her strength, Absol bucked Dawn and kicked her back off the pipe. It was all she could manage, before the barrage pummeled and obscured her.

Dawn hit the dirt and mud on her rear, shielding her eyes from blinding lights, dirt, and smog. The fall had hurt, and she was sure she wasfilthy, now. But that was wholly unimportant as she stumbled her way into the debris. "Absol… Absol! Where are you!?"

In the shattered remains of the pipe she'd perched on, the Disaster Pokémon laid on her back, unconscious. Dawn bit her lip, gently brushing the back of her hand through her fur. "Girl… Thank you. You deserve a good long rest, after this. Sit tight, and I'll handle the rest."

Absol returned to her Poké Ball, and Dawn stood, assessing the aftermath. Left, right, and center, there was no sign at all of the villain or her Pokémon, despite the blocked path. "Darn it…!"

The gray and crimson shadow of Zoroark dashed through, blowing by Dawn to inspect the area.

"Zoroark…! She made it," Dawn breathed a sigh of relief. "Then, where's Ash?"

"Dawn!" Pidgeot dipped from the skies immediately afterward, swooping down nearby. Ash hopped off of her, with Pikachu boarding his shoulder. "Dawn, what happened? Where's Absol!?"

Dawn held up her Poké Ball. "She got knocked out, saving me."

Looking her over, Ash frowned. Her sundress was muddied and torn in several places. "You look real roughed up. I'll have to thank her later… What about the hunter?"

"She lost us, after that last attack. I haven't had time to look for her, yet. You didn't see her, either?"

"None from me," Ash shook his head. "But, Zoroark is sure she's around here somewhere. Right?"

The aforementioned Pokémon poked their head out of a broken window with a sullen expression. Apparently, the abandoned buildings held no sign of her. But, their scent was near…

"Pika…" Pikachu sprung to hang over the window sill, his ears hanging low. He'd even scurried into narrow passages and rooms, but little could be found, aside from the occasional Bug-type he didn't recognize. Stout, crimson bugs had taken their territory very seriously. He quickly scooted his way back out.

"Bummer… I guess that would've been too obvious, huh." Ash shoved his hands into his pockets, leaning against an ashy, crack-riddled brick wall. A glance to the left sparked his attention.

"Check it out." Ash squinted, peering down a path laid with moss and broken cement. Past another apartment or two laid what had to be city limits; half-finished buildings and construction projects were scattered across flattened ground. It was even more of a wasteland than the projects they now dwelled.

"Maybe she's hiding out there. Whaddya think?"

"It's probably the only route she had, after I blocked off the path forward," Dawn concluded.

"It's worth a try. Whaddya say?" Ash turned his attention to the fox perched above, and his companion alongside her.

The huge mass of red and black fur sprung from the window, making a mad dash towards their destination, springing over railings and small, purple, feline-like pokemon that hissed in return. Whether they were cooperating with the group in any capacity was up in the air, but that matter could wait.

"Looks like we got our answer. C'mon!" A waiting arm was held out, quickly boarded by Pikachu, before Ash took off in pursuit of the Illusion Fox, and the culprit.

"We're right behind you!" Dawn asserted, hurrying along as quickly as she could manage in her summer wear.

Scolipede had been returned to their ball, for the sake of inconspicuousness. The last thing she needed was its stature or bright colors drawing any attention, so the Bug-type sat in its Poké Ball on her hip. Her back was pressed to a dingy wall, with light leaking into the unfinished apartment complex mere feet away. A pile of rubble, cinder blocks, and building equipment sat at the room's end, with a high ceiling looming overhead. If she could stay out of the light, then surely the children and that Zoroark would-

It was a thought she never got to finish, when her headset buzzed. She grunted, and tapped it, getting an earful of a gruff voice shouting through.

"Ay, Anima! I thought I told ya to meet me out by the slums with my Zorua! I'm not paying ya to sit on your ass!"

Anima scowled. Big city clients were so obnoxious. "I was on my way, but a few kids decided to play hero. I'll be over as soon as they're out of my way. Your Pokémon is healthy and secured, so try having a little patience."

"I'm not paying you to dawdle! Agh, it must be one of those wack job tree-huggers that've been popping up lately… If you can't handle that, then I'll find a different hunter!"

That exchange seemed to startle the cub cooped up in the cage she held with her free hand by a handle. The enclosure rattled with their fussing about, two cerulean eyes peering through the device's air holes.~Meema! Meeemaaaaa!~

A scratchy, youthful boy's voice echoed in Anima's head, making her scowl. It being one of the rare variants of Zorua who could speak was one of the reasons it was fetching such a pretty penny. But if its damn mother heard it… "Would youshut up!"

"Who are you telling to shut up!?" The man's voice hissed through the headset at full volume. "You've got some nerve, talking to a client!"

"No, I wasn't… I'll be with you within the hour. You'll be thanking me for keeping them off your-"

The hunter suddenly felt the support of the wall behind her crumble and falter, leaving her to stumble and flail back by the weight of the caged Pokémon within her grasp

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a bloodthirsty icy blue through the crumbling wall. Crimson claws broke the surface and swiped, and she gasped. A sharp sting slashed down the length of her face, but it didn't register. Not really. Falling on her rear, she couldn't mind the slash down from her cheek to her jawline, nor the splinters of broken glass from the broken headset. The faint buzzing and sparks of the damaged bluetooth were a footnote; dwarfed, like she herself in the shadow of her new guest.

The Zoroark stood in the way of daylight, eclipsing it from Anima's view. Even hunched over, with her wild, unkempt mane, she made the hunter feel oh-so-small. The wispy glow of her gaze screamed murder, and Anima was having none of it, scuttering and crawling backwards before leaping to her feet, struggling with the weight of the cage to throw Scolipede's Poké Ball.

The massive space her Pokémon took up gave her breadth, and she ran up the pile of debris in the back of the lobby, standing above it all. She managed this just in time for the two runts and their rodent to show their faces.

"There you are!" Dawn shouted, shooting a glare at the hunter. "You're way too slippery for your own good!"

For the first time, Dawn, and then Ash, got a clearer picture of the villain. A tall, toned woman with sickly green hair in a short cut, a long bang swept over her forehead. Shades with a Gyarados Tooth headset equipped disguised one of her eyes, with the other half of the headset thoroughly broken, and a dark, simplistic outfit allowed her to blend in with the dingy setting.

"Give that Pokémon back, right now!" Ash barked, finally catching up to Dawn.

"I've had it with your persistence… Scolipede!" Anima gestured forth.

"Hang tight, Zoroark," Ash said, grabbing a Poké Ball. "We'll fight, too!"

As the venomous insect reared back, the Zoroark was made painfully aware of every obstacle around them. The huge vermin standing in the way of her cub, in their direct line of sight. The two other humans and their servants with the same aim, behind her.

They were in their way. They wereallin their way. Ghastly wisps of cyan leaked from their eyes. Deep violet and sunset red hues leaked from their disproportionately large paws that dug into the dirt. With a feral shriek, the Zoroark slammed their forelegs into the building's dingy foundation. A shockwave of warm and cool hues expanded in an explosive bubble.

Thunderous explosions and strong winds sent Ash, Dawn, and Pikachu flying back for a rough landing, while Scolipede suffered a direct hit, rearing back and hissing with disdain.

"Ugh…" Ash groaned, sitting up to adjust his visor back into place. "Buddy, Dawn. You alright?"

"Pika-Pika," Pikachu affirmed, boarding Ash's shoulder again.

"I'm fine… But what's Zoroark's deal!? We're on their side!"

"I don't think they know that," Ash said, frowning. "They put up a huge fuss when I healed them; they don't trust us at all. Especially with their own on the line, if that Pokémon is theirs…"

He could look back on the Game Corner. How desperate he'd been, when his own child's life had been in peril. Looking at the Pokémon's back turned to them, his heart ached.

A Pokémon so opposed to help, even in a time like this… They had to be solonely.

"I just wish we could show them, somehow, that we're with them… But for now, fighting's clearly off the table."

"Maybe," Dawn hummed. Her eyes widened, as a thought struck. She leaned in to whisper to Ash. "If they won't let us fight, then we can at least help them get their baby back."

Ash nodded. "Sounds good, but how do we do it?"

"You stay here," Dawn hushed. "I'll sneak around and make a distraction, somehow. I'm an expert at taking the spotlight," she winked.

Ash smirked, nodding. "I'm leaving it all to you." In the meantime, though, he pulled out his Pokédex, pointing it at the Zoroark's foe.

"Scolipede: The Megapede Pokémon. Highly aggressive, it uses the claws near its neck to dig into its opponents and poison them."

"A Bug and Poison-type," Ash recounted off the screen. "That explains why they were poisoned earlier. And they're at a disadvantage."

Zoroark paid that absolutely no heed, lunging at Scolipede with claws leaking a mauve trail. Night Slash was aimed right at the insect's jugular.


Nasty, purple venom was spat directly at the Zoroark. Instinctively closing her eyes, they were bathed in venom, falling to the ground. They hissed in pain, as purple sparks and bubbles emanated from them.

"They're poisoned again!" Ash grimaced. "And they ran right into it…"

"Honestly, I'd take it too," Anima thought aloud, "but no one would want a Pokémon stupid enough to run into the same trick, twice."

"You…!" Ash snarled. He had no time to focus on the hunter, though, as Scolipede cried and stomped its many hooves in tandem without prompting. A red aura surrounded them, denoting some kind of increase in stats. Ash aimed his Pokédex at them. "Dexter?"

"Scolipede's Hidden Ability: Speed Boost. The Pokémon's speed stat increases every turn."

"Use Steamroller!' Leaping and tucking into what looked to be a giant magenta wheel, Scolipede revved and sped across the battlefield, crashing into Zoroark with remarkable speed.

"That speed's going to be a problem," Ash said to himself. Meanwhile, the Dark-type struggled to their feet. Their paws were leaking wicked energy, and were slammed against the earth.

"Pin Missile!"

A barrage of needles fired towards the expanding dome of Night Daze, striking and puncturing its bubble. Crimson, violet, and emerald hues splashed over the field, canceling one another out.

A red aura overtook Scolipede, again. Their speed increased further.

Zoroark, once again, paid it no heed. Throwing themselves at Scolipede, they slashed repeatedly at them with Night Slash. This time, the Megapede leaned, ducked, and contorted their body in succession, expertly moving around the fierce attacks.


Scolipede threw their head around, and spat nasty green ooze at the Dark-type, who stretched into an ashy blur. Avoiding the larger Pokémon's move, they stopped nearby. They gained their own red burst of light, subsequently; Ash recognized this as Agility.

Zoroark immediately followed by striking the debris-laden ground with Night Daze.

"Use Steamroller!"

Retracting into a spinning wheel, Scolipede bounced and launched off to crash into the top of Night Daze's collision made the shockwave waver and burst, launching the Megapede safely skyward.

Slow, tactful steps brought Dawn around the perimeter of the unfinished building; any misstep on this uneven, disorganized construction site could either result in a sprained ankle or catching the hunter's notice, Dawn figured. She'd already nearly tripped into several ditches in the process.

Hanging close to the wall, she peered around what was clearly meant to be a window.'Maybe there'll be a better view of a way in from here,'she thought, scouting the ongoing battle. The hunter still stood on the pile of rubble, towards the back. Though from her location, Dawn could see the top half of another window gap, only partially buried by construction supplies and debris.

It wasn't far from the woman, either; that could be her way in!

The deafening boom of Night Daze drew Dawn's attention before she moved onward. Scolipede bounced high towards the ceiling, still curled and poised to continue their attack. Despite that, the Zoroark showed no caution and lunged toward them.

Dawn bit her lip.'They've got momentum and gravity against them, there! They're…'

"...attacking wildly, without any strategy at all!" Ash thought aloud. "Zoroark!"

Scolipede unfolded, smacking Zoroark brutally to the earth.

"Target in crosshairs," Anima said. "Venoshock!"

Sickly, venomous slime plummeted and struck the Zoroark with a loud'smack.'The Illusion Fox howled and writhed, succumbing to acute venom that coated and dirtied their fur & mane. Green sparks danced of their body, snapping at them.

"Zoroark!" Ash exclaimed in horror. "What is that move…? It looked like it hurt a lot!" He pointed his Pokédex towards Scolipede.

"Venoshock: A Poison-type attack. The user drenches the target in a special poisonous liquid. Its power is doubled if the target is poisoned."

The Illusion Fox struggled to pull themselves up, despite it all. Not even bothering to shake off the venom, they hunched over, breathing heavily. A hoarse, pained howl sounded as a battle cry.

"This is horrible…" Ash watched the scene with genuine worry and distaste. "Zoroark's been chasing an opponent with moves that are totally deadly to them, to get their baby back… They haven't even used their fourth move, at all!"

Zoroark stumbled forth, making a sloppy attempt to keep even footing. Brandishing a paw that leaked violent Dark-type energy. They were readying a Night Slash.

Ash's eyes snapped wide open. He knewexactlywhere this was headed.

The hunter, atop her pile, smirked. "Venoshock."

"Zoroark!" Ash sprinted, shrugging Pikachu off his shoulder. He heard his starter's cry, but there was simply no time. He could only barely catch up to the stumbling Zoroark, and his vision started to be filled with sickly green. He lunged and hurdled over the Illusion Fox.

He was already upside-down when he felt the searing venom permeate his shirt. It seared his back, and he cried in pain. But, it didn't hit Zoroark. He hit the dirt before her.

Stopping short, the Zoroark was stunned still. Icy blue hues fixed on the human who'd thrown himself in their path. They watched him wrestle and tear his button-up off of him, and discard the burning clothing. The human desperately flicked poisonous slime off of his raw skin, and allowed himself to fall on his side, afterward. Nothing about this made sense.

"Agh… ugh, that hurts," the teenager hissed. He held the pink, toughened skin spanning down his shoulder blade from Moltres's burn. The steady, unpleasant sensation of a burn tickled his scarred flesh. But, that wasn't important. "Hey," he managed, voice a little strained.

He smiled at the Zoroark. "You okay…? You shouldn't be running into moves like that, y'know."

~Yet, you did the very same,~a low, motherly voice reverberated in the trainer's mind. The fox's eyes were narrowed, incredulous.~Why.~

Ash blinked. He recalled the other Zoroark in Crown City speaking, as well. But that was hardly important, right now. "That's simple," he replied. "You were in serious trouble, and I didn't want to see you get hurt!"

He could see the gears turning in the Pokémon's head on her face. The struggle to adjust to new information.~You're human. To go so far to help a Pokémon you don't know… This goes against everything I know of your kind. You had no incentive to put yourself in peril.~

"Do you always need a reason to help somebody?" Ash winked, before seeing a flash out of the corner of his eye. Green explosive needles rained towards the two.

Zoroark shoved Ash behind her, and bashed the earth. An expanding Night Daze caught herself and the trainer in its bubble, detonating the incoming Pin Missile. Smoke lingered across the battlefield.

Sitting up, Ash stared at the Pokémon's back. "What was that about helping people you don't know?"

~I know you as the human who saved me, now,~she answered.~I was repaying my debt.~

Ash smirked. It felt nice to know that he'd touched her heart, at least a little. Maybe there was more to this Pokémon —'No, of course there is! She's someone who's not used to help; she just told me that. If I want to work with her…'

He thought back to Pidgeot's words, earlier.

'Maybe you just need to listen a little more.'

"Listen, Zoroark," Ash started. "I understand that you don't trust outside help. Or, people in general. But can you at least let me help you save your baby?"

~...For him. That will be fine.~

"Perfect!" Ash flipped back onto his feet. "Now, hear me out. If we're gonna beat these guys, we have to use our heads."

Zoroark nodded.~Do you have a plan?~

"Leave it to me," Ash boasted, a glint in his eye. "I'm pretty good at this kind of thing. That's a big part of what being a Pokémon Trainer's all about!" He gestured a hand outward. "Now, use Nasty Plot!"

Zoroark, for the first time in this fight, focused her mind on the task before her. That dreaded Scolipede, and their wretched master… they would both payseverelyfor what they'd done. A potent crimson aura washed over her. Her special attack rose sharply.

That, in itself, spurred Ash's thought process.'Wait, hold on. Scolipede's Speed Boost hasn't gone off, recently… that must mean it's maxed out!'Much like his battle with Blaine had shown him, a stat can only increase so many times before the effect dies out. Ash smirked.

"Now's our chance to catch up to them, Zoroark," Ash shouted. "Agility! Charge in!"


The most potent of poisons fired at Zoroark again, this time falling far short of hitting its target. Dashing erratic patterns, she quickly closed the gap between herself and Scolipede.

"Night Slash, and aim low!" Ash called. A necessary distinction, as the fox's eyes had already been training on the most vital parts of the Megapede's neck. She decided to trust the human's instincts, and slashed at their legs, instead.

Still faster by a fair margin, Scolipede sprung far above the raking claws coming for them.

"Gotcha," Ash smirked, with his signature glint in his eye. "Night Daze!"

Anima cursed under her breath, when she caught onto the position the trainer had put her in. "You dirty, conniving—!" Her words were deafened by Night Daze and the resulting explosion.

Twice as potent and twice as large, the sunset hues of Zoroark's attack sent Scolipede flying, and unearthed some of the terrain supporting Anima's footing. She stumbled and fell, clinging to solid rock to anchor herself.

"Yes! That's the way!" Ash grinned, pumping a fist. He felt a bit guilty doing so, when Zoroark recoiled from bubbling poison.

~Your tactics are well-polished,~she praised, righting herself.~I can see how you came to be a leader.~

"I couldn't have done it without your power," Ash replied, giving a thumbs-up. "That's the great thing about teamwork!"

The open window gap was a bit tougher to squeeze through than Dawn had imagined, once she'd found it. She had to crouch and duck her head, and crawling on the rubble filling up the bottom half was uncomfortable, to say the least.

She had to tread carefully, or any loose rock might catch the hunter's attention. From Dawn's vantage point, the woman was mere feet away from where she snooped.'She's right there… but, how am I going to get to her and grab that cage without her noticing me, first?'

The iron prison in question sat firmly in the woman's hand. Through small breathing slots in the metal, a pair of baby blue eyes peered through, and spotted the snooping teenager.


A scratchy, boyish voice rang in Dawn's head, startling her. She shifted, knocking a few rocks loose. Luckily, an explosion from the battle below seemed to cover it up. Had she been hearing things!?

~You! Yeah, you! Help me!~The voice sounded again.

Telepathy, it seemed. That wasn't Rosa's voice, nor was it Ash's. Thinking back on it, the Zorua in Crown City had done this, too. But, she couldn't quite answer him without alerting the thief. Maybe if she simplythoughther answer back…?'That's what I'm here for! No need to worry. But first, I need to stage some kind of distraction so I can get you out of there!'

~Thank goodness! I really thought I was done for…~He'd heard her, then.~Ooooh, I know! You should kick her!~

'Kick her!?'Dawn frowned.'That sounds like a bad idea. How would I even get away with that?'

~C'monnn! It'll be hi-larious!~

'I'm not trying to be hilarious, I'm trying to save you!'

~C'mon, c'mon! Do it!~

Dawn's cheek puffed out in irritation. This little brat wasn't listening at all.'I'm not kicking her!'

~You should!~

'Be quiet! I'm trying to think of a plan.'

~Do it. You won't.~

'That's exactly what I said! Er, thought…?'

"Night Slash!" Ash's voice could be heard from below. Dawn looked over in time to watch the Zoroark throw herself at Scolipede with razor-sharp claws. A split-second surge of poison made her howl, though, and completely lose her footing.

Scolipede lifted their front legs, and brought their weight down atop Zoroark, pinning her.

Dawn bit her lip.'There's no time for goofing off… Zoroark's in trouble! Maybe I can just use one of my own Pokémon. I bet Buneary would-'


"I'M NOT KICKING HER." Dawn blurted out, before slapping her hands over her mouth. Ash, the hunter, and even Scolipede looked over, making the girl freeze. Her position had been given away.

"Ohhh… darn it!" Gripping the hems of her sundress, Dawn scrambled to her feet and charged the bewildered thief. She reared her foot back, and kicked Anima in the hindquarters.

The hunter yelled in a combination of pain and bewilderment, losing hold of the Zorua's cage, which soared into the air.

Dawn moved to catch the cage, yelping as it came down with far more weight than she'd expected. She stumbled to catch her balance, nearly falling down the slope, herself. "G-gotcha!"

Anima, meanwhile, had a painful tumble down the gravel and debris, landing by her Scolipede. The Megapede turned their head around to follow the commotion.

"They're distracted; perfect!" Ash exclaimed. "Use Nasty Plot, and then give 'em your best Night Daze!"

The Scolipede's grip had loosened slightly, allowing Zoroark the breathing room to gather her vindictive thoughts. Not to mention, the room to free her forelegs, and smash them against the dirt. She lacked the range to give the attack her all, but the ground below her still gave into a crater.

Scolipede was still sent flying. This time, right through the ceiling. The flooring to the second level fell through in huge, broken fragments towards Anima and Zoroark, alike.

The former scuttled back in a panic, while the latter was yanked out of the way by Ash.

Anima cursed her luck, and recalled Scolipede on their way back down. "You miserable brats…! You've gone and lost me a client! You'll pay dearly for this." Reaching for her belt, she pulled off a dark, round capsule, and threw it at the ground; turning away from the impact.

A bright, blinding light seared the eyes of anyone looking towards it. She'd set off a flashbang. Ash guarded Pikachu and Zoroark's eyes, hiding his own with his visor. Dawn had turned away, clutching the cage close to her. It was a harsh, unpleasant experience, soon enough coming to an end.

"Where is she…?" Ash groaned, blinking repeatedly to adjust to the dingy lighting of the skeletal building. "I don't see her anywhere!"

"I think she got away," Dawn replied, carefully setting down the cage she'd secured. "But, she's the least of our problems right now."

"Yeah, you're right," Ash agreed, supporting Zoroark with his side that hadn't been seared with poison. "We did it, Zorkark. We won."

~...Rura.~Zoroark wheezed, leaning a majority of her weight on Ash.~Where is Rura.~

"Rura…?" Ash asked. "You mean your Zorua?"

"Way ahead of you!" Dawn pulled out Janine's hairpin, fiddling with the lock on the ironclad box. After a moment, it popped, and one of its sides popped open.

Inside was, indeed, a Zorua, who immediately leapt into Dawn's arms.~Freedom!~He chirped, scuttling up to Dawn's shoulder before perching atop her head.~Thanks, kicking lady.~

"The name isDawn,"Dawn huffed. "D-A-W-N. And, you're welcome."

"Freeze! This is the Nimbasa Police!" Jenny's voice could just barely be heard over the screeching of tires. The officer rushed into the abandoned building, accompanied by a canine-like Pokémon with excessive brown, cream, and blue fur. She came to a halt when she saw the scene before her. "You kids…!"

"We handled it," Ash boasted, albeit tiredly, flashing a peace sign. "Zoroark's baby is safe."

"You did what, now!? I don't recall…" Officer Jenny shook her head, collecting herself. "Do you know the whereabouts of the perpetrator?"

"She threw down something that made a bright explosion and got away," Dawn explained. "She said something about us losing her a client."

"Then, that's the Pokémon Hunter, alright… There's no doubt left." The aqua-haired woman tutted. "She can be dealt with later. I'm more concerned about the well-being of these Pokémon, and you couple of kids. You all look like you're in terrible shape!"

"I've seen better days," Ash said flatly. "But, it was all worth it to help a Pokémon in need."

The Zoroark he was shouldering, meanwhile, stirred.~Rura. You're…~Before she could finish her thought, she fully collapsed onto Ash. The teen struggled to prop her back up.


~Meema!~Rura hopped off of Dawn's head, running over to paw at his mother.~Meema, say something!~

"Meema…?" Ash echoed, shaking his head. "Officer Jenny, Zo… Meema needs to get taken care of, immediately! She took lots of damage, and she's been poisoned by Toxic! I gave her my last Full Restore, too…"

"Even if youdidhave one, such duress would still require a good medical eye," Jenny replied, frowning. "You'd better get her to a Pokémon Center. I don't suppose we'll have time to stop by the Precinct."

Ash, Dawn, and Pikachu paled at that suggestion. "We'd…reallyrather not," Ash pleaded.

"Piiikachu," Pikachu pleaded.

"That's very understandable, with the day you've all had. I'll give you both a ride back, and you can explain what happened to me on the way." She paused, scrunching her nose. "I'm sure Nurse Joy will offer you both a fresh change of clothes, too."

Ash nodded, seeing no issue with that plan. Except for just one thing. "But, Zoroark's not ours. I'm pretty sure she's a wild Pokémon. And you can't exactly carry her like Rura, either."

"Then the only option, for now, is to catch her," Officer Jenny deduced the obvious. "Unless you'd rather I take care of it…"

"No, no! I'll do it," Ash protested. "She's not very fond of humans, and she's only really warmed up to me." Rummaging through his bag, he pulled out an unoccupied Poké Ball. He tapped it lightly against the Illusion Fox's snout, capturing her in a ray of light. The sphere began to wobble in his hand.

~H-hey! What did you do to Meema!?~Rura protested, clawing at Ash.~Where'd she go!?~

"It's only temporary," Ash promised, reaching to ruffle his head. "We just need to get your Meema some help." After several wobbles, the Poké Ball clicked. He heard Dexter drone on about new data in his back pocket, afterward.

"Alright then," Jenny said, offering Ash a hand up. "Then let's get moving."


"I told you, this would be a lot less painful if you didn't move."

Now, this was a feeling he hadn't particularly missed. The continuous sting of having a scar cleaned and disinfected, while a Nurse Joy scolded him to stay still.

"I'm trying," Ash huffed, keeping his hands folded in his lap to occupy himself. "Believe me."

"And you're doing quite well," Joy praised, blotting at freshly irritated scar tissue. "A lot better than most. I'd ask if you have experience, but your repertoire of scars gives me the answer. Honestly… this burn of yours is fairly fresh! When did you even acquire this, and how?"

Ash hummed, counting back the months. "About six months ago, give or take. And, uh… I got burned by a Moltres." He felt Joy's work on him pause for a good, long moment. "I'm not lying."

The cleaning continued. "If you're telling the truth, then I'm led to believe that Kanto's reputation for poor safety standards isn't unfounded. Goodness… and throwing yourself in front of a Venoshock with the state you were in!? That's a pattern of alarmingly reckless behavior, young man."

Ash, surprising even himself, could only smile. The whole exchange felt oddly routine. Nostalgic, even, for those days at the foot of Mt. Silver. "I get the feeling I'm never going to stop hearing these sorts of things…"

"That's averyconcerning thing for someone your age to say, Ash."

"I know," he said. "I'll do better." He wondered whether he'd break that promise, again. That train of thought led him to change the subject. "How's Zoroark?"

"You can see her, if you'd like. I'm just about…"


"...done. Now, until the ointment settles in, you can wear a patient's gown to visit her."

Ash took one of the pale teal gowns, wrapping it around himself before following Joy into a different wing of the center's back corridors. Through one window, he saw a plump, pink and cream colored Pokémon that he now knew as Audino dealing with an excitable Rura.

The next one down, painted a less cute and cuddly picture. Meema was laid out on a large cot, with several wires and IVs hooked up to her. Her vitals continuously played on a monitor, and although Ash didn't understand them, they seemed to be stable.

"Poor gal…" Ash frowned, planting a hand against the glass. "That damned hunter!"

"Sadly, I can't say that all of this can be owed to today's incident," Nurse Joy said from beside him. "She seems like she's recently been starved. Either she's an escapee of someone who didn't care for her well… perhaps a poaching ring, along with her cub… or she simply had poor luck in the wild. The latter would be quite odd, though, as Zorua seems to be in decent health."

Ash's hand tightened into a balled up fist. The whole thing made him so terriblyangry.Another Pokémon, suffering for no reason at all. "Meema…"

"We do have her on fluids right now, though," Joy continued, "and she seems to be making a steady recovery." Ash breathed a sigh of relief. "She should be in good health after a good night's rest. But, you'll have to keep a close eye on her."

"Hm?" Ash looked up to Nurse Joy, blinking.

"Make sure she eats, and keep her on a steady, high-protein diet. I can write you some prescriptions on your way out and send you off with a sample; they should be available at any Poké Mart." The Nurse smiled, turning to head into Meema's room.

She was already under the impression, clearly, that Ash intended to keep her. Each word from Joy's lips made the prospect of explaining the situation harder. Ultimately, the door shut behind her. He just didn't have the heart to.

He leaned against the glass before jolting up, reminded of his wound. Crossing his arms, he sighed.

Dawn was gently running her hand over Absol's snow-white fur, while browsing a trainer's magazine in the Center lobby. The Disaster Pokémon had, luckily, already been treated and returned to her with no serious injuries. She, herself, had been given a blue courtesy blouse to wear until they returned to the hotel.

She was more focused on Absol, really, than what she'd been reading, so Pikachu and Empoleon had taken the reading material to look over for themselves.

"Dawn!" Ash entered the lobby, wearing a temporary top to match. Nurse Joy followed closely behind, with Rura in her arms.

"Ash!" Dawn was quickly on her feet. "Is everything okay…?"

He held up a Poké Ball in the palm of his hand, wearing a smile that seemed half-hearted. "She's gonna be okay."

"She will be," Joy added, "and I'd like to add that Zorua is doing just fine. Although, he was a bit difficult with his vaccinations…"

~Those hurt!~Rura complained, hopping atop the lobby's counter.~But now I don't have to worry about getting rabies. Whatever that is!~

"Well, thank goodness." Officer Jenny approached the group, holding a hand out. "I'm glad to see that everything seems to be in order. Now, if you'll just give back Zoroark, I'll happily return her to the wild."

"Oh? You're not keeping her in your care?" Nurse Joy asked, looking a tad concerned.

"She was merely caught for the sake of transport, as I recall," Jenny explained.

Ash hesitated, staring at the capsule in his hand. "...Officer Jenny, can I have a moment?"

"I don't see why not, I suppose," Jenny agreed. "I'm sure this has been quite the stressful… Young man!?"

Ash turned towards an open space in the lobby, and triple-tapped the Poké Ball's button in his palm. The flash of light that left it, then, was distinctly blue, and its glow shattered with Zoroark's presence. The Illusion Fox had formally and functionally been released.

Meema sat up from a hunched position, blinking slowly.

"I understand your sentimentality," Jenny scolded, "but this is a wild and potentially dangerous Pokémon. I can't think of any good reason to…" She cupped a hand over her mouth, after realizing that her statement had caused a mild panic inside the Center. "Remain calm, everyone, please! I was only speaking in a matter of caution!"

Ash ignored the ruckus, stepping forth and crouching in front of the Zoroark with a smile. "There you go, gal. You're free now."

~I… don't understand.~Meema said slowly, studying the trainer's face.~You'd already captured me.~

"The whole reason we got involved in the first place was for your kid's freedom," Ash explained. "We just had to get you somewhere to be treated. Now that you're safe, you can both have it back!"

Meema continued to stare at Ash, as if his words were foreign to her.~I will concede that my preconceptions of humans might have born a few errors. You, Ash and Dawn, have my gratitude. The rest of your pack, as well,~she'd add, looking to Pikachu, Empoleon, and Absol.

She nodded her head towards Rura, who hopped down to accompany her to sit before Jenny. The elder bowed her head.~I am in these caretakers' debt, as well. We'll come with you quietly.~

~Now, wait just a darn minute!~Rura yipped, rapidly shaking his head.~What are you even talking about? We're staying with them!~

~Rura,~the mother scolded.~We've burdened these humans long enough. It's not becoming to overstay your welcome.~

~You're being so DUMB about this!~He barked back, only to shrink under her sharp, motherly gaze, one ear flopping over.~I mean… Think about it! It's for our own goods! Did you see how tough and smart they both were!? The Battling Guy helped you win, and Kicking Lady kicked that jerk's butt! Besides, look — because of them, I can't get rabies!~

~...They are both dependable,~Meema conceded. She pondered her child's argument, closing her eyes.~I wouldn't mind you having a steady source of food.~ She turned to Ash, and bowed.~If you will allow us, we will make ourselves useful.~


Catching on, he rolled his eyes and also bowed.

"Uh… yeah," Ash trailed off, masking his bewilderment with a half-smile and a raised brow. "Of course we'll have you! The truth is, I was actually going to ask you, myself. I need to make sure you stay good and healthy, after that whole fiasco. I just wanted you to know it was your choice."

"And I can promise we'll be together for a while!" Dawn chirped. "Even if the two of us go our own ways, we'll find a way for you both to stay together!"

Meema looked up at Dawn, blinking.~...I don't understand.~

"Well… y'know!" Dawn sputtered, laughing sheepishly. "Assuming you'll letmecatch Rura."

~Naturally,~Meema replied,~but I fail to understand why you would separate from your betrothed.~

"Mybetrothed?"Dawn frowned. "What would make you thinkthat?"

"Huh? I'm lost," Ash interjected. "What's betrothed mean?"

"It means that we're engaged to be married," she plainly explained.

"W-what!?" The teenager balked, his face filling with red. "Isn't that moving things a little fast!? We're just kids!"

"I thought you said that we were growing up," Dawn countered.

"Sure, but notthatgrown up!" Touching his index finger to his cheek that he now found was burning, he lightly shoved Dawn by the shoulder. "H-hey, you're gonna have to exchange one of your Pokémon if you wanna keep Rura on, right? You should go do that!"

"Oh! Yeah, you're right." Taking the bait completely, Dawn nodded towards the video phones. "Absol, would you like a break? Maybe you could go back to Mom's place after all of your hard work…"

As Dawn's voice trailed off, Ash breathed a heavy sigh.

"Oh dear," Nurse Joy remarked with the utmost attempt at neutrality, hiding a giggle behind the back of her hand.

~Humans are quite odd,~Meema said after watching the scene unfold.

"You've just wandered into an odd bunch," Ash said, winking. "You think you can keep up with us?"

~I will carry out your every word, Leader.~

"Ha!" Ash laughed, affectionately ruffling her head. "See? You're already getting the hang of it."

Blink, blink.~I don't understand what's humorous.~

"...Oh, you're completely serious." Ash trailed off, looking just a bit terrified. "Look, you can just call me Ash. That isn't at all necessary."

~...But you are obviously the one in charge of this pack, yes?~

Ash frowned, scratching his cheek. "Maybe sheisweird enough for this group," he whispered to Pikachu.

"One of us,"Pikachu flatly agreed. But, he couldn't only greet their new friends with snark. He stepped forth with a smile."Welcome to the group, both of you! Or, the 'pack,' as you call it."

~We thank you humbly,~Meema bowed.

~Yeah! Humbly, or whatever,~Rura yipped, hopping in place.

"I'm back~!" Dawn announced, making her way back to the group with a grin. She hoisted a Poké Ball up towards Rura.

"Awesome!" Ash cheered, hoisting up his very own Poké Ball. "Are you two ready?"

~We are.~


"Okay," Ash and Dawn cheered in unison, winding up. "Poké Ball… Go!"

The spheres were tossed in unison. Both foxes tapped them with their snouts, disappearing in a flash of light. Both fell to the floor wobbling once, twice, thrice.'Ping!'

"Alright!" Ash cheered, reaching to pick up Meema's. "I just caught…"

"No need to worry… because Rura's mine, all mine!"



"Meem-OW!" Ash hoisted the Poké Ball up high, only to recoil and hold his shoulder. "I stretched the scar too far…"

"Ash!" Dawn scolded. "You have to be more careful!"

"You just said you were going to do better," Nurse Joy scolded, "honestly!"

"I know, I know…"

"Well, I think we've all had fun here," Officer Jenny interjected, "but if that's all settled, I think I'll be on my way. Take good care of those Pokémon, you two, and thank you for your vigilance. Do try to stay out of trouble, though, from now on."

"You got it, Officer Jenny!" Dawn agreed, waving to see the Officer off.

"We hear ya!" Ash said, still rubbing his shoulder. "Alright, come on out, you guys!" Tossing the ball more gently this time, Meema reappeared.

Dawn did the same, calling Rura, who quickly scaled his way back up her head.~Alrighty! I got caught by Kicking Lady!~

"Itoldyou," Dawn seethed, "I'm not Kicking Lady! My name is Dawn!"

~I apologize for his behavior,~Meema said, bowing her head.

"Don't be," Ash laughed. "This is nothing out of the ordinary. But, I think this day's been lively enough… Let's get some rest and then pig out on dinner. I think we all could use a good meal."

~If Rura is able to eat well,~Meema replied,~That would be fine.~

"Okay, Empoleon! Use Bubblebeam!"


Carefully targeted soapy bubbles popped in rapid succession against Dawn's flowing locks. Within seconds, it was glossed to perfection, and voluminous as ever. Spinning in place, Dawn giggled and admired her bangs in the vanity mirror. "Perfect as always, Empoleon! We're set for the day, in looks and in spirit!"

"Just in time," Ash's voice could be heard muffled through the bathroom door. He stepped out, now wearing a fresh, not-acid-drenched button-up and khaki shorts. "I think we're ready to step out! Right, everyone?"

"That's fine with me,"Pikachu agreed.




"Not so fast," Dawn said, jabbing her finger at Ash's chest. "Before that, you didn't forget to do your skin treatments, did you, Ash?"

"Agh… shoot! IknewI was forgetting something," Ash sighed. "Is this going to be a thing, now?"

"You were up all of last night tossing and turning because of your back, so yes," Dawn rebutted.

"I think you're just terrified of the idea of your boyfriend turning out looking like Frankenstein," Ash joked, sorting through his supplies from Nurse Joy.

"Ash, don't you know that part of feeling great is looking great, and taking care of yourself? I've told you, someone like you needs nothing less than the best!"

"Jeez… You really know how to turn that one on me and flatter me, huh?" Ash laughed nervously. Every time she pulled that argument, it made his heart race. It was a little stupid, but he couldn't argue with his feelingsorher logic. "Alright, alright. I'll be done in a few," he conceded, shutting the bathroom door behind him."

"Honestly," Dawn huffed, sitting down on the foot of the bed, "I wish he'd learn to do it, himself."

A rapping knock on the suite door drew Dawn's attention and put the thought to rest.

"I'll get it!" Dawn announced, as the only person currently able. Could it be the hotel staff? Certainly they hadn't done anything to cause a complaint… It was a mystery to Dawn, so all she could do was open the door. Her eyes widened.

A short and stout elderly woman stood in the doorway, bundled up in a lighter blouse that suited Unova's spring more than it did Kanto's late stages of winter. Voluminous silver hair framed her face, and chestnut eyes looked heavy, lacking their usual fiery luster.


Chapter 14: Lights, Camera, Action!

Chapter Text

"Hello, Dawn." Standing in the doorway of Ash and Dawn's temporary lodging was, in fact, Bertha; a member of Sinnoh's Elite Four, though she rarely enjoyed disclosing that fact and drawing attention. She was comfortable letting her strength and wisdom speak for themselves; as self-assured and invulnerable as the sturdy Ground-types she trained.

Though, now, she looked anything but invulnerable. The way she stood in the doorway of the suite she herself had lent, not quite crossing the threshold. Hands tucked over her chest, and a glassy-eyed look that more accurately resembled a Starly, second-guessing the offered hospitality of indoor shelter on a particularly cold winter night.

In short, although she was Bertha, she barely resembled herself in her demeanor.

"I'm sorry to appear so suddenly. I wanted to check in on you lot." The sound of running water caught her perceptive ear, coming from the restroom. Pikachu dashed over to scale Dawn's shoulder, greeting Bertha with a chirp. "I assume Ash is here, too?"

The context clues came together easily enough, even without physical proof.

"He's just freshening up," Dawn explained, stepping aside. "Come on in!"

"Thank you." Bertha stepped into the suite, closing the door behind her. She took a seat on the couch nearest the door, looking up to the Coordinator. "How have you been, dear? And you, Pikachu?"

"Pika…" Pikachu frowned, his ears falling to frame his face. Although the last day had been better than the ones before it, he couldn't say much more. She patted her open lap, and Pikachu hopped into it. She gently ran her fingers over his fur.

"It's been rough," Dawn admitted, rubbing her arm anxiously. She quickly realized this and corrected herself, closing a fist. "But, no need to worry! We'll pull through, like we always have!"

"I don't doubt it. You're quite a persistent and talented bunch," Bertha replied, shaking her head. "Still, I owe you all an apology."

"An apology?" Dawn echoed, frowning.

"I can't help but feel at fault for the situation you've found yourselves in,' she went on to explain. "At least, in part. I'm not sure if you're aware, dear, but that night in Celadon…"

"Ash already told me," Dawn cut her off. "He told me the night of the Silph Company attack."

"So you do know." Bertha kept her eyes on Pikachu, scratching behind his ear. "Jumping to intervene in a criminal operation may be my nature, as much as it is Ash's, or yours… But, I still feel responsible for you kids butting your heads into the next one. I tried to teach him all I knew to err on the side of caution, but as they say, the best laid plans of mice and men…"

The literary reference wasn't lost on Dawn. Still, she shook her head. "I don't blame you for that. Ash would've done that, no matter what. So would I. I'mmoreupset that it was hidden from me," the teen girl explained, her brow furrowed. "I don't like being on the out, and Ash and I agreed not to hide things from each other."

