1,098 reviews146 followers
I used to read these books to my son and he liked them but they are boring for adults. I prefer to read Beatrix Potter.
4,357 reviews373 followers
An absolutely adorable book with charming illustrations. Loved this as a kid.
- animals childrens-book
77 reviews3 followers
I LOVED Richard Scarry books growing up...they are super busy, and filled with eye candy! Everywhere you look there is something going on :) I have the entire collection to share with my daughter now, and they are really fun to look back on. Some of the images are really dated, ex: record players and tv's with rabbit ears, etc... (which makes it fun for me), but doesnt hurt the story at all! My daughter is 2 1/2 and sometimes i see her just sitting in a corner looking thru all the pages on her own. She loves books...and im happy to share some of my childhood with her thru Richard Scarry books :) What can i say...im a lover of well illustrated books, and this is one of them!
- childrens-books
Ashley Adams
1,153 reviews39 followers
Who doesn't have fond memories of Richard Scarry's Busytown? It takes all kinds of workers to keep Busytown busy. Believe me! There are jobs for all sizes.
- children usa
Shayna Ross
533 reviews
I love everything Richard Scarry
- childrens
Johannes Sinisalo
22 reviews
WHY cant the society be like this :(
20 reviews
Read this to my nephew. Not bad, although the author seems a bit biased when he says that “the best writers write children’s books” and “the best artists paint pictures for children’s books.”
Miss Kelly
472 reviews
We are deep in a Richard Scarry phase and I love it.
- picture-books soren-s-books
Lindsey (Bring My Books)
715 reviews144 followers
Still just as wonderful when reading to my nephew as when I first read it myself!
- middle-grade
1,652 reviews44 followers
This is another one of those books that I remember checking out from my elementary school library over and over and over (you get the idea). I always liked the pictures and apparently talked about it so much that, when it was reprinted, my sister took pity on me and bought me a copy. (Thanks sis!!!) My fave? "Lowly worm eats peas. Peas are round in shape." (but it's gotta be in context with the picture. This book, though somewhat dated in some ways (no computers of course), would be a great one to use with elementary kids in looking at the concept of "community."
- childrens
39 reviews3 followers
I remember Richard Scarry's books when I was a child, but had totally forgotten about them until I had my own children. My preschooler LOVES sprawling out and looking at Richard Scarry's books. Yes, the stories don't make much sense, and the illustrations are not the most well drawn, but they do have a style of their own that fascinates children. There are so many little details packed into the illustrations, it's a lot of fun for kids to just look at everything going in each page.
475 reviews1 follower
This is the book we read when our daughter Loralee was a toddler, when she became the Lowly worm. =)
- children-s classics
Ned Leffingwell
480 reviews6 followers
Richard Scary books are great. They are fun to look at and give kids names for everyday stuff in the world.
Sanna lukee lapselle
673 reviews8 followers
Richard Scarryn Touhula-kirjat tuovat mieleen lämpimiä lapsuusmuistoja, nämä oli pienenä mun suursuosikkeja. Puuhakas päivä kertoo mitä kaikkea Touhulassa tapahtuu yhtenä päivänä, esittelyssä on erilaisia ammatteja ja puuhia. Kirja on aika pitkä luettavaksi kerralla eikä 3-vuotias millään malttaisi jättää lukemista vain pariin sivuun. Kuvituksessa on paljon hauskoja yksityiskohtia bongailtavaksi, joten kirjan parissa saa kulumaan halutessaan pitkänkin tovin.
- klassikot sarjat-touhula vanhempien-suosikit
377 reviews5 followers
Richard Scarry's Busy, Busy Town has lots of details for young readers to explore. The commentary on occupations is comically outdated but Scarry's characters and quaint little busy town illustrations are still charming. I read a few Scarry books this weekend and I thought this one was the best of the bunch.
- picture-books
492 reviews
Wouldn’t buy it or necessarily even recommend it, but definitely cool for a little kids to flip through and see all the different components that make up a town—each full spread is dedicated to one area of a town.
373 reviews28 followers
Busy Busy Town lets you see so many town things!
Dan Hyer
600 reviews4 followers
Not enough reading material to stay interesting for many days on an end, it's still a good Richard Scarry book.
- picture-book
David H
12 reviews5 followers
Great book for your little ones 3-6 ish. Fun stuff to read with your kids.
- childrens
627 reviews4 followers
My sons loved it. Finding Goldbug was always the order of the day.
- childrens-fiction illustrated
43 reviews1 follower
Enqi said, I love the story named building house.
Lucy Fletcher
38 reviews4 followers
Oh I loved these books growing up! Such busy, interesting illustrations!
858 reviews10 followers
I enjoy the pictures of these books, but I don't overly enjoy reading them.
- child child-charlotte child-joseph
Jennifer Fann-Tucker
824 reviews3 followers
- children-s-books
17 reviews18 followers
I loved these books when I was a kid - borrowing them all time from the local library. Now my daughter loves them just as much and we read this one every day.
304 reviews2 followers
I enjoyed this as a child and am lucky to have passed that love to my kids. Lowly Worm is our favorite!
15 reviews7 followers
Something I like about this book is the insanely detailed and really fun to look at art! There are easter eggs everywhere. There are so many beautiful things to look at. Such a classic great time!
Wyatt Welch
10 reviews
639 reviews32 followers
The stuff from my childhood!!!! I love how it helps kids build vocabulary and make connections with the world around them, specifically connecting text to illustrations
- favorites
488 reviews39 followers
What a perfect read aloud with my four year-old grandson