GRE vocab full list Notes | Knowt (2024)

abacusframe with balls for calculating

abateto lessen to subside

abdicationgiving up control authority

aberrationstraying away from what is normal

abethelp/encourage smb (in doing wrong)

abeyancesuspended action

abhorto hate to detest

abidebe faithful to endure

abjurepromise or swear to give up

abradedrubbed off worn away by friction

abrogaterepeal or annul by authority

abscondto go away suddenly (to avoid arrest)

abstrusedifficult to comprehend obscure

abutborder on

abysmalbottomless extreme

acarpouseffete no longer fertile worn out

acclaimedwelcomed with shouts and approval

accoladepraise approval

accretionthe growing of separate things into one

adamantkind of stone inflexible

admonitorycontaining warning

adornadd beauty decorate

adulterationmaking unpure poorer in quality

affablepolite and friendly

affinityclose connection relationship

aggravatemake worse irritate

agileactive quick-moving


ailtrouble be ill

alacrityeager and cheerful readiness

alcoverecess/partially enclosed place

allegianceduty support loyalty

alleviatemake (pain) easier to bear

alloyto debase by mixing with something inferior

aloofreserved indifferent

amalgamatemix combine unite societies

ambidextrousable to use the left hand or the right equally well

ambiguousdoubtful uncertain

ambivalenthaving both of two contrary meanings

ameliorateimprove make better

amortizeend (a debt) by setting aside money

anguishsevere suffering

animositystrong dislike

antidotemedicine used against a poison or a disease

antitheticaldirect opposing

apartheidbrutal racial discrimination


apostateone who abandons long-held religious or political convictions

apotheosisdeification glorification to godliness

appeasemake quiet or calm

apprehensivegrasping understanding fear unhappy feeling about future

apprisegive notice to inform


aproposappropriate to the situation apt

aptwell-suited quick-witted

arabesquea complex ornate design

arborealof connected with trees


arduoussteep difficult ascent laborious

argotjargon slang

arrantin the highest degree

arroganceproud superior manner of behaviour

articulatespeak distinctly connect by joints

ascendgo or come up

ascertainget to know

asceticpracticing self-denial austere stark

ascribeconsider to be the origin of or belonging to

asepticsurgically clean

asperityroughness harshness ill temper irritability


assailwith attack violently

assiduousdiligent hard-working sedulous

assuagemake smth (pain desire) less

asteriskthe mark * (e.g.. omitted letters)

astringentsubstance that shrinks

astuteclever quick at seeing to get an advantage

atonementrepayment death of Jesus

attenuatemake thin. weaken enervate

attunebring into harmony

audaciousdaring foolishly bold impudent

auguryomen sign

augustmajestic venerable

auspiciousfavorable successful prosperous

austereseverely moral and strict simple and plain

auxiliaryhelping supporting

averaffirm assert prove justify

aversionstrong dislike

avideager greedy

avowadmit. Declare openly

balefulharmful ominous causing evil

balkobstacle purposely to get on the way of

banefulcausing harm or ruin pernicious destructive

barrageartificial obstacle built across a river

barrennot good enough unable to have young ones without value

baskin enjoy warmth and light

beatifyto bless make happy or ascribe a virtue to

bedizento adorn especially in a cheap showy manner

belaborbeat hard

bellicosebelligerent pugnacious warlike

belligerent(person nation) waging war

benefactorperson who has given help

benevolencewish or activity in doing good

benignkind and gentle mild (climate)

bequestarrangement to give smth at death

beratescold sharply

bereftrob or dispossess of smth (material)

bewilderpuzzle confuse

bigotstubborn narrow-minded person

bilgebulge the protuberance of a cask

blandishmentflattery coaxing

blandnesspolite manner comforting uninteresting

blatantnoisy and rough

blithecheerful casual carefree

bogussham counterfeit not genuine

boisterousloud noisy rough lacking restraint

bolstergive greatly needed support

boorishcrude offensive rude

brashhasty rush cheeky saucy

brassyellow metal (mixing copper and zinc)