"Oh?" The Elite's eyes darted to Dawn, widening a bit. Her lips creased into the faintest of smiles. "You two are…? Well, it's nice to see at least one silver lining, here."

"H-huh!? Was it that obvious!?" Dawn blurted out, her face filling with red. "Aw, man… and we've been trying to keepthata secret, too…"

"From a Coordinator, I'd expect a much louder presentation," the elder remarked.

"Believe me, wewantto be loud about it," Dawn admitted. Somehow, she found Bertha trustworthy, and felt comfortable sharing as much as she was. "...But right now just feels like such alametime to drop it. Ash and I deserve better than that."

"We deserve what, now?" The door finally creaked open for Ash to pop out. "Bertha…!?"

"Oh… Ash, dear." Bertha stood, and Pikachu accommodated it by scaling her shoulder. She walked closer, trepidation in her steps. "Let me see your eyes."

Ash was puzzled by the request, meeting her gaze with something of a lost expression. The doe-eyed, glassy look in his eyes was abnormal. The dark circles under them spoke of restless nights. His dark hues looked steady, as if he were trying to hold himself together. Trying to bury the pain that was so clearly pooling up in them.

It was the look of a youth that carried a burden well beyond their years. She felt compelled, more than anything, to pull him into a tight hug. She couldn't very well think of any words that would fix this. She didn't bother with them.

The embrace caught Ash off-guard; off-guard enough that his defenses crumbled. His lip quivered, failing to hold back the sobs that followed. He buried his face in the shoulder of her light jacket, and returned the embrace. In a way he hadn't since the incident, he allowed himself vulnerability. Pikachu tip-toed onto Ash's shoulder from Bertha's, nuzzling in.

Bertha allowed Ash that vulnerability, for a long moment of silence. Until she frowned, nose creasing. "You carry the strong odor of medical supplies, dear."

"Caught me red-handed," he admitted. "Got into another scrap yesterday. It wasn't good for my scars, heh." Ash felt Bertha's grip tighten. "Ow, ow! Still sore."

"Right." The Elite finally released him, pulling back. She found, now, that they were surrounded by all the Pokémon currently out and about. She coughed into her hand; she was never one to enjoy making a scene. "I should explain myself. I wanted to check in on you kids. I can say you've seen better days, but you've endured. I'm glad."

"We've be-" Ash wiped the tears from his eyes, regaining a steady tone. "...been doing our best, and hanging in there. We made some new friends yesterday."

"Oh?" Bertha asked, leaving them to elaborate.

"Yeah!" Dawn gestured to the room, then did a double-take. "...Hey, I know they were here!"

"Meema, Rura," Ash scolded. "C'mon out, you two."

Suddenly, a crimson and gray mass of fur appeared in the corner of the room, with a pair of baby blue eyes peering out of it. A second pair of eyes revealed themselves, as well; Meema had been hiding in waiting.~What is it, Leader?~

"Ah. Either my observation skills are waning with age, or your illusion skills are exemplary," Bertha smiled. "I sincerely hope that it's the latter."

~Is this 'Bertha' one of your pack?~Meema asked. Her icy hues lingered warily on the woman.~Is she safe?~

"Uh… in a way! I guess?" Ash stammered with an uneasy smile. Meema had such an odd way of phrasing things, even in the short time he'd had her. "She's someone we can trust."

~I apologize for my insolence, then.~The Zoroark got up to bow to their guest, and coaxed an eye-rolling Rura to do the same.~I was suspicious you were a threat to our pack, at first. Knowing this, it'd be a great shame if I'd torn you to shreds.~

"Meema!" Ash scolded.

~Was that incorrect…?~

Bertha could only laugh. "Aha ha! Ilikethis one. I think it's safe to say you're in good hands, Ash. So, are both of them yours…?"

~I'm Dawn's!~Rura chirped, running up to scale the girl's shoulder.~I like her. She kicks butt!~

"Is that so…? Well, then," Bertha continued. "If you've each made a new friend, then I'd like to make a suggestion. It might do you some good to get to know one another, and take your minds off your troubles. Perhaps each on your lonesome?"

~You wish to separate us?~Meema asked.

"Only for a bit. I can see that you're quite protective of your young one. It might do him some good to bloom as an individual with his trainer, I think!"

The Zoroark's gaze lingered on her for a few tense moments.~...Very well. I'll trust your wisdom. Go on, Rura.~

~Woohoo! I get to go out.~The fox frowned, his ear twitching.~...What are we doing, again?~

"No need to worry," Dawn giggled. "We'll find something! It's a big city. What about you, Ash?"

"I actually have something in mind," Bertha interjected. "Something I'd like to show Ash and Meema."

"Fine with me!" Dawn said, grabbing her sunhat to place atop her head. Rura seemed content to hide within it; it reminded him of Meema's mane. "We'll catch you guys later! We can meet back here, right?"

"That's fine with me!" Ash agreed. "You guys ready?"


~Call me if wherever you go is less crowded. Until then, I'm hanging in my ball.~

~As you wish, Leader.~

With their plans set, the group was ready to head out!

Rura swayed back and forth in Dawn's arms. The bright colors of the city were almost overwhelming now that he really focused on them.

"Empo… Poleon?" the steel type beside Dawn suggested.

She threw a glance to the distant ferris wheel and roller coaster tracks that peaked above the treeline. "I wanna go, too," Dawn admitted, "but I think it'd be nicer to go all together! Pikachu'll come around soon, I know it!"

"Pol," Empoleon agreed, content to wait. His contentment didn't last long, though, as their other companion wasn't so gracious.

~Booooring!~Rura whined, wiggling his way out of Dawn's arms to scale her shoulder again.

"H-hey!" Dawn stumbled, losing her balance a bit as Rura dove up and under her sunhat.

~What's the point of all this cool stuff if we're not gonna do any of it? Lemme know when you decide on something.~

"Empol!" Empoleon chided. He wasn'tnearlyas rude hitching a ride, when he was little.

"No need to worry!" Dawn chirped, as she often did. Her eyes were set on a humongous dome of a building, with colorful patterns splashed onto its walls, capped with a Poké Ball logo over the entrance. Stars, planets, and all sorts of colorful shapes and emblems sat on the dome's roof in a collection that almost felt gaudy in Dawn's opinion. "Because we might have something, right here! I read about this place in the brochure."

~Bro-sure?~Rura's head popped out of the front of Dawn's hat.

"It's the Pokémon Musical Theater!" Dawn beamed. "The home of Unova's Pokémon Musicals! It's not exactly a Pokémon Contest, but maybe watching one of those could give us some inspiration! Y'know? You never know where you'll find an idea for a new appeal!"

~...Uh-huh.~Rura said flatly, tilting his head. That meant nothing to him, just yet.~Well, I dooo like music!~

"Perfect!" Dawn said, reaching for the door. "Then, we can just… wait a minute." She pulled on the door. It didn't budge. "Then, we can just…!" She tried again. And again. "Aw, it's locked! What's the big idea?"

"Pol." Empoleon drew Dawn's attention, tapping the glass with his wing. He gestured to their open and close times. Today was a Sunday, and the theater was closed on Sundays.

Getting a proper look at the hours, Dawn deflated in a slump. "Aw, man…! Talk about bad luck."

"Em-pol." Empoleon gave his condolences, patting her shoulder. But, then he recoiled. Behind Dawn, from his vantage point, was…Another Dawn!?"Empoleon!?" He shook his head out, just to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

Nope. There wasdefinitelya second Dawn behind her. Not just the same face, but the same hairdo, the same hat, the same sundress. The same everything!

"What's the matter with you, Empoleon?" Dawn tilted her head, frowning. Peeking out from under her hat, Rura couldn't spot it any better than she could.

The bird simply gestured behind her with his wing.

She turned around. "Ah!" Lo and behold, an identical copy of Dawn stood in her path, sans the Zorua poking out of her hat. "What in the world…!? What's the big idea!" She made a variety of gestures, and much like a mirror, her copy imitated every single one.

Dawn huffed. She didnotlike this, one bit. "Hang on a second, you…" She took her other's shoulders, and forcefully turned her around.

Her suspicions were confirmed. A dark-gray, fluffy tail was attached to her dress's rear end.

"Aha! Got you." Dawn squeezed the tail, and with a yelp, her clone disappeared in a flash of violet. Whirling before her eyes, it turned into another Zorua. Looking up at Dawn's irritated face, she snickered.


~Oooh, are we imitating Dawn? That looks fun!~Rura leapt out of her hat, and in a spiral of cool hues, assumed the same form. Unlike his peer, though,this'Dawn' wore a devilish, Zorua grin.~Yeah! Now I'm the KICKING LADY! I get to kick butt!~Unfortunately, his illusions weren't so polished that Dawn's mouth moved with his speed, only keeping that same grin. He did kick at the air though, imitating Dawn's assault on the hunter.

"Rura! Not you, too!" Dawn fumed, her face filling with red. "Turn yourself back, right now!"

The second Zorua was inspired, and shifted into Dawn, again, much to her ire.

"I saidturn back!"Dawn lunged for the other copy, only for her to slip under her grip. "Rura, don't-!" She lunged for him, only to land on the pavement. Rife with embarrassment even worse than before, she lunged for them both in a futile, comical frenzy. "Get! Back! Here! Both! Of! You!"

"Empol…" Empoleon watched the scene play out with a defeated sigh. Wonders never ceased.

Dawn quickly tired, huffing in exhaustion before righting herself. She pointed at the two copies, standing side-by-side. "You should know that it's wrong to steal someone's image!"

The grinning copy that was Rura tilted his head.~But, that's what Zorua do. It's like, our thing.~

"Sorry! I'm so sorry!" An auburn-haired boy sprinted towards the scene, coming to a stop to rest his hands on his knees and catch his breath. "I'm… sorry, I… Zorua!" He scolded. "Stop that!"

With both Zorua turned to face the newcomer, Dawn took the opportunity to yank both of their tails. Each of them returned to normal, and exchanged a mischievous chitter with one another.

"It's about time," Dawn huffed, hands on her hips. "Thanks for the distraction. But, what areyouapologizing for?"

"Because that'smyZorua." Now that the commotion had died, Dawn got a better look at the boy. He was a tad short; probably her age or a tad younger, if she had to guess. He had several thick bangs, and two longer ones that framed his face, along with large, round spectacles over meek blue eyes. A light gray dress shirt sported two corduroy suspender straps attached to a pair of slacks. He also wore a bulky, portable camcorder around his neck on a strap.

Zorua returned to his side, and he sheepishly rubbed his neck. "Again, I know she can be a handful… My name's Luke! And this is my partner, Zorua."

"Well, I guess it's alright. All's well that ends well," Dawn conceded. "It's great to meet you, Luke! My name's Dawn, and these are my partners, Empoleon and Rura."

Empoleon saluted when gestured to. "Empol!"

~Hihi!~Rura snickered, climbing back atop his trainer's shoulder.

"It's nice to meet you, as well!" Luke said. "But, I have to ask. Are you an actress, by any chance!?"

"An actress!?" Dawn flinched, taken aback. "Where did you getthatidea?"

"Your passionate defense of your image!" He answered. "That sort of thing is typical in celebrity circles. You get the types who guard their projects close to their hearts… there are even those that don't hesitate to strike with a vengeance against unwanted paparazzi!"

"Well, that just soundsnormal," Dawn reasoned. "If someone tried to come up and take pictures of me without asking, I might have to swing on them, too."

"I… see." Luke stammered off, as a bead of sweat rolled down his head. He'd make note of that.

"I just believe that self-image is important!" Dawn clarified. "But, anyway, I was just here to see a Pokémon Musical. Unfortunately, they're closed today…"

"Aw, is it!? To come all of this way…" Luke sighed. "I was here for the same reason."

"Luck just isn't on our side today," Dawn said. "Hey, what's with the camera you're wearing?"

"Oh! That's my camcorder," Luke explained, holding up the device to look upon it with fondness. "It's really not much… But, the thing is, I like to consider myself an aspiring filmmaker! I work at a local theater a few towns away. I'm having trouble finding any sort of inspiration, though, so my employer suggested I travel to Nimbasa to find some! I can't say I know what I'm doing…"

That much struck a chord with Dawn. "You know, I knowexactlywhat you mean. Feeling short on inspiration, and too caught up in my worries to execute it." Humming, she held her thumb to her lip. "You know, my plans for the next few hours are already shot… That settles it! We'll help!"

"You'll help!?" Luke exclaimed.

~We will!?~Rura yipped.


"Yeah!" Dawn said excitedly, dropping her fist into an open palm. "We can't just leave a fellow artist hanging. Besides, it could be fun!"

"That'd be wonderful, thank you!" Luke cheered, clapping his hands together. "Even if you aren't an actress, you could at leastplayone!"

"Ahaha, I'mnotan actress," Dawn deadpanned. As things stood, she did not like the idea of a camera's lens being on her, right now. "But, Iaman artist!"

"You're an artist?" Luke asked, tilting his head.

"I'm a Pokémon Coordinator!" Dawn boasted, gesturing a thumb towards herself. "It's my job to bring out the appeal of my Pokémon, and make sure everyone sees it on stage!"

"I can't say I've heard of a Coordinator before," Luke replied, "but that still sounds amazing!"

"For sure!" Dawn winked. "You can count on me and my Pokémon to bring some glam!"

"Emmmmpol~!" Empoleon struck a pose, throwing both his wings out gallantly.

~Why not! I don't know what a movie is, but it sounds FUN!~Rura cheered, doing a somersault.

"Oh! Thank you, but…" Luke poked his fingers together. "The thing is… I don't think I can use Empoleon."

"Pol…!" Empoleon balked, hanging his head.

"What? Why not!?" Dawn asked.

"Well, I'd rather not use a Pokémon that's not from Unova, since I won't be able to, when I actually film," he explained. "They just don't fit the itinerary."

Without another word, Empoleon walked over to Dawn, and rummaged through her bag before tapping his Poké Ball. He was captured in a red flag of light, and subsequently returned to it.

Another bead of sweat rolled down Luke's head. "I didn't think I'd make himthatupset."

"Oh, he's a drama queen," Dawn waved her hand. Pot, meet kettle. "So! What's next?"

"Well, next is to decide on a genre," the boy explained. "That was my initial problem. There are so many captivating types of films out there…! But, I have no idea where to begin."

Dawn hummed in thought, cupping her chin. "...Oh! I know! What about a musical? That's why we were both here in the first place!"

"Oh, but…" Luke stammered, poking his fingers together. "That's-"

"So, you want to be a master of Pokémon!" Dawn sang, tapping her foot. "Do you have the skills to be number one!"

"Um, Dawn…?" Luke raised a hand to interject, but Dawn seemed to be in her own world. To make matters worse, Rura and Zorua were prancing and hopping about in sync with her.

"I want to take the…" Dawn suddenly stopped, frowning. "What was the next line…? Man, I only heard Ash sing it once."

"Dawn!" Luke finally shouted, drawing her attention. The Zorua finally stopped hopping.

"Hey, give me a break!" Dawn frowned, hands on her hips. "No one gets their lines right on the first go."

"I'm trying to tell you itcan'tbe a musical!" The prospective filmmaker exclaimed, hanging his head. "I wanted to watch a musical for inspiration. To draw on any other ideas at play! But the truth is, I don't know the first thingaboutmusic. We'll have to think of something else."

"Oh. Well, that's a whole different problem," Dawn said. "But, Nimbasa's a big, colorful city with lots to do! There's got to besomewherethat'll give us some inspiration."

"Tourists, huh?" A man walking by stopped to eavesdrop, pointing a thumb over his shoulder. "You should check out the Battle Subway! People come far and wide to seethatin action!"

"The Battle Subway!?" Dawn cooed. "Oh, that sounds like a blast!"

"Well, we're here to plot, not to battle," Luke reminded her. "But still," he said, a gleam shining in his eye. "I believe I might have an idea…!"

The grand Subway Station brought Dawn, Luke, and their Zoruas down a large flight of stairs that led them into a large, busy interior, with many tunnels, screens, and moving parts. Really, Dawn had never seen anything like it before!

~What kinda house is this!?~Rura asked, circling Dawn's legs to get a full survey of his surroundings.~Who needs this much room? They must be GIANTS or something!~

Luke's Zorua gave him a deadpan, unimpressed look. "Zoru. Zor?"

~No, I don't live under a rock! That would hurt! Who would do that!?~

"It's so busy," Dawn marveled, ignoring her partner's rambling. "Where do we even start…?"

"Follow me! I think I'm onto something. We'll just need one of the subway channels with a train on the way… Ah! The Doubles track!" Luke pointed at a nearby screen with the departure and arrival times, and ran through the sparse crowd towards another set of stairs.

"Hey, wait up!" Dawn said, running after him. "Come on, Rura!"

Rura and Zorua followed, moving down another flight. Just how manywere therein this place!?

At any rate, they were led to the station's depths, where a subway platform sat parallel to the train tracks that stopped inside the station. The train could only come from one direction, of course, and according to the schedule hosted in the station's main hall, it would be here, soon.

"Mystery and Betrayal in Nimbasa's Subway System!" Luke titled the prospective film, scouting the platform with his camcorder. "...Perhaps the idea's a bit of a stretch, but it is an exciting one."

"Ooh, thatdoessound exciting," Dawn agreed. "So, this is a mystery flick?"

"Not justanyflick: a Noir! With proper equipment and lighting, we'll be following the perspective of a hardboiled detective, investigating odd, intermittent disappearances of his trusty Pokémon partner. Is their reliable friend really up to no good? Will crime fester, thanks to their absence? The tensions are high, and the twists will be nail-biting!"

"Huh… Wow! You really pulled that together, quickly!" Dawn praised, clapping her hands together. "Alright. Tell us what to do, and we'll follow your lead!"

"Excellent! Rura," Luke directed, "I need you to turn into a cool, striking detective!"

The fox slowly tilted his head.~...Wuzzat?~

Luke frowned, turning to Dawn for help.

"I caught him yesterday," she shrugged. "Maybe your Zorua could play that part!"

"Hmph!" Luke's Zorua huffed indignantly, sticking her nose in the air.

"Zorua?" The boy asked, frowning. "What's the matter?"

"Zor! Zor! Zor!" She flicked her eyes to Rura, and yipped again. "Rua."

~I am NOT stupid!~Rura barked back, and turned his head to Dawn and Luke.~Hey! Hey! She just said she wouldn't have to play the part if I wasn't so stupid!~

"Come on, Zorua," Luke pleaded. "I know you can do it!"

Zorua huffed, but complied, leaping into a purple spiral before taking on a human form. Tall, handsome, and sporting a beige overcoat and a matching deerstalker. The disguise balanced a magnifying glass on their index finger, holding a pipe in the opposite hand. The spitting image of a photogenic private detective.

"That's perfect!" Luke cheered.

"Not bad!" Dawn praised. "I wonder why she didn't want to do it…?"

"Now, Rura!" Luke addressed. "You can still be the detective's loyal right hand, if you'd please!"

~Right hand?~Rura asked.

"I-it's a figure of speech!" Luke stammered. With Rura's track record, it'd be awfully upsetting if he took thatliterally."Just turn into a Herdier, please! You know what that is, don't you?"

~Oh! Yeah! I can do that!~Rura yipped, and spun into a colorful wheel before assuming the form of a Pokémon Dawn didn't recognize. A small canine Pokémon with brown fur and a cream, fluffy pattern decorating their face like a bushy mustache and eyebrows. Blue fur coated the rest of their body. They stood at about three feet tall, and turned to face the humans.~How's this!?~

"That's great!" The boy cheered. Just in time for a progressively louder rumbling to approach from afar. The headlights of the Doubles Subway train could be seen, before the vehicle itself pulled into the station. A loud, harsh hiss sounded as the train came to a halt.

"Aaand, perfect timing!" Luke said, as the doors to the subway slid open. He held up the camcorder as if he were filming, slowly walking up to the open car. "Alright. Rura, you head inside first. Try to seem cautious, like you're trying to avoid suspicion! Zorua, you follow discreetly!"

~Gotcha!~Rura yipped, and turned towards the open door. The Herdier guise pointedly looked left and right before walking into the train car at a calculated pace.

"There goes the reliable Herdier… Where could he be off to, on his own, on the subway? What could he possibly be after?" Luke followed the act with an enthusiastic monologue. "Now, Zorua!"

The dashing detective snuck up to the doorway, step by cautious step, before peeking around the corner. The coast seemed to be clear, as she used her human disguise to step inside.

"The hardboiled detective is keeping a stealthy eye on his best friend! Now, it's our turn to keep our eye on the developing story…!" Luke stepped onto the car, and gestured for Dawn to follow.

"I wonder where he's going with this…" Dawn asked herself, and stepped aboard.

"Now, to telegraph the ongoing drama… Ah!?" Luke exclaimed, nearly dropping his camera.

The car was, suspiciously, entirely empty of other passengers. In fact, beyond their two disguised Pokémon, Dawn and Luke were completely alone! At least, they would be, if not for two nearly identical men standing in their paths.

"They look uncanny…" Dawn thought aloud, blinking. "W-who are you!?"

Two tall thin men stood next to one another, as if one wasalmostlooking in a mirror. Angular faces, silver short hair that ended in pointed sideburns, and large, eerie silver eyes were all completely identical between the two.

"Hello! I am Emmet." One of the two men spoke first. Emmet wore a long, white coat with brown trimmings and a ludicrously oversized collar, and gigantic sleeves to match. His conductor's cap bore the same color scheme, along with a blue tie, a white undershirt, and white pants and huge platform shoes to match. He wore an eerie, thin smile that never seemed to change. "I like Double Battles. I like combinations of two Pokémon. And I like winning more than anything else."

"And I am the Subway Boss, Ingo," the second answered. His outfit was mostly the same, though he traded the all-white color scheme for mostly black. "Compared to my brother, I prefer Single Battles."

The two Zorua turned back to their natural states, staring at the two men. Rura spoke up, first.


"I am Emmet," Emmet replied, still very much smiling. "And I like my eccentricities."

"Oh! I recognize you, now!" Dawn exclaimed. "You were in the brochure! It said that you're both the strongest trainers in the Battle Subway. This is supposed to be a battle facility, right? Hey, Luke!" She looked over to him, pointing at the duo. "This is agreatopportunity for a twist in the script, right? An unexpected fight on the subway would be awesome, right?"

"A twist in the script…?" Ingo echoed, still frowning. "I'm afraid this conversation has derailed into uncharted territory. I find myself quite lost."

"No, no, no!" Luke frantically shook his head. "You've got it all wrong! Direct conflict doesn't fit the tone of a Noir…! Besides, using their image could be amajorcopyright violation, without permission!"

"I am Emmet. I appreciate a good, riveting film," Emmet answered. "But I'm afraid we arefartoo busy with the Battle Subway to take part in such things. Abdicating the Subway is not something I would like!"

"Ah, an amateur filmmaker," Ingo replied. "Your heart is set on the tracks to artful greatness. I can appreciate that. However, as much as I hate to be the bearer of bad news…" He pointed dramatically towards the subway car door. "...We only returned to the station for a coffee break."

"Aw,man…"Dawn frowned, adjusting her sunhat. "A battle really would've spiced things up."

"Ah… forget it." Luke sulked, hanging his head. "Maybe this is just a sign. A noir might not be the best idea…"

"Understanding when to utilize the turntable and change paths is an important virtue in any profession," Ingo lectured. "If you're willing to expand your horizons and go full speed ahead, I suggest taking our subway to another riveting location. In Nimbasa, the possibilities are endless!"

"I am Emmet," Emmet repeated, "and I also quite like our fine city's selections in sports. Perhaps that will turn your gears and result in a thrilling picture that everyone would like!"

"Ah! A movie about an athlete!" Luke exclaimed. "That's it!"

The Subway Masters had kindly pointed Luke and Dawn towards the nearest train that would take them to their destination, making their trip an easy one. In just a couple of minutes they arrived at the Small Court; a location Dawn already knew well.

"Alright! Here's the plan!" Luke announced, as he and Dawn collected two sets of rackets to borrow for their game. "A prospective tennis player and her loyal Pokémon…" On their way down the hall of the court, the boy tossed a Poké Ball. "...Golett, aim to conquer the court!"

A stout Pokémon stood at just over three feet, saluting the group. He looked an awful lot like some sort of ancient robot or something, Dawn thought. With a teal, angular body and beige bands holding their shape together, they looked awfully peculiar. But they were kind, it seemed, saluting Dawn and Rura with kind, geometric eyes!

"Woah! I've never seen this Pokémon before." Dawn said, pulling out her Pokédex.

"Golett, the Automaton Pokémon. It is said that Golett was instructed to protect people and Pokémon by the ancient civilization that created it."

"Golett was my first Pokémon," Luke explained. "He's my co-director, and he's also offered to help carry around the bulk of our filming equipment! But, we were told to leave that all behind this time, and focus on just finding inspiration."


"Well, it's nice to meet you!" Dawn greeted

Rura took to circling Golett, to his confusion. He'd never seen a Pokémon like him, either!

"Right! So, Golett and Zorua can take up the role of a team on the court. Zorua, could you turn into a young, spirited tennis player?"

"Zor!" Zorua wrapped into yet another spiral, taking the shape of a sporty teenage girl with a visor and a ponytail, holding a tennis racket.

"Good! Now, Rura…" Luke hesitated. He'd have to be more specific. "Can you turn into someone with the same kind of outfit, but a boy? Holding the tennis racket, too?"

~Roger!~Rura seemed to understand that much, as he turned into a teenage boy with fluffy black hair and blue eyes, much like his own. He wore a sporty t-shirt and shorts, along with a visor to match Zorua, though his outfit sported a gray and red color scheme. He held his own tennis racket, albeit awkwardly.

"Zor!" Zorua gestured to the racket as she held it.

~Oh! Gotcha. I knew that.~Rura held the racket correctly, this time.~Now, what do we do!?~

"You play a round of tennis, alongside Dawn! We're going to try to set up for a climactic win for Zorua and Golett! I'll be sitting this out, so I can scout for the best shots. I'll be counting on you!"

"Right!" Dawn took her place on the court, with a tennis ball in hand. "I might as well start things off. Rura, you stand in the corner of the court, like I am, and follow my lead!" Opposite of Zorua and Golett, Dawn lightly bounced the tennis ball on the court, and smacked it with her racket.

The ball cleared the net, bouncing off the court. It went in the direction of Luke's disguised Zorua, who swung her racket at it. She did it with enough precision to knock it back across.

~It's comin' my way! I've got it!~Rura announced, winding up his racket like a bat with both hands. With a sound between a grunt and a yip, he swung with all of his might!

…Only for the tennis ball to move right through the racket, and bounce out of bounds.

~What the!?~

"...Zor," Zorua barked, despite the human illusion.

~Of course this is an illusion! What's your point?~Rura asked.

"Zoruuu. Zorua."

Rura's illusion lifted the racket, and stared at it.~Ooooooh. Right. I guess swinging a fake racket at it isn't going to actually hit it, huh.~

"Ru Zor Rah."

~I couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel!? What does that MEAN?~

Dawn sighed, hanging her head. "Oh, Rura… I guess we've still got to work on theatrics. But, that's what I'm here for! As your trainer, we'll make a star out of you, yet!"

"That's all well and good, but…" Luke shook his head. "Let's move on to Golett. Maybe we can at least construct a winning shot! Golett, you can serve next! Let's see a winner's spirit!"

"Gol." Golett collected the tennis ball and returned to his corner of the court. With his large, robotic hand, he chucked the ball high into the air, and drew his racket back.

Dawn, Rura, and Zorua watched on intently. Luke maintained a steady eye on the ball.

A low, mechanical echo of effort left Gollet, as he swung the racket with all of his might. The grid of wire smacked into the felt sphere, and sent it off.

"Wah!" Dawn exclaimed, leaping back as the ball shot past her at inhuman speeds. "Hey…!"

But, the tennis ball didn't stop there. It hit the back wall of the court, bouncing off to hit the court floor and ricochet towards the ceiling, and off the court again.

"T-take cover!" Luke dove for the ground and covered his head, as the ball violently shot back and forth through the court interior.

Eventually, the tennis ball came to a halt, skidding and spinning off of the floor… Or, at least what was left of it. The friction had reduced it to a smoldering core coated in soot.

The five present gawked at the remains, a bead of sweat rolling down their foreheads.

~That… was awesome!~Rura cheered, hopping up and down in his illusory form.

"Talk about a strong arm," Dawn deadpanned.

"Perhaps a littletoostrong…" Luke sighed. "Maybe let's just move on to something else…"

"Gol. Golett." Gollet sulked, guiltily rubbing the back of his neck.

"Aw, don't feel bad!" Dawn carried herself over, attempting to pat him on the back. "You did your best." Unfortunately, her hand passed right through the ancient mech, and his racket dropped to the floor, as well. "Hey, uh, Luke? Golett is vanishing!"

"He's a Ghost-type," Luke explained. "He tends to turn immaterial when he's embarrassed… Oh! Speaking of ghosts… We could always try horror, next!"

~Oh! Oh! We're doing something scary!?~Rura abandoned his guise, hopping in place with a toothy grin.~Leave it to me. I know just the place!~

Luke hugged his camcorder close to his chest, as he cautiously stepped over muck and piles of brick. Despite the empty construction zones of northern Nimbasa being basicallyempty,he couldn't help but feel like there was peril around the next corner.

Ghosts of unfinished and stripped down buildings alike went on for blocks. He could see why the more lively sector of the city did its best to hide the path to this seedy area, with closed off alleyways and colorful attractions drawing away from it. Miraculously, Dawn and Rura seemed to know every nook and cranny that brought them this far.

"This is… certainly a place." Luke decided on, stepping around a bag of cement that'd long since solidified. "It's eerie. Haphazard. Abandoned!" Curiosity won out over his anxieties, and he started scouting the concrete jungle with his camcorder's lens.

"It is! Gives me the creeps," Dawn agreed, stepping carefully at every opportunity to avoid dirtying her shoes and dress yet again. "If you're going to do horror, this is the place! I think Rura was on to something."

~I toldja!~Rura chittered, while walking along a large drainage pipe in his natural, foxy state.~The scariest, the grossest, AND the creepiest! Am I good, or what!?~

"I'll say!" Luke agreed. "How did you evenfindthis place!? You aren't from Nimbasa, are you?"

~Oh, that's easy! I was rescued here.~Rura answered, while hopping atop a low scaffolding beam. Zorua followed him, wanting to stay as far from the mucky and messy terrain as possible.

"The other day, a poacher came through the city," Dawn explained. "She kidnapped Rura and was on the run from his mama. The whole thing looked pretty suspicious, so my boyfriend and I followed her here to help them out."

~Yeah! And then Dawn kicked the poacher's BUTT!~Rura continued.

"Well, I wastryingto sneak you out of there. But thanks to your big mouthandmine, Ihadto kick her," Dawn explained. "Which, honestly, is fine with me! A little good-ol-fashioned justice might've been what that creep needed."

"You… don't say." Luke trailed off, holding his camcorder more tightly. He was both a little more bewildered by Dawn, and a little more afraid. "...Right! This spot should work for us."

Coincidentally, Rura had led them to the same building and alleyway from the other day, with the broken-in building they'd fought in to their left.

"A narrow passageway… A broken-in wall for our monster to come lumbering out of. It's perfect!" Luke exclaimed, full of inspiration. "Now, here's how we'll set the scene…"

Luke sat atop a nearby beam for a better view, with his camcorder trained on Dawn and Rura. "A young lady and her Zorua have come from a faraway small town, and the bells and whistles of the big city have left them dizzied and lost! They've wandered off the beaten path, and can't help but feel like they're in over their head…"

"Oh dear," Dawn drawled unconvincingly, holding the hem of her dress to step cautiously through the alley. "I have no idea where we are!" She made a face.'Ew… Playing a scared damsel is going to kill me. At least this isn't actually on film.'

"Perfect!" Luke praised. "Now, unfortunately, their instincts were spot-on! Out of the darkness lumbers a terrifying monster! Aaand…!"

Ahuge, hulking shadow stepped out of the darkness, dwarfing Dawn and Rura alike. It was a huge, muscular beige Pokémon with pink rings around their shoulders, a round, red nose, terrifying eyes, and giant twin pillars of cement wielded over its shoulders.

It was a Pokémon Dawn had never seen before. She found it unnerving, but Rura, well.

~Stop! Time out! Time out!~Rura shouted, scrambling up Dawn's shoulder to slip under her hat.

The illusion of Conkeldurr put down its pillars, head tilted.

Luke sighed. "What is it,now?"

~Too big and scary!~Dawn's hat shivered along with the fox beneath it.

"But… that's thepointof a horror movie," Luke said, frowning. "It's supposed to be scary."

~TOO scary! And that face is all ugly! Don't like it.~

"Beggars can't be choosers, I suppose," Luke said. "Alright, Zorua! Let's try it again and take it from the top."

Zorua sighed, and resumed her normal form.

"Take two! Action!"

Dawn and Rura rounded the alley a second time. Pulling itself out of the darkness, this time, was… a rather large mushroom with a Poké Ball pattern on its cap, and angry eyes.

Rura blinked, nonplused.~...Is that it?~

"...Yes," Luke answered. "That's an Amoongus. Our next monster."

He stuck his nose in the air.~Boring! Not scary at all.~

"But, you just said the last one was too scary!"

~Yeah, so pick another one!~

Luke inhaled sharply through his nose.

"Take three! Action!"

Slithering out of the darkness was a giant, black and pinked horned bug with an upright upper body like a centaur. Scolipede dwarfed Dawn and Rura.

~Ick! Too buggy! We fought one of those, yesterday!~

"Take four!"

A red and orange giant anteater with an armored head and wrists emerged. A Heatmor.

~This one looks stupid!~

"Zor!" Heatmor disappeared in a flash of violet. Instead, Zorua lunged forth in its place, and threw herself at Rura in a yipping frenzy.

~Ack!~The other Zorua was yanking on his head tuft with her teeth!~Hey, what gives!? Take that!~He tackled her back into a rolling pile, and the two unraveled into a comical dust cloud of yapping, fighting foxes before Dawn and Luke's very eyes.~I am not a diva! You're a diva!~

"Zorua! Zorua, pleaseeee!" Luke pleaded, carefully climbing down from his vantage point to try to quell the violence. However, he seemed too afraid to actually put any skin in the game.

"Hey! Cut it out, you two!" Dawn was much quicker to get involved, reaching into the dust cloud… only to get yanked into it. "Ah!"

That was enough for the violence to unravel, leaving a floored Dawn holding two bickering Zoruas up by their tails. She sighed, holding them as far away from each other as possible. "Seriously, what has gotten into you two!?"

~She started it!~Rura yipped.~She attacked me!~

Zorua huffed, turning away from him.

"I think we've had an actor's dispute, here…" Luke anxiously ran a hand through his hair. "Maybe it's best we go on a lunch break before we try again."

"...Nimbasa's attractions are second-to-none, though, and that's coming from a proud Sinnoh gal." Dawn said, between spoonfuls of corn chip pie, contained in a folded up, recyclable dish with a red checker pattern. "You have sports, musicals, a Gym with a model, an amusem*nt park,andthe stands serve Unovan gourmet!?"

~My turn! My turn!~Rura badgered Dawn, hopping alongside her as they walked to the west of Nimbasa. His trainer crouched and offered him a second loaded spoon. He munched it down happily, his tail wagging behind him.

"I keeptellingyou, that's not gourmet," Luke said with just a bit of exasperation at the tourist's stubborn insistence that ordinary Unovan fair food was anything but.

"Come on, Luke! Modesty isn't flattering. Have some…" Dawn ate another bite. "...regional pride!"

Luke and his Zorua shared an unimpressed look, as if to acknowledge that Rura's trainer might just be as sheltered and lost as he was. Luke decided to put that behind them, though, as something far more interesting came into view. "There it is! The Charizard Bridge."

"Charizard bridge…?" Dawn frowned, tilting her head. "It doesn'tlooklike a Charizard."

"It's hard to tell from this angle, but the bridge's structure looks like a Charizard's head from the side. Plus, they say it's known by that name for its beauty and elegance!"

'Elegance'wasn't the first word that came to mind when Dawn thought of Charizard, though.

"It's really more of a nickname; it's officially called the Driftveil Drawbridge," Luke went on to explain. In the time they'd been chatting, they'd walked onto the bridge itself, passing a nearby control box. The man operating the bridge was laid back in that booth, loudly snoring. Neither Dawn nor Luke even noticed him in the midst of their conversation.

"Right," Dawn acknowledged. After throwing away her garbage at the foot of the bridge, she quickly caught up to Luke. "So, you said you had a scene in mind here? We've come a ways out for it."

"I do!" He said proudly, reaching into his bag to pull out a script. "I was thinking a romance scene. The Charizard Bridge over the crystal clear waters, a light breeze… It's a picture-perfect location for a couple to realize their feelings for one another! I'd prefer a sunset, but if we could at least get the idea pat down, then I can move forward with it, later!"

Dawn hummed, contemplating the idea briefly. Looking back on that fateful night on the Seafoam Islands, Dawn smiled brightly. A fond memory during times like these was welcome, and she couldn't deny that she liked the sentiment. "Heh, yeah! There's nothing like aperfectview over the water when you spill your feelings! That's what happened with my boyfriend."

"Ah! Perfect!" Luke beamed. "Then you understand what I'm talking about!" He nodded. Things were going according to plan, so far. "Now, we just need our leading roles. Zorua, can you turn into a beautiful woman?"

"Zor!" Zorua yipped, before transforming. She took the shape of a grown woman with flat even bangs, and voluminous curly hair that stopped at her shoulders. She wore a scarf and a button-up shirt. There was just one problem, though…

"Zorua! You did it again," Luke complained. Zorua's guise was entirely in black and white.

"Uh… What's with her?" Dawn asked, pointing at the illusion.

"She's modeled after the protagonist of an old romantic classic," Luke explained, but it was in black and white, so she tends to do the same. I've shown you before, Zorua, remember? She was a redhead!"

The illusion nodded, and in a flash of violet, was properly in full color.

"Great!" Luke praised. "Now, Rura! Can you turn into a handsome guy?"

~Handsome…?~Rura tilted his head.~Roger!~He was captured in colorful hues as well, before taking the form of an olive-skinned, spiky-haired young man in a button-up, a visor, and khaki shorts. He sported 'z' markings on each of his cheeks.

"That's… not exactly what I had in mind," Luke trailed off, frowning.

"Rura!?" Dawn exclaimed, wide-eyed. "Why'd you turn into Ash!?"

~He said handsome!~The illusion of the Kantonian trainer pouted, putting his hands on his hips in an uncanny impersonation of him.~You've done nothing BUT call him handsome!~

Dawn's face filled with heat, as she recounted that she'd had Rura for less than 24 hours. "You'reright,but he's not going to be on-screen."

"Just… turn into an adult man, please?" Luke sighed.

~Alright, alright.~Rura shifted again, taking the shape of one of the men he'd spotted today in Nimbasa. A square-jawed man with short, well-combed hair.

For a first, Rura'd had a lucky roll that worked perfectly for Luke. "Perfect! Now, can I get you two to pose by the edge of the bridge, and put your arms around each other?"

Zorua's illusion gave a sour look at the thought. "Zor!"

"It's notyou," Luke sighed. "You're just acting."

That seemed to be enough for her, as the two stood by the red framing, with the illusory man's hands on the woman's waist, and hers on his shoulders.

"Great! Now, let me just get into focus…" Luke backed up until he could point his camcorder at the two. Everything seemed to be in order. He nodded, letting go of his camera to hold up the script. "Now, Dawn! Can you help me narrate their dialogue?"

With full faith in herself, Dawn held up the script. Dripping charisma made up for any possible stiffness in the fresh reading, though the slightest hints of her country Sinnoh-native accent shined through.

As the disguised Zorua turned, the camera focused on the way her illusionary red hair caught on a lucky breeze.

"Darling?" Dawn spoke aloud off camera.

Luke balanced his duties, coming off much more practiced with voice over work than Dawn. "It's time to let it go."

Rura as the short haired man moved his mouth along with Luke's dialogue.

"The leagues, the criminal teams, and every organization we've bounced between," Luke continued.

The red haired woman's face twitched ever so slightly as a testament to how truly badly Zorua wanted to nip at Rura as his character leaned in. The imagined people's faces were nearly touching, knit brows wrinkling more and more with tension and displeasure.

"Baby." Here, even Luke hesitated. Oh, how he wished he could get some proper talent to do the different roles he needed! "Join me. You and me, let's rule the region."

If Dawn had a line to read, she didn't speak it. Her focus was, instead, on the almost tangible air of mischief and irritation radiating off the two dark types. Rura was seconds away from breaking character and Zorua was even sooner to be biting the other fox-like pokemon's face.

Luke, meanwhile, continued with his vision. "We can set this region right! In our image!"

"Let's try something else," Dawn suggested.

Luke shot her a look. Those weren't the exact lines, but he could work with that. "No, it's time. Let it go. It's time to—DAWN!"

