The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (2024)


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The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (1)

Complete guide on becoming a viable Priest DPS by descending into the Shadow's Specialization Tree

The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (2)

You can find all our Pocket Guides for other WoW Classic Classes builds right here: Best WoW Classic Builds

If you have just started leveling your Priest, you may want to check out our Priest leveling Guide first

  • Added Phase 2 BiS Equipment
  • Added Phase 3 BiS Equipment
  • Reviewed Talent Builds, Consumables, and Rotations


According to the Warcraft lore, Undead who were Priests in life became the first Shadow Priests in death. They woke up to the new life-after-death only to discover that the power of Light, that they've devoted their lives to, now burns them and causesagonizing pain. These first Shadow Priests did not have much choice, they had to forsake the Light to survive. The "new" Shadow Priests have the choice, however, and only the most dedicated will remain loyal to the ways of Shadow, while most of them will end up as sad Holy Healers.

Shadow Priests have a unique ability that allows them to leech the life force out of their enemies and mend their group members with it. They are also in possession of one of the most powerful Spells of Classic - the Mind Blast. Moreover, they can Shield their group members orleave their Shadow Form and support their Raidwith Healing if needed. However,PvE Shadow Priests have a multitude of problems that overweigh their benefits, the largest of them being low damage output and severe sustain issues. This is why most guilds force aspiring Spriests to respec Holy. However, one lucky follower of the Shadow is often allowed to not forsake his ways and provide Raid's Warlocks with the Shadow Weaving buff that considerably increases theirDPS.

The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (3)ProsThe Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (4)Cons
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (5)The "Cool" priestThe Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (6)Low Sustain
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (7)Provides powerful Shadow Weaving debuffThe Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (8)Low overall DPS
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (9)Can passively Heal his group members thanks to the Vampiric Embrace abilityThe Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (10)Competes for gear with a class that is better at dealing damage - Warlocks
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (11)Great at PvPThe Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (12)Usually, there is only a single spot for a Shadow Priest in a 40-man Raid
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (13)More resistant to Physical Damage than other castersThe Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (14)Constantly asked to respec Holy

The Best Race Choice

Race choice is more impactful for Priests than for other Classes because Priests get a race-specific "Priest Racials" in addition to the standard set of Racial traits.

Note:Here, we will point you only towards the best PvE DPS Shadow PriestRace. If you'd like to know more about other race picks, please check our WoW Classic Beginners Guide, where we dive deep into all available Mage's race choices for both factions.

The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (15)

The Dwarf is a clear winner here as He receives a set of very powerfultools that affect Shadow Priest's gameplay. Firstly, he gets Fear Wardthat is essential for encounters like Onyxia, where it allows the Priest to shield a Tank from Fear mechanics present in the fight and is also incredibly powerful in PvP. Secondly, he receives the Stoneformthat considerably increases his survivability, and for emergencies, he gets access to the Desperate Prayer. On top of that, Dwarf is also the best choice for PvP.

The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (16)
Because of the debuff slot limits, Troll comes out on top as the best PvE Horde Shadow Priest Race. His Berserkinghas a direct impact on DPS and it does not take up a valuable debuff slot. Moreover, Troll is also the best for Healing. However, if you'd like to do some PvPing you'll be better off picking Undead (the power of the Will of the Forsaken should not be underestimated).

The BestProfessions Choice

Sadly,Truefaith Vestments, theBoP Priest-specific Chest made by Tailoring is not suited for Shadow Priest gameplay at all (it gives Healing power and not Spell Power). This leaves justone profession that makes a realimpact in Raids- Engineering(Alchemy is also a decent option, but you can buy Flasks, Elixirs, and Potions from other players, which makes it much less impactful). It gives you access to powerful explosives that increase yourAoE and Single-Target DPS. Moreover, Engineering gadgets come in handy in many back-to-the-wall situations. The fact that Engineering is also considered the best PvP profession is an added benefit to its power in a PvE environment.

At the start, you should pick Mining to supplement your Engineering Skill, you can always switch it to another profession of your liking later on. There are also other profitable ways to earn Gold in WoW Classic which you can find out more about in this article.

