Roxanne the Wolf - RealSamsungUser (2024)

"Order up!" you shout to your colleague, carrying a steaming hot serving of food to the front counter. Of course, he was watching TikTok videos on his phone, not paying attention to what was happening around him. If he wasn't standing around on his phone, he was in the bathroom on his phone, and if he wasn't in the bathroom on his phone, he was in the manager's office because he was on his phone. Because you're the head chef at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Megaplex, it is your responsibility to keep the kitchen running smoothly, and you weren't going to let his laziness slide...

"Hey, Luke, I'm talking to you. The food's getting cold." You say sternly. Briskly walking back towards the oven, you use your pizza peel to take another customer's order out and onto the table. In your peripheral vision, you can see Luke just standing there, still being completely oblivious. You glance down at the pizza, that was fresh out of the oven. You start to think that decommissioning some of the staff bots was a bad idea, at least they could try and yet still be unhelpful. Who in their right mind would ask for extra anchovies, you ask to yourself, as you sprinkle slightly wilted basil on top.

"For f*ck's sake! Get off your phone." You yell through the kitchen. He looks over his shoulder and begins to slowly organise the order for the waiter to pick up. You look at the receipt for the next customer. 2 large Margherita pizzas, one medium Mexicana, and the daily special, a lobster in butter and garlic sauce. You begin to stretch out the dough ball, applying flour and spinning it around on the table, using your thumbs to round it out. You spin the base over your head before throwing it back on the bench, using a ladle to pour over a reasonable amount of tomato sauce.

"Luke, I need a pot of water on the stove ASAP," you announce to him, who was unsurprisingly back on his phone, doom scrolling. The kitchen was already understaffed, and as more and more orders came through, you wouldn't be able to manage the kitchen all by yourself. You add the cheese and garlic to the pizza and put it in the oven with the pizza peel, beginning to make the next margherita.

"Luke!" you shout again. At this point you were furious. Normally, he is on his phone, but he responds when you call on him. Today, however, he would not take his eyes off his screen. You notice that today, he is wearing AirPods. Maybe he can't hear you, or maybe he is wearing them choosing to be defiant. You walk up to him yet again...

"Hey, take of your damn earphones and get back to work." You demand. He takes one off and replies,

"If someone is wearing AirPods, then they probably aren't up for a conversation, Y/N. Everyone knows that, dumbass".

"Hey, you better watch your language, besides, you are at work, where you should be working, not watching TikTok on your phone."

"Actually, its Instagram reels" He replies. His attitude was driving you crazy, and just as you were about to completely lose your sh*t, you turn around and see the manager for the Pizzaplex.

"Do we have a problem?" David asks both of you. He was wearing an unironed suit, ornamented with a loose, twisted tie. The only thing this manager had ever managed was his balls.

"This man has been on his phone for the whole day and will not follow my orders" you say sternly. David turns to Luke and says,

"Luke, please come to my office for a quick chat." This was not the first time he got in trouble for slacking off. In fact, it was his third strike, meaning it was unlikely that you would ever have to work with him ever again. You return to the kitchen and place a pot of water on the stove, the outside blackened with heavy use. As you wait for it to boil, you put the other margherita pizza in the oven, and check on the other one. As you gaze through the opening, with the hot air blasting your face off, you see that the cheese had not yet melted and needed a few more minutes. You begin to make the Mexicana, quickly chopping up a bell pepper and placing it aside. You can hear some commotion coming from the dining area, so you go and take a look...

Job Chaos:
"Tell them to bring out the Lobster!" a man shouts. He repeats the phrase a few more times, his voice bellowing throughout the place, until the waiter comes around and tells him to be quiet. Clearly, he was starting to become impatient. You take one of the pizzas out of the oven and continue to prepare the Mexicana. Once you take th efirst pizza out of the oven, the pot of water starts to boil, so you throw in the lobster alive as you didn't have time to kill it humanely. You slide the final pizza in and make the sauce for the lobster. (pretend how I know how tocook a lobster) You look around to see if Luke had come back with a slap on the wrist, but he was nowhere to be seen. You hope the next guy you get to work with isn't as bad. Once you are finished preparing the order, you place it allon the counter for the waiter to bring to the customer's table. Fortunately,t he night wasn't all too busy, but considering that there was no one to help you, it felt pretty intense. You look at the animatronics for a second as you take a short rest. Freddy was reciting his awful dad jokes, and the others laughed, apart from Roxanne Wolf. She was looking straight at you. Your eye contact meets, and she looks away quickly, realising that you caught her in theact. That was unusual, do they normally look around like that? As the day concludes, you watch as the last of the guests leave, the children wave to the animatronics all the way on the other side of the restaurant, before being rushed out by their parents. The animatronics wave back, singing a little goodbye melody. As you have been working here for almost two years, their songs sure did get quite repetitive and annoying, but at least there was always a cheerful spirit, with kids running and playing around, and parents smiling as they watched the show. That is, apart from the incident. Two months after you were employed, a strange man, wearing nothing but his underpants ran into the middle of the dining area, climbed on top of one of the tables, and started screaming. Everyone, even the animatronics fell completely silent, that is, of course, except for a crying baby. Turns out he was a local homeless person who was high on LSD. He was later taken away by the police, and it even got on the national news. That being said, it did have the same sort of atmosphere asright now. The only sound you could hear was the clinking of the waiter collecting the plates, and the loud exhaust fan in the kitchen. There wasn'teven the sound of your coworker washing up and moving trays of ingredients around. You start to pack up the kitchen by yourself. It was going to tak equite a while, but at least it was kind of peaceful, in an eerie way. Chica was going around to all of the tables that the waiter hadn't already gotten to ,eating the leftover food, and making a mess. You drain the sink and throw outsome out-of-date produce from the cool room, finding some tomatoes that were starting to develop their own ecosystem. It was time to take out the trash, soyou tie a knot in the black garbage bag and throw it over your shoulder. This place really should invest in a wheelie bin, and maybe fix the trash compactor while they're at it. You walk through the hallways towards the back entrance where the dumpster was. You could hear the echoes as the arcade machines and other different games play old, 8-bit music, walking past the various door sthat lead to all separate places throughout the Pizzaplex. Your peace is disturbed when you hear footsteps behind you. Expecting to see your manager, you turn around, only for no one to be in sight. You continue to walk towards the back entrance, looking around cautiously. You begin to worry, wondering if Luke was going to do anything spiteful to you. You pull against the back door, it creaking open as you fight with it. The hinges were rusted, and it didn't help that the bottom was scraping along the ground. You toss the bag into the dumpster, using an overarm throw to yeet it into the bin. You look around the small courtyard, listening to the distant sounds of cars. The air was cold an drefreshing, unlike the stuffy air in the kitchen. You walk in front of the dumpster and watch as a clapped-out sedan drives by. As you peer through the wire fence, the heavy bass music playing from inside shook the ground ever so slightly. You hear the backdoor creak open, and you flinch in response. You cautiously walk around the large bin, only to see no one there. It must havebeen the wind, which was unusual, as the air was dead still, not to mention that the door was partially jammed. As you head back inside, beginning tos hiver from the frost in the air, you catch a glimpse of a shadow, moving from inside. Surely it was the manager checking on you. But you could never be too certain... You peek inside, putting your hands and head around the door, but you couldn't see anyone. As you eventually close the door, you see a figure standing in the shadow right beside you, previously hidden by the door itself.

