Trump Knows that Biden isn't Biden and the Dawning of the Great Awakening (2024)

Trump Knows that Biden isn't Biden and the Dawning of the Great Awakening (1)

There are good reasons to believe Donald J. Trump knows that Biden isn’t Biden.

Trump has made several statements and hat tips over the years that are categorically similar to other decidedly coded statements he’s made in the past. If we are to believe things like tippy-top are a hat tip to anons and patriots in the know then we’re only one step away from believing Trump knows about Biden’s peculiar transformation between Obama Biden and 2019 Biden.

In this article, we’ll review a sampling of Trump’s statements, the history of the intelligence community’s role in using culture to manufacture public opinion, and take a grand tour through the many faces of Joe Biden. I’ll also provide a compelling case for why the theory that things are pre-planned and orchestrated like a movie is a valid supposition, keeping with a long-standing tradition reaching all the way back to the Gutenberg era and much earlier. Finally, I will attempt to describe some of the deeper research I have done since I began my journey to truth so many years ago.

Before we do that, let me be clear about a few things.

I use the term Obama Biden to refer to the Biden from before 2019. I use the term 2019 Biden to refer to the Biden that appeared sometime after 2018. This 2019 Biden might in fact be multiple different forms of the phenomenon we can loosely refer to as Joe Biden.

Lastly, I will from time to time use the word "actor,” which should be taken to mean a person or group that takes action on the field of battle, such as Trump, Biden, the globalists, the US government, the police, a citizen, Republicans, Democrats, etc. Actor will not be used to refer to an actual actor in Hollywood, unless otherwise explicitly stated.

I do not make any bold declarations about which theory I believe when it comes to this topic of multiple different Bidens. There are many theories, some of which I don’t personally agree with. The point I want to focus on is that there’s compelling evidence to suggest that the Obama Biden is not the same as the 2019 Biden(s). This fact, along with other demonstrably provable facts about the current struggle for freedom, compel us to refrain from bickering over details and engaging in conflict with each other, which is precisely what the enemies of freedom seek. Instead, I argue we should unite under the common causes of truth discovery, law-based freedom, abundant prosperity, and the reduction of harm (for all people). In doing so, we claim peace for the future through meaningful unity that acknowledges and accounts for our differences of belief and opinion. As the founding fathers discovered in their time, the truth and its pursuit require benevolence, humility and cooperation, which naturally produce law and order for those who choose to follow the truth wherever it leads them.

To enhance the material in this article, I want to draw explicit attention to the following underly facts that will help it make sense and expand one’s thinking.

  1. Intelligence agencies and their beneficiaries and stakeholders use media, celebrities, new stories, and, in reality, all forms of information (PSYOPS, in general) to manage human civilization at large by influencing public opinion, individual thoughts, attitudes, values, and, consequently, human behavior itself.

  2. Throughout history, people of all ages have used PSYOPs as a stair-stepping method to bring everyone on the same page and facilitate true freedom. Without these, it is nearly impossible to inform everyone to facilitate meaningful peace and adherence to the valid and true rule of law.

  3. True freedom requires informed or knowledge-based consent, which naturally requires a willingness to learn, hear others, and sit at the negotiating table to broker peace, law, and order. A valid and complete meeting of minds is the foundation of trust, allowing true freedom to blossom under the rule of law.

  4. On the other hand, bad actors deliberately dumb down the population, instill contempt to hamper knowledge, prevent negotiation (divide and conquer), and otherwise ensure that only a form of tyrannical peace is possible—with themselves as peacekeepers. This produces a civilization where different types of slavery are necessary for both the lowborn and the highborn.

  5. A civilization must use PSYOPs to maintain law and order, just as a parent must use their life stories, other people's stories (media), cultural mythology, and life experience to help guide and shape their children's development.

  6. The use of PSYOPs is not inherently malevolent; however, the need for PSYOPs to maintain order increases as more people refuse to broker peace through honorable negotiation, humility, and devotion to the rule of law.

  7. PSYOPs are necessary because all citizens of a civilization are essentially born knowing nothing, and since adult knowledge is too complex for the youth who are soon-to-be citizens of the nation, some degree of "misinformation is necessary"—just as a parent must use overly simplistic and often distorted statements about what they fully believe to be true to help their children eventually eat at the adult tables of life.

  8. It is likely that Donald J. Trump is either a member of or employed by a positive (whitehat) intelligence community, a subset of modern intelligence communities that formed approximately 100 years ago. He is also a master conductor of PSYOPs and likely knows that the positive endgame can only happen through some stairstep process involving misinformation and slow-roll disclosure (the so-called Great Awakening).

  9. Despite the likely negation of the malevolent bad actors in power, the "movie" highlights a critical moment for the emerging maturity of human civilizations on Earth, with real-life implications. Trump and the whitehats are unlikely to have been able to stop the harm inflicted upon humanity since 2015, and if they had attempted to do so, it would likely have undermined the entire process we are currently witnessing.

  10. Obama Biden was likely replaced sometime before 2019 and is in some way, either knowingly or unknowingly, being used by the white hats as part of this PSYOP campaign.

  11. Finally, Patriots in Control likely does not mean that every event, actor, figure, politician, or globalist is actually a full-blown good guy or whitehat. Consider the chess game. A master chess player doesn’t work secretly with their opponent in full knowledge to effect their ultimate win. The master chess player has mastered the game's rules and realities, which ultimately transform their opponent's pieces into pieces within their own grand design. That is, bad actors are real, exist, and do real things, but they are being “mastered” by whitehat actors, who have mastered reality and, in doing so, have turned these bad actors into pawns in the Great Awakening.

In my opinion, when it comes to complex and nuanced subjects of this sort, it’s important to not get caught in the weeds, wherein we can be tempted to dismiss or attach on to hyper-specific aspects of a theory, thereby overlooking the more powerful uniting force of a grander question of truth that everyone can find comradery around. The question is, "Who is Joe Biden?" And, what does Trump know?

I also want to thank the many researchers who’ve spent time digging into this subject, from which I have drawn for this article.

Justin Deschamps (Just In Stillness) is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

You’ve probably wondered: Who is this Joe Biden?

The man who was Barack Obama’s Vice President, the articulate, experienced conman who successfully “got the prosecutor fired,” just doesn’t seem to have the same pizzazz or flare that he used to.

Here’s the infamous clip of Obama Biden bragging about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired.