The coordinator had abandoned her station and script. Just in time, too! She snatched her most newly acquired partner out of his illusion. Zorua fell onto the ground, her own illusion falling away after an attempted lunge.

"Zo! Zoru!" she accused, pointing one red paw up at her acting partner. Or, acting foe, perhaps.

"He was not," Luke argued. "We were watching the whole time."

Rura wagged his tail, settling on Dawn's shoulder.~I told you I wasn't touching you!~

"Rura," Dawn warned, having figured out what he had likely been doing behind the glamorous effects of the illusions. Kenny had often played a similarly annoying game of "I'm not touching you" when she was a child and Dawn had retaliated with as much force as Zorua tried.

And, as much as she felt sympathy for the fox, she wasn't going to let Rura get hurt.

Luke, displeased, put his hands on his hips. "Great. Well, we're going to have to reshoot."

"Not with that script," Dawn argued. Keeping Rura carefully upon her head, she kneeled down to address the miffed dark type. "That script was waaay too out of touch, wasn't it, Zorua?"

The feminine fox huffed, pleased that someone understood her woes. She lifted her nose, yipping a little "Zo!" of agreement.

~It was super weird,~Rura added.~Are these supposed to be the good guys or what? They sound super evil.~

"Well, it could be good guys," Dawn suggested. "Sometimes, a little might does help make things right. But, forgetting about everyone else and abandoning them? No way! Heroes don't abandon people!"

Zorua's ear flicked. Again with the melodrama with these two…

Luke uncomfortably shifted. "What did you have in mind?"

Dawn winked. "Just trust me! Let's try again!"

Begrudgingly, Luke obeyed. In short order, the scene started again. Once more, Zorua and Rura's characters held one another.

"I've been wanting to talk to you," Dawn said.

The confidence in her tone made Luke raise a brow. This scene was supposed to be a lot more tense… But, maybe Dawn was going somewhere? He tried to stick to his original dialogue, for his part. "So have I. Baby, it's time to let it go."

"No way!"

On the set, Zorua, in all of her professionalism, did not give Dawn the side eye she so desperately wanted to throw. Instead, she took on a more assertive body language, even going so far as to step back from Rura.

What a nice change.

Luke, baffled, tried to adjust. He hadn't ever been a fan of improv! "Yes, it's time! The league, the criminal teams, and every organization that's kept us apart. Let's get rid of them! Start the region over in our image!"

"And, what about all the people that live in it, huh? And, my budding Gym Leader career!" Dawn spat into the microphone.

Rura trembled at the expression Zorua was making. Zorua was at a loss. This was so unromantic. What was happening to her dreams of being a fabulous starlet?

"Dawn," Luke whined, "the leading lady is supposed to be shocked and sorrowful at this point! Not confrontational!"

"Girls aren't going to relate to that," Dawn argued. "If I was in her position, I'd put up a big fight! I wouldn't plead with him! Not even if he was my boyfriend or whatever!"

~She does seem very take-charge with the others,~Rura quietly conveyed to Zorua.

The Dark-type gave him an unamused glance as if to say,"Obviously."

Floored, Luke tried to explain his vision to Dawn once more. "But, you're not the main character! And, and—" He let out a frustrated huff. "And, I need you to stay on script! My script!" He pointed towards Rura and Zorua. "And, you two! What's with all the bickering?!"

"Are you sure?" Dawn asked, one hand on her hip. "I mean, it's your movie, so it's your choice."

"If you agree, then just do it… Stop trying to tell me how to do it," he pleaded. He let out a deep breath, gathering his composure. "Let's take five and try again." He headed to the edge of the bridge, legs dangling off as he moped.

Dawn, feeling bad, looked towards the duo of Zorua. "You heard him. Take a break. I'm gonna check on him."

Zorua, all too pleased to get away from Rura, rushed off. Rura took the chance to shake off his illusion and flop blissfully onto the bridge. There was still some good sunlight to soak up!

Luke didn't say anything as Dawn sat down by him.

"We'll figure it out," Dawn insisted.

He shrugged, fiddling with his camera. He sighed, just about to speak when the bridge suddenly jerked. Dawn let out a yelp, grabbing onto one of the guard rails… While Luke went sliding!

"My camera!" he cried out, going further for it.

"Luke!" Dawn reached out, grabbing his wrist.

The boy didn't pay her any mind, counting his lucky stars as the strap of the camcorder caught on his shoe. All the while, the bridge raised more and more.

~Dawn!~Rura said, popping his head over the edge.

"I've… got him!" Dawn hung on the outside of the guard reeling, with her heel occupying the little space available. One arm clung tightly to the structure, while the other supported a dangling Luke. "Ugh… If only I could reach my Poké Balls!" Her mind wandered back to what Ash had tried to do, from the helicopter at Silph Co. "I guess we could always drop and gamble on Togekiss, but…"

"Don't do that!" Luke cried. With the bridge gaining peak altitude, the water below looked even more distant. It might not be solid land, but a fall like that… "Ugh… What, now?"

"Let me think…" Dawn scrunched her nose in thought. "Oh! Rura! I need you to go get us some help, ASAP!"

~Help?~Rura asked.~Where? How!?~

"This is a drawbridge, right?" Dawn asked. "Then there should be someone operating it! See if you can find someone at the end of the bridge!"


"Zor…" Zorua grunted. She supposed she'd be going along with him.

"Zorua, could you go and keep an eye on him?" Luke asked. "I don't know if… Ah! My camera!"

The camcorder's strap slid off the toe of his sneaker, plummeting.

At that exact moment, a snow-white avian was flying underneath the bridge, with blue feather crests on their chest and tail. The camera, by some odd chance, managed to strike the Swanna on the head.

"Swah!" The bird squawked, as the camera's strap fell around his neck. "Swanna! Swan!" Flapping his wings violently, he fluttered up to face his would-be attackers, sporting a bump on his head.

"Well, that's justgreat," Dawn huffed. "Hey, Zorua! Maybe you should stay with us, instead!"

"Zor!" Zorua returned and hopped atop the guard rail, growling at the bird. By the time she'd returned, Rura was already well on his way.

"H-hey, Swanna…!" Luke asked, still hanging by Dawn's grip. "That camera is really important to me. Could you give it back? Ah!"

The Swanna started to jab at him with his beak. All the while, he tried to grab at the camcorder.

"Luke…!" Dawn grunted, struggling to support the swinging filmmaker. "You have to get that Pokémon away from you! Just swat at them!"

"I have to… ow! Get it back first! This camera is my life!"

"Ugh…!" With her one free foot, Dawn kicked at Swanna, forcing the bird to disengage. "If we're not careful, you'll have to get yourself anewlife!"

Luke stared up at Dawn, dumbfounded. "Rura wasn't kidding about the kicking."

~C'mon… c'mon, c'mon!~Rura made a mad dash down the Driftveil Drawbridge, which the steep incline made quite easy… a bit too easy, perhaps. His speed proved to be too much for him, and he started tumbling down the bridge in a pile.~Ow! Ouch! Ooof… Ow…!~

He hit flat asphalt, finally, sitting up with a groan. He shook his little head out.'I've gotta act quick. Dawn's counting on me!'She said something about someone… operating…

Ah. There was a small, box-like structure to the side of the bridge.~Hey! Hey!~Rura dashed over, hopping up to the plexiglass cover. There was an oafish man, leaning back in his seat and snoring loudly. Rura's fur bristled in annoyance. There was a small gap in the plexiglass, and that was enough for Rura to wiggle his bottom and squeeze through the narrow space.

"Zor…!" He huffed.~Hey! Hey! Wake up!~

The man leaned back further in his seat. Ah. Telepathy didn't work when one was asleep.

~Oh, for crying out loud…!~Rura grew impatient and simply jumped on the man's stomach.

"Ah! Ooof! What the…!?" The man was jolted out of his sleep. wiping the drool from his 'stache. "Huh… A Zorua! Hah, how'd you get in here, lil' fella? Never seen one of you, in these parts."

~You've gotta listen to me,~Rura replied.~My friends are in trouble! On the bridge. They need help!~

The man's eyes widened, his mustache falling to frame his pursed lips. "You can talk… Well, I'll be! Aha ha, I'd love to play with you, Zorua, but I have a bridge to man, right now."

~Come ON!~Rura barked.~This is serious! Come help me!~

"No can do, Zorua." The man smiled, clearly not taking him seriously. "Run along, now!"

Rura trembled with frustration. If this dummy kept it up, he wouldn't be able to save Dawn and Luke… This guy was annoying!So, so, annoying!It just made him want tobeat him up!

…Ah. Now, that was an idea. Rura smirked, as a red glint shone in his wide, baby blue eyes.~What are you,stupid?How are you gonna run anything if you're sleeping, stupid?~

"Ah, now, Zorua…" The man huffed, his face gaining a red color. "That's not polite."

~Who said anything about polite!? I'm not polite to big ol' IDIOTS who can't do their job!~

"Why you…!" Was it said that the man was turning red? Now, he wasseeing red.He was falling under the effects of Taunt. "Why, I oughta…!"

~Catch me if you can, idiot!~Rura punctuated his insult by jumping on the man's stomach. The bridge guard lunged for Rura, only for him to squirm out of the little gap in the plexiglass.

"Why, wait 'till I get my hands on you…!" The guard stood up in a fury, swerving around to open the back door to his cubicle. In the process, his rear jogged a large lever the opposite way on his way out.

~Come on, come on!~Rura looked back at the man chasing him, and chittered.~You won't catch me like that, dummy-dumb-dumb!~Little did the fox know, the ruckus he'd caused had started a slow decline of the raised drawbridge. It was just enough for him to start sprinting up the surface, and the enraged man following him.'Hang in there, Dawn…! I'm almost there!'

The Swanna squawking and cornering them like an ornery Beedrill was quickly working on Dawn's nerves, and holding onto Luke was becoming more and more difficult, through it all.

'Ugh… I've got to think of something!'Dawn's eyes widened. "Of course! We have Zorua! Zorua, try turning into something scary to shoo them off!"

"Zor!" Zorua yipped, ready to transform.

"No, don't do that!" Luke yelped.

"Ru…" The fox's ears flattened at the mixed signals.

"What's your problem!?" Dawn shouted.

"If you do that, I'll lose my camera for good…"

"Well, it's not like we have much of a choice!"

With the Swanna jabbing at his legs, Luke couldn't deny to himself that Dawn had a point.'Still… I really don't want to lose what's precious to me! That should matter too, right!?'

His inner musings, in fact, brought something Dawn herself had said to light.

'If I was in her position, I"d put up a big fight! I wouldn't plead with him!'

His bespectacled eyes snapped open.'That's it! I have to do what I think is right!'"Zorua!" He cried. "Try turning into a Swanna! The prettiest one you can manage!"

Zorua wasn't sure what her trainer had in mind, but she complied with a yip nonetheless.

"Swa! Na!" Swanna cried angrily, before stopping suddenly. Out of the corner of his eye…

Standing on the guard railing was another of his kind, crossing her wings over her torso. She batted her eyes without squawking even a word. From his perspective, she may as well have been surrounded with sparkles.

"Swanna!" With hearts in his eyes, the aggressive, camera-toting Pokémon landed atop the railing next to the disguised Zorua. "Swan, Swanna~!"

"Now," Luke whispered as discreetly as possible, "the camera…!"

With as much subtlety as she could manage, Zorua nodded.

'It's like a comedic cartoon at the beginning of a movie,'Luke thought, watching the scene unfold. An unruly guy with a bad attitude, drawn in by the charm of a beautiful counterpart.

The disguised Zorua moved with grace, waving her wing to draw the lovestruck Swanna closer. He scooted over, chirping something or another that had to be an attempt to play her.

Beneath her guise, Zorua blanched at the detestable bird. But, shewasproud of her acting. And shewouldrecover her trainer's precious possession. She leaned in slowly, and dipped her'beak…'Only for Zorua to snag the camera line with her teeth, and sling it off over his head.

'She got it,'Dawn thought. Now, if they could just wait for Rura, they'd be fine. "...Ah!"

A sudden lurch disrupted the raised drawbridge, and it started to descend without warning. It all rattled her and the boy she held onto, and he slipped free of her hand. "Luke!"

Luke screamed in terror. But, rather than plummet, the sudden move launched him high, rather than dropping him to the depths. He scrambled for any footing at all as the bridge descended.

The bridge was dropping again, but Dawn didn't have time to think about that. Not with the flailing filmmaker coming down right by her. "C'mere!" She grunted, reaching her arm outward. With all of her might, she yanked him in, with her arm clutching around his stomach.

Luke's feet scooted up behind him, struggling before his heels found stability outside the guardrail. He'd justbarelybeen saved from a nasty fall.

"I…" He was hyperventilating. Even speaking was a challenge. "I… you… You saved-"

"We're not safe yet," Dawn reminded him, shifting uncomfortably. She had evenlessroom to stand with him alongside her, and his elbow was jabbing her side. But this beat supporting him by just one hand. "But the bridge is on its way down."

Zorua had been sent flying back onto the bridge, catching the camcorder with her arms and legs. She'd started tumbling before catching her footing, holding the camera strap in her teeth.

Swanna, on the other hand, had put the pieces together after he'd been unceremoniously thrown from the bridge. He'd been had! And it had him seeing red. Flapping his wings, he hovered over the two suspended humans. "Swah! Swanna!"

"Oh, great…" Dawn's face fell. "Luke, hold onto the railing! If you let go, I can reach my Poké Balls, and..."

"N-no!" Luke shook his head, leaning further into Dawn's secure hold. "I'm facing the wrong way! What if I slip!?"

"All ofthis,after you nearly jumped down there for your camcorder!?"

"I have it back now, so there's nothing to distract me!"

Dawn huffed in exasperation. "Well then, we're about to become bird chow." Swanna was already squawking with fury, swooping down towards them. "Unless…! Zorua!"

"Arf!" Zorua ran over to the railing with the camera strap in her teeth.

"Turn into a Pikachu! Scare 'im off!"

Zorua dropped the camcorder and hopped atop the railing . . . but not before a spiral of purple turned her into a yellow, bolt-tailed rodent.

"Swah?" Swanna stopped mid-flight, tilting his head at the new Pokémon.

Illusory lightning danced off of'Pikachu's'hide, punctuated by a low growl that, little did he know, was a Zorua's. Flashing red cheeks spelled out a very blatant threat.

One Swanna wantednothingto do with. He squawked in fear before turning tail, white and blue feathers scattering to the breeze in his wake. "Swa! Swanna…!"

"...Phew." Dawn sighed. "Well, that solvesoneproblem."

"You… you saved me." Luke huffed out.

"Well, sure I did! I wasn't just going to let you fall," Dawn said, smiling. "Besides, you should really be thanking Zorua!"

"Ahah… I guess you're right," Luke chuckled tiredly. "Even so-"

~Dawn! Dawn! Luke! Zorua!~Rura's scratchy voice interrupted the conversation. He pranced over, tail wagging behind him.~I found help!~

"Why, I oughta…! Uh… Phew…!" The bridge guard had stumbled his way over after Rura, leaning over to catch his breath. Only in his exhaustion did clarity begin to return to him. "Wha… Where am I…?"

"Hey, Mister!" Dawn called.

"We could, um… use a little help!"

"Wha…? Goodness!" The man exclaimed. "How did you two even get out there!?"

"Does that really matter?" Luke whined.

"You're right! You're right. Hang tight. I'll help you on over."

With a bit of struggle and effort on the part of the bridge worker, Dawn and Luke were helped over to the safe side of the ledge. Both took a moment to rest… At least, after getting all of the way off the Driftveil Drawbridge. They wanted little to do with it, after that.

"Phew…" Luke huffed, sitting on the nearest bench. "What a disaster…"

"I feel like my hand's going to be cramping for a little while," Dawn complained, working her arm around.

"Well, I should say you're lucky to get away with just that!" The worker huffed, with his hands on his hips. "Just what were the both of ya doing on the bridge when it was set to rise!?"

"What? We just walked on," Dawn explained, very matter-of-factly. "Weren't you supposed to be watching?"

"Erm… uh…!" The man's mustache lifted with a twitch of his lips. He looked off guiltily, scratching his cheek. "Nevermind that. You kids don't need anymore grief. Just try and be more careful next time, will ya?"

The negligent guard was met with a deadpan, unimpressed stare from all four present.

Dawn saw her shadow start to shift and elongate with the sun's steady daily journey to the west. She, Luke, and their two Zorua had relocated to Nimbasa, where the two humans sat on a park bench near a large fountain. The gentle mist coming from nearby was awfully refreshing, especially after such a stressful encounter. Zorua and Rura each sat atop the side of the fountain sculpture, basking in the mist more directly.

"...So, uh. All of those writer's disputes aside… I have to admit, Dawn," Luke said, shyly rubbing his arm. "You definitely had one thing I didn't."

"Huh?" Dawn asked, tilting her head. "What's that?"

"Through it all, you kept a steady head. Even with a frenzied Pokémon putting us in danger, you had your cool! You even gave me the inspiration to pull through and retrieve my camera, honestly." He adjusted his glasses, shooting her a tilted smile. "You may be a pain to work with, but you're kind of a hero."

"A hero…?" Dawn frowned, scratching her cheek. The backhanded compliment went unnoticed. Her eyes turned skyward. "I don't know aboutthat."

"Well, why not?" Luke asked.

"Honestly… It all comes around to why I'm in Unova in the first place. You can keep a secret, right?"

"Sure? I don't see why not,."

"Well, the thing is… Back in Kanto, me and my boyfriend got caught up in fighting some criminals. Like, really rotten ones, more than once. We're used to fighting bad people, but the last few times, we didn't do as well as we would've liked to. To top it off, it drew so much attention towards us that it's gotten us hurt… Or, at least, it got my boyfriend and his Pokémon hurt. Ever since then, I've been afraid to show myselformy Pokémon off on stage, the way I really want to. That's why I insisted on not being seen in anything. I really hate it, actually."

"That's… wow." Luke laughed, before slapping his hands over his mouth. "Sorry! Nervous habit. It's not funny, I mean… That's horrible. I guess I should've been easier on you before, in hindsight. It's no wonder you were so forceful. You must've been under a ton of stress."

"Huh? No, I'm always like that," Dawn said, tilting her head.

"I… see." A bead of sweat rolled down Luke's forehead. He shook his head. "Well, nevertheless…! I think I should remind you of whatyousaid to me that made me feel inspired. You said you'd never let anyone compromise who you are, or what you want to do, right? Life may be full of challenges, but it can't stop you from following your heart! If making your Pokémon shine is who you are, then you can't compromise on that!"

"You know what, Luke…?" Dawn blinked, before hopping to her feet. "You're right! Ican'tjust cower away. I want my Pokémon to shine on stage, the same way you want to show your vision through movies. I can't do that if I'm lingering in doubt anymore than you can."

"That's right!" Luke nodded. "Besides, Rura showing off his true nature today is part of why we were saved in the first place! Or, so I've heard."

~Yeah!~Rura yipped, running over to stand at their feet.~Ticking that guy off was actually a lot of fun! Can I trick and bother people more often? Can I, Dawn, can I, can I!?~

Dawn giggled. "Thereissomething of a scene out there for mischievous Dark-types. But I bet with enough work, you'll be able to pull it off like nobody else! Sure, Rura. You'll be a shoe-in!"

~...What?~The fox tilted his head.~Why would I go inside a shoe? They stink!~

Dawn, Luke, and Zorua nearly tripped over. "Well, he's… still got some work to do on his linguistics before he getsthatfar," Luke chuckled.

"Anyway," Dawn continued, "thanks for setting my head on straight, Luke."

"I should thank you," he replied. "I have my idea for a movie, now!"

"Oh?" Dawn asked. "What's that?"

"A thrilling adventure flick!" Luke hopped to his feet, aiming the lens of his camcorder at Dawn. "I want to paint a heroic story of a knight and their Pokémon saving the day!"

"Ehe, now that's anawesomeidea!" Dawn beamed. "On that note… I think it's about time I head back. Who knows what Ash is up to, about now? He could be wondering where we are."

"Actually, I should probably get ready to head home, too," Luke agreed. "I've got to share my vision with my employer!"

"Then, it was nice meeting you, Luke!" Dawn said happily, extending her hand. "Let's make sure we both reach our dreams, and shake on it!"

"Aha, you have yourself a deal, Dawn!" Luke clasped her hand, giving it a firm shake. "From one artist to another…"

"Let's show the world a vision they'll never forget!"

~Yeah! What they said!~Rura grinned, addressing Luke's Zorua, who'd stalked her way over.

Zorua stared at him for what felt like a minute, and tilted her nose in the air. "Hmph! …Zor."

~I am NOT!~He huffed, as Luke and his partner started to walk away. Looking between the groups, he saw that Dawn was on her way in the opposite direction. He trotted over to walk at her side. Today, he'd gained a new appreciation for the wide, open world around him, and even an appreciation for who he, himself, could be, with his trainer's help. But, there was stillonesmall question that eluded the Tricky Fox.~Hey, Dawn?~

Dawn looked down to her partner. "Yes, Rura?"

~What's a Prima Donna?~

Chapter 15: Know Thy Friend

Chapter Text

The Battle Institute.

Had Bertha not led Ash here, he might not have even noticed it; an angular, postmodern three-story building down the block from the Pokémon Center, with periwinkle walls bordering on a dull gray.

"Thisis the place?" Ash asked, brow furrowing in incredulity. I've seen it a million times since we've been here. It definitely doesn't look like much."

"Aha-ha!" Stopping outside the institute, Bertha laughed. Beneath her subtle, subdued demeanor, there was just a crack of a cackle from an elderly person who just didn't give a damn. "I would tell you that your observation skills need sharpening. But, you're right, and that's by design."

"By design?" Ash frowned. "Why would a bigshot battling arena want to look so dingy? The Big Stadium and Small Court were much flashier…" Ash stopped, blinking. "Shoot, hanging out with Dawn is rubbing off on me."

"Perhaps," Bertha replied. "But, you see… Its modus operandi is something I can relate to." Before Ash could ask what that meant, she continued. "It's only interested in engaging the most competent of trainers, with a sharp enough eye to seek it out in the first place. Slapping a bunch of decorations and prestige on its surface would only draw crowds that aren't quite ready for it."

Ash whistled. "Sounds like a big deal." His budding excitement was chasing the proverbial rain cloud over his head away. Unable to help himself, he filed on in, coming through sliding double doors. Stepping inside, he gasped.

The contrast between the interior and exterior was night-and-day. Teal, checkered tiles spanned the floors up until the length of a battlefield, which was a darker stretch of aquamarine. Neon railing barred off the battling area from the lobby, flashing beats of hot pink. Silver and royal blues spanned the walls, and maroon felt furniture sat towards the back of the lobby, with small glass tables sitting between them. Several trainers; mostly young adults, occupied them and chatted. A few looked over out of curiosity when Ash stepped into the building.

'It looks like something out of a sci-fi movie…'

~Or a spy thriller. This could fit right into one of the villains' evil lairs,~Pikachu replied, carrying Ash's train of thought.

"Excuse me!" A voice jostled Ash and Pikachu out of their musings. A man sat at the front desk, leering at the former. "I don't believe you're a member of the Battle Institute… We don't allow just any trainer to wander in here, you know."

"Oh, would you relax. He's with me," Bertha vouched before Ash could retort, resting a hand on the youth's shoulder.

"Oh! Bertha! Welcome back," the man chimed, immediately changing his tune. "Couldn't stay away from our Battle Tests for too long, could you?"

"As fun as that sounds, I'm afraid I'm here on other business," she replied. "I'm here to introduce my young friend, Ashton, here, to your facilities. I believe it could do him a lot of good."

"It's Ash," Ash muttered, but he didn't expect a correction.

"I see. Well, be that as it may, he still needs the qualifications to enter in the first place. You're new here, Ashton, so you might not be aware. To qualify to be a member of the Battle Institute, a trainer must possess at least one Hall of Fame title from any region with reputable Pokémon League credentials."

'Pokémon League'and'Hall of Fame'hit Ash like a brick. "Oh, well…" His shoulders slumped with his spirits. "The thing is… I haven't exactly managed that, yet."

The clerk answered with a hum, curt and dismissive. "What a shame. Well I'm sorry, Bertha, but I'm afraid we'll have to ask Ashton to-"

"Check his Trainer File," Bertha interrupted, before the man could finish his sentence.

"Ash Ketchum," Ash volunteered, though he wasn't sure what she was getting at.

". . . Yes, well. I don't see the purpose with Ashton's own admission, but, ahem, very well." He complied, reluctance and disgust screwed onto his features. Ash very much got the impression that if anyone but Bertha had asked, he'd have them thrown out the door already.

The man typed away at a tablet before him, blue screen light reflecting in his spectacles. Said spectacles nearly slid down his nose a moment afterward. "Oh! Ash Ketchum… It seems that you've entered the Orange League's Palace of Victory, and the Kanto Battle Frontier Hall of Fame. Although the Orange League's credentials are a tad questionable… Completing a decorated Battle Facility is more than sufficient. You can go on ahead."

"...Oh. Oh, yeah." Ash blinked, blushing profusely. He felt embarrassed that he hadn't thought to mention either accomplishment sooner. "Well, thank you!" He bowed his head, and shuffled on by.

"You forgot?"Pikachu asked."I was about to remind you, before Bertha said something."


"I've noticed that you don't tend to flaunt your past achievements often," Bertha cut in, after catching up to him. "Or, even think of them. Before you ask, I did a few observations of my own, into your trainer history. I did say I was going to keep up with you, after all."

"That makes sense," Ash replied. Humming, he rubbed the back of his neck. "See, the thing is. Whenever I spend a lot of time thinking about my victories, my ego gets the best of me, and I screw up royally. Don't get me wrong! I'm really proud of what I've done. But I like to focus on the road ahead of me and not get overconfident."

It went unsaid, but his recent state of mind probably hadn't helped.

Bertha smiled, clearly approving. "Someone your age having such a mindset is commendable…As is you holding your cards close. If an opponent is oblivious to all that you've accomplished, they're less likely to observe and perceive you properly, as we just saw a moment ago, if you've observed as much," she said, nodding back towards the clerk.

"However! Staying aware of your qualifications isalsoimportant. Achieving what you did is no small feat. It essentially puts you on even footing with myself, in some respects. You should remember that, Ashton, and battle like it. Hold your strengths close to your heart, and don't let them go to your head."

"...Wow. That's really great advice, Bertha! Thank you." Ash managed a half-smile, humbled by it all. "I'll try to remember that. But also, uh… Since when did you decide to start calling me Ashton? That's not actually my full name," he corrected, frowning.

"Oh! I know it's not. I just think we've known each other long enough for me to give you a nickname," Bertha chuckled.

Ash, surprisingly, found himself touched by that.

"Hey! Do I get a nickname, then?"Pikachu asked.

Bertha laughed. Though she couldn't understand Pikachu, she figured it out, as always. "Oh, and how could I leave Pikachu out? Now, what should I call you…?" She paused, humming. "Pikachu… Peek… Oh! I'll call you Peeks."

Pikachu chirped happily at this.

"Peeks! I like it," Ash agreed. "Hey, in that case, maybe you should get a nickname, too, Bertha! Just to complete the trio."

"Mm… No," she shook her head.

Ash deflated."No?"

"I appreciate the comradery, but you still ought to respect your elders. If you're going to call me anything, you can call me Meemaw."

Ash snorted. "Yeah, right. Oh! I should probably get signed up!" They'd wandered close enough to the next counter, anyway.

"Hello, there!" A much more chipper woman stood behind the next counter, with long, aquamarine twintails fashioned into drills. She wore a suit, though she looked like she could've been a fashionable trainer a few years ago. "It seems this is your first time in the Battle Institute. Shall I judge you with a Battle test?"

"That sounds great," Ash replied, "but what's a Battle Test?"

"A Battle Test is a series of battles which'll assess the aptitude of your skills in battling. You will take your test using one Pokémon for single battles, or two for double battles, in a gauntlet of battles against five different trainers. You will be judged on your performance, and at the end of each battle, you will be given a score, depending on our rubric. Depending on how many points you earn, you can exchange them for useful items, or even Technical Machines!"

"Technical Machines, huh…?" Ash hummed, thinking back on his time in Cinnabar.'What was that thing Brock said about helping my Pokémon grow in different ways…?'He smiled. This was a perfect opportunity to do just that. "That sounds great! I'm eager to get to winning!"

"Well, there's a winning attitude!" The clerk beamed. "Now, will it be singles or doubles?"

"I'll choose… singles!"

"Wonderful! Then, please make your way to the battlefield, and you'll have your first opponent shortly!"

"Awesome! Thank you." Ash made a quick beeline for the railed off area, before realizing he didn't hear any footsteps behind him. He looked over his shoulder, and Bertha was still at the counter, conversing with the clerk. "Hey, Bertha! C'mon. Aren't you gonna watch us?"

"Oh! I'll be there in just a minute; don't worry about me. We just have something to discuss," she answered, smiling.

Ash exchanged a look with Pikachu and shrugged.

Standing on one end of the futuristic battlefield, Ash found himself opposite of a man who was likely in his thirties, with dark, short parted hair and a blue sweater vest. Gazing across the way, his opponent smirked. "The rush of a good battle is like the hiss of a locomotive as it enters the station. Wouldn't you agree? Both just get me fired up!"

"Uh… Yeah," Ash trailed off uneasily. "I guess that makes sense."

"The battle between Challenger Ash and Clerk Hoffman will now begin!" The judge called from behind a desk, separated from the action by the neon guardrails. "Please send out your Pokémon!"

"Looks like it's time to get to it…" Ash huffed. "Pikachu. You wanna give it a spin?"

Pikachu's nose scrunched. He felt conflicted. Nonetheless, he took a deep breath."...Yeah. I have to battle again, sooner or later. Send me in."

Ash nodded. "Pikachu! I choose you!"

"Pika!" Following his trainer's gesture of pointing forth, Pikachu leapt off of his shoulder, landing on all fours.

"A Pikachu…? Hah, you don't see that sort of thing in Unova, often! Klang! I choose you!" Hoffman threw a Poké Ball backhanded. A Pokémon appeared that neither Ash nor Pikachu recognized; one consisted of two small gears, and a larger one on its back. One of the gears had a face, with a teal nose and one eye, with a cross mark in the place where its other eye would presumably go.

"Klang!" Klang chirped a metallic noise, as their gears started to turn. Ash pointed Dexter at them.

"Klang: The Gear Pokémon. Spinning minigears are rotated at high speed and repeatedly fired away. It is dangerous if the gears don't return."

"What a cool Pokémon… And they're a Steel-type. Alright, Pikachu… Pikachu?"

Where Pikachu stood, now, he'd hoped to be battle-ready; fresh and free of his previous perils. On the contrary, though, he was shivering. The faintest snap of electricity from his cheeks that would normally spark excitement instead struck terror down his spine.

A sterile battle scene, battle-ready, with an opponent opposite of him. It was all too familiar. All a little too recent. The images of Klang and a charred and bloodied Ash were starting to blend together.

"Pikachu… Pikachu?" Ash asked, increasingly concerned. He could practically feel his partner's stress leaking into his own nerves.

'Pikachu… It's me, Buddy. You can hear me, can't you?'

"Chu! Pikachu!" Pikachu shook his head, letting off a greater volume of sparks that snapped at the pristine field.

"Now, hold the breaks," Hoffman frowned. "Is your Pikachu alright, over there? He doesn't look too sound."

Ash took no time to answer, instead running over to scoop his partner into his arm. "Buddy… It's okay. You're in Unova, remember? It's okay." He gently stroked Pikachu's fur, only to find that it was starting to become matted with sweat. The guilt he felt was palpable.

"Is there a problem, Mr. Ketchum?" The judge; being the same peppy clerk from before, asked from behind the railing. "Is your Pikachu not able to battle?"

"...I don't think so." Ash shook his head. Pikachu's trembling was slowing down, as he started to come to his senses. "He had a traumatizing experience recently. He wanted to hop back in, but it looks like he isn't ready." He looked back down to Pikachu. "Are you okay, Buddy?"

"...I. I think so."Pikachu huffed. He felt positively pathetic."I can't, Ash. Sorry. I-I can't."

"Hey, it's fine, it's fine. Don't sweat it," Ash replied. "Should we go, now?"

"...No."Pikachu shook his head, frowning."You just got started. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure! You went through the trouble of coming here… Just, let me sit it out."

"If you say so," Ash agreed. "Sorry, Hoffman, I need a moment."

The brunet nodded. "Don't rush. No good train leaves the station with a Pokémon in need."

"Thanks." He turned his attention to the judge. "Sorry, miss. But could I please substitute my Pokémon? I know it's against the rules, but this is a weird situation, and I won't put him through more trouble than I already have."

"I should say that it was irresponsible to send a traumatized Pokémon out in the first place," the woman huffed. "You should be more careful." She seemed to zero in on the sorry look on Ash's face, judging by the pity in her eyes. "However, a responsible battle facility will never put procedure above a Pokémon's well-being. You'll be allowed to substitute Pikachu, but you will suffer a loss in points."

"That'smorethan fine." Ash approached Bertha, who'd been standing behind the railing. "Bertha, could you please look after Pikachu?"

The silver-haired Elite hummed affirmatively, holding out her arms. "Now, you know I wouldn't leave Pikachu uncared for." She took Pikachu, and the mouse opted to board her shoulder. She leaned in to whisper."Now, let's put this embarrassing display behind us, shall we?"

"Yeah." Ash agreed, ruffling his partner's head before returning to stand opposite of Hoffman. He inhaled, and exhaled sharply. "Sorry. Let's try this again. I choose you… Meema!"

The lithe, gray Illusion Fox appeared on all fours. Her icy gaze landed on Klang.

"Now that Challenger Ash has sent out his Pokémon, you may begin!"

"The first move is ours!" Ash called. "Night Slash!"

"Klang, use Thunderbolt!"

Klang, naturally, was a bit slower on the uptake than Meema. With turning gears, they fired a bolt of lightning at the mauve-claw-brandishing fox that she'd surely be able to avoid.

Only, she didn't. Meema charged right into the Thunderbolt, howling as lightning shot through her nervous system.

"Meema…!?" Ash watched the scene unfold before him in confusion and concern, as the fox powered through, raking her claws across Klang to bring the shock to an end.

'That was weird.'

If there was anything amiss, Hoffman didn't notice. "Use Return, Klang!"

Klang had been knocked into a spin by Night Slash, skidding and dragging across the surface before finding purchase. With a metallic cry, they lunged at Meema.

"Dodge, with Agility," Ash commanded, deciding to be a bit more specific, this time.

Meema stretched into a dark blur, darting far out of Klang's reach. The turning gears came to a halt just a few feet away from Ash, turning around to scout their opponent.

The Steel-type found themselves baffled. Not only was Meema darting from one end of the field to the next before her audience's eyes, butmultipleMeema were doing so. Running circles around the gadget, the seeming pack of Zoroark had the gear puzzled and dizzy.

Ash frowned, raising a brow at the display. "I didn't ask her to use Double Team…!"

"Hm! You can't be a proper conductor without a proper command of your Pokémon, sonny," Hoffman huffed.

"Tch," Ash tutted, but pressed on with a wave of his hand. "Night Slash!"

In an instant, Meema was before her trainer again, flanking Klang with a slash of her claws. Violet light leaked from the point of impact, as Klang was sent spinning back towards their trainer. They corrected themselves with a gear planting in the ground, and stood strong.

"Now, use Metal Sound!"

Klang's gears started to turn and grind, setting off a harsh, ear-rattling noise. The silver soundwaves barraged Meema, making her flinch and buckle under the painful sensation.

Afterwards, a blue aura washed over her; her special defense had dropped harshly.

"Tch… Hang strong, Meema!" Ash encouraged.

"Use Flash Cannon," Hoffman followed, coaching Klang to fire a silver burst of energy.

"Dodge that, Meema!" Ash urged.

The blast collided with Meema, and a blinding explosion rocked Ash's end of the field. Smoke and bits of metal flew about, shrouding the fox from view. Ash scouted for her, fearing the worst.

When the smoke cleared, however, there was no Meema.

"Klang!" Klang cried, suddenly pinned to the battlefield. Meema was atop them, pinning the spinning and struggling gears to the floor with her claws.

"What the…!? How did she…" Ash gasped. "Her illusions!"

"Now, halt, right there!" Hoffman scolded. "That's no way to use Illusion in battle, sonny!"

The clerk's warning went unheeded, with Ash focused entirely on Meema. "You shouldn't go making it look like you got hit without me knowing, Meema. You really had me worried!"

With Klang still struggling under her, the fox looked over, head tilted.~You… were worried? For what purpose?~

"Bah. Thunderbolt!"

Lightning shot through Meema once more. The Zoroark howled, illuminated by gold, before the resulting explosion blasted her back towards Ash in a smoking heap.

"Meema! Are you alright, Meema!?"

Portions of her voluminous mane looked burnt, still trailing wisps of smoke. Meema struggled to support herself with trembling limbs, but she stubbornly sat up, nonetheless. She'd clearly taken a lot of damage, thanks to Metal Sound.

"I believe the train that is our battle has arrived at the station," Hoffman shouted. "Flash Cannon!"

"Night-" Ash was halfway through a command, when a sudden dizzying feeling overtook him. Blurring colors flashed before his eyes, and he felt like he'd been rattled. "What the…!?" He shook his head, attempting to regain his bearings. He could see Meema in front of him, just fine. But, something was off. The floor underneath them was no longer the colorful, futuristic battlefield, but a solid royal blue. The same color as… "...the ceiling!?"

He and Meema seemed to be standing on the ceiling. Hoffman and Klang were upside-down, below… above…? Whatever was happening, it was disorienting.

But, the Clerk had already ordered his move. Flash Cannon fired at Meema, and detonated. She leapt out of the smoke, only to be struck by another. She did so again, and a third Flash Cannon struck again.

"Halt! Halt!" The seemingly kind and mild-mannered Clerk called out; his arms forming a cross over his chest. "Just what do you think you're doing with those illusions, sonny?"

"What do you mean, what am I doing!?" Ash belted back. He was a bit too embarrassed to admit that he had no command of what Meema had been up to, thus far. (Though, he had to imagine that was obvious.) "She's using one of her abilities as a Pokémon; what's the problem?"

"The problem is, the way you're using Illusion is illegal!"

"Illegal!?" Ash echoed, wide-eyed. He looked up… down… in the direction of the judge. "Is that true?"

The aqua-haired woman nodded. "The ability, Illusion, is strictly regulated, at least in the Unova region as Zorua and Zoroark's native home. Twisting everyone's perception at will is considered overpowered in the lengths it can be exploited, and can even be considered to be interfering with the trainer… as you can clearly see for yourself."

Finding himself to be standing on the ceiling, apparently, Ash certainly could. "That definitely makes sense. Then, whatcanthey do with their illusions?"

"When appearing from their Poké Ball, Zoroark are allowed to imitate the appearance of one other Pokémon on the trainer's team; typically one that's decided on beforehand. After they take damage and their concentration is broken, they may not resume the illusion until sent out again."

Ash nodded. That sounded like a far fairer use of such a powerful ability, now that he took a moment to think about it. "Thanks, but if that's the case, then why wasn't I told sooner!?"

"As a veteran trainer," she replied, "you're expected to catch your own mistakes in a Battle Test."

Ash's face burned with shame. "...Meema, drop the Illusion."

~I don't understand. This is combat, is it not? You use whatever advantages you have to conquer your foe.~Meema asked, looking back at her trainer.

"That's not how Pokémon battles work." Ash shook his head. "A Pokémon battle is a fair-and-square sport, where we all work together to do our best. I need you to trust my judgment so we can work together. Can you do that for me, Meema?" The teen smiled, holding out a hand.

Meema was silent, for a moment. His words were puzzling; profoundly so. But, she recalled the other day, where his tactics had led to her saving her darling cub. Where they'd combined their strengths to beat a common enemy. She bowed her head, and the illusion dispelled.~My apologies, Leader. I'll do as you ask.~

"Well, I'll be… A Zoroark with telepathy. I'd say that our stop at this station has been a worthy venture, even for all the trouble," Hoffman chuckled.

~But, what should I do, Leader?~Meema went on to ask, feeling profoundly out of place.

"Well, as a trainer, it's my job to help you be at your best," Ash answered, smiling. "So, what would you do, if you weren't sure how to beat an opponent?"

~...I would stalk my prey until I find an opening,~she answered, sending a shiver up Ash's spine.

"...I'm gonna ignore how creepy that is and say I'm not surprised," Ash said nervously, masking his feelings with a smirk. "Right. Then, let's do it! Come at us, Klang! We're ready for you!"

"Then, we're leaving for the next stop! Flash Cannon!"

"Dodge that! Agility!"

Flash Cannon fired, but not nearly quickly enough to tag the Zoroark. Disappearing and reappearing at quick intervals; no longer with the aid of Illusion; she ran literal circles around the turning gear.

Far faster than Klang could follow, Ash noticed; the Steel-type was haphazardly turning to catch a glimpse of their opponent, to no avail. Back and forth, they turned in stilted motions.

