The Lima Morning Star and Republican-Gazette from Lima, Ohio (2024)

the in R. R. R. R. R.

R. R. R. THE LIMA MORNING STAR and REPUBLICAN-GAZETTE MONDAY, JULY 19. 4 FOREST FIRE FIGHTERS MISSING IN CA CALIFORNIA SCHOOL HOUSE DESTROYED AS PERIL GROWS Hundreds of Men Battling Spread Of Flames Which Endanger Homes REDDENS, Prated by high winds, forest at booke out yesterday near Red of Lasses Peak.

spread their of devastation Four fire were Many hundre Ink land burned over, several and school house destroyed. 100 Join Fighters A hundred men left this town terday to fight the tires, which en dangered scores of homes. Fears were felt for the safety of four men who had not been located into the tonight after disappearing tire zone last night. Their com rades reported them hemmed by the fires when they were last seen Three Other Fires Dense smoke clouds hung over the fire swept region. Three other fires were burning near Lassen Peak, the only active volcano in the United States.

from stats of WashReports Ington said hundred men battling a fire in the Clear Lake regof Skagit county which coverton ed two thousand acres of logged off SPORANE, Wash. July 15-4AP) -Forest fires in eastern Washington and Northern Idaho, abated little today, with some progress reported in trenching work in Pend Orellle and Kanikau National Foreats. One tire in the Couer d'Alene forest in Idaho, however, was spread. fast and driving fighters back. Ing In Montana, the situation was slightly better, with rangers encouraged by headway made against fires in Glacier National Park.

NO. 1 Started One neighbor, became involved in an altercation over the parking of an automobile if an alley. Words tailing to carry sufficient weight, the men resorted to a hammer and a broom handle to drive home their arguments. Fowell is in city jail held without charge pending the outcome of Minor's injuries. In the fracas, Fowell sustained a scalp wound which required 13 stitches to close.

Outside of Ohio seven were killed in storms, according to Associated Press dispatches. (Special to the Star) CELINA, July Clara Shearer, 63, of Swanders, five miles north of Sidney, was killed and her brother. 8. Edward Shearer, 62, and sister. Eme.

66, were injured. perhaps fatally, when their touring car collided with a roadster on a curve of the slippery road a mile east of here this afternoon. The brother and sister are in the Otis hospital here, where it is feared they will die. An occupant of the other car is in the hospital, where it is thought he will recover. At Sharp Curre The accident occurred at a sharp curve in the road which recent rains have made very slippery.

The Shearers were going east. it was said, when the roadster loomed around the curve. Both cars were wrecked. Injuries Critics! Edward Shearer suffered a scalp wound six inches across, was severely cut about the head and and sustained serious abdominal injuries. Dr.

M. Otis, who attended him, said Shearer's body was crushed against the wheel so violently that the wheel was bent. Mr. Shearer is a wealthy retired farmer and banker of Sidney. His sister, Effie Shearer, suffered severe bodily injuries and several bones were broken.

Two Others Hurt Both occupants of the other car was injured. One, a Mr. Steiner, was cut slightly about the face. The other received wounds about the head and face. Loss of blood made him extremely weak, Dr.

Otis said, but his injuries will not prove fatal. MERCURY DROPS 18 DEGREES IN THUNDERSTORM From Sweltering; Piemics Delayed yeaterday temperatures mercury 8. after 118 degrees within Though temporarily Gelased outings and picnics. it long after 130 clock that began carrying basket parties sought the Me Beth a. Paurot and Lincoln parka McCullough park was the scene of the tirat annual picnic of northwatern Obie Catholics.

Motor traffic throughout the die trict was unusually beavy. The Associated Press reports last might forecast probable thunder showers. "Somewhat warmer in north portion Tuesday," is the sad part of the report. Temperatures yesterday, recorded by courtesy of the CaJacob Optical company, at the Morning Star ob servatory were as follows: The two were said to be from In- diana. In the Shearer car were riding Martha Shearer, 68, and Mary.

Shearer, 69, both of whom were slightly Injured. They were taken to their home in Swanders late last night. COLUMBUS, July 18-4AP)-Dr. Harvey C. Highman, Instructor in the dental college of Ohio State University was killed and Ernest G.