Then there’s the 2019 Biden, who struggles to form a coherent sentence.

Is this just dementia? I don’t think that’s the only influence at work here.

In 2020, when Biden declared his intention to run against Trump in the 2020 presidential race, I immediately felt like something was off—didn’t you?

I’ve always been pretty good at recognizing faces, although I’m terrible at remembering names.

I took a test from the University of Greenwich a few years ago, and the results were in the 95% range. Are you good too? (Take the test and let me know.)

Apparently it’s called being a super-recognizer. The NIH and several other institutions have studied this ability.

Law enforcement employed super recognizers to help police identify offenders from CCTV footage before the days of facial recognition software; most likely, the spy agencies also used them.

The concept of a super-recognizer is relevant to this discussion because there are subtle nuances that most plastic surgeons or the general population can’t detect, but a super-recognizer can. These differences allow super-recognizers to make valid identifications with heavy make-up, CGI, and across large spans of time. Super-recognizers use visual details as well as manerisms, tone of voice, thought patterns, and manners of speaking to make identifications.

For instance, I was always able to identify Jim Carry, an actor who has been making impressions and characters since the early ‘90s. I can also discern subtle nuances in voices, albeit not as effectively, enabling easy identification of actors in animated films and Pixar films. For these reasons and the many more you're about to discover, I almost immediately didn't believe the Biden who emerged in 2019 was the same man as the Biden from the Obama era.

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Trump, Coded Messages and Symbols Woven into Modern Society

Even a cursory glance at our culture's symbolism reveals a universe of obscure symbols saturating us. The subject is vast, but for now, I want you to understand that these symbols are used for psychological conditioning and as communications (comms) to the informed.

Here is a small sample.

The global elite, who use and benefit from the use of these symbols, have arguably existed since the dawn of human civilization itself. Similar to a family tradition, the elite families and factions that have shaped civilization train both the initiates within their own families and the outsiders they choose to embrace. The same people who helped trigger the past four industrial revolutions are also the same people who helped change the nature of our legal system, with all its underlying mechanisms for maintaining their power and authority.

Like our military's use of ceremony and symbolism, our legal system is a meticulously orchestrated symphony of hidden meaning and symbols, designed to refer to and invoke key concepts of law, rights, jurisdiction, and ultimately, the spiritual foundations of reality itself. Primary ideas about reality fundamentally shape the fundamental principles of law, governance, and intelligence, both in civil and military contexts. These primary ideas shape everything in reality, which is why these centers of law, the military, courts, and religious buildings are overwhelmingly filled with symbols. I cite these points to demonstrate that the notion of Trump executing a grand symbolic "movie" for the betterment of society is not an obscure, unfounded conspiracy theory but rather a part of a well-established tradition that has persisted in the West for at least the past 500 years.

Scott Onset produced this multi-episode series that captivatingly reveals how much these primary concepts and their symbols are woven into Western civilization. If I may suggest, watch at least the first episode in the below video (25 minutes or so) to get a sense of how the global elite are obsessive about symbols and ceremonies.

There's compelling evidence to suggest that Trump, prior to 2015, was either collaborating with or assisting these influential individuals and the houses of power in the West. This is because they use a construction contract bidding system to ensure that only club members gain these secrets and benefit from society's development through a variety of projects and initiatives. The creation of buildings—symbolic temples in themselves—often falls to the free masons. Trump came to prominence as a New York, and then global, real estate mogul, suggesting he knew about and was working to develop the symbolic tapestries of New York and beyond.

Donald Trump attended the New York Military Academy, a private boarding school in New York, from the age of 13 until his graduation in 1964. After high school, Trump attended Fordham University for two years before transferring to the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he graduated in 1968 with a Bachelor of Science degree in economics. Given Trump's connection to the Q operation, we can reasonably assume that he is aware of this hidden world of symbols, likely received training there, and has interacted with global elites from various factions. This enables Trump to speak fluently in the language of coded symbols, both to the general population (known as exoteric symbolism) and to the elite population (known as esoteric symbolism).

Steganography is the practice of hiding secret messages or information within seemingly innocuous files or objects, in such a way that the presence of the hidden message is not detectable by casual observation. The term "steganography" comes from the Greek words "steganos," meaning "covered" or "hidden," and "graphie," meaning "writing." Steganography can be used for a variety of purposes, including espionage, covert communication, and the protection of sensitive information.

There are many different techniques and methods of steganography, ranging from simple substitution codes to complex encryption algorithms, and the practice has been used throughout history by governments, military organizations, and other groups seeking to keep their communications secret. In the modern era, steganography has become an important tool for computer security and cryptography, and is used to protect data and information from unauthorized access and interception.

Both Hollywood and the intelligence community that supports it, along with other media industries, widely use steganographic methods.

Elite Symbolism 101: Omniology, Multi-varient and Multi-dimensional Meanings

Given these reasonably certain conclusions, review everything Trump says or does in public through a lens of multi-varient and multi-dimensional meanings.

The term multivarient refers to the fact that each object in a symbolic phrase is a variable that can produce multiple interpretations, whereas multi-dimensional refers to the lines of meaning that emerge from a symbolic statement.

Let's take a look at one famous example: the tippy top Q proof, a clip from the film Ultimate Q Proofs+++.

Ask yourself, which interpretation is the “right one?” Was Trump’s surface statements referring to the success of the White House staffers to keep the house in tippy top shape valid? What about the more expansive reference Trump makes with this statement: "people working with Melania who keep this incredible house, or building, or whatever you want to call it?" In truth, each of the meanings or dimensions that Trump drew our attention to has validity, both in general and within the context of alerting others to the fact that Trump is aware of them.

This is often how elite symbolism works, it employs all possible modes of conveying meaning, hence it is an omniological system.

Each word and phrase is itself a conceptual string of objects that has a meaning that can be inferred—the multi-varients. Each line of meaning from that variable is a “dimension” where the reality of that unique meaning lives. This is what I mean by multi-varient and multi-dimensional. The ability to identify, map out, and understand each object, variable, and resulting dimension of meaning is what I have defined as the omniological method—the study, analysis, and use of all things.

It is my opinion, that Trump is a student of the omniological method, in part, because the global elite, whether positive or negative, are also students of the omniological method.