brazenmade of brass

breachopening broken place breaking

brittleeasily broken

broachbring up announce begin to talk about

brookto tolerate endure

buoyantable to float light-hearted

burgeongrow forth send out buds

burnishto polish rub to a shine

cabala scheme or plot a group of plotters

cadgeto beg to get by begging

cajoleuse flattery or deceit to persuade

calipersmetal supports attached to the legs measuring instrument

calumnyslander aspersion

candidfrank straight-forward

cantinsincere talk/jargon


canvassdiscuss thoroughly sort of touting

castigateto chastise correct by punishing

castigationsevere punishment

catalystsubstance that causes speeding up

causticbiting sarcastic

censureexpression of blame or disapproval a rebuke

centurionleader of a unit of 100 soldiers

charycautious wary

chastenedcorrected punished


chauvinista blindly devoted patriot

chicanerylegal trickery/false argument

chiselsteel tool for shaping materials

churlbad-tempered person

clamorshout complain with a lot of noise


clinchcome to grips/settle conclusively

clingto resist separation

clothalf-solid lump formed from liquid

clotureclosing device (in Parliament) to end a debate by voting

coagulationchange to a thick and solid state

coalescingcoming together and uniting into one substance

coaxget smb to do smth by kindness

codapassage that completes a piece of music

coddletreat with care and tenderness

coercecompel to force to make obedient

coevalof the same period coexisting

cogentstrong convincing

cogitatethink deeply mediate

cognizantbeing fully aware of

colanderbowl-shaped vessel with many holes used to drain off water

collusionsecret agreement for a deceitful purpose

combustionprocess of burning

commemoratekeep the memory of

commodioushaving plenty of space for what is needed

commuterperson who travels regularly

complaisancetending to comply obliging willingness to please

compunctionfeeling of regret for one's action

concealhide keep secret

conceitover-high opinion of too much pride

conciliatoryreconciling soothing comforting mollifying

concordagreement or harmony

concuragree in opinion happen together

condenseincrease in density strength make laconic


congealmake or become stiff and solid

conjointo join together

connoisseura person with good judgement (e.g.. in art)

connotationsuggestion in addition to

consequentialpompous self important

consolegive comfort or sympathy to

conspicuouseasily seen remarkable

consternationsurprise and fear dismay


constrictmake tight or smaller

consumeget to the end of

consummateperfect/make perfect/complete

contemnto scorn or despise

contentiousargumentative pugnacious combative quarrelsome

contiguoustouching neighboring near

contritefilled with deep sorrow for wrongdoing

contumaciousinsubordinate rebellious

conundruma riddle dilemma enigma

convictionconvincing firm belief

convokecall together summon

convolutedcomplicated coiled twisted

cordialwarm and sincere

cordonline (of police acting as a guard)

cornucopiaabundant supply

corporealphysical of or for the body

correlatehave a mutual relation

corroborationadditional strengthening evidence

countenanceto favor or approve of




covetouseagerly desirous

cowercrouch shrink back

coyshy/modest (esp of a girl)

crassvery great (es. stupidity)

cravatpiece of linen worn as a necktie


creaseline made by crushing white line on the ground in cricket

credulitytoo great a readiness to believe things

credulousready to believe things

crushpress lose shape subdue overwhelm

crypticsecret with a hidden meaning

cumbersomeburdensome heavy and awkward to carry

curmudgeonbad-tempered person

curriculumcourse of study

cursoryquick hurried

curtailmake shorter then was planned

daintypretty/delicate(food)/difficult to please

dauntintimidate make fearful

dawdlerperson who is slow waste of time


debaclea breakup overthrow sudden disaster

decorumpropriety properness

decreeorder given by authority

decrydisapprove of

deferpostpone give way (to show respect)

deferentialshowing respect

defianceopen disobedience or resistance

delineateto portray depict sketch out

delugegreat flood heavy rush of water

demagogueperson appealing not to reasons

demurto hesitate raise objections

denigrateblacken belittle sully defame

denouementan outcome or solution the unraveling of a plot

depleteuse until none remains

depositiondethronement depositing

depravemake morally bad corrupt

deprecateprotest against express disapproval of

derelictiondeserting and leaving to fall into ruins

derisionridicule mockery deriding

derivativeunoriginal obtained from another source

derogatoryinsulting tending to damage

descrycatch sight of see smth in the distance

desiccantsubstance used to absorb moisture

desuetudecessation of use disuse

desultoryaimless haphazard digressing at random

deterdiscourage hinder

detractionslandering verbal attack aspersion

detumescencediminishing or lessening of swelling

deviancebeing different in moral standards (from normal)

dexterityskill (esp. in handling)

diaphanoustransparent gauzy

diatribebitter and violent attack in words


dilatespeak comprehensively become wider large

disallowrefuse to allow or accept as a correct

discernsee with an effort but clearly

discomfitconfuse embarrass

disconcertupset the self-possession of

discountenancerefuse to approve of

discoursespeech lecture

discreditrefuse to believe


discreteindividually distinct

disdainlook on with contempt

disencumberfree from encumbrance


disingenuoussophisticated artful trying to deceive cunning

disinterdig up from the earth

dislodgemove force from the place occupied

dismalsad gloomy miserable

disparateessentially different

disproofproof to the contrary

dissemblespeak or behave so as to hide smth (in mind)

disseminatedistribute (esp. ideas)