Your First interaction:
"Gah!" you shout, being taken by surprise. Was this person a threat? That homeless person from ages ago? It would be revealed to you who it was, as the figure comes out of the darkness.

"H-hi, Y/N" Roxanne wolf says to you, half out of breath. She was clearly embarrassed that you'd caught her watching you.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Shouldn't you be on stage with the others?" you ask, confused and scared.

"Well, it's just, that, umm... Never mind." She runs off down the shadow hallway, looking downwards shamedly. As you head back to the kitchen to pack up, you wonder, what was that all about? You finish wiping the walls and floors to clean up any remaining grease. You had to scrub really hard as the oily coating on the walls and around the deep fryer was almost impossible to come off. Vegetable oil kind of does that after a while. As you unload the warm plates from the dishwasher, you look back to the stage, where all four of the animatronics were resting. Roxanne was sitting on the edge of the stage, looking down at her feet and holding her keytar. You stop to observe just for a second, peering over as you pack up. Montgomery Gator notices and tries to comfort her by sitting beside her, but she pushes him away. Huh, that was unusual, but not unexpected. No one likes Monty. Despite the amount of time you had spent at this place, you had never really seen them act so... human. Maybe you just never paid attention, but it did make you wonder. Do they have feelings? Are they programmed to look like they have feelings? Are they aliens? What was Roxanne trying to do to you? Nonetheless, you take off your chef coat and hat, grab your backpack and head to your car. Maybe you should come on your day off and play some of the arcade machines to relax. Being a chef was pretty stressful, especially when your colleagues aren't the most... enlightening... or existing right now. You walk out the front door, looking back to see if she was following you again. Gazing up, you are half blinded by the bright neon sign that illuminated part of the parking lot. You jangle your keys as you approach your car, before unlocking the door, sitting down in the driver's seat, fastening your seatbelt, and starting the engine. You think about Roxanne Wolf for a while, she is so... no! You reel your thoughts back in, feeling a little strange about yourself, as you have never thought about the animatronics in that way. In fact, you haven't thought about anyone in that way for quite some time. Maybe the unnerving silence unknowingly revealed something to yourself, but you snap out of it. There was zero possibility of utterly anything happening, in that way, at all! After all, computers absolutely cannot feel emotions; they're just spicy calculators. You start to slowly drive out of the empty and dimly lit parking lot. The main source of light was behind you, and the lamp poles scattered around the place were burnt out. You swear you see someone watching you from the bushes, but as you drive past, it turned out to be a vandalised post box, with the silhouette of a person spray painted on the front. This day had been stressful for multiple reasons, and you are exhausted. As soon as you pull into your driveway and head inside your house, you get startled by the sounds of voices and flashing lights coming from the loungeroom. After all, you do live alone. (how can one afford a house on their own these days, plot hole??) Thankfully, you had just left the TV on. You press the off switch, causing the picture to flash and die out. You glide your fingers across the screen, getting tickled by the static on the curved glass surface. Walking into your bedroom, you undress, and go straight to bed. You were too tired to go under the covers, but it didn't really matter, as it was warm in your house anyway. The tin roof baking in the sun all day made your bedroom feel like a sauna. As you lay there, you find it difficult to go to sleep. You mind was racing, and you had too much energy. It was like your body was depleted yet your mind was still wide awake. You look around your room in the dark, observing the patterns that the tree leaves cast through your curtains. Your eyeballs hurt, and you couldn't seem to get the picture of Roxy out of your head. Previously, you had only ever seen her from a distance across the room, but interacting with her up close ignited something inside you that you couldn't escape. Eventually, you actually do manage to drift asleep, admiring your interaction earlier that day.

The note:
You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock. You roll out of bed, barely able to open your eyes. Despite your lethargy, you needed to get ready quickly. You didn't have a shower last night, so you had to have a quick one now, as you wouldn't want to come into work smelling like a hobo. You turn the shower taps, carefully balancing the amount of hot and cold water, and begin to wash yourself. As you rinse your hair with shampoo, you look at your reflection in the shower glass, and notice that the bags under your eyes are the most prominent feature of your dull face. That is, until the foam of the shampoo runs down your forehead and gets in your eyes. It stings quite a bit, so you frantically wash it out with lots of water, being reminded of that one unfortunate time that you used it as lube... ouch! You quickly dry yourself with your towel and get into your clothes. At least the shower woke you up somewhat. You get into your car and drive to work. As you travel along the road, you sigh in relief. You were feeling a lot more relaxed than yesterday considering that you wouldn't have to deal with Luke. You pull into the mostly vacant parking lot, your car jostling over the uneven asphalt, overgrown with weeds. It was still quite early, before any of the customers had arrived. You still had to prepare the kitchen though for the long day ahead. You knock on the big glass door, and wait patiently as David unlocks it and lets you in.