An O-Plan, for instance, is a type of military operation plan used by the United States Department of Defense. The term "O-Plan" stands for "Operations Plan," and refers to a detailed, coordinated military plan that outlines the objectives, strategies, and tactics that will be used to achieve a specific mission or goal. O-Plans are typically developed by military commanders and staff officers, in consultation with other government agencies and partners, and are designed to be flexible and adaptable to changing circ*mstances and conditions. O-Plans are used in a variety of military operations, including combat, peacekeeping, and humanitarian missions, and are an important tool for ensuring that military forces are prepared and equipped to carry out their assigned tasks effectively and efficiently.

The key takeaway from above is that for an O-Plan to be effective, it has to map out a) the objective, b) the variables of success, c) how things can go wrong or right, and d) how to adjust to and be flexible with the plan as it is implemented to achieve mission success.

As a side note, I used the omniological method to write my book about the rule of law and elections. It is also the method I used to study psychology, sociology, community building, parenting, and a number of other subjects.

By any reasonable measure, the Q operation is an O-Plan. Because free will is the greatest randomness in the universe and can change causality in ways that normal matter cannot, PSYOPs are also O-Plans. As a side note, the military and the government of the United States operate under God's authority, as God serves as the ultimate model or blueprint for omniological methods and techniques. He employs the O-Plan of Creation to create reality as we know and experience it, “where even the hair on our heads is numbered” and cared for. This suggests that the founding fathers were also omniologists of a sort, and thusly, the whitehat operation was developed using the omniological method as well.

Have you ever wondered why the Q operation and the global elite employ so many unusual symbolic dates, numerological connections, and symbols? I argue it’s because, like God, they can communicate using reality itself, believing it will activate prophecy. This is why the dark occult globalists believe forcing events in reality to match scripture will bring about the prophecies of scripture. This is also one of the reasons why I believe the Q operation is an O-Plan formulated by a whitehat faction of the global elite, with Donald J. Trump at the head in the lead conductor role.

Given all this, consider what Trump said about September 11th, 2001.

Trump alludes to 40th Street and the second-tallest tower, alluding to the number 42, a symbol associated with the godhead (Jupiter in symbolic systems) and death, symbolizing the gateway to God's domain. Some researchers believe that the destruction of the two towers of the World Trade Center signaled the end of positive variants of freemasonry and the culmination of the dark Great Work of the Ages—the long planned and so-called New World Order. I won't delve into too much detail in this writing, but I want you to understand that Trump is a master of the language of elite-coded symbolism, which he frequently uses in his speeches.

Trump is a master at delivering coded messages to those who have the primers to decode them. In a single message, he conveys several different meanings directed at various end points. Trump delivers these messages in a way that makes it reasonable for the uninitiated to reject their deeper meaning. Nevertheless, as you’ll see, there are compelling reasons to believe that Trump’s statements about Biden are very similar to other hat tips he’s provided on past occasions.

Trump Calls out 2019 Biden for Getting Plastic Surgery

In 2020, as the pandemic-stifled presidential race was in full swing, I did a bit of research to see if others were seeing what I was with respect to Biden’s sudden change of appearance. Evidently, I wasn't the only one who noticed something was off about Biden's appearance in 2019.

On September 22nd, 2020, Trump held a campaign rally in Moon Township Pennsylvania where he appears to hit-tip the fact that Biden isn’t actually Biden.

Trump said, “I mean honestly, what the hell did he spend all that money on the plastic surgery if he’s going to cover it up with a mask?”

Trump said the comment in reference to Biden’s regular use of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic—at least this is the surface meaning.

During the COVID pandemic and corresponding 2020 presidential race, the alleged protections afforded mask wearers was a major point of political division, with most Democrats dutifully wearing face masks while most Republicans vehemently refused. News outlets took the stance that Trump’s plastic surgery comments were him just fanning the flames of political rhetoric on a divisive issue as part of his campaign.

As a matter of fact, whenever you hear the mainstream media declare that Trump is stupid or talking nonsense, you can bet that he is using coded language.

For those who are aware of the dozens of other hat-tips and coded messages Trump has displayed since the beginning of the Q operation on October 28th, 2017, there is a good chance Trump knows more than he’s letting on.

Trump appears to be working with a patriotic contingent within the existing intelligence apparatus fighting against the proponents of the globalist agenda and its elite members, beneficiaries, and stakeholders. The Q operation appears to be part of this Trump-led effort.

If you’re unaware of the beyond-random-chance number of coded messages Trump has displayed during the more active years of the Q operation from late 2017 to late 2020, here’s a 20 minute video that provides more than enough evidence to confirm the all but totally proven theory.

Some Context: The below clip is from a 2019 two hour long video called Ultimate Q Proofs+++. At the time, referring to Q as QAnon wasn’t as taboo with Anons as it is today. Ever since the fake news media started running hundreds of false stories under the moniker QAnon, inside Q circles referring to Q as QAnon earns you as a novice title. You can watch the full film here, which I highly recommend.

Here’s Trump making what looks like a Q hand gesture.


What about Plastic Surgery?

Many people who’ve given ear to the theory that Joe Biden was replaced or changed argue that it’s likely the same man who has had plastic surgery, or has simply experienced age-related changes to his appearance. As a super recognizer, I reject this theory.

While you cannot deny both age related changes and plastic surgery that Biden has likely undergone over the years, there are other features that can’t be explained away.

To give you a sense of what can be attributed to aging and plastic surgery, watch the well produced and articulately presented video below by Dr. Gary Linkov, a plastic surgeon who produces analysis videos on YouTube.

This video is a good one to watch because it shows the ways a person’s face naturally changes with time and the limitations of plastic surgery in how it can change one’s appearance.

In 2023, the New York Post reported on a an earlier plastic surgeon that uses his experience in the business to assess on his Instagram whether Joe Biden had any plastic surgery, which he affirms that Biden did.

In my opinion, while Obama Biden likely did have plastic surgery, there are facial morphology changes between that man and 2019 Biden that can’t be explained away. His muscles move in ways that are fundamentally different.

At this point, there are numerous examples of people making light of the fact that 2019 Biden isn’t the same man as Obama Biden.

In this clip, Hannity speaks to it rather directly, “that’s not the same guy.”

Vincent Oshana, from the PBD Podcast in this video speaks to the things he has noticed about Biden.


There are arguably thousands upon thousands of social media posts, articles, and videos that indicate a significant number of people have seen the differences between Obama Biden and 2019 Biden. Omitting Trump’s access to elite circles of power, surely Trump knows about these changes too, at least in general.

