F12 Sunday, October 29, 2000 ROOMATES, HOMES SHARED HOUSES HOUSES, RENT OR BUY HOUSES, RENT OR BUY HOUSES, I RENT OR BUY HOUSES, I RENT OR BUY HOUSES UNFURNISHED HOUSES UNFURNISHED GEORGETOWN area, Hwy. 64, 1400 sq. ft. home, 4 BR, 2 bath, full 3 acres fully fenced. Rent $1195mo.
MEMPHIS- SELLERSBURG area. 2200 sq. ft, 4 BR, 3 bath, 3 acre lake wwooded area, near golf course. Rent $1500mo. 812-285-9898, 502-664-6619 502-551-1126 Zero down buys a house or condo.
Free list of homes. Call Dawn Kustes 329-0638 or visit: www.dawnkustes.com REMAX 100 2, 3 4 BR houses for sale. Owner financing. $0 down. 802-5841 ROOMS WITH-I OUT BOARD EAST END.
Modern, seml- Erivate entrance, share itchen, non smoker-drlnker. 452-6567 FIFTEENTH furnished rooms available, $75 deposit. 280-452, 568-2927, 583-7752. IROQUOIS Park area Sleeping rooms, All utilities, cable 8. phone.
Share kitchen, bath living room. References required. 367-4855 JEFFERSONVILLE Furnished, Ideal for college students. Coll 502-741-7831 LAGRANGE ft Shepherdsvllle DAYS INN $175wk. tax.
Single occupancy. Limited moid service. Phone. No deposit. 502-222-7192502-543-301 1 ROANOKE AVE.
share wman. Refrigerator, bath wnon smoker. $70 Sober, clean. 451-3164 RUBEL Ave. Male to share apt.
wmale. 2BR apt. $S0Wk. 502-584-0560 TAYLOR Right by expressway. Big room, refrigerator, no smoking or drinking.
502-363-5445 WEST END. Room for rent. Share kitchen bath. $85wk. Cable premium, washer.
772-3030 7TH Arcade, Room for rent. Furnished $175, must pay util. $100 deposit, Non Drinker Drugs. Male or female. 819-4024 (calls returned after 5PM) ROOMATES, HOMES SHARED BRECKENRIDGE Ln.
Fe- male looking for same. everything included. 491-1605 BUECHELBardstown-Hurstbourne Pkwy. Male to share 2 BR apt. wsame $300 Vl Util, 493-8104 FRANKFORT 5v No smoking.
Bedroom wsharea bath. Male to share wmale $350. 583-1400 GERMANTOWN, Male ft female to (hare 3 full bsmt. house. $300mo.
Inches GOSHEN Kv, travelling professional male, seeks same. Share luxury homo on river. 228-6876. HIGHLANDS, Strathmoor Village. Liberal professional male seeks male or female to share 3BR home.
Large rooms, own hone, enclosed porch, deck, tons of storage, off street parking, privacy. Great location. Short term lease. Deposit. $450mo.
Includes utils. No pets. 485-1178. HIKES Point. Lower level of adroable house, private bedroom ft family room for rent.
Shared kitchen ft bath wone female. $400mo. References re- quired. 291-0500 IROQUOIS PARK area, 2 Professional males W3BR house looking for same, Erivate room, phone, ath. Serious Calls Only.
363-3405 IROQUOIS Park. Male seeking malefemale. $250utTlitles. Nice area. Large yard.
366-1038 IROQUOIS Pk. area, male to share expenses 2 BR apt. $300-t-deposit. 361-3227 JEFFERSONVILLE, male Utils. paid! $315 $315 or 280-8419 SHEPHERDSVILLE, Males to share 2 BR apt.
with females. Coll (502) 543-9821. SHIVELY 8. Dixie. $100 wk.
On bus line, male seeking male or female. Includes all utils food. No alcohol or drugs. 367-4844 SHIVELY. Male smoker looking to share 3 BR house $200mo.
-fhalf, pets ok. 502-448-5397 SOUTH END. Gay Male to share 2 BR, l'i bath. $230 mo. Vi personal electric.
502-361-5382 SOUTH End, Male seeking mature adult, non-smoker, no pets.to share 2 BR home. Call for price. S02-363-2774 EAST, Christian family of looking for small horse farm I Jefferson, Oldham Shelby Counties to rent. Excellent credit ft references. Call: 770-464-0097 Executive needs a home to lease with option to buy.
No ogents. (502) 228-9033 Crain Auction Co. Inc Ellzabethtown, 765-7684 Frank CrainAuctioneer REMAX Auction Group JE Bromblett 270-769-9999 Classified Sells UNFURNISHED WHY RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN? FREE list of available homes starting at $800mo. No money down. Recorded message.
1-888-701-9112 ID7212 HEMAX ProfessKxrals FIRST TIME BUYERS Why rent when you can own? FREE list of homes available with NO MONEY DOWN. Under $800 mo. Free Recorded message 1-888-465-5793 ID1051 REMAX Professionals FREE 1st Months Rent! 2 8,3 BR homes wair WEST 208 N. 2 BR 91 17th 1 BRs 3502 Riverpark, 3 BR 260 banana, i ok 745 S. 37th 4 BR SOUTH 3702 Craia.
2 BR 4429 Lvnnview. 2 BR 6013 A anadale. 3 BR I option plan or aeposn. Go See Coll 893-3313 HOUSES FOR RENT 1941 S. 28th.
4 BRS, $595 deposit. 328 N. 36th. 3 BRs, $550 deposit. 1617 Hole Ave.
3 BR, $550mo. deposit Faye pager 464-3364 REAL ESTATE 2000 BAD CREDIT? Let Home-Quest get you into a new home for $0 down, and no closing costs. Bankruptcy, repo's okay. Call HomeQuest at 495-3453 All areas, many houses available, list your ad free www.Rentalhouses.com Robt. MASSEY Co.459-7070 AUDUBON Park area LEASEOPTION 805 Packard.