"Unfortunately, you won't be seeing Luke anymore" he says in a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah, I figured that one out" you reply, chuckling a bit.

"Will you be okay in the kitchen by yourself? I'll come down if you need any help".

"I'll be alright, thanks," you respond, knowing that the closest thing David had ever touched to a professional kitchen was the staff microwave. You walk through the employees only door in the lobby and into the kitchen. You toggle the dirty light switch that had been painted over multiple times, and the fluorescent lights flicker on, illuminating the fine scratches in the stainless-steel countertops. You walk through the kitchen, and into the changeroom nearby, placing your bag on the plastic bench. You put your coat on, realising that the cuff of one of the sleeves is stained orange with tomato juices. You reach for your chef hat but notice something unusual. A corner of white paper is sticking out from under it. You certainly couldn't remember putting anything there last night, so you are curious to find out what it is. Lifting it up, you discover that it is a note addressed to you, adorned with gold star stickers. It reads:

Hey, Y/N.

Wanna hang out after hours and have some fun?


P.S. I bet I'm your favourite ;)

You roughly fold the note in half and stuff it in your pocket, looking around to see if anyone is watching you, the closest thing being the googly eyes on the paper plate pals on the wall. It couldn't be, there was no way. Hey maybe they are putting something in that water supply. Surely someone was playing a prank on you. Perhaps the manager oversaw your interaction the other day, or maybe he was behind it all. You brush it off and continue to set up the kitchen, turning on the exhaust fans and unpacking some of the ingredients. You casually walk up to the front to oversee the dining hall. It was still early, so the place was barren. You look up towards the stage and notice that Roy is nowhere to be seen. You lean over the countertop, squinting your eyes as you pan around the room.

"Rawr!" She shouts cutely, popping up from behind the bench. You jump in surprise. (uh, is this a jumpscare, l-like a FNAF reference??!1)

"Jeez, you scared me" you reply, sweating nervously.

"Did you get my letter?"


"So... are you able to... come and hang out with me?" she points her fingers toward each other shyly, awaiting your response.

"Erm sure" you weren't sure to be flattered or concerned. After all, the company's history with these... robots weren't entirely smooth sailing. You look into her eyes for just a little bit too long, before being interrupted by the first customer of the day walking into the dining hall. It was a middle-aged woman with blonde hair, along with her child.; an overweight boy holding a Nintendo switch, chewing on gum.

"Guess I better get going" Roxy said, turning back, flicking her hair as she does. She moves her fingers along the edge of the tables, as she paces back towards the stage and climbs up. Monty tries to give her a hand, but she completely ignores his existence.

The impolite customer:
"Excuse me, sir!" the woman said sternly, looking between you and her phone, tapping on it with her obnoxiously long nail extensions.

"Please, take a seat, the waiter will help you shortly." You tell her.

"What waiter?" she replies. You look around and realise that not even the waiter showed up today. Today was going to be a wonderful day... not!

"Oh, I'm sorry for the trouble, what can I-" you were interrupted by her default iPhone ringtone, blaring from her handbag. I f*cking hope the waiter wasn't let off as well, you think to yourself

She takes it out and puts it on speakerphone. The phone screen was completely shattered, in a pink case that says "Live. Laugh. Love."

"Hey, hon" she says softly to presumably her husband on the other side.

"Just getting some food for Timmy. We stopped by a place, and I swear, the service here is terrible." Her voice changes from calm to stern, staring at you as if you were some sort of problem, making it obvious that she wasn't talking about her cellular connection.

"Oh yeah, can I get 12 chicken nuggets" she continues, talking to you while still on the phone, clicking her nails on the counter.

"But I want the Fazlimited Edition Sigma Meal Skibidi Slicers™!" the boy cries.

"Oh, you shut up" she yells to her son. You had already had enough with this customer, and your mind begins to drift off. You watch Roxy from a distance, and as you continue to look at her, everything else fades into the background. You couldn't wait to escape this awful job and hang out with her after work.

"Ahem" the woman says, noticing that you weren't completely invested in her phone conversation. You take Karen's order, feeling sorry for the rest of her family, but as she inserts her card into the machine, her face sours.

"What do you mean DECLINED?" she asks in a loud voice. You turn the machine around to reset it, before swivelling it around again. The card declines once more. Her face creases and slowly lifts her head up to you.

"I want to speak... TO THE MANAGER!" She screams. Her child is still fixated on whatever game he is playing.

"Please, calm down, I'll get the manager" you assure her. Just as she is about to come up with some snarky comeback, her phone rings again. As she is distracted you quickly move away from her, and head to the manager's office. You exhale heavily as the last thing you wanted right now was having to deal with a rude person.

"Hey, David" you say through his office doorway, "a customer wants to speak to you" you make a mimicking face of her, and he sighs, knowing exactly what type of customer you were talking about. Together, you walk back to the restaurant area. By the time you got back, she was in the kitchen.

"Ma'am, you can't come back here" you tell her.

"I don't care! You tell me why my card declined." She yells. At this point the animatronics were watching attentively, they were curious about what was about to happen.