Trump is likely doing what he does best, using this inside knowledge to rally his supporters to himself for an as of yet unrevealed end-game.

Trump Refers to Joe Biden as a Puppet

The following is a list of examples of Trump using his tell-tail coded language. Considering the previous discussion, it's challenging to deny the existence of hidden meanings in his statements.

In July of 2020, Trump refers to Joe Biden as a puppet, as he speaks to the ambitions of the radial left in its desire to rip down statutes of historic figures like George Washington and Jesus Christ.

The comment by Trump is not explicitly referring to the change in Biden, but it is categorically similar. Categorical similarity is a proven method of hiding multiple meanings within a single statement.This is one of the many methods of communicating steganographically.

Body doubles, which have been used by governments and world leaders for a long time, are a type of puppet. A puppet is, according to Websters, defined as “: a small-scale figure (as of a person or animal) usually with a cloth body and hollow head that fits over and is moved by the hand,” or politically, “one whose acts are controlled by an outside force or influence.” Both definitions refer to an object or person that acts as a stand-in for an outside force that is controlling it.

Combine Trump’s statement above with a clip from late 2020 of Obama on Stephen Colbert talking about using a stand-in to control another person acting as a political figure and an interesting theory emerges.

As with other seemingly coded messages by Trump, there’s always plenty of plausible deniability.

At a 2018 campaign rally in Cincinnati Ohio, Trump says Joe Biden doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing.

Trump: “Biden doesn’t know he’s alive”

Trump has many times said that “Biden doesn’t know he’s alive.”

On March 2nd, 2020, as a final example out of a litany that can be presented, Trump posts a video on X with a statement that reads: “WOW! Sleepy Joe doesn’t know where he is, or what he’s doing. Honestly, I don’t think he even knows what office he's running for!”

Trump Knows that Biden isn't Biden and the Dawning of the Great Awakening (2)

Justin Deschamps (Just In Stillness) is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

A controversial theory suggests that much of the past eight years since Trump came on the political scene and took office in 2017 has been, in some way, a movie. This “movie” is a carefully coordinated show for the purpose of causing the general population to rise from their slumber and leave the proverbial plutonic cave of deception.

Misinformation and the Stairstep Matrix of Semi-Truth

Plato and the ideas associated with him are a good way to understand how the media machine and the global elite symbolism works.

Plato’s Cave allegory refers to the sophistication with which the modern-day intelligence apparatus has almost totally captured the minds of the masses. People have also referred to this as The Matrix or a Truman Show.

Elite symbolism and steganography serve more purposes than merely transmitting coded messages, as I previously argued. Since the mind consistently encodes meanings and serves as a medium for human experience of reality, symbolism can also entrain or bring order to the minds of all members of a society, thereby facilitating control or order. That’s a lot to take in, so for now, just entertain the idea that symbolism can a) act as a medium for coded messages (steganography) and b) it can actually impress upon the mind that receives it so it can shape thinking, emotion, and behavior itself.

True freedom requires literacy of reality, or you are a slave to what you don’t understand. Freedom is, in part, the ability to do what you want, but if you know little, you can act effectively (lack wisdom), which makes you a slave to your own ignorance. Dependence, in this sense, is a form of slavery because those who lack knowledge of how to do what they want are dependent on those who have that knowledge. For instance, a man who can't read English is dependent on the man who can. Thus, if you can convince people to choose ignorance, you can also convince them to depend on others, who will become their masters.

Plato’s cave allegorically describes this dependency by showing that the people who are in the cave and only perceive reality through the shadows cast by their caretakers are dependents. To be truly free, they must rise up from the safety of their illusions, climb out of the darkness, and begin to understand reality with their own minds.

Neoplatonism is a philosophical and religious movement that developed in the late Roman Empire, and that drew heavily on the ideas and teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. The term "Neoplatonism" was coined in the 19th century to distinguish this later form of Platonism from the original teachings of Plato and his followers. Neoplatonism was founded by the philosopher Plotinus in the 3rd century AD, and was later developed and expanded by his disciples and successors. Neoplatonism is characterized by a belief in the existence of a transcendent, spiritual reality that is the source of all being and knowledge, and that can be accessed through contemplation and mystical experience. Neoplatonism also emphasizes the importance of moral and intellectual virtue, and the need for personal and collective transformation in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment and salvation. Neoplatonism had a profound influence on the development of Western philosophy, theology, and mysticism, and continues to be studied and debated by scholars and thinkers today.

In effect, the dark occult uses the neoplatonic theory to breakdown a person’s understanding of reality through mystical or drug experiences. For instance, the intelligence community fostered the cultural revolution of the '60s and the subsequent exaltation of drug experiences, aiming to soften the minds of those exposed. It’s the same method the Elussian mysteries used thousands of years earlier. In doing so, the media, controlled by these dark occult elites, could cause citizens to give up their freedoms and become dependent on the illusions supplied by the media machine, all in service of the dark occult elites who desired this outcome.

Given these factors, the global elite adopts a neoplatonist perspective, holding the belief that symbolism not only serves as a means of education for the rank-and-file citizen, but also a tool for control. Both the dark occult and light occult elites hold the belief that using symbolism to train a young mind is crucial for achieving adult-level comprehension in the future. This is partially why “misinformation is necessary,” because a symbol is itself a distortion of the whole and infinite truth. Thus, any attempt to educate the neophyte (unknowing masses) has to begin with some simple stair-step process.

Occultism is a term that means hidden. All knowledge is hidden (occulted) from those who lack it the skill to understand and decipher it. An occultist is one who has knowledge but cannot fully reveal it to the masses due to their lack of literacy in what the occultist knows.

Knowledge is hidden from those who lack it because a) the masses can't understand its fullness without being stair-stepped to it, and b) their lack of knowledge makes them dependent on those who do know and provide the benefits of its use. To put it another way, a parent who understands the world and knows how to survive in it utilizes this knowledge to provide for their children. Without this knowledge, their children would not be able to survive, but for their parents' diligent use of their knowledge to provide for them. Stated in yet another way, a man who can read has knowledge of the things written in the language he can read, whereas a man who cannot read this language does not. The knowledge written in this language is occulted to them by their illiteracy. The man who can write in this language can also hide (occult) what he knows from those who cannot read the language he writes. Thus, to the illiterate, a man who can write in a language they cannot read is an occultist.