2BR's, 1 bath, garage, renovated. $715mo. $600 deposit. C. Spink Realtor 297-0084 BERNHEIM FOREST, 3 BR, 2 bath, 2 car garage, S975mo, 502-921-2511 BRECKINRIDGE Estates, 6711 SixMile3BR, 1.5 bath brick ranch, $2500 option, $795mo.
327-7800 Buyer Meets Seller In Classified ABSOLUTE AUCTION Saturday, Nov. 11, 3 BR, 2 bath, sunroom home, garageapt. Near Evangel Christian Life Center. Louisville, KY DURNIL AUCTIONEERS, INC. (800)562-8662 www.durnilauctlon.com 6900 Springhill farm TAYLORSVILLE Area.
3 BR, 1 bath, central oir, fireplace, sun room, carport. $825mo. 426-7018 VALLEY Area, 10701 Gre-cian, 4 yrs. new 3BR, 2bath, 2 car garage, big deck, privacy fence. Wed cared for home wants a family to love! $795mo.
375-2650 Or 693-5647 VALLEY Station 1926 Crimson. New decor 3 BRs, l'i baths, garage. $700mo. $700 deposit, no pets. Murrv H.
Smith 582-1665 VALLEY Station, 11811 Mondamon, 3 BR, air, fenced, no Sect. 8, $600 moj $600 deposit, 935-7829 VALLEY Station. Like new 3 BR brick, laundry room. 2 bath, off street parking, no pets. 423-7368 VALLEY STATION $775.
4817 Libby. Rent woption to buy. 3BR, brick wlarge sunken family room. IVi car garage. Talk to Floyd 478-0049.
REMAX Properties East VALLEY STATION homes: $775 3BR, 2 baths. Legacy Homes 583-15001. WESPORT Rd. 5205 Bay-wood Dr. 3 BR, 1 bath, equipped kitchen, den, $74Smo deposit.
243-2109 WEST END. Available Now! Large 2BR, fenced yard, very clean. $450. 1717 Dumesnil. Available Dec.
1. 4 BR, 1 car garage. 213 S. 41st St. $61 5mO.
502-671-0208 WEST End, 1532 9th 3 BR, 1 bath, washerdryer in unit, $495mo. Deposit is same; 2121 Griffith Ave. 1 BR, 1 bath $250mo. deposit is same; Coll 419-8081 for oppt. WEST end, 2 3 BR houses, plus deposit.
777-5110 or 387-7784 or 930-8285 WEST End, 2326 Boiling Ave. Large back yard. $400mo. rent. 1 month se-curity.
502-776-0332 WEST END. 4224 Greenwood 4 BR fenced, $580mo. ection8Q.IC. 239-9029. WEST-616 S.
31st. St. 4 BR, $475mo. 568-4540. WEST End 1849 Date St.
3 BR, 1 bath, $525mo. 568-4540 WEST END, 109 Boston Ct. 3 BR, air, hook-ups, fenced yard. $550mo. 231-0173 WEST end, 2102 Magazine St.
2 BR, Section 8 OK. Bill 774-1339. Open Monday WEST End, 3700 All, 2BR, 1 bath, new furnace, Sect. 8, $250 deposit, $400mo. rent new paint.
396-0066 ABSOLUTE I Estate Auction I izio Manltaii Av. Off Taylor Blvd. REAL ESTATE NOV. 11, 10 a.m. Nice 6 room house aluminum siding, full I basement, 1 car ga-l raae.
central air. icail I for appointment) on real estate on I enure. Collins AnctkM 1 448-1957 587-3634 Billy Collins Auctioneer Broker For the estate of SHIVELY. Wessell Rd. 3BR, bsmt, garage.
S725ITI0 Open 6pm 664-4546. SMYRNAMcNeely Lake area 3 BR, 2 bath, garage, bsmt. $950. $3,000 option fee. Coll 992-4290.
SMYRNAManslick. New home. 4BR's, 2Vi baths, garage. $l200mooption fee. Legacy Homes 583-15001.
SOUTH- 5581 Bruce. Old 3rd at New Cut. 4 BR, 2-bath, gorgeous! $5000 down $850negoTiable. 664-4546 SOUTH END, 3401 Nelinda May 3 BR, IVi bath, washerdryer hook ups, central air, fenced yard, new paint, $2500 down; 9901 Normie 3-4 BR, 2 bath, brick ranch, eat-in kitchen, den, fenced back yard, $2500 down. Call 419-8081 forappt.
SOUTH, East, West Clean, nice 2-4 BR homes Rent or Rent woption Call 896-2595 SOUTHWESTERN 1001, 3 BR, IVi bath, air, new paint $2900 down, $525mo. RENT TO OWN 485-1115 SPR I NGH URSTWhiteb-lossom 4-5BR, 2'j bath, all brick executive home. RENT TO OWN. 992-4137 Tf. MATTHEWS, 3914 Staebler, nice 3 BR ranch, 1220 sq.
air, $2500 option, $695mo, 327-7800. VALLEY STATION Owner Financing 6500 Pendleton Rff. 3 BR, 1 bath, easy terms, tease option available. 502-995-5455 VALLEY Station. 3 BR, 2 bath, all appliances.
Manufactured home. Buy at $575mo. $1525 down. 935 022. VALLEY- 9906 Shirewick.
3 BR, brick, bsmt, fenced. Beautiful! $3000 down, $765mo. 664-4546 VALLEY STATION Brand new brick ranch wbsmt. $4,000 down, $975mo. $114,900.
419-3740. Ken Thieneman Realtor WEST END, 654 Lindell 3-4 BR, 1 bath, washerdryer hookups, eat in kitchen, central air, 2 story stone 8, siding, $1500 down. 419-8081 for appt. WEST END, 1545 Pentice. 2 $1500 down, $400 Lease woption to buy.