dissenthave a different opinion refuse to assent

dissolutiondisintegration looseness in morals

distraughtdistracted violently upset in mind

divergencegetting farther apart from a point

divestituretaking off getting rid of giving up

divulgemake known smth secret

doggereltrivial poorly constructed verse

dogmaticpositive certain arbitrary without room for discussion

doltstupid fellow

dormantin a state of inactivity but awaiting development

doteshow much fondness center one's attention

drawlslow way of speaking


dronemale bee person who isn't self-employed

drowsinessfeeling sleepy half asleep

dubiousfeeling doubt

dudno use person smth that fails

dulcetmelodious harmonious

dupecheat make a fool of

duplicitydeliberate deception

duressthreats to compel smb

dwarfperson or smb much below the usual size

dynamoa generator something that produces electric current

earthenwaredishes made of baked clay

ebullienceexuberance outburst of feeling

ebullientoverflowing with enthusiasm showing excitement

ecumenicalrepresenting the whole Christian world

edaciousvoracious devouring

eddycircular or spiral movement (e.g.. of wind)

ediblefit to be eaten/not poisonous

effeteinfertile worn out weak

efficacyproduction of a desired result

effluviaoutflow in a stream of particles a noxious odor or vapor

effronteryboldness impudence arrogance

egressway out exit

elaborateworked out with much care in great detail

elegya lament a melancholy composition

elicitdraw out

eloquencefluent speaking skillful use of language

emaciatemake thin and weak

embellishmake beautiful

embezzleuse in a wrong way for one's own benefit

emotestir up excite

empiricalrelying on experiment

encapsulateenclose in capsule

encomiumwarm or glowing praise eulogy panegyric

encumbranceburden things that get on the way of

endearingmaking dear or liked


endorsewrite one's name on the back of


enervateweaken deprive of strength attenuate

engendercause produce give rise to

engraveimpress deeply

engrossingtaken up all the time or attention writing in large or formal

engulfswallow up

enigmasmth that is puzzling

enmityhatred being an enemy


entangleput into difficulties

enthralplease greatly/enslave (fig)

enticetempt or persuade

entreatask earnestly

enunciatepronounce (words)/express a theory


epicureandevoted to pleasure (sensuous enjoyment)



epitomebrief summary representative example a typical model

equablesteady regular

equanimitycalmness of temperament

equilibriumstate of being balanced

equipoiseequal distribution of weight equilibrium

equivocalhaving a double or doubtful meaning suspicious

equivocatetry to deceive by equivocal language

eradicateget rid of pull up by the roots

erraticirregular in behaviour or opinion

eruditelearned scholarly


esotericabstruse intended only for a small circle of

espousemarry give one's support to

eulogyformal praise panegyric

euphoriaelation state of pleasant excitement

euthanasiaeasy and painless death

evasivetending to evade

evinceto show clearly to indicate

evokecall up bring out

excoriationsevere criticism

exculpateto clear from a charge of guilt

exhaustivecomplete thorough

exigencyemergency an urgent situation

exonerationset smb clear free (e.g.. from blame)

exorbitantmuch too high or great

expatiateto roam wander freely

expedientlikely to be useful for a purpose

expiationending expiring

exploitbrilliant achievement develop use selfishly

expostulateargue earnestly to dissuade correct or protest

expurgateto remove obscenity purify censor

exscindto cut out cut away

extantstill in existence

extemporewithout previous thought or preparation

extenuatereduce the strength of lessen seriousness partially excuse

extinctno longer active

extinguishend the existence of/wipe or put out

extirpateto destroy exterminate cut out exscind

extolpraise highly

extortobtain by threats violence

extralegaloutside the law

extricablethat can be freed

extrovertcheerful person

exuberancestate of growing vigorously being full of life

facetioushumorous funny jocular

facileeasily done

fallaciousbased on error

falterwaver/move in an uncertain manner

fatuouswithout sense foolish self-satisfaction

fawnyoung deer try to win smb's favor

f*cklesslacking purpose or vitality ineffective careless



felicitousapt suitably expressed well chosen apropos

felonperson guilty of murder

fermentsubstance become excited

ferocitysavage cruelty

ferretdiscover by searching search

fervidshowing earnest feeling

fervorwarmth of feelings earnestness


fetterto shackle put in chains

feudbitter quarrel over a long period of time

fidelityloyalty accuracy

fidgetmove restlessly make nervous

figureheadcarved image on the prow of a ship

finessedelicate way of dealing with a situation

finicaltoo fussy about food clothing etc.