There are, of course, other meanings of occultism, which I don’t deny with these statements. However, to be sure, the dark occult intentionally causes the masses to avoid hidden (occult) knowledge by making it taboo in a cultural sense. This is why there are many often religiously centered beliefs about the fact that all occult knowledge is evil, betraying that these systems of thought are themselves tools for maintaining ignorance in society for the benefit of the dark occultist.

God, who is, in this sense, the ultimate light occultist, reveals the fullness of infinite reality in and through the truth, with the goal of educating His children so that the kingdom of heaven can be made on earth—at least this is one way to look at it. I contend that the dark occult elite fully understands this and employs a technique known as satanic inversion to guarantee the opposite outcome. The dark occultists of the world study God, His ways, His goals, and His plans, then create a dark "matrix of truth" to control God's children, enslaving them in the process. By being the masters of this world, they parasitically drain God’s children of their labor, resources, and most importantly, their creativity. For the dark occult path, the left hand path, is one of self imprisonment, which naturally cuts one off the lines of creative insight that would normally be open in the right hand path. This is why the light occult have to use misinformation in society at large to ensure the whole of society can be slowly elevated to full knowledge, while at the same time, they can provide benefits to the less knowledgeable citizens.

I argue that the dark occult's efforts to create a dark matrix of truth are one of the reasons they reveal so much about their plans and purposes in the media and through their actions. Exposure to information naturally shapes the mind, altering its form and guiding thought, emotion, and action. Consequently, the dark occult employs a technique known as predictive programming to manipulate the reality of the human world for their own objectives. The design of these dark matrixes of truth resembles an inverse labyrinth or maze. In light occultism, a maze or labyrinth gradually unveils the truth and imparts comprehensive knowledge to the maze runner, liberating them from Pluto's cave upon their departure. Interestingly, the word liberty looks similar to labyrinth, which has no etymological connection but, in a strange coincidence, seems to be conceptually related.

The film The Matrix masterfully expresses this critically important principle of moving a mind from knowing nothing to knowing everything via a maze or labyrinth. It also symbolically depicts both light and dark occultism, in that the dark occultist seeks to maintain a dumb-downed and therefore enslaved population, while the light occultist seeks to raise up the spiritually ignorant so that all might enjoy freedom through knowledge at some future point. The light occultists, who know more of the whole truth and use a process of ritual initiation to raise up neophytes out of the matrix, are depicted as the resistance in the film. The AI and machine beings are the dark occultists who want to keep everyone in the matrix of illusion to harvest their energy and creativity for their own parasitic ends. Both the use illusion and symbolism to affect the minds of humans in the matrix.

Using symbols like the white rabbit, the film coaxes Neo, the neophyte, to the point where he can understand what the matrix is—he is being pulled out of the cave. Morpheus, Trinity, and the other Shepards of his mind, who guide him to the gateway of full knowledge (represented by a white rabbit, 42 or death), are forced to use obscure coded language, which is itself a form of misinformation. Recall that Neo is unable to fully comprehend what taking the red pill means when it is offered to him, he is illiterate of the truth of what the matrix and is therefore he is still running the symbolic maze that Morpheus and Trinity have been using to guide him. Neo takes the red pill and touches a mirror, a symbol of himself and a gateway that in some systems of occultism represents death or the guardian at the gate.

A Financial System for Self Imposed Slavery of Ignorance and Dependence

For those lacking knowledge, they can only perceive the world in hazy, incomplete images. In this sense, misinformation is like a child’s drawing of their house and family, made of crude lines and stick figures. It conveys the basic essence of the truth, but in comparison to the whole truth, it’s essentially a falsehood. As one gains knowledge and develops their truth literacy, they begin to see the old images (beliefs) of the past for the distortions they are, just as they eventually come to see a childhood drawing of family and home as the crude representation that it is.

The dark occult global elite are aware of the fact people are in effect illiterate and therefore unable to read reality directly. As a result, the illiterate masses have to be forced into a form of civil order that is actually a form of slavery. The monetary system as we know it was designed for this purpose. Those who have more than the minimum gain more freedom because money makes money for you while those who have less than the minimum must trade their time and labor for the essentials of life. This system grants those with more than enough money greater freedom while depriving those with less their freedoms.

In this sense, slavery is the inability to make your own decisions with your own free mind. Slavery, in a general sense, is the act of being forced to work for the benefit of another against your will. This is an abject form of slavery, whereas the form we have in modern society is a form of self-imposed slavery due to a lack of knowledge and resources. We are encouraged to waste our time and money so that we never have enough to gain freedom. Because we lack the knowledge of how to make more money than we need and we lack the resources (money) to invest in businesses that make us money, we are forced to work for the benefit of others; we have to get jobs. That being said, all men must labor. Arguably, in an ideal society, we each do our fair share, and we all collectively benefit from a good job done.

The media and the intelligence apparatus behind them encourage self-imposed slavery, ignorance, and distractions that keep us dependent on others who provide for us. This is true for the impoverished as much as it is for the very rich—it’s a masterfully coordinated system of ignorance and distraction that maintains a system of labor harvesting for the benefit of a hidden elite. The globalist dream of 15-minute cities is a grand end-game version of this self-imposed slavery system.

A parent that has knowledge uses it to benefit their children, and ideally, raises their child out of ignorance to become a competent adult. But some parents are parasitic, sometimes symbolically depicted as an oppressive mother, like the story of Cinderella. In the story, Cinderella is possessed by a devouring mother, who keeps her dependent and ignorant so that she can enjoy the benefits of Cinderella’s labor. Since the dark occult have knowledge and use inverse systems to keep us dependent and poor of knowledge and resources, they are like a parent that imposes a dependency of slavery upon their children.

In a world of carefully orchestrated layers of slavery, the dark occult elite uses the media and intelligence apparatus to weaponize childish states of being, keeping themselves and the rest of the world ignorant and immature. Only the highest layers of the elite know the whole truth; everyone underneath is a spoiled child in some fashion, which is why so many of the politicians in our society are rather dimwitted selfish brats. As a result, they can “reign in hell” as rulers of the slave world. Conversely, the positive elite aspire to elevate humanity to its utmost potential by imparting knowledge to the neophytes, thereby empowering each of us to govern our own lives as free men.