$37,500. Call Brent 955-4108 CLEAN FOR EQUITY 2 BR homes wair WEST 208 N. 2 BR $425 215 N. 37th 2 BRs p25 3502 Riverpark, 3 BR $525 2607 Garland, 2 BR $425 745 S. 4 BR $525 SOUTH 3702 Craig, 2 BR $495 4429 Lynnview, 2 BR $550 6013 Alanadale, 3 BR $650 option plan or deposit.
Go See Call 893-3313 Absolute Auction Oct. 31,6:00 p.m.. 4016 Bardstown Rd. antique step back cupboard, Eastlake mirrored sideboard, willow stand, old walnut BR, furniture crowns, sets chairs, old doctor's cabinet, Rococo style sofa chair, antique counter top showcase, two Victorian style sofas, balloon back parlor chairs, Victorian style marble top hall tree, wood file drawers, more, modern BR's, dinette, bed bench, sofa table, cherry Queen Anne ladies desk, pine queen beds, cherry lewelry armoire, fine 9 pc. cherry Queene Anne dining room, mirrors, superb collection Don Ensor prints, Harm, Vittl tow, Audubon, and others, print display, 12 aquariums up to 75 bar fridge, appliances, car topper, 9 lady head vases, Helsey unch set, Noritake, Fen on, tots art glass, fiesta, ewelry, derby glasses unit 1960, shot glasses, ramed prints, pins, antern, fruit press, old radios and fans, druggist bottles, wood golf clubs, child Jiiano, neon signs, nice col-ection old coins, first day covers, confederate reunion badge, military buttons, WW2 items, political pins, cross bow pistol, old fish gear, old lighters, records, books, tools, golf balls, sleep apnea machine, more box lots.
TERMS: Cash or local check with I Preview 10 6 sale day, 499-0999 Qmissm Auctions Mike Duncan, Auctioneer Indiana Land ABSOLUTE AUCTIONS Saturday Nov. 1 8 Auction 110 AM 70 ACRES lust east of Salem, Indiana Development Plan In Place, offered In two separate tracts Auction 21 PM 70 ACRES lust south of Palmyra, IN Development Plan In Place or Use for Personal Estate FOR INFO CALL Don Erler, Auctioneer IN AUO9O00109 RIMAX Commercial 303-297-1797 1-S00-M0-425S Additional Auctions May Appear On Preceding Page CINDERELLA ESTATES, 4 2 bath brick ranch, family rm. In central air, fenced yard, $850mo. deposit. $95,000.
Excellent cond. Available November 1st, 366-7268. CLARKSVILLE 307 Em-merson. E-Z credit. No credit check.
Owner financing. 6BR, 3 bath, garage. $134,900, 10 down, payments 473-4029. DANNY Boy Ln. 5412.
4 BR IVi baths, brick, family room, fireplace, basement, fenced rear yard, central air. $900 or $1500 option. 228-1534 or 592-5381 DOWNTOWN, $475m0 1111 South 2nd, hugelBR Off street parking laundry hook ups Totally renovated, Pet OK New furance central air Purchase plan available 296-2756, Condo Real Estate Specialists EAST END. 3 BR, 1 bath, fenced back yard. Nice area.
$900mo. andor option. 502-241-2961. FAIRDALE 3 BR 2 bath doublewide, dishwasher, 2 decks, awning, ceiling fan, corner lot, buy at $640mo. 8, $2100 down.
935-1022 FAIRDALE, 4 BR, 2 bath. 3300 sq. new barn, 11 acres, commercial potentialhome business. 368-7807 FERN Creek, 3 BR, 2 bath, 3100 sq. ft.
w1000 sq. ft. metal builidng, excellent neighboorhood 8, grounds. 200mo. 368-7807 FERN Creek area, Idlewood, 9517 Plumwood Rd.
New 3 BR, 2 bath, $850mo deposit. 648-9166 FERNDALE 8111 2 BR, 1 bath, fireplace, needs updating, $595mo. $79,500. 231-1956 GOSH to Own. 3BR, 2 bath; 2 car garage, air, 2 fireplaces, skylights, fenced.
231-7653 HIGHLANDS, 1324 Treve-lian Way. 3 BR brick, 2'i baths, family deck, $950. 897-6060. HIKES Point. 4004 Land-side.
3 BR, 2 bath, family room, fireplace, bsmt, 1775 sq.ft. Lease option $5000 down, $133,000 326-7830, 968-4175 Century 21 Dick Vreelond HUNSINGER Ln. New custom homes. 3 BR, 3Vi bath, 2 family 2 car garage extras. Will rent, trade or contract for deed.
Starting at $1200 per month. 425-6606 or 342-6036 JAMES Madison Way. 3 BR, 2 bath, new appliances wwasher dryer. Large backyard. Call today 515-0840 Trading Post Homes FF SON TOWN 10105 Watterson Trl.
3 Br, $650 $500 deposit or lease option, will consider sweat equity. Coll 639-8047. JEFFERSONTOWN, 3 BR, 1 bath, Vj 2 car garage large deckyard. $1400 mo. deposit.
777-3171 Oldham Co. Auction, 3507 W. Hwy 146 Lagrange, KY. Double estate auction, Mon. Oct.
30, 7' walnut Lincoln bed, 9 pc. Queen Anne dining rm. suite, twin full size cherry BR suites, East lake style vanity, mahogany corner cabinets, Queen Anne cherry dining rm. table and chairks, sterling candle sticks, Derby glasses, old china, Coke Winston advertising, collectibles morel www.bluegrass.netreid Carl Routon Road: Property 1305 Oct, 23 12-2 PM lotto. Bath trow (000iJ9.
Franck, Realtor 495-741 16: Property tlMid '-i or 23 acre home site.j Auction, Nov. 2nd. Diamond Lake Resort, Owensboro, KY Kurtz Auction Wm. Kurtz Auctioneer 800- 264-1204 Shop Classified Ads JEFFERSONTOWN, Nlce-ly renovated brick tri-lev-el. 4BR, 2 bath, air, ga-roge.