"Maybe if you got a life then your card would have money on it" David replied. In retrospect it probably wasn't the best thing for him to say in the heat of the moment. She paused, before grabbing her child's arm and storming off. When she was at the door, she shouted back,

"I am rating this place 1 star! The least you could do is give me my food, that I rightfully own, for free!" You and David follow her out the door and watch as she climbs into her clapped out station wagon. When she starts the engine, you could hear the squealing sound of the worn-out engine belt, before she races off, swerving out of the parking lot and narrowly missing a cyclist. David rolls his eyes and walks back towards his office, straightening his collar. Maybe if there was someone else in the kitchen then she wouldn't have snuck into it, you think to yourself. Freddy Fazbear chuckles at the whole dilemma; it certainly wasn't the worst he'd seen.

A good start to a bad day:
The rest of the day was pretty normal and was also smooth sailing too, with the waiter finally arriving 20 minutes later and only a few children banging their heads on the corners of dining tables. A family that was having a birthday party was taking some selfie photos with Chica, all of them posing for the camera. Whilst the guests were focused on the photos they just took, she slowly leaned back and stole a slice of their pizza before sneaking off. All of the other animatronics shook their heads in disapproval. The place was pretty busy, and it was getting a bit monotonous repeatedly making bland cheese pizza and nuggets from the kids' menu. The children were crowded around the stage, as each of the mascots inserted their shameless product placement into the conversation they were having.

"Hey kids, don't forget to try the new Prime™ flavoured Fizzy Faz, its Faztastic, just like me." Freddy announced.

"Hey kids, nothings better after some light exercise like a triple chocolate fudge brownie marshmallow cupcake!" Chica chimed in.

"Hey, uh, kids! Do you like golf?" Montgomery Gator shouts. The room falls silent.

"Fazbear entertainment is not responsible for diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or heart failure due to not abiding to the recommended dietary guidelines." The pre-recorded message on the intercom adds.

Before you knew it, nighttime arrived, and it was time to pack up yet again. Once you and the waiter had finished cleaning up, you pace around the place, winding down and seeing if all the patrons had left, not that it was really your job to check. Where is security anyway, you wonder, as you think about the incident earlier on. You hear some commotion coming from the play area, so you go and have a look. A fretted-out father was trying to retrieve his daughter from the ball pit. You watch just as he trips on a wooden block and ends up falling in as well. You watch them clamber out, and he nods towards you in embarrassment, giving his daughter a piggyback on his way through the exit. As you begin to approach the stage, Roxy is nowhere to be seen. Was she going to scare you again? Hopefully not. You head back into the kitchen, looking around some of the cabinets and sinks, but you still can't find her. Was she expecting you to look for her, or was she looking for you? You begin to doubt if she was actually going to follow through with her plans, but suddenly, she takes you by surprise.

"Haha, got you!" she boasts, jumping out from behind the island bench, "I saw you let your guard down, you thought I wouldn't keep my promise, didn't you?"

"Haha, yeah," you didn't really know how to respond, plus it was kind of awkward with her waiting for your reply; it felt kind of intimidating. Ok, maybe you were crushing on her just a little bit... or a little bit more than a little bit.

"You wanna race some go-karts?" she asks, "they built the Roxy Raceway after me!"

"Ok... sure, let's go." You walk to the location, only to be met with a stern mechanic, who advised against the idea."

"Sorry folks, the track is out of order." The man says. He was holding a mechanical part that had broken into two from heavy wear.

"Can you see this," he taps the worn-out piece with his greasy hands, "back in my day, this would have been made of cast steel, now everything is made of this Chinesium crap!"

"Hey! I'm made of Chinesium too" Roxanne says defensively.

"I have to replace the steering linkage on every single go kart. Until then, it's not safe" he continues. Roxanne grumbles, thinking that he was overexaggerating the issue.

"Come on, no need to get so fed up, plus there are so many other things to do here."

"Yeah, like what?

"Erm, Bonnie's Bowling Club" you say uncertainly, wondering if bowling as a concept even existed anymore...

"No, not Bonnie Bowl. We don't talk about what happened to Bonnie."

"Uh huh, umm, do you have any ideas, R-Roxy?" it felt kind of strange saying her name.

"I mean... ugh, let's go to the arcade then" Roxy says, "there are no stupid steering linkages to break there."

The arcade:
You walk into the Fazcade. The sounds of the arcade machines surround you, playing loud music and effects, along with the high-pitched whining from the CRT displays. (🤓 assuming that the place is located in the United States of America, the power grid operates at 60Hz, and the video system used is known as NTSC. This has an audible horizontal frequency of 15,734Hz, due to the complex deflection and high voltage circuitry of a Cathode Ray Tube television set). the coloured speckles in the dark blue carpet shined like a galaxy, being illuminated by the glow of the neon signs plastered on the machines. You hadn't touched arcade games in years, but you remember playing with your father all those years ago at an old pub. Things were just better back then... before you discovered women. You wiggle the joystick and press random buttons on one of the machines. It plays the demo on repeat, with the "Please deposit 5 coins!" message burnt into the screen from being left on for an eternity. Roxy runs past you and up to one of the machines.

"Daytona USA was my favourite, before some dumbass broke it by spilling a Fizzy Faz all over it," she pulls on the out of order tape wrapped around the machine, plucking it like a string, "of course, I only ever play it when they kick me off my own go-kart track" she tells you. Looking up above the screen, you can see that one of the arcade machines is called Space Invaders, which you definitely do remember. On the display, the initials "RXY" are on top, outnumbering all the other scores by 50,000 points..

"How about this one, I remember this from a long time ago." You jiggle the joystick back and forth causing it to rattle.

She looks over, "I am the best at that game too, good luck beating my high score!"

"Is there something that you aren't the best at?"

"I have a lot of free time at night, it sure does get boring around here. Also no, I am the best at everything" She adds.

"What about touching grass?" You joke,


"Nothing!" You reply in a comedically quick way.

"Uhuh, okay..?" She comments confusedly on your remark, picking up a coin lodged between two of the machines, she puts it into the coin slot, and presses the 2-player button.