fissionsplitting or division (esp. of cells)

fixatestare at

flakcriticism/anti-aircraft guns

flamboyantbrightly colored florid

flauntingshow off complacently

flaxpale yellow (hair) a plant

fledgedable to fly trained experienced

fleetnumber of ships quick-moving

flinchdraw move back wince

flopfail/move/fall clumsily

floridvery much ornamented naturally red (e.g.. of face)

floutreject mock to go against (as in going against tradition)

flukelucky stroke

flustermake nervous or confused

foibledefect of character (a person is wrongly proud)

foilprevent from carrying out contrast

fomentput smth warm (to lessen the pain)

foolproofincapable of failure or error

foppishlike a man who pays too much attention to his clothes

foragefood for horses and cattle

forbearrefrain from be patient ancestor

forbearancepatience willingness to wait

fordshallow place in a river (to cross)

forestallprevent by taking action in advance preempt

forfeitsuffer the loss of smth

forgeworkshop for the shaping of metal to shape metal lead


forswearrenounce disallow repudiate

fosternurture care for

fracasnoisy quarrel

fragileeasily injured broken or destroyed


franticwildly excited with joy pain anxiety

freneticfrantic frenzied

fretworry irritation wear away

fringeedge ornamental border part of hair over the forehead

frowardintractable not willing to yield or comply stubborn

frugalcareful economical

fulminationbitter protest

fulsomedisgusting offensive due to excessiveness

gainsayto deny to oppose

garblemake unfair selection from facts

garmentarticle of clothing

garnerto gather and save to store up


garruloustoo talkative

gaucheriesocially awkward tactless behavior

germanerelevant pertinent to

gistthe point general sense

gleangather facts in small quantities

glibready and smooth but not sincere

glimmerweak/unsteady light

gloatover look at with selfish delight

glutsupply to much fill to excess

gnawwaste away bite steadily

goadsmth urging a person to action

gorgeeat greedily/narrow opening with a stream

gossamersoft light delicate material

gougetool for cutting grooves in wood

grandiloquentusing pompous words

graveserious requiring consideration

grazetouch or scrape lightly in passing

gregariousliving in societies liking the company

grievouscausing grief or pain serious dire grave

grovelcrawl humble oneself

guiledeceit cunning

gullibleeasily gulled

gushburst out suddenly/talk ardently

gustoutburst of feeling sudden rain wind fire etc.

hackcut roughly hired horse

halcyoncalm and peaceful

hallowto make holy consecrate

haranguea long passionate speech

harbingersmth or smb that foretells the coming of

harrowto distress create stress or torment

haughtyarrogant conceited

heedattention/give notice to

heinousodious (of crime)

heresybelief contrary to what is generally accepted

hermeticsealed by fusion

heterogeneousmade up of different kinds

hewmake by hard work cut (by striking)

highbrow(person) with superior tastes

hirsutehairy shaggy

hoaxmischievous trick played on smb for a joke

hoipolloi the masses the rabble

hollownot soled with hole

holsterleather case for a pistol

homileticsact of preaching

honestone used for sharpening tools

hoodwinktrick mislead

hospitableliking to give hospitality

hubrisarrogant pride

hushmake or become silent

huskworthless outside part of anything

hypocrisyfalsely making oneself appear to be good

iconoclastperson who attacks popular beliefs

idiosyncrasypersonal mannerism

idolatryexcessive admiration of

idylla carefree episode or experience

ignobledishonorable common undignified

ignominiousshameful dishonorable undignified disgraceful

illicitunlawful forbidden

imbrogliocomplicated and embarrassing situation

immaculatepure faultless

imminentlikely to come or happen soon

immutablethat cannot be changed

impairworsen diminish in value

impassiveunmoved feeling no sign of passion

impecunioushaving little or no money

impedehinder get in the way of

impedimentsmth that hinders (e.g. stammer)

impendingimminent being about to happen expected

imperativeurgent essential

imperiouscommanding haughty arrogant

impermeablethat cannot be permeated

imperturbablecalm not capable of being excited

imperviousnot allowing to pass through (of materials)

imperviousnesshaughty arrogant commanding

impetuoushaving sudden energy impulsive thrusting ahead forceful

impietylack of reverence or dutifulness

implacableincapable of being placated unpleasable

implicateshow that smb has a share

implicitimplied though not plainly expressed

implosioncollapse bursting inward importunebeg urgently solicit (of a prostitute)