"Tch… That fox may be faster than even the Nimbasa Subway!" Hoffman snorted. He, himself, could barely keep an eye on Meema.

Ash's eyes widened in a split-second observation.'Every time she moves, Klang has to keep turning to even catch a glimpse of 'er. They're just a couple of gears with no neck, or anything. They can't keep up with her without even turning around!'Ash smirked. He had a plan. "That's enough, Meema!"

The Zoroark slid to a halt, now in plain sight.

"There she is! Ue Return, Klang!"

The gear shot towards Meema with all the force behind their bond with the Clerk.

"Now!" Ash grinned, swiping a hand through the air. "Night Slash, from the side! Snag their gear, and send 'em off!"

Meema had no idea what Ash had planned, but she obeyed to the letter. Crimson claws came at Klang from the right, catching the grooves in their gears. Following through, she launched them into a violent spin.

"Ah! Klang!" Hoffman exclaimed."Catch your footing, posthaste!"

The gear's dizzying rotations finally started to slow, as the Pokémon buried one of their bottom gears into the floor. Finally coming to a halt, facing away from Meema.

"Now's your chance; they can't see you," Ash called. "Use Nasty Plot!"

Meema leered at her foe, scheming underhanded and aggressive thoughts that made her even more in-tune with her Dark-type attributes. A red glow signified her special attack doubling.

All, just in time for Klang to dislodge from the floor, and turn to face her.

"Klang! Flash Cannon!" With the Clerk's orders, the gear fired a shimmering beam.

"Night Daze!" Ash cried.

Meema slammed her paws against the ground. A violent burst of cool hues exploded from the epicenter, colliding with Flash Cannon before quickly overpowering it. Crimson and violet flashes swallowed the field, before fading away.

Klang laid on their back, unconscious.

"Klang is unable to battle," the judge called, raising a hand. "Zoroark is the winner; As is Ash!"

"Yes! We did it!" Ash up to the Zoroark without hesitation, reaching over to take her paws and pull her upright. "That's what I'm talking about, Meema!"

The surprisingly lightweight Zoroark was up on her hind legs without a fight, but she did stare at him with complete bewilderment. Eyes that were normally narrow and focused with the intent of a hunter were wide; a bit stupefied, even. After a few short moments, she blinked.~I see. This must be how humans show affection.~

The fox awkwardly lifted and jostled Ash's own hands, clearly finding the whole gesture alien.

"Well, emergency stops aside, I must say that was a fine battle, Ash!" Hoffman interrupted, extending a hand to the younger trainer.

"It sure was!" Ash laughed, meeting the gesture and shaking firmly. "Thanks a lot, Hoffman."

"Though, I must say," the man said, frowning. "I get the impression this was your first venture with that Zoroark. From the little I heard from both of you, youbothseemed lost."

"Well… yeah," Ash admitted, sheepishly rubbing his neck. He then threw an arm around the Zoroark. "That's because it was! I actually caught Meema, yesterday, near city limits. I thought a battle was theperfectway for us to get to know each other!"

"Well, while I can't help but feel a littleinsulted… Hah! I am impressed the two of you found your speed so quickly. Like an engine and their stalwart conductor, you worked in tandem!"

"That's because I believe in my Pokémon!" Ash chimed, pulling Meema in closer. The fox only looked more perplexed, still.

"Well, it's no wonder you found yourself here. I'd better go and get my Klang healed. Good meeting you, sonny!" The Clerk answered, before taking his leave.

Ash looked at Meema, and grinned. "Now, let's go and see our score!"

Returning to the judge in front of her counter, they waited early on the score for their very first battle. After a few calculations; some accounting for unusual mistakes that Ash had committed, a score appeared on a screen behind the judge, alongside four empty spaces. 500 points!

"500!" Ash cheered. "Hey, that sounds high. It must be a pretty good score, right?"

The judge put on a polite, customer service smile. "It's… fairly passable, with all of your blunders considered. If you continue as you have, you'll be lucky to break out of the novice tier."

Ash groaned, hanging his head. "I should've seen that coming…"

~It was a poor performance, then?~

"Afraid so," Ash replied.

~My apologies.~Meema bowed her head.~I understand if you're to remove me from the team. I just beseech that Dawn holds onto Rura.~

"What!? No!" Ash blanched and recoiled. Offering the judge an apologetic grin that said'I'll be right back,'he ushered his Pokémon aside to speak to her confidentially. "Accidents happen, Meema. It's really not that serious."

~But your standing suffered because of my errors.~

"Ithrew you into a professional battle without ever testing the waters. That's my mistake… But, we're not here to pin blame, so let's just say we both screwed up. Besides, that battle let us grow closer! So, I choose to take that as a victory!"

~If that's your wisdom, Leader,~Meema replied,~then I'll accept it.~

"Good. Now, let's get you healed up, and head on to the next battle!"

"Now, for the third round! Challenger Ash vs Backpacker Mabon will now begin!"

This time, Ash found himself an aptly titled man; one with brown, messy hair and a large, unwieldy blue backpack over his shoulder; undoubtedly, a heavy traveler like Ash, himself. Mabon wasn't quite as talkative as those before him, starting by throwing a Poké Ball. "Go! Bouffalant!"

A large, brown bull appeared, sporting a huge, dark afro on his head, with two sharp curved horns jutting out of it; each adorned with golden rings. Matching golden eyes leered at Ash, a heavy snort passing through his nostrils.

"Boufallant…" Ash pulled out his Pokédex.

"Boufallant: The Bash Buffalo Pokémon. A Normal-type. They charge wildly and headbutt everything. Their headbutts have enough destructive force to derail a train."

"Nowthatsounds like a strong Pokémon," Ash smirked. "And I know just who to send into this battle! Tauros, I choose you!"

His trusty horned leader appeared in a flash, bellowing and stomping the field. A quick glance at his foe turned into a fierce staredown. Hooves bashed and scuffed the stage. Tension hung in the air thicker than Moomoo Milk butter, and an intense showdown was certainly about to begin!

"Ha! You think your Tauros is a fan of my Boufallant?" Mabon joked.

"I think he wants tobeatyour Boufallant," Ash said, smirking.

"Why wait and wonder?" Baboon replied. "Use Head Charge!"

"I agree! Tauros! Take Down attack!"

The two rampaging brutes charged one another, but there was something unique about Boufallant's attack; a glowing, red and yellow aura coated his afro. A sure sign of power, as the two collided center-stage to lock horns!

Bull bashed against buffalo; horns against horns. Pristine flooring chipped and gave to their powerful hooves in a game of tug-of-war. But, it was a game that Tauros quickly realized he wasn't going to win. Losing ground, he succumbed to a nasty bash from Head Charge.

Crying out, he flew back before catching himself on all fours. He shook his head out, warding off the soreness. "Booh!"

"They reallyaretough," Ash grinned. "But, we're tougher! Let's try that again! Take Down!"

"Fine with me! Head Charge!"

The two Pokémon clashed again, with just the same ferocity. Tauros bucked and dug in his hooves, pressing all of his weight and power against his foe. Once more, though, he found no purchase against that afro. Head Charge sent him flying.

This time, he was a little less graceful in his recovery, stumbling to land upright.

"Again!?" Ash exclaimed. "But Tauros's Take Down has always been a force to be reckoned with, no matter who our opponent is. Just how strong is this guy!?"

"Ha! You're not from 'round these parts, are ya, Ash?" Mabon asked, grinning.

"No," Ash said, shaking his head. "Why?"

"Well aside from Boufallant being a top-notch Pokémon, you should know a thing or two about his ability, before you tussle with him!"

Ash took out Dexter, again." One of Boufallant's abilities is Reckless. Reckless powers up moves that have recoil damage. Head Smash is a Normal-type attack with tremendous power that deals some recoil damage; though, unlike Take Down, their afro provides a cushion for the impact. In other words, Boufallant's charges are altogether superior to those of a Tauros."

Overhearing the Pokédex, Tauros snorted loudly.

"Ignore Dexter, Tauros!" Ash immediately protested, pocketing the device.'Smartass… But, they did tell us something important, at least. We're gonna have to find another approach.'

And, the ambient heat of Tauros's angry huffing gave Ash an idea. "Let's show them just how fiery hot our spirits can get, Tauros! Use Fire Blast!"

Tauros cried, firing off a blazing star towards his foe.

"Block it, with Stone Edge!" Mabon countered, as Boufallant stomped the field. Spires of rock erupted in a row in Fire Blast's path. The first of them started to melt away, but the blaze split harmlessly against the second.

Tauros dipped out of Stone Edge's range, charging past the spire that erupted under him. Temper growing hotter by the second, he took the liberty of charging Boufallant.

"Man, he's mad," Ash muttered. "I'd hate to be in Boufallant's horseshoes… Wait, that's it!" The light bulb went off in Ash's head. "Use Scary Face, now!"

Clearing the crumbling rock, Tauros came face-to-face with his opponent, and gave him a nasty leer. Glowing eyes and a nasty, scrunched expression sent terror through Bouffalant for the first time. A blue glow and rolling sweat drops denoted a sharp drop in speed.

"That's the way," Ash praised. "Now, follow up with Take Down!"

Tauros took advantage of his rival's hesitation, and smashed his full weight into him.

The brutal bash forced Boufallant to dig his hooves into the field and reorient himself.

"Not bad, not bad! But don't dish out what you can't take! Revenge!" Mabon shouted.

Snorting loudly, Bouffalant retaliated, bashing the side of his skull into Tauros's hide; mighty horn and all. A blazing orange had coated the spiky extremity, sending Tauros flying.

"Tauros!" Ash called out in worry.'A Fighting-type move that does more damage after you take a hit… So attacking close-up is really dangerous, but firing from a distance isn't doing us any good, either! The main thing we have going for us is Scary Face, so Boufallant is slower.'

But, if they were slower… Ash gasped. "Tauros! Fissure! Now!"

"Bulldoze, Bouffalant, pronto!"

Battered and thoroughly furious, Tauros got up on his hind legs, rotating his hooves in a show of angry bravado. He'd been thrashed and overpowered long enough!

Ash's eyes widened. "He's taking too long to use Fissure… He's still ticked off! Tauros, stay with it!'

Meanwhile, a rolling torrent of earth rippled across the battlefield, crossing under Tauros and the terrain he stood upon. The rattling ground made him lose his balance and stumble, digging his hooves into yielding earth that promptly wrapped around his ankles. He snorted angrily, yanking away from it.

"Bulldoze: A Ground-type attack. The user stomps down on the ground and attacks everything in the area. Hit Pokémon's Speed stat is reduced."

"Well, that could be a problem… That's why Tauros is having trouble moving!" Ash grit his teeth in frustration.

"We gotcha, now! Use Head Charge, Boufallant!"

The next attack was a brutal and decisive one; Boufallant smashing the full weight of his skull into Tauros's side. The bull yelped and cried, thrown high into the air before he came crashing down. The field crumbled a bit more under the force of his fall.

"Tauros… Tauros, hang in there!" Ash called, peering over his downed Pokémon.'With how he's doing, and how strong Boufallant is… This is going nowhere, fast!"

The mighty leader of the herd was trembling; forcing himself onto his knees. His entire body was sore, his opponent was stronger… It was all enough to make a bull see red. He cried out, stomping his hooves violently into the ground. Hot air was expelled through his nose; much like his boasts to conquer the titan before him.

"Dang it… Tauros, calm down!" Ash scolded. "If you keep losing your temper, we're going to lose the battle!"

Tauros, then, turned his glare back on Ash. And if looks could kill, he'd probably already be six feet under.

"Tauros," Ash managed, after swallowing the lump in his throat. "I'm not trying to get on your case. It's what screwed both of us up against Gary, remember? We lost our cool!"

"Are you two good 'n done?" Mabon jeered. "Boufallant! Head Charge, now!"

"You have to listen to me, Tauros!" Ash pleaded, as the afro-headed bull charged Tauros for the finishing blow.

Tauros bellowed, perhaps louder than ever before. Coming down on all fours, he thrashed and pulverized the floor in a frenzy, battering it to rubble with his front hooves without relent. Snorting, fuming and all, he was surrounded in a golden glow.

The result, inevitably, was the earth and solid flooring breaking apart under his hooves, launching a ripple of force through the field that sent countless splinters of earth and flooring towards the oncoming Bouffalant.

The fragments blasted and pulverized him, sending him flying back in a confused frenzy.

"My… how interesting!" Bertha's lips pulled into a coy smile against the creases of her lips that came with age, the Elite leaning forward on the railing.

"Pika?" Pikachu begged an explanation, tilting his head.

"I believe Tauros has gone to great lengths to communicate his feelings to Ashton. Now, all that's left is to see if his observational skills are up to task."

"Bouffalant! Are you good there, pal?" Mabon asked, as his Pokémon stumbled and staggered from the quake. The buffalo snorted, righting himself again.

"Tauros, what… was that?" Ash stammered out, pointing Dexter at him.

"Stomping Tantrum: A Ground-type attack. Driven by frustration, the user attacks the target. If the user's previous move has failed, the power of this move doubles."

"A move that gets stronger when you're ticked off…" Ash's eyes widened. It was clicking. "I get it. You're fighting with your anger on purpose!"

Tauros snorted."It's about time you caught on. Being outmatched by a peer like him pisses me off!"A low, gruff voice passed through Ash's head."Tauros don't win by cowering from strong opponents. Our temper is how we work."

"Tauros… I hear you." A colloquialism that could simply mean that he understood. But, the meaning was twofold. He was hearing his prideful Pokémon speak, which meant that he'd successfully opened his heart to Tauros. He smiled. "I get you. I'm sorry for not understanding you."

The bull shook his head."Don't even mention it. Water under the bridge. So, are we winning this thing, or what!?"

"Oh, we're winning. In fact, Ithinkthere's a way to use brainsandbrawn, here. Try a Fire Blast!"

"Now, we're talkin'!"Tauros responded in turn, launching a fanning inferno.

"Tch… You're a clever one, aren't ya!?" Mabon huffed. "If we block this, they'll corner us… But, it's not like we've got a choice! Stone Edge, Boufallant!"

Another stomp summoned rocky spires that took the brunt of Fire Blast, reducing it to embers.

"Give me a damn break. Hiding again, are ya!?"Tauros hollered.

Ash grinned. "You tell 'im! Now, Tauros! Stomping Tantrum!"

Tauros brought his wrath upon the land, once more. And once more, the earth rippled; this time, breaking and co-opting the stony outcrops of Stone Edge for a second round of terrestrial decimation.

The earth and rock pummeled and pelted Boufallant, knocking the mighty beast on his side.

"Bouffalant is unable to battle," the judge shouted. "Ash and Tauros win!"

"Alright! Now,that'san explosive temper!" Ash cheered, running over to his Pokémon. "Tauros, you were… uh." He trailed off, stopping in his tracks. His prized Pokémon was charging right for him! "Tauros, wait, hold on!"

Alas, the Normal-type happily tackled him, knocking Ash airborne, only for the teenager to land on top of his back."Good to see we're on the same page, now, Ash! And what a finish, eh!?"

"Ergh… I'm… happy we pulled it off too, big guy." Ash groaned, laughing tiredly. "Watch the back, though. It's still pretty sore."

"Well, isn't that something." Bertha smiled upon the scene, with Pikachu's company. "Ash's observational skills pulled through, and Tauros benefited from it greatly."

"Pika-Pika," Pikachu agreed, smiling. Despite his jumpy nerves today, it was wonderful to see some of his closest friends growing closer. Ash was doing well for himself.

"Now, thatdoesmake me wonder, Peeks…" Bertha hummed. "Does he have what it takes to go all the way."

The Electric Mouse tilted his head, staring at the silver-haired veteran with an air of confusion. "Pika…?"

"Alright… The fifth round."

A quick pit stop to deliver Mismagius's Poké Ball to the healing center brought Ash back to the battlefield he'd been using, up until this point. His opponent hadn't arrived yet, giving him a moment to mentally prepare. With his usual gloves missing, he tapped the toe of his sneakers against the floor, performed several stretches, and adjusted the brim of his visor with a smirk on his lips. "Okay, I'm ready. Let's do this!"

The sound of shoes clacking on the facility's tiles drew Ash's attention to the open doorway that'd welcomed all of his opponents, thus far. When his opponent came into the light, he gasped.

Bertha had walked out, accompanied by Pikachu on her shoulder. Meeting Ash's gaze, she smirked. "You look surprised, Ashton. You weren't expecting me, were you?"

"Bertha!? No, not at all," Ash shook his head. "You're my fifth opponent…? What's the deal?"

"Well, that much is simple," Bertha said, strolling towards her trainer's box. "I made my arrangements, when your challenge started. I want a proper rematch with you, Ashton. I'd like to observe just how much you've grown since our prior two battles. If that's quite alright with you."

The surprise settled in quickly; Ash had come to learn that when it came to Bertha, you had to expect the unexpected. "Ha, yeah! Of course it is! I don't plan to lose, like I did before."

Pikachu left his perch and dashed across the field, leaping up onto Ash's open shoulder. He let out a low pur, feeling a bit more comfortable back where he belonged.

"Pikachu!" Ash laughed. "I mean,Peeks.Good to have you back." The trainer's expression became stern. "Are you sure you'll be okay, here? Watching up-close?"

"My… I can't battle. Never said anything about watching you do it,"Pikachu explained, shaking his head."Besides. Do you really think I'd want to miss your first victory over an Elite Four member?"The mouse paused, sweating."Um, please don't tell her I said that."

Ash laughed, and motioned zipping his lips.

Bertha's hazel gaze narrowed, fixing on Ash. "Now, what exactly are you two talking about?"

"N-nothing! Don't worry about it!" Ash denied, and just in time.

"The battle between Challenger Ash and Pokémon Trainer Bertha will now begin! Send out your Pokémon!" The judge shouted; notably dropping Bertha's title, Ash noticed.

"The second I saw you walk out, I knew which Pokémon I'd pick." Ash said, grabbing a Poké Ball off his belt with a smirk. Juggling it once in his palm, he threw it overhand. "I choose you…!"

Four heavy limbs stomped down upon the fine, oceanic-tilted field. A massive, sturdy shell coated the Pokémon, boasting mossy terrain, rocks, and a lively shrub towering over it.


Torterra had joined the battle.

Just as she had last time, Bertha wordlessly tossed her Poké Ball, backhanded.

"Glii-oh!" Standing on the end of a long, scorpion's tail was a purple bat, with dark-membraned wings, snapping pincers, and deadly golden eyes. It was Bertha's Gliscor.

"Gliscor…!" Ash's eyes widened. He'd only seen them in action once, from memory. The only move he'd seen her use, too, was almost certainly Guillotine.'With a move like that, we can't afford to screw around… We've got to close this as fast as possible!'Brows furrowing, Ash decided on his first move with a dramatic toss of his hand. "Torterra! Leaf Storm!"

A terrible cyclone fired from Torterra's tree; spiraling emerald leaves unleashed one of the most devastating Grass-type attacks.

Without a word from Bertha, Gliscor soared, just narrowly slipping above Leaf Storm's area of impact.

"Torterra! They're moving over your Leaf Storm!"

Torterra tilted his shell, raising the altitude of the storm. But, Gliscor took the liberty of tilting her wings and circling the storm, looping closer and closer to the attacking Torterra.

It reminded Ash an awful lot of Dawn's Togekiss orbiting the attacks from Kenny's Skarmory.

"X-Scissor!" Bertha called, as Gliscor's claws cleaved across Torterra's shell. A burst of violet light detonated, and Torterra groaned from the super-effective damage. Gliscor quickly took to the air, gaining distance afterward.

Meanwhile, a blue aura fell over Torterra.

"You… didn't use Guillotine for the one-hit knockout?" Ash asked, feeling quite lost.

"Ah, you remembered that move! Astute observation," Bertha said with a hint of a smile. "A move like that would be quite a waste, in a battle that's ultimately meant to test your aptitude."

Ash frowned. "Does that mean you're going easy on me?"

The look Bertha gave him, then, quickly made him regret asking. "I plan to crush you under the might of my Ground-type expertise. If you want to survive it and prevail, you'll have to observe."

"Observe…" Ash assessed the situation before him. The only thing he observed, really, was the sharp drop in Torterra's special attack.'I went and cut Torterra's power, right off the bat. I should've known something that risky and straightforward wouldn't work on someone as smart as Bertha. I'll have to be more careful!'

"Sand Attack." Bertha pulled Ash from his musings, as Gliscor opened up her pincers, and sprayed a dense cloud of sand and dirt. Ash and Torterra were forced to guard and cover their eyes. It was denser and more abrasive than even the average Sand Attack, Ash noticed, as he covered his mouth to cough.

'Hey, hold on… This is like how my battle with Paul at Lake Valor started! Gliscor used Sand Attack, and Paul's Torterra used Giga Drain to bait us into attacking up-close!'Smiling behind his covered mouth, he shouted. "Torterra! Use Giga Drain!"

Green whips of energy shot out of the dust clouds, striking blindly at the field.

"Fire Fang!" Bertha shouted from behind the shroud.

'There it is,'Ash thought to himself.'Now as soon as they get in close…!'

Gliscor broke into the dispersing dust, jowls ablaze, and chomped into Torterra's shell.

"Now's our chance," Ash muttered. "Torterra, use-"

Ash's words were deafened by a sudden burst of flames around Torterra. Flinching and shaking his head out, the tortoise grunted in pain.

"A burn…!?" Ash clenched his teeth. But there was nowhere to go, but forward. "Rock Climb!"

Torterra quickly recovered, and his claws broke the earth to summon a rocky elevation beneath Gliscor. He charged and stampeded into the Fang Scorpion, smashing his skull against their torso.

"Gli…!" Gliscor fell into a backwards somersault, planting her tail on the elevation's end, only for Torterra to continue charging, and smash into her again. She fell back, catching herself on her tail. With Torterra's attack power halved, she shrugged it off, grinning.

"I'm afraid your strategy was as easy to see through as a Haunter's arm, Ashton," Bertha lectured. "Intentionally firing a futile attack, to draw me in and catch me off-guard. You didn't waste but a second in assessing the shrouded field, and did so with far too much confidence."

Ash grimaced. She'd read him with ease.

"But,takinghits is risky business, when you don't know what their effects will be."

Frustrated and at a loss, Ash shouted, "use Energy Ball!"

Torterra opened his mouth, charging an emerald orb.

"Use Earthquake."

A terrible, low rumbling passed through Gliscor's tail and into the battlefield beneath her. The tremors spread quickly, and rattled the elevation of Rock Climb. Torterra's footing collapsed, bringing the bewildered Pokémon down into the rubble.

Torterra pulled himself out of the wreckage, only to be swallowed in flames again.

'Damn it, c'mon… I lost my cool, again,'Ash scolded himself.

"Ash…"Pikachu muttered, frowning. He could see the conflict on his trainer's face.

"Not yet." Ash slapped his cheeks, refreshing himself. "We're not done! Use Energy Ball!"

"Use X-Scissor, Gliscor." With Bertha's word, Gliscor swooped in with energy-coated claws.

"Now, eat it!" Ash declared triumphantly. Torterra knew the drill, and chomped down into the orb.

"Oh…?" Bertha raised a brow, curiosity piqued.

Gliscor's pincers raked across Torterra's tough shell, but the Continent Pokémon didn't yield, as a bright, lively glow overtook his moss and shrubbery. Grass-type power bolstered, he roared.

"Don't let 'em get away!" Ash shouted, clutching a hand above his head. "Giga Drain!"

Gliscor disembarked, but not quickly enough, as a glowing snare clutched around the scorpion's midsection, snagging her. Red light flickered about her, sapping her of her strength.

"Giga Drain seems to be fairly strong, given the effects of Leaf Storm," Bertha pointed out. "I can't say I've seen a power-up like this, in all my years."

"It's a technique of ours," Ash boasted. "It happened by accident, once, during a battle with Frontier Brain Palmer! It boosts Torterra's Grass-type power for the length of a battle. Dawn's even made the whole thing her own!"

Ash's boasting and stalling came to a quick end, though. Resurgent flames struck Torterra again; his burn broke his concentration and made him buckle, allowing Gliscor to escape.

"Shoot," Ash hissed. "Before they get away! Leaf Storm!"

Gliscor's departure was halted by another punishing storm, blasting her with supercharged leaves. Fanning her wings, she made the most of the winds, tumbling away. She uttered a cry of pain, though, landing a bit more uneasily than last time.

The exchange left Torterra and Gliscor both battle-weary; breathing heavily, with visible marks of damage. The glow of Torterra's Energy Ball was starting to fade and flicker; that mighty shine humming and dimming intermittently. Leaf Storm had undone their efforts even more.

"Tch…!" Ash's fist closed painfully tight, bottling the tension that started a quivering of his lower lip.'We keep running in circles… Every other move I make is making things worse for Torterra. Is this kind of battling all we can do…!?'He exhaled heavily. "I'm sorry, Torterra."

"Terh…?" Torterra grunted inquisitively, looking back towards his trainer.

"I'm sorry about all this. Evolving, back in Sinnoh… It was supposed to be something to celebrate, but it made you change your whole battle style. I was supposed to help you find a better one. One that works for you!" Ash bit his lip, and pulled the brim of his visor down to cover his eyes. He felt too ashamed to be seen. "I owe you better."

He had to wonder, really, if just a difficult battle was enough to make him feel this way. It sounded ridiculous. But, it wasn't just one battle. It wasn't just Torterra.

"Ash…"Pikachu's ears fell to frame his face. Ordinarily, he'd jump to comfort his trainer. For once, though, he felt a bit at a loss.

"Torterra!" Torterra shouted back at him. "Ter. Terra!"

"Is Challenger Ash going to be able to continue the battle?" The judge asked.

Raising a hand, Bertha answered in his stead. "Now, that's enough," she scolded, turning her elderly, but still-striking eyes on Ash. "Your talents of observation are being shrouded by the fog of your guilt and personal reservations. With that veil over your eyes, you'll never be able to observe properly. And, you'll never be able to connect to Torterra."

Her words were a sobering wake-up call. Ash's eyes were glassy, but focused on the cold, hard truth that Bertha laid out. "I haven't been fighting with a battle style I have faith in. I was trying Paul's tactics; not my own. His Torterra tried to teach mine what to do with his new power. But, I know that's wrong, and it backfires whenever I do it. It reminds me of something, Torterra."

"Turh?" Torterra grumbled, listening intently.

"Of something I was told by a great trainer, before I met you. He told me to battle in a way that only I can. And I do believe in that! But, with you, I just…" Distressed, he shook his head. "I don't know what to do. Nothing we've tried together has worked, yet."

"I think the key you're missing here," Bertha said, "is momentum."

"Momentum?" Ash echoed.

"You're a sharp battler, Ashton. Your wit and observational skills are keen. But, as you said, you lack identity when you're battling with a Pokémon who can't use their speed to their advantage. That's clearly your first instinct, and it leaves you at a loss when you train a Pokémon like Torterra. Thus, your opponent gets to dictate your every move, leaving your battling purely reactionary. You're a warrior, not a chess player. Thus, you need to find yourownway to control a pace with Torterra to find success together."

"My own way…" Ash muttered under his breath. He gasped, mentally turning back the clock.

Per Empoleon's coordination, Pachirisu was up next to serve. Without a racket, she simply tossed the tennis ball and spiked it with her tail. This shot went way out of Rosa's path, headed right for Torterra!

~I'm not gonna make it!~ Rosa exclaimed, diving for the spike in vain. The point was all but lost.

Tough claws dug into the court's surface. A rumbling roar uprooted solid ground, taking the shape of a vertical wall. Rock Climb had obstructed the tennis ball, sending it bouncing back

the way of Typhlosion!

Ash gasped, leaning up and out of his seat. "He can use Rock Climb like that!?"

The competition continued, as Typhlosion returned the shot. This time, Rosa was able to follow-up and parry it. By the time Rock Climb reverted into the court, Pachirisu smacked it back again. Torterra stomped with his opposite foreleg, raising another slab of rock. The ball bounced off it, spiking back to the other side of the court. Although Typhlosion swung, it bounced out of bounds.

Torterra and Rosa cheered, exchanging congratulations.

"That's it!" Ash's eyes snapped open. "Torterra, it's time for us to turn things around!"

"Terr…" Torterra grumbled inquisitively. But, if his trainer had a plan, he'd trust it!

"Oh, is it…?" Bertha smirked, raising a brow. "And yet, I don't see any new moves."

"Yeah?" Ash smirked, beckoning her on with a wave of his hand. "Come and get it, then."

"You know," the elder said, "you're innoposition to bark orders with that burn."

"Torterra can take the heat," Ash replied, grinning. "You scared, Meemaw?"

Bertha laughed. "You know, IknowI'm being baited. Unfortunately, you've observed me well enough to know that I'd take it. Gliscor, use Fire Fang!"

Gliscor sprang into the air and dove towards Torterra, fangs blazing.

Curiously, Ash said nothing, initially. He waited, eyes glued to their foe. "...Now! Rock Climb!"

Torterra's claws punctured the earth, and a slab shot out from under them, rising to startle Gliscor. The Fang Scorpion struck with her stinger, abruptly stopping her from crashing into it.

"Now! Energy Ball!"

Energy Ball spawned, flickering momentarily before launching into solid earth. Its power had dwindled, failing to puncture Torterra's own structure. It did, however, detonate the land, battering Gliscor with debris.

Unfortunately, Torterra recoiled again from his burn.

"Oh…?" Bertha hummed thoughtfully. "Use X-Scissor."

Recovering in mid-air, Gliscor stubbornly dive bombed Torterra a second time.

"Giga Drain!" Ash countered, and projectile tendrils snagged around Gliscor, starting to sap her energy, once more.

"Gliscor," Bertha commanded in but a word. The Ground-type struggled against her restraints, yanking her arms free. Sharp pincers sliced through Giga Drain; after two Leaf Storms, it simply wasn't strong enough to hold her.

"Shoot!" Ash exclaimed. They couldn't afford another hit. "Make some distance! Rock Climb!"

Before Gliscor could approach, another slab of land forced her to back away.

"Using Rock Climb in such a creative way… I have to say, I'm impressed, Ashton!"

"It took a little creative thinking," Ash said, smiling. "...but it all comes down to what myrealbattle style is! The best defense is a good offense!"

"Indeed… But I hope you don't believe that trick alone will be enough to beat me. Sand Attack!"

Sand flooded Ash's end of the field from either side of Rock Climb, in a two-pronged assault.

"Fine with me," Ash muttered. "Torterra, eat another Energy Ball!"

Torterra summoned another bomb of energy in his beak. Though, this time, it failed to keep its shape and integrity. When he bit into it, it shattered.

"Nothing, this time…" Ash tutted.'But, if Bertha's falling back on hiding with Sand Attack, then Gliscor must be low on stamina, too. Both she and Torterra are comin' towards their limits… It's down to who can land a decisive hit, first!'

Another round of burn damage hit Torterra, and flames licked at his shell, again.

'There. I know Bertha heard that, which means she'll be comin' in to take advantage of it,'Ash thought. "Alright, Torterra! Listen for Gliscor, and listen good!"

Torterra's ruby eyes flicked left and right, and he tried to tune out any distractions. The faint whistle of the wind caught his attention."They're on the left!"

"Rock Climb!" Ash shouted. Indeed, Gliscor was approaching from their left, and a slab of land jutted out to cut her off. The scorpion disappeared from Ash's field of vision, until she flanked them from the other side. "Now, the right!"

Torterra's opposite foreleg stomped down, and intercepted her, once more.

'They'll have to come in again, soon…'Ash exhaled, relying on his senses. Or, perhaps, it wasn't his own he'd fall back on, this time; he saw a faint twitch of Pikachu's ear; it turned and pointed behind his head, as his ears always did when he heard something coming from behind them. Ash smirked to himself.

"Wait for it…"

"X-Scissor," Bertha commanded from behind the debris.

Indeed, Gliscor cleaved through the air, ruffling and nudging Ash's hat atop his head.

"Rock Climb, behind you!"

Torterra's hind legs stomped, and a wall of earth erupted in front of Ash. But, it wasn't quite in time to stop Gliscor from dive bombing Torterra.

"You're late," Bertha said.

"Am I?" Ash grinned. "Giga Drain, behind you!"

Gliscor was closing in, before glowing projections shot out of Torterra's tree, snagging Gliscor and latching her to the slab from Rock Climb behind her. This time, her arms and pincers were suspended; unable to move, as her vitality started to slip away and be fed to Torterra.


At least, that was the case until Torterra suffered his burn again, and Giga Drain withered. Gliscor took the opportunity to launch off of the wall behind her, slicing down the length of Torterra's shell. She soared on, gaining distance from Torterra once more.

"Torterra!" Ash cried. "That was a direct, super-effective hit… Are you okay?"

With trembling knees, Torterra groaned out an answer."I'm… I'm still in… I'm not giving up!"With his words of courage, the greenery atop his back began to shine again, without fail. In fact, it was glowing brighter than ever, leaking a beautiful, verdant aura!

"That's Overgrow…" Ash blinked, then smiled. "In that case…"

He and Torterra, then, spoke in unison.

"We'll have to finish this in one shot!"

"We'll have to finish this in one shot!"

"You shouldn't make such bold claims so freely," Bertha said from across the field. "Not when you won't have the chance to deliver on them."

Ash's eyes narrowed. What did she mean?

"Gliscor, use Earthquake!"

Gliscor landed with some difficulty in the middle of the fray, and jabbed her tail into the earth. The entire field started to rumble and quake under her might.

Ash gasped, starting to catch on to what she was up to. Every one of the many Rock Climb slabs they'd built during their exchanges was trembling and rocking at their foundations. Even the ones near Torterra looked ready to collapse. "Torterra! Watch out!"

Ash's warning was to no avail. The many elevations rattled and collapsed, raining an avalanche of earth on top of the Continent Pokémon, burying him in the debris. Dust and dirt flooded the field, forcing Ash and Pikachu to guard their faces from it. The former pulled down his visor to shield the latter.

Afterwards, the dust started to settle. Gliscor stood over the rubble, huffing heavily. For all of the rock, sediment, and broken tile lying around, only the top of Torterra's tree could be seen jutting out of it. Its light was flickering, the intervals between its shine increasingly slower.

The judge scouted the scene, and raised a hand. "Torterra is unable to battle, making-"

"Wait!" Ash interrupted, raising a hand. He lifted the brim of his cap, grinning at Bertha. From across the way, she saw a certain gleam in his eye. He knew the battlewasn'tover. "Not yet."

The shattered battlefield began to tremble, and loose rock started to break and roll. Torterra emerged from the rubble, his greenery shimmering with all of his stubborn might."We're not done!"He roared, rising higher still. Rock Climb underscored his ascent.

"Gli!?" Gliscor stammered, wobbling and pulling away from where she stood. She found her tail was still buried in the crevices of Earthquake, though. Worse yet, the ground below her was also rising. Rock Climb rose higher and higher, yanking her along for the ride.

"We're not losing! Not until we show youOURbattle style!" Ash roared, clenching his fists.

"Not until WE come out on top!"Torterra rumbled, in perfect symphony with his trainer. And, along with Ash, he let out one mighty roar. The Grass-type energy emanating from his shell grew, and grew, and with it, so did the mighty tree atop it all, growing and growing until it'd doubled in size; coated with a projection of pure natural energy. The force of nature towered over Gliscor, putting her entirely in its shadow.

Bertha gazed up at the titanic scene before her, blinking. "Why, that's…" She could only smile to herself.

"Torterra!" Ash cried, punching towards the earth with his good arm. "Wood Hammer!"

"Gliscor," Bertha shouted, "disengage!"

Gliscor had finally shaken herself free, and sprung away from the rising platform. But, there was no escaping the giant tortoise looming over her. No escaping the arboreal hammer descending upon her.

Wood Hammer smashed down upon Gliscor with all of its weight and might, bringing the two on a swift descent. Torterra slid down the sharp incline, only his claws preventing a deadly drop.

Afterwards, the entire floor trembled. Ash braced himself, hugging Pikachu to his chest. "Tch…!"


Rock Climb crumbled at its foundations and fell to either side of the impact. The aftermath, truly, made Earthquake's look puny. This time, though, Torterra stood atop the wreckage. He backed off, panting, to reveal his opponent.

Gliscor laid, flat-out. Swirls in her eyes told the story's conclusion.

"Gliscor is unable to battle!" The judge shouted, hand in the air. "Which makes Ash and Torterra the winners, bringing their Battle Test to a finish!"

Ash felt the excitement bundle up in him until he felt he could just about explode. "...Yesss!" He ran and hopped over the veritable mountain of debris to stand atop it, throwing his arms around the tortoise; he'd practically hopped onto his shell! "Torterra, that was totally awesome! You did it!"

"We did it!"A gruff, but elated voice answered, with no shortage of enthusiasm."And I even learned a new move!"

"Yeah! You…" Ash paused, blinking. "Holy crap, I can hear you."

"...Huh. You can! Well, isn't that something?"Ash swore he heard something of a rumbling laugh in Torterra's real, audible voice."I'm just glad we're on the same page."

"Hah, me too! Right, Pikachu?" He looked at his partner, grinning.

Pikachu's expression was just the same."It looks like we're all growing closer together!"

"Sure are… But I thinkyoucould use a rest, big guy." Ash said, tapping Torterra's Poké Ball against his shell. A flash of red light retreated into the capsule, sitting in his palm. "You've earned it."

"Well, Ashton," Bertha said from below, standing by the heap of rubble, smiling. "What else can I say but 'congratulations?' You took my advice and used your observational skills to the fullest. You should be proud."

"Ha, thanks!" Ash laughed, skipping his way down the debris to stop in front of her. "I sure am proud! That was my first ever win against an Elite Fouuuu-"

Bertha's deadly glare stopped him short.

"...Fooooorgot what I was even talking about! Aha, clumsy me! Can't imagine what it would've been."

The Elite's expression softened, though it did show a hint of a smirk. "Remember, that should we battle again, you'll be seeing me at my worst."

Ash hummed affirmatively, smirk matching her own. "And I'll be stronger next time, too."

"At this rate, I should hope so… But, let's go see your results, shall we?"



. . .

"...Agh." Ash groaned. "3218. I only just broke out of Normal rank, huh?"

"It should be enough for one Technical Machine, at least," Bertha pointed out, arms folded behind her back. "But, I think what you should take from this is that this test was a learning experience."

"Yeah. I guess you're right." Ash smiled, exchanging a look with Pikachu, who seemed to be doing well, compared to earlier. "Hey, Miss. Is there any limit on how many times I can take the Battle Test?"

"There isn't!" She replied, beaming. "You can take it as many times as you'd like; your only limit would be our time of closing, which happens to be 5PM!"

Ash glanced up at the closest clock. "Well, that still leaves another couple hours! Alright! Then let's get Torterra healed up, and hop right into the next round!" Grinning, he punched a fist in the air.

"Let's get to it!"Pikachu agreed, doing just the same.

Ash's keycard slid into the slot on his suite door, and with a click and flicker of green, he was free to enter. Turning the knob, he opened it to see the strong oranges and pinks of the sunset beaming through the curtains. Sitting on the couch in the living room was Dawn, who was in the middle of brushing Rura.

"There you guys are!" Dawn exclaimed, hopping to her feet. "What took you so long!?"

"Aha, sorry!" Ash stepped into the suite with Bertha close behind, grinning. "I just got through doingloadsof battling. Enough to win some prizes!" He held out a tote bag for Dawn to see.

She peered over, and saw a pile of TM disc containers, and a small collection of vitamins. "Aw, no way!" Dawn huffed, cheek puffing out. "I'm kinda jealous, now!"

"Not gonna give me a 'congratulations?'" Ash teased.

Dawn giggled, shoving his shoulder. "Maybe once you ask me what I've been up to."

Ash snorted, rolling his eyes. "How silly of me. Whatdidyou do, Dawn?"

"Well,Rura, and I helped inspire a movie!" She boasted, picking up the fluffy fox.

Without warning, a flash shot out from Ash's belt, summoning Meema.~Were you on your best behavior with Miss Dawn?~She asked, squinting.

Rura giggled, sticking his nose proudly in the air.~Abso-posi-lutely! I was a super-duper star!~

"A movie, huh…?" Ash laughed. He didn't get it, but it sounded fun. "Well, good for Rura. I bet you were a real show-stopper. But hey, guess what! Meema hadherbattle debut, today!"

~Aw, no way!~Rura whooped, hopping down and into her mane.~Didja win!? Didja, didja!?~

~There was… trial and error,~she replied. Her eyes drifted up to Ash.~But, I feel I did grow closer with Leader.~

"How many times am I going to tell you?" Ash laughed uneasily, ruffling her fur. "The name's Ash."

"Or, Ashton, in my opinion," Bertha added.

"Not helping!"

The elder chuckled to herself. She did have a love for getting people's goat. "Well, then… I'd say that both of you look to be in better spirits than when I'd arrived," she said, smiling. Seeing the youths and their Pokémon side by side, it eased her heart, and her guilt. "It's been nice seeing you."

"Aw, what!?" Ash's face sank into a frown in real time. "You mean you're leaving, already?"