Davis, Columbus, suffered a broken leg when two trees, razed by a windstorm today crashed upon their camp on the Perry farm, three miles south of Delaware. The wives of the victims looked helplessly on as the trees crashed to earth, pinning the men beneath. Runs For Help With storm raging and rain drive ing in their faces, the two women tugged frantically at the boughs which imprisoned their husbands. Unable to move the heavy trees, Mrs. Davis, barefooted and clad only in a bathing suit, ran two miles through the storm to the nearest telephone and called Delaware for help.

The women escaped possible death themselves by running from their tent at the first ominous cracking of trees as the fury of the storm broke over their little camp. The men followed, but one huge tree fell on them. Dr. Highman was believed to have been instantly killed. ZANESVILLE, July 18 (AP) This city was lashed by a severe wind, rain and hail storm at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon.

Much damage was done shade trees in the city by the high wind and in the rural sections roads were blocked for a time by fallen trees. Much corn was blown down but it is said the damage done the crop prospect is not great. At McConnellsville, 26 miles south of this city, a windstorm of near cyclonic proportions broke at four o'clock this afternoon doing great damage. Roof Blown Off A section of the roof was blown off the grandstand at the baseball park and, crashing upon a parked automobile, severely injured a man and boy seated in the car Owing to crippled telephone and telegraph service it was impossible to obtain details of the damage done. Unconfirmed reports are to the effect that many buildings were unroofed and, several persons slightly injured in the territory between Mc- Connellsville and Beverly.

SPRINGFIELD, July 18-- (AP)-A rain, hail and lightning storm of cyclonic velocity which struck western Massachusetts late today claimed tour lives, Injured more than a score, and left in its wake damage which will amount to $500,000. In Adams, a girl was killed MOTOR TRUCKS Rebuilt and ready for the road. Small investment. Big opportunityGARFORD, TON. GARFORD, TON.

GRAMM-BERNSTEIN, TON GRAMM-BERNSTEIN, TON DODGE, 1 TON. Special prices- cash or terms. Gramm Kincaid Motors, Inc. Delphos, 0. Lima, 0.

Phone M. 1687 Phone M. 4412 LIMA GUARD UNITS ARE MAKING READY FOR TOUR AT CAMP Will Leave For Lake Erie Next Sunday--Drills This Week Cana Perry, and the 148ch. Tetantry The Sunday for Lake Erie Capt. Lieutenants Thomas Noble L.

Martin. conduct members of Campany at the High street tonight. Headquarters outfit under of Lieutenants Paul Run and J. P. Atwood will meet their unit at the Battery armory Wed nicht.

Boys Need Armory With Capt. Paul D. Connor, Federal instructor for the 148th. Intantry Regiment, located here, efforts to make Lima a center for National Guard, and Reserve Corps activities were made during the past week. Lack of an armory has handicap ped all the units, including Battery of the 155th Field artillery, men the command assert.

Without the armory, co operative projects have been Impossible, they Less than a year remains for the city to provide the site which will release $100.000. already approprinted by the state legislature, they point out. instantly: in Springfield two men were drowned when their canoe overturned and a man died beneath falling tree at the height of the storm. The storm generated high in the Berkshires where lightning struck In many places and rushed eastward, doing its heaviest damage in this elty and west Springfield. In the latter town the roof was torn from a large dance hall, a boat house flung into mid-stream, and numerous trees and small buildings ripped from the ground.

Steeple Falls In Springfield the 90 foot steeple of the Asbury Methodist church crashed to the ground, the roots were ripped from several apartment houses, billboards and trees were swept flat and tops blown from auto. mobiles. Trolley service was de moralized, under passes flooded and lighting wires torn down. Telephone service was crippled throughout the district so that it was several hours before reports of damage began to come through. The two men drowned here were canoeing on the pond at the government arsenal when the wind struck.

Their canoe overturned. BOSTON, July One of several sudden storms which broke over New England today, causing the loss of six lives and property damage, ripped a path through the Fenway district of Boston shortly after six o'clock. Many trees were uprooted and windows were shattered. The wind velocity was estimated at 100 miles an hour. DOVER, July 18-(AP)-A teriffic electrical storm, similar to the one in which the Lake Denmark disaster is generally attributed, tonight struck this vicinity.