imprecationan invocation of evil a curse

impromptuwithout preparation

impudentrash indiscreet

impugnedchallenged to be doubted

imputeto attribute to a cause or source ascribe

inadvertentnot paying proper attention

inanesilly senseless

inasmuchsince because

incensemake angry

incessantoften repeated continual

inchoatenot yet fully formed rudimentary elementary


inciseengrave make a cut in

incitestir up rouse

inclineddirecting the mind in a certain direction

incongruousout of place not in harmony or agreement

incorrigibilitycannot be cured or corrected

incredulousskeptical unwilling to believe

inculcatefix firmly by repetition

incumbentsofficial duties

incursiona raid a sudden attack

indefatigabilitynot easily exhaustible tirelessness

indeliblethat cannot be rubbed out



indistinctnot easily heard seen clearly marked


indomitablenot easily discouraged or subdued

indulgegratify give way to satisfy allow oneself

indulgentinclined to indulge

ineffableto great to be described in words

ineluctablecertain inevitable

ineptunskillful said or done at the wrong time

ineptitudequality of being unskillful


infuriatefill with fury or rage

infuseput pour fill

ingenuousnaive young artless frank honest sincere

ingesttake in by swallowing

inimicalharmful or friendly

inimitabledefying imitation unmatchable

innocuouscausing no harm

inscrutableincapable of being discovered or understood

insensibleunconscious unresponsive unaffected

insinuatesuggest unpleasantly make a way for smth gently

insipidwithout taste or flavor

insouciantunconcerned carefree

insularitynarrow-mindedness isolated

insurrectionrising of people to open resistance to

interdictprohibit forbid

interimas an installment

intersperseplace here and there

intransigenceunwillingness to compromise stubbornness intractability


intrepidfearless brave undaunted

introspectionexamining one's own thoughts and feelings

inundateflood cover by overflowing

inuredaccustomed to adapted

invectiveabusive language curses

inveighto attack verbally denounce deprecate

inveteratedeep-rooted. long-established

invincibletoo strong to be defeated


irascibleirritable easily angered




irresolutehesitating undecided

irrevocablefinal and unalterable

itinerateto travel from place to place to peregrinate

jabbertalk excitedly utter rapidly

jibegibe make fun of

jocularmeant as a joke

judicioussound in judgment wise

knitdraw together unite firmly

labyrinthineto entangle the state of affairs

lachrymosecausing tears tearful

lackluster(of eyes) dull

lamentshow feel great sorrow

lassitudeweariness tiredness

latentpresent but not yet active developed or visible

laudatoryexpressing or giving praise

lavishgiving or producing freely liberally or generously

legacysmth handed down from ancestors

leveeformal reception/embankment

levitylack of seriousness

libelstatement that damages reputation

liberalityfree giving generosity

libertineimmoral person

lienlegal claim until a debt on it is repaid

limnpaint portray

limplacking strength walking unevenly

lionizetreat as a famous person

lithebending twisting

lollrest to sit or stand in a lazy way hang (dog's tongue)

lopemove along with long strides

loquacioustalkative garrulous

lucubratewrite in scholarly fashion

luculenteasily understood lucid clear

lugubriousmournful excessively sad

lullbecome quiet or less active

lumbermove in a clumsy/noisy way

luminarystar light-giving body

lurkbe out of view ready to attack

lustrousbeing bright polished

macabregruesome suggesting death

maceratemake or become soft by soaking in water

machinationplot scheme (esp. evil)

maladroittactless clumsy

malapropismmisuse of a word (for one that resembles it)

malevolencewishing to do evil

maligninjurious speak ill of smb tell lie

malingerto fake illness or injury in order to shirk a duty

malleableyielding easily shaped moldable adapting

manaclechains for the hands or feet

massacrecruel killing of a large number of people

matriculationbe admitted enter a university as a student

maudlinsentimental in a silly or tearful way

maulhurt by rough handling

maverickrebel nonconformist

mellifluoussweetly flowing


mendicanta beggar

mercurialquick changeable in character fleeting

meretriciousattractive on the surface but of little value


meticulousgiving great attention to details

mettlequality of endurance or courage

mettlesomecourageous high-spirited

middlingfairly good but not very good

minatorymenacing threatening

mincepronounce or speak affectedly euphemize

misanthropeperson who hates mankind

mischievousharmful causing mischief

miserperson who loves wealth and spends little

misogynistone who hates women/females

moderationquality of being limited not extreme

mollifymake calmer or quieter

moltmoult lose hair feathers before new growing

morbiddiseased unhealthy (e.g.. about ideas)

moroseill-tempered unsocial

mufflercloth worn round the neck/silencer

multifariousvaried motley greatly diversified

mundaneworldly as opposed to spiritual commonplace everyday

myriadvery great number

nadirlowest weakest point

nascentcoming into existence emerging

nebulouscloud-like hazy vague indistinct

negligenttaking too little care

neophyteperson who has been converted to a belief

nexusa connection tie or link

nibbleshow some inclination to accept (an offer)

noisomeoffensive disgusting (smell)