"Well, I would like to enjoy the last of my little vacation, before I'm called back," she winked. "I'm sure you'll be alright without me, though. It's been nice seeing you, Dawn. And you, Ashton…"

The young man just couldn't help throwing his arms around Bertha, one more time. Pikachu joined him in nuzzling into her hair, balancing on his shoulder. Ash smiled. "You too . . .Meemaw."

With what passed for a low belly-laugh, the Elite pulled back, and stepped into the doorway. "See you around. All of you, remember to focus on observations. That'll lead you down whichever road you're headed." With that, the door closed behind her, and clicked.

Then, Dawn turned to Ash, nose scrunched."Meemaw?What's that about?"

Ash chuckled, as he flicked a lone tear from his eye. "It's just an inside joke. Don't worry about it."

This left Dawn only more puzzled, and she'd surely have a plethora of questions to come. But, one thing was for sure; both she and Ash had grown closer to their Pokémon, whether old or new. And that step closer to their partners was also another step closer to healing.

Pallet Town was a fairly quiet hamlet, with only one proper entrance to its grassy hills, valleys, and humble homes; the dirt road of Route 1, leading to Viridian City. The few trainers who came and went from Pallet Town were its most common inhabitants.

Today, though, several rather shady individuals had gone off the beaten path. A black, unmarked van was parked within the wooded area surrounding the town; enough out of the way that no one minding their own business would possibly spot such an out-of-place vehicle.

A short distance away, two nondescript men, also decked completely in black, complete with ski masks, crouched behind a row of shrubbery close enough to town. The lankier and smaller of the two was peering through a high-tech pair of binoculars. Colorful patterns flashed within the scopes; infrared vision scanned the town for life.

"The Ketchum home is occupied. One adult, and one smaller Pokémon. The targets haven't returned, yet." The man grunted. "If those three idiots had done their job, we wouldn't be here."

"Hell, if the baggers beforeusdid their jobs, we wouldn't be here, neither."

"Makes you wonder where the helltheywent. How do you screw up taking out a couple of kids in a hamlet like this?" High-tech optics scanned over Pallet Town's rolling hills and homes, in meager hopes of finding any sort of clue. "We're going to need to check in for some reconnaissance… There's no point in sticking around, without our targets." An uneasy silence passed as his scanning continued to be for naught. "Hey. Am I talking to the wind, or what?"

"Hey, uh…

"What!?"The lanky man hissed under his breath, dropping the binoculars into the shrubbery when he looked towards his partner.

Rows of innumerable, razor-sharp teeth clenched around the bulkier criminal's shoulder and upper arm, latched in place by a powerful set of jowls. A low, menacing growl reverberated from the beast that'd taken him captive; a Garchomp, looming over the crouching man, dragging him down to fall on his rear.

"I wouldn't move a muscle, if I were you."

Waltzing over was a brunet with a dark gray jacket, matching jeans, and spiky hair. His cold, green gaze pierced the two criminals. The scowl fixed on his lips spoke of utter contempt.

"Garchomp are known for their speed, but their jaws have enough horsepower to tear an all-terrain vehicle in two. I can't imagine you'd get much work done with one arm missing." The teenager walked leisurely around his Pokémon with one hand slipped into his jacket pocket, stopping between the two men. "Not that you'll be getting much work at all done, once you're turned in."

"H-hey…! Help me out, here!" The juggernaut of a man stammered out. The drool coating his sleeve was a terrifying reminder of the predicament he was in. The terrifying golden gaze of the Mach Pokémon wasn't helping his constitution, either.

"You punk!" The slimmer of the two men scooted back across the grass, reaching for his belt. "Just who do you think you-"

Garchomp laxed her grip on the larger man, only to smack him brutally to the ground, and pin him under her foot. In the split second she'd done so, the sharp claw on the end of her fin was pointed towards the other man's throat.

His Poké Ball fell off its holster, and rolled into the grass.

"Tch… You may have a dangerous Pokémon, but you're still just a kid!" The man scooted back further away from Garchomp. "It figures all you'd do is call the cops… And what then? Do you think that'll stop-"

"Do you think Team Rocket will come bail you out, after you expose them all over the news for trying to assassinate one of the region's most accomplished trainers!?" The youth shouted over him, crouching into the man's personal space.

The man's eyes were the only part of his face that could be seen. But even in them, the fear was palpable. "You… how did you-!?"

"You two aren't the first to come here," the other answered. "But I do hope, for your sake, that you'll be the last."

"Give me a friggin' break," the larger man muttered, his voice muffled with his face against the dirt. He spat out a blade of grass, and met the youth's gaze. "Thereisno backing out of Team Rocket orders. Whether it's you or them, we'd be history. You think we'd just play ball!?"

"You can't be as stupid as you come off, for a job like this," the brunet replied. "Pallet International Airport is a short ride from here. You could leave your allegiance and uniforms behind, if you never return to this region again." He rolled Garchomp's Poké Ball around in his palm. "I'm sure you've made enough dirty money for at least two tickets," he spat.

After a moment of juggling the logistics of self-preservation, the two men raised their hands in surrender. At the threat of Garchomp's claws, they scooted back towards one another.

The teenager breathed a heavy sigh, and allowed his gaze to drift back to the Pallet Town he'd always called his home. Gary's lips creased in a frown.'If they're as smart as their cohorts before them, this'll be the last we see of them… Damn it, Ash. Just what have you gotten yourself into this time…!?'

Chapter 16: Meema

Chapter Text

"Professor Oak! What's up? …Really? …It's ready!? You mean it! Yeah, we'll… Oh, that makes sense."

The conversation Ash was having over that weird device in his hand didn't make much sense to Rura; he was clearly only hearing half of it. Nor did it really concern him, as Dawn's brush ran gently through his head fluff, again and again, until it was pristine. He was already enamored with the idea of showing off after yesterday's acting catastrophe, and he and Dawn had been tampering with accessories she'd apparently won at the amusem*nt park, the other day.

"Alright. Thanks, Professor! See you soon!" Ash hung up the courtesy landline phone with a click and a chime.

"Ash? What is it? Is everything okay?" Dawn asked, leaving her brush to the side.

"Couldn't be better!" The trainer beamed. "Professor Oak just talked to Professor Willow. He said that the Poké Ball transfer is all set to go! We can come home as soon as possible, and see for ourselves!

"Aha! Ash, that's awesome!" Dawn beamed, standing up once Rura had hopped out of her lap.

"You mean it's done…? I'll be done with that awful thing!?"Pikachu dashed over, scaling up Ash's arm. Rura had no idea what he was talking about, but Pikachu looked awfully happy.

"That's right, Buddy!" Ash laughed, nuzzling his cheek into Pikachu's. "You can kiss it goodbye! They said that once we're back, they can test it with you around to say for sure. Ray and Willow are a couple of real smart guys!"

"That's what's up!"Buneary bounced on a nearby chair, hollering with joy.

"Hallelujah!"Empoleon cheered.

~It's about time,~Rosa huffed, somewhat less excitable, but decidedly on-board with everyone else.

Rura tilted his head, nose twitching. What in the heck was everyone on about!?

"Oh, I'm so glad…!" Dawn cooed. "Then we can head home, right away! Maybe today?"

"Afraid not," Ash said, with slightly less enthusiasm. "It's too late to catch a flight today; Mom already checked. But we have one booked for tomorrow morning!"

~Head… home?~Rura asked, head tilting.

~A flight? How far could your home be, that it would require such travel?~Meema asked.

"Oh… right. I guess we haven't talked you guys through that one yet, have we?" Ash asked, smiling bashfully. "The truth is, we're fromtotallydifferent regions, outside Unova. My home is in the Kanto region, on the other side of the world."

"And I'm from the Sinnoh region!" Dawn boasted. "Close to Kanto, but a bit up north."

"But, we were traveling through Kanto, before we came here, to Nimbasa. We were just, uh… on vacation. Wanted to get away from home, for a bit."

~So, this was always a brief excursion… I see,~Meema replied, without much in her tone giving away whether she felt one way or another.

"Is that gonna be a problem for you guys?" Ash asked, frowning.

Meema considered her words for a moment. ~...It won't be a problem, Leader. Perhaps a change of scenery will be good for Rura. We'll follow you wherever you wish.~

~Yeah! I wanna see the world…! Or at least Kanto, hehe!~Rura hopped on all fours, grinning. His tail wagged into a speeding blur behind him.~I want to try a contest, already!~

"Hehe, don't you worry! We'll get to that!" Dawn winked. "But, what are we going to do, today…?"

~Oh! Oh! I know!~Rura hopped on the bed excitedly.~Meemaaaa. Can we show them my favorite spot? Can we, can we, can we!?~

"Your favorite spot?" Ash echoed. "Well, it's not like we have any plans. Why don't we pack up some snacks and go see it? Make a day of it!"

~I suppose one last visit couldn't hurt,~Meema replied.~The Lostlorn Forest; it's to the east of this city. Our dwelling grounds, before Rura was displaced by that hunter, and we met all of you.~

"Lostlorn Forest… I think the brochure I picked up at the airport mentioned that!" Dawn added. "But, it said to stay away from it…"

~Aw, it'll be fine! Don't even sweat it!~Rura yipped.~Besides, you have us with you!~

"Well, sounds fine to me," Ash said. "How about you, Pikachu? Everyone? We feeling it?"

"I don't have a problem with it,"Pikachu shrugged."Some good scenery sounds nice!"

"If you ask me, it sounds lovely!"

"I could use a little hike! It's been cramped here, without much room to hop around."

~Fine with me!~

"Alright!" Ash cheered. "Then let's get packing, and get going!" The teen pumped a fist in the air, before quickly recoiling when it aggravated his shoulder. "Ow…! Ow-ow-ow…"

"Ash, you'vegotto be more careful…!"

"Are yousureyou know where we're headed, Rura? It feels like we've been walking for, like, an hour."

~Sure, I'm sure!~Rura chirped, prancing a fair distance ahead of the group of Ash, Pikachu, Rosa, and Dawn, with Meema following close behind him. Unfortunately, his new second-favorite perch that was Dawn's head wasn't an option; she'd started shouldering the backpack full of snacks and supplies, after Ash had complained about it aggravating his fresh wounds. Shouldering a nearly 30 lb. fox was just too much.~These forests may LOOK like you're seeing the same thing, over and over. But they could never fool a sharp Zorua!~

~It's common for these woods to be shrouded in illusions, by its native Zoroark,~Meema explained.~Humans are often hoodwinked into leaving its boundaries, never to venture deeper.~

"That would explain why it's called the Lostlorn Forest," Dawn said. The incline they were hiking up towards was getting progressively steeper. Unfortunately, her little Dark-type capture was oblivious to her plight.

"So, wait," Ash said. "There'reotherZoroark that live here? I've only ever seen one other in person."

Meema, for her part, was silent.

~None I've ever seen!~Rura answered.~I pick up their scent, sometimes, but Meema always tells me to stay away from-~

~Rura!~His mother scolded.~Our destination is just up ahead.~

Rura rolled his eyes, knowing that the change in topic meant that the conversation was effectively over. Not that he particularly cared, anyway. He was too focused, now, on sprinting towards a gap in the seemingly ever-expanding darkness of Lostlorn Forest's high and dense forestry. Sunlight filtered through the gaps; almost blinding, after being in its absence.

He never did like that contrast. He squinted, but sprinted forth all the same, knowing the location by heart.~We're here, we're here! I told you, I told you!~

The group collectively followed up with Rura, many gasping at the sight before them.

Breaking out of Lostlorn's dense forests, a steep cliff overlooked a beautiful skyline. All of Nimbasa City could be seen from its cape, from its many office buildings, to its stadiums, to its roller coaster and ferris wheel. Beyond that, even, wooded routes to the west, arid lands to the south, and mountain ranges to the north. A nearby river bank fed into a waterfall that reached far below their current altitude, feeding into a creek down below.

The sun was shining, the air was fresh…! It was the perfect place to play, Rura thought! Get to know everyone! He was already prancing from one stubby foot to the next, ready to engage just about anyone in some horseplay. Especially when the chorus of popping Poké Balls called out nearly a dozen more Pokémon! All sorts of them; big and small! Ones he'd never even seen!

And they were all, just… just… lying down. Splitting into groups and chatting. Sure, Ash and Dawn were putting out the snacks, but they were settled down upon a blanket, too! It was all so… so… soboring!

His Meema was sitting with a few of the others; ones he'd hardly seen up until now. They looked too large to be inside the gang's hotel room, and he couldn't deny being more than a little curious.. A huge bird with brown and cream fur and colorful head and tail feathers, marked with multiple scars.Where did she get those!?Another bird-like creature, but remarkably rounder and kinder-looking, with snow-white feathers decorated with red and blue spots. Agiganticturtle with a tree growing on his back.

"Hey, hey!"Rura pranced out in front of them; a large bird with colorful head feathers, first and foremost."I dig the pretty feathers. And, WOAH. What's with all those scars!? You been in all sorts of fights? You must be strong as heck! Who are you!?~

A low, motherly chuckle passed the large bird's beak."Thank you, dear. You can call me Pidgeot, and I DO take pride in my appearance, nicks and all. I was actually-"

"And you!"Rura hopped over to the second in attendance; a large, snow-white avian who was quite rotund, compared to the tough and angular Pidgeot."Cool colored spots! Did Dawn paint those on ya!?"

The large fae giggled behind her wing."My name is Togekiss, darling. Charmed. And these are actually the natural feather patterns of my pedigree. Though, Dawn does keep them quite lustrous!"

"...Oh."Losing interest, he moved on to thegiganticturtle sitting beside them, and hopped atop his shell to inspect it for himself."You've got a WHOLE tree on your back! Isn't this heavy!? Don't you get tired!?"

"...Torterra,"the tortoise replied gruffly. Having seen the previous two acts, he clearly knew better than to make long-winded conversation."You get used to it."

"Rura!"Meema scolded, snatching him up by his scruff to deposit him in her mane."Mind yourself, please… We shouldn't sour the hospitality of our new pack."Rura could feel his makeshift nest jostle as Meema bowed her head. He rolled his eyes."Please, excuse us."

"Oh, don't beat yourself up about it. Kids will be kids,"Pidgeot replied."You handled it quickly, at any rate. I used to head a whole flock, myself. I can't tell you how tiring it is to have every little Pidgey in line. Leave them fluttering about, and they'll be left behind when you head south for the winter."

"Oh! You were your pack's leader!?"Rura felt Meema's mane, once again, shake about. Why did she always do this…!?"I wasn't aware… Please excuse the disrespect."

"Disrespect!?"Rura peered out of the crimson fluff. Pidgeot was looking at his Meema like she'd grown two heads, andwasn'ta Hydreigon."Your name is Meema, correct…? Pick your head up; you're going to get a crick in your neck, at this rate. We're all comrades, here."

"But, your status… Surely that must imply some hierarchy-"

"Oho! Dear, dear…"Togekiss cooed, after stifling her laughter."Whatever hierarchy you or I know is displaced, in this group. I was the royal guard for my Princess Salvia! A product of generations of selective siring and training for the good of the crown. But here, I'm simply Dawn's Togekiss."

"So, this pack's structure supersedes others before it… Oh! You said you were a part of royalty? How interesting."

" Verily! The Hisuian Royal Line isn't so much a true monarchy, anymore… It's become more of a lone city-state, divorced from the rest of the Sinnoh region. A multitude of military conflicts led to the decision to dissolve kingdoms, the world over! Smaller subdivisions and cities governing themselves turned out to be the road to longer-lasting peace, compared to being subject to the whims of egotistical Kings and petty tyrants. For our crown's part, a fracture in the family just two generations ago led to…"

Boring, boring, BORING!Rura felt he would gomadif he listened to this adult talk much longer. Just grown-up talk. But, grown-up talk kept them busy; enough for him to wiggle his way out of the back of Meema's mane and onto the grass."Oof,"he uttered as he rolled into the grass, quickly covering his mouth with his paws. He could get caught!

But, she hadn't noticed. Breathing a sigh of relief, he crept through the tall grass, steering clear of another scolding.

"Cott!" A high voice startled him.

But, it was just a similarly frightened Cottonnee, who opted to float off to safety. Rura shrugged, crawling back towards the group. Most of them seemed happy to lie where they were… Boring. They'd probably shrug him off, too! Just a bunch of boring adults…


"Ah!"Rura nearly jumped out of his fur! A high, echoing voice had caught him completely off-guard, and he somersaulted to face them.

The culprit was… a ghost! Dark violet, with a huge witch's hat, with bold, red eyes gleaming with mischief and yellow sclera. A jagged smile might have scared him, if he wasn'ttotallytoo brave for that sort of thing. Rura huffed."W-who are you!?"

"I could ask you just the same! I don't think we've conversed, just yet, have we, little one?"

"Before I answer that, you're going to have to tell me what 'converse' means."

The ghost answered with another ghoulish chortle."Thoust permitted to call me Mismagius. And what shall I, you?"

"...You talk weird,"Rura said, scrunching his nose."The name's Rura! I'm Dawn's Pokémon!"

"Ah! Master Dawn. I'm in the ward of Ash's own troop of colorful fighters. That would make us allies!"

"Agh! You sound like another boring adult."Rura said, frowning."I'm tired of all these fancy words. I want to play! Do something interesting! Have some fun!"

"Au contraire, Rura! I may be an adult, but one thing I would never dare to be is boring! Very well then, fox. I like your spirit. Let's liven up this lazy retreat!"Mismagius floated about Rura in orbit, beaming with excitement and intrigue. A kindred spirit, it seemed!

"Yeah! Let's do something!"

"...But, what shall we do?"

Rura's eyes narrowed, his ears flicking in thought. He quickly gained a mischievous grin."Let's playyyy… Tag!"

The fox pounced, pushing down the brim of Mismagius's hat."You're it!"

"Oho! One of the venerated classics… It's so nice to see that it circulates among the youth. A game as old as time."Mismagius lifted her hat after her nostalgic waxing, blinking. She'd let her playmate get away. But, she wasn't dull. She could see that off-gray puffy tail sticking out of the nearby tall grass!

"You sly fox, you had me monologuing… No matter!"The ghost cooed, and sprung towards the tall grass.


What emerged from the grass wasn't a sly little fox, but a yellow, beady-eyed rodent with red cheeks and a lightning-bolt tail; Ash's best friend, wearing a carefree smile.

"Rainbows above and seas below… You startled me, Pikachu! It's not like you to veer so far from the group. I'd almost tackled you. Are you quite alright?"

Pikachu was silent, and his gaze blank. Eerily blank. It was getting almost concerning, before he stuck out his tongue and blew a raspberry at Mismagius.

"Pikachu!? I've heard you have a mischievous streak, from the grapevine. But I've never seen it for myself! Ho, well played, my lightning-bearing comrade! Well played!"

"Hehe, gotcha~!"A voice that totally wasn't Pikachu's taunted, before his image was swallowed in a violet swirl. In his place, Rura appeared, giggling!

"My word… What sort of trickery is this? I had no idea our new furry friends were masters of theatrics! Can I ask how you disguise yourself with such finesse? Such art?"

"That's for me to know, and for you to NOT find out!"He pranced past the bushes, hopping onto a low-hanging branch. Once again, his image vanished, replaced by a small, green monkey with what looked like a bush atop his head."Ehehehe, catch me if you Pan~!"

The pun on Pansage was lost on Mismagius as she gave chase, diving for the disguised fox."A good magician never leaks their secrets… But a good magician ALSO knows not to use the same trick, twice!"

That didn't stop Rura from hopping atop her head, sprinting past."Missed me!"

"Oh, you have GOT to be pulling my cloak."Mismagius found herself facing not one, buttwoEmpoleon, with their backs to her.'He's trying to upend me with one of the classic blunders… But, which one is the real one? How can I tell!? Oh, I can't stand the suspense. I'll just hope for the best!'

Taking a gamble, the ghostvery slowlycrept up on one of the penguins, leaned close to their ear, and…"Boo!"

Empoleon squawked! Startled by the sudden scare, he spat an accidental Hydro Pump right at the 'mon he'd been talking to. Unfortunately, this was Dawn's Typhlosion, who was doused by it.

"Ack…! What's the big idea!?"Empoleon huffed indignantly, rubbing his neck.

"What's the big idea!? I should be asking you that!"Typhlosion fumed."I thought we were past this childishness!"

"Not you! You!"Empoleon swerved around, pointing a wing at Mismagius."You should know better than to sneak up on someone, unprovoked!"

"Dear, dear. I'm a ghost. It's what I do,"Mismagius huffed."Besides! This time, it was an accident."

"Hey, hey! She said it was an accident. She said she…"Rura trailed off, quietly realizing that if he went on, he'd be taking the blame."...It was just an accident, ya big bully! You don't have to be so mean!"

"Kid, do yourself a favor,"Typhlosion huffed."Stay out of this."

"Hey, hey. What's going on over there?" Ash sat up, squinting at the commotion that had quickly become the center of attention.

Rura shrunk under the gathering crowd. This was becoming alotmore of a fuss than it needed to be.

~Rura!~Meema scolded, scooping her young up by his scruff.~Please excuse him… You shouldn't be disturbing our new pack. What did I tell you?~

Rura huffed, folding his paws.~Well, they shouldn't be so BORING! I just wanted to play a game of tag.~

"Isthatall this was!?" Ash laughed, shaking his head. "Poor guy's probably full of energy…"

Dawn looked over from where she was sitting, nearby Ash. "Are you behaving over there, Rura?"

~I am!~

"Guys, guys!"Empoleon raised a wing."It may be hard to recall, but just take a moment. He's young! Unevolved! We were all Rura, at some point in our lives."

"Yeah, you were. Like, a couple of months ago,"Typhlosion quipped.

"As were you!"He squawked in return."My point is! I'll keep him company. Keep him contained, so to speak. If that's alright with you, Meema?"

~If you'd be so kind… Thank you.~Rura was released, dropped down onto his feet next to the majestic penguin.~Mind your superiors, Rura. I don't want to hear anymore grief from you.~

~Fiiiine.~The fox pouted, wiggling his nose.~But, he better not be boring.~

"Never in a million years!"Empoleon huffed, gesturing a wing for Rura to follow."C'mon. I'll regale you with tales of our many adventures and competitions! You won't believe your ears!"

~Oooh, adventures…!~Rura grinned, trotting after the penguin. Maybe noteveryadult here was boring, after all.

"Is everything alright, over here…?" Leader (or Ash, as everyone else preferred to call him) had sauntered over, hands on his hips. The body language made Meema flinch, but his smirk and upturned brow lowered her guard. She didn't quite understand him, still.

~Please, Leader. Forgive Rura. He's-~

"He's a kid," the boy said, ruffling her mane. "Really. It's fine. Besides, I know you're new, but a little chaos is normal here. Am I right, guys and gals?"

A chorus of affirmative hums and nods were the unanimous answer.

"I rest my case. But hey, Mismagius. Try not to rile him up and give Meema trouble, huh? She's still settling in." Ash suggested, playfully ruffling the top of the ghost's witch's cap. "C'mon. Why don't you hang with me for a bit? Give 'em a break."

These sounded like disciplinary measures. But, as Mismagius giggled and floated off alongside Ash to sit near the cliff's edge, Meema didn't get the impression that she was taking it particularly seriously.

Nor was her Leader, for that matter.

As much as she respected his rank, he seemed a little too easygoing for his own good. She was curious what kind of scolding he'd have for Mismagius, if any. And, regardless, he needed to know about their other pack member, if she was as troublesome as she seemed.

It was her duty.

With a brief survey of her surroundings, everyone had returned to their devices and social groups. Not a speck of worry for all the trouble. Vexing, but it gave her a window of opportunity. She was quickly swallowed in an illusion, appearing as little more than a small, fuzzy yellow bug, sporting four blue eyes; two big, and two small. A Joltik. A comically small creature, allowing her to crawl through the grass, undetected.

Allowing her to sneak up on her leader and the unruly Mismagius.

"I look away for two minutes and you're already ruffling up Rura and raising hell, huh?"

"It was his idea, believe it or not. I can't say it wasn't fun, though, hehe!"

"You've been like this since we met. Always making a scene. Sneaking up on us."

"Truly, I'm just grateful. That our little troupe accepts me and my habits."

"Yeah, well.. Hey, hold on." Ash paused. His eyes widened, jaw hanging slack, as if there wasn't a thought in his head. The absolutely glowing smile that took over said otherwise. "I can hear you…! Ha, that makes me happy."

Was that not something he could do, before? She knew very little about humans.

Nonetheless, the human breathed a content sigh. "Anyway… I mean, why wouldn't we?"

Mismagius hovered a bit lower; closer to the grass and its remaining morning dew."You weren't around to see it; not for the most part. But, my games and theatrics and gags… Well, Mt. Silver is known for being cold. Bitter. Unforgiving. But, what you don't hear is how many of its inhabitants are just the same. No one had patience for a playful Misdreavus. I guess I was something of a kid, myself, back then. I saw myself in Rura."

Meema's faux eyes blinked. She hadn't expected that.

"Truly, Ash, you and Glalie changed my life. The moment you embraced my games… I knew you were the trainer for me. And I wasn't gonna letcha leave that mountain without me!"She giggled, headbutting the young man's visor to push it down over his face. He laughed.

"Ha, well I'm real happy to hear that, Mismagius!" Ash set his visor straight, grinning. "But hey, you've done a lot for us, too! You made a really big change to save Pikachu."

"Feh."The ghost floated up and somersaulted, hanging upside-down."Stepping out of the shadow of solitude has always been my priority. Your fragile, mortal shell couldn't bear Mt. Silver forever. I could say the same for my ever-enduring, but ever-vulnerable heart. Your warmth was an escape. As fun as battling may be — and it is! — I really couldn't care less how I fare, or what stage I do it in. If that metamorphosis helps me to protect a dear friend, I was more than happy to."

Mismagius's confession stunned Ash and Meema alike into contemplative silence. What exactly was going through her leader's head, the Zoroark couldn't say. She was a captive of her own musings.

A member of the pack, completely shunning interest in their entire purpose? Their lot in the group — nay! The whole pack's role!? Preposterous. Vexing. Completely convoluted and confusing. Surely, Leader had hit the limits of his patience with her.

"...Ash? Earth to Sir Ketchum?"Mismagius cooed.

Ash shook his head. "Get out of here, you. Go have a ball." He attempted to lightly shove Mismagius, finding that his hand slipped right through her. He snorted.

"Have it your way, boss!"Mismagius chuckled, and floated off.

Without any repercussions. She was allowed to stay. Not even a scolding. What washappening?

All things Meema would ponder, and occupy herself with, before more rustling in the grass drew her back to reality. The yellow rodent, with rosy cheeks and a lightning bolt tail. He'd been introduced to her as Pikachu, and she was fairly sure that he was Ash's second-in-command.

"Is everything back in order?"Pikachu asked, hopping into Ash's lap. He made himself cozy.

"As close as it gets, with our group!" Ash laughed, followed by a comfortable silence.

"...Y'know, it's weird. We can just… talk to each other, now."

"Right!? Honestly, I just haven't really taken much time to think about it. Y'know, with everything going on… Been too caught up to not take it for granted."

"Well, now that you can hear me, I can tell you something I've held onto for a long time."

"Oh, yeah? What's that, Buddy?"

A mischievous smirk pulled up on Pikachu's muzzle."Your morning breath reeks."

"H-hey!" Ash sputtered, offended. "As if yours is any better, Ketchup Breath!"

"Iknowthe man who prefers mustard on his hot dogs isn't talking. Traitor."

"I have averysophisticated plate, thank you very much."

"The word you're looking for is palate."


A back-and-forth exchange thatsoundeda lot like an argument ended in laughter. Lots of knee-slapping laughter, from man and 'mon alike. Although Meema didn't know it, this was probably the most genuine, carefree moment they'd shared in weeks.

The Zoroark, though, found herself lost in the details.

Ketchup? Mustard? Hot dogs? Palates!? They seemed to be talking about food of some kind, but it was nothing she'd ever heard of. There was so much to learn about humans and the Pokémon that accompanied them…

Ash looked over his shoulder, catching Meema's attention. Had she been spotted!?

"Hey. Peeks. I think someone has their eye on you." Oh dear, she might have…

Pikachu followed Ash's gaze, and Meema turned to do the same. Buneary was sitting a ways away, towards a canopy of trees in the shade. Typhlosion was alongside her, chatting, but the rabbit looked like she was only halfway listening. When she noticed she'd been spotted, she waved.

"Well, what do you know? Haha, she does…"Pikachu fibbed a laugh, shaking his head.

"C'mon." Ash whispered, leaning down to speak covertly with Pikachu. Meema's sharp hearing picked it up, though, and surely Buneary's would, too. "Go spend some time with her, why don'tcha?"

"Should I!?"Pikachu blushed. His voice had cracked. He looked embarrassed."Agh… why am I acting like a timid schoolboy about this? It's not as if we're keeping any secrets… Not anymore."

"You're having a rough week, pal," Ash replied, scratching the top of Pikachu's head. "Cut yourself some slack, and just go over there. A little quality time will do you some good!"

That was the end of the discussion, as Ash lightly shoved Pikachu in her direction. The mouse muttered something or another, and dashed over towards Buneary and Typhlosion.

The longing stares, and talk of secrets kept… It sounded scandalous. Dangerous, even. It was something she'd better keep an eye on. Especially if their leader was being so careless.

This was enough to convince Meema to change shape yet again. Taking the unassuming form of a Pidove, she'fluttered'over to stalk near the bushes bordering the cape. Her disguised self pecked idly at berries in the brush, simulated by the real Meema nudging them with her claw.

From here, she could see everything. And, she saw Pikachu waltz on over, awkwardly waving.

"Er, hi! How, uh… What's new, you, uh, girls? Gals?"The overly-toothy grin plastered on Pikachu's face was as much of a farce as Meema's expertly crafted illusion, though not nearly as convincing."How's the weather? I mean, I guess we've all figured that out by now, but…"

The silence made breadth for even the gentlest of breezes to be heard.

"Aha, oh boy. Okay."Typhlosion snorted, sitting up."I'm gonna save you twoandmyself this painful conversation. Break a leg, don't break a heart, or whatever."The fire badger stood, giving Buneary and then Pikachu a fraternal pat on the back before wandering off."I hope Ash and Dawn brought some sitrus berries. I could really go for one of those…"

That left Buneary and Pikachu alone, as far as they knew. The former tutted, shaking her head."Not spitting your A-game today, champ?"

Pikachu snorted. His face was flushed enough to match his cheeks."Clearly."

"Well, c'mon."Buneary patted the grass next to her, motioning for Pikachu to sit. He did."How're you feeling?"

There was a moment of trepidation. Conflict screwed up Pikachu's expression in a way even Meema could see. He was picking his words carefully. Deciding how much to divulge."...Honestly? Between you and me? I'm feeling pathetic."

Buneary frowned. Her dominant hearing ear flopped over a bit."Well, shoot, I bet! Tell me about it?"

"I… I can't battle. Not for sport, when Ash wants to call on me. Worse yet, when someone's in need. Like with Meema, the other day."

Hidden behind her disguise, the fox did a double-take.

"She needed help. Rura needed it. Ash needed it. I was too petrified to do a thing. I felt like… well, like an ass."He fidgeted with his paws."For lack of a better word."

The rabbit tutted."An ass is the last thing you should be feeling like. C'mere. Lean on BunBun."

From the little, painfully awkward conversation between the two she'd seen, Meema expected Pikachu to put up a fight. To fumble through it, or hesitate. Instead, he scooted closer, and leaned his weight into her. Her cotton-ended ear wrapped around his own ear closest to her.

"...Oh, you reallyareout of shape. No fluster, or stuttering, or nothin'?"

Her instincts were right, then.

Pikachu shrugged it off."After everything we've been through? I'm not too concerned about where we stand, right now."

Even Meema recoiled. Too curious to not snoop further, she shuffled around to get a better look at the duo she was imposing upon. The absolutedarkestexpression ever conjured by an unassuming little rabbit, perhaps, was born on Buneary.

Pikachu bristled, seeing the same."S-sorry! That was… I know how that sounded. But it's really-"

"Don't apologize,"Buneary said curtly. To Meema's surprise as well as Pikachu's, she pulled him in closer."I'm angryforyou."

Pikachu fidgeted awkwardly, even as the fear in his eyes dimmed."Sorry."

"Hey. None of that."Buneary pulled away from the embrace, and nudged Pikachu with her ear, much like Ash had."Go on 'n grab a snack, and try not to think about it, alright?"She smiled."I think I saw Ash sneak some ketchup from the fridge. I bet you could use that pick-me-up."

"Ehe, he did, did he? That figures."Pikachu laughed nervously, taking her cue."...Thanks, Buneary."With those parting words, he dashed off to reunite with his trainer, who'd returned to sitting by Dawn after Pikachu's conversation with him.

With Buneary on her own, Meemahadto pry. Abandoning her guise, she walked over and sat beside her."I see you have quite a bit of history with Leader's Pikachu."

"Huh?"Buneary startled. Her head had clearly been in the clouds. She only just now registered her company."Heh, yeah. I've had my heart set on that fella since the moment I laid eyes on him. It's been upwards of a year now."

Young love. It made her stomach wrench. She felt obligated to speak.

"I'd greatly advise against such… reckless endeavors. The heart is fragile. It often moves too fast for its own good, like a Sawsbuck on a stampede. You never know what it might flatten."

"Oh, trust me,"Buneary laughed a snarky sort of laugh. One that made Meema feel like there was some context she was supposed to have."I'm not taking things fast. Haven't for a while, but especially not right now. Pikachu… needs time. I don't want to push him."

Meema felt a bit more at ease, hearing that."A rather wise answer, from someone so young."

"Young?"Buneary's pink little nose wrinkled."How young do you think I am?"

Meema blinked."I would assume not much longer than that year you've known him. Perhaps two…?"

"Eheheh."Buneary laughed. Was she…mocking her?"A little off the mark. Seven and counting."

Meema balked. She felt like she'd been struck. Suddenly,shewas the naive youngster."Seven… Dragons of Truth and Ideals, I did not expect that. And, Pikachu…?"

"Pikachu? From what I can remember, he's eleven, give or take."

A one-two punch."But, you act so young…! So much younger than your age."Panicking at her own choice of words —how could she be so rude to her elders!? —she bowed her head for perhaps the tenth time today."I-I apologize…! Truly. I hadn't meant to call either of you…"

"What? Old?"Buneary blinked."Pff, I don't care. I'm an adult. Been one as long as I've been with Dawn, and eyeing Pikachu. Not like I'm getting old and brittle, anytime soon!"

"Yes… well…"Meema looked away, still feeling awkward."I'm glad, then. With experience comes wisdom."

"You said it! Live and learn. But, hey."Buneary stood up."Not to look like I'm bailing on you, but I might've been on to something when I told Pikachu to go eat. All this heavy talk is making me hungry."She looked back towards Meema."You want me to get you anything?"

She couldn't possibly ask any more after imposing on her. She shook her head."No, thank you. Please, make sure you're fed before worrying about me."

"If you say so!"Buneary shrugged, and hopped off, reuniting with her trainer.

~Havin' fun with those illusions?~

Terror locked Meema in place. Icy hues darted to the source of the voice, which was admittedly hard to track. She recognized it as her own preferred method of communication; telepathy. But, the one who'd caught her didn't do much to hide herself.

Rosemary sat on a nearby rock, one leg crossed over the other. She looked more amused than mad, truly, but that only did so much to quell Meema's anxiety.

~I… I-I apologize. I was… Attempting to understand my new pack,~Meema decided to say.~If it'll have my protection, then I must be aware of my surroundings, no?~Then, it hit her.~How were you able to perceive my illusions?~

~Aura's a nifty little thing!~Rosa tapped her noggin with her paw, looking smug.~If I concentrate, I can feel where anyone is, closeby, at any time. Hell, I can read your vibes and your mind, too!~

Was that anxiety she felt? Change that to terror. ~You… would be a terrifying huntress.~

Rosa blinked.~Hell, probably. But, that's not my scene. I'm an Aura Guardian!~She grinned, flexing her bicep.

~Aura Guardian…?~

~It's a responsibility of mine and Pa's. He's one of the rare humans who can tune into Aura, like me. We're supposed to use it to protect others, and stuff.~Though she'd looked chipper a moment ago, Meema noticed the light dulling in Rosa's ruby hues.

It might've been a sore subject, so Meema steered away from it.~That's right. Leader… Rosemary. May I ask you a question about him?~

~You mean Pa? Yeah! Sure. Shoot.~

~Would you happen to know his opinion of me? He told me, himself, that he wasn't disappointed with my performance in battle. But I'd definitely embarrassed him at that facility, the other day. I'm not sure if he was simply kind enough to spare my feelings…~

~Uh-uh. Gonna stop you right there,~Rosa interrupted.~Pa wouldn't let someone go for that. Ever. I caught a lot of who he is when I hatched, Meema. It was like a whole movie reel in a couple of seconds, heh… So, it was a lot to remember, but… He doesn't love us for our strength. He loves us for us.~

~That is… quite reassuring.~And, it was.~But, what of who I am? I worry I've caused him discomfort, more than once.~

~You say a lot of weird things,~Rosa answered matter-of-factly.~C'mon, cut the crap.~


~You're tip-toeing around something you REALLY want to ask. Just come out with it.~

~Your perceptiveness is frightening,~Meema admitted.~But, very well. I've had questions that I've feared aren't my business to ask. Repeatedly, I've heard of something troubling. It seems something grave has happened to Pikachu. Something that's understood by everyone but Rura and I.~

~...Oh, yeah. That.~Rosemary turned to face away from Meema, still seated on her boulder. Meema feared she might've broken rank by breaching the subject.~Pikachu was poached, recently.~That was the extent of Rosa's answer, breaking her normally talkative streak.

But, that alone said enough. It explained everyone's dour moods. Pikachu's fragility.

~I see. And were your enemies destroyed?~

Rosa's paw collided with the boulder she sat on, cracking it.~Trust me. IwishI'd been strong enough to. I mean… We rescued Pa and Uncle Pikachu. But, I wish we could've done it sooner. Seeing them the way they've been lately… I just feel helpless! I should be able to do more.~

Meema thought on Rosa's wishes, briefly.They were quite understandable. Who wouldn't, in her position, want to be fully capable of keeping their loved ones safe?

~Should they appear again,~Meema spoke,~I'll be sure to destroy them.~

Rosa looked over, cracking a smile.~Heh. I'll hold you to that.~

"Now, what's with all the doom and gloom, over here!?" Two hands ruffled the top of Rosa's and Meema's heads. It was Ash, looming over the two of them with an upturned smile and a raised brow. "C'mon. We didn't come all the way out here just to be sad, did we?"

~If that's what you command, Leader,~Meema replied, predictably.

"It's not about what I command. We're here to have fun! There's nothing gained from just moping around. I'd say it's time we pick the mood up!"

~How're we gonna do that, Pa?~Rosa asked.

"I…" Ash hummed, scrunching his nose. "I'm not sure."

"Hey, Ash!" Dawn spoke up. "What about the ukulele you brought along?"

"Oh, right! I almost forgot." Ash walked over to his bag and scooped up the contraption. Meema couldn't tell what exactly it was, but her leader seemed to find something wrong with it. "...Crud, I forgot to get a pick. Anyone see anything I could use? I don't wanna cut up my fingers playing."

The other Pokémon muttered and scouted about, but things ultimately came down to Pikachu."I've got it!"He'd come across a particularly tiny and flat stone, spinning to smack it with the back of his tail to launch it towards Ash.

Ash caught the stone in his palm. "Nice find, Buddy! Alright, everyone. It's time for a sing-along!"

"Oh, this ought to be good."

"Can Ash even play?"

"Sure, he can! You've never heard?"

"Not even once."

~Let's hear it, Pa!~

All of that chatter and more filled the air as a majority of their pack moved in a little closer to gather for… folk music of some kind, it seemed?

"This is an old sea shanty. We used to hear it from some sailors out in Johto and Hoenn."

A strum of the pick began the tune.

"Heave ho! Heave ho! Yeah, yeah!" Ash started to swerve back and forth with the rhythm of rolling waves, humming the tune a bit longer than standard; stalling to recall the lyrics. "Ooooh! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Yes, yes!" Side to side he moved, movements spry and lively. "When we hear the jabbering of the Wingulls on the high sea, we know we can't give up our lives fishing on the ocean!" He grinned, looking over to his now confused team.

A few of the older pokemon who had traveled with him on boats before, such as Pikachu, or those who grew up near humans, like Togekiss, recognized the song and began to sway.

"...Oh! This one!" Dawn giggled, springing to her feet to join. "Put your back into it! Heave ho, heave ho!"

"Heave ho, heave ho!" Ash shouted back, dancing with Dawn.

Soon, Pikachu took the lead as the little fisherman, while Empoleon summoned passing, harmless waves with strokes of his wings to imitate the rumbling seas behind his friend.

~Oh! Oh! Lemme help!~Rosa hopped over to flank Pikachu, and memorized Empoleon's actions with a clever use of Copycat. Waves of her paws summoned rolling waters and mist.