Lightning flashed for almost two hours and driving rainstorm continued unabated for many hours after but no damage was reported. HAMPTON BEACH, N. July 18-(AP)-Leo McCaughey. 14, clam digger, was struck and killed by a bolt of lightning while at work on the Hampton Flats today. NEW YORK, July 18-(AP) A heavy electrical storm early tonight when thousands of New Yorkers were returning from the day's outings.

threw the entire metropolitan dis trict Into the greatest confusion. Traffic Jams on every road into New York were said by the police to be the worst ever at Coney Island, where the crowd was the second larg. est on record. Police reserves were called out to handle the panic stricken throngs trying to board subway and elevated trains. BANGOR, July 18-(AP)-A series of electrical storms caused widespread damage in Bangor and vicinity this afternoon.

Edward I. Snow of Hermon. a farmer, was killed by a lightning bolt as he was driving in his cows. Lightning caused several fires. The hail and rain in this section laid growing crops flat.

TWO AUTOS CRASH, BOTH ARE DAMAGED Two cars were damaged in a crash at O'Connor avenue and West street yesterday. Mrs. Clem Bailey, 703 E. Elm street, was driving a sedan, which was hit by Raymond Dearbaugh's touring car. The ders and front wheels of the cars were injured, LOOT MAN'S HOME THEN TAKE HIS CAR J.

0. Cupp, of Columbus Grove, told police last night that his car and about $10 in cash were stolen from his home while he and his family were away. Thieves, he said, had ransacked the place and driven away in the car. RUMMAGE SALE, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 21; NO. 8 PUBLIC SQUARE, NEXT DOOR TO SPOT RESTAURANT.

Invade Coolidge Fishing Spot Alice Golden and Bestrice Dumas, New York City girla, are vying with the President for summer fahing honers to SAYS TRACY HIGHWAY DIRECTOR OK'D GARAGE SITE Schlesinger Denies Any Friend Of His Holds Option COLUMBUS. July 18-(AP) Charges of Attorney General Crabbe of alleged wrong doing in connection with the purchase of a tract of land at Chillicothe to be used for a garage to house state road machinery, drew fire of G. F. Schlesinger, director of highways tonight. Denying allegations of the attorney general that middleman had bought an option on the land and had planned to sell the tract to the state at profit of $3,335, Mr.

Schlesinger declared there was no Irregularity in connection with the purchase, which was held up by State Auditor Tracy when he refused to honor a voucher which the attorney general described as "suspicious." "The entire transaction was investigated and approved by Robert N. Wald, highway engineer of Mr. Tracy's department, before requisttion was Mr. Schlesinger declared. Board Approved It is one of four men employed by Mr.

Tracy to examine highway, purchases at a gross annual salary of $12,000. The board of control, of which Tracy and Crabbe are members, also approved the purchase and Mr. Crabbe approved its legality. MRS. L.

ALLEN IS DEAD AT 66 Funeral Service To Be Wednesday Mrs. Sophia Westbay Allen, 66, died at her home, 1164 W. North street, last night. She had been resident of this county since her birth. The illness, which resulted in her death, has been of two years' standing.

Funeral services will be held at 10 a. m. Wednesday at the residence. Dr. E.

S. Weaver, pastor of Trinity Methodist Episcopal church, will officiate. Mrs. Allen leaves her husband, L. W.

Allen; two daughters, Mrs. J. Edward Zimmerman, and Miss Hazel Allen, both at home: five brothers, Charles Westbay, of Lima; Harry Boose, Cy Boose and Charles Boose, lal of this city; and H. T. Henry, of Alberta', Canada; and three sisters, Mrs.

Charles Baxter, and Mrs. William Blackburn, both of Lima; and Mrs. Jennie Nishwitz, of Rialto, California. Life Shortened By Worry, Says Speaker 150 Persons Hear Dr. Linch Reveal YouthKeeping Secrets About 150 persons heard the two lectures, given by Dr.