I argue that Trump represents a faction of this positive elite of light occultists. They have meticulously labored for decades to prepare for the now occurring transformation of the media landscape, liberating the ignorant masses from entrapment for the first time in centuries.

However, free will is paramount. The light occultists cannot force the masses to learn the truth. That said, it is my contention that the building momentum within society, the dawning of the great awakening, will one day soon erupt to cause a quantum leap of cultural transformation. When this happens, it will reverse the current trend of socially elevating ignorance and selfishness, causing these powerful influences to make it hip and cool to pursue truth, wisdom, and ultimately, the highest callings of freedom.

In short, the dream of the founding fathers and the Christian kingdom of heaven will be within our grasp, and they are all but certain.

The Early Beginnings of the Intelligence Aparatus that Shaped the Modern World

Bill Casey, an American lawyer who was the Director of Central Intelligence from 1981 to 1987, is credited with saying: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

This might seem hyperbolic, however, when one considers the fact that, in the modern-age, the vast majority of the Western world derives its sense of reality from the media, be it TV, radio, or more recently, big tech platforms on the internet, it becomes a lot easier to believe Casey was telling the truth.

Another dismissal of the notion that the past eight years have been a coordinated “movie” of deception is the shear cost and sophistication of what it would take to pull it off. However, we should not overlook the fact that the globalists of the early 20th century themselves shaped the modern media machine, which includes movies, TV shows, radio, comic books, fictional writing, sci-fi, and more.

Here’ is a brief list and history of some of these globalist figures and their contributions that lead up to the world of today.

  1. Cecil B. Rhodes was a British mining magnate and politician who played a significant role in shaping the early media landscape. He was a major investor in the De Beers diamond company and used his wealth to establish the Rhodes Scholarship, which provides funding for students to study at the University of Oxford. Rhodes was also a key figure in the development of the British Empire, and his vision for a global network of English-speaking nations influenced the formation of organizations such as the British Empire Press Union and the Commonwealth Press Union. These organizations were instrumental in shaping the early media landscape by promoting the exchange of news and information between member countries and establishing standards for journalistic practice. While Rhodes' contributions to the media industry were indirect, his influence on the development of global networks and institutions laid the groundwork for the growth and popularization of mass media in the 20th century.

  2. William Randolph Hearst was a key figure in the early development of mass media, particularly in the newspaper industry. He was an American newspaper publisher who built a vast media empire that included newspapers, magazines, and radio stations. Hearst used his media influence to shape public opinion and political outcomes, often engaging in sensationalism and yellow journalism to attract readers and further his own interests. He is credited with popularizing the use of illustrations and photographs in newspapers, as well as introducing human-interest stories and celebrity gossip as regular features. Hearst's media empire had a significant impact on the development of mass media in the United States and beyond, shaping the way news and information were presented and consumed by the public.

  3. The Rockefeller family, particularly John D. Rockefeller, played a significant role in shaping the early media landscape through their vast financial resources and influence. John D. Rockefeller was an American industrialist and founder of Standard Oil, which dominated the global oil industry during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Rockefellers used their wealth and influence to shape global politics and economics, often funding media outlets and organizations that aligned with their interests. For example, the family supported the establishment of the Council on Foreign Relations, a think tank that has played a significant role in shaping U.S. foreign policy, and the Rockefeller Foundation, which has funded numerous media and journalism projects around the world. While the Rockefellers' contributions to the media industry were indirect, their influence on the development of global networks and institutions laid the groundwork for the growth and popularization of mass media in the 20th century.

  4. The Wellington House was a British propaganda organization established in 1914 during World War I. Its primary objective was to shape public opinion in neutral countries, particularly the United States, in favor of the Allied cause. The organization was responsible for creating and disseminating propaganda materials, such as posters, pamphlets, and films, that depicted the German military as brutal and inhumane. The Wellington House also worked closely with journalists and media outlets to ensure that favorable coverage of the Allied war effort was published in newspapers and magazines around the world. The organization played a significant role in shaping public opinion during WWI, and its methods and techniques laid the groundwork for the development of modern propaganda and its use by intelligence agencies in subsequent conflicts.

  5. The Rockefeller Foundation funded a study in the 1930s that examined the psychological impact of the 1938 radio broadcast of "The War of the Worlds," a dramatization of H.G. Wells' science fiction novel. The broadcast, which was narrated by Orson Welles, caused widespread panic among listeners who believed that the events depicted in the story were real. The study, conducted by researchers at Princeton University, aimed to understand the factors that contributed to the panic and to develop strategies for managing public opinion during times of crisis. The findings of the study were used to inform the development of propaganda and psychological warfare techniques during World War II and in subsequent conflicts. The Rockefeller Foundation's support for this research highlights the family's longstanding interest in shaping public opinion and influencing the course of global events. No doubt the templates for the 20th centuries so-called predictive programming emerged from these early activities.

  6. Intelligence agencies, particularly the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), played a significant role in shaping the cultural revolution of the 1960s. The agencies were deeply involved in monitoring and infiltrating various countercultural movements, such as the anti-war, civil rights, and anti-establishment movements. The CIA's Operation CHAOS, for example, was a covert operation that aimed to gather intelligence on anti-war activists and discredit their activities. The FBI's COINTELPRO program similarly sought to disrupt and discredit civil rights and anti-establishment organizations, including the Black Panther Party and the Students for a Democratic Society. The intelligence agencies' efforts to monitor and discredit countercultural movements had a significant impact on the course of the cultural revolution, shaping public opinion and influencing the direction of social and political change in the United States and beyond.

  7. The James Bond series was written by British author Ian Fleming, who had a close connection to the intelligence apparatus. Fleming served as a naval intelligence officer during World War II and was involved in a number of high-level intelligence operations, including the planning of Operation Overlord, the Allied invasion of Normandy. After the war, Fleming worked as a journalist and writer, drawing on his experiences in the intelligence world to create the character of James Bond. Fleming's connections to the intelligence community allowed him to incorporate real-world details and inside knowledge into his novels, making them more realistic and believable. The James Bond series has been widely popular since its debut in the 1950s, and has been adapted into numerous films, television shows, and other media. The series has been praised for its thrilling action and suspense, as well as its portrayal of the glamorous and dangerous world of international espionage.