"I'm definitely gonna win" she boasts. She attentively watches the screen, quickly moving the joystick and pressing the buttons. The pixellated character shoots at the enemies up top, who are also shooting down at the player.

"See, this is so easy, I could do this with my eyes closed" she chuckles, looking at you for a split second. However, her lack of focus on the game causes her to die.

"Haha, sure" you reply, "now it's my turn!" You grab the controls, but you aren't quite sure what each one does, and you didn't want to look down in case something happens on screen.

"Um, what do I press to shoot now?" you ask.

"Just press the buttons until something happens." Roxy replies. You press a button, and the character fires its laser into one of the protective bunkers, causing it to get damaged. You then move your character out from behind it, before immediately losing a heart to one of the aliens. Your efforts gave you a grand total of 0.

"Beginners luck," she says sarcastically, looking at you annoyedly while chewing on a piece of gum. You hope she didn't find it stuck underneath a table or something. She moves you aside and continues to play, using quick and precise movements to guide the character. This time she wasn't going to get distracted by you, although you were beginning to be distracted by her beauty. You look at her reflection, distorted on the curved glass screen, before turning to her, still leaning against the cabinet. You had never been this close to her; it felt so surreal, and you felt uneasy, in a good way. Her teeth were sharp; vicious in an alluring way, and you couldn't escape the spell she had put on you.

"Ugh, this is taking too long" she groans, intentionally dying in order to give you another turn. Youget in front of the controls, but this time you had picked up some tactics onhow to play. You shoot the first enemy with your laser beam, and then another,before sheltering behind the bunker. Roxy, leans in, placing her shoulder onthe cabinet, and resting her chin on her hand, watching concentratedly as youactually manage to score this time. Unfortunately, the shield eventuallybreaks, and one of the aliens manages to shoot you through the hole in it. Witha score of 160, it was nothing compared to Roxy's personal best, but at leastyou made an improvement. This time, she isn't eager to push you out of the way.

First kiss:
"Aren't you going to finish the game" you ask.

"No, because the real prize is right in front of me" she replies softly. She looks at you contently, with her eyes gazing right into your soul. You feel your heart beating through your chest, and you feel like time had slowed to a standstill. Roxy puts her right hand on yours, still resting on the game buttons. Her rubberised coating was smooth and soft, and you flinch before relaxing just a bit.

"You're... warm" you speak to her quietly and confusedly.

"Robot technology has improved quite a bit since the eighties" she replies. Quite a bit, you think. (Remember, FNAF: Sister Location was set in the eighties, and the technology then was very advanced urr durr) She leans in and twists her head, slowly closing her eyes and pouting her lips. You were taken by surprise, not because you didn't want to, but because you just didn't see it coming. You close your eyes as your lips touch gently, the sensation sending a chill down your spine. She places her hands on your back, pulling you closer. You gasp for air as your bodies touch, and she takes this opportunity to move her tongue into your mouth, something you also weren't ready for. In the heat of the moment, you reciprocate the favour, pushing your tongue into hers. You place your hands on her hips as you continue to share spit. You lose track of time as you continue, both of you groaning as you eagerly make out, the motions increasingly becoming rougher. It felt so wrong yet so right, this is what one part of your mind wanted, but what the other part warned against. Roxy giggles, before rolling onto the floor, pulling you down with her. As you lie there with her by your side, you stare into each other's eyes intimately. Hers were so pretty, especially her big eyelashes, not to mention her purple lipstick and wavy hair. The rough ground gave you carpet burn on your shoulder, and some of your arm was now embedded with crumbs under the weight of her torso.

"That was... kinda cool" you say to her.

"A bit more than kinda... wanna do it again? She replies, looking at you dreamily.

"Aren't I beautiful? Erm, I mean... you're beautiful." she continues.

"Yes, you are, and thank you." you respond, knowing her self-centeredness. You kiss again, but this time you were actually ready for it. Desire overcomes you as you lock lips together, your mind empty as she sucks the soul out of your body through your passionate face. As you continue, you both start to giggle as the feelings of happiness overcome your minds, before bursting out in laughter. You look at the ceiling for a moment, before getting on your feet, helping her up.

"Hey, aren't you worried that the security guard is going to catch us, you know?"

"Oh, don't worry about the security guard, she's too busy abducting kids or something."

You chuckle in response.

"The funniest part is you think I'm joking" she adds...

"I'll see you tomorrow, I know you'll be waiting for me," she smiles to you.

"Alright, I guess I'll get going then." you tell her, wiping the dirt from the carpet from you. Heading for the door, you are unaware of who was around the corner.

Conflict of interest:
"How about you stay out of my territory!" Montgomery Gator says sternly, grabbing you by your shirt collar.

"Roxanne wants me, yeah... she just doesn't know it yet 🎅🦀💵" he continues braggingly whilst acting like the main character, "well uh unlike you, I'm gonna have a totally awesome threesome, and you're not invited... because the third member isn't you, it's actually my mom- oh wait, no actually, th-the chicken one. Whatever that bitches' name is, I'm gonna pound her ass on the weekend" he walks back down the lobby, making exaggerated thrusting movements, before turning around and gesturing to you,

"I am always watching, and if I see you touch her again, I will bite your balls off!" he stresses.

"Hey Monty, maybe lose those glasses, they look f*cking gay!" Roxanne shouts at him, leaning around the doorway. He clenches his fists and stomps back to his area, grumbling. Just before he disappears, he yells back to her,

"At least I don't play the keytar, nerrdd" making a mocking face and bobbing his head from side to side, before walking into his room.

"Yeah, don't worry about him" Roxy tells you, "I've seen him eye up Freddy on multiple occasions. Plus, isn't this fun, me and you?"

"Haha yeah," the situation got you a bit riled up, but at least he was gone, for now. You both decide to cool down outside, away from all the noise, and especially away from Monty.

"Aren't you supposed to be leaving now?" She asks.

"Well, yeah but I've got a couple of minutes," you reply.

