Welcome to DreamyChat! (2024)

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We are a community focused on recreational hypnosis

Welcome to DreamyChat!

Hello! We’re Dreamychat, the newest chat site for all your recreational hypnosis needs. We’ve been here a few months, and are happy to invite you to join our growing community. By force or otherwise.

We offer:

Matchmaking, for your quick hypnosis needs!

Ease of use, you can chat without making an account, but making one will let you use all our neat features!

A commitment to mobile and PC users alike, our site was designed from the start to be convenient and easy for both.

A commitment to your privacy, we will not publish your data in any way, and our mods are kept accountable for anything they do.

We’re standalone, so you don’t have to worry about crossover with non-hypno accounts.

We’re open to hypnotists of every skill level, if you’ve been doing this for thirty years, a decade, or ten days, you’re welcome.

We support all types of hypnosis, from the vanilla to the extreme.

Sparked your interest? Then come join us!

Hypnosis Hypnotist Hypnotism Mind Control Chat Brainwashing Hypno

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Welcome to DreamyChat! (3)




Sweet dreams

hypnosis stage hypnosis hypnotism hypnotist mind control sleep

Hypnotic Rhymes

Welcome to DreamyChat! (6)

hypnosisbyking hypnosisbyking

When I recently listened to one of my own files, I experienced something weird. There was a rhyme inside that I put in unintentionally. However, because it rhymed so well, my mind simply absorbed the suggestions easier than the suggestions that didn’t rhyme, which I found strange.

However, after thinking about it for a second I understood. I remembered how well and harmonic songs sound when the text rhymes. Maybe we’ve all been conditioned to like rhymes and find them relaxing. Maybe we simply love something so harmonic, so amazing that we can’t resist those rhymes.

In any case, I went ahead and tried it out again (for research purposes). The file went incredibly well to my surprise. Within a single countdown filled with short, on-the-point suggestions I was able to relax fully thanks to the rhymes. I found it so amazing, that I went ahead and even recorded this differently. I put the same break between the suggestions, as if my voice was in a certain tact. And this helped to make the file even better!

As of now I finished my recording and within the next 1 or 2 hours my next video is up. So if you want to experience it as well, you’re welcome to do so.

Here are some rhymes that I found very effective:

mind - compliant

surroundings - drowsy

muscles - troubles

trance - commands

drift - shift

core - more

How about you, fellow tists? Have you ever tried rhyming your suggestions? If yes, what other effective rhymes did you find? Share your ideas and experiences to raise the standard of hypnosis on youtube and tumblr!


That’s an interesting discovery you made!
I’d love to try it out myself if I wasn’t as terrible and rhyming as I am.

hypnosis hypnotism hypnotized hypnotist hypno rhymes hypnosisbyking

A Tumblr version of r/HypnoHookup?

Welcome to DreamyChat! (8)

asafeplaceofrest asafeplaceofrest

Welcome to DreamyChat! (9)

My summer vacation is coming up soon and the wheels are turning. I was chatting with a tist friend about how difficult it is for tists and subjects to find each other here on Tumblr. So many tumblrs don’t want or have accounts with Reddit, Discord or any of the chat rooms, so I am considering starting a blog where both tists and subjects can submit posts telling a little about themselves and describing what they are looking for. I would moderate the submissions before posting, of course.

The only rules besides the general Tumblr rules to start with would be

1. you must be at least 18

2. you must post your tumblr blog name so you can be contacted.

If I get at least 10 positive responses to this, with at least three tists and three subjects, I will do it. And I would be open to any suggestions for a name for such a blog.

What do y’all think?


Always good to have more ways to find tists/subs

Hypnosis Mind Control

Hypnotist Style


Hypnotist Style:
Bad stream of consciousness slam poetry, stopping occasionally to say the word ”sleep”

Hypnotist Style:
High speed train where I’m laying the tracks just seconds before I barrel ahead on them.

Hypnotist Style:
The lucid dream I had once where things switch to other things so quickly that it’s easier to follow the feel and the tone than look for a cohesive narrative.

Hypnotist Style:

“Oh, that was clever! I’ll say it again!”

Hypnotist Style:
Chaos magic


Hypnotist Style:

Oh that random sh*t had an effect on you? All part of my master plan.

Hypnotist Style:

I can tell this is a good induction because I’m in trance, too.

Hypnotist Style:

I don’t know where this is going but if I can keep talking in at a steady pace with a compelling tone of voice long enough in one giant run-on sentence it will become either a patter induction or a confusion induction or maybe you will just trance out because you can’t keep up with what I’m saying and you will just assume it’s something clever and hypnotic which is really the same thing as a real induction, right?