"Oh, yeah!" Ash sang once more, tossing his head with the energy of the song. "Er…" Seemingly losing his place again, Meema could only guess, he turned his eyes to Togekiss, who was having no trouble with the ballad. "Boss, I'm telling you, the size of this Magikarp was different! And, it's all miiiiiine!"

~All mine! All mine!~Rura joined the odd festivities with continuous somersaults. It wasn't long before he made himself dizzy. He stumbled, only for Typhlosion to catch his fall, snorting at him.

Mismagius sang, Mamoswine rocked to the tune with all of his mass, and…

Just about everyone was taking part.

Everyone but Meema. That lone fox stood in the midst of the play, standing with an awkward hunch. Lamely blinking at it all.

What sort of ritual was this? A folk song? It had to be. There was no order. No roles. The rhythm was chaotic and juvenile, at best. Why, if she'd acted this way on such an occasion…

Wiggling his eyebrows, Ash looked to Dawn for this line. "Even if I row four and a half meters, I couldn't get that girl's attention."

Snorting at his teasing, Dawn danced away from Ash for now, mimicking the movements of waves with Togekiss.

"Pi-Pika!" Pikachu squealed.

The song seemed to be reaching a crescendo, as Ash rowdily stomped his feet. Inhaling enough to puff out his chest. "A flighty Wingull chatters excitedly as it sees my bare skin, glistening in the surf!"

That seemed to be the end of the'shanty,'or at least the exciting finale. Some, like Ash and Dawn, fell back in the grass, catching their breaths. Some stayed gathered, chattered, and laughed. No order. No corrections to the lack of attention to detail. Rura hadn't been scolded.

Meema, while she could sense she might've been expected to join in, only feltculture shock.

But, watching her son giggle and attempt to imitate his seniors long after the festivities were over, she couldn't quite complain. Her child was fed, and he was happy.

Furthermore, she could overhear the two humans, now.

"I'm surprised you know how to play," Dawn said. "But I guess you wouldn't've bought the ukulele if you couldn't, huh?"

Ash snorted. "Never underestimate me when it comes to improvising."

Dawn giggled. "You've got me, there!"

"Besides. We were… busy in Sinnoh, you know? I was too zoned-in for stuff like that. But, I picked up on string instruments during recess."

"I would've taken you more for a drum guy."

"Oh, yeah, I mean, the teachers did, too. But, like, they had this kinda big, you know, for a kid, pellet drum. They let me play it once.Once."

What an interesting pack.

Meema wasn't sure just how long she'd been staring off of Lostlorn's cliffside, overlooking Nimbasa City. Lost in her thoughts, she'd only caught that blue skies had turned to orange, and the sun was starting to set over on the western horizon. This was, perhaps, her last night ever spent in her old home. In Unova. Yet, that hadn't occurred to her. Not for more than a passing thought.

"Enjoying the view?"

~Leader!~She startled, sitting up. The youth sat down beside her, smiling.

"You've been sitting there for, like, hours," he pointed out.

~…So I have. I've lost track of time, I fear.~

"Aren't cha hungry? I haven't seen you eat a single thing since we got here."

~I'm not,~she replied.~Has Rura eaten? Have the others?~

So she said. But, a loud, mortifying rumbling of her stomach said otherwise. She ignored it, but Ash did not.

"Uh-huh. Here. I brought something for you." Ash held out a morsel that Meema didn't recognize. A cylindrical, surely artificial food made of god-knows-what, wrapped in a fluffy exterior that Ash used to hold it together.

~...Pardon me, Leader. But, what is this?~

"Oh, it's a hot dog!" Ash grinned. "It's a popular snack, but it's apparentlyreallybig here, in Unova. I only put on a little ketchup, since it's probably a new flavor for you."

A hot dog. Ketchup. Those were the subjects of Leader's and Pikachu's argument, earlier.

Meema sniffed at it. Her eyes widened.~...Meat? Leader, I couldn't….~

Ash snorted. She felt like she'd made some sort of error. "It's fake meat, silly. Pretty good imitation, though, ain't it?"

Fake meat!? What did that even entail…? Meema worried the answer would be yet another confusing bout of information, and ducked her head away from the morsel that he continued to tempt her with.~You must have hunted tirelessly for this. Respectfully, I beg that you eat it, yourself. If we'll be leaving on an excursion soon, you'll need your strength.~

Although she'd missed it, the teen rolled his eyes. "Oh nooo, but you don't understand, Meema!" He drawled on, clutching his stomach. "Ialreadyate so many of them, I've made myself full! I think if I scarf down anymore, I'll make myself sick!"

Meema squinted. Was he…being coy with her?His acting was completely terrible, and she wasn't new to this earth. He was fibbing on her behalf. Why, she couldn't quite understand, but he'd had her cornered. If she didn't accept this act of charity…

~Very well. You win, Leader.~That was all she conceded before snapping and devouring the 'hot dog' in just a few bites.

"You weren't supposed to eat the napkin…!" Ash stammered out, and shook his head. "Never mind."

But, she couldn't pay that any mind. Not when the sheerflavorshe'd just experienced continued to bewilder her. She blinked.~I fear I understand Pikachu's fondness for… ketchup, was it?~

"Careful," Ash warned, grinning. "Tell him that, and he'll never stop pushing the stuff at you."

~I see… Leader?~


~Thank you.~

Ash smiled, satisfied, and turned his attention to the cityscape. Leaning forward on his knees. "Awfully nice view you've got here."

~I've always disliked it,~Meema replied.~Rura would always find his way here, to look over the human settlements. He never kept it a secret that he wanted to venture into it… I worried that, one day, I'd find he followed through.~

"And you didn't want to head out there," Ash filled in. "You said something when we met, didn't you? About how you felt about us humans. You don't trust us."

~I've only heard terrible things,~she replied.~Humans aren't to be approached. Their greed will tear all that we know out from under us.~

She saw Ash flinch at her words. She studied him, and saw something of a glassy look in his eyes. Had she offended him~?~But, I feel that I might have been wrong, after meeting you and the rest of your pack. I wonder…~

Ash seemed to snap out of his trance, tilting his head. "Wonder what?"

~I wonder if there's more to understand and appreciate, about human life.~

"I want to understand Pokémon, myself. I always have," Ash replied.

~I did overhear you saying as much, to Mismagius,~Meema admitted.~Apologies for eavesdropping.~

"Talking to her got me thinking," Ash replied. "About what being a Pokémon Master means."

~Pokémon Master?~She echoed, unfamiliar with the term.~That would have to be the mightiest among Pokémon Trainers.One who stands over all others?~

"There aresomewho think of it that way. But it's actually so muchmorethan that. Sure, I want to be strong. Sure, I want to win battles. Who doesn't like winning? But, I've learned something important. All the power in the world doesn't mean a thing, if it's not shared with someone you care about."

Ash sounded as if he had more to say, and Meema dared not interrupt.

"I've been growing alongside my team this week. With you guys. I've been learning more about all of you. We get each other better than before, and that made us stronger!" With conviction in his voice that reminded Meema just why he held his stature, he stood to overlook the horizon.

"I want to be a good enough trainer to understand any of my Pokémon… No, any Pokémon in the world. If I can do that,thenI'll be a Master." He reached out towards the sun and closed his palm, as if to grasp it in his very own hand. "ThegreatestPokémon Master."

Meema, for a moment, found herself at a loss for words. Somehow, she felt moved. Convinced of a goal that she hadn't known the meaning of, until just now.~Your definition of 'Pokémon Master' is quite beautiful. Far more poetic than my own.~To her own surprise, she found herself smiling. Not the faux, painted-on smile that came with any Zoroark's fur markings to coax enemies into a false sense of security. A genuine one.~With your convictions, I believe that you will reach your goal.~

"My convictions," Ash muttered under his breath. "Aw, shucks…" Sniffling, Ash wiped tears from his eyes, and crouched to throw an arm around the Zoroark. "You're gonna make me cry, here, Meema!"

~My apologies.~She bowed her head.~...That song you played earlier. Do you have any more? I didn't take the time to properly appreciate it.~

Ash smiled. "I do! In fact, hold that thought…" He got up, returning to the supplies they'd brought along for the trip. "Alright, everyone. One more song before we go, okay? Let's gather around!"

Dawn was at Ash's other side soon enough after he'd returned, leading her shoulder into his. Pikachu walked over and sat himself down in Ash's lap. Rura sat next to Meema, his fluffy tail wagging behind him.

Before long, their whole pack was gathered near the elevation's edge, crowding around Ash.

"This is a lullaby that I used to play for Pikachu. It was an old one Mom taught me and I tweaked it for him, heh." Pikachu chirped contentedly, and snuggled into his trainer's torso. Ash held a small, rectangular instrument in his hands. He held it to his lips, and played.

Through the device, known as a harmonica unbeknownst to Meema, a shrill, but somehow calming and serene whistle carried a tune.

Ash pulled back after a pause, softly singing to accompany it.

"The Poké Ba—"Ash paused. He rethought the lyrics, and picked up suddenly.

"—My arms are your bed.

Curl up and close your eyes.

In the morning your wounds will heal,

If, if you come into my dreams."

Rustling grass alerted Meema. It was only a couple of Venipede, though, waddling in through the brush. They stopped nearby, antennae wiggling. They were only here to listen.

"To play with me...

It's just something I thought about.

Good night, good night, good night.

A bright star is shining."

Ash started to rock his shoulders back and forth, at a gentle pace to match the slow tune that he breathed into the instrument. Dawn did, as well, not wanting to spare herself the brush of her shoulder against his.

"I have sleepless nights too.

Come here into my arms.

We'll talk, just the two of us.

If, if we don't have a meeting."

Meema didn't wait, this time, to check if the other Pokémon were moving to the tune, too. She only followed the warm feeling that her trainer's song stirred in her, and rocked slowly.

"I want to listen to you, but...

Pikachu? Asleep already?

Good night, good night, good night.

The star has drifted away now."

By now, more Pokémon had gathered to join in her trainer's melody. A trio of Pansage, Pansear, and Panpour sat nearby. An Emolga perched in Torterra's tree. An Audino sang to echo Ash's words. Her trainer, she found, had caught on as well, looking between each new guest.

The belly-laugh that managed to slip by his lips held all the childish mirth of her very own Rura, who now slumbered, curled into a little sable ball of fluff.

Leader… Surely, this is what he meant, when he spoke of harmony with Pokémon. With us.

"Good night, good night, good night.

Soon, I'll sleep too."

Pikachu finally started to give in to the song's tale, uttering a high-pitched yawn.

Looking over Nimbasa's twilight skyline, Meema saw the flashing lights, and heard the distant human chatter, in the backdrop of her surrounding company, and their own sweet melody. Now, perhaps, she looked at it all in a way that she hadn't before.

This human, beside her. So loud, yet so gentle. So thoughtless, yet so thoughtful. So carefree, yet so wildly, wildly ambitious. Sohuman, and yet slightly familiar in the way his dark hair, spiky and unruly, reminded her of a Zorua cub. He was a mess of confusing contradictions.

Those contradictions… They make our differences look far less significant. Maybe there's something to say for his way of life. For ours.

Another Road Repaved - Consequences - mezamun - Pocket Monsters (6)

Chapter 17: Our Full Power

Chapter Text

As thrilling as the hustle and bustle and flashing lights of Nimbasa had been, the fresh air and rolling hills of Pallet Town were familiar and comforting. Even as Ash, Dawn, and Pikachu tiredly blinked to fight creeping drowsiness, the late spring breeze nudging their bangs and ears just felt nice.

It was stimulating enough, anyway, to help them on their way back to the Ketchum household from the bus stop. Ash and Dawn occasionally leaned into each other while walking, putting a poor Pikachu in between them.

Ash jiggled the door handle. It was locked. "...Oh."

"Oh?" Dawn asked, rubbing her eyes. "Oh, what?"

"It's… locked," Ash replied. "Mom almost never leaves it locked. Not when she's home."

"Oh. Well, with everything-"

"Yeah, I know." He didn't like thinking that their efforts had reached this far. That they'd reached all the way home. He swallowed his guilt, and knocked on the door instead.

"Mime!" Mimey was quick to open the door, greeting the group with kind smile. "Mime-mime!"

"Hey, Mimey. Good to see you." Ash smiled at the first sign of familiarity, stepping inside of his home. He didn't even have time to ask, before Mimey grabbed a hold of his suitcase and started pulling it up the stairs. "Oh. Heh. Thanks, fella. You're the best."

"Mr. Mime!" Mimey stopped halfway up the stairs to point towards the kitchen, before going on his way.

"Mom must be waiting for us," Ash said, and walked into the kitchen. He stopped, blinking, causing Dawn to nearly walk into him. "Professor Oak! Gary?"

Indeed, while Delia was setting stacks of pancakes and fruit on the kitchen table along with omurice, Professor Oak and Gary were sitting down with a cup of tea, each.

Delia nearly dropped the plate she was holding, setting it down to walk over and throw her arms around the three. "Oh, honey… Dawn, Pikachu! It's great to see you."

"It's… great to see you, Mrs. Ketchum!" Dawn awkwardly hugged her back to the best of her ability, still squished up against Ash and Pikachu.

"Ow-ow-ow…!" Ash winced, and Delia quickly released them.

"Oh, sorry, Ash… Is your shoulder still hurting?" She bit her thumb. Worries never ceased.

"A little," he fibbed, neglecting to mention the Venoshock incident. He hated seeing his mom worry, which was more than enough motivation to change the subject. "It's nice to be home. But hey, what're you guys doing here? Not that you're not…" Ash finished most of his sentence before loudly yawning. "...welcome."

"Well, we heard you would be coming back today, Ash," Professor Oak answered, sipping from his cup. "And I assume that you'll want to see Professor Willow, no?"

"That's right! Willow!" Ash smacked his palms down on the table, making the silverware clatter.

"I almost forgot!"Pikachu exclaimed in his own tongue.

"Now, now, my boys," Oak eased, with a hint of a smile. "Though it's nice to see you so spry, there's such a thing astoospry.Ahem." Oak coughed into his hand. "A lively Diglett. It might surface much too soon! Prudence is better."

"Oh, that was…" Dawn was stifled by a yawn, covering her mouth with her hand. "...a poem!"

"...She's barely responding to your poems, Gramps," Gary acknowledged.

"My word. That is a tad concerning," Oak replied, frowning.

"It's the jet lag," Ash explained. "We were on there for fourteen hours. It threw us off the day we got to Unova, too."

"Well, you bunch must be exhausted," Delia said, as she pulled out their chairs. "Why don't you sit down and give me your Poké Balls? I can set them up to be fed, out back!"

"And I'd like to help!" Professor Oak volunteered. "I never did get to spend time with that Zoroark of yours. She was quite content to keep to herself when she first came through."

"Meema's like that," Ash said tiredly, as he handed over his six. "She feels like she's a burden. Just try to give her a warm welcome."

"Oh, dear… A burden?" Delia frowned, as she took Dawn's, as well. "Well, that won't do! I'll have Meema feeling like a Pallet Town local in no time flat!"

Delia and Oak stepped outside, and called on the twelve Pokémon sitting within; from Dawn, Empoleon, Buneary, Pachirisu, Typhlosion, Togekiss, and Rura. From Ash, Pidgeot, Tauros, Torterra, Mismagius, Rosa, and Meema.

"Breakfast time, everyone! I'm sure it's nice to be back in a familiar place, isn't it?" Delia chirped, passing out bowls of Poké Chow to each one.

"Yes," Oak agreed, "though I suppose'familiar'is relative for the two of you." He stopped at the Zoroark and Zorua, resting his hands on his knees. "Unova is quite the ways away, isn't it?"

Meema looked between the two adults, and the other Pokémon, who were paying them no mind.~...Yes.~She finally spoke, telepathically.~I am told that Leader's home is quite a distance from native Unova. If this is his dwelling, then we will do our best to be gracious guests.~

Afterwards, she nudged Rura, who rolled his eyes.~Yeah, yeah! Gracious, or whatever.~

"Oh, my! You can talk." Delia cooed, cupping a hand over her mouth. "Like little Rosemary!"

~More or less,~Rosa agreed from nearby, raising her paw to volunteer her thoughts.

"My, my… Two rare faraway Pokémon with telepathy! That's quite a find." Professor Oak beamed, leaning forward to get a better look at them. "I hope you don't mind if I gleam some new data from both of you."

"Samuel, please!" Delia chided. "Try not to overwhelm them."

Rura stared at Oak with his unmoving blue hues. Suddenly, he disappeared into a spiral of shadows. In his place, a direct clone of Professor Oak stood, leaning into the elder's personal space.

"A-another Samuel!?" Delia exclaimed.

"My word…! Your illusory abilities don't disappoint!" Oak said, only impressed by the sight before him. "Now, how do they work, exactly…?" He tried to poke at his other's face, only to find that there was no reaction to it at all. His hand just seemingly vanished. "Oh! Well, it stands to reason that the pre-evolved form's illusions aren't quite as refined."

~Ehehehehe!~The fake Samuel giggled with Rura's voice.

~Rura! Behave yourself,~Meema scolded.~We've been welcomed into your pack, so it's only proper that you know. You can pull a Zorua's tail if you want to put an end to their illusions. You have my full blessing, with Rura.~

~Aw, what!? Don't tell 'em that!~Rura barked, before Delia did exactly so. The second professor vanished, and he returned to normal. Grunting in annoyance, he buried his face in his food.

"Children are children, no matter their appearance, I suppose!" Delia giggled. But, watching the larger fox, she couldn't help but frown. "Meema, aren't you going to eat your breakfast?"

Meema stared at her and shook her head, nudging the bowl towards Rura.~I… am not wanting for food. It's more important that Rura gets his fill.~

Little did Meema know, she would find herself in the harrowing, overpowering gaze of the other mother present. Kind, soft brown eyes glowered with an overpowering aura.

"Now,Meema,"Delia chided, arms crossed over her chest. "I understand that you're concerned about your growing boy. You're talking to Ash's mother, and believe me, he needed every calorie his little hyperactive self could get his hands on. But it's important for a parent to take care of themselves, too!" She chirped, winking with all too much candor for what basically sounded like ademand."Get it?"

The Zoroark stared at her, before sheepishly placing her snout in her bowl.~If you're Leader's mother… Very well. I'll do as you demand.~

Professor Oak cupped his chin, humming in thought at her odd behavior.

Delia, however, was satisfied. "Good~! I just know we're going to get along! It's not too often I get to spend time with another mother, you know. We have to stick together!"

The lack of adults left an awkward silence in the kitchen; one only filled by the sounds of the teenagers jabbing pancakes with their forks and sipping tea. Not that Ash, Dawn, or Pikachu were feeling particularly talkative at the moment, to begin with.

"So," Gary broke the quiet. "How was your trip?"

"Unova was fun," Ash said. "Lots of new Pokémon."

"Nimbasa's such a lively city, too," Dawn agreed.

"I think it was good for us,"Pikachu said, sitting atop a stack of pillows. He stopped talking to nibble on some omurice."We had some conversations there that I think we really needed."

"You're right," Ash agreed. He only realized, then, that he'd have to give context to Dawn and Gary. "We met some people there who put us back on the right track. Some old friends, too."

"That so?" Gary raised a brow. "Well, that's definitely reassuring. Pardon me for asking so soon, then, but about your Gym Battle…"

Ash's expression turned stern, as did Pikachu's. "What about it?"

"You said you couldn't battle me until Pikachu was taken care of. Assuming that Professor Willow settles any leftover doubts, do you think you're ready for our rematch?"

"Am I…?" Ash frowned, furrowing his brow. "I'm… not sure. I mean, that'stechnicallytrue. Pikachu, how do you feel?"

"I'm… feeling better, I think,"Pikachu said. He didn't sound as certain as he really would've liked to. How couldanythingfeel certain, at the moment? But, he hardly wanted to say no.

"If Pikachu's alright, then I think you should go for it." Dawn reached for Ash's hand, squeezing his palm. "Didn't you tell me about your winning streak at, what was it, the Battle Institute?"

"Uh-huh. We did great. But, Pikachu couldn't battle, there…" He poked at his pancakes again. "Well, it wouldn't be right to force him so soon. I could always bring in Meema."

"Meema?" Gary grimaced. "You mean the new Zoroark? Ash, you just caught her. Bringing Rosemary is one thing…"

"Yeah, yeah, you're right." Ash shook his head. What was he even thinking? "I just wanted to give her a go… but she is new. I could always call on one of the other Pokémon at the ranch-"

"Ash, listen to yourself!"Pikachu shouted, turning towards his trainer."It's fine! I'll battle."

"Pikachu…?" Ash addressed his partner. "That's sweet of you and all, but you saw what happened last time. You almost had an episode-"

"And I won't, this time!"Pikachu argued."That was days after the incident, Ash. I've had a few more. I… know that sounds insane when I say it out loud, but I've always been part of our Gym Battles."He abandoned his seat to hop on Ash's arm, walking around to his opposite shoulder."It's our last Gym Battle before the League. I want to be there with you and pull my weight!"

"Pikachu…" Ash sniffled, rubbing at his eyes. It was too early to be crying like this. "I can't fight that argument. You know I can't… Alright!" He raised a fist to Pikachu. "You've got yourself a deal. We'll tackle it together!"

"That's all I could ask for!"Pikachu chirped, satisfied. He bumped his paw against Ash's fist.

"So, Pikachu's on the roster…" Gary trailed off. His gaze lingered on Ash and Pikachu, but whatever was on his mind was lost to the conversation, when the back door opened.

"Ah, what a lively bunch!" Professor Oak chuckled, stepping inside. "Your Pokémon are all taken care of."

"How's Meema?" Ash asked, leaning on the back of his chair.

"And Rura," Dawn added.

"That Rura of yours!" Oak laughed. "He's quite the illusionist!"

"And I made sure that Meema ate her fill!" Delia chirped, coming in afterwards. "We had a real Mom-to-Mom moment."

Ash smiled at that. But his mind drifted back to the topic they'd started on. "That's good. But hey, what about Professor Willow? Is he here?"

"Ah, yes." Professor Oak tutted, smacking his lips. Ash could swear he spotted a look of discomfort on the elder's face, but he wrote it up to his lack of sleep. "Professor Willow and Ray took the mobile lab out of town to go do some field research. I'll go and give them a call."

"That's a great idea," Delia agreed. "For now, why don't you three finish breakfast, and then go nap off that jet lag? If we're going to have company today, you could certainly use it!"

"If that's all well and good…" Gary said, scooting out from his seat to place his dishes in the sink. "Then I'll use that time to go prepare for my Gym Battle. Thanks, Mrs. K." He bowed his head politely to her, and headed for the front door. He lifted a hand to see off the rest of the group. "Ash, Dawn, Pikachu, smell ya later."

While Dawn waved him off, Ash hummed, exchanging a look with Pikachu. "Actually…" A yawn. "...A nap sounds good. Might be the best way to get supercharged for our battle."

Pikachu answered with a loud, drawn out "cha!" of a yawn, if not in words. He agreed.

A nap had been just what they'd needed. After recharging for a couple of hours, Ash, Pikachu, and Dawn had been informed that Willow's camper was back in Pallet Town, not far from Professor Oak's laboratory. Ash had slipped back into his standard traveling gear, complete with his red jacket, teal gloves, and his favorite Pokémon League hat. Dawn in her black shorts, tank top, and pink sleeveless jacket.

"It's nice to see you all, today!" Professor Willow said. "...All of you." With Ash, Dawn, Pikachu, Professor Oak, and Ray joining him in the small mobile lab, it was just a tad crowded.

"Thanks for coming, Professor," Ash said, holding Pikachu in his arms. "Professor Oak said that you figured out the Dark Ball thing?"

Willow nodded. "It took some tinkering with the Poké Ball storage system, and a lot of test catches and transfers with some very helpful field volunteers. But with a bit of ingenuity and elbow grease, I believe we're ready to put your Pikachu back under his proper trainer's name!"

Ash looked down at Pikachu, and laughed. Nothing was funny. There was just the catharsis of relief that made him glow like he hadn't in quite a while. He felt the same from his partner.

"Then you haven't made the trade, yet?" Dawn asked.

"We could have," Ray interjected, "but with how Pikachu's been feeling, we thought it might do him some good to see it happen in real time! Make righting those wrongs official before your very eyes, you know?"

"A fine decision in my opinion," Oak nodded twice in approval. "Aside from Pokémon League legalities, Pikachu's physical and emotional health has been the number one priority from the get-go, after all."

"That makes sense to me, I guess," Ash said. "Alright then, we're ready! Right, Pikachu!"

"I've never been more ready in my life, to be honest!"

"Right, then!" Professor Willow shimmied by the group, opening a small case to retrieve two Poké Balls. One, the twisted, dreary cage that was the Dark Ball. The other, an ordinary Poké Ball with a lightning bolt sticker on it. It was worn down with time, but Ash never quite wanted to remove it, even if it was never used. "I'll just place each of these in the trade machine…"

Each was placed in a groove beneath a mobile trading device, with a screen placed above its centerpiece. Willow pressed a couple of buttons, displaying complex settings on the screen.

"Initiate the registration transfer…" He pushed one more button. "...And, begin!"

The Poké Ball and Dark Ball were each sucked into the machine, as a diagram appeared on the screen. Pikachu's silhouette appeared on the left of the screen, popping out of the Poké Ball icon representing the Dark Ball. The image slid across the screen, and then entered the opposite one. After a moment of pause, the Poké Balls fell back into their grooves.

"...Well, I think that does it!" Professor Willow announced.

"Would you like to confirm it for us, Ash," Oak asked, "and point your Pokédex at Pikachu?"

"Oh! Right!" Pikachu boarded Ash's shoulder as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the red encyclopedia to point it at his precious partner. As Dexter started reading off Pikachu's Pokédex entry, Ash scanned his partner's information on the screen, looking for just one tidbit.

"Original Trainer ID: 01301. Trainer: Ash Ketchum."

"...There it is!" Ash beamed, reading over those same lines over and over. He almost couldn't believe his eyes. "It worked! Pikachu's with me again!"

"Ash!"Pikachu laughed, only to be snatched up into his trainer's arms. He couldn't even complain when he was practically smothered, nuzzling his cheek into Ash's chin."I'm back!"

"You're really back! Aw, I'm so happy, Buddy! This is amazing!" Ash didn't care how crowded the lab was. He didn't care who saw them rejoice. He didn't even care about the static snapping at his skin, and sparking at his tears. He was just overjoyed to be reunited… If only symbolically.

Dawn smiled fondly at the scene as well, wiping the tears that were welling up in her own eyes. There was no denying how utterlyhappyher boyfriend and his best friend were. If there were room for Empoleon in this lab, he'd surely join in the waterworks.

"I'm so moved!" Ray gushed, wiping at his own eyes, as well. "Congratulations, Ash and Pikachu."

"Thank you… Thank you, all of you!" Ash laughed as Pikachu boarded his shoulder again, and offered a hand to Professor Willow. "I know this was a lot of hard work, but it means the world to us!"

The field researcher laughed, taking Ash's hand for a firm shake. "It was my pleasure. I'm just relieved that my work allowed a trainer and their Pokémon to be reunited properly. After all, I'd say that friendships like these are the essence of the relationship between the two!"

"Yes, indeed," Oak agreed. "The passing days have been difficult, but ultimately, good will triumph over evil, as long as all who inhabit our world work together… Ah?" Professor Oak paused, squinting with scrutiny. "Ash, you might want to have a look at your Pokédex."

"Huh?" Ash held up the digital encyclopedia, staring at the screen. A message read across it. "'Would you like to nickname Pikachu...'That's odd."

"Not as odd as it sounds," Oak answered. "Technically, as far as the Pokémon Storage System and the Pokémon League are concerned, Pikachu is yours anew. So, you could very well give him a new name, if you'd like. Of course, that seems unnecessary, given everything thus far…"

"I usually just ignore that option," Ash shrugged. "I used to think about what I'd name my Pokémon when I became a trainer. But I could never decide on nicknames, and coming up with them was way too hard. So, I'd just keep things simple, except for when my Pokémon want one or already have one. You've never had a problem with that, right, Buddy?"

"I've never had a problem with it,"Pikachu shook his head."With you, I've been Pikachu as long as we've been together. Although… it could be nice. Don't you think, Ash? It'd be like a new beginning."

"A new beginning…" Ash echoed, humming in thought. "…Yeah! I guess you're right. It'd be nice to have something to remember getting you back by. But, what would I call you?"

"C'mon."Pikachu smirked, thwapping Ash playfully on the shoulder with his tail. His good shoulder."Have you forgotten already? I was just given a new nickname!"

"What're you… Oh!" Ash exclaimed. "You mean Peeks!"

"Peeks?" Professor Oak echoed. "That's certainly new."

"It's a nickname that Bertha came up with, while we were in Unova," Ash explained.

"That's a sentiment that's just dripping with romanticism! A best friend dubbed anew!" Ray gushed, emerald eyes glowing with enthusiasm.

"When you say it like that, it sounds poetic!" Dawn added happily.

"Sounds like it's settled,"Pikachu said. Then, he cut a smug smile, elbowing Ash's cheek."Maybe you should change your name to Ashton, while we're at it."

"Good joke," Ash smirked, and turned his attention to his Pokédex. "…Alright." He tapped at the keyboard, entering his partner's new nickname."Peeks."He pressed the enter key.

"Pikachu's name has been updated to Peeks,"Dexter spoke."How droll."

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, wise guy." Ash grinned, pulling his partner into a hug. "This is a new beginning for us, Peeks!"

"The beginning of a brand new era!"Peeks cheered.

"Right!" Riding the high of his reunion, Ash punched the air. "And now that we're together again, it's time to move forward! Right to the Viridian Gym!"

"Ah, I'm sure Gary will be happy to hear that!" Professor Oak laughed heartily. "He's been putting in a great deal of work to prepare for you."

"Then, we can't let him down," Ash replied. "...Oh. Sorry Willow, Ray. I hope it's not too rude if we go and bail on you, right now."

"Actually," Ray replied, "if you don't mind, Professor, I'd like to go with them and see it for myself. After all I've heard about Ash and Peeks's bond, I want to see it in action!"

"I think that's a fine idea!" Willow said. "I may as well take the next short while to catch up with Samuel, and compare notes. You kids go and have fun."

"That sounds lovely," Oak agreed. "I'll ask Tracey to keep an eye on your new Pokémon, in the meantime. Best of luck, to the both of you!"

"Fine with me! Get ready, Ray." Ash turned to their new friend, grinning. "You're about to see one heck of a Gym Battle!"

Standing before the double doors to the Viridian Gym, once again, Ash took a deep breath.

"You ready, Ash?" Peeks asked, noticing his trainer's hesitation.

Ash laughed. "I was about to ask you the same thing."

"Please. You know who you're talking to?" Peeks asked, cutting a smirk.

"One stubborn bastard," Ash chuckled.

"Hey, uh, what's up with Ash and Peeks?" Ray leaned closer to Dawn. "I know they're close, but Ash is speaking like he understands Peeks's every word."

"That's because he does," Dawn answered with a smile. "It actually happened over the vacation, but Ash's bond with Peeks is so strong that it's like their minds are one!"

“You don’t say…” The ruddy-haired teen’s eyes glimmered. “Now that you mention it, Ash understood him suspiciously well, back at the lab, too. I’m even more excited, now!”

With mental preparation out of the way, Ash pushed the large double doors open, stepping into the Gym. "Hey, Gary!" Ash shouted. "I hope you're ready, because we're here for our match!"

"Well, well, well." The spiky-haired brunette stepped into the light, twirling a Poké Ball on his index finger. "I was hoping you'd show up sometime soon, Ash. And, Ray! What a surprise."

"I wanted to see what a real Gym Battle is like for myself," Ray volunteered.

Gary nodded in acknowledgement. "And… Dawn," he trailed off, his tone flat.

Dawn stood along with Ash, along with Empoleon and Buneary at her other side. Once again, she'd taken on her signature pink cheerleading uniform with white and blue trimming, and her two pink pom-poms. Buneary wore a watching uniform, and Empoleon held his own pom-poms; too large for the traditional outfit. "Well, duh! Of course I'm not going to missthis."

"I assumed so, but I wasn't expecting the pep rally," Gary snorted.

"Oh, Iknow Mr. Ten-Cheerleaders-and-a-Corvet isn't talking," Ash scoffed. He, along with Peeks, cut a sidelong glance at Gary for his hypocrisy.

Gary coughed into his hand, fighting a streak of red on his face. "Let's not go there, please."

"Wait,seriously!?"Dawn exclaimed. "You're joking! Gary did that!?"

"Oh yeah, it was a whole production," Ash replied. "Everywhere he went."

"Let's leave skeletons in the closet where they belong," Gary snorted. "Unless you want me bringing out some ofyours,Ashy-boy." Clearly, as he'd grown, his old behavior had become a blip in time that he'd rather forget.

"Y'know what? Great idea. Let's cut the chitter-chatter," Ash said hastily, rushing over to his end of the field. "Right, Peeks?"


"For what it's worth," Ray whispered discreetly to Dawn as they approached the spectator seats. "I think the whole gesture isincrediblyromantic! It reminds me of something in Talia's manga."

"Ehe, does it?" Dawn giggled. "Honestly, I started doing thislongbefore Ash and I were dating. I just felt like I should give him my support, as thanks for all the help he's given us!"

"Ah? Sounds like the writing was on the wall long before evenyouread it!" He chuckled.

Before Dawn could ruminate on that any further, they turned their attention to the match.

"Alright, Ash. I hope you're ready." Gary stood in his trainer's box, lightly juggling a Poké Ball in the palm of his hand. "I plan to give you everything I have and more, as your last Gym Battle."

"You better believe we're ready!" Ash argued back. "But hey, uh, where's the referee? You had someone here last time for that. Are they running late?"

"Ah, them?" Gary coughed into his hand. "Ahem. This isn't aconventionalGym Battle. Although it'll still be on the record, I'm not just facing you as a Gym Leader, but as your friend, too. I wanted to keep this personal. If that's okay with you, of course."

"That makes sense, I think," Ash blinked. He shook his head. "Whatever. Doesn't matter to me!"

"Then, let's get down to business!" Gary threw his Poké Ball. "Garchomp, I choose you!"

For the second time, the powerful Mach Pokémon showed herself with a snarling roar.

"There she is." Ash smirked, picking his own ball. "This won't be like the last battle. Mismagius!"

The Poké Ball spun through the air and burst open, calling on the ghoulish witch. "Magius~!"

"...I choose you!"

"So, you evolved your Misdreavus!" Gary noted. "How interesting. She's always been a formidable one. I assume she has some new tricks up her sleeve."

"I normally enjoy encores, but that last performance won't do."Mismagius chuckled to herself.

"Yeah, I'm with her. We've got a whole new act!" Ash gestured forward. "Use Icy Wind!"

"So much for a new act," Gary replied. "Garchomp! Flamethrower!"

Mismagius howled as she fired a cold front more chilling and brutal than before. However, it met Garchomp's blazing Flamethrower shortly afterward, and battled it briefly before flooding the field with a cool, blanketing vapor.

Mismagius rose above the mist, scouting for her foe."Now, where could our dear friend be?"

"Hmph. You shouldn't underestimate a Garchomp's keen sense of smell. We won't fall for the same trick twice," Gary said. "Garchomp! Dual Chop!"

Garchomp lunged out of the vapor, wielding emerald scythes to swing at Mismagius.

"Gotcha," Ash smirked. "Use Skill Swap!"

"Mag~!" There was a devious gleam in the ghost's eye, as a purple, mysterious orb spawned in front of her. It shot forth, colliding with a startled Garchomp.

Both Pokémon shone, and a projection of each of them flashed before disappearing. After that brief pause, Garchomp soared far higher than intended, and Mismagius sank to the floor.

"Skill Swap… Now, that's a new one." Gary raised a brow, as his Pokémon struggled to orient herself above the fray. "I'm going to hazard a guess and say you picked this up in Unova?"

"You guessed right!" Ash replied. "I ran into something else like it, while I was battling there. There was this move called Simple Beam that changes abilities, and it made a huge difference. I ran into the Technical Machine for Skill Swap, in the prizes! Figured I'd give it a go."

"I do quite like the freedom being a ghost gives me,"Mismagius said, scooting around on the floor with a few twirls."But I also like this! I feel like a mortal, with all their confines! How funny."

"Now, that's an interesting choice," Ray said. "Why would Ash give up Levitate? It's a great ability, especially if he's facing a Ground-type."

"Gary's Garchomp used Dig, in their last battle," Dawn explained. "But the biggest danger behind it was never the attack, but how Garchomp could keep hiding with it. Maybe Garchomp… can't go underground with it? At least, that's my guess."

"That would make sense," Ray replied. "Ordinarily, that shouldn't be the case. But if an ability is thrown onto a Pokémon who's never used it before, they could have a hard time with it!"

"Well, you weren't kidding about new tricks," Gary conceded. "But it's not as if a Garchomp is foreign to the air! Use Flamethrower!"

Garchomp soared over the trickster ghost, spewing flames from above.

"Stop it, with Psychic!" Ash commanded.

Several psychic pulses collided with the incoming flames, effectively bringing them to a halt with an intangible barrier. Flames fanned from the impact point, leaving the attack at an impasse.

"Use Crunch!"

"What!?" Ash exclaimed. The new attack caught him entirely off-guard, as it did Mismagius. Garchomp plummeted through the fiery remains of their struggle, sinking his jowls into a squealing Mismagius.

The ghost struggled for a moment against Garchomp's grip, but she was quickly released. Garchomp backed off, nursing the nicks and scrapes acquired from Mismagius's oddly abrasive form. "Gah~!"

"Right, of course." Gary frowned. "Skill Swap means you've picked up Rough Skin, as well."

"You should watch that awful appetite of yours,"Mismagius scolded, as she righted herself. She'd taken heavy damage, but she was still in the game."It may come back tobiteyou!"

"I don't like your jokes,"Garchomp spat.

"Unfortunate. Not everyone can have good taste!"

"Rough Skin gives us some protection against your physical moves," Ash explained. "But, I can't say I saw Crunch coming. Didn't Garchomp already use four moves last time?"

"You may have made Dig more trouble for us than it's worth, but you're not the only one who can break the move limit, you know," Gary retorted. "It's typically something that takes alotof experience. I've only had Garchomp since the beginning of this year, but you know, there's a bit of a shortcut to making it work."

"I know!" Ash interrupted. "It's when a move is something that comes naturally to a Pokémon!"

"Exactly," Gary replied. "A Garchomp obviously won't forget biting, or digging, they're instincts. They only have to relearn the technique and power behind them! Some barriers are easier to break than others. I'd say you've done your homework, but I'm sure you learned by experience."

"That's how I roll," Ash agreed. "Now, let's keep going! Icy Wind!"

Mismagius continued, firing another gust of cold.

"Dodge it! Use Crunch, again!"

With their new airborne prowess, Garchomp skirted around Icy Wind, and came down with snapping jowls.

"Use Phantom Force!" Ash commanded.

Just as Garchomp snapped at Mismagius, she sank into a small, black portal in the floor. It vanished afterwards, leaving Garchomp bewildered and looking about.

Immediately after, another portal opened directly above Garchomp. Mismagius smashed into the Mach Pokémon, tackling her into the ground. She backed off, chortling."Too slow~!"

"Now, that'sanothernew move," Gary said. "That one could be a problem."

"That's thethirdreason for Skill Swap," Ash explained. "None of that nasty recoil, for us!"

"You've thought this through well, Ash," Gary praised. "Flamethrower!"

"Phantom Force!"

White-hot flames shot at Mismagius, but she disappeared into darkness, first.

"Stay sharp, Garchomp!" Gary instructed. "Listen for her, and strike with Dual Chop!"

The eerie, uncanny sound of ghostly activity rang in Garchomp's sharp ears. Swinging around, she struck at the opening portal with glowing fins.

Mismagius appeared, and immediately disappeared into another portal.

Garchomp cried out, feeling a strong pressure collide with her back. Snarling, she swung at Mismagius again.

"Good, Mismagius," Ash praised. "Again!"

Watching the ghost disappear, Gary grimaced. "What an irritating move. But, I'm sure Ash iscountingon us losing our cool. All we need to do is get the timing right, once."

'He's figured it out.'Ash watched on, smirking.'Good. We've got 'em right where we want 'em!'

Gary's sharp eye caught another spot of blackness appearing. "There, Garchomp! Dive in and use Crunch, as soon as she appears!"

The Mach Pokémon's golden eyes honed in on the void. Snarling and beyond fed up, she snapped at the emerging ghoul.

"Icy Wind!"

Bitter white snow and winds shot out of the void, blasting a crying Garchomp.

"Oh, no!" Gary watched his Pokémon take the move to devastating effect. With a quadruple weakness, Garchomp emerged from the attack shivering. Frost clung to her scales, and a blue light washed over her to denote a decrease in speed.

"Awesome job, Mismagius," Ash praised. "How're you doing over there?"

"A bit… winded, I'll say…"Mismagius scooted back towards her trainer. Indeed, her ghoulish energies were starting to dwindle with Phantom Force's repeated use."But, I believe I can say the same for our scaly friend! Ohoho!"

"Hmph. You've left me with very few options, Ash," Gary said, as he raised a hand in the air. "Garchomp! Draco Meteor!"