"I don't spend much time out here, management says the condensation is bad for my circuitry, but who cares."

"Yeah, it can get quite foggy out here."

"Maybe you'll find Chica inside the dumpster, eating anything that resembles pizza."

"Haha, yeah, she does have quite the appetite."

"How is the rest of the world like, for real?"

"Interesting, a blessing and a curse"

"i can only discover the world through the internet, your world... seems very hostile and bleak."

"The world through the internet loses lots of the... small things, the world is a complicated place, all kinds of people doing all kinds of things." (reader, how long has it been since you were outside?)

"What do you mean by that?"

"You know, being in the moment. Think about right now; what you see? what is around you? what do you hear? what do you feel? how do you feel? What is the feeling of this place? So many things are lost through a picture on a screen."

"But there's nothing, it's an empty courtyard with a bin and a wire gate."

"Think beyond that, listen to the cars in the distance, each one is being driven by someone, each with their own life, that's not nothing."

She glances at a moth and points to it, the bug making a pinging noise as it repeatedly hits into the glass dome around the light, emitting a faint amber glow.

"Stupid bug"

"It's not stupid, it just doesn't know any better. It probably thinks it's the sun or the moon."

"That's literally the definition of stupid, plus, don't remind me of that stupid guy."

"What do you mean? That daycare attendant thingy? He seems pretty chill."

"Urr durr, clean up, clean up, you're banned, blah blah."

"Please, just, be considerate, don't get caught up on what you don't like. Focus on the good things."

"Well at least my face doesn't look like a squashed pie!"

"there's no need to put yourself above others, now. That causes nothing but more problems."

"I'm sorry, I'm insecure. About me, about my looks, about my personality, about how others perceive me."

"Well, the moment you stop caring is the moment all those problems will go away."

"It's not me, its... Bonnie, and I can't just stop caring."

"Oh no, what happened?

"Well one day, after showtime was over, Monty and Bonnie got into a bit of a fight over Chica. It escalated quickly, but Bonnie got the sharp end of the stick when management found out. Monty said he started it, which wasn't true, and they decommissioned him. I tried to help, but I couldn't. ever since then, I've changed for the worse."

"That sucks. I'm sorry for your loss."

"No need to feel sorry, after all, they could just reprogram me to not even know about his existence."

You process the day on yourdrive home. As you get home you take a long shower. The hot water against yourskin tingled and the bathroom was steaming up because you forgot to turn thefan on. With not even your reflection to comfort you, you get feelings ofloneliness. It wasn't the most exhilarating thing to think about, so you turnoff the taps and go to bed. Her presence fills your mind uncontrollably. Youcan't stand the thought of being without her, and it is making youindescribably horny. You wouldn't masturbat* to an animatronic... or would you?

The second note:
The next day, started off similarly, fining another note hidden underneath your chef's hat. This time it was pink.

You open it, once again there is a note inside from Roxy.

Hey, Y/N

Wanna have some more fun later today?

Try and find me after your shift ends.


You head through the kitchen and look at the stage. This time, Monty was the one staring at you from across the floor, trying to intimidate you. However, he didn't do a very good job at it, looking downwards first. Roxanne was play sword fighting with Chica, with their instruments on stage. Your shift was nothing too out of the ordinary, in fact, it didn't even get all that busy. There was no crowd for the animatronics to entertain and everyone was getting bored. You helped the waiter, who was was struggling to stop Chica from eating out of the bins, David kind of left the place in your hands, with him locking himself in the office all day, probably watching p*rn.

"Chica, how about you go backstage. There is lots of delicious rubbish and pizza and cupcakes there." You say to her.

"Whatever you say" Chica replies, running off through the staff-only door.

The kitchen wasn't even completely set up so there was very little to pack up at the end of the day. Now it was time to find Roxy.

Where could she possibly be? After all, this place was huge. Perhaps she was at her go kart track, which might have been fixed already, but when you arrive, the place is completely desolate. Ok, what about the Fazcade? You walk there only for it to be empty as well. You already saw that the stage was empty when your shift ended, so she wouldn't be there either. But what about Rockstar Row? You remember that each animatronic had their own separate section with different themes there, so you decide to head over there leisurely, after all, it was quite a long walk. You walk into the lobby, adorned with souvenirs from the company's past. Montgomery Gator was giving you the side eye as you walk past towards Roxanne's quarters. Clearly, he was taking you as a threat, that is, for someone else. The door to her room was ajar. With no one around, other than Monty, you decide to go inside. Her room was ornamented with her signature purple and red colours, along with a go-kart and souvenir of her. You look up at the pictures on the wall of her...

"Boo!" she exclaims, jumping up from under her makeup bench.

"Oh my, Roxy, stop scaring me like that" you say, your heart almost stopping from being caught off guard.

"Haha got you" she chuckles, lunging towards you.

You both stare at each other for a few moments, lost for words.

"So... um, where do you wanna go now?" You ask nervously.

"We aren't going anywhere I have you right where I want" her moving her hand down your body.

You fondle each other through your clothes, feeling her curves and grabbing her plastic ass, and smooching each other all over your faces and necks. She firmly grabs your crotch, assessing the shape of your dick, which was progressively getting harder the more she rubbed the area.

"You wanna take this a step further?" she says, flicking her eyelashes at you. You glance at the open window leading into Rockstar Row.

"We can't do it here; we'll be seen and get caught!" You point to the large window leading into the lobby.

"That's why curtains exist" she replies, drawing them shut...

"Oh, and can you close the door as well, we wouldn't want any uninvited guests *cough* Monty *cough*" She adds.