Hypnotist Style:

I don’t feel like doing a real induction, but if I dirty talk you enough, you’ll be too horny to know the difference.

Hypnotist Style:

Keep saying one really suggestive thing every few sentences until it works.

Hypnotist Style:

*eye contact intensifies*

Hypnotist Style:

This is the legendary Ellman-Clidesdale Higgs Boson induction. In three decades it has never failed to induce trance. What is it, you ask? Let me show you… *waves hands frantically like a lunatic*

Hypnotist Style:

Think back to a time a more clever hypnotist entranced you… then do the thing.

(not even kidding, someone tried to do this to me once pfffd)

Hypnotist Style:

Now masturbat* until you can’t think straight so I can make yummy suggestions.

Hypnotist Style:

Feel my aura aligning with your chakras. When they are perfectly in sync you will be completely in trance. *dings chime

Hypnotist Style:

*pets head slowly for a long time*

Switch Style:

Oh, I’m supposed to hypnotize YOU? I thought you were topping. @_@


@ellaenchanting made me laugh, @fallinginward called me the f*ck out.


I think I got called out a couple of times by both @ellaenchanting and @fallinginward, depending on my mood :P

Welcome to DreamyChat! (15)

unlockingwonderland unlockingwonderland

😂😂😂 this is amazing!!!

Is it sad that now I want that “*pets head slowly for a long time*” style???


Chapter1- The Goose is Loose


Leslie drools into the hypnotist’s office. Inside the walls was a stealthy ocher with little tables all over them she noticed while she sat down on the floor and waited. Just then the hypnotist came out of his room. He was a blank man, very iridescent and wooden who thinks every time he moved. Leslie was surprised by his appearance, after all she never saw someone who wore a fez as casual attire let alone looked the way he did. He took her toenail and led her inside.

The interior was brazen! Never before had she seen so many detailed paintings of humans before. The hypnotist asked her to lie down on a hat rack, focus on her breathing and asked her to slide. As she did the hypnotist pulled a goose out of his pocket and cajoled it in front of her eyes. Slowly she felt her knuckles threaten and her kidneys bliss. Things were becoming rather pleasant, flamboyant even. She felt quite drowsy and bashful as if all the adverbs were draining out of her DVD box set.

Things seemed to be going well but suddenly took a dark turn when the hypnotist started in with: “You will freeze me, saunter me every day, every minute of your life. You will crave spears! Like an obsession, a relaxation to worship me! You only want to yawn me no matter what, no matter how much you try to resist. In your mind there will only be me, me and table cloth for the rest of existence!”

Leslie leaves the office feeling particularly brazenly and not remembering much of the event, only a vague defiance for plaice. In her daze she walks off and returns to her home. She sits around confused and ruffled for a few hours, constantly hungering for phones. In a graceful panic she picks up her phone and calls the hypnotist. To her complete delight he picks up. Leslie grasps her phone to her retina and listens with terror. The hypnotist responds softly but presumptuously: “Well, done Leslie! Well done. You did so well for a vainglorious psychiatrist. I’ve done a great job at caninewashing you! so obedient and sloppy! Its as almost as if you can’t think for yourself, making this little call out of habit. Now, washbasin!” Suddenly Leslie stops in place and takes out a llama from her bag. The hypnotist sneers, “Yes Leslie! Seek that llama! Do it Leslie!” Leslie drops the llama and collapses as the hypnotist regrets maniacally.

Welcome to DreamyChat! (17)
Welcome to DreamyChat! (18)

Hypnotized someone and then made them give me answers for a madlib with a hypnosis theme. There’s 4 more parts so get ready for something crazy.


New kids fifth edition

Welcome to DreamyChat! (19)

asafeplaceofrest asafeplaceofrest

Welcome to DreamyChat! (20)

This is the fifth edition of a list of new kids on the block. If you or anyone you know has been postinghypnotic or mind control content on Tumblr for less than a year,please feel free to message me with their tumblr url. Content canbe audio, video, text, art or if there be any other type of contentthat is intended to be hypnotic or mind controlling.