Note: If you want to know more about all available professions and secondary skills, please check our detailed WoW Classic Professions Guide.

Statistics Priority

  1. Spell Hit Chance - Increases your chance to hit with all your offensive Spells. You need a total of 16% Hit Rating. Shadow FocusTalent provides you with 10% Spell Hit Chance, which means that all you need from Gear is additional 6%. Getting Hit-Capped should be yourtop priority while gearing up for Raids.
  1. Spell Damage/Shadow Damage - Increases your Damage/Shadow Damage done with Spells. The damage bonus from Spell Damage is calculated differently for different Spells and their Ranks, but in general, thisis one of the best statistics for Shadow Priests.
  1. Mp5 (Mana per 5 seconds) - Regenerates X mana every 5 seconds. This effect continues while casting, which makes it much better than Spirit when it comes to the sustain that it provides.
  1. Intellect -Increases your total Mana Pool and provides you with additional Spell Critical Chance (59,2 Int = 1% Spell Critical Strike Chance).
  1. Spell Critical Chance -Gives you a chance to do additional (Critical) Damage with your offensive Spells.
  1. Spirit - Increases yourmana regeneration whilenot casting (5-second rule). Priests benefit from Spirit while in combat thanks to the Meditation Talent.

Statistic Priority for a Shadow Priest:

Spell Hit Cap Spell Damage/Shadow Damage Mp5 IntellectSpell Critical ChanceSpirit

The Best Talent Builds

Proper Talent allocation is essential for maximizing Damage output. Here, we will describe the most optimalspec and lead you through the Talent Trees level-by-level to explain some choices.

Shadow Priest's Talent Build should depend on his current Gear. Raid-ready Spriestshould go for the more aggressive setup, while beginnershould aim for Talents that will allow him to stay useful when he inevitably runs out of mana:

  • Entry-level Shadow Priest Build- Shadow Priests are famous for running out of Mana incredibly quickly, especially when they are undergeared. This build tries to offset that fact by securing Talents, like Spirit Tap and Wand Specialization. Thesecreate a solid backup plan for situations when Priest's mana runs out - finish off a trash mob, pull out a Wand, and Shoot Targets while your mana regenerates. While solid in 5-man Dungeons, this strategy will not work too well in Raids, which means that this version of the Build should only be used to farm pre-Raid BiS items (this is why it closely resembles a leveling build). As soon as you build-up enough Spell Power andhigh enough mana pool, you should switch to the Build featured below (Spell Power makes Wanding obsoleteand high mana pool allows you to maximize your Mind Blast usage which considerably increases your DPS).
  • Raid-ready Shadow Priest Build - This version of the Shadow Priest build forgoes utility and sustain-related Talents, and instead focuses on maximizing DPS. To use it effectively, you'll need at least pre-Raid BiS gear and a hefty stock of consumables (Mana Potions, Runes, Mana Regen Food, etc.). In the Raid environment, youwill not be required to support healers with Shieldsand the only instant-cast spell you'll be using in your rotation is Shadow Word: Pain, which means thatImproved Power Word: Shield and Mental AgilityTalents are completely redundant. This means that 8 Talent Points can be spent elsewhere: Thanks to 4/5 Improved Mind BlastSpriest's rotation becomes much smoother - 6 seconds (the new Mind Blast's cooldownlength) is enough to cast two Mind Flayswhich allows you to use Mind Blast Mind FlayMind FlayMind Blastsequence without clipping into Mind Blast's cooldown (which would happen if you used 5/5 Improved Mind Blast). However, usingMind Blast more often creates a Threat problem. This is why 4 remaining points were used for5/5 Silent Resolvewhich should minimize the problem.