$99Smo. 387-959 JEFFERSONVILLE 625 E. 7th. St. 3 BR, fenced, $1500 option fee, $595 rem or $695 rent, $695 deposit.
Go see 8, call. JEFFERSONVILLE 1009 E. 10th. St. 2 BR, $1000 option fee, $495 rent, or $595 rent, $595 deposit.
Go See 8. Coll. JEFFERSONVILLE 3314 Riverview Dr. 3 BRs, 1 bath, $1500 option, $545 rent, or $645 rent, $645 deposit. 949-0897.
LAGRANGE. New 3BR, 2 bath, walkout ranch. Large lot. 327-6801. MARKET, 2917.
3BR, l'j bath, family bsmt, big fenced lot. Handyman buy option. 361-4477 MT. WASHINGTON 233 Leigh Anna Open Sun 2-4. 3 2 bath, 1800 sq.ft., garage, may owner finance, $149,900.
Darrell Harrod 955-5344 Harrington 8, Associates. OKOLONA, 6109 Norton. 3 BR, 2 car garage, large lot. $750mo. option tee.
Debra 494-922V455-5413 Real Estate 2000 OKOLONA 3 BR, Vr. bath, 1200 sq.ft., manufactured home. OKOLONA Sungold 3BR, 1.5 baths, brick ranch, car port, fenced, air. $1500 option, $595mo. 327-7800 PLEASURE Ridge, 3 BR, l'i baths, appliances, deck, manufactured home, buy at $575mo.
down. 935-1022 RADCLIFF 3 BR, 2 bath, all new appliances, Immediate move-in, manufactured home. Call today 12-5. 270-351-6273. RADCLIFF 3 BR, 2 bath, 1200 sq.ft., manufactured home.
515-0726. RENT TO OWN 3 BR, 2 baths, from $775mo. Assist 2 Sell Car-ousel Realty, 499-1166. SARATOGA Woods, Jeffer-sontown, 3 BR, 2' baths, garage. Call Carol 939-6516 SENECA Park area.
Very nice 2-3 BR, 2 bath, deck, fireplace, $1400mo. 4- option fee. 454-0808 SHARON Way, 2813. Leaseoption. 34 BR, 2 baths, family room, 2 fireplaces, bsmt, 2 car garage, 1680 sq.ft.
$5000 down, $131,000 326-7830, 968-4175 Century 21 Dick Vreelond SHEPHERDSVILLE 3 BR, 2 bath, new applications, immediate move-in, manufactured home, $525mo. 955-5622. SHEPHERDSVILLE 216 Driftwood Dr. 3 BR brick, 2 baths, 2 car garage, newly decorated. $700.
897-6060. LARGE TWO DAY ANTIQUE AUCTION NOV 4TH, 5 PM NOV 5th, Located In Floral Hall at the Shelby Co. Fairgrounds, on US. 60, at the west edge of Shelbyvllle. Selling Sat.
An umbelie-vable collection of thousands of old paper Items Including; over 5000 postcards, a large selection of early catalogs, 10 early large scrap books trade cards other trade cards, over 500 cookbooks, Important books, early magazines, sheet music, programs, advertising, etc. selling Sun. Antique furniture including; Cherry, walnut oak pieces, estate oriental rugs, toys child related items, large collection of marbles, advertising country store items, early smalls country items, antique guns, glassware china, tamps, many other collectibles. Note: A large auction which includes items from 3 old estates. See display ad in Antique Week.
Terms Cashcheck wl D. Dave Forsythe, Auctioneer 937-377-6415 WWW. forsytheauctlons.com CUSTOM HOME AUCTION Nov. 19, 1 PM. 6091 S.
Skyline Rd. Floyds Knobs, IN. Just past Plum Hill. Outstanding 3000 sq. ft.
custom home on 5 acre estate setting, 3 BR, large garages fireplaces, finished walkout pond, custom woodwork more. OPEN: Sun. Nov. 5, 2-5 PM Nov. 15 4-6 PM TERMS: 10 balance down day of auction balance due in 30 days.
Directions: 1-64 west to Hwy. 150 west to right on Paoli Pike, left on Scottsville, right on St. Mary's right on Spickert Knob Rd. to left on S. Skyline Rd.
Doug Harritt AU1051345. (812) 944-0217. www.harrlttgroup auction.com REAL ESTATE AUCTION OCT. 30, 4PM 4109 VERMONT AVE. 2 blocks east of Shawnee Park.
Delightful Arts Crafts style home. 2 BR, large living dining rms. Fireplace, built in bookcases, in-laid hardwood floors. Bsmt. OPEN TODAY 2-5 PM Auction at Executive Inn.
$5,000 at auction, close 30 davs, 10 buyer premium. BRYAN CUNDIFF CO. Broker Auctioneer 502-339-919! Outstanding Country Antique Auction Sat. Nov. 4, 10AM 4704 Corydon Pike New Albany, IN From Louisville, KY.
Take 1-64 West 7 miles to Georgetown Exit 118 then West on St. Rd. 62 to Corydon Pike, Selling private collection of quality country antiques, Victorian, oak, painted primitive furniture, folk art, lots of Ioys, dolls, vintage clotting, vintage Christmas terns, old Coke store displays, Lionel American Flyer trains, feather tree. Buddy L. fire truck; coffee bin, Fiesta, cast iron bank, black man on mule, depression, ruby red, buggy seat more.
Doug Harritt AU1051345 (812) 944-0217 www.harrlttgroup auctlons.com HOUSS UNFURNISHED SOUTH END 3 BR, central air, $590mo. deposit, no pets, no go-rage. 937-7101. SOUTHERN Pkwy. area -546 Whitney.
2 BRs, central air, wall-to-wall no pets, no section 8. $550. Jim Russell REMAX Elite 448-2055 SOUTHERN Pkwy, 4619. 2 BR, 1 bath, kitchen wap- Rliances, washer dryer ookups. Water gas furnished.