Herbert M. Linch, of Los Angeles, the psycho: logist, at the Lima House yesterday. The subject of the lectures was: "Health, Youth and Longevity, the Secret of Retaining and Regaining Youthfulness." Dr. Linch termed worry as an obstacle that must be overcome before any steps in the right direction toward longevity may be taken. Several new students have been added to Dr.

Linch's class, bringing the total of students to 16. The classes will be continued until next week, he announced las night. The lectures to be given at the Lima House by Dr. Linch today are entitled: "Eugenics, and the Science of Transmutation." The first lecture will be given this afternoon land the second tonight. 4-H CLUBS IN ALLEN COUNTY NOW ALL GIRLS Work Of 72 Members Will Be Exhibited -Cooking And Sewing Major Activities farm have agent Saturday.

All the ers of the five clube clubs for boys last a club at Gomer the a calf club, county-wide Each club selecta a major tivity, Four of the clube are sewing while the fifth club studying To Exhibit Work Exhibitions of the handi work is part of the club plan. These displays will be held at the Delphos Tri county fair, and school faire. Individual placinge with percentage ratings will be given by the Judges. Mr. Hummon said.

plente for all of the members is planned for late next month. The 4H Clothing club of Cairo is the largest organization of its kind in the county. There are 21 girls working under the direction of Miss Lucille Wood of Monroe township. The majority of the clubs meet once every week at the home of one of the members. Membership is four years, or until the successful completion of the four divisions of the major project which the club has adopted.

Members of the food clubs learn how to cook in the first year, how to bake in the second year, how to prepare meal in the third year, and how to in the fourth year. Taught Sewing There are 11 girls studying meal preparation this year. For the first year in the clothing clubs, the girls are taught "sewing Undergarments are made in the second year, clothing for wear to school in the third year, and dress designing completes this clothing projects in the fourth year. Enrollment In the first course of the clothing club this year numbers 23. There are 81 girls in the second-year course, three in the third year, and tour in the final year.

Clubs, their leaders and the members follow: Members of Clubs Jackson Willing Workers, clothing club; Marian Lyle, leader; Jackson township: Lols Watt, Hallie Watt, Gladys guyton, Louise Thompson, Janette Eversole, Fay Binkley all of Lafayette, R. R. No. Myrtle Musser, Gladys Grant, Bernice Grant, all of Lafayette, R. R.

No. 1: Edna Cloore, Agnes Elwood, Hayle Elwood, Dorine Elwood and Deamond Shrider, all of Lafayette. Take Stitch Clothing club, Mrs. W. B.

Guy, leader Auglaize township: Vivian and Audry Kollars, Lucille and Faye Bowers, Lols Drury, Thelma Gossard and Doris Henders, all of Harrod. Best Sewers Ever, Clothing club; Mrs. Ethel Heffner and Mrs. Alma Stevenson, leaders; Auglaize township: Gladys Cook, Pauline and Margaret Goldsmith, Dorothy Goldsmith, Lola and Lela Stevenson, all of Westminster; Dorothy Sellers, Cleola, Stiles, Inez Winegardener and Thelma Miller, all of Harrod, R. R.

No. Dorothy Parker, Pauline Maus and Irma Basil, Harrod, R. R. No. Marie LaRue, Lafayette.

The 4-H Clothing club; Miss Lucille Wood, leader, Monroe township: Helen Solomon, Lois Friffith, Clara Miller, Evelyn Shults, Thelma Carl, Dora Everitt, Vernie Wood, Audrie Jennings, Goldie Thomas, Kathleen Steele, Erma Everitt, Evelyn Staver, June Harpster, Mildred Lowery, Dorothy and Erma Fern Snyder, Erma Griffith, Irene Lamb and Esther Waltz, all of Cairo: Nellie Harpster, Vera Anderson and Clara all of Beaverdam. Learners and Leaders Cooking club; Mrs. C. F. Klingler, leader: Bath township; Margaret 1 Klingler, Blanche Mason, Eva Roeder, Edith and Maxine Mason, and Julia McNett, all of Lima, R.

No. 3: Edna, Loescher, Lela Richards, Helen Rathburn and Rose Eastman, all of Lima, R. R. No. 8.