Entry-level Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (17)

Discipline Tree:

  • 5/5Wand Specialization- YourWand now deals 25% more DPS. This Talent makes a big difference if you don't have Spell Power/Shadow Damage gear equipped - when you are gearing up, in other words.
  • 1/5Silent Resolve- With this version of the build, you will not be using Mind Blast too often which means that Threat should not be a problem.
  • 2/2Improved Power Word: Fortitude- In a build designed for High-Level 5-man Dungeons, this Talent is necessary (there might not be a second priest in the group, so you will te the one buffing people).
  • 3/3Improved Power Word: Shield- PW: Shield does not scale with gear almost at all, which means that this Talent is the only way of improving it. The shield is incredibly useful in 5-mans and for solo content, so skipping this Talent is not recommended. Sadly, Shield can be used on Group members only, which limits its viability in Raids and other mass content.
  • 1/1Inner Focus- Great for casting a free, hard-hitting Mind Blast, although you should try to save this Cooldown for an emergency.
  • 3/3Meditation- Makes Spirit a bit more valuable and slightly improves your sustain.
  • 5/5Mental Agility- In 5-mans, you will constantly be using spells like Power Word: Shield, Shadow Word: Pain, and even Renew, which means that this Talent will generate a lot of value over time.

Shadow Tree:

  • 5/5Spirit Tap- Considerably improves your mana regeneration after you deal a killing blow. For the best effect, you should try to snipe trash mobs with your Wand. This Talent will keep you going during trash pulls but is useless in mostBoss encounters.
  • 3/3Shadow Affinity- This should take care of Threat spikes caused by occasional Mind Blast crits.
  • 2/2Improved Shadow Word: Pain- SW: Pain now lasts for 24 seconds, which makes it much more efficient.
  • 5/5Shadow Focus- Makes you much more effective at dealing with enemies that are resistant to Shadow Damage.
  • 1/1 Mind Flay- One of Shadow Priest's signature abilities. It has a Slow effect attached but at the cost of a short, 20yd range.
  • 3/3 Shadow Reach- 20% extra range on Shadow Spells gives you some much-needed breathing room when it comes to staying within the Mind Flay range.
  • 5/5 Shadow Weaving- Your Shadow Spells nowcause your Targetto take increased Shadow Damage. This Talent makes Shadow Priests borderline Raid-viable - a single Shadow Priest boosts DPS of all Warlocks present in the Raid.
  • 1/1Vampiric Embrace- Gives your spellslife-leech effect when applied to a Target.This effect heals your whole group which gives some breathing room to a healer.
  • 5/5 Darkness- Makes you 10% better at dealing Shadow Damage.
  • 1/1 Shadow Form- The reason why one becomes a Shadow Priest. Makes your Shadow Spells deal 15% more damage and increases your physical damage resistance by 15%, but prevents you from casting Holy Spells.

Raid-ready Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (18)

Discipline Tree:

  • 5/5Unbreakable Will- Makes you randomly resist Raid mechanics, which is nice. Just don't count on it occurring too often.
  • 5/5Silent Resolve- This should reduce Threat problems caused by hard-hitting Mind Blasts.
  • 2/2Improved Power Word: Fortitude.
  • 1/1Inner Focus- Great for casting a free, hard-hitting Mind Blast.Remember not to use it immediately after combat starts as it will most likely result in pulling Aggro.
  • 3/3Meditation.

Shadow Tree:

  • 5/5Spirit Tap.
  • 3/3Shadow Affinity.
  • 2/2Improved Shadow Word: Pain.
  • 5/5Shadow Focus.
  • 4/5Improved Mind Blast- Lowers Mind Blast's cooldown to 6 seconds, which is enough to squeeze 2 Mind Flays between its casts.
  • 1/1 Mind Flay.
  • 3/3 Shadow Reach.
  • 5/5 Shadow Weaving.
  • 1/1Vampiric Embrace.
  • 5/5 Darkness.
  • 1/1 Shadow Form.

Where to get Pre-Raid/RaidBiSGear

In order to maximize your DPS, you should aim to assemble the best possible Gear. This applies to both Pre-Raid and each of the Raid Tiers/Phases.

Note1: The list will be updated with new items concurrently with the introduction of new Raids/Phases, so remember to visit this page after a new Raid opens for an update on what current best Shadow Priest items in each lot are.