"Make yourself comfy," she says. You decide to take a seat on the sofa, leaning your head back onto one of the armrests, one foot on the cushion, one on the floor. She sets the mood by dimming the lights, casting only warm faint outlines of objects in the room before your pupils begin to adjust to the darkness. You can tell her intent through the look on her face, as she glares at you through her half-open eyelids. House music plays quietly in the background, the subwoofer in the corner resonating the bassline through the floor. You recognise the song; it was some sort of remix of Tove Lo – Talking Body. She takes off her spiked bracelets, along with her purple arm warmers. Next, she removes her punk collar, before leisurely taking off her top, pulling it up slowly over her nipples to gracefully reveal her naughty bits to you, her areolae being a slightly darker tone of grey than the rest of her body. After fighting to get it over her big head, she leans towards you, moving them around with her hands whilst staring you down like her prey. She then pulls off her matching leg warmers one at a time, having to go on one foot to remove them. She was almost completely nude, and so far, you were liking what you were seeing. Then, after spinning on one foot a couple of times, she then begins to slide off her pants. Firstly, she pulls her tail through the hole in the back of them, before dropping them to her ankles. You take a good look at every single part of her, in awe of her enticing body. She approaches you slowly, swaying her hips side to side. This wolf was about to get wild. She pounces on top of you eagerly, placing one of her hands on your chin, and you close your eyes as she enters your mouth tongue-first. You unbutton your shirt and sit up slightly to take it off fully. With her other hand, she caresses your body and pushes you back down so that you are comfortably leaning against the sofa, concluding the kiss. She then mounts you completely, positioning her legs on either side of you, and sitting on you.

"Are you going to do anything else with those hands?" she says desirously. You move your hands up and down her body, caressing her smooth latex-like skin with your fingers. You use your thumbs to circle around her hard nipples, before reaching over with your dominant hand and pressing against her puss* with your fingers. The area was satin-like and soft, and you couldn't help but explore it with your digits. As you rub her vulva, you can feel her getting wet from the presence of you.

"Oops," she giggles sarcastically, "you're making me leak oil!" pressing her hand against the bulge in your pants, and firmly massages the area. Precum was already beginning to ooze out of you; the sexual anticipation was unbearable. She slowly undoes your pants, with each tooth of the zipper. She massages your area through your underwear, before pulling them down, revealing your co*ck to her, now completely erect and begging for attention. she places her hand on your dick, rubbing the head between her index finger and her thumb. You feel a strong tingling sensation, as your body tenses up from her touch. You both sigh as you mindlessly get each other off, continuing to foreplay.

She takes her left hand off of your penis and moves it in between her thighs, pleasuring herself, before moving back on top of you. She wraps her right hand around your co*ck and moves it up and down in a continuous motion, gliding over the glans and the shaft. There is too much friction however, with her palm seizing against your skin, and you wince in discomfort.

"Fine, I'm getting bored of this already." She states, before moving down until she was face-level with your co*ck, excitedly observing it. She kisses just the tip with her lips and the tip of her tongue.

"Careful, don't hurt me with your teeth." You say, slightly backing away into the sofa.

"Don't worry, I am actually aware that I have lovely, sharp, pearly-white teeth, believe it or not." She remarks, continuing to finger herself. Cautiously, she goes down, looking up at you, sliding your co*ck into her mouth in the gap between her front fangs. While you could feel her teeth, they did not hurt and tickled more than anything. Her wet tongue felt very pleasurable against the smooth skin of your penis.

"So, I hope you brought condoms" Roxy says softly.

"Umm, I wasn't actually expect-" you jump in, concerned that the fun would be cut short.

"Relax, I'm joking," she assures you, moving her body up yours, "I want you to f*ck me raw" Her speech turns to a seductive whisper.

"How about you take a little ride on Roxy's raceway? She mounts you, pressing her lips against yours; almost kissing but not quite. As you place your hands onto her back, you feel as her boobs touch your chest. Looking into each other's eyes, you hope tonight never ends. With a deep breath, she lowers herself completely, melting into you. Her wet labia was rubbing against the very tip of your penis, and you both tense up in unison from the feeling. You were so close to being inside of her that the anticipation was too much to bear, not that it really mattered for the moment, it was just your primal urges. After all, it was the entire sensory experience, and her company that the whole thing truly special.

"But you're riding me." You reply late, focusing on... everything but what she was saying.

"You get what I'm saying, you wanna f*ck or not?" With your hands above her hips, you press your hard, throbbing co*ck against her puss*. Her wet slit spreads apart as you firmly apply pressure.

"Ah! Slowly" she moans, as she presses her fingers into the area, dividing her lips. You can feel your dick begin to go inside of her with some force; she was so tight, and you could barely control yourself, wanting to rail her as hard and fast as you could, but you knew that would be irresponsible, and your time with her would come to an end too soon.

"Oh my god! It's so big, uh! It feels so good" she gasps, grabbing your sides. You carefully pull her upwards to ease the pressure, being considerate of not wanting to hurt her, her inner lips gripping against the crown of your penis.

"No, don't stop, idiot" she says sternly "no, not idiot, I'm... sorry." You furrow your eyebrows at her rude behaviour. You try again with more of her help, her guiding herself more or less onto it. Your shaft had become saturated with her lubricative juices, which made it easier and less resistive.

You firmly press her into you, gradually inserting it fully, all the way to the base.

"Ohh! oh my," she moans, unprepared for the delightful sensation.

"Ahh," you sigh in pleasure.

"Shall i?" she leans up ever so slightly, preparing to ride you.


The tight, warm, wet feeling of her insides was out of this world. Your pelvic floor muscles tense up as you ease yourself into her movements, gradually relaxing them with each gentle motion; you didn't want this to be over before it started.

"Oh my, Roxanne"

"Oh my, Y/N" She was such a poser, looking at you so submissively and tilting her head to the side, that is, despite the fact that you were mostly under her control. Nonetheless, she was making you feel very special. Roxy lets out a sigh of satisfaction as you loving embrace each other, your bodies touching, You both close your eyes as you kiss, meticulously examining the inside of her mouth with your tongue. Her robot tongue felt kind of strange and ticklish, like one of those fake tongues except it was motive. Well, maybe because it was. It felt so sensual, and both of you gasp for air as you hold her face in your hands. She was still grinding with smooth hip movements, giving a generous amount of stimulation to your throbbing co*ck.