A glowing core of energy manifested in Garchomp, rising until it was held between her claws. She tossed it into the air, hanging above the fray. "Gahr!"

Draco Meteor burst, raining over the field.

"Now's our chance! Mismagius, Psychic!"

Once more, each Meteor was frozen in mid-air; with a greater modicum of control, now that Mismagius had evolved. With a haunting cackle, she tossed them all towards Garchomp.

"You can't expect the same trick to work twice, Ash!" Gary shouted. "Use Dual Chop!"

Rather than burrow, Garchomp rose to meet the barrage head-on, this time around. She cried ferociously, striking at the meteors with glowing fins and claws in a frenzy.

"He's knocking away the Draco Meteor…!" Dawn gasped. "Gary had time to come up with a counterattack!"

"Pol! Empoleon!" Empoleon sputtered, hiding behind Dawn and Ray. Why did that accursed move continue to haunt him!?

"Erm…?" Ray raised a brow.

"It's a long story."

Buneary tutted, shaking her head.

"Thatcould be a problem," Ash muttered. Meteoric shots of energies were flying and pulverizing the field at random. Worse yet, one was heading directly towards Mismagius. Gary had turned it back on them so easily… Ah. There was that glint in Ash's eye. "Phantom Force!"

"Mag!" Mismagius understood Ash instantaneously. Thinking on the same wavelength as him, she disappeared into her shadowy portal. The meteor plummeting towards her followed, disappeared into it before it closed.

Watching this, Gary raised a brow. "What's he…?"

Standing amidst clouds of dust and smoke, Garchomp's golden eyes scanned for her foe. Suddenly, space opened up right before her eyes. Mismagius poked out of her gate, cackling madly as she leaned right into a bewildered dragon's personal space.

Mismagius smiled far-too-sweetly."Oh, wedoneed to get together like this, more often~!"

Another Road Repaved - Consequences - mezamun - Pocket Monsters (7)

Gary gasped, putting the pieces together. "Garchomp! Move!"

Mismagius sank back into the floor. A bright, orange flash followed her, and detonated.

Smoke flooded the field once more, before finally clearing away.

Garchomp laid flat on her belly with swirls in her eyes.

"Well, that's that." Gary recalled his Pokémon to her ball, pocketing it. "Take a rest for a while."

"Yes! You did it, Mismagius. Awesome!" Ash cheered, laughing as the ghoul slinked around him from the floor below.

"I have to hand it to you, Ash." Gary laughed, shaking his head. "That'sexactlythe kind of odd tactic I'd expect from you! Just insane enough to work."

"It's all thanks to Mismagius," Ash explained. "She loves to put on a show and fluster her audience. A nasty surprise attack is just the best way to go, for her!"

"Way to go, Mismagius! Making winning look fabulous~!" Dawn cheered, executing a cheer in tandem with her team.

"That wasspectacular!"Ray chuckled, taking in the aftermath. "Ghost Pokémon are known to be quite unorthodox, but I've never seen them operate quite like that. The match has just started, and it's already rather intense."

"You haven't seenanythingyet," Dawn boasted, winking. "This is Ash at his best!"

"I'm happy to see that you and your Pokémon have found your rhythm," Gary said, as he tapped the center button on his next Poké Ball. He left a kiss on the metallic shell. "Let's see how long it lasts. Go, Umbreon!"

The lithe shadow appeared before Gary, with his glowing golden rings, and eerie red eyes.

"Umbreon… I've been waiting for you." Ash smirked, leaning his posture forward.

"It's only going to get tougher from here…!"Peeks took on a stern expression. The last beating he'd suffered hadn't been completelyforgotten, in all the recent chaos."Be careful, Ash."

"Don't worry, Buddy," Ash replied. "I've got it figured out."

"You seem pretty confident, Ash." Gary said, studying his foe. "Umbreon! Snarl!"

Umbreon howled horribly, sending malicious waves towards Mismagius.

"I know you're tired, but I'm gonna need to count on you again," Ash said. "Phantom Force!"

"Yessir!"Mismagius vanished into yet another void. Though, this time, she took a bit longer than usual.

Ash, in the meantime, grabbed two Poké Balls from his belt.

The same void started to appear behind Umbreon, this time around.

"Now, Iwon'tbe falling for that again," Gary said. "Umbreon! Behind you…!"

Umbreon turned to face her would-be-assailant, catching her out of the corner of his eye.

Ash pointed an empty Poké Ball, and tapped its center button. A flash of red escaped it.


Umbreon gathered the poisonous secretions from his fur, whipping it into a voluminous sludge.

Mismagius was hit by the red beam of light, vanishing into it.

With his opposite arm, Ash slung the other Poké Ball towards the ongoing exchange.

Gary could only watch the bait-and-switch with bewilderment, as a flash of light materialized where Mismagius' portal was giving away, directly in the path of Umbreon's Toxic. The emerging form appeared to be humanoid, with long ears and a fluffy tail.

Rosemary was splattered with Toxic. The poison trickled off of her harmlessly.

Ash grinned, pumping a fist. "Now, Copycat!"

Rosa's eyes took on a blue glow, as the past couple seconds replayed in her mind in reverse. She analyzed them in a split-second, and fired purple toxins out of her paws, blasting Umbreon.

Umbreon stumbled backwards, sporting a streak of blue over his muzzle.

"What… wasthat!?"Gary blurted out. His jaw hung slack in a way it rarely did.

"I have to admit," Ray laughed, "I think I'm just as lost as Gary is."

"You'd understand if you saw their last battle," Dawn explained. "Gary goaded Ash into using a super-effective move that activated his Arcanine's Flash Fire, and Umbreon's Toxic gave Peeks a lot of trouble at the end of the match. So, Ash came up with this counter-strategy when we were on the plane home from Unova. He was so proud of it, he was grinning about it for, like, an hour straight!" Dawn laughed.

"Aha! I didn't think Ash wascapableof being that petty. But, I guess I've only known him a short while," Ray conceded.

"Oh, trust me," Dawn beamed, looking back towards the fray. "Ash is a very sweet guy, but he's got alotof pride, under that attitude. And Gary's just the kind of rival to bring it out of him."

"How do you like that?" Ash huffed, puffing out his chest. "That's our special father-daughter combo."

"That… was devilish," Peeks laughed, shaking his head. "You outdid yourself, Ash."

"I don't even know where to start," Gary scoffed, shaking his head. "I'm as impressed as I am frustrated. Is that payback for my U-Turn maneuver, last time, or what?"

"A little," Ash admitted, brushing his index finger over his nose. "But, it's not just that. Don't get me wrong; stuff like the way I handled Garchomp is still off the cuff. But I was talking to Rosa, while we were away. About how you pointed out what we did with Copycat, the first time."

~About how we were using it wrong, and trying to outgun Garchomp's specialty,~Rosa continued, executing several stretches.~And it reminded us of how I battled the best I ever had, in our Gym Battle with Janine. I didn't limit myself to just guts alone, there!~

"That blend of fighting spirit and creativity makes us, well, us!" Ash explained.

"Well, now. I can't disagree." Gary smirked. "But I hope that stunt isn't where your good ideas end. Umbreon, use Psychic!"

The Dark-type collected himself, illuminating his eyes and rings with a bright blue. Telekinetic pulses gripped his opponent, suspending her in mid-air.

"Substitute!" Ash shouted.

An ethereal blue construct resembling the Lucario appeared in front of her, absorbing the bulk of the psychic grip that'd held her. She dropped to the gym floor, and sprinted towards Umbreon.

By the time she closed the gap, Umbreon had only just destroyed the Substitute, and was left face to face with the Lucario winding up her fist. Before he could redirect his focus, he recoiled from poison.

"Reversal!" Ash barked. Rosemary crouched and then sprung, striking Umbreon's jaw with a spinning uppercut.

As Umbreon soared, Gary retaliated. "Foul Play!"

Umbreon used his time airborne to lean his weight forward, and hug his front and hind legs around the Lucario's torso. Snarling, he fell into a backwards somersault. He smashed Rosa against the hard floor in an unforgiving supplex.

"Rah!" Rosa cried, rolling backwards to catch herself on all fours.~That was a nasty move.~

Umbreon huffed and titled his head up haughtily, as if to ask'what did you expect?'

Rosa had no more clever words. But, shedidfeel a strong sense of indignation at the underhanded method of fighting. Poison, attempts to lower their abilities, using her own power against her.. It was nothing her trainer wouldn't do, she knew. But, she couldn't shake an inherentfurytowards it all.

Much like the sickness she felt when evil intentions leaked into her subconscious, her anger spread throughout her and manifested. A deep-seated feeling that may as well have been genetic. Maybe even more deep-seated than that.

A gold aura leaked off of her body. The hooked spikes on her wrists doubled in size, as did the one pointed spike on her chest. She roared, flexing a powerful burst of aura that kicked up dust.

"What'sthat!?"Dawn exclaimed, taken aback. "I've never seen Rosa do that, before."

"Em-pol…" Empoleon held a wing to his beak. He'd never seen his little sister so fierce.

"I think I recognize this!" Ray exclaimed. "If I'm right, it's a Lucario's hidden ability: Justified. When they're hit by a Dark-type move, they get outraged by underhanded tactics and their attack increases. It's a trait common in Pokémon that fight for justice."

Buneary watched on with interest, not saying anything.

"Well, this is new," Gary said. "I think we have a problem, here."

"You sure do!" Ash gestured a hand back, in tune with Rosa. "Use Aura Sphere!"

Rosa made the same motion, charging a teal blast before lobbing it overhanded.

"Stop it, with Psychic!"

Umbreon's eyes flashed blue again, exerting a mighty resistance to Aura Sphere that made the orb meld and bend. His telekinetic prowess started to push it back, before a sudden surge of sickness made him writhe. Poisonous bubbles emanated from him, slightly worse than before.

Aura Sphere powered through, blasting Umbreon's hide.

Gary tutted in disappointment. "Toxic broke her concentration… Use Snarl!"

Umbreon put his frustration into a nasty howl, blasting Rosa with ill thoughts.

The Lucario staggered, but stood her ground. A blue aura washed over her, as she felt her connection to her aura dwindle. Conversely, she was bathed in gold and red. Her spikes grew and sharpened, once more, along with her attack power.

"How're you hanging in there, Rosa?" Ash asked.

~Hurtin', a little,~Rosa admitted. She looked over her shoulder, though, nodding to her trainer with more resolution than he'd ever seen.~But, tougher than ever. Let's keep it coming!~

Ash nodded, and turned his eyes to Gary. "I'm surprised! Not one Moonlight from you guys?"

"Don't play dumb," Gary countered. "I'm on to your game. Using that move against Rosemary would only letherheal, along with Umbreon! And she can't be poisoned… I'm locked in." He laughed, shaking his head. "I hate to admit it, Ash, but you're using Copycat to its fullest."

"I believe I see what's happening here," Ray said. "Battling isn't my specialty, but I know enough to know that Umbreon are defensive powerhouses, known for the dangerous toxins in their perspiration that help wear a would-be attacker down."

"Right," Dawn agreed. "But Rosa turned the tables by poisoninghim,and with her Steel typing, she can't have it done back! Plus, there's what Ash and Gary just said about Moonlight."

"Umbreon can't make this into a battle of attrition," Ray continued, nodding. "Ash is making Umbreon fight in a way that's more Rosa's speed than his!"

"That's the Ash I know," Dawn said mirthfully. "Turning a tight situation right on its head!"

"Pol! Empoleon!" Empoleon cheered tearfully, rooting for his little sibling.

"Bun! Bun! Buneary!"

"Reversal!" Ash shouted.

Rosa lunged at Umbreon, drawing back a blazing fist that shone with more power than ever before. She shrieked, swinging at him.

"Foul Play!" Gary countered, as Umbreon ducked right under the punch. Moving his lithe body strategically, he let Rosa pass over his head. He shifted his weight, and bashed her torso with a donkey kick.

The Lucario was sent tumbling, taking even greater damage from Foul Play.

Umbreon stumbled, then, though, hissing in pain. Toxic was beginning to make him feel dizzy.

The battle was, indeed, a battle of attrition. Rather than long and arduous, though, it was swift and brutal.

"Aura Sphere!" Ash cried passionately, swinging out his hands. "Back to back!"

Rosa spun, slinging two spheres backhanded with all of her might.

"Umbreon! Psychic, now!" Gary ordered.

Once again, the Dark-type exerted his willpower over the coming masses. This time, though, they were weaker. They bent more easily to his will. With a wide-eyed shout, they were repelled.

"Substitute!" Ash cried.

Another light construct materialized before Rosa, just in time for both Aura Spheres to collide with it in a blinding flash of teal.

Ash grunted, guarding himself and Peeks with his cap. His jacket billowed wildly behind him.

Rosa stumbled out of the light, panting heavily. She'd been untouched, but she felt weary.

"Finish it, Umbreon!" Gary shouted, pointing forth. "Use Foul Play!"

In a moment's notice, Umbreon was upon her. Rosa's ruby eyes shrunk in astonishment. She was moments from being pulverized. But, that moment never came. Umbreon writhed, poisonous bubbles seeping from his skin.

"There!" Ash's eyes snapped open. He wound up a fist, and punched high. "Rosa! Reversal!"

Fighting-type valiance leaked off of Rosa's drawn-back fist like bubbling magma. All of her pain, all of her exhaustion coalesced with the bright chivalry of Justified. She swung with all her might.

Her paw collided with Umbreon's stomach. Time seemed to stand still, as a burst of orange light shot past Umbreon, climbing towards the ceiling before dying off like a shooting star.

Umbreon was sent flying, before ultimately falling limp on his back. Unconscious.

"Awesome!" Dawn cheered, jumping out of her seat to thrust her pom-poms in the air. "They did it! That's two Pokémon beaten, with none down!"

"Empol! Empol! Empoleon!" Empoleon hollered, giving Rosa and Ash his blessings.

"Bun! Buneary! Bun!" Buneary hopped in somersaults, cheering Rosa on with glee.

"That was… So amazing!" Ray marveled, with glowing emerald eyes. "What a climactic finish!"

"Thank you, Umbreon." Gary recalled his Pokémon to their ball, looking upon it. "Rest easy, for a while." Pocketing it, the brunette turned his attention to his foes. "I have to say, I'm impressed!"

The Lucario facing him was breathing heavily, winded from her trials and sacrifices. But, she was still the complete opposite of her last outing. She fought smart, and it paid.

"Not just forthatperformance, but everything I've seen so far. There's acleardifference between today and our last match, Ash, Rosemary." His deep green eyes gleamed with some mixture of pride and excitement. "I hope I haven't seen the last of it."

"Not even close," Ash replied. He looked between the fresh Peeks and the tired Rosemary; all three of them grinned. Fighting spirit and optimism surged between them all.

"This is me and my Pokémon at our full power!"

Chapter 18: Enduring Bonds


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Two Pokémon defeated, and four to go.

The current state of the battle laid in Ash's favor. Granted, Mismagius was quite tired when she was recalled, and he could see the slack in Rosa's posture, as well. She'd fought her heart out against Umbreon, and it showed. Ash wasn't the trainer he'd been a week ago.

He raised her Poké Ball, and recalled her. "Return, Rosa! You've done enough, for now."

"Huh. I'm surprised," Gary remarked after watching Ash do so. "With all the power she's gained from her ability, you're trading that in? You're usually quicker to push your momentum, Ash."

"Maybe. And I may miss that extra power later," Ash replied, smiling. "But overworking her will do more harm than good. Besides, she's earned a good rest. We can take it from here!"

He felt the Poké Ball wobble in his hand, radiating with warmth. She trusted him to do just that.

"That's a big change from last time," Dawn said from the sidelines.

"Is it?" Ray asked. "From everything I've seen of Ash, he's very considerate of his Pokémon."

"Oh, he is!" Dawn replied. "But he can be a bit of a hothead, sometimes, and get carried away. That happened last time around, and it ended up losing him a few of his Pokémon. He's back with a clear head!"

"Very well. Then, let's continue!" Gary slung another Poké Ball into the fray. "Go! Electivire!"

"Viiire!" Two heavy feet stomped the field, making it quake. Electivire grinned, raising his twin cable-like tales in a threatening gesture.

"There he is,"Peeks said sternly."That Protect is nasty, and so is his rain strategy."

"I know, Buddy." Ash grinned, grabbing his own Poké Ball off his belt. "He's a real stubborn guy. But when it comes to being hard-headed, we've got the best in the business!" He threw his ball.

"Tauros! I choose you!"

Tauros stomped the field, crushing it under his hoof. He bellowed, his tails whipping around.

"Electivire! Rain Dance!" Gary commanded.

"Use Fissure!" Ash shouted in return.

Tauros raised his hooves, and smashed them into the field. The ground rattled and split.

Gary gasped. "Abandon it, Electivire!"

Electivire's twin tails struck the ground, and catapulted him into the air. He only narrowly avoided the nasty quake that spanned the battlefield's boundaries.

"There!" Ash punched forward. "Now, use Take Down!"

Tauros charged forth, smashing into Electivire without mercy. The Electric-type tumbled back, skidding across the field before digging his large hands into the ground for traction.

"Hah! You're not going to make this easy, are you?" Gary asked.

"Nope." Ash replied with a snide smirk.

"Ice Punch!" Gary continued.

Electivire jumped and lunged at Tauros, with each of his fists coating themselves in ice.

"Fire Blast!" Ash shouted, as Tauros cried with fury. A blazing star collided with the incoming punches, blasting the field with hissing steam and vapor.

"Electivire!" Gary called out in worry. Even in the shroud, though, he could hear his Pokémon's feet hit the dirt. "Now! Use Rain Dance, post haste!"

A roar to the heavens summoned black storm clouds. In a matter of moments, a heavy downpour flooded the field, and whisked away the remaining steam. Any heat that still clung to the battlefield sizzled away, and revealed Tauros and Electivire.

The Electric-type sported some burns on his fur, but was otherwise raring to fight.

"Tch…!" Ash tutted, frowning. "So, they pulled it off, after all. Tauros! Fissure!"

"Electivire! Thunder!"

Tauros reared up to rend the field asunder a second time. But, a sudden pillar of lightning struck him down from above, making the Pokémon howl in wide-eyed pain.

"Tauros!" Ash called out.

"Combining the storm clouds from Rain Dance with a sure hit from Thunder… Gary's showing his credentials as Gym Leader," Ray praised.

"Maybe, but it's nothing Ash hasn't handled before," Dawn replied. "He'll beat it, for sure!"

"That was a nasty combo, Gary," Ash remarked. "I'm sure Tauros didn't like that. And he doesn't like being interrupted, either. Am I right, big guy?"

Tauros righted himself, answering with an angry cry."You're damn right, I don't!"

"Thought so. Let's see it, then! Stomping Tantrum!"

Rather than one decisive stomp, Tauros thrashed and bellowed angrily with an angry, orange aura about him. The ground started to split, sending a wave of earth and rubble across the field.

"What did he just…!?" Gary trailed off, slack-jawed, as Electivire was battered and beaten by the nasty-Ground-type move. The Thunderbolt Pokémon tumbled back across the dirt, struggling to stand.

"That's the power of Tauros's temper," Ash boasted. But, they couldn't dawdle. They had to push their momentum. "Now, use Take Down!"

Tauros started to move, only to stumble and trip. Sparks danced along his body, numbing him.

Ash grit his teeth. "So, he's…"

"He's paralyzed!" Dawn gasped, bunching her pom-poms together.

"Emmm-pol! Empol!" Empoleon cheered wildly, waving his wings for Tauros to pull it together.

"Tough break, Ash," Gary smirked. "Use Ice Punch!"

Tauros's stumbling had provided enough time for an injured Electivire to pull himself together and close the distance. A nasty right hook coated in frost sent Tauros sliding back.

Tauros shook his head out, trying to break free of his numbness.

"Hang in there, Tauros! You can do it!" Ash coached. "Use Fissure!"

"Electivire! Protect!" Gary cried. Just as the earth began to break and quake, a green bubble surrounded his Pokémon. The seismic shift never reached the field under his protection.

"That move isreallystartin' to piss me off,"Tauros snorted.

"I know, right?" Ash goaded. "Let's break right through it! Stomping Tantrum!"

There was little lag between the first ripple of earth and the second. Dislodged rock and rubble shot across the field towards the defending Electivire.

"Tch. There's no time for a counterattack!" Gary grimaced. "Use Protect, once more!"

Electivire raised his large hands, summoning his barrier a second time. Large debris pelted and battered the shield, until cracks started to spread across it. In the last of the onslaught, it shattered.

"Electivire!" Gary shouted. Even as his Pokémon struggled to return to the fight, he bent to a knee. "He can barely stand… That Stomping Tantrum did too much damage!"

"Let's bring it home!" Ash punched forward with vigor. "Show them, Tauros! Fissure!"

The battlefield trembled for a third time. This time, Electivire had no out.

Once the quaking stopped, the Electric-type was on his back, with swirls in his eyes. Subsequently, the downpour of Rain Dance began to clear, and the rain clouds scattered.

"Yes!" Ash cheered, extending a thumbs-up. "Awesome job, Tauros!"

Tauros turned back, flinching and hesitating thanks to the numbing shock of paralysis."Heh… We sure showed them."

"Hah!" Gary snorted, planting a hand against his forehead. " Through paralysis, and all… What a bull-headed strategy."

"That's just how Tauros battles," Ash answered. "Since the last battle we had, I realized something. I should be working with it, instead of trying to fight it and have Tauros battle with a cool head. That's just not who he is!"

"Yes!" Dawn cheered, before starting her routine. "Who sees red, and lashes out? Let's give Tauros a great big shout!"

"Pol! Pol! Empoleon!"


"Relying on a Pokémon's instincts instead of trying to work against them…" Ray muttered, cupping his chin. He smiled. "Just the sort of hot-blooded instinct I'd expect from a battler!"

"Be that as it may," Gary continued, "it's a remarkable improvement from last time. Return, Electivire." He recalled the juggernaut, muttering his thanks before substituting him. "As much as I hate my current losing streak, Idowant to see more of this streak of improvement from you, Ash. Let's put that to the test!" Winding up, he tossed his next Poké Ball. "Let's go, Blastoise!"

The spinning Poké Ball popped open, revealing a massive shell that also spun its way onto the field. Blastoise emerged from his armor, skidding onto his hind legs with a cry. "Blaaaast!"

"There you are, Blastoise." Ash smirked. "Return, Tauros! Take a good long rest." He returned the paralyzed bull, and exchanged him for a Poké Ball slung backhanded. "Time for a rematch!"

Ash's next Pokémon materialized as well. Massive as ever, Torterra stood in steadfast opposition to his tortoise peer. "Terra!" He cried, battle-ready.

"I had a feeling I'd be seeing this rematch today," Gary remarked.

"Torterra's back and ready to battle, in a whole new way!" Ash boasted. "Give us yourbest shot!"

"You asked for it, Ash!" Gary shouted. "Blastoise, Ice Beam!"

Blastoise aimed his twin cannons, and fired the freezing ray.

"Make a ramp, with Rock Climb!" Ash shouted in return, as Torterra's claws collided with the field. A ramp formed of rising rock appeared in his path, obstructing the coming Ice Beam.

Ice Beam spread across the rocky structure, freezing it over at once.

Grinning, Ash pointed forth. "That's it! Go!"

Torterra sprinted up the icy pathway, using its slippery surface to quickly build momentum. Moving with speed he couldn't normally muster, he slid off its peak, and smashed the bulk of his body into Blastoise.

Gary grimaced. "Not bad, Ash."

"There's more coming your way!" Ash shouted. "Energy Ball!"

Sliding to a halt, Torterra continued his assault with a blast of natural energy from his mouth. The orb went on to blast a recovering Blastoise, resulting in an explosion.

"Blast…!" Blastoise grunted, stumbling back.

"Hang in there, Blastoise! Use Ice Beam!"

Blastoise followed Gary's command, aiming and firing once more. This time, he was successful, blasting a groaning Torterra with a nasty chill.

"Hang in there!" Ash goaded. He saw the frost beginning to creep up on his partner's shell.'That did a ton of damage… We need to get his stamina back, and fast.'"Use Giga Drain!"

Emerald projections shot out of Torterra's shell, reaching for Blastoise.

"Dodge it, with Rapid Spin!" Gary shouted.

Giga Drain failed to snatch the spinning tortoise in its clutches, the latter escaping with a sharp veer to the left.

"Cut him off! Rock Climb!" Ash shouted.

Torterra stomped the ground with his foreleg closest to Blastoise, sending a tremor through the field. A slab of rock shot up in the shell's path, forcing it to collide with its surface. Blastoise spun and grinded against the surface, before bouncing off in the other direction.

"Now, the other side!" Ash called excitedly. He watched Torterra do the same with his opposite foreleg, stopping Blastoise's spinning a second time. The shell ricocheted off the angular surface, sending them bouncing back towards Gary.

"What's Ash doing!?" The brunette exclaimed, watching the peculiar strategy unfold. "Blastoise!"

"Now!" Ash threw his hands outward. "Behind Blastoise! Make this one even tougher!"

Both of Torterra's feet collided with the ground, summoning a large, towering slab of rock directly behind the Shellfish Pokémon. Sliding against its surface, he'd all but lost momentum.

"Now! Wood Hammer!"

Torterra charged towards the coming shell, crying with valor as his tree took on a magnificent verdant shine. The stubborn roots grew, just in time for the Continent Pokémon to lean his body forward and pulverize his foe.

"Blast!" Blastoise groaned, knocked cleanly out of his shell. The impact sent him flying back, embedding him in the sturdy rock. "Stoise…"

"Well,thatwas new," Gary scoffed. "Blastoise! Get out of there!"

"Now! Use Giga Drain!"

Torterra's projections shot out and tied themselves around Rock Climb, ensnaring Blastoise against its surface. Their shine sapped Blastoise, starting to drain his energy.

"Hey, check it out!" Dawn exclaimed. "Look at Torterra's tree! And his moss!"

Indeed, even from their vantage point, Dawn and company could see that every bit of greenery on Torterra was illuminated.

"That's Overgrow," Ray explained. "After Ice Beam, that Wood Hammer attack must have pushed Torterra to his limits! Ironically, that should help him get his health backfaster."

"Pol! Pol! Empoleon!" Empoleon cheered on his Sinnohan comrade.

"But hey, that's weird," Dawn said, frowning. "Overgrow's gone." Indeed, the healthy green shine had faded away. "That must mean he's not in critical health anymore!"

"You never cease to amaze, Ash…" Gary couldn't quite see the scene before him, with Rock Climb in the way. Still, he could piece together what was happening. "You leave us no choice! Blastoise! Fire Scald into the air!'

"Blast…!" Blastoise struggled against Giga Drain's grip. With Overgrow no longer strengthening it, he found enough leeway to aim his water cannons, and fired boiling water into the air.

The scalding onslaught fell down upon Torterra, dousing him in it. He cried out in pain.

"Torterra!" Ash shouted in worry.

Giga Drain dissipated, freeing Blastoise. To make matters worse, a sudden blaze overtook the Continent Pokémon, making him groan and stumble. His greenery started to glow, again.

"He's burned…" Ash grit his teeth in frustration. "And he's low on health, again."

"I think it's time to end this, Ash!" Gary extended a hand. "Blastoise! Ice Beam!"

Blastoise stumbled forward, and fired his freezing beam.

"I agree!" Ash did the same. "Torterra! Energy Ball!"

A glowing shot fired from Torterra's mouth, significantly larger and more forceful than before. It collided with Ice Beam, struggling briefly with the frost before completely overpowering it. It went on to collide with Blastoise, clouding Gary's field in a burst of green illumination and rubble.

The debris soon cleared. Blastoise was on his back, unconscious.

"Yes!" Dawn clapped her pom-poms together, and started to cheer. "Who's real tough? Who's real large? Torterra! That's who! He takes charge!"

"Overgrow ended up sealing the deal, after all…!" Ray analyzed, quite giddy in the aftermath.

"Return! Thank you, Blastoise." Gary looked upon the now-occupied Poké Ball in his hand. "Talk about acompleteturnaround. For Torterra, I mean," he clarified. "Between the way he battled before, and at the Sinnoh League, and now… I'm a little bewildered at the difference."

"It's momentum," Ash clarified. "Before, we kept running into the issue of Torterra's speed. Ever since he evolved, he's struggled to battle the way he did as a Turtwig. And as much as we both love that idea, he's grown up. But I didn't evolve with him. I kept banging my head against the wall, and it cost him. Now, we've got a whole new strategy; set the pace with Rock Climb, and trade in anything that makes us battle around our opponents, like Leaf Storm."

"Makes sense," Gary nodded. "And that's where Wood Hammer comes in."

"Right. We picked that power up from a friend," Ash replied, smiling to himself. He was sure that Bertha would be proud of him, right now, if she were watching.

"With that new power, we can't lose!"Torterra roared.

"Right. Well, Ash, your time in Unova's served you well. I'm satisfied with yourtactics.But this is where therealbattle starts!" As he said so, he slung a Poké Ball into the fray, backhanded.

Ash raised a brow at that clarification. He had a gut feeling that it wasn't simply trash talk.

Emerging from Gary's fifth Poké Ball was none other than a proud, roaring Nidoqueen.

"Nidoqueen…!?" Peeks frowned.

"Nidoqueen…?" Ash echoed his partner. This was odd. He hadn't seen her in their last battle.'There's no point in slowing down, now. Not when we have momentum.'Something in his gut told him that this logic was stilted. That he'd been down this path before. He shook his head and pressed forward. "Let's go, Torterra! Eat an Energy Ball!"

"Roger, boss…!"Torterra grunted, and started to charge one of his shimmering spheres.

"Break it down! Sludge Bomb!" Gary commanded with a sweep of his hand.

Nidoqueen spat a barrage of poisonous bullets, colliding with Energy Ball. The natural energy was corrupted, and burst in a flood of poisonous fumes.

Ash grimaced. That move… No. Hadn't Gary's known it before? It was just a coincidence.

"Now, use Drill Run!"

At Gary's behest, Nidoqueen stomped forth, rearing her head in to charge her now spinning horn with a whirring projection of Ground-type power.

"He wouldn't…" Peeks muttered.

'He isn't. He can't be!'Those two moves in a row? But, Ash didn't have time to ruminate on that. "Fight back, Torterra! Rock Climb!"

Torterra struck the ground again, summoning a barrier between himself and Nidoqueen.

The Poison-type cried, smashing her horn into Rock Climb. Unusually brittle, it crumbled upon impact and let her break through.

'That's weird… The burn!'Ash recognized, eyes widening.'His attack power is halved!'

In the span of that realization, Drill Run smashed into Torterra's shell, making him cry and stumble back.

"Torterra!" Ash gasped. "Use Giga Drain!"

"Drill Run, once more!" Gary commanded.

Torterra tried to wield his tendrils against Nidoqueen, but as soon as he did, he writhed with a burn. It all happened too quickly for him to retaliate, and he suffered Nidoqueen's horn.

The quadruped's legs trembled, before ultimately giving out. Torterra was knocked out.

"...Thank you, Torterra. Return." Ash recalled the Continent, staring down at the cool steel in his hand. He felt his heartbeat through his hand, pounding against the device. But, he couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't justhisheart that was racing.

He felt Pikachu's grip on his shoulder tighten. He had the acute feeling that their bond was relaying his partner's stress. One glance at the mouse confirmed his unease.

"This is… weird." Dawn said, unconsciously lowering her pom-poms.

"It's just one loss, isn't it?" Ray asked. "It was nice to see such a strong winning streak from Ash, but I never imagined he'd defeat all six, untouched. Four is plenty! Right?"

"It's not that," Dawn shook her head. "It's the moves Nidoqueen is using. They feel familiar."

Buneary squinted, feeling very out of the loop. A glance at Empoleon confirmed her suspicions. Her peer was remarkably stern. His cerulean eyes were set on Gary and Nidoqueen.

Ash shook off his worries, and threw another Poké Ball. "Mismagius! I need you, again!"

"Ah, an encore?"Mismagius appeared, once again floating with Levitate."En garde, you!"

"Use Psychic!" Ash shouted, waving a hand.

Despite feeling quite winded when she'd switched out, Mismagius had had a moment to rest, and she felt her trainer's urgency in his voice. She was enveloped in blue light as she exerted a telekinetic grip on Nidoqueen.

The Drill Pokémon started to recoil and buckle to the super-effective move.

"Break their concentration!" Gary barked. "Use Sludge Bomb!"

Mismagius was conniving, but Nidoqueen was mighty. With a rumbling roar of effort, she fought the enforced paralysis to spit a barrage of explosive sludge at Mismagius.

Still in the midst of her attack, Mismagius had no defense. She shrieked as the toxins blasted away at her, making her fall back and away. She shook her head, feeling woozy.

"Mismagius! Are you okay?" Ash asked.

"I've had worse days!"She replied."Don't yield on my behalf!"

"If you say so… Use Icy Wind!"

Mismagius complied, spitting a cold front at her foe.

"Use Surf!" Gary commanded, throwing a hand to the air.

A tidal wave was summoned before Nidoqueen directly in Icy Wind's path. The bitter cold quickly crept over the cresting water, freezing in the form of a wall between the Pokémon.

Ash's eyes widened. His fist dug painfully into his palm. "That's three…! Psychic! Send it back!"

"Mag!" Mismagius acted at once, as fractures started to spread through the ice.

"Beat them to it!" Gary ordered. "Use Superpower!"

"Nido!" Nidoqueen lunged at the frozen wave, twisting her body around to whip around her armored, scaly tail. The mighty extremity was coated in a fiery orange aura.

The'crack'of her mighty limb against the ice echoed through the Gym. Broken, fractured ice shot towards Mismagius at once, jabbing and pummeling the Ghost-type before she could attack.

The ghost slowly floated towards the ground before collapsing, more-or-less shapeless.

"Mismagius is down too, now," Ray observed. "It only makes sense. Ash has a large advantage in numbers, but most of his Pokémon are tired. I hope he doesn't lose all that momentum."

"I hope not, too," Dawn said, bundling her fists over her chest. Her brows furrowed, seemingly in disbelief, as well as something darker. "But, I have a bad feeling about it. I can't believe Gary would do this!"

"Huh?" Ray asked, frowning. "Do what?"

"I knew it!" Ash shouted, as he returned Mismagius. He clutched her ball with care, but he couldn't even be bothered to voice his thanks. "Iknew you were usingthose moves!"

"Took you this long?"Gary chided, but there was no playful snark behind his words. "If it wasn't clear by now, it's no coincidence that Nidoqueen has the same moves as Giovanni's."

"But, why!?" Ash snapped. He recalled narrating the events at Silph and Ariana's base to Gary, before he'd gone to Unova. His childhood rival had prodded him for details, and after all the trouble he'd caused, Ash felt obligated to answer. He knewhowGary knew about the battle.

More than that, he could feel Peeks's discomfort. His partner hadn't said anything, but he felt him scooting back around his shoulder to obscure himself from view. He could feel the shame in Peeks's heart acutely. He didn't deserve that. "What is it, a… is this some kind of test? I was doubting myself that night, but I know we would've won if he hadn't cheated."

"Itisa test," Gary clarified. "I told you the real battle is starting here. Are you going to let a little stumbling block like this get in your way, Ash? Peeks?"

Peeks averted his eyes from Gary.

"I…" Ash swallowed heavily, as he placed Mismagius' ball back on his belt. His hand was trembling. Why did this test bother him so much?

'Why do I feel sopathetic?'

He was sure that last thought had been Peeks's, as much as his. He had to be strong for his partner.'I could send out Tauros, but he's pretty worn down, too… Or maybe even Pidgeot-'

~Send me in!~

One of the spheres on Ash's belt wobbled, glowing a faint teal. A voice Ash immediately recognized as Rosa's echoed in his head.~Just call me out, next!~

Peeks leaned over Ash's shoulder to see for himself. He'd heard it, too."Rosemary…"

'Wha.. Rosa!?'Ash thought to himself, certain she'd hear.'But you're still battered from before. If I throw you in like I did the others, you'll be in trouble, too. I don't want to repeat our mistakes from last time. I don't want the past to take us out of sync, again.'

"So, this is a test of Ash and Peeks's fortitude…" Ray folded his arms, frowning. "I feel like I should question the ethics of this. But, I can't imagine Gary would do anything to hurt them." His eyes drifted over to the troubled trainer, who hadn't made any moves. "Ash is just standing there… I hope he's alright."

"Look at his belt," Dawn said, drawing Ray's attention to the glowing ball. "He's talking to his Lucario."

"Talking to… ah! Lucario have command of Aura, right? I don't know much about it, but I didn't imagine they could talk, let alone through a Poké Ball. Is this similar to the way Ash and Peeks communicate?"

"It's a lot like that," Dawn confirmed. "Only, she can do it all on her own."

"A bond that sincere…" Ray hummed. "Let's hope it helps them through."

~Iknowwhat I'm walking into, though.~Rosa answered.~I can feel your bad vibes, Pa. I can feel yours too, Uncle Peeks! I'm already on my way down, and I don't want this crap to disrupt the rest of the team! I want to be there for you, like you've both been here for me!~

"Rosemary…"Peeks sighed."You shouldn't have to…"

"Alright, girl. You win." Ash forced a smile, adjusting his cap. "I'll do it."

Gary raised a brow at Ash speaking to seemingly nobody. "Have you reached a decision, Ash?"

"I have." Ash grabbed the glowing Poké Ball. He felt its warmth in his palm, before it slipped from his fingers in a spirited throw. "Rosa… I'm counting on you!"

The stubborn Lucario appeared in a flash of light, immediately assuming a fighting stance. Her spikes had return to their usual size, with the departure of Justified. But, her clarity of mind had returned, with Snarl's grip on her fleeting.~Bring it on, Gary!~

"There she is!" Dawn stood up suddenly at her self-proclaimed daughter's arrival. She started to cheer with vigor. "One, two, three, four! Who's always up, and out for more? Five, six, seven, eight! We'll count on you in dire straits!"

"So, Rosemary's next… Very well!" Gary extended a hand. "Use Drill Run!"

Nidoqueen stomped towards Rosa, ducking her head to target her with the whirring drill.

"Dodge that!" Ash shouted passionately.

Rosa sprinted straight towards her foe, and put her strong legs to use. Coming just short of being jabbed, she sprang high over Nidoqueen, turning into a backwards somersault.

Nidoqueen had to stumble afterwards, trying to slow her momentum.

"Aura Sphere!" Ash waved a hand to the side.

Rosemary imitated him, flinging an Aura Sphere backhanded towards Nidoqueen.

"Knock it back! Superpower!" Gary ordered.

Nidoqueen's tail whipped around, smashing into the blast.

Aura Sphere shot back towards Rosa, detonating in mid-air. She yelped, falling from the smoke.

"Rosa!" Ash cried.

"Rosemary!"Peeks gasped. He watched the Lucario struggle to sit upright, and subsequently force herself up to her knees. The very Lucario he'd watched hatch from an egg as a spunky Riolu, months ago. The one he'd nurtured on his very own, alongside Ash.

The one who'd woken him in the blackest hours of the night, and goaded him into tutoring her to use Iron Tail properly. She'd come at him stubbornly, again and again in the wet, tall grass. Every time he knocked her down, she stood up, until she was too tired to keep her eyes open.

That same Pokémon was struggling, while he let his fears and doubts rule him.

"Don't give in," Ash coached. "Aura Sphere!"

"Stop it, with Surf!"

Rolling waves collided with an orb of life energy, struggling against it before bursting into mist.

"There's our chance!" Ash shouted. "Use Copycat!"

Rosemary's eyes studied the scene before her, before she drew back both of her paws. Surging waters roared between them, growing quickly. With a thrust of her paws, a tidal wave was sent back towards the Drill Pokémon.

"Use Superpower on the ground! Stop it in its path!" Gary commanded, and Nidoqueen followed suit. A mighty punch made the earth in front of her collapse, and a large wedge of earth was dislodged in Surf's path.

Surf pressured and broke Nidoqueen's shield, but not without losing momentum and dissipating.

"Up on the rocks, Rosa! Charge in!" Ash shouted.

Fighting through her exhaustion, Rosa sprung towards the closest piece of rock. She jumped off it, bounding between several more to clear the mist and debris. She hung directly above Nidoqueen.

"Give them all you've got!" Ash roared, drawing back a fist.

Rosa pulled back hers in tandem. A bright light consumed her paw, eclipsing the Gym's lighting with an overpowering orange.

Ash punched along with his partner. "Reversal!"

"Use Superpower!" Gary cried.

"Riiiah!" Rosa's fist collided with Nidoqueen's jaw. Particles of fiery fighting spirit scattered to the subsequent burst of wind.

Just as well, the wind was knocked out of the Lucario's lungs. Nidoqueen's tail had smashed into her chest, leaving the two frozen in a brief standstill.

Nidoqueen stumbled back, rubbing her jaw. Rosa shot through the air, and tumbled through the dirt.

"Rosa!" Ash shouted, clenching his fists. Was she still conscious…?