$40Qmo. 368-2570 SOUTHWESTERN Pkwy. Area. 4011 Sunset. 2BR, air, carpet, hookups, fence.
$450mo. 644-5890 SPRING Garden 203. Near Breckenridge Ln. Bardstown Rd. 3 BR ranch.
1 bath, fireplace, fenced vara, dead end street, greenhouse, appli-ances. $82Smo, 852-8396 ST. MATTHEWS, Brick Cape Cod, 3BR, appliances, dining, trench doors, carpetwood floor, basement, air, fireplace, fenced, garage. 3906 Kenni-son. $850.
456-6000. www.rentrealestate.com ST MATTHEWS 3BR Brick Cape Cod. Beautiful cond.l Immediate occupancy. Non-smokers, no pets. $89ymo.
502-228-6503 or 897-1200. ST. MATTHEWS-241 Norbourne. 3 BR, I bath, full bsmt, $850mo. Creditreferences checked.
Open Sun 1-2 266-7286 ST. MATTHEWS, 4 BR, 2 bath home, newly decorated, 1 car attached garage, finished basement, $1300 deposit. 458-8662 ST. MATTHEWS. 230 Clo-ver Ln.
2 BR, 1 bath, bsmt. $795mo. deposit (same), lease. 495-0527 ST. MATTHEWS, 3BR, 1V bath, appliances, fenced, pets ok, close to park, $l000modeposit.
458-9733 ST. MATTHEWS Richlawn 131 Don Allen 4BR, 2 baths, brick cap cod, 3 garages, $1250mo. 327-7800 SUNGOLD Subd GE area. 3 l'i bath, storage, $700 deposit, 964-8998 SWING 2414. J-Town.
Brick ranch, air, 3BR, behind Cochran Elem. $650mO. 245-6425 TAYLOR Blvd. 1540 Long-field, Newly remodeled 3 BR, hookups, air, no sect. 8 $595mo.
Coll 394-8294 TAYLOR Area. 927 Dresden. 1-2 BR, separate livingdining room. Eat-in kitchen, air. $550.
649-5217. TAYLOR 1529 Sale, 2 BR, no section 8, no pets. Must have good credit S550mo. deposit. 239-5560 TAYLOR BLVD.
area 2 BR brick, hook-ups, $450. 4115 LaSalle, near Caritas Hospital. 447-4030. Montgomery Realtors AUGI0N SALE 1102- 5 BUILDING LOTS 91, 92, 102, 159, 161 Nov. 2, 1PM Deer Run Park Clark IN.
8, 12 Noon Sleepy Hollow Upton, KY. SALE 1105- ABS0LUTE 3 BR HOME GARAGE, CHAIN LINK FENCE Wed. Nov. 8. 6PM 110 Russell Rd.
Vine Grove, KY. SALE 1106- ABS0LUTE DELI, DAIRY CUP BOAT HOUSE 6 ONE ACRE LOTS EQUIPMENT ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES SAT. NOV 11, 1PM West View Dell Westvlew, KY. TERMS: Real Estate, 15 down, balance wdeed, personal cash or good check day of sale. 10 Buyers premium J.E.
BRAMBLETT, CAI AUCTIONEERBROKER www.AuctionGroups.com Absolute Auction Anna Morgan Estate Real-estate and Contents Saturday November 11 at 1030 a.m. Located at 3908 Browns-boro Road (Hwy) 42), between Chenoweth Lane and the Broadway Baptist Church. Cape Cod Style Home: 1st floor: two bedrooms, living room with gas log fireplace, dining room, kitchen, full bath, hall closets, front and back enclosed porches. 2na floor: one nait batn and bedroom. Redecorated and ready to move In.
full basement with gas fireplace, gas central air and heat. Two car detached garage. Furniture and Antiques: Cherry bedroom suite, ma- file bedroom suite with win beds, old handmade quilts, cook table, cherry set back cupboard, old ladder back chairs, two iron sewing machine bases with marble tops, banquet end tables, hlde-a-bed couch, color TV, stool with needle fioint cover, end table, amps, picture, old linens and dollies, file cabinet, like new refrigerator, mirrors, foot stool, table and chairs, crystal, opalescent glass, china, silverware, microwave oven, electric cook stove, Whirlpool washer, old books, throw rugs, small desk, other small furniture, small antiques, and miscellaneous items. 10 down on the day of sale on the real estate. Balance due on or before December 11, 2000.
NO BUYERS PREMIUM. ALL SALES FINAL. Open house Sunday, October 29 November from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. Morris Real Estate, Mark Morris, Broker (502 845-2884.
Forrest Whitledoe Auctioneer, (502) 743-5035. lliilX'i WEST END, 2415 Elliott. 4 BRs, carpet, hook-ups, appliances, section 8 ok. fciwmo. 572-1779.
WEST END 2319 Main St. 4 very nice $600mo. Gallivan Assoc. 454-3436. WEST End, 3818 Vermont Ave.
3 BR, on busline. $475mo I mo. deposit. Coll Mike 968-9517 WEST 1924 Olive, Section O.K. 2BR, crpt, $410, also BR opts.
Call 426-1133 WEST END 1646 Hale 654 S. 26th. 1011 sT32nd. $550, 3415 W. Kentucky $525, 2226 Muhammad All $525, 1823 Mam Call LDG 639-8047, 638-0534.
WEST END Very nice 3 Br, yard, front porch, $375mo. Call 329-0618. WEST End, 1751 St. Louis, 2 BR, carpet, no pets. $375, $375 deposit.
895-1857 WEST END Portland, 2 3 BR houses, 1st mo. rent free. 254-7071 WEST. S. 22nd.
St. carpet, washerdryer hookups. Available Nov. 1. 772-7413 or pager: 332-8990.
WESTPORT Rd. area, 4310 Darbrook, 2BR, 2 bath, $950 Rentalhouses.com KY22l4 Robt MASSEY Co. 459-7070 WESTPORT Rdarea. 2 BR, l'i bath, 1 car go-rage, new paint and carpet, $69Smo. 425-6606.