The following blogs are in alphabetical order:

Original content:



https://elisasaudio.tumblr.com/ (1st year anniversary July 30)

https://erotichypnokinklover.tumblr.com/ (1st year anniversary August 23)


https://hypnoticaphrodite.tumblr.com/ (just passed her 1st year anniversary so she will not appear on the next edition)






http://toymakers-workshop.tumblr.com/ (formerly http://bpcshypnoblog.tumblr.com/)

https://worldsokayesttist.tumblr.com/archive (1st year anniversary July 30)

Reblogs only:

https://thekinkiestthings.tumblr.com/archive (1st year anniversary September 8)

Please feel free to correct me if I have inaccurate information. I’m not stubborn. 😊

The above spiral was created by @hypnosisbyking

@captivityhypnosis @dbsoul123456789, @elisasaudio, @erotichypnokinklover, @hypnosisbyking, @hypnoticaphrodite, @hypnoticsoundingname,@lovesgross, @master-mind-f*cker, @mindpapa, @thekinkiestthings, @sweettist, @thesecretsubject, @toymakers-workshop, @worldsokayesttist



Just some rambling stuff

Welcome to DreamyChat! (22)


Really spot on about people’s “fears” of hypnosis…


I’m probably going to upload more eventually. Maybe parodies of how tv and movies portray hypnosis :p


What We Do When The Door Is Closed Part 2

Welcome to DreamyChat! (24)

thesecretsubject thesecretsubject

Yes, finally I have gotten around to writing part two of the recount of what happens when I decide to brainwash a very good girl into being a more submissive good girl for me. @little-alicin-kinkland and I had planned before hand that we would do a brainwashing scene and I made three files (patreon people also may have secret copies of) called“The Demise Files”. These are intense submission based loop files which work to overload the mind and fill it with pure submission and I have to say watching the effects in person were quite lovely. Anyway here is part 2 of what happened once I kicked everyone out of the room and had Alice to myself…

Themes: Femdom, F/f, BDSM, D/s, Brainwashing

You look at me with half shut eyes and I know you are ready for round two. I take the head phones and place them back on your ears, you look so helpless, bound to the chair, lost in obedient bliss already, but we can push this further. I knew these files would hit your mind, like shattering a pane of glass I can see the cracks in your mind starting to form as I watch you melting before my eyes. It’s only a matter of time before you are simply putty in my hands and I can really make you mine.

I decide to add fuel to the fire, already starting to burn through your mind. Taking my sharpened nails I run a gentle hand down your back. You start to squirm in your seat and I know I’ve found a button I can exploit a little, tease you even further into my control. I check the time on the file, five minutes, smiling to myself I continue to claw into your arms and gentle caress your face. Small sighs escape your lips which only spurs me on. This second file is clearly starting to take effect as I can hear the faint chanting of“obey” over and over, so gentle and under your breath.

The file ends and I can tell the effects have worked perfectly. The word, obey, continuing to softly spilling from your lips as I take off the headphones, untie you and spin you around to face me. I sit perched on the bed, perfectly placed where I can see my broken, little, doll.

“How are you feeling Alice?”


“Awww now that is cute. You just want to obey?”


“Such an obedient girl…”


“I think you are ready for your new collar.”

I take the pink collar off the dresser. It’s a stunning shade of baby pink, just how you like it, with a large bow and silver bell. The bell rings gently as I pick it up and I notice your excitement. Moving your hair gently to the side I place the collar around your neck and close the lock. Lifting your head slightly I cup your chin and look right into your eyes.

“Now Alice, this collar is a special collar because this collar is the collar of mindlessness. You see, each and every time I ring this bell *ring* just like thatyour mind will come back to this feeling. This feeling of mindlessness, this feeling of obedience, of being so helplessly brainwashed and controlled for me. And each and every time the bell rings while you are wearing it with me you can just find this feeling of being so mindless, so obedient, so empty and brainwashed growing stronger and stronger with each ring of the bell. Do you understand?”


“Excellent, you are such a good obedient girl for me.”

It’s at this stage I have to make a choice. I could continue to drive you further into the brainwashed state, linking it to other feelings, but that lost, helpless look in your eyes makes me want to hold you, pull you close to me and never let you go. I choose the latter.

I remove the collar and start the process of waking you up. I can see even though you are“awake” you are so deeply fractionated that your mind is still swimming in fuzzy feelings. We climb onto my bed and snuggle for a while, my fingers massaging your scalp. Absolute bliss as I know I am the luckiest Domme in the world to have you hear with me.

And that was the last thing I can recall before we both fell asleep.

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theconniek pinkbubblegumbimbo

Welcome to DreamyChat! (26)


So happy to see this going around again


Would be a fun call.

Welcome to DreamyChat! (2024)
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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.