The Best Shadow Priest Items
Main Hand
  • Pre-Raid - Scepter of the Unholy(Drop from Baron Rivendare, Stratcholme) / Witchblade (Drop from Darkmaster Gandling, Scholomance)
  • Phase 1 - Anathema(Quest Reward from"The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (19)The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (20)The Balance of Light and Shadow", Priest Class Quest)
  • Phase 2 - Anathema
  • Phase 3 - Lok’amir il Romathis (Drop from Nefarian, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid -Drakestone of ShadowWrath(Drop from Weaver, Dreamscythe, and Hazzas, Sunken Temple; note: The item has a Random Enchantment) / Spirit of Aquementas (Quest Reward from"The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (21)The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (22)It's Dangerous to Go Alone", Un'Goro Crater)
  • Phase 1 -none(Anathema takes up both hands)
    Phase 2 - none(Anathematakes up both hands)
  • Phase 3 - Master Dragonslayer’s Orb (Quest Reward from “The Lord of Blackrock”, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid - Skul's Ghastly Touch(Drop from Skul, Stratcholme) / Lunar Wand of Shadow Wrath(BoE World Drop; can be purchased on AH; note: The item has a Random Enchantment)
  • Phase 1 -Skul's Ghastly Touch / Bonescreeper Stylus(Drop from Darkmaster Gandling, Scholomance)
  • Phase 2 - Skul's Ghastly Touch
  • Phase 3 - Skul's Ghastly Touch
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
Trinket 1
  • Pre-Raid -Mindtap Talisman(Drop from Magister Kalendris, Dire Maul) / Burst of Knowledge (Drop from Ambassador Flamelash, Blackrock Depths)
  • Phase 1 -Talisman of Ephemeral Power(drop from Baron Geddon, Gaar, Golemagg the Incinerator, and Magmadar, Molten Core)
  • Phase 2 - Talisman of Ephemeral Power
  • Phase 3 - Talisman of Ephemeral Power
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
Trinket 2
  • Pre-Raid -Briarwood Reed(Drop from Jed Runewatcher, Upper Blackrock Spire)
  • Phase 1 -Briarwood Reed
  • Phase 2 - Briarwood Reed
  • Phase 3 - Neltharion’s Tear (Drop from Nefarian, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid - Dark Advidor's Pendant (Drop from Vectus, Scholomance) /Star of Mystaria(Drop from Balnazzar, Stratcholme)
  • Phase 1 -Choker of the Fire Lord(drop from Ragnaros, Molten Core)
  • Phase 2 - Choker of the Fire Lord
  • Phase 3 - Choker of the Fire Lord
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
Ring 1
  • Pre-Raid -Songstone of Ironforge (Quest Reward from"The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (23)The Princess's Surprise", Blackrock Depths) / Eye of Orgrimmar(Quest Reward from "The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (24)The Princess Saved?", Blackrock Depths)
  • Phase 1 -Ring of Spell Power(drop from Shazzrah, Lucifron, Gehennas, and Sulfuron Harbinger, Molten Core)
  • Phase 2 - Ring of Spell Power
  • Phase 3 - Band of Forced Concentration (Drop from Ebonroc, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
Ring 2
  • Pre-Raid -Maiden's Circle(BoE World Drop; can be purchased on AH) / Underworld Band (BoE World Drop; can be purchased on AH)
  • Phase 1 -Maiden's Circle /Ring of Spell Power(not Unique, you can equip two)
  • Phase 2 - Maiden's Circle /Ring of Spell Power
  • Phase 3 - Band of Dark Dominion (Drop from Blackwing Warlock, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid - Green Lens of Shadow Wrath (Engineering recipe, requires 245 Engi to use; it has a Random Enchantment) /The Postmaster's Band(Drop from Postmaster Malown, Stratcholme)
  • Phase 1 -Green Lens of Shadow Wrath