Her paws started to dig at the dirt. She let out a low whine, forcing herself to sit up with trembling arms.~Papa… Peeks. Did it work?~

"Didwhatwork?" Ash asked, frowning.

~Did I give ya enough time, I mean.~She looked over her shoulder at them, smiling, despite her tired eyes.~For both of you to get your heads on strai…~Her link to them severed, as she hit the ground, unconscious.

"...Damn it, Rosa." Ash walked onto the field, crouching to cradle her in his arms. Under the shadow of his cap over his eyes, he smiled. "That's theexactkind of boneheaded stunt I'd pull."

"Chukapi…" Peeks sighed. He couldn't take his eyes off the Lucario who'd grown so much in so little time.'This is ridiculous. I feel like a complete joke.'

"Your little girl put up a great fight, Ash," Gary praised. "For what it's worth."

"...Yeah." Ash ran his hand through her head fur, and recalled her to her ball before getting back on his feet. "She did. And I'm going to honor that, by giving this everything I've got." He reached for his belt and grabbed another ball. "Alright, Pidgeot-"

"Wait!"Peeks cried. Ash paused."...I'll do it, Ash. I'll fight."

"Peeks?" Ash asked, lowering Pidgeot's ball. "Are you sure? Even with Nidoqueen? I can feel how stressed you've been feeling. I don't want-"

"We came here as a team, Ash!"Peeks argued."I don't want to sit back while our youngest team member — the one we sawhatch— fights her heart out. I don't want to be pitied."He let out a deep sigh, and steadied his breath."I can still pull my weight, if you'll just let me."

"Peeks…" Ash took in his partner's words. He could understand them. If he was in his shoes, he wouldn't want to be complacent, either. "Alright." He smacked his cheeks to psyche himself up, and outstretched his arm towards Nidoqueen. "You win. Peeks, I choose you!"

Peeks didn't hesitate to sprint down the length of Ash's arm, and leap off of his wrist to stop on all fours. Opposite of Nidoqueen, he exerted a crackle of static from his cheeks that scorched the ground."Alright… Let's do this."

He said that outloud. He'd made his whole speech. But, staring down a figure for the foe who'd just beaten him down sobadly. A figure of the people who'd made him suffer so much. It all felt unwelcome. He felt his heart race, just as quickly as he'd calmed it down, a minute ago.

"It's nice to see that Peeks's up and at 'em," Gary said. "Still, he doesn't like he's at his best."

Peeks's ears pinned back. Was it reallythatobvious?

"He doesn't," Ash agreed. As soon as Peeks prepared for another lecture —another argument —his trainer surprised him. "But I think I have an answer to that. Buddy, when we fought Giovanni. You remember how you lost your sight and I guided you without it?"

"I do,"Peeks said, looking back."Why?"

"I think we should try that again. Block out everything that's in front of you. Just clear your mind and meditate, like we used to on Iron Island. Take it easy, and trust me to be your eyes."

"Like those days… Okay!"Peeks nodded. He quite liked the idea of fighting in complete sync with Ash. He closed his eyes, tuning out Nidoqueen. Gary. Everything. A deep breath brought his heart rate down a little. He felt a faint, comforting calm. Nothing mattered but him and Ash.

"Rosa's feelings got through to Ash and Peeks, it looks like. She fought so hard." Dawn rubbed at her eyes, wiping the budding tears away. "It's time to give Peeks the best cheer we-"

"Maybe that's not such a good idea," Ray interrupted.

"Huh?" Dawn frowned. "Why not?"

"Listen to what Ash said," he replied. "Peeks finds this whole situation uncomfortable, and it sounds like it hurts his pride. Ash is trying to keep his attention on him, and him alone. Bringing on everyone else's expectations might hurt him, right?"

"...I guess you're right." Dawn resigned, huffing. She crossed her pom-poms over her chest. "Then all we can do is cheer him on quietly. Are you two ready?"

"Pol!" Empoleon agreed. He'd quietly, and gallantly, share his heart with his long-time friend.

"Bun…" Buneary leapt up to the foremost spectator seat, watching her beloved intently.'You're still out there, no matter how much the world brings you down, huh? That's one thing I've always loved about ya. The least I can do is see you through this, too. Give them hell, Peeks.'

"Peeks…!" Ash grabbed the brim of his cap between his fingers, and flipped it. "It's you and me, now! Let's win this!"

"You can count on it!"Blind to the world, Peeks expelled excess static. He was ready.

"I'll do everything I can to block your path," Gary replied. "Don't disappoint me! Drill Run!"

Nidoqueen roared and charged, aiming her spinning horn drill towards Peeks.

"Charge right at it!" Ash ordered, to Gary's bewilderment. Peeks sprinted at his foe without a hint of doubt, coming awfully close. "Now, jump and use Electro Ball… now!"

"Pika-Pika-Pika…" Peeks leapt at the whirring, violent sounds, and somersaulted as lightning gathered on his tail. He brought the golden orb down, striking Nidoqueen's horn. "Chu-pi!"

A bright golden light swallowed the field, as Nidoqueen cried out.

"What's he doing!?" Gary exclaimed.

"Why would he use an Electric-type move on a Ground-type?" Ray asked. Upon another moment of watching, though, he gasped. "...I see! The aim was never toshockNidoqueen…"

The Drill Pokémon stumbled out of the smoke awkwardly, shaking her head out.

"...It was to throw off her balance with the concussive force of Electro Ball! Even if it can't hurt her, the explosion still hit her spinning horn and redirected the attack!"

"That's Ash and Peeks for you!" Dawn boasted.

"Always something with them," Gary muttered. "While he's still airborne! Sludge Bomb!"

Nidoqueen fired a barrage of volatile sludge at Peeks.

"Repel it, with Iron Tail!" Ash ordered, sweeping his hand.

"Chua…!" Peeks coated his tail in steel, and started to spin, slicing at the air. He felt several collisions with his tail as sludge splattered the field. But, he couldn't see the sludge as it came. He swung at thin air, and Sludge Bomb blasted his back. And his side. And his head.

"Pi…!" Peeks fell to the ground on all fours. He tried to wipe the grime off his fur.

"Peeks!" Ash grimaced. "He can't repel it all if he can't see it…"

"Follow up with Superpower!"

The recovering Peeks suffered a clothesline to the chest, flying back through the air across the rubble-laden field. "Pi…!" He wouldn't lose like this. He slid back with traction from all fours.

"We're not giving in that, easy!" Ash shouted. "Peeks! Quick Attack! Eleven o'clock!"

A silver blur shot back across the fray in a mad dash, making the path behind it crumble. "Pi-ka!" Peeks bashed his skull into Nidoqueen's stomach. The biped croaked out a cry, as the wind was knocked from her lungs.


Still in mid-air, Peeks used the lost momentum to somersault forward. His keen ears followed his dislodged foe, and a burst of speed propelled him forward a second time. With silver streaming behind him, he pulverized Nidoqueen's side.

"Queen…!" Nidoqueen groaned, catching herself by digging her claws into the ground. Sliding back, she snorted angrily.

"Surf!" Gary called, as a mighty wave towered over Peeks.

"It's right in front of you," Ash coached. "Split it down the middle, with Iron Tail!"

"Chuuu….!" Peeks shifted weight between his feet, and spun upwards towards the roaring water. His steel-coated tail sliced up through the water like a knife through butter. "Pika!"

Despite his success, Peeks felt a very odd sense of foreboding.

It might have been the Nidoqueen looming over him, leaving him in her shadow.

"Now!" Gary shouted. "Drill Run!"

"Peeks!" Ash warned. "She's right in front of you!"

He couldn't see Nidoqueen. He was doing his very best to tune her presence out, outside of the moments he attacked. But, he could hear that assaultive spinning of Drill Run on his ears. He panicked, turning to sprint in the opposite direction.

He heard the whirring coming up on his tail, and he pulled his body forward with his forelegs, before making a sudden right turn. His delicately-held composure cracked, and he felt himself starting to panic again.

This was ridiculous. He was running from her. No one told him to take off like a coward. There was no goodreasonhe should feel terrified, just because he'd lost to an underhandedvillain.

"Peeks…" Ash tightened a fist at his side. He could see the panic on his partner's face, even with his eyes shut tight. He could see the clumsiness in his sprinting. He couldfeelhis unraveling calm. "Don't give in, Peeks! Are you really gonna lose focus, just for that!?"

Hearing Ash's voice was like a bell chiming in his ear. A wakeup call.Like hell, he was.

"It's coming again! Jump!"

Peeks pulled up his weight, just in time for Drill Run to strike below him. A nasty split ran through what remained of the field in front of them, uprooting large pieces of rock; many of them leftover from Torterra's Rock Climb, earlier.

"That's it…!" Ash's eyes widened. "Peeks! Use Quick Attack, and curl up in a ball!"

Peeks forced another burst of speed, and curled up as he did so. Spinning forth with greater velocity than ever.

"There's a piece of rock right in front of you," Ash coached. "Spin off it, and bounce right back!"

Peeks hit the flat slab of rock, gaining rapid friction against it with his spinning form. The resistance sent him ricocheting through the air, firing back towards the charging Nidoqueen.

"He's…" Gary's brow furrowed. "Nidoqueen! Don't give up momentum! Attack him, head-on!"

"Peeks!" Ash threw a hand in the air. "Iron Tail!"

"Chuaaaa….!" The silver hammer of Iron Tail surrounded the yellow blur, very quickly building up velocity. He acted on Ash's timing, and swung with all of his might. "Pi-ka!"


"Wow!" Ray exclaimed, leaning forward in his seat. "What a ferocious clash!"

Even from the sidelines, the impact was blinding, and the sounds of metal scraping against a sharp horn were rather grating. Sparks flew, earth trembled, and the might of Peeks's Iron Tail pushed back and forth against Nidoqueen's relentless Drill Run.

"Come on, Peeks…" Dawn muttered. It took everything in her to keep her hopes to herself.

Buneary held down her ears to tune out the awful noise. She couldn't abdicate watching this battle. She had to honor Peeks's bravery."He's fighting so hard… He can't lose!"

Finally, friction did as friction does. Both opposing forces slid off one another and passed with all of their built-up force. Peeks and Nidoqueen alike howled, as the field was flooded with dust.

"Peeks…" Ash held down his cap, waiting for the results.

"Pika…" Peeks dusted off his fur, wincing. A nasty scrape along his side was all the evidence of Drill Run clipping him. His skin felt raw in that one spot, but he was otherwise unharmed.

"Ni-do…" Nidoqueen grumbled. She, on the other hand, was barely supporting herself on one leg.

"Oh no, Nidoqueen!" Gary gasped. "Hmph… Peeks only got grazed. Peeks hit her right on the leg."

There was a glimmer in Ash's eye, then. Faint memories of their initial rematch with Lt. Surge played in his mind; when Peeks had hurt Electivire's leg and disrupted his footing. "That's it… Peeks! Are you hanging in there?"

Shrugging off a wince, Peeks stood, giving a thumbs-up with his back to Ash. "Pi-ka!"

"Then we're set for victory," Ash claimed with confidence. "I need you to charge right in!"

"You've got it!"His keen hearing pointed him towards Nidoqueen, and he took off.

"There's no point in out-maneuvering them, now," Gary said to himself. "Use Sludge Bomb!"

Nidoqueen remained stationary, spitting a volatile volley at the mouse.

"Crap," Ash swore under his breath. "Peeks! Dodge that!"

Dodge…Peeks recalled how that went, last time. As clever as his trainer was, he couldn't see a thing. If he did that again, he'd run right into their trap. He couldn't justaccept that.

Peeks's eyes snapped open. He wasbetterthan that!

"His eyes!" Gary gasped, as the first to notice. He watched Peeks pivot, roll, and run around Nidoqueen's Sludge Bomb, with full clarity of the obstacle before him.

"Great!" Ash cheered excitedly. "Now, jump and spin, once more!"

"Chuaaaa….!" Peeks sprung off of his forelegs into the air, tucking his body into a wheel.

"He's coming again…! We have no choice," Gary conceded. "Get ready for Drill Run!"

"We've got them!" Ash threw his hands outward. "Electro Ball!"

"What!?" Gary exclaimed. Over his head, Peeks was orbiting a quickly growing orb of electricity that dwarfed him in an instant. "It's Peeks's speed… He's using all of that spinning to power up Electro Ball! But, why would he…!?"

"Pika-Pika-Pika-PIka-Pika… CHU-PI!"

The huge, golden mass of lightning blasted away Gary's end of the field, flooding it with smoke, ashes, and burnt o-zone. He had to guard himself from the results, scouting them afterwards.

Nidoqueen was, predictably, conscious. However, she was also submerged halfway into a crater created by Peeks's Electro Ball. She roared with irritation, attempting to yank her footing out of dislodged rock.

"She's stuck…!" Gary watched, wide-eyed, as he put two-and-two together. "That was always the goal of Electro Ball. To upset her footing!"

"Bingo!" Ash said, grinning, before punching the air. "Now, finish it! One more Quick Attack!"

There was nothing Nidoqueen could do, as the shimmering blur of silver and yellow crossed the crater, smashing directly into her chest. The ground behind her broke for her weight, unyielding.

"Pi…!" Peeks exhaled a heavy breath, tumbling back onto solid ground, on all fours.

At the end of it all, Nidoqueen laid on her back, unconscious.

"Thank you, Nidoqueen." Gary recalled the Drill Pokémon to her ball.

"Alllright!" Ash cheered, flashing a peace sign to his partner. "Talk about a comeback!"

Peeks turned around, returning the gesture happily."And we did it, together!"

"Peeks…" Ash did a double-take. "Your eyes are open! You put that behind ya?"

"I had to, if we were going to win!"

"Yes! Peeks did it!" Dawn cheered, throwing her pom-poms in the air. "And hey, his eyes are open!"

"Pol! Pol! Pol! Empoleon~!" Empoleon cheered, now that it was safe to root for his best friend.

Buneary couldn't resist hopping and somersaulting on the spot. "Bun! Bun! Bun! Buneary!" She was proud. She truly was. But, it couldn't hurt to just celebrate his comeback for a moment.

"It seems his will to win came out over his fears!" Ray observed, smiling.

"Alright, Gary." Ash grinned, turning his eyes on his rival. "You've got one Pokémon left, right? Well, we're ready for whatever you're going to throw at us!"

"I really hope so," Gary said, with far more of a serious air than Ash expected. "Because this is your final test."

Ash frowned, taken aback.'The way he said that… What's that mean?'

Peeks turned back to Gary, wondering the same.

The brunette tossed his last Poké Ball, and the light materialized into a small, shapeless mass.

Pink, gooey, and bearing little more than a simplistic face. "Ditto!"

"A Ditto…!?" Ash balked at his last opponent.

"He wouldn't,"Peeks muttered, grimacing.

"Ditto," Gary said, "use Transform."

The amorphous Pokémon began to glow, before taking on a very familiar shape. After but a moment, it was a yellow rodent on all fours with black-tipped ears, red cheek pouches, and a lightning bolt tail. Its cheeks crackled with lightning, punctuated with a low growl. "Pika…!"

Empoleon squawked in bewilderment at the development.

"Garycan'tbe serious," Dawn said in disbelief.

"So, there was another layer to this psychological battle…" Ray frowned, cupping his chin. "I can see why Gary didn't want to involve his usual referee."

"You wouldn't…" Ash's face twisted in shock. "Gary! What's the big idea!?"

"I told you," Gary repeated, "this is your test."

"It looks more like a sick joke!" Ash snapped. For all of Peeks's laxing over the last round, he could see his partner tense, again, before his eyes.

"It's no joke," he replied. "When I started preparing for our rematch, I thought about our last battle, Ash. The conversation we had, at the Pokémon Center. Iknewthere was something wrong with you at the time, but I couldn't figure out what. As a Gym Leader, that frustrated me a lot. But after we recovered you from the incident, everything made sense to me."

Peeks was keenly listening to every word. But, he couldn't tear his gaze away from his exact mirror image. He hadn't liked looking at his reflection, lately. Since Ariana, he couldn't help but find it ugly. It was too close to the sinister thing he'd been made into.

Now, for asecond time,it was being used against him and Ash.

"You were letting your grief and worries eat you up," Gary continued, "and it affected your judgment. There's no doubt that you're qualified to compete in a Pokémon League, Ash, or even whether you can beat me. This is a test of how you and Peeks respond under pressure!"

"I get that," Ash shouted, "that's what Nidoqueen was about! But to take it this far!?"

"Unfortunately, I don't feel like I have much of a choice." Gary pinched the bridge of his nose, and sighed. "I really didn't want to bring it up to all of you, but your tampering with Team Rocket brought problems home to roost."

Ash felt his heart drop into his stomach like a stone. "You don't mean…"

"Trespassers appeared on the borders of Pallet Town while you were gone,multiple times.Whenever they were pressed about it, they were here for you and Dawn. A retaliation for everything else, is my guess… I handled it, myself, but that doesn't change the danger of it all!"

Ash bit his lip, pulling his cap down over his eyes. "Mom… Everyone. We put them all in danger."

"You can't be serious…" Dawn's nails dug into her palms. "They werethatstubborn?"

"Regrettably," Ray said, "I have to vouch that Gary's telling the truth. It's actually why, for the sake of his own research, Professor Willow retracted the lab from Pallet Town while you were gone."

"That… makes more sense than I want it to," Ash trailed off. That was why Professor Oak had looked so troubled, this morning. Why they'd left. Why Gary was going through all this effort.

"So, what!?" Ash's fists started to tremble. "Am I just supposed to expect things like that, all the time!?"

"Of course not," Gary denied. "But as long as you and your partners have the habit of hopping into danger, then you need to be able to take responsibility for your actions. You wanted to act your age, didn't you? That's part of what growing up means."

The brunette reached into his jacket pocket, and pulled out an Earth Badge. He stared at its reflective surface. "I want to know that you twocanhandle these things. As a Gym Leader, and as your friend."

While Ash grappled with these new revelations, so did Peeks. Staring down his likeness was bad enough, but whatreallygot under his skin was the fear on his trainer's face. The nagging guilt of it all. And there was enough guilt to go around.'Ash is dealing with this because of a situationIhelped create!'Peeks repeated his own words in his head, and shook it off.'No. We agreed not to blame ourselves. But, I…'

That regrettably crystal clear memory of Ash falling apart before his very eyes felt terriblyreal.He could see the glassy, troubled look in Ash's eyes. He blotted at his eyes with all the subtlety he could manage. He didn't want his partner to see his crumbling constitution.

He didn't wantanyoneto see it.

"Igetthat," Ash finally replied. "But you can't expect that to mean that Peeks's forced to face this!"

"Heisn'tforced to face anything," Gary answered. "This is your judgment call."

"...Right." Ash exhaled. "Peeks, do you want to step down, and sit this one out?"

"W-what!? No, Ash!"Peeks snapped back. All of his concern for Ash had paralyzed him. It felt wrong that he feltangrywith him, so suddenly."Itoldyou I'm taking part in this! You promised!"

"I know that," Ash said, "but when we agreed to that, I didn't expectthis.I don't want to see my best friend get hurt!"

"Here we go again. You're doing that same stupid thing I told younotto do! Why are you so stubborn?"

"And what if I can't help it, huh!?" Ash snapped back. "You're just as stubborn as I am!"

Gary crossed his arms, silently watching the argument play out.

Empoleon squawked his objections."Hey, hey! You two aren't supposed to fight!"

"This isreallyhard to watch," Dawn said, bunching up her pom-poms over her heart. "I've never seen Ash and Peeks argue like this before. They're almost always on the same page."

"Peeks…"Buneary shook her head. She had half a mind to march onto the field and set this straight, if she didn't know any better."This ain't you."

"Actually, this might be a good thing," Ray volunteered.

"Huh? What the heck do you mean by that!?" Dawn asked.

"Sometimes, friends are going to disagree, no matter how close they are. If they're comfortable airing their problems, though, then they're close enough to be honest and settle them."

"...Yeah. I think I can actually relate to that," Dawn agreed. "I hope they sort it out soon."

"I told you,"Peeks spat,"I don't want to be pitied."

"This has nothing to do with pity!" Ash shouted. "This is the exact same thing I've had to learn, since we left for Mt. Silver, Peeks. Part of being an adult is taking care of yourself, and…"

'Knowing when to cut your losses.'

Taking anything at all from Giovanni, of all people, left a bad taste in his mouth. But, he was right, if for the wrong reasons. "...knowing when to throw in the towel. I don't want to throw my partner into something he can't handle, right now. Look at you! You're trembling, Peeks!"

Peeks looked down at his stocky body. His knees were, in fact, shaking. His forepaws, too.'I am… Is this what Ash is seeing?'Was it just like the pain he felt, watching Ash hesitate?

"Listen, Buddy." Ash crouched down to Peeks's level. "Youhavebeen part of this battle. You have pulled your weight. And the truth is, now…" Ash dried his eyes on the back of his wrist cuff, before extending a hand to Peeks, smiling. "...I still need you by my side. Can you do that?"

"Ash…"Peeks sighed. Rather than answer verbally, he ran over to his trainer.

The little'pui-pui's'of his paws hitting the dirt rang like music in Ash's ears, his weight falling on his arm, and then his shoulder, felt like being huddled in a blanket after a long day. The brush of his cheek pouch against Ash's face, static and all, felt like the warm, gentle touch of sunlight.

Ash grinned, leaning into his partner. "Thank you, Peeks."

Gary smiled. Quietly, he felt touched by the scene. "Well, I'm glad you two worked that out. I'd say you passed this part of the test. Are you ready to move forward?"

"I am," Ash said, as he returned to the trainer box with Peeks in tow. "And I know just who's going to do it with us." He tapped his last Poké Ball's center button, expanding it to fit his palm.

Ash pivoted one foot behind the other, reaching back to wind up a throw. "I choose you…!"

His hat nearly flew off his head with the pitch. Peeks rushed to press the backwards cap back atop his trainer's wild tresses, as the Poké Ball spun and popped open, calling on their last ally.

"Pidgooooo!" Brown and tan wings spanned the air above, and colorful magentas and sunflower yellow feather crests glistened under the Gym's lighting. Pidgeot joined the fray.

After her grand entrance she landed, right in front of Ash and Peeks."Don't you two worry about a thing."Looking over her shoulder at them, she smiled."Don't you remember what we told you in Nimbasa, Peeks? You're far from alone."

"Pidgeot…" Ash belly-laughed. He always appreciated her cool head.

"I know,"Peeks conceded."But, still, it's hard not to think… Our last battle-"

"That was ourthirdbattle,"Pidgeot interrupted. There was their initial scuffle, where one well-aimed Thundershock had clipped her wings. Their rematch for her capture, on Route 1, last year. That horrid battle where Peeks had been weaponized against her, in the Rocket base."I don't think I need to tell you that I don't plan on losing to you a fourth time."She smirked.

"That's right…!" Ash's eyes widened. "Our battle, before we went to Mt. Silver… I fought on Peeks's side against you. I guess we have a role reversal on our hands, huh?" He laughed.

"Quite,"Pidgeot chuckled."Think you can handle battling from the other side?"

"I think I'll manage." Ash smirked. "Alright, Pidgeot. Lend me your power!"

"Don't go losing against me!"Peeks cheered.

"It looks like Ash and Peeks worked it out!" Ray smiled, leaning his hands on his knees. "I wish I could follow that whole conversation, but I think I got a good enough idea."

"Ash told me that Pidgeot's one of the first Pokémon he ever caught," Dawn explained. "I guess she'd be better than anybody to help Ash and Peeks through this! Let's cheer for her with everything we've got!"

"Pol! Empoleon!"


"If you don't mind, Ash, let's finish this!" Gary shouted. "Ditto, Thunderbolt!"

"Pi-kaa!" Ditto stayed grounded, firing a scorching lightning bolt towards Pidgeot.

"Use Mirror Move!" Ash shouted.

Pidgeot opened her beak, conjuring a flash that quickly became a small tornado, drawing the Thunderbolt in. She flapped her wings, struggling briefly with the lightning. But, it wasn't the monstrosity Peeks had sent towards her, last week. She swung her head and returned fire.

"Dodge it, with Quick Attack!"

Ditto sprinted towards the returning Thunderbolt and darted under it. With blinding speed, they catapulted themselves into Pidgeot's stomach.

"Follow it up, with Iron Tail!" Gary ordered, as Ditto coated their jagged tail in steel.

"We won't let you have one over on us, that easy!" Ash shouted. "Feather Dance!"

With the faux rodent descending over her head, Pidgeot beat her wings, coating her opponent in a thick layer of down. Their confusion gave her ample time to pull back, completely avoiding them.

Ditto's Iron Tail followed through and crashed into the ground, though it had little impact, buried in feathers. A blue aura fell over them as they stepped out of the bed of brown and beige.

"Now, their physical attacks are cut in half,"Peeks thought aloud. He keenly recalled the way his own attacks were dulled when hit by the same move."As long as we can avoid Thunderbolt, we've got the advantage!"

"Not like we're just going to wait for that," Ash replied. "Pidgeot! Hurricane!"

In a totally new display of power, Pidgeot furiously beat her wings. A nasty, deafening tornado tore away at the Gym floor, spanning from it to the ceiling. Wild gusts of wind flew through the building, though none as intense as the attack's initial area. One could easily be swept away, if they came too close.

"Now,that'sa problem," Gary said to himself, brow furrowed. "Run around Hurricane, Ditto!"

"Pi-ka!" Ditto sprinted around the harsh storm's perimeter, coming just short of being swept up.

"Box them off, Pidgeot! Follow it up with Steel Wing!" Ash ordered.

"Pidgo!" Pidgeot nodded, and dove towards one end of the hurricane. With her Keen Eye, she'd seen just a glimpse of yellow, and that was all she needed. Crying mightily, she coated her wings in durable metal.

'Hah! You fell for it, Ash.'Gary smirked to himself. There was no point in boasting over the howling winds of a hurricane. "Ditto! Keep sprinting, and use Volt Tackle!"

Ditto quickly picked up speed, igniting with a sizzling gold. "Pika-Pika-Pika-Pika-Pika…!"

Pidgeot met them halfway, drawing back both of her wings. With a harsh cry, she smashed them both into the coming Volt Tackle. It was a quick, violent struggle of brute force against brute force.

Ditto was almost forced back, struggling with his skull against both of Pidgeot's wings. But, the lightning snapping off of their body startled and jolted Pidgeot, making her drop her guard. It was just enough time for them to crash into her torso, sending the bird flying back.

Pidgeot hit the ground on her back, as Hurricane died out.

"Pidgeot!" Ash cried out.

"Hang in there!"Peeks cried out."Feather Dance ought to come through!"

"Hah!"Pidgeot squawked out a laugh, as she got back on her taloned feet, and beat the scorched feathers out of her wings."As if I'd go down, that easily!"

"That Hurricane's a pretty nasty move, Ash," Gary praised. "Pidgeot didn't have it, last time you were here."

"She sure didn't!" Ash confirmed. "It's a move she picked up while we were at the Battle Institute. Some of the trainers there said that it's the strongest move a Pidgeot can pick up just by gaining experience. It just goes to show how far Pidgeot's come!"

"I've heard the same," Gary agreed, "but I've never seen it for myself… But, that alone won't win you this battle! Ditto, use Thunderbolt!"

Another bolt of lightning came Pidgeot's way.

"Catch it, with Steel Wing!" Ash cried.

Pidgeot brandished both of her wings over her body, taking the full charge of Thunderbolt through the hardened surface. Static snapped wildly, marking her feathers, but the avian moved to span her wings to protect herself.

"Now, send it back at 'em!" Ash coached excitedly, punching forward.

Pidgeot leaped off the ground and swung her wings, firing one shot of electricity after another.

Gary gasped. "Dodge it, Ditto!"

"Ka! Pi! Chu!" The rodent was forced on the defensive, dodging and rolling under the heavy, precise fire of electricity from above. The already brittle ground about them started to crumble and break off, launched into the air.

"There," Gary coached. "Use that rubble as footing, and close the distance!"

Taking advantage of Peeks's speed and nimble movements, Ditto bounced from one rock to the next on a straightforward path to Pidgeot.

'You can't fool me there, Gary,'Ash thought, smirking to himself.'That'sexactlythe kind of stunt I'd pull before…'

"A Thunderbolt's definitely coming,"Peeks completed his thought."Watch out!"

"Way ahead of you!" Ash shouted. "Steel Wing, Pidgeot!"

"Tch… Iron Tail!" Gary countered.

Ditto's tough tail smashed into Pidgeot's wing, but there was no reprieve before her opposite came in for a swing, forcing him to dislodge and strike it with all of their might. Metallic clangs and crashes echoed through the Gym, as bursts of power generated clouds of dust on the ground below.

"Ditto has my power,"Peeks thought aloud to Ash, as he watched the aerial acrobatics."But they don't have all the practice I've had with Iron Tail. Pidgeot's got the upper hand."

Ash nodded. "Pull out of the way of that next one!"

Pidgeot also had the advantage of flight. A coming downward swing of Iron Tail was narrowly avoided. Ditto was left to plummet.

"Now, knock the rubble at 'em!" As Ash coached, Pidgeot turned her body around to backhand two large chunks of land with her wings towards the falling rodent. Both of them hit their mark.

"Hang in there!" Gary shouted. "Thunderbolt!"

"Pi-ka!" A flash of gold cut through the two falling rocks, colliding with Pidgeot.

Seizing and writhing, Pidgeot cried out. A deafening explosion veiled the gold lightning with black and gray smoke, before she fell from it, hitting the ground.

"Oh no, Pidgeot!" Ash called out.

"Pidgjoo…" Pidgeot sat in a heap, slowly pushing herself upright. She recoiled, struck with a bout of numbness as sparks danced over her body.

"She's paralyzed," Ash hissed.

"Of all the rotten luck,"Peeks huffed."And Ditto's had some trouble, but he's only taken a couple of hits."He looked across the field to his mirror, however much it unnerved him in the back of his mind. Like him, they were a bit fragile, but incredibly swift and stubborn.

"We're going to have to finish this in one shot… If we even can."

"Now, now… Peeks, was it, you like to be called, now?"Pidgeot replied. The numbness in her legs was stifling, but she didn't give up. She found her footing, and threw out her wings. A mighty cry worthy of a leader echoed through the entire building."What did I say about NOT losing to you again!?"

"Aha… Pidgeot!" Ash laughed, caught between amusem*nt and relief. "That's the way!"

"I told you both,"she repeated, preening her scorched feathers. Feeling fit to battle again, she set her sharp sights on the mostly expressionless Ditto."With us, you're never alone."

"Now, that's one spirited Pokémon!" Ray cheered.

"Pidgeot's reaching her limits," Dawn said. "But if she's going all-in, we have to go all-in with her! Come on, you guys! Let's cheer her on with everything we've got!"



"Magenta, sunflower, brown, and beige! Strength and wisdom that's come with age!" Dawn cheered, wildly waving her pom-poms. "Let's go, Pidgeot! Let's go Ash! Let's make this a victory bash!"

Little did she know, her last stanza was almost identical to the words cheered for her boyfriend in this very Gym, several years ago.

"This has been fun, Ash," Gary said. "But I think it's time we finish this!"

"I agree," Ash smirked.'Now, if I know Gary, and if he knows me, he's going to use…!'

"Ditto!" Gary shouted, pointing forward. "Finish it, with Volt Tackle!"

"I knew it!" Ash grinned. "Pidgeot! Use Hurricane, now!"

"Pika!" Ditto sprinted towards his opponent, bathed in a bright aura of gold. But, not before Pidgeot cried and furiously flapped her wings. The coming storm winds wrapped right around the imitation Pikachu, forcing Volt Tackle to take their path.

"What're they doing!?" Gary exclaimed.

Before his very eyes, Hurricane climbed the open air, and its harsh winds were illuminated by a spinning streak of gold, climbing the current higher and higher.

"Oh no…" The Gym Leader's eyes widened. "Ditto's already using Volt Tackle. They have to keep running with the current they're caught in, or they'll be swept away!"

"Volt Tackle's a high-risk, high-reward move," Ash narrated, from the opposite end of the deafening winds. "It uses a lot of power, and has a hard time stopping once it starts. Ditto's going to get tired out quick."

"I think your chance is coming up, Ash!"Peeks advised."If you're going to do something, do it now!"

"Right! Pidgeot!" Ash shouted passionately, throwing a hand in the air. "Use Mirror Move!"

"Pidgooo!" Pidgeot's eyes flashed a bright silver, as she memorized the very attack her opponent had trapped themselves in. Bright, glimmering gold bathed Pidgeot, as she shot into the air, harnessing whatever leftover static was left to dive towards the eye of the storm.

In it, her sharp eyesight caught onto Ditto, who in the midst of his sprint, was short for breath. His own aura was flickering. Volt Tackle was all but null.

With a shriek, she nosedived towards her prey. A pillar of lightning came down from the heavens, illuminating the Hurricane with Pidgeot's very own Volt Tackle.

Lightning shot out of the storm before it all ultimately fizzled. Ditto fell from the aftermath, while Pidgeot slowly descended. She landed on her feet, stumbling a bit.

By the time Ditto hit the ground, they'd lost their shape, once again a fuschia-colored blob.

"Well…" Gary smiled, shaking his head. "That's that."

"We did it…" Ash stared at the scene in a brief bout of disbelief. "We did it!" He laughed, running towards his exhausted Pidgeot to throw his arms around her in a tight embrace. "Pidgeot, you were so great!"

"Aha, congratulations!"Peeks chirped, leaning into Pidgeot's cheek."And… thanks."

Pidgeot chuckled, embracing the two with her wide-spanning wings."Of course, of course. I did tell you I wouldn't lose to you again, didn't I?"

Peeks smirked."Now, don't go rubbing it in."

"That wasamazing,you guys!" Dawn laughed, running up to the group, with Empoleon and Buneary in tow. "What an awesome battle!"

"It was, wasn't it?" Ash grinned, wiggling an arm out of Pidgeot's embrace to slap his hand against Dawn's. "I'm just glad I have such great partners." He shrugged Peeks off his shoulder, nudging him to go speak to his cheerleaders.

"That was beautiful! Just BEAUTIFUL! Oh, you all showed valor in your own way, today!"Empoleon sobbed."My best friend in arms, and my own fellow fowl alike! Bravo!"

Peeks laughed uneasily, exchanging a knowing look with Buneary.

The rabbit rolled her eyes in amusem*nt."You know him. But, uh, seriously… Good job, Peeks. I'm really, really proud of you."

"Proud!?"Peeks was taken aback, with a faint red dusting his nose."I, uh… thanks, Buneary."He managed a half-smile."I'm still sorry you had to see all of that, though. It got a bit ugly."

"Now, what did I tell you about that?"Buneary tutted. A beat."Permission to hug your troubles away?"

His blush only darkened."If you can make it discrete… permission granted."

"I have to say," Ray added, jogging up beside Dawn. "I'm more than impressed. I've never seen a Gym Battle quite like this one!"

"Gym Battles likethisdon't happen very often," Gary added, walking over with Ditto in his arms. "It's not rare for them to be a test of fortitude and character, but I'll admit I made it a bit unorthodox."

"Unorthodox,right." Ash snorted, nudging Gary with his elbow once Pidgeot released him. "That's one way to say 'playing dirty.'Is that why you gave the ref a day off?"

"Humph! It might be." Gary huffed. Still, he showed a hint of a smile. "But, I made my point, and it worked. You confronted your fears accordingly, and you showed good judgment, to boot."

"Thanks, Gary." Ash smiled genuinely. "I just needed to do what was best for my Pokémon… But, I can't help but feel like Peeks's still a bit disappointed about backing out." He looked down to his partner, who was having a quiet, guarded conversation with Buneary.

"It's important to remember that progress is incremental," Ray added. "And it's not always linear, either. I think it's obvious how much you care for each other, though. Even if you stumble, you'll find your way as long as you're together!"

"You're right!" Ash agreed. "And speaking of challenges," He turned to Gary, or rather, his Ditto. "Thanks for playing the part you did, Ditto. I'm sure this whole thing had to be an experience for you. But, you did a great job!"

"I've been preparing Ditto for this, since you left," Gary explained. He'd applied a Hyper Potion to the amorphous Pokémon, who then slinked their way up his shoulder. "The truth is, I've had Ditto has a plan B for this Gym for a little while. I was inspired by Drake from the Orange Islands, who'd always send his in first to throw off an opponent. I'm sure you remember, Ash."

"Oh, that's right!" Ash beamed. "I never would've thought of that… That explains why Ditto was so strong! You must've been working hard."

"Ditto~!" The Transform Pokémon chirped, flexing what looked like a gooey bicep.

"There are a lot of ways to grow as a trainer," Gary explained, "and there are a lot of ways to test that growth. I wouldn't have learned a lot of what I did without you, Ash." Smiling, the brunette extended a hand towards his former rival. "So, I guess I owe you one."

Ash smirked, meeting Gary in a firm handshake. "Well, you taught us a thing or two, too. So, let's just call it even!"

The sun had almost completely disappeared over the horizon, by the time the group of Ash, Peeks, Dawn, Empoleon, Gary, and Ray had arrived in Pallet Town. Standing over its many grassy hills, they faced colorful, twilight skies, and a split dirt path.

"Well," Ash said, "I guess this is where we split up, huh?"

"Sure is," Gary replied. "I'd like to fill in Gramps on our battle, anyway. Believe it or not, he's been worried about the lot of you."

"And I'll be stopping by the lab so I can leave with Professor Willow!" Ray added.

"It's been really nice meeting you!" Dawn chimed, raising her hands that were still decked out with pom-poms. "I can see why you're a Professor's assistant. You've got a lot of good advice!"

"Likewise!" Ray beamed. "Actually… I was really inspired by that battle, Ash, Gary, Peeks." He praised, turning to each of them. The gleam of scientific curiosity shone in his emerald eyes. "Thanks for letting me see it. I feel more inspired than ever to keep learning about the ways people and Pokémon build connections! Actually… I think this whole experience has pushed me in a new direction to do just that."

"A new direction?" Ash raised a brow. "What do you mean by that?"

"Oh, nothing," Ray laughed. "It's just a thought. See you later, all!"

Ash looked over to Dawn, who shrugged. "Hah, alright," he shook his head. "Goodbye, now!"

The two groups diverged, as Ash, Dawn, and their partners made the familiar route towards the Ketchum home. Ash's hand fell into Dawn's rather naturally, and he linked his fingers with hers.

She smiled, leaning into his shoulder. He found that he could lean his head against her cheek, now that she'd eclipsed him in height. He didn't mind that. He also appreciated Peeks taking his opposite shoulder in anticipation of it.

"So, that was a doozy, huh?" Ash said, filling the silence.

"Definitely one of the more intense Gym Battles I've seen," she agreed. "I don't know about you, though, but I feel a whole lot better than I did watching the first one! Minus the bumps, and all."

"Yeah," Ash agreed. "I do, too." A comfortable silence filled the air, disrupted only occasionally by a cawing Spearow, or a gentle breeze nudging their bangs and ears. "I guess that's every Gym Battle, then. Nothing left until the League…"

"That's like a month or two now, right?" Dawn asked.

"Mhm. Something like that. I'll have to check." His home was coming up close, now. "I wonder what we'lldowith the time we have left. Do some training, I guess."

"Some training can't hurt," Dawn agreed. "We've got time. I'm sure we'll findsomethingto do!"

"Hah! Yeah. With our luck, probably." Ash laughed as he let go of Dawn's hand at the front door, and turn the knob to let himself and the others in. "Mommm! We're home!" Ash kicked his shoes off as quickly as possible, stepping into the living room. He did a double-take, then. "Huh!?"

"What? What's the matter, Ash!?" Dawn was a bit more meticulous in lining up her boots, but she was right behind him. She stopped at the entrance to the living room, where Delia sat by the coffee table.

But, she wasn't alone. Alongside her was a teenage boy with messy auburn hair, wrapped up in a red headband, and blue eyes, sporting a standard Pokémon Ranger uniform, with a jacket featuring bright reds, gold yellows, and white buttons with a black and white top, and black shorts with gold trimmings. Alongside him was a Pikachu, with a recognizable tuft of hair on his head.

"Ritchie!?" Ash exclaimed.

"And, Sparky!"Peeks echoed.

Ritchie put down his cup of tea, meeting Ash with a smile in his eyes that never seemed to fade, as Sparky joined the youth atop his shoulder. "Hey, Ash! Long time, no see."

Another Road Repaved - Consequences - mezamun - Pocket Monsters (8)

By @Poke_Crys!


Well, that's it for Another Road Repaved - Consequences! That was the longest book yet, and completing it was quite a challenge that wouldn't have been possible without some helpful advice from friends, and the ever-diligent work of my beta reader, Purim. Thanks to everyone for their patience and support.

This book has been particularly heavy, and I'm afraid Ash and co. aren't quite out of the woods yet, as book seven is set to be the climax for several intersecting plot points and arcs! I hope you all stick around for the last bout before the Pokémon League! I've been doing plenty of planning, but I'm only just starting to write that book out, so it'll be a little while before it's ready to be posted. In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed this one, and any reviews & thoughts are greatly appreciated!

Another Road Repaved - Consequences - mezamun - Pocket Monsters (2024)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.