WHITNEY off Taylor Blvd. Nice 2 BR, big kitchen, laundry $495mo. Coll Jeff 329-0618. WILLOW FOREST 13107. Homerama 20O0 Winner.
Sellers motivated. 5BR, 3V baths, finished walk-out lower level, vaulted great double fireplace to hearth rm.gour-met kitchen. Hardwood floors, 1st floor master. This house has it all interior design by "Burdorff. $3,000 deposit.
Melody Malone 329-1620 vm. REMAX Professionals WORTHINGTON Hills. Micklenburg. 3BR, l'i bath, move-in cond. Nice yard.
$835mo. Call David 992-4276 FIRST TIME BUYERS Why rent when you can own? FREE list of homes available with no money down, $800mo. Free recorded message. 1-888-465-5793 ID1051 REMAX Professional Large Auction Sun. Nov 5, 12 Noon 9550 Hwy 64 Georgetown, IN From 1-64 take Georgetown Exit 118 west 4 miles.
Vehicles: 1995 Lincoln Town Car, 1982 Chevy El Camino, 1970 Ford Torino GT, 351C-V-8. Antiques 8, Collectibles: 2 10 Grlswald skillets, quilts, churns, furniture, 20 ft, flag pole, 5pc. Water Fall BR suite, country items, 1800's farm wagon, tools, 6hp log splitter, contents of house, garage 8, shop. Tents 8, food. Cash or check.
Seller: Charlie Terri Chapman Doug Harritt AU1051345 (812) 944-0217 www.harrlttgroup auctions.com William Kendrick tractor Model 2424 with 70 nlrlc 'Oft Imodemizedl: Easlfalce style DeCamillis AUCTIONS In. AUCTION Executive Homes Way Destiny THE Houses UNFURNISHED Pros pectbois, WESTOVER, 1 kft coodo, appliances, $495. Rentalhouses.com KY22193 Robt MASSE Co. 459-7070 RANGELAND- 5609 Robinwood. 3 BRs, den, S550.
968-4175. Century 21 Dick Vreelond SCOTTSDALE Very nice 3BR, 1 bath, 2, car ga-roge. $725mo Security deposit. 502-366-8875 SHELBY County. Slmp-tonvllle, 1 BR, 2 bath, wgarage.
$900 mo. 502-633-9612 SHERMAN 4168. 2 BR, garagestorage, central air, appliances. Convenient area. NICE! Open Sun.
2-5. 458-4314 SHIVELY, 3 BR, section 8 only, nice big yard, nice area, 561-8707 leave message SHIVELY 1900 Dubourg, 3 BR, 1.5 bath, garage, central air, gas, heat, $600mo. 449-2288 SHIVELY Area. Nice 3BR, newly renovated house, $650mo security deposit. 724-5393 afternoon.
SIMPSONVILLE. Executive brick home on horse farm. 2 large BR's wwalk-In closets, all appliances, Jacuzzi tub, bsmt, laundry room, 2 car garage. $1000 deposit. 502-834-0139.
SMYRNA Rd. New subdi-vision, 3 BR, 2 baths, 2 car garage, covered patio, avail mid Nov. 1860 mo. $700 deposit. 425-6606.
SOUTH End. 226 Dowries Ln. 2 BR, 1 bath, central air, utility room, 2'i car garage, large shed off garage, newly painted, fenced yard. $550mo. Call 231-8058 SOUTH 3777 Wheeler Ave.
3 BR, carpet, utility rm. hook up, fence, S47Vmo. $475 deposit. 969-1777 SOUTH 3513Manslick Near 7th. Berry, 2 BRs, no pets, no section 8.
$425. 367-4900. SOUTH END, 4153 Craig Ave. 3 BR, lVi bath, No Section 8, no pets. $5507mo.
security. Call 894-4492 SOUTH END, 1511 Sale 3 BR, carpet, fenced yard. $525mo. 995-3050 Open Sun. 2-4pm.
SOUTH End. 4402 S. 8th. Quiet area, 2BR, air, hookups, fenced yard. $525 monthly.
727-2822 SOUTH, 922 Winkler Ave. $550mo. 2 BR, formal dining, large rooms, garage. Jim, 502-296-5084 SOUTH 7801 Westbrook Dr. 3BR, 1 bath, air, hookups, fenced.
$725. Avail. 1025. 473-4029 SOUTH, EAST, WEST 1st mo. FREE $399 $1500 Rent 14 homes available VISTA Call 896-2595 2-AUCTICNS 2 WWW.IllirFRANKHARNED.COM BANKRUPTCY AUCTION BIG TRUCK STOP, INC.
4.72 ACRES 3 TRACTS ALL 2 ZONING HIGH TRAFFIC AREA- EQUIP. PERSONAL PROPERTY WED. NOV. 1st at 10:07 AM LOCATION: Hardin KY- Ellzabethtown- From 1-65 take exit 137 to HWY 61 to first Intersection of HWY 61 ft US 31 turn left onto US 31W go mile to sale site. REAL ESTATE: Selling Big Truck Stop- 4.72 acres- 3 tracts- 2 commercial buildings w3 fuel canopies- Large paved parking area- Zoned B-2, also selling large quantity of chattel property (kitchen office equip.
furnishings, many many misc. items.) INSPECTIONS: Sun. Oct. 29, 1-3 PM TRUSTEE: Wm. W.
From Bardstown- Go South on US 31 approx. 2.09 miles to KY 46- Turn left on KY 46 go 1.7 miles to sale. OPEN: SUN. OCT. 29, 1- 3pm OWNERS: MRS.