nonchalantnot having interest

nonplusedgreatly surprised

nostruma quack remedy an untested cure



obduratehardened and unrepenting stubborn inflexible

obfuscateto darken make obscure muddle

obliviousunaware having no memory

obloquyabusively detractive language sharp criticism vituperation

obsequioustoo eager to obey or serve

obstreperousnoisy loud

obtainto be established accepted or customary

obtrusiveprojecting prominent undesirably noticeable


obviateto make unnecessary get rid of

occludedblocked up

odiousrepulsive hateful

odiumcontempt dislike aversion

odorsmell favor reputation

officioustoo eager or ready to help offer advice


onerousneeding effort burdensome

opaquenessdullness/not allowing light to pass through

opprobriousshowing scorn or reproach

ossifyto turn to bone to settle rigidly into an idea

ostensibleseeming appearing as such professed

ostentationdisplay to obtain admiration or envy

ostracismshut out from society refuse to meet talk

overhaulexamine thoroughly to learn about the condition

overweeningpresumptuously arrogant overbearing immoderate being a jerk

paeansong of praise or triumph

palateroof of the mouth sense of taste


palliatelessen the severity of

palpabilitycan be felt touched understood

palpitatetremble beat rapidly and irregularly

panegyricformal praise eulogy

paradigma model example or pattern

parenthesissentence within another one smth separated

pariahan outcast a rejected and despised person

parsimonioustoo economical miserly

partisanone-sided committed to a party biased or prejudiced

patronregular customer person who gives support

paucityscarcity a lacking of

peccadillosmall sin small weakness in one's character

pedanticbookish showing off learning

pedestriancommonplace trite unremarkable

pellucidtransparent easy to understand

penchantstrong inclination a liking

penitentfeeling or showing regret


penuryextreme poverty

peregrinationtraveling about wandering

peremptoryurgent imperative unchallengeable ending debate

perfidioustreacherous faithless

perfidytreachery breaking of faith

perfunctorydone as a duty without care



perishbe destroyed decay

perjurywillful FALSE statement unlawful act

permeatespread into every part of

perniciousharmful injurious

perpetratebe guilty commit (a crime)

personablepleasing in appearance attractive

perspicacityquick judging and understanding

pertainbelong as a part have reference

pestdestructive thing or a person who is nuisance

petrifiedtaken away power (to think feel act)

petrifyto make hard rocklike

petrouslike a rock hard stony

petulantunreasonably impatient

philistinea smug ignorant person one who lacks knowledge

phlegmaticcalm sluggish temperament unemotional

picaresqueinvolving clever rogues or adventurers

piedof mixed colors

pinchbe too tight take between the thumb and finger

pinewaste away through sorrow or illness

piousdutiful to parents devoted to religion

piquantagreeably pungent stimulating

piquehurt the pride or self-respect stir (curiosity)

pitfallcovered hole as a trap unsuspected danger

pithessential part force soft liquid substance

pivotalof great importance (others depend on it)

placatesoothe pacify calm

plaintivemournful melancholy sorrowful

plaqueflat metal on a wall as a memorial

platitudea trite or banal statement unoriginality


pleadaddress a court of law as an advocate


pliantpliable easily bent shaped or twisted

plodcontinue doing smth without resting

pluckpull the feathers off pick (e.g.. flowers)

plumbget to the root of

plummetfall plunge steeply

plungemove quickly suddenly and with force

poignantdeeply moving keen

poncholarge piece of cloth

ponderousheavy bulky dull

portentomen marvelous threatening

precariousuncertain risky dangerous

preceptsrules establishing standards of conduct

precludeprevent make impossible

precursorypreliminary anticipating

predilectionspecial liking mental preference

predominatehave more power than others

preentidy/show self-satisfaction

prematuredoing or happening smth before the right time

preponderancegreatness in number strength weight

presagewarning sign


preternaturalnot normal or usual


prevaricateto equivocate to stray from the truth

primneat formal

pristineprimitive unspoiled pure as in earlier times unadulterated

probityuprightness incorruptibility principle


procrastinationkeeping on putting off

prodigalwasteful reckless with money

prodigiousenormous wonderful

profaneworldly having contempt for God

profligacyshameless immorality

profligatewasteful prodigal licentious extravagant



proliferategrow reproduce by rapid multification

prolixtiring because too long

proneprostrate inclined to (undesirable things)

propagationincreasing the number spreading extending

propinquitynearness in time or place affinity of nature

propitiatoryconciliatory appeasing mitigating

propitiousauspicious presenting favorable circ*mstances

prosaiceveryday mundane commonplace trite pedestrian

proscribedenounce as dangerous


providentfrugal looking to the future

provisionalof the present time only

provokemake angry vax

prudencecareful forethought

prudisheasily shocked excessively modest

prunedried plum silly person

pryget smth inquire too curiously


pugnaciousfond of in the habit of fighting


punctiliousprecise paying attention to trivialities

punditpedant authority on a subject

pungencysharpness stinging quality

purveyprovide supply

pusillanimouscowardly craven

putrefactionbecoming rotten

pyrelarge pile of wood for burning

quackperson dishonestly claiming to smth

quaffdrink deeply

quaillose courage turn frightened

qualmfeeling of doubt temporary feeling of sickness

quandarystate of doubt or perplexity

quellsuppress subdue

quibbletry to avoid by sophistication

quiescencestate of being passive/motionless

quiescentat rest dormant torpid

quirkhabit or action peculiar to smb or smth

quixoticgenerous unselfish

quotidianbanal everyday

rabblemob crowd the lower classes of populace

raconteurperson who tells anecdotes

raffishlow vulgar base tawdry

ramifyto be divided or subdivided to branch out

rancorousfeeling bitterness spitefulness

rantuse extravagant language

rapaciousgreedy (esp for money)