  • Phase 2 - Green Lens of Shadow Wrath / Field Marshal’s Headdress/Warlord’s Satin Cowl (Rank 13 PvP Reward)
  • Phase 3 - Field Marshal’s Headdress/Warlord’s Satin Cowl / Mish’undare, Circlet of the Mind Flayer (Drop from Nefarian, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid -Robe of Winter Night(Created by Tailoring, the Recipe drops from Cobalt Mageweaver NPC found in Winterspring)
  • Phase 1 -Robe of Winter Night/Robe of Volatile Power(drop from Lucifron, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, and Gehennas, Molten Core)
  • Phase 2 -Field Marshal’s Satin Vestments/Warlord’s Satin Robes (Rank 13 PvP Reward)
  • Phase 3 -Field Marshal’s Satin Vestments/Warlord’s Satin Robes
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid -Skyshroud Leggings(drop from Highlord Omokk, Lower Blackrock Spire) / Spiritshroud Leggings (Drop from The Beast, Upper Blackrock Spire)
  • Phase 1 -Skyshroud Leggings
  • Phase 2 -Fel Infused Leggings (Drop from Lord Kazzak, Blasted Lands World Boss)
  • Phase 3 - Fel Infused Leggings
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid -Hands of Power(drop from Quartermaster Zigris, Lower Blackrock Spire) / Dreamweave Gloves (Created by Tailoring, Base Recipe taught by a Trainer)
  • Phase 1 -Hands of Power / Atal'ai Gloves of Shadow Wrath (Drop from Atal'ai Defenders, Sunken Temple;note: The item has a Random Enchantment)
  • Phase 2 - Marshal’s Satin Gloves/General’s Satin Gloves (Rank 12 PvP Reward)
  • Phase 3 - Ebony Flame Gloves (Drop from Ebonroc, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid -Maleki's Footwraps(Drop from Maleki the Pallid, Stratcholme)/ Omnicast Boots(drop from Golem Lord Ardelmach, Blackrock Depths)
  • Phase 1 -Maleki's Footwraps
  • Phase 2 - Snowblind Shoes (Drop from Azuregos, Azshara World Boss)
  • Phase 3 - Snowblind Shoes
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid -Felcloth Shoulders(Created by Tailoring, Recipe is a random World Drop) /Elder Wizard's Mantle (BoE World Drop; can be purchased on AH)
  • Phase 1 -Felcloth Shoulders /Elder Wizard's Mantle
  • Phase 2 - Felcloth Shoulders / Field Marshal’s Satin Mantle/Warlord’s Satin Mantle (Rank 13 PvP Reward)
  • Phase 3 - Field Marshal’s Satin Mantle/Warlord’s Satin Mantle / Mantle of the Blackwing Cabal (Drop from Razorgore the Untamed, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid -Flameweave Cuffs of Shadow Wrath(drop from Lord Incendius, Blackrock Depths;note: The item has a Random Enchantment) / Tearfall Bracers of Shadow Wrath (Drop from The Unforgiven, Stratcholme;note: The item has a Random Enchantment)
  • Phase 1 -Flameweave Cuffs of Shadow Wrath
  • Phase 2 - Flameweave Cuffs of Shadow Wrath
  • Phase 3 - Flameweave Cuffs of Shadow Wrath / Bracers of Arcane Accuracy (Drop from Broodlord Lashlayer, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid -Ban'thok Sash(drop from Ok'thor the Breaker, Blackrock Depths)
  • Phase 1 -Sash of Whispered Secrets(Contained in Cache of the Firelord, Molten Core)
  • Phase 2 - Sash of Whispered Secrets
  • Phase 3 - Firemaw’s Clutch (Drop from Firemaw, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA
  • Pre-Raid -Archivist Cape of Shadow Wrath (drop from Archivist Galford, Stratcholme; note: The item has a Random Enchantment) /Master's Cloak of Shadow Wrath(BoE World Drop; can be purchased on AH; note: The item has a Random Enchantment)
  • Phase 1 -Archivist Cape of Shadow Wrath /Sapphiron Drape(drop from Onyxia, Onyxia's Lair)
  • Phase 2 - Sapphiron Drape
  • Phase 3 - Cloak of the Brood Lord (Drop from Nefarian, Blackwing Lair)
  • Phase 4 - TBA
  • Phase 5 - TBA
  • Phase 6 - TBA