GLADYS NORRIS For info call Larry Downs. 969-9865 WWW.BILLYFRANKHARNED.COM TERMS: REAL ESTATE, 20 down day of sale, balance on or before 30 days-personal property cosh or check wproper Identification. A 10 buyers premium will be added to all winning bids. BROKER PARTICIPATION: Is Invited In these sales contact auctioneers Immediately In order to receive a broker participation packet (but In no event later than 48 hours prior to the sale.) (No principles) BILLY FRANK HARMED 1 800 272 6223 WWWjllLLYFIIANKHARNED.COM AH announcements made day of sale take precedence over advertising stated here. Century 2 1 iry HASAN JOE GUY Bardstown 348-6222 Louisville 589-3342 Auctioneers: Billy Frank Harned Larry Downs John Downs Neal Cook Joe Maupln Fred Mudd Apprentice: C.R.
Newton Ell Horned. FARM AUCTION 96.933 ACRES -12 TRACTS NOV. 11th 10:00 (CT.) From E-Town Hwy. 62 18 ml. left on 720 i mi.
-right Morrison Rd. TRACT Like new, 2200 sq.ft. Western red cedar home w4BR's, 2 baths -whirlpool, great fireplace, open staircase, fin. loft, family rm, kitchen wisland, Jenn-AIr appliances, central hvac, 3 decks, 3 car garage, breeeway, full finished bsmt, Co. water, more! 83 tillable acres balance 8, timber.
The tillable land is level to gently rolling w3 ponds, 2 springs 2 barns, 800 lbs. tobacco base. Wooded ocres offer cliffs, creek 8 standing timber. Tracts provide lovely homesltes, mini-farms A development potential. Excellent farm in a lovely, quiet rural setting.
Convenient only 20 mm. to E-Town10 min. to Leitch-fielaV40 min. to Louisville. One of the prettiest most productive farms in our area, Co water, telephone else available TERMS: 10 down balance wdeed 30 davs poss.
wdeed. Open House 111 ft 1 110 4 to 6 PM (CT). Sellers: M8.M Ova Carman LUCAS AUCTION CO. CLIFF LUCAS BROKERAUCTIONEFR 1-800 467-3529 www.keyrealestate-ky 9U 1 70 acfiis hirm with Aim sq executive now Bcotaus. 3.5 bath.
3 car garage, iiMtuund pool, and many extras, king 'oik-red in5 tracts Brian riiniliffCiL Bryant Cundirf, Auctioneer 48-Acres with home 8919 Thixton Louisville, KY 40229 Saturday, Nov. 4th, 10AM FiEW: Sicfcjfyf Oct 22 8t 29 2 PM ABSOLUTE: 251 Virgin Ave, BdirJMown, KY Property 1103 2500 sq ft. brick home with A bedrooms, and 2.5 balh, 2 car garage ColdWl Baiia The Sttmiltire Group. PREVIEW' Sunday, Oct. 22 2-4 PM Real Estate: Beautiful property with 48 acres of gently rolling land, creek woods, 2 story, 3 2.5 bath home, city water, land is to be offered in its entirely and in 5 tracts of 8 to 10 ocres each.
Real estate terms: 10down payment on A f. I tea. irw inspect sun. uct. tv, rrw Personal Prooerlv 1524 Algonquin Parkway: Property 1095 Equipment: 1965 IH Industrial K()00 sept industrial building on approx.
I acre. Extra lot fronting 16lh Street front ena loaaer, I you rviassey narns, sickle mower, spreader, 1993 Cub Cadet Model 1862 with 50 in. Mrs. George "Macel" Webb ESTATE AUCTION Nov. 4, 2000 10 a.m.
10.5 Acres located across from the Bullitt County Stockyards. 1838 South Preston Shepherdsvllle, Bullitt County, KV TRACT acres with 3 bedroom, 2 bath home (1395 sq.ft.) with full finished walk-out basement, 2 fireplaces with gas logs, central air, natural gas, city water, large deck, 2 stall barn, mature shade, paved drive, 2 car garage morel TRACT 2 9 Acres with 52x60 (3120 sq. ft.) pole barn with skylights, sliding drive thru doors, wired. Ideal for horses or cattle. Tracts grouped upon request.
TERMS: $5,000 down per Tract day of auction, balance with deed within 30 days. For pre-auc-tlon Inspect or Inspections Including lead paint, plumbing, electrical, call 955-7342 Bruce Thomason or Ruth Sohm prior to auction. 10 Buyer's Premium will be added to all winning bids on Real Estate only. AUTOMOBILES: 1991 Cadillac DeVille 63,000 miles, 1988 Chrysler Fifth Avenue, 1985 Mercury Marquis (this automobile is from the Allen Brock Estate, Mr. Mark A.
Gregory, current resident of the Bullitt County Jail, paid for this vehicle with account closed check) 52,000 miles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ETC. CE 20.6 cu.ft. refrigerator wice maker, Kenmore microwave oven wstand, "Hotpolnt heavy duty automatic washer, 2 nice bedroom suites wbedding, lamp tables, pictures prints, oak double pedestal dining room table w4 dining chairs-padded seats on rollers, triple oak dresser wbeveled glass mirror, "oak 1900's side by side drop front bookcasesecretary "Victorian fainting couch, mantle Grandmother clocks, tan overstuffed couch loveseat, Kenmore tank sweeper, floor table lamps, recliner, pots pans, dishes, household items, pine wood couch, tables, other miscellaneous items. TERMS: Cash or good check with ID required.
Items with a single and double asterick and have been added to this auction. Inspection of personal property 9 a.m. day of auction. No Buyer's premium on personal property. Auctioneer's Note: Mrs.
Webb along with her husband, George, started and operated the Bullitt County Stockyards for many years. This home was custom built to their specifications in 1969. Come prepared to buy this nice home and land. For more Information andor Pre-Auctlon Inspection Call or Come by: Thomason Sohm Realty Auction Co 955-7342 Ruth Sohm-Broker Bruce Thomason-Auctloneer All the information contained herein is from sources deemed reliable. However, all announcements day of auction take precedence over mower deck.