rarefyto make thin to make less dense to purify or refine

raveact with excessive enthusiasm

reactionaryopposing progress



recanttake back as being FALSE give up

recastcast or fashion anew

recidivismrelapse into antisocial or criminal behavior

reciprocitygranting of privileges in return for similar

recitalsa number of performance of music

recluseperson who lives alone and avoids people

recompensemake payment to reward punish

reconcilesettle a quarrel restore peace

reconditelittle known abstruse

recreancycowardice a cowardly giving up

recuperatebecome strong after illness loss exhaustion

redeemget back by payment compensate

redoubtableformidable causing fear

refinemake or become pure cultural

refractorystubborn unmanageable untractable

refulgentshining brilliant

regaleto delight or entertain to feast

regicidecrime of killing a king

reiteratesay or do again several times

rejuvenationbecoming young in nature or appearance

relapsefall back again

remonstrateto protest object

renderdeliver provide represent

renovaterestore smth to better condition

renownedcelebrated famous


repelrefuse to accept/cause dislike

repineat be discontented with

reproachscold upbraid

reprobateperson hardened in sin one devoid of decency

repudiatedisown refuse to accept or pay

repulsivecausing a feeling of disgust

requiterepay give in return


resignedunresisting submissive

resiliencequality of quickly recovering the original shape

resortto frequently visit

restiverefusing to move reluctant to be controlled

resuscitationcoming back to consciousness

retardcheck hinder

reticentreserved untalkative silent taciturn

reverehave deep respect for

reverentfeeling or showing deep respect

riddlepuzzling person or thing

riftsplit crack dissension

rivetfix take up secure metal pin

rollcall calling of names

rotundrich and deep plump and round

ruffianviolent cruel man

rumplemake rough

sagacioushaving sound judgment perceptive wise like a sage



salutaryremedial wholesome causing improvement

sanctimonyself-righteousness hypocritical with FALSE piety

sanctionapproval (by authority) penalty

sanguinecheerful confident optimistic

sanityhealth of mind soundness of judgement

sashlong strip worn round the waist

satiatesatisfy fully

saturninegloomy dark sullen morose

savantperson of great learning

savortaste flavor smth

sawdusttiny bits of wood

scabbardsheath for the blade

scentsmell (esp pleasant)

scorchbecome discolored/dry up/go at high speed

scribblewrite hastily

scurvymean contemptible

secularmaterial (not spiritual) living outside monasteries


seminallike a seed constituting a source originative

sententiousshort and pithy full of maxims/proverbs

sequencesuccession connected line of

seremake hard and without feeling

sermonreproving a person for his faults

serratedhaving a toothed edge

serrationhaving a toothed edge

servilelike a slave lacking independence

severbreak off


shallowlittle depth not earnest

shardpiece of broken earthenware

sheathcover for the blade of a weapon or a tool

shrewdastute showing sound judgement

shrillsharp piercing

shunkeep away from avoid

shuntsend from one track to another lay aside evade discussion

sidestepstep to one side

simper(give a) silly/self-conscious smile

sinuouswinding undulating serpentine

skiffsmall boat

skitshort piece of humorous writing

slacksluggish dull not tight

slaketo assuage to satisfy allay

slateking of blue-grey stone propose criticize

sluggardlazy slow-moving person

slurjoin sounds/words (indistinct)

smolderburn slowly without flame


snubtreat with contempt

soarrise fly high


sobrietyquality or condition of being sober

soddensoaked saturated

soggyheavy with water

solventof the power of forming a solution

somaticof the body

sootblack powder in smoke

sophisticatedcomplex subtle refined

sophistryfallacious reasoning faulty logic

sophom*oricself-assured though immature affected bombastic overblown

soporificproducing sleep

sordidwretched comfortless contemptible

spearweapon with a metal point on a long shaft

speciousillogical of questionable truth or merit

spleneticbad-tempered irritable

splicejoin (two ends)