  8. Intelligence agencies, particularly the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), have had a significant influence on Hollywood and the film industry. The CIA has a long history of working with Hollywood to produce films and television shows that promote pro-American and anti-Communist messages. This collaboration began during the Cold War, when the CIA sought to use the power of popular culture to shape public opinion and promote American values around the world. The agency has provided funding, technical assistance, and other support to filmmakers, often in exchange for the inclusion of pro-American and pro-government messages in their work. Some notable examples of CIA involvement in Hollywood include the production of films such as "The Hunt for Red October" and "Argo," as well as the development of television shows such as "The Agency" and "Jack Ryan." The CIA's influence on Hollywood has been the subject of controversy and debate, with critics arguing that the agency's involvement in the film industry undermines artistic freedom and promotes propaganda and censorship.

  9. The Frank Church hearings, also known as the Church Committee hearings, were a series of congressional investigations into the activities of U.S. intelligence agencies in the 1970s. The hearings were chaired by Senator Frank Church and aimed to shed light on the covert operations and abuses of power committed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and other government agencies. One of the key revelations of the Church Committee hearings was the existence of Operation Mockingbird, a CIA program that aimed to influence public opinion and shape the media landscape by infiltrating and manipulating news organizations and journalists. The hearings also revealed the extent of the FBI's COINTELPRO program, which sought to disrupt and discredit civil rights and anti-establishment organizations, including the Black Panther Party and the Students for a Democratic Society. The Church Committee hearings led to significant reforms of the intelligence community, including the establishment of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which aimed to increase oversight and accountability of U.S. intelligence agencies. However, these were, in part, red herrings designed to put at ease those who realized the extent and influence of th ever growing intelligence apparatus and it’s tentacles wrapped around the mind of humanity. These programs continued on in secret.

  10. Intelligence agencies, particularly the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), have had a close relationship with the comic book industry, often working with publishers and creators to produce stories and characters that promote pro-American and anti-Communist messages. This collaboration began during the Cold War, when the CIA sought to use the power of popular culture to shape public opinion and promote American values around the world. The agency has provided funding, technical assistance, and other support to comic book publishers, often in exchange for the inclusion of pro-American and pro-government messages in their work. Some notable examples of CIA involvement in the comic book industry include the creation of characters such as G.I. Joe, who was originally developed as a propaganda tool to promote American military values, and the publication of anti-Communist propaganda comics such as "The Adventures of Tintin" and "The Amazing Spider-Man." The CIA's impact on the comic book industry and the movie industry in the new millennium demonstrates the potency of media in shaping human values and thinking in contemporary society. These efforts aim to usher in a transhumanist future where the perpetual enslavement of man through computerized illusions becomes unassailable.

  11. Here are five examples of so-called Color Revolutions and the role they played in intelligence agency manufactured political change.

    1. The Rose Revolution in Georgia (2003): This was a peaceful protest movement that led to the overthrow of the government of President Eduard Shevardnadze. The revolution was supported by the United States and other Western nations, and was seen as a key event in the spread of democracy and pro-Western values in the former Soviet Union.

    2. The Orange Revolution in Ukraine (2004): This was a series of protests and political events that led to the annulment of the results of the 2004 Ukrainian presidential election, which was widely seen as fraudulent. The revolution was supported by the United States and other Western nations, and was seen as a key event in the spread of democracy and pro-Western values in the former Soviet Union.

    3. The Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan (2005): This was a series of protests and political events that led to the overthrow of the government of President Askar Akayev. The revolution was supported by the United States and other Western nations, and was seen as a key event in the spread of democracy and pro-Western values in Central Asia.

    4. The Cedar Revolution in Lebanon (2005): This was a series of protests and political events that led to the withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon and the establishment of a more democratic government. The revolution was supported by the United States and other Western nations, and was seen as a key event in the spread of democracy and pro-Western values in the Middle East.

    5. The Green Revolution in Iran (2009): This was a series of protests and political events that followed the disputed presidential election of 2009. The revolution was supported by the United States and other Western nations, and was seen as a key event in the spread of democracy and pro-Western values in the Middle East.

In a way, it can be said that the modern world has been almost totally shaped by intelligence agencies. With the advent of the internet and smart phones, and the marriage between big tech and big intel, never before have the intelligence agencies and the stakeholders they work for been able to shape the perceptions of people and cultures with staggery powerful results.

Whether we like it or not modern life as we know it is a carefully manufactured narrative developed and influenced by hidden intelligence agency directed forces and powers.

Given just the few examples cited above, is it really that much of a stretch to consider that Joe Biden and various other players in the Trump-led Q operation are engaged in a “movie” with politicians like Joe Biden potentially having a starring role?

Consider the fact Trump has consistently used the phrase “central casting” in his now trademark way of dropping hints about things he likely knows about but doesn’t speak to directly.

In the following clip from just days after Trump’s inauguration in 2017, Trump says “I see my generals, those generals are going to keep us so safe, they're going to have a lot of problems the other side, they're going to look at. They're going to look at a couple of them. These are central casting, if I'm doing a movie. I pick you, General. General Mattis, who's doing really well.”

What follows is a compilation of evidences gathered from several sources that suggest the current Biden is not the same man as the Obama Biden. This sampling is the ones I found compelling but it is hardly exhaustive.

Body Doubles

As was mentioned earlier, it has been admitted that world leaders have used body doubles.

When Hillary Clinton collapsed on the 2016 anniversary of September 11th, the internet was abuzz with valid observations of what seemed to be her body double emerging from Chelsea Clinton’s apartment.

Patrick Bet-David of Valuetainment interviewed Saddam Hussien’s son Uday’s body double.

In the following clip, we see what appears to be a darker skin tone to Biden’s neck. Some have argued this is just an artifact of lighting, a shadow cast by his jacket collar but I don’t agree with this conclusion.

Draw your attention to the neck region, and tell me what you see. Additionally, focus your attention on Biden's actions. Bear in mind that Biden is a rambling, gaff-prone mess in 2019. He appears to stagnate, become disoriented on stage, and struggles to construct a coherent sentence. Given the now typical behavior we see from 2019 Biden, how is the following clip uncharacteristic?


The Biden in the video is much more articulate than he normally is (of late), and has a neck skin tone that resembles Barack Obama.

Given what Obama said to Stephen Colbert, is it really that much of a leap to think that Obama might actually be the Biden we just saw? If so, is this an actual mask, or is it a deep fake?