BOY IS INJURED DELPHOS, July 18-Lester Metzger, Delphos youth, suffered scratches about the face late last evening when he was thrown to the pavement on Main street from an automobile driven by William Crabtree, Van Wert, after he attempted to hop his automobile. GREENSBURG CELEBRATES OTTAWA, July 18-Greensburg township was the scene of a gala occasion Sunday when a home coming was held at Forest Grove, near here many old timers came for the event. some one to remember something," Slater said. While the investigation went on here and a desire to apprehend the slayer was crystalized into action. the body of the chief figure in the tragedy lay under.

the roof of his mother's home in Indianapolis. The slain editor will be buried in0 the Indiana capital tomorrow. Aimee Likens Self To Sturdy Oak in Sermon 6,000 Hear Evangelist Preach At Temple; Affirms Story LOS ANGELER, today 4 by Angela the 4 ed kidnaping Ocean In Mexico and escape to Douglas Aria. sent county and federal grand into longed sessions. evangelist of the "porth wind" and herself sturdy withstood the tam peat.

Although the mighty wind spent fury against the tree, the roots of the oak became entrenched more firmly in the earth, she said. She asserted her story true and that in the end her enemies would be silenced. OTTAWA KNIGHTS JOIN IN OUTING OTTAWA. July 18-A goodly number of Ottawa of Ca and their familles Joined the Lima of C' In real holiday at McCullough park today. The park attractions furnished sport for the children while Baseball contests and a band concert toned up the adults and made it a real holiday.

B. H. Heringhans, 0. Kolkmeyer, and L. A.

Labadie were in the entertainment committee, and assur. ed the members a good time. Cleveland Sleuths Seek Window "Snipers" $3,000 Damage Caused By Breaks In Few Days CLEVELAND, July Window "snipers" have smashed so many plate glass windows here recently that Safety Director Barry has issued peremptory orders to members of the detective squad to "run them down or else expect to go back walking a beat." The loss in the smashing of number of windows within the last few days is put at upward of $3,000. MANILA BROTHERS WIN TENNIS MEET CINCINNATI, July 18-LAP) Two brothers from the Philppines, small of stature, but superb tennis players. defeated two Cincinnati brothers here today in the men's doubles final of the tristate tennis tournament.

Francisco and Guillermo Aragon, Manila, Davis Cup stars, won from Raymond and Paul Kunkel, Cincinnati. The score was 6-2; 1-6; 14-12; 6-1. SUE FOR MONEY DELPHOS, July 18-Suit filed by the New York Central Railroad against H. G. Pollock, Middle Point grain man, will be up for hearing in Squire Laudick's court, here, next Wednesday.

The petition states $14.70 1s due the railroad as a balance on a shipment of corn sent out by Mr. Pollock. NO. 2 Page Started On One his sermon to the killing or the events leading up to it. Both he and Mrs.

Norris taught their Sunday school classes as usual preceding the church services. Parking space around the church for blocks was occupied before the opening of the services and crowds milled about the sidewalks. Dr. Norris received many telegrams from admirers and sympathizers over the country today. FOR Lieutenant Governor On Republican Ticket June J.

F. BURKE Former State Senator J. F. 00 04 bd Author truck law, saving highways and millions in taxes. Father crippled child law.

Against class legislation and use of politics for personal gain. Squarely and unalterably for prohibition enforcement. Publisher, Banker, Methodist, Mason, Manufacturer, Civic Worker. Known throughout the State as man who with interest of the citizens fights for the common good. BURKE FOR.

Lieut. Governor J. C. GEORGE, Sec'y Committee. CHURCH THRONGED WHEN COOLIDGE GOES TO WORSHIP President Greeted by Per- sons Living Along Road Final PAUL SMITHS, N.

Net CAP 14. attend present church the President Mr. Coolidge In the A Road the across the the re they worshippet last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Coolwere recognized by persona who had gathered to wave as they passed.

Their route through Barknac Lake was crowded with care and persons and at the church throng had gathered, unable to gain admittance to the small building ta which only, the early comers had found Seritha At Mass Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge returned directly to White Pine camp after the services, leaving there a short while after the departure of Gov. Alfred E. Smith, who with Mrs.