"Can you go a bit faster?" you ask, with her following your order.

"Just a bit more" you add

"Oh, my little captain, how about you take control of the wheel?"

You switch positions, playfully touching each other all over as you unstick from the leather couch, covered in your nervous sweat. She had handed the keys over to you, and you wanted to at least try and satisfy her. You steadily drive into her dripping puss*, continuing a moderate pace. With one hand, you rub her cl*tor*s with your thumb, and with the other, you place it on her right breast. They were firm and smooth in texture, just as you gauged from your observations. She tilts her head up in pleasure. You didn't really know what you were doing, but obviously you were doing something right. With her hands now on your back, she kicks her legs up, now spread apart in a v-like shape and bent at the knees. She was so breedable in this position, not that you could actually impregnate a robot (*cough* a reference to another of my awful stories *cough*). You move your hand from her puss* and place your palm on her thigh, for something to push up against as you very gradually thrust deeper. You squeeze her hard nipple between your fingers as you continue to grasp her tit*; there were just too many erogenous zones to satisfy at once.

"Oh, oh, don't s-stop oh" Roxy moans, autotunedly like Fetty Wap, synchronised to your movements.

"Haha, you're enjoying yourself I see" you say. She embarrassedly suppresses the noises she was making before immediately giving up and continuing. You didn't mind; you loved her just the way she was, and she didn't need to feel any shame for expressing her enjoyment to you.

"K-keep go-ing, Y-Y/N". you increase the cadence as the lovemaking slowly becomes more primitive and unrestrained. At this point you couldn't hear her moaning over your heartbeat and your breath. You put both of your hands under her arched back, your tense bodies pressing up against each other as she digs her claws into your flesh. You move faster and faster as sweat begins to drip down your face. You didn't care to wipe it off, being completely indulged in your senses.

"Y/N, Y/N!" she cries your name drowsily.

"Oh, Roxanne, oh" you cry as you gaze into her amber eyes.

"Oh, f*ck, aah. I'm cumming, I'm cumming! aah, oh my god!" She cries. Her muscles were throbbing, tightening around your dick to the point where you just couldn't contain yourself anymore. If anything, making her org*sm was only causing the whole thing to be even more exciting for you. This time, you were committed, and you gradually push yourself past the point of no return.

"i- I'm- I love you, aah."

"Oh, I l-love you too" she whimpers, her slowly going cross-eyed from intense stimulation.

Overwhelmed with bliss, you hold on to each other for life. You couldn't take it mentally or physically any longer, it felt so f*cking amazing; You your pelvic floor tenses up as you begin to feel your special sauce coming out of you. It felt hot and cold at the same time; like TV static on steroids.

"oh my go-d" you moan as your entire body tenses up as well, ejacul*ting your thick, gooey sem*n inside of her. You wouldn't have been able to pull out even if you had to, firmly pressing deep into her. It was a truly magical feeling, more extraordinary than any org*sm you had ever had. You messily make out, her lips rubbing along your cheek. You bury your face beside hers, above her shoulder in her lush hair. your bodies quivering from both climax and exhaustion.

"Oh my god" she mumbles.

"That was so good" you tiredly reply. Clearly the only thing stronger than your sex drive is the effect of serotonin. You wanted to be with her forever. Slowly, you both drift asleep in each other's arms.

Montgomery Gator:
You wake up, rubbing your eyes. It must have been quite a few hours since you finished, and you hadn't even pulled it out yet. You get back into your clothes as quick as you can without falling over. You check the time on your phone, it was ten o'clock. You look over her sexy, nude body before waking her up.

"Roxy, Roxy" you whisper into her pointed ear.

"Wait, where am i?" she glances around the ceiling dizzily before regaining her senses.

"oh, maybe I should put my clothes back on" She gets up and walks towards the bench before cleaning herself with some wet wipes.

"Well, I guess I'm going home now" you say, walking towards the door, being worried that you smelled too much like cum.

"Oh, and Y/N," Roxanne quickly jumps in.


"Don't be afraid to ask if you want to come and... hang out again", shaking her head knowing just how irresponsible you both are.

"You bet" you smile as you make your way out of her room. Just as you turn the corner, you walk directly into your arch nemesis, Montogomery Gator. He was holding a USB flash drive.

"You wanna know what's on this? Huh? You little punk?" you knew that whatever was on it couldn't be good.

"4K, video footage of you and Roxanne... uh fornicating!" He waves it high in the air so you couldn't grab it.

"Hey, you better f*cking delete that right now" you shout sternly.

"I'll never delete it, but if you do as I say, I just might not show it to the manager".

"Oh yeah, what are you gonna make me do, you f*cking creep"

"I want you to... resign, and never come back here ever again!" he yells. Obviously negotiating with someone as crazy and delusional as him was not a good idea, so you had to find a way to erase him from the equation.

"The cameras, you stalk Roxanne all the time?"

"Hey, stop asking so many f*cking questions".

"Let me handle this!" you hear over your shoulder. You turn around to see the one and only, Freddy Fazbear!

"Oh, Montgomery Gator, tsk, tsk, tsk!" He snatches the USB drive and snaps in in half.

"Please stop harassing one of our dearest employees".

"But he- Roxanne-" he stutters.

"I don't want to hear anything, and after all, why would it be any of my business". He goes to Roxanne's room and knocks on the door.

"Yes, who is it" Roxy asks.

"It's Freddy" she opens the door, still doing her makeup.

"Are you aware that Monty has been watching you through the cameras?"

In horror, she drops her bottle of mascara to the floor.

Roxanne the Wolf - RealSamsungUser (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Views: 5637

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.