VkU- '7 A AA tlU 'At Antiaues: 4 coster rooe bed REMAX 100, Judy Brown, Realtor mmWtt PREVIEW: Monday, baby cradle c. 1 890; 4 poster spool bed; marble top dresser with burl front, 22" dough bowl on tripod base; 11" cast i5 PuWIc Square, Salem, Property 1015 Historic balding on the num squire leased to facUm Co. lUi REMAX Associates StfVtAshabnintr. iron bus; 2.5" miniature Coke bottle Furniture: 8 pc. Willed dining room set; 3 pc.
MengeJ bedroom suite- electric recliner; RCA 27" color TV (6 yr. old) wicker rocker; 2-5' Windsor style settees. Misc: Recent GE washer dryer, Christmas decorations; assorted glassware, china, housewares. Terms: Cash or good check with valid ID. PREVIEW; Wednesday, Oct.
25 12-2 PM 714 Lyndon Une ft 301F HidrJIetown Part Place: Properties 1025 directions: rrom tjene anyaer oorastown Ka. soum mi. right on Thixton ui 2.5 mi. to site. For a more detailed listing, additional terms and selected color photos call tor brochure or visit our web site at vyww.wardlowaiK.com Two grot Paul Stmonin Co, Cathy lis! Delores Realtor Rick 423-1 366 Wardlow, Auctioneer 495-7057 WW PRCVILW By Apffmont 4109 Ver Am atul mils Style Bungalow.
I'irspUu flanked by toctawe Bryan CunditT.Auco.mt 33W191 PRBIEW: Sunday, Oct, 22 2 5 PM Absolute: 1st choice of 2 lots ABSOLUTE fictile Hill, Lots 14 Developers Close Out. Harold Helm. Auction 502-897-1200 PREVIEW AT YOUR LEISURE Hatrtwood forest Fall Atwy Lots Property 1 082 hx-M off AmokJown Rd on Hardwood Forest Drive Harold Helm, a 502-897-1200 AT YOUR LEISURE Infwmaliiiii mi 24-tioar hi Back (Mine: or IBW2MS0 Prirn? prlnted material. Coca-Cola inkwell Collections Nov. 2.
4 P.M. 2400 Ralph Louisville, KY: Take 1-264 to Cane RunRalph Ave.lExtt S). Take Ralph Ave. 1 mile to auction site. Signs Posted (3) Coke machines, (1) Vendo 23 mint condition; mahogany rolltop executive desk: 3 piece wicker set (Nantucket): handmade primitive table; Remington 22 caliber rifle; ukulele; COCA-COLA: Gas pump; stand-up cooler (legs); aluminum-wood-plastic earners; fountain; metal cooler; displays; (2) old school traffic signs; Kit Carson sign; sewing table; table I 4 chairs (Germany); paper items; brown Coke bottles; bicycle: (4) clocks; (8) thermometers; trays (new ok)); toy cars trucks (Buddy more); calenders; cardboard signs; NASCAR; tint: Derby Items: Tab glasses; Barbies; fans; telephones; banks; bear Items; games: toys; openers; knives; all types of bottles: ornaments; grill; lighters: belt buckles; marbles; paperweights; i over 1.000 pieces coca-CoM dm new, must f.
LOT 1930S COKI ITIMf: INKWBUf English wood glass; Apple Co. Iron stand wglass welts; 1908 glass well sterling lid; learner stationary box waccessortes; wood bear wwell; rolttop desk set wwelts: marble set wbrass Hon; pewter well; black desk well wpen; Tiffany, young Ellis lap desk wwells: several quills pens. Still unpacking. Call for i detailed brochure A directions. Guaranteed funds for out-of-state buyers only.
Inspection: 2 00 P.M. Day of Sale Onlyl 1sKsJiF -hi saw COLLINS AUCTION CO. mo nil Lake iuso S02-448-19S7 Auctioneers 502-387-3634 BUly Collins. Herman Thomas Billy Collins, Jr. Qwensboro, KY Dettln Florida Real Estate A uction REAL ESTATE AUCTION Jefferson County Farm 170 Acres Executive Home Tracts Monday, October 30, 4:00 PJvl.
Held at Executive Inn 6800 Springhill Farm Rd. Gene Snyder Freeway to Bllltown Rd. left on Seatonvllie Rd. then .2 miles to property Tract 1-32 acres with pond Tract 2 23 acres with 3 BR tenant farm house Tract 3-19 acres with 28 stall barn and pond Tract 4 45 acres Tract 5 Nearly new 4700 sq. II.
executive home situated on 51 acres. This splendid home features 6 bedrooms, 3 5 balha. 3 car garage, 3 zone HVAC, security system, Inground pool. Many luxurious appointments. A horse lover's dream.
This 1 70 acre farm will be offered In tracts separately or grouped using the Multi-Par system. 15 down at auction. 10 Buyer's Premium. Close In 30 days. BRYAN CUNDIFF CO.
Bryan Cundlff, BrokwAuctJomer (502) 339-9191 'Two Lake-Front With Dramatic Gulf Views 145.79 acres Restaurant Bar 3 Go-Cart Tracks 3 Homes, 10 Motel Rooms 835 seat Theatre 6 efficiency apts. 2 Pay Fishing Lakes 4-2 bedroom apts. 270 Campsites, Swim Park Acl'lT 60 ac in 4 tracts for home sites 24-iIour Faxback Info Hotline 888-326-8569 1085 wmm 4659 Destiny SHELY'S AUCTION 1845 S. 7th, 6 p.m. Wed Nov.
Ill 637-2111 Items: dining room table 8, chairi, couch loveseat, entertainment center, washer 8, dryers, carved half moon table marble top mirror, bedroom suite, oak curio cabinet, lots more not listed and boxed lots. Auctioneers: Carl Routktn For Free Brochurt Call: Hunt-Hutchison Impact 8unday, Oct 22 and Sunday, Out 28, 2-5 PM. 8 77-310-229 9 www.hhauctlon.oom.