Biden Mask

Many people have claimed that the Bidens are masked actors. Whether this is true or not, I won't dwell on it; however, there are compelling reasons to believe in the Biden Mask concept.

Trump Knows that Biden isn't Biden and the Dawning of the Great Awakening (3)

The “ballchinian” in the below image is suspected of being evidence of a mask. It could also be evidence of misshapen chin fillers.

Trump Knows that Biden isn't Biden and the Dawning of the Great Awakening (4)

The following image is cited as proof of a Biden mask. It could also be a drip of make up.

Trump Knows that Biden isn't Biden and the Dawning of the Great Awakening (5)

My personal view on this theory is that it’s a red herring. As a super-recognizer, Jim Carry exhibits morphological differences in his facial movements that I don't see in Biden in 2019.

Jim Carry played Biden in an SNL skit, which, in my view, makes it even easier to evaluate. I conclude that Jim Carry is not Biden in 2019.

Having watched a good deal of Jim Carry years ago, in the many masks and characters he’s played over the years, my conclusion is that he's not playing in 2019.

Red Herrings Maketh the Fool

One thing I noticed in my review of the Biden isn’t Biden subject was the degree to the it is filled with red herrings.

A red herring is a technique used in literature, film, and other forms of storytelling to mislead or distract the audience from the true nature of a plot or the identity of a character. The term comes from the practice of using a smoked fish, which is red in color, to distract hunting dogs from the scent of their quarry. In storytelling, a red herring is often used to create suspense or to keep the audience guessing by introducing false clues or misleading information that leads them away from the true solution to a mystery or the true identity of a character. Red herrings are commonly used in mystery novels, detective stories, and other genres that rely on plot twists and unexpected revelations to keep the audience engaged.

It is my contention that the information war is designed to fill genuine lines of inquiry with red herrings and cul de sacs before the gold mine, which are meant to lead honest inquirers into dead ends. Because of the way social psychology works, whenever we make a display of our beliefs or values through an action, statement, or expressed sentiment, we feel a strong urge to double down when confronted, even with valid contradictory evidence. As a result, what should be an evidence-based discussion about a nuanced subject devolves into a shouting match between ideological camps. This is very usual for intelligence agencies that have expertly weaponized our psychological and sociological natures as humans to ensure the truth remains hidden and we stay divided and conquered.

These are two good examples of how far deep fake technology has come along.

This video is much better than the one that follows it.

The earlier clip of 2019 Biden with the darker skin tone, in my view, is possibly Barack Obama. For me, the mannerisms and mode of speech resembles Obama, who could be acting as the source for the deep fake.

Take another look.

Old Biden vs New Biden Face Comparisons

Here’s a compilation of images that show the facial differences between Obama Biden and 2019 Biden.

Refer back to the plastic surgery analysis above, which lends support for the idea that aging and plastic surgery can’t change key features of the face entirely, such as the distance between eyes and how set they are in the skull. To me, it appears that Obama Biden’s eyes are less recessed and not as beady-eyed as those of 2019 Biden.

Here’s a set of the various Biden’s we’ve seen over the years.

Trump Knows that Biden isn't Biden and the Dawning of the Great Awakening (6)

Here’s a comparison between new and old Biden.

Trump Knows that Biden isn't Biden and the Dawning of the Great Awakening (7)

Here’s one of the most recent images of Biden from the LA Campaign event with Jimmy Kimmel and Barack Obama.

Trump Knows that Biden isn't Biden and the Dawning of the Great Awakening (8)

The following video shows the variances between Obama Biden and 2019 Biden. In particular, pay attention to the way Obama Biden’s eyes sit in a shallow skull position and closer to the outer eye ridges than the 2019 Biden, whose eyes are slightly closer together, deeper in the skull, and more inward from the outer eye ridges.

The other key difference is the smile morphology, where Obama Biden’s smile causes his upper lip to peal back to reveal what looks like a more organic smile, as compared to 2019 Biden, who has that strange Joker from Batman sad*stic smile. Each has a slightly different mouth shape, which is more noticeable when they are smiling.

Trump Knows that Biden isn't Biden and the Dawning of the Great Awakening (9)
Trump Knows that Biden isn't Biden and the Dawning of the Great Awakening (10)

There are a host of websites assessing Biden’s eyes, ears, chin, and other morphological features.

This website in particular had a sizable number of quality comparison images.

Trump Knows that Biden isn't Biden and the Dawning of the Great Awakening (11)

Biden Signatures

The following video documents several strange features, including that Biden’s signature appears to have changed.


The following video gives you a good sense of how to detect the key features for signatures as well as a sample of the Obama Biden signatures and their signature.

This is a sample of signatures from the 2019 Biden, supplied by the Gateway Pundit, from a 2021 article.

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Here are two samples from Wikipedia of a 2008 (top) and 2007 signature.

Trump Knows that Biden isn't Biden and the Dawning of the Great Awakening (13)

Do you see the difference?

While we can debate the specifics of Joe Biden's current identity, I believe it's impossible to ignore the fact that he has changed since 2018.

I believe Trump knows about this and has made hat tips to indicate as much to the growing masses who are rising from their slumber. I also believe Trump represents a positive faction of light occultists, as I have defined them herein.

While I don’t know for certain if Trump is the good guy I think he is, I do think that “misinformation is necessary.” And for this reason, the whole truth about the ultimate plans and agenda of the groups Trump works with will remain hidden until the time is right.

I hope that those of us who know about many of these subjects can work together to bring about a better world. I pray that my family and community can one day break the cycles of isolation and self-imposed slavery that have trapped nearly all people in the ever-modernizing world, influenced by intelligence agencies and their hidden guiding hands.

It’s time to play our quiz game!

You can select multiple answers or write in your own.

A. Same Biden as he's always been.

B. Replaced with body double(s).

C. Had plastic surgery but same as he's always been.

D. Replaced with a clone.

E. Replaced with deep fakes and masks.

F. Replaced with stand-ins, remote controlled by Barack Obama.

G. An actor controlled by the whitehats.

Justin Deschamps (Just In Stillness) is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Please tell me what you think or let me know if I got something wrong. I want to hear from you.

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Much love,

Justin Deschamps is a researcher, omniologist, podcaster, and business consultant who has committed himself to restoring the knowledge, reason, and goodwill that helped the founding fathers create the greatest nation on earth.

Trump Knows that Biden isn't Biden and the Dawning of the Great Awakening (2024)
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