The Best Enchants and Consumables

Proper enchants and consumables will greatly increase your Damage output. While getting enchants is a one-time-deal, farming consumables might be a real chore, but it is still worth itas numbers clearly show.

The Best Enchants
Weapon (1H)Enchant Weapon - Spell Power (+ 30 Spell Damage)
Weapon (TH)Enchant Weapon - Spell Power (+ 30 Spell Damage)
HeadLesser Arcanum of Voracity(+8 Intellect, available from Libram of Voracity Questin Burning Steppes)
ChestEnchant Chest - Greater Stats(+4 to all stats)
LegsLesser Arcanum of Voracity(+8 Intellect, available from Libram of Voracity Questin Burning Steppes)
HandsEnchant Gloves - Riding Skill(Minor Raiding Speed Increase)
FeetEnchant Boots - Minor Speed (+8% Run Speed)
ShouldersChromatic Mantle of the Dawn(+5 to all Resistances)
WristsEnchant Bracer - Mana Regeneration (+4 Mana per 5 seconds)
BackEnchant Cloak - Greater Resistance (+5 to all Resistances)

The Best Consumables
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (25)
Flask of Distilled Wisdom
+2000 maximum Mana for 2 hours; effect persists through death. Created by Alchemy. The recipe can be dropped from Balnazzar, Stratcholme.
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (26)
Major Mana Potion
Restores 1350 to 2250 Mana. Created by Alchemy. Recipe drops from various high-level mobs, elites, and Bosses.
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (27)
Greater Arcane Elixir
+35 Spell Damage for 1 hour. Created by Alchemy. The recipe can be dropped from Fireguard Destroyers in Blackrock Depths and Scareshield Raiders in Blackrock Spire.
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (28)
Elixir of Shadow Power
+40 Shadow Damage for 30 minutes. Created by Alchemy. The recipe can be bought from Alchemy Supplies Vendors in Stormwind and Undercity
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (29)
Demonic Rune
Restores 1356 mana at the cost of 862 life. Drop from Demons in Azshara, Felwood, and Blasted Lands (Satyrs and Fel Guards).
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (30)
Mageblood Potion
+12 Mp5 for 1 hour. Created by Alchemy. The recipe can be bought from Rin'wosho the Trader, located in north Stranglethorn Vale
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (31)
Cerebral Cortex Compound
+25 Intellect for 1 hour. Obtained from "Infallible Mind" repeatable Quest, Blasted Lands
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (32)
Nightfin Soup
It provides 8 mana per 5 seconds for 10 minutes. Created by Cooking.
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (33)
Brilliant Mana Oil
+12 Mp5 and +25 Healing Power for 30 minutes. Created by Enchanting. This is applied to a Weapon.


In Classic, Shadow Priest's Rotation revolves around applying and maintaining 5 stacks of the Shadow Weaving debuff while trying not to prematurely run out of mana.

Note1: Avoid using Vampiric Embrace and Devouring Plague in Raids. These spells take a valuable debuff slot and provide very little in return.

Note2:Consumables that restore mana are Shadow Priest's best friends, always have a hefty amount of them in your bags.

Please use the following Priority List for sustained Single-Target Damage output:

  1. MaintainShadow Word: Pain
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (34)
  1. Mindblaston Cooldown
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (35)
  1. Mind Flay twice when Mindblast is recharging
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (36)The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (37)
  1. Rank 1 Shadow Word: Pain to maintain Shadow Weaving when you are low on mana
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (38)
  1. Spam Shoot(Wand Attack) when out of mana and without mana regen consumables to pop
The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (39)

Tips and Tricks for aspiring Shadow Priest Raiders

  1. Stack Consumables and always have Mana Potions and Runeson you. This will allow you to deal more damage more reliably.Spending some additional Gold or a few extra hours grinding might secure you a spot in a Raid, as Raid leaders prefer dedicated and well-prepared players.
  1. Downrank your Spells if needed.Downranking is the key to proper mana management as a Shadow Priest.
  1. Always try to improve.Get an addon that tracks your performance and try to optimize your equipment and rotation.


This Guide should help you to prepare yourself for that legendary Vanilla Raiding Experience and allow you to progress through Raid Tiers efficiently and with a good amount of fun.

We hope that you have found this guide useful and informative. If we have missed a piece of information that is important to you, please let us know!

Please do note that this is an early version of our guide, and we will be happy to receive constructive criticism, that will help us improve it, so leave your suggestions in the comments section below.

Pictures used in this article are theintellectual property of Blizzard Entertainment Inc.

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The Best Shadow Priest PvE DPS Build for WoW Classic - Odealo (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.