spongeporous rubber for washing live at once expense

spuriousFALSE counterfeit

spurnhave nothing to do reject or refuse

squalidfoul filthy

squanderspend wastefully

squatcrouch/settle without permission

stanchto stop the flow of a fluid

steeplyrising or falling sharply

stentorianextremely loud and powerful

sticklerperson who insists on importance of smth

stigmamark of shame or disgrace

stigmatizedescribe smb scornfully

stingsmth sharp

stingyspending using unwillingly

stintto be thrifty to set limits

stipplepaint with dots

stipulatestate or put forward as a necessary condition

stolidshowing no emotion impassive

straywander lose one's way

streaklong thin move very fast

striatedstriped grooved or banded

stridewalk with long steps

struta supporting bar

stygianhence dark gloomy

stymieto hinder obstruct or block

subdueovercome bring under control

sublimeextreme astounding

submergeput under water liquid sink out of sight

suborninduce by bribery or smth to commit perjury

subpoenawritten order requiring a person to appear in a low court

substantiationgiving facts to support (statement)

subsumeinclude under a rule

succorassistance relief in time of distress

sufficebe enough

suffocatecause or have difficulty in breathing

sulliedto be stained or discredited

summarilybriefly without delay


sundryvarious miscellaneous separate

superciliousdisdainful characterized by haughty scorn

superfluousmore then is needed or wanted

superimposeput smth on the top

supersedetake the place of

supinelying on the back slow to act passive

suppliantasking humbly beseeching

supplicatemake a humble petition to

suppressprevent from being known put an end to

surchargeadditional load/charge

surfeitsatiate feed to fulness or to excess


swervechange direction suddenly

sycophantperson who flatter to the rich and powerful

synopsissummary or outline

taciturnuntalkative silent

tadpoleform of a frog when it leaves the egg

talonclaw of a bird of prey

tamptap or drive down by repeated light blows

tamperinterfere with

tangentialsuddenly changeable

tarnishedlost brightness

tasselbunch of threads

tauntcontemptuous reproach hurtful remark

tauttightly stretched

tautologya repetition a redundancy

tawdrycheap gaudy showy tacky

teetotaloppose to alcohol

temerityboldness brashness intrepidness

temperanceabstinence from alcohol self-control moderation

temperateshowing self-control

tenacityfirmness persistency adhesiveness tending to hang on

tenuousinsubstantial flimsy weak


tersebrief and to the point


thriftcare economy thriving prosperous


timidshy easily frightened

timorousfearful timid afraid

toadyobsequious flatterer

tonicsmth giving strength or energy

topplebe unsteady and overturn

tormentsevere pain or suffering

torpidsleeping sluggish lethargic dormant

torquetwisting force causing rotation

tortuousdevious/not straightforward

toutperson who worries others to buy smth to use his service

tractableeasily controlled or guided

transgressbreak go beyond (a limit)

transienttemporary fleeting



trenchantforceful effective vigorous extremely perceptive incisive

trepidationalarm excited state of mind

trickleflow in drops


tritenot new

truce(agreement) stop of fighting for a time

truculenceaggressiveness ferocity

trudgewalk heavily

turbidmuddy having the sediment stirred up

turbulencebeing uncontrolled violent

turgidexcessively ornate swollen or bloated

turmoiltrouble disturbance

turpitudewickedness shamefulness

turquoisegreenish-blue precious stone

tyrotiro beginner

ubiquitouspresent everywhere

ulteriorsituated beyond

umbrageoffense resentment

uncouthrough awkward

underbidmake a lower bid then smb else

undermineweaken gradually at the base make smth under

undulateto move in wavelike fashion fluctuate

unearthdiscover and bring to light

unencumberedeasy-going trifle

unfeignednot pretended sincere

unscathedunharmed unhurt

untowardunfortunate inconvenient

upbraidscold reproach

urbaneelegant refined in manners

vacillationbeing uncertain hesitating

vagarystrange act or idea

vainwithout use result conceited




veerchange direction

venalready to do smth dishonest

veneersurface appearance covering the TRUE nature

venerationregard with deep respect


verdantfresh and green

verisimilitudeappearing TRUE or real

veritablereal rightly named

vervespirit vigor enthusiasm

vestigetrace or sign

vexannoy distress trouble

vigilancewatchfulness self-appointed group who maintain order

vigilantmember of a vigilance committee

vigorousstrong energetic

vilifyslander say evil things

vindictivehaving a desire to revenge

viragoa loud domineering woman a scold or nag

visceralof the internal organs of the body


vitiatelower the quality weaken the strength

vituperatecurse abuse in words

vivaciouslively high-spirited

volatilechangeable inconstant fickle unstable explosive

volubilityfluency verbosity easy use of spoken language


waffletalk vaguely and without much result

waftscent waving movement carry lightly through

wagmerry person

warmongerperson who stirs up war

warrantauthority written order guarantee

weanto turn away (from a habit)

weighmeasure hoe heavy smth is

welterturmoil a bewildering jumble

wendto go proceed

whimsicalfull of odd and fanciful ideas

winceshow bodily or mental pain

wootry to win

writwritten order

yarntale story fibers for knitting

GRE vocab full list Notes | Knowt (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.