Smith and members of his party had attended mass in St. Bernard's Catholie church a short distance from the President's place of worship. and Adirondacks. They seen making a catch at a previously visited by Mr. Cool- 5 SHOT DEAD IN KENTUCKY One Victim Girl, Killed By Mistake In Raid On Still LOUISVILLE, July Five persons, one a girl, tonight were known to have been shot and killed in Kentucky within the last twenty four hours.

Shooting occurred in Glasgow where two brothers and a policeman were shot by Arthur McAllister, another in Barbourville where a policeman was killed while attempting to disarm four youths and a fourth, at Klondike, where a girl who was an innocent bystander of fight between her relatives and raiding officers, was killed and the fifth at Leitchtield, where a miner was killed by his brother-in-law. The dead are: Loule Vance, Glasgow; Harry Collins, policeman, Glasgow; George Bright, policeman, Barbourville; Alice Short, 15, Klondike; Billy Dowell, miner, Leitchfield. Posse Formed. A posse was formed at Glasgow to run down McAllister. He had not been caught early tonight.

He shot the Vance brothers while a guest at Dick Vance's home. Dick also was probably fatally wounded by McAllister. Mack Smith, another guest, said all persons involved in the shooting there had been drinking. He also said McAllister had threatened his life before shooting the Vances. Bright was killed while attempting to disarm four youths who fled following the shooting but were caught at Corbin, their home.

Garrard Philpot, was alleged to have admitted the shooting. Girl Is Killed. The Short girl, was killed late yesterday during a fight between officers and her relatives who had mistaken the approaching raiding officers as men who had raided a nearby still recently. Two mountainers and deputy sheriff also were wounded during the fight, none seriously. Carl Faris, 25, a miner shot and killed Billy Dowell 25, also a miner at Faris' home, near Leitchfield today, the men were brothers-in law.

The men were alleged to have been drinking moonshine before the shooting. Faris was said to have accused Dowell of striking Mrs. Faris with hoe. NO. 3 Page Started One On stranger, who, a week ago tonight.

warned Mellett that his life was in jeopardy. This stranger told Mellett that he was to be shot by three men at his garage door. Four nights later, the killing occurred precisely as the stranger warned. To Mellett's inquiry as to the identity of his apparent benefactor. the stranger replied: "I am an enemy of your enemies." The theory advanced by the investigators today was that it the informant was not one of the conspirators, he was, at least, familiar with their plans and was at the moment seeking revenge Through this supposed vengeful attitude and the more than $25,000 reward offered for information leading to arrest and conviction of the murderers, it was hoped definite information would be obtained.

Slater early today visited the scene of the murder in the rear of the Mellett home in Canton's west side. He said no clues were uncovered there except that the theory was advanced that the publisher may have been shot with a rifle from a distance instead of with an automatic pistol at close range. Mouths Are Shut In some instances, the investigators reported, tongues of possible informants were being loosened. In other cases they said "mouths are being shut tighter." The lure of the rewards, totaling $25,275, may "help POLICE RECOVER AUTO; HOLD SUSPECT Noen 10 12 Police yesterday recovered the automobile of Henry Pugh, 546 Dewey avenue, stolen trom McCullough's Lake Saturday night. B.

J. Spunier, 152 Grove avenue, WAS arrested in connection with the theft. The car was restored to Pugh. Why Grow Bald? Ask your druggist to order for you a bottle of Hairfast. It will cost you only 75c.

There is a signed contract on each bottle agreeing to refund the money if three appiloations tall to remove all dandruff, stop all itching and tailing hair. Mr. Reader this puts it up to you whether you grow bald or not. Adv. Ask Your Printer -FORK.

V. P. Bond Paper When Ordering Letterheads and Stationery The Following Printers and Lithographers Carry V. Bond Paper In Stock PRINTERS THE LIMA PRINTING LEDGER CO. The NEWS-GAZETTE PRINTING CO.


Elizabeth St. Main 8100 "The House with the Good Lines" to land..

The Lima Morning Star and Republican-Gazette